When The Silent Peony Blooms


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Erdene, the heir to the belligerent Hirshstein Empire, the next owner of the throne, the iron-blooded princess. What awaited her, who had returned victorious from a long war, was the position of queen of the Kingdom of Vetor, a kingdom she had never held a grudge against.

“This cannot be! How can Your Majesty do this to Her Highness the Princess!”

Erdene, who had to accept everything that was changing without her being able to do anything about it, and a life that she had never thought would be her future.

And the king who came to meet her, Arkan, a king who hated ‘violence’ and loved peace and reading.

The moment Erdene met him, she thought.

‘This man is not right for me.’

* * *

“All I had to do was say ‘I’m sorry’, but you’re making it sound like a serious confession, that’s why.”

“This is ridiculous. So in the Empire, do you just hit someone and say ‘Oops, sorry?’ and move on?”

“It’s the other way around. Do you think our people are some kind of back-alley thugs?”

“Who said that?”

The woman with jet-black hair pulled back roughly frowned her white and fair face and said.

“If you hit us once, we’ll hit you back twice. That’s how we apologize, Your Majesty.”

Then, a man who looked as gentle as a large dog glared and slammed his fist on the table.

“What kind of apology is that! What country calls that an apology?”

“Our country.”

The woman sneered.

The man, who had been looking at her with an expression of disbelief, also burst out laughing and turned his head away.

Turning their backs on each other like sulky children, the two people, ironically, were thinking the same thing.

‘What the hell is this!’

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