Surviving as a Plagiarist in Another World


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The literature of this other world was atrocious.

So, I plagiarized.

Don Quixote, Anna Karenina, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Metamorphosis… I thought that unraveling the literature of the original world would advance the literature of this other world.

“Those who dream and those who do not, who really is the mad one?”

“To live or to die, that is the question.”

“No matter how fatal the mistake, it is different from a sin.”

But then, people began to immerse themselves too deeply in the novels I plagiarized.

Can’t a novel just be seen as a novel…?

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Surviving as a Plagiarizing Author in This World
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10 Reviews sorted by

New Oasis304 rated it
August 24, 2024
Status: c57
This novel is cool. The premise is that this guy wants to increase the quality of writing in the world by adding the literature of earth. The joy of this novel is seeing the whiplash of society after introducing thematic responses one after another. For example, right after publishing don Quixote which lovingly skewers chivalry stories, he introduces dr jelly and Mr. Hyde, which was brutal and suspenseful. He struggles with doubts ruining the originality of the world, by kinda colonizing their culture with earths. He does try to cultivate... more>> artists by bettering charity and education. Which gets him misunderstood as a saint. <<less
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Arlyn rated it
May 21, 2024
Status: c11
Still only a few chapters.

It’s pretty cliche. Writing works from earth and having the other world people go crazy over them. There’s quite a few others on this site that do the same thing.

Despite how standard it is, it looks pretty good. It’s decently written, the books have to be adapted for the otherworld, and the main character has an actual motivation for his actions. There isn’t a random harem either.

Also, there is a transgender character in this that is treated with dignity rather than played for laughs.
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OfficePony rated it
May 28, 2024
Status: c12
This is probably the only story, I'd say, respectfully handles otherworld plagiarism of famous literary works.

The reader is not exploiting the works for purely monetary gain, he is trying to change a culture with what had inspired him and the entire world during his previous life. Because hindsight is 20/20, he is able to roughly steer the course of change in a direction... it might not be the direction he intends, but it's still technically steering. Okay, he's not really in control, and the dice land as they will.

Even if... more>> the respect comes from him not really having any hobbies aside from reading, it's still better than someone diving right in to make money for the sake of making money and getting them bit- *ahem* lady friends. <<less
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Riand-Rizki rated it
April 27, 2024
Status: c5
Pretty interesting so far, although still only a few chapters.

Well it's already shown in the synopsis how people react and think of him and his book, so I would think you know what to expect reading this.

For those who don't like story where the MC got praised for everything the MC do, then beware, because although it's not shown yet, there's a telltale sign of that type of development in the synopsis and in these few early chapters. Although maybe it's still too early to decide if that's truly the... more>> case <<less
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Snooty rated it
August 14, 2024
Status: c40
The main issue I have with this novel is that it follows the typical 'introduce modern invention to medieval people' formula. The formula being; MC writes a book and people go wild over it. Then the next few chapters is spent on the reactions and/or misunderstandings of people, with it usually being a lot of undeserved praise for MC.

It's bearable in other novels of this style, because the MC usually has to reverse engineer modern inventions with magic, or at the very least use their own skills/science. In this novel... more>> the MC is just plagiarizing other people's stories (hence the title) with minimal changes to fit the landscape.

It honestly just feels kind of distasteful? Like people in the story praise the MC as a god, but it's just completely undeserved. <<less
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apaulose rated it
July 25, 2024
Status: c76
Just a heads up. This story is being translated on cyborg tl now. There's around 100 chapters there in total. Wanted to make sure people don't think it's just not being translated anymore.

I've read plenty of stories where the protagonist is isekaid and passes off popular works from our world as their own creations. It's an interesting premise but I've actually never seen it used quite like this. Most of the time those stories are about the protagonists rise to fame and success. The drama and tension comes from petty... more>> and jealous villains sabotaging them for s*upid reasons. And like 90% of the story is just face-slapping. The MC's are often really proud and arrogant despite the fact that they're taking credit for work that other people did. They rarely put effort into their plagiarism, which is kind of silly since you couldn't just pump out our world's stories and expect them to succeed in a completely different world.

This story is something completely different. It's like a technological uplift story but for literature. The MC isn't after fame or money. His ultimate goal is to spark creativity in others so that he has new interesting stories to read. And he works hard for this goal. He isn't just copying stories from memory. He does research and talks to experts to try to adapt stories to this world as perfectly as possible. He doesn't get arrogant or self righteous about his creations either. <<less
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Chickenp1345icksoff rated it
June 7, 2024
Status: c16
In my personal opinion, compared to other novels who attempt to do similar work to D, this novel shines much more brightly than some that I won't mention here. The main character is entertaining, quite funny also, and with a comedic sense of background, and quite light-hearted, as DMC is a wiser who, like the title says, plagiarizes, but his actions also stop adding culture into the world that DMC is in. In summary, quite entertaining, light-hearted, and quite funny, in some parts.
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Ameme rated it
July 8, 2024
Status: c39
Very decent, fast-paced novel with no trouble to rise MC. However, this was an easy read up till ch 39 (currently no more translated chapters) and I'm looking forward to more. I enjoy this genre a lot and it was fun despite some imperfections.
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Jisoo-HamSandwich rated it
June 17, 2024
Status: c23
This gripped me by my nether regions, as crass it is to say. This novel, is written with love and affection for the novels used to further the literature in the world of the novel. And, its just so good.

The way it goes in depth enough with each of the novels the protagonist chose, to show what he did with and what his thought process on why they were chosen for literature.. It's loved is all I can say.
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One major issue with isekai author plagiarism type novels is how shallow they read given we know everything is stolen. Read literary house dad to see just how shallow a constant stolen work type novel is.

This one avoids that problem by not having the MC chase money, status and general material gain. The books themselves are a tool for the MC to accomplish something else.

If you enjoyed I'm really not a demon's lacky or other misunderstanding type novels, then this one is for you.
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