God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
Related Series
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The King of the Battlefield (2)
Apocalypse Cockroach (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. 'ON HOLD'
  2. Novels i Have Read
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. mix genre of mc
  5. Novels I have read

Latest Release

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06/03/15 Rising Dragons... c55
05/31/15 Rising Dragons... c54
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364 Reviews sorted by

5esuh rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: Completed
So... I really liked the beginning, the middle was just disappointment after disappointment but I kept reading to finish what I started, then the end... It wasn't different than any other chapter, I spent a couple minutes looking for the next chapter button. It was like: "Hey let's kick the bad guys asses, and then they lived happily ever after". It actually hurts to think the amount of time I've put into this piece of garbage. Don't waste your time, don't read it
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June 24, 2021
Status: c282
The novel start good, but decay fast, I wanted a really dark history showing the worst of humankind and I got it, but have serius issues that make it imposible to end the story.

The problem start with the repeat of the same plot over and over and over and over and over and Fkng OVER! The author dosent tell you, not hint you, what the MC really wants to do or go, he said several times that he want to find his parents but after months he keep saving ppl... more>> who no one cares about and take responsability of them and forget about them.

This is like a Total War game go from place to place killing the ruler and anexing the territory, its like the MC wants to be a warlord or something but he never said so. He acts in his own morals, but the rest of the world is tr*sh except of his best friend that its relegated to a managment npc.

You have at chapter 280+ several characters who you dont give a fk, you dont care about the MC either bc you dont know nothing about him his goals, who he really cares, etc. Its a mindless killing machine that go from one place to another killing who he think in his onw moral code a bad person.

The elements that everybody talks about:

*Racism and Comunist Propaganda I can cope with this, and it isnt as bad as other novels.

*Sexism in the other hand, its way over the line, you only find one woman character that isnt weak because MC help her at the start of the story.

The elements that nobody talks about:

*How in a world where you can get stronger by killing zombies and need to survive on your own, dosent have more people that have a clue about how things work. Its like 99.999% of the people is ret*rded and can only wait to get killed or abused by zombies, hunger or warlords. More realistic would be people dying because they overstimated their strengh like MC do all the time but he has plot armor.

*The system that the author describe is tr*sh, at least till chapter 282. MC is the first in his zone to get lvl10 and get a quest to go a special zone, after this he never try to get information from other strong people he meets, never try to go back to the special zone, at this time he is already OP to clear the 100.000 zombies liberated after he went there even if they evolved after so long. Stats, skill slots, skill books are really bad, this is an aspect that you can say ok is tr*sh but lets keep going only for the story, but the story dosent get anywhere.

The evolution on beast its all over the place, you have a river with tens of thousands of beast from lvl 15 to 60 but they never show up until the MC try to take the river.

*There is no secondary character growth, the only thing that growth its MC harem, but every relationship is shallow everybody is awed by the MC no one try to get stronger or fight for power in his group, the women only fight to see who can fk the MC.

*The pe*ophilia! Its way over the line, the author prob has real issues with this, I can understand that he want a dark story, its a element several time used in others novels but here even the MC get aroused with really underage girls.

*Several Plot holes some the writer drown into them himself and other he pretend dosent exist:

Like Contaminated water (this is more vital than food), durability on system items, electricity, the whole system class, infections (group of ppl in the thousands and no one turns in a zombie that end wreaking havoc), oversimplification of human reaction in extreme situations (everybody is a sheep except the MC and bad guys) and several others, if normal weapons still viable at this point why the goverment and or army goes down since day one.

In conclucion If you are someone that started watching "The walking dead" tv series but after a few season stoped because its always the same, or the writing every day looks more s*upid, then pass this novel. If you can still enjoy The walking dead after the 10 season then you can probably end the novel and maybe even love it.

PS: Sorry for my poor english, not my main language <<less
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Lazy Dude
Lazy Dude rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c72

  • great premise
  • rpg system ex machina
  • wide array of characters

  • too naive MC...i love my friend and classmates but he/she/they are the LAST THING ON MY MIND TO RESCUE in a zombpocalypse!
  • scatterbrained stats... he uses a skeleton summon yet focuses on a buff build: strength, stamina and agility with a dash of vitality... my suspension of disbelief can only hold for so long... he didn't even touch spirit which is the main stat to use his skeleton bu*t buddy
  • girls have gone s*upid here. the "support" group should've voiced their concern of leveling and emphasized to the MC that they should carry them like his main b*tches.... they just blindly submitted no question asked to be a support group
  • gangs are all s*upid. really violent gang groups some with military or hand to hand combat backgrounds, didn't even stopped and listen to the voice they heard? if I heard the voice to kill zombies, I would've if I was the leader of a gang and power leveled. there is strength in numbers----unfortunately these asshats have no brains
  • no military deployments or police presence. once beijing is down, everything is gone and every military and police personnel are on their own
  • npcs from another world ruined the novel for me.
  • harem nuff said... and the s*upid build up towards it.
  • congee is not that good.
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deathmine31 rated it
December 8, 2020
Status: Completed
Plotholes abundant. The second half is when elements concerning Xuanhuan are truly introduced. The first half is largely an RPG game. The first half centers around the Earth going through one major change initally. As the MC travels across the world, other ethnic groups are introduced and something bad about them has to be said, hence expect racism. MC has a thick layer of plot armor. I don't know why the tragedy tag is there, MC doesn't express grief at all, only anger if something involves canibalism or the mistreatment... more>> of chinese/humans. Priority goes to chinese unless it's another world. The first half does have the typical Xuanhuan tropes of, "I want to have her in bed, I'll give you one ramen", and some others. Certain elements are introduced in the beginning, in particular, a novice village and an antidote for zombie virus, which are forgotten about until much later. The latter is used for one instance and thats it. For about 3/4's of the novel, expect to keep hearing about the same things, every so often. The first thing that gets annoying is hearing about how the virus is like the virus from resident evil, and just getting touched will cause you to be infected. He finds his parents, does some bonding with them, and poof, they are no longer mentioned for the rest of the novel.

Women are largely as an offering given to the MC at the end of a particular conquest. It becomes part of a pattern, do some conquest, bed a new women, usually two in cases like this. Women aren't solely obtained like this though.

Xuanhuan element of cultivating for thousands or millions of years is not present. Towards the end, the MC "cultivates" a couple of times for a couple of days at most. While most of these are 1 day:1 day, at the end the MC goes through a 100y:1d (so 100 years passes in 1 day) or something like that, I give credit to the author for that, 1000 years passing wouldn't work well with the interest of the Earth, but is pretty essential for the genre. At least the ending was better than most xuanhuan. Although it involves a new journey, the idea remains that the MC will continue to return to Earth, it doesn't end with a boat ride to the center of the unknown. <<less
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February 24, 2020
Status: c542
It was quite good for a while short while. But racism, r*pe, sexism, nationalism and bad story just became too tiring. Not to mention story itself became more of a repetitive mess as story went along. There's just too many characters, most are just 2D but some are actually developed decently just to be forgotten afterwards. And it's basically just same plot over and over. MC get's thrown somewhere, conquers place, rinse and repeat.

If story is good otherwise, couple instances of r*pe, sexism or whatever doesn't really make me turn... more>> away. But in this case MC is just total degenerate and it's honestly quite disgusting to read. Add to that story that is mediocre and it's just plain bad. Start was actually pretty good so I gave it one extra star. This is like some ultimate nationalist, power trip wish fulfillment, hang all morals propaganda piece.

Someone made review and said this "Overall if you like novels like Terror Infinity, RE: Monster, Log Horizon and Overlord, you will enjoy God and Devil World. I also recommend reading Against the Gods or Martial God Asura first to get used to a "Cruel" MC." Which is just not true, I have read quite a bit of all of those except Terror Infinity and I liked them at least a while, but I didn't have any issues about racism and stuff in those novels. ATG is on my top 10 novels still that I actively read (I have read it), MGA was really good for quite a while 1000+ but became just too boring and repetitive. RE: Monster is same.

Thing is that there is difference between ruthless MC and degenerate MC without morals. <<less
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January 17, 2020
Status: c400
so I'm not going to write a full review on this one because I've only read about 400 chapters but i'll go over some thoughts on this novel. as I've decided to put this novel on hold for the moment maybe in the future i'll come back and finish it at that point i'll edit this and make it a full review.

so lets start with some of the pros, this novel had a really good start and a great MC to start off with. so the MC is a very... more>> realistic person and honestly I don't think hes cruel in fact I think he leans more towards the "good" side if you would call it. it's just that the world has basically turned into a sh*t hole with zombies you really don't have to luxury to be a philanthropist at this point because realistically you'd be the first to die. the author also pays attention to details to the small stuff like fights and what not by the descriptions.

now where this story falls apart are the big picture ideas. later on the MC just has a hard on for like every girl he saves idk y the author was so obsessed with a harem but yeah problem 1.

next would be the driving factor, initially the mc's driving factor was probably to survive which was fine and a good reason, however this quickly changes and from 400 chapters I can say his driving factor at this point is probably being a savor which really triggers me because not only is this ret*rded but breaks his character as a realistic person. so why is this s*upid? well because at this point in the story there is basically no cure at least in terms of availability for getting infected once you get infected your donzo and another issue is leveling so the only way to level and get stronger so your able to fend for your life is by killing zombies for experience which then levels you up. now the issue with this is if you kill a zombie with non "game elements weapons" you get no exp so an example would be lets say you shoot a zombie in the head with a pistol if that pistol wasn't a game item you don't get exp. now you can see the issue literally 90% of the resistance left are fighting with firearms so in other words these people aren't leveling at all, on top of all that the zombies apparently can evolve like over time you just lose the war of attrition cause there are just more zombies then there are humans. so I don't really see the point of MC trying to play savor at the current moment maybe when he has the cure yeah sure go for it but definitely not at the current situation.

next would be the system honestly the game system in the novel is... lackluster the skills that the author came up with are very limited and kinda shows he barely put any thought into them.

last I guess would be the god awful translations its better than mtl but not by much.

anyways those are just some thoughts I have from reading 400 chapters I'm probably going to read more zombie apocalypse novels because I have a thing for them atm. <<less
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August 17, 2019
Status: c200
the story is great for me... so far. Before I read the story, I shelved it 2 times because I read the comments. I recommend not to do that, as I have, because you might regret not reading it first. the comments on this novel paint the author as some sick patriot of china. After reading the novel, I found that the translators feel the same way and I really couldn’t help but disagree. The way the author writes and the wording actually do make him seem hateful, that I... more>> do see, but everything he says is matter-of-factly and actually based on the world in which we are currently living. I won’t go out on a limb for the author and say for sure what he is saying doesn’t stem from personal hatred, but the topics are vague enough that I think people are jumping to conclusions way to fast without actually thinking about and acknowledging the darkness of humanity in which the author talk about that already exists. For example, the author say that the Japanese are treated better than the Chinese by the government officials even in times of crisis in a foreign country. This is actually true in most of not all countries in which corrupt people in higher positions looking for benefits exist, but from the authors writing it is probably worse in China than elsewhere due to the population. Then there are the commenters who say he is also sexist, because again the author states “matter-of-factly” that women are weaker than men on average and have stronger emotions which doesn’t suit a order following soldier. Of course he doesn’t word it like how I word it here but I bet I will still get hate even though this is a fact. The author says a few lines like this with horrible wording, but only hateful if you want to see it as such. I won’t elaborate more than that on those topics and move on to 2 plot holes that potentially almost run the novel for me.

the white skeleton in the story is a complete mess. It feels like the author forgets about him and or mixes up his juxtaposition to everything else so often it’s almost funny. Also the MC skill states specifically that you can summon up to 5 skeletons and that he can summon a skeleton once every ten days. I’m guessing the author forgot he added this or MC forgets how to read every time he sees it as he only has one skeleton the whole time. When I first read the skill in the beginning, I thought I was wrong until the skill description shows up a second time in the zombie horde chapter.

second plot hole is with the op fear skill he got after ****ing lv10 that could have carried him to lv100 by now but only uses on the weak humans who pose no threat to him. With how fast the characters in the novel are going even one second under this skill could have settled so many battles for the MC. But again that would be to ez I guess and the author wants him to have a challenge? Then why give him this skill I don’t know because it is also his class skill that he should be using 24/7 because class skills basically cost no mana and stamina to activate.

there are more but theses are the major ones for me. <<less
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July 22, 2019
Status: c402
U know what I really liked this novel is was bit slow in beginning then became a bit better there were plot holes but because this is something a bit common so I let it be

But there came Author racism against other countries and like reviewer Leedalys pointed out you can be nationalist u can a patriot but there is a thick line that separates your love for country and using its name to fuel your flames

i would have rated it 3 star but author racism changed my mind
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ieatp-ssy rated it
December 9, 2018
Status: c718
If you're looking for a mind-numbing action novel, here's one for you. The action is incessant, there's not a lot of detailed worldbuilding, and not a lot of complicated plotlines to interfere with your enjoyment of blood and gore. I won't give you a synopsis here, other than to say that this is about zombie apocalypse, with a video-game element twist.

Each chapter is fairly long, which is nice, though really they should be called 'segment' rather than chapters, since they mark a certain number of characters, rather than the completion... more>> of a mini-arc in the story.

Now, on to the problems. Please note, none of the following should in any way interrupt your enjoyment, if you like this novel after getting to chapter 50:

  1. The plotlines eventually gets repetitive. He goes into a territory. He conquers. He rules. He gets into a battle with a mutant beast, and carried/flown/swum to another territory, and then the cycle begins again. Rinse, repeat. Again, and again, and again. And no, this doesn't qualify as a spoiler.
  2. This novel really exemplifies the Chinese national inferiority complex. The writer always constantly writes how other nationalities (e.g. White people, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and basically anybody non-Chinese) discriminates against the Chinese. This theme is beaten to death endlessly: Chinese = good, Foreigners = bad. I don't know if there is a Chinese word for 'irony, ' but if there is, this is the one writer that never heard of it. Someone needs to tell this writer, that maybe it's not the whole world that's racist, maybe it's just him. On a side note, I get this mental image that the translators are cringing all the way whilst translating this thing, and that's funny (to me, at least). Bet they didn't know where this thing was headed, when they first picked up this title to translate.
  3. For all the inclusion of foreigners in this story, and also foreign locations, I don't think the writer has ever left China. The historical facts he uses to support the above-mentioned racism is not exactly inaccurate, but the depiction is coloured with so much of the old Chinese propaganda that it bore no semblance to any conceivable reality, not that this novel is 'realistic, ' in any way.
  4. There is a strong harem and paedophilia streak in it. The story refers to it as 'lolicon, ' but this story goes beyond lolicon, and straight-up into paedo territory. One loli-type in the story can be considered fan service, but he keeps finding these little girls who come on to him that I'm beginning to honestly pray this writer doesn't live within a certain distance of an elementary or junior-high school.
  5. Did I mention the plotlines are as flimsy as water and as cohesive as day-old congee?
The conclusion: read for a mindless blood and gore. The translation work I'm reading is fairly decent, and if you drop the story, and come back to it a few weeks later, you wouldn't have missed any plot details. I would have rated this 2.8 stars, if fractions are allowed. Emphasis on 'mindless.'

Extra points go to the English language translators, who actually stuck with it, and is regularly productive. Since I'm reading the English translation, and not the original text, this is worth mentioning.

Enjoy! <<less
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ancienthug rated it
September 27, 2018
Status: c860
The author is a racist, sexist, nationalist, lolicon. He is biased for the Chinese race, nation, male gender, and is against corrupt government. I couldn't care less about his views but his extreme bias makes the novel very cringy to read. The fiction of magic items and game systems are supposed to intersect with the nonfiction of human reactions and behavior after a hypothetical zombie apocalypse but his bias makes the nonfiction more like fiction. Examples include: portraying every other race and nation other than China/Chinese as a 4 while... more>> Chinese are a 7 on a moral scale of 1-10, and portraying women as 5 times weaker on average compared to men, when in reality they are maybe 1.1 times given that the system does not discriminate gender. The MC is vastly stronger than similar levels and would die eventually if every enemy didn't have an IQ lower than my physics midterm, the masses are easily quelled and friends never betray, characters are forgotten completely after an arc. There are more female prostit**es than zombies but not a single male one; instead males all magically have enough food to exchange for services.

Despite all that I would still give this novel a 4/5 because it is the best one in the modern apocalypse genre and portrays human nature quite accurately.

A good read and would recommend to anyone who can ignore/are not overly triggered by author's bs. <<less
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ghelo00012 rated it
September 26, 2018
Status: c1145
The start is good because of game elements with zombie and horror genre but in the end it become cultivation base with other elements like aliens, mecha with intellect, dinosaurs and HEAVENLY ANNOYING SONS and Daughters, the game element level was abandoned with skill like the white bone etc so many abandoned characters.
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vayterz rated it
July 16, 2018
Status: c315
Story good enough till MC get out from (1st County) n MC still Antihero..

I think apocalypse that threatening humanity how can there still some idiot save power faction or anything..

N there I realize this novel not different from story kingdom or anything u can just think MC kingdom is rich cause netizen have meal enough n other eat meat human just poor kingdom.
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z3ta311 rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c426
Starts out good and cool at first, and it starts to get tiresome. Same thing happening over and over again, with later arcs having racist theme filled to the brim from chapter 300 onward or something, which is honestly pointless and doesn't help developing the story at all, for the MC can stay in china the whole time for all we care about, and everything would still goes on nicely
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Reggie rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: Completed
Nice open ending that doesn't disappoint, and overall a good read that's not as long as some of the other chinese novels out there with 3k+ chapters.

It was repetitive during the conquering of the cities, and got boring, but gets better afterwards.


At least there are no massive plot holes, except all those pets from his earlier travel time are not talked about : (

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shorgoth rated it
November 4, 2017
Status: c585
The novel starts ok... Some interesting stuff... But it quickly devolve into ultranationalist propaganda where chinese are the good and poor persecuted people by the rest of the cruel and inhuman world. The patern wherever the MC goes is the same. He is alone or with a few people. See Chinese girls being r*ped and canibalize. He kills half the enemies and makes the rest his soldiers to conquier the area. The writer has a super limited vocabulary and portray women as s*x toys to be traded and men as... more>> cruel immoral rapists with no vision or societal concerns. The MC is a brutal rapist of little girls and a serial mu*derer. At first you have some doubts at wether the writer do have these deranged values but around the time you get around chapter 500 it is painfully obvious that he is an ultranationalist virg*n chauvinist with 0 understanding of anyone in the world but his tiny corner of China. I'm not one to shy away from violence and s*x when it is in the context of a story but this novel is basically a Chinese Nazi wet dream. <<less
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dmanner rated it
October 19, 2017
Status: c553
Initially, the first 1-200 chapters were rich in world building but then the author developed ADD and ran out of ideas. It was a decent novel but then it jumped the proverbial shark. The author projects his own insecurities and ethnocentric views onto his antagonists in this story but is blind to the bigotry and prejudices of his own MC, lauding him as a flawed but righteous scoundrel and the hero we all need in a time of lawlessness and unrest. The truth is, the MC is a just villain... more>> that occasionally does some good. That would be fine and dandy but I'm up to chapter 553 and the author has used the same plot device 5 times

MC gets whisked away from home and builds a new empire elsewhere. Each time is basically the same rehashing of the premise that every group the MC encounters is immoral, s*upid, and brutally racist; forcing the MC to take charge and exact his form justice and by killing and take control. The author introduces new characters in each stage only to gloss over them and forgets about them after moving on. There is no character development whatsoever.

and is just the same repetitive bs over and over again. <<less
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Yuehan rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: Completed
If you want a dark world novel, it's for you. I don't recommend this for girls as well as the Vietnamese and Japanese readers. Author probably is an ex-military or belongs to military family that experience those wars that's why discrimination and nationalism are to the max and quite unbearable specially for those with good moral integrity so read it as an observer like watching a documentary film of atrocities.

The women here are treated as s*aves and tools/possessions except for that Ji Qinwu (female beauty student at the beginning). Plot... more>> also becomes repetitive. Just like the other reviewer said, it goes like I came, I saw, I massacre, I conquer. Then those female beauties, skills and items are the spoils. The thing is, MC has a thick plot armor and only his chosen ones are allowed to live. If you know Warhammer, MC would be Archaeon the Everchosen lol.

MC's character is borderline evil? Or good evil? I forgot the term but something like that. MC is still good to his persons/subjects even though it's base on selfish motives. He never committed actions such as playing a woman then pass it to his subordinates so it's still acceptable.

By the way, MC has an extremely large harem, if you counted his maids as part of it. Don't expect any romance plot, the only time I consider that there is romance is when the MC cried and told his feelings for Ji Qinwu in the part where she almost die. Overall, if you change your way of thinking as part of a race and not a part of a certain country and don't have a "strong sense of righteousness and that evil should not exist in this world thinking pattern" attribute, you may find this novel as a good apocalypse novel to read with the exception of our female readers (I find it hard that any female would like this, even if she has a bad nature, this novel don't have any female leader). <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
April 4, 2017
Status: Completed
This novel is not for everyone. I repeat, NOT for everyone.

... more>>

Especially one who was (quoted from MC's speech) 'grown as flower in the green house, never once hungry enough to think of eating other human's fresh'. Especially readers who have pretext buried deep in their mind.


The story based on post apocalypse world. Everything about humanity is broken to pieces. Most human is not much different from animal, except can speak and think. Nationalism is used only for lure people and gathering personal power. Society that treats killing, raping, massacre, torture, harem as norm rather than exception. The true wild jungle.

MC is forced to turn from university student to the absolute tyrant. Thickest plot armor is he still have humanity left. He will do anything to ensure his survival, then his circle of influent's survivals. Anything shows sign to cause potential trouble will be destroyed even it's human child or toddler or old grandmom or tens of thousand innocent people.

I repeat again. This novel is not for everyone.


In the beginning, it's only general zombies and some beasts, which can be killed by wooden pole. As the story evolves, the more powerful life form/society appears. MC develops too (else he dies and story ends). But it's not boring as the background changed almost unpredictable, unlike that generic Xianxia, aka ATG, TDG, MGA. Even though the author utilizes game-based reward, it's not boring.

Worth continue reading.

One caveat. Though author seem to have some knowledge about weapon, he has none at all when coming to war strategy and planning and army mobilization. So fighting is exciting and boring at the same time. You punch me, I punch you, you have unbreakable armor, I have immortal plot armor and MC's fists. So, I win. No brain.

But - never see any author who has too.


Nationalism? LOTS.


MC kills thousand Chinese, ten thousand Vietnamese. Chinese warlords kill and torture and r*pe and ens*ave thousand of Chinese. Vietnamese warlords kill and torture and r*pe and ens*ave thousands of Chinese and Vietnamese. European uses Chinese and Vietnamese warlords to kill each others. Vietnamese asks European for their weapon for killing Vietnamese, and Chinese and European.


Every life form hates the other life form to the extreme.

That's what the true apocalypse world would be. The true charming of this novel.

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NewbornWarrior7 rated it
January 26, 2017
Status: c481
God and Devil World is a pretty good read about a guy who starts off as a normal-ish person who becomes a warlord. The description of the main character is weird because he starts off average-looking but later in the novel the author seems to forget this and starts describing him as if he's an attractive, noble, and charismatic leader somehow even though all he really does is some common sense stuff for defense and for offensive tactics he just basically uses mob tactics. Now you definitely shouldn't read this... more>> if you can't tolerate a lot of racism because in the novel, everyone aside from the Chinese are racist and evil for some reason particularly against the Chinese for some reason and non-chinese people who aren't racist basically just follow the main character. The author doesn't really understand racism and selfishness either because for some reason all the white people get together to form a world-wide group that is racist only towards Asians it seems and no conflicts seem to arise within this group.

Now on to the plot. The plot is pretty repetitive and drawn out in all honesty since what the author seems to think is "Oh, the MC has a base and is growing a strong force now, better somehow send him far away to build another base". Also the author really likes zombie hordes conveniently attacking the city or base that the MC is in and so the MC has to stop the horde and in doing so establishes his might or something. The harem in the novel is also pretty badly written as what happens is basically: There's a beauty that falls? In love with the MC and the MC has s*x with her once then she disappears into the harem of ever growing girls. The MC also seems to be the only person with an actual special class and abilities since everyone else can basically be described as: shoots guns, swings swords, uses magic, or is a psychic and every single one of them don't seem to have any actual unique trademark skills or abilities other than those. A lot of the enemies are also weirdly dumb at times, which I'll chalk up to plot armor. Also somehow the Kingdom of God, what has been called the strongest power in the novel can't take care of a little dictator in vietnam when they already took over Europe. Another thing is that the Kingdom of God somehow becomes that big that quickly, like I feel like if they appeared when the MC took control of China then the overall timeline would make sense. But the plot is probably going to develop like so: The MC kills the vietnam guy and then somehow winds up in Japan or something. There almost everyone is going to be racist and it's his job to rally up all the Chinese, which there will be enough of to take over the country with despite the fact that they're in a foreign country. Then he'll meet some kind of op animal that's stronger than his other animals and somehow tame it. After he conquers a city, a zombie horde is going to show up and he's going to need to fend off the zombie horde by digging holes which noone seems to have ever thought up of aside from him and by using the scum battalion.

Altogether it would be a lot better if the author wasn't a nationalist on the extreme side and characters had actual development and the plot wasn't as predictable, the novel is decent enough to be a 3.5/5 which I'll round up to a 4/5. <<less
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July 29, 2016
Status: c358
Honestly I do like this novel even with all of its flaws. The MC is not the brightest kid but makes choices based on practicality rather than emotions which is what I think would be needed in this sort of apocalyptic world. Yes the pe*verted-ness (loli's) and repetitiveness of the author will turn many people away from this LN. For instance every girl that falls in love with the MC seems to do so due to his strength making him have his own harem pretty quickly. If anything I would... more>> say the beginning of this LN is the best part as book 2 starts to get bogged down by politics, where book 3 so far is quickly turning into a war campaign. Its a extreme view on humanity's evil side, in what would happen to if we all of a sudden turned into a apocalyptic world but I honestly don't think it would be far off the truth considering what happens in riots and war torn countries. But I would advise caution against the light hearted as the novel does contain a lot of r*pe, pe*verted tendencies, and especially in book 3 racism. <<less
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