Alpha Predator


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The true top predator, plundering the best survival resources and hunting the top prey.

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Dingji Lue Shi Zhe
Kẻ Săn Mồi Đỉnh Cấp
Top Predator
Related Series
Years of Intoxication (Shared Universe)
In Love with an Idiot (Shared Universe)
Professional Body Double (Shared Universe)
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My Little Poplar (Shared Universe)
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Sissy (Shared Universe)
Additional Inheritance (Shared Universe)
Blazing Armour (Shared Universe)
Grey Uncle and the Mixed-blood Prince (Shared Universe)
Zhao Qin Mu Chu (1)
Childish Flower (1)
I Was Pregnant After Divorce (1)
Kiss Me, Liar (1)
The Kiss From Hell (1)
Perfect Match (1)
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  3. Finished reading (Not a Recs list)
  4. Chasing Wife Crematorium
  5. all novels i've read

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Inn Auni
Inn Auni rated it
November 30, 2023
Status: Completed

132 Chapters + one extra and by the end of the day, my mind was tired. Shui Qian Cheng is well known for this type of dog-blood drama and it's not disappointing.

In this universe, S-class AO was rare. Especially S-class Alpha. Giving birth to one was like hitting the jackpot. In order to produce more S-class Alpha, Qu Moyu (S-class Alpha) was engaged with You Baiyue (S-class Omega). However, Qu Moyu did not want to mark You Baiyue. In retaliation, You Baiyoue got into a relationship with Qu... more>> Moyu's cousin, another S-class Alpha. Shen Dai, a B-class Omega, You Baiyue's half-brother, was brought into the picture to replace him.

Shen Dai had a huge crush on Qu Moyu. The ice-cold S-class Alpha treated him well and Shen Dai had high hopes that their contract relationship could be something more. His dreams were shattered when he was scheme on by Qu Moyu's cousin with the help of his Omega father. And to make matters worse, Qu Moyu did not believe him. Hurtful words were thrown and Shen Dai went into seclusion.

A year later, Shen Dai and Qu Moyu crossed paths again and embarked on the journey of wife-chasing crematorium.

S-class Alpha don't always mark their Omega. They did not want to be shackled. For them relationship was just to produce an heir. And Qu Moyu was one of those S-class Alpha with the same mindset. Being given a mark by an S-class Alpha was like being given the greatest gift. And Qu Moyu would never offer it willy-nilly. However, when he realized he could not live without Shen Dai, he humbled himself and decided to give this greatest gift only to be rejected. He was like a puppy thrown away by his own owner.

Honestly, I stuck to the story till the end after knowing that the translator was doing their doctorate. There's a certain flavor to scholarly people. Lol. But yes, it made the story more interesting knowing it was translated by a scholar. <<less
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luhyung rated it
August 29, 2022
Status: c7
MC is sweet and cute but ML is a misogynistic a**hole. Just in C7 ML brings up that MC had requirements which could have been included in their marriage contract but MC neglected to consider because he is an Omega. ML also warns MC not to cheat on him because ML’s rival is an S-class Alpha while MC is an Omega, insinuating that MC may struggle to keep his legs closed because of the gender difference.

Translation is a little long-winded and likes to use flowery descriptions which is not my... more>> preference.

I admit my review might have been too hasty but it’s really hard to continue reading. <<less
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Kim_annie_tae rated it
August 22, 2023
Status: extra
I finished it in one go. My mistake was that I didn't read any warning or anything and I just went head first into it, after reading the title. But when I reached 40 some chapter, I thought this writing style is familiar, and when I checked that it's 188 series, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I have read almost all the book of SQC and I needed a break from angst but I actually got this book.! Hahahhaha!!!!! Honestly, I love her books, toxic as they... more>> may come, but I love it, my most favourite still stand tall with no. 1 tag, yes it is my little poplar. Idk that story made me hooked to it. Anyhow, it was a good read. I loved however the plot was, be it angst, pain, liver gauging pain, happiness and what not! I loved the book. Honestly, while reading SQC's book a point always comes where I feel numb, and I want MC and ML to assassinate each other. Guess, that's the beauty of these books, and the point is proven. Anyhow, my only complaint was that those villains didn't get what they deserve, especially that as*hole deranged cousin of moyu. I am literally disappointed. I wanted to slap that qin father, what a scumbag! Apart from that, I felt a lot for qiuqiu, my munchkin, my b**boo, my baobei!!!!! I wanted to protect my little dumpling so bad.... grrrgrgrrr rawwrrrr growllllllll rawweerrrrrr!!!!!!!!

PS:- if you are into supreme angst read it, if not, this is not for you! Don't even start and start giving negative reviews. Because read the tags bros, read the tags. And in my case I will check the author as well. 🤣🤣🤣 <<less
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beyukii rated it
August 10, 2023
Status: Completed
I have read the author's other work "Professional body double" before and enjoyed it. I really liked the MC there. ML was tolerable too. I love 188 series and some good wife chasing.

But in this novel I don't like both MC and ML's personality.

First of all MC is a total doormat. And I hate doormats. I prefer to read about strong, independent and smart MC's. He is the most obedient and pathetic doormat ever. Everyone steps over him. He has no backbone. Author writes about his shiny backbone like 40+... more>> chapters but each of his actions show totally opposite things. His personality is so bland and meek. It seems like he hates everything about ML and the only reason he likes him is because ML is S grade alpha? And it is only natural for omegas to like him, he is the strongest one, so this feeling of "love" is forced upon him by his birth gender. I don't see anything romantic here. It is terrific.

Also ML is just... He is very sexist and full of himself. He lacks empathy, he doesn't even try to think about "dirty lower peasants". To him A grade alphas are dirt, so forget about omegas. And we should think him as a good person just because he falls in love with MC in the end?... But he is still just the same sexist person....

Also being an alpha seems stressful too. I was so angry at MC when "that" happened. ML was the true victim at that time honestly. That feeling of love and lust is also being forced upon him by his gender!

At least in professional body double, MC was a beta so they were not controlled by their "physical needs", instead their love feels more genuine.

If I was MC here I would just cut my gland or damage it in someway so that I would be free of this s*upid "forced feelings" from the nature. It is not a real love. <<less
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hycave rated it
October 18, 2022
Status: Completed
I came across this novel while I was reading the reviews on one of my favorite 'chasing wife' novel Perfect Match and I'm so glad I did because I love this novel so much.

At the beginning of this novel, I thought the ML was pretty decent compare to the other 'chasing wife' novel ML but oh boy was I wrong. He was egoistic, a narcissist and overall the perfect ML scum just like any other 'chasing wife' novel. So, I enjoy reading his misery so much and I think the... more>> author did a great job delivering the redemption arc. I can feel the ML's regrets and pain for everything he's done to MC.

I love how strong the MC is, he had a tough life yet he still succeeded in his career despite being an Omega. When I read a 'chasing wife' novel, I always hated how the MC forgives ML so easily or if the redemption arc is so short (I need those scum to be miserable for a long time!!!) so I love love love how the MC doesn't simply forgive the ML in this novel. It was just satisfying to read how miserable ML was without the MC.

For me, this is a great 'chasing wife' novel. It has everything I like. Pain, angst, regrets, redemption, love. I love this novel so much!!!

The translator did a great job with the translation but the end note from the translator sometimes contain spoiler so I skip reading it to avoid being spoilt but I definitely will re-read this novel so I won't skip it next time.

Update Just finished reading professional body double and come back to re-read this novel. I laughed so hard when I saw Yan MingXiu here. Just realize the author did a cameo of the character in their other novel in this novel but the only difference is that Yan MingXiu is an alpha here lol <<less
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c L a s P 1 5
c L a s P 1 5
July 23, 2023
Status: Completed
It's regrettable that MC didn't get to slap/hit or curse at ML even once. The psychological/emotional/physical torment he suffered should've been paid with at least a kick to the balls. (At least in Body double, both leads went into fist fight and it was hilarious and satisfying). I feel like instead of HE, a tragic ending would've been better and suitable for this couple. This novel had a constipated redemption arc. Like having to get örgasm but the vi**ator suddenly died. Same feeling
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Toads-on-the-Road rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: 101/132

I wanted to read a good redemption arc, but this one failed miserably. It's abusive from the beginning and just gets worse with each chapter. The only change is that the MC (who is likable) is falling for the manipulation and gaslighting. He's holding the wrong values, them being: "ML isn't capable of love" when it should realistically be: "I need to protect myself and my family. No matter what he does now, the past cannot be rewritten." He has given up and I've given up. No... more>> hope for a happy ending.

If you like abusive plot where the only redeeming quality of the ML has to be "Good looking and smells good" then have fun.

To everyone else who is looking for a realistic portraial of Abuse/Trauma, healing from it and finding actual happiness in the end. This is not for you.

SPICYNESS: R*pe, Pain, Coercion. I liked the writing style of their first time but I did not like the feelings and intentions that were portrayed.

The other time two times is just awful.

EDIT: Translations are very well done. A few mistakes with pronouns but other than that very good. <<less
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sungodnika rated it
April 22, 2023
Status: Completed
It was written so well, I tried to not be attached since I'm getting ready for the heavy angst but the way sqc write, damn now I'm getting hooked

let's talk about their personalities, Shen Dai's intelligence is not highlighted too much here which kinda made me sad, but he's really strong-willed, and honest, he's not afraid to speak and show his true emotions, I really love his mentality, but I really think he's traumatized with QMY here. And I really like Qu Moyu although he may be a b*tch at... more>> first but the way he chase, love, be obsessive towards his omega is something else they are match made in heaven! "He and Qu Moyu were destined to be entangled forever."!!!


There were a lot of misunderstandings and resentments between them but the storyline never disappoints although some characters were left behind and not have a clear ending how they live after all in all highly recommend, I like this more than sissy all sqc gongs are crazy as hell

I admit that I didn't like AO too much since it's too predicting and s*x are always needed for them then fall in love blabla, but thisss I loveee sqc so much the build of the plot, the chasing arc, aaa I really want to loose my memories and read this again!! <<less
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Lea168 rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: Completed

SQC is one of my favourite dog blood author. She is super popular in China and I really looked forward to this new novel. Her smut scenes are also super great.

I really enjoyed it, but I like a few of her other novels in her 188 series more. I can't really explain why. Maybe it's the whole abo setting, whilst all her other stories were non fantasy and therefore more relatable or real? Also the side characters were not as fleshed out as in most of her other novels.

The wife... more>> abuse and after that the wife chasing are always the best.

ML isn't the scummiest. It's still the ML of Sissy followed by the ML in Years of Intoxication that take the lead. They were super scummy from the start, whilst the ML in this story was relatively 'normal' but halfway it went wrong.

If you are a fan of this author, like me, it's a must read. <<less
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fudanshii18 rated it
July 27, 2022
Status: Completed
One big mistake can lead to unimaginable consequences. MC is a strong-willed person. He is smart and a person who is rationally emotional. ML is like his saviour, but also the one who will cause his downfall.

On the other hand, ML is domineering, goal-driven, and stern, but he is willing to stray away from his principles and beliefs for the person that he loves. He was never taught how to love that made him unable to get up from the quagmire.
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Nah rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: --
⚠️This Review Contain Spoilers⚠️

ML was born and raised in social class that teach him he is the most precious valuable creature. He doesn't understand basic moral since he was taught that everyone except top class Alpha & Omega is servants. Those servants must be grateful if he give them charity. No excuse tho, the way he was raised can't justify what he done. He has thousands of chance to understand other but he refuse it. Simply because he is a narsist. He was raised with believe he deserves narcisissm. So... more>> much better for MC to end up with someone else or single by himself. No need to make a room for someone who drain your soul and body because he finally acknowledge his love.

About MC, he can't handle the desire to be with ML because Omega was born to seek Alpha. He can't win against instinct. MC not typical helpless doormat, he leave and let go the toxicity when he got a chance.

The villains not too much make a big impact unless as disturbance for MC & ML's romance. In fact, the mishap can be avoided if ML just take a little moment to stop being a narsist. <<less
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darkelf01 rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: c79
One of my top three most painful omegaverse after Perfect Match and Childish Flower.

I like that the author was very sober and thankfully didn't romanticize such behaviour like what the author of 'Concubine's Daughter Minglan' did. I already like the way this author writes un-romanticized romance novels.

At first the ML wasn't that scummy... more like someone you can see at a respectful, polite distance. But as their relationship grew, he became more extreme later on. It was also precipitated by MC's selfish and delusional slag mom and ML's pit-digging cousin.... more>> If these two didn't exist, the leads would've fallen in love naturally. For God's sake I can already see ML slowly fell for the MC as early as chapter 30-ish and the side characters ALWAYS ruin everything. I wish I can delete some characters. The only one I like is Autie Lan the housekeeper.

I hope it wasn't BE because I can't stand that in omegaverse novels... Or it's just me 😅

Read onwards if you can stand angst. The leads' journey ain't one sweet road of fluff to forevermore. <<less
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iskolarako rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: c75
I've been following the series in the author's weibo (it gets updated everyday and mtl is very easy to understand) and all I can say is that Qu Moyu is such a scum😩. I thought it's gonna be a really good ABO story full of angst and regrets from the alpha after shits he has done but at this point in the story I have no sympathy for Qu Moyu. I love reading stories of alphas begging to get back and realizing what they did wrong and apologizing to their... more>> omega but Qu Moyu is just another level. I just want Shen Dai to be able to get away from him completely and start a new life. Oh well, I think I understand why Alpha Predator is the title. At this point I'm just gonna continue reading since I already started it. Let's see how the author redeems Qu Moyu's character. <<less
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March 22, 2022
Status: --
Ok, sorry for my bad English

I read the excellent translation from Chrysanthemum Garden and also raw and as usual 188 series, I hate the Qu Moyu in this series and it breaks my heart to read what Shen Dai (SD) experiences. SD only serve as hidden wife and he have to do it for money. They will seems to love each other at first but Qu Moyu heart is made of steel.

I cannot wait to see how Qu Moyu begged SD to get back to him. Professional By Double is... more>> still the best novel and translatation from 188 series and Chrysanthemum Garden.

188 series wrote many novels that with dog blood and Angst but love how the ML chase MC after that. <<less
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foxfireK rated it
May 26, 2023
Status: Completed

Translator: 5 star- both for a good job translating and for great notes for sanity.

The story is well written, once you start it’s hard to look away from this train wreck. Alpha ML is awful and many people are awful. Many people do horrific things to the Omega ML and act like a few words makes it all ok because they are higher class. The author does not understand healthy relationships.

There is s*xual humiliation and cruelty and it never goes away. I’m not usually very sensitive to... more>> such things so long as the ML fully gets better but even when the author is trying to portray the Alpha as loving and sweet he pounds into the pleading exhausted and in pain omega until he passes out. This guy gets more aroused by things like “don’t it hurts” even at the end.

This is a very long story but after I started I needed closure especially once things went south. This is a story about pain. It’s predictable in a lot of ways so I skipped from ch 87 to 104. I don’t think I missed anything really because there is a lot of thinking about the past and it was obvious that was just gonna more pain.

It is well written, Omega ML is likeable. The translation is good and translator is fun. The s*x scenes are explicit but not enough pleasure and a lot of pain. I like possessive stories, but possessive and sweet not possessive and abusive. <<less
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nekoyayaya rated it
January 30, 2023
Status: --
This is a crematorium novel but OMG don't expect too much on the ML. There are novels where the ML looks like they genuinely regrets what they did but this is not the case for this. The characters are not shallow by any means but all of them are so frustrating. The wife chasing arc that they are talking about are more of forcing and manipulating the MC to get back together to the ML and not about having fluffs and showing off the redeemable qualities off the ML.
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I love readying
I love readying rated it
November 9, 2022
Status: c108
this story is good. The plot really touches my heart, yes it's true I many cursed and cried a lot when am read this. Qu Moyu, that bastard, ahh he's really annoying!! And I hate MC's mother, really if I is the one of the characters there I would beat her, I hate her more than Qu Moyu, yah but Qu moyu is also really disgusting. If I hate Qu moyu 10/10, then MC's mother is 11/10. They're jerks.

Actually I forgot until where I read it, it's definitely more than... more>> 100 chapters:)) <<less
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June 17, 2022
Status: --
This ISN'T a review. I would make the real review when I finish this novel.

First of all, I truly appreciate the translator's efforts of translating in a quick manner. Thank you so much dear translator.

As for the novel, the novel itself has no problems, anyone who read the author's other works already know that Shui Qian Cheng's is always in for the CUTTING NINJA ONIONS AND DOG BLOOD DRAMA.

That is to say, you need to toughen yourself up if you wanna read their works. THEIR WORKS IS NOT FOR THE... more>> WEAK HEART. So I don't freaking get why the hell would others want to ask for SPOILERS. There's nothing wrong with asking spoilers, but if you're asking for spoilers to prepare yourself from the incoming drama, please do so discreetly, have a separate spoilers discussion thread, or join a discord group and ask there. Don't blatantly ask on the comments section. It seriously ruin the mood of other readers who simply want to read, not to be spoiled. I, myself, am a reader who loves to discuss every chapters so I have a habit of reading every comments on each chapters, but how I wish the comments section were spoilers free. If you already read the advanced chapters from the author's weibo or from MTL, good! But I hope you find it to yourself to respect other readers. #Nospoilersplease <<less
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heartlessbambi rated it
May 20, 2024
Status: Completed
Recommended to read!!!

This novel can be highly annoying to read because the ML is a big scum. He married the MC after signing an agreement. It was a coincidence, because the MC did it for money and it was not paid by the ML. MC ending up with the ML was not what ML planned for the MC. But it inevitably led to the MC who already had a crush on the ML to be braver to seek love. As for the ML, after knowing about the MC's thoughts, he... more>> played with the MC's feelings. The MC was in his delusion thinking they could have a happy ending because he had yet to see the ML's true face.

The worse was yet to come. After the climax where the break-up scene happens, ML humiliated the MC. He completely disregarded MC's feelings, he did not care about the MC's innocence. He treated his omega in the worst way possible. Then finally MC leaves him with a scarred heart.

After losing the MC, the ML finally feels empty. But he did not realize he was in love. He tried to negotiate, to threaten and only to end up with no results as MC had learnt his lessons by then, so he was not moved. ML later realized he had lost the MC for real, but he did not know what to do. He had never learnt how to treat someone you love. That was the core reason why their road was so bumpy. But he was willing to make amends. He put his ego and face aside and sincerely pursued the MC. Finally they become a happy couple after passing many obstacles.

The ML had a considerable character development because he learnt how to treasure the person you love. As for the MC, he became more clear headed when it came to relationships. There were many annoying side characters, but at the same time there were some who were like angels.

This book was a typical Shui Qian Cheng novel. I like the author very much and she did not disappoint me. Recommended for those who like wife chasing novels which go through countless heart breaks to reach the destination. <<less
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Talita Duarte
Talita Duarte
December 13, 2023
Status: --
terrible, from start to finish he treats omega as an object, it's not love it's obsession, I've read a lot of stories about the crematorium persecuting the wife and there are certain things that are unforgivable, r*pe is one of them, no matter what the seme does, he can rip out the heart with his own hand, I will never forgive a rapist, so the end of this novel was totally disappointing, ... more>>

there was no regret, the author tried to push a failed attempt to repent, and this after the seme r*ped the omega, and the omega desperately threatened that if the alpha marked him he would remove his own glands, this after threatening the imega with the son, force and blackmail and force intimate attitudes against the omega's will.

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