Average-looking Protagonist

These are some novels which you can read when you re bored they are not exceptional but can entertain you for a duration of time... more>>

Todas as novels que eu li e gostei estão aqui, talvez não todas, mas as mais especiais estarão.

The M/M stories I've finished reading, in no particular order! The descriptions have spoilers so that I can remember specific tropes and/or scenes, so don't... more>>

Also including average protag.

some completed/ some dropped with some review

This is a list of novels that I find beyond impressive in terms of the plot, the world-building, or the characters. Novels that make me... more>>

Prepare for some insulins and sweetness. I listed the novels which is very sweet to me.

I will keep updating this list as I find interesting ones (Not everything is wholesome though),
(Not in any order).... more>>
(Not in any order).... more>>

R u looking for some epic fantasy? Well too bad cause these books r for u to cool of after reading a overly involved and... more>>