Beloved Enemy


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GuQingPei, the new director who was poached with a high salary, his first challenge at his new post was to help his boss raise his son!

A rich, hot-tempered, and arrogant second generation princeling best at causing trouble — YuanYang who had been cultured in the army for many years is rebellious and domineering but GuQingPei has the confidence to make him bow down and submit. No one in this life has dared to make him (YuanYang) feel so grievous and troubled! Facing GuQingPei’s treacherous smiles and oppressing advances step by step, forcing him to learn to take over the family business, YuanYang decides to give GuQingPei a profound lesson. Instead, he loses control of the situation and they developed into another type of relationship!

With GuQingPei and YuanYang’s equally opposing and hostile attitude… like enemies….will they look at each other with hatred or will it ignite into a different kind of spark!?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Châm Phong Đối Quyết
Summit Dueling
Zhenfeng Duijue
Related Series
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Additional Inheritance (Shared Universe)
Blazing Armour (Shared Universe)
Alpha Predator (Shared Universe)
Grey Uncle and the Mixed-blood Prince (Shared Universe)
Kill the Lights (2)
In Love with an Idiot (1)
Flying Gulls Never Land (1)
Yesterday (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Completed Novels 1
  2. Boy's Love
  3. To read list 2 (completed or ongoing translations)
  4. Love, Zuliate
  5. No comment... Part. 5

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73 Reviews sorted by

Levijiejie rated it
April 15, 2024
Status: Completed
Be warned, this story contains non-con, threats, psychological trauma, obsession and almost every red flag you can think of.

If you're into coercion, violence, and abusive relationships, this would be perfect for you. Unfortunately I'm not and I found it hard to swallow.

That aside, the story did allow room for character growth, regrets, and atonement from the perpetrator's part as well as forgiveness and acceptance from his partner. There were sweet moments here and there, but the overall tone was harsh and aggressive. Smut literally started from day 1 for the... more>> MC and ML. <<less
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Momoiro rated it
March 12, 2024
Status: Completed
Absolutely loved this, read this few years ago and still remember it and like the novel, characters, plot, the drama and everything. 10/10 re-read worthy!

Green Pei 💚
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samyuktha rated it
September 19, 2023
Status: Completed
little angsty... lots of downs and ups in the relationship... even though the relationship base is not started on good but I enjoyed it. The ML is very caring and sticky sticky... both of them tried hard to maintain the relationship when needed even though there are heart broken movements in between... overall worth to read...
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NYQ83 rated it
January 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I give this novel 4.7 stars just because it is almost that amazing but after reading Sissy and Winner Takes All, it is just a bit tough to complete. Overall this novel is heavy on a drama side, s*x scenes are definitely better than in Winner Takes All, but romance is where I take 0.3 points away from 5 stars. Definitely highly recommend reading this novel.
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Marsiba rated it
November 24, 2022
Status: c117
I cannot deny that this is a well written and polished book but if you are here looking for romance this isn't it. And if what happens to the MC is happening in your life call the authorities. The ML is completely selfish and unrepentant and for that the whole concept of this story disgusts me I kept reading hoping to see a Chang in the ML but I kept getting disappointed and both the MC and ML
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YanZhan rated it
November 16, 2022
Status: Completed
actually I kinda hate the ML and can understand why so many ppl give low rate to this novel. I bet part of it is becoz they hate the ML 😂😂😂

ML is superrr annoying, childish and psycho. But I still give this 5* coz overall it is well written

i will continue to read all the novel from this author esp 188 series
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Shrike1978 rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a 3.5 Star story for me.

Mostly because I can't stand that no matter how many times the MC explicitly tells the ML ... more>>

that he and his father's actions are destroying everything he's worked for in the last fifteen years, the brat doesn't seem to get it.


Also the way the ML keep secrets from the MC in the second half gets ridiculous to the point of feeling like the authors are yanking the characters in a direction that doesn't fit their personalities and previous events in the story because the author wants a specific scene/set of scenes in the novel.

Setting that aside. The MC and ML have nicely developed distinct personalities and the scenes where they are actually developing their relationship before it goes pear-shaped are quite enjoyable.

I did want to throw the ML's father into a snake pit after the stunt he pulled. On the other hand, I like the ML's best friend who adapts admirably when the ML suddenly falls for the MC, and supports their getting together.

The little side plot about the

former employee who tries to get revenge against the MC and ends up kidnapping him

could have been cut completely. It was unnecessary to the story.

Regardless of all of those problems, I did enjoy the story, and I liked the interactions between the MC and ML, and how the MC won't let the ML ever forget that he once said he was starting to look old (the ML didn't mean it, was just going for a rise). You don't say that to your lover without a lot of groveling afterwards. That was cute. <<less
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crownprince rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Full of dog-blood and angst! Interesting read and did not feel that the story was draggy, but I felt that the plot development was not well developed and could be better. Overall, the ML did not develop or mature or grow as much as I would have liked or envisioned, ML did not understand the MC, but in the end, both MC and ML accepted each other so I guess all is good?

I'm ok with the mentioned tags and I love stories with angst and all, but the thing that... more>> gets me in this novel is that the development of ML is not satisfactory. Thus, the lower score. Otherwise, it would be a gem in my heart.

Suitable for those who enjoy angst and dog-blood, are ok with the mentioned tags, and don't mind a certain extent of flawed developments (plot/character). <<less
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piroshilove rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: Completed
This was actually the first Chinese bl novel I've read, so it def holds a special place in my heart. The story isn't absolutely amazing and neither are the charas, but their are some aspects of both that I like. Also, I was quite fond of the actors for the live action. I've only watched clips from the drama and behind the scenes, but they were super cute together!! Also theirs a drama cd/radio version of this that was super nice!!!


    • The MC, Gu Qing Pei, is pretty strong/independent. I actually liked him quite a bit. He ends up being one of those more seductive and invites the gong type shous, which I thought was rare. Now I've read more novels, so def not that rare now, but still, If you listen to the drama radio and to some of the stage shows the live action did, the MC really has this seductive quality to his voice and personality.
    • The latter half of the relationship btwn the gong and shou. This novel def has one of my fav type of couples which is the cold older shou and the younger dog-like gong.
    • This novel does have some angst in the second half, which I quite like. I'm not too fond of face slapping drama, and this novel def doesn't have much or any of that I think. It just has this nice pure angst

      when they were forced to split up for a few years after realizing they were both in love

      that I really like.
    • both chara do grow, especially the ml.

    • The gong-he's very aggressive and

      r*pes the MC quite often. Their relationship def wasn't consensual for at least the first half of the story. In general, most of his actions towards the MC was quite terrible. He gets better in the second half, and I do like them together but at the same time, I feel like MC def could've done better.

    • I don't think the side charas were that memorable, neither was some of the plot. I've read this novel a few times and listened to the drama radio more than a few times, but am still unable to remember the other minor charas and the main plot line. This could just be me though.
rating: 3.5

Overall, it's a pretty decent read. But I am also biased because it was my first Chinese novel. I'm def not fond of the ML and his actions towards the MC in the novel, but at the same time, theirs just something about them being together that I like. I would really not recommend this novel to others namely because of how terrible the ML is to the MC, but If you're bored and just needing something to read, why not. Heed the warnings though. Also, def give the drama radio a try because it's def not bad. At least for the voice actors, because the va for Gu Qing Pei is seriously amazing.
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October 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Both MC and ML were toxic to each other but add in the nosy family of ML, resulting in the utter breakdown of their relationship.

This novel is angsty and I think they could have communicated better. More tags should be added to prepare future readers what they will see in the novel.

Don’t worry though, it’s HE
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August 29, 2020
Status: Completed
I watched the drama before reading the novel and after reading this novel I feel as though the MC just didnt love the ML as much as the ML does.

... more>>

The ML is mindlessly trying to chase after the MC and after finally getting the MC, he just let's him slip through his fingers. Then the MC shows up years later and the ML is still crazy for him... I feel as though the love just isn't their...


Not sure if I got all the details right cuz I read this last year but I remember being fairly disappointed at the lack of affection shown from the MCs side. <<less
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August 10, 2020
Status: --
At first I was hesitant to read this novel because of low rating and bad reviews but Im really glad I did read... I love angst mature BL novel and this one is the best.. the way Gu Qing Pei and Yuan Yang relationship grow its well written.. thank u author and translator for this wonderful story.
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