Non-isekai danmei (with a few exceptions)

Non-isekai danmei (with a few exceptions)
Ordered by the most recent novels read first.

This list contains danmei I've read, or plan to read, which coincidentally also means that most of them are non-isekai, since I am really not a fan of this genre.

HOWEVER, I am making an exception for certain novels where the reincarnation plot, or the knowledge of the future, is an actual plot point and not just there for the sake of it.

Additionally I don't really read slice of life and school life. Just not my cup of tea. Sooooo... most of the novels listed here are historical, fantasy or sci-fi. Just a heads-up.
2 3533 37
Created: Apr 3rd, 2022, Updated: Sep 16th, 2023
Created Apr 3rd, 2022
Updated Sep 16th, 2023
CN (4.6)
0 Chapters Every 1591 Day(s) 9842 Readers 92 Reviews 01-22-2020
9/10 God this was long. But damn was it a ride. Honestly, even as a big enjoyer of Priest novels, this was a tough nut to get through. All the intricacies of court and military politics, relationships of the past and present, different twists and developments so closely intertwined into each other, the combination of this all makes this novel very challenging to wrap your head around and follow.... more>>
KR (4.4)
136 Chapters Every 18.1 Day(s) 6088 Readers 18 Reviews 02-27-2024
7/10 A very interesting read with memorable characters and interactions. What I loved about this novel the most is how... *different* both of the ML were. At first you would think that you have your typical cold vs. eccentric pairing and yet the more you read the more you realise how deep the currents go. Both of them are very flawed and so different from each other, which inevitably leads to a lot of conflicts of both interest and world view as a whole. And yet, it still works out. Somehow. Though let's be real here for a second, if JJY wasn't so blindly infatuated with CSW, this story would end real fast.... more>>
CN (4.7)
1 Chapters Every 255 Day(s) 12260 Readers 264 Reviews 09-21-2023
8/10 A great action packed read. Very well defined side characters and overall world building. But of course, the best part is the main pair:... more>>
CN (4.8)
98 Chapters Every 99.8 Day(s) 12435 Readers 304 Reviews 08-07-2021
10/10 Little Mushroom is the type of danmei I love the most, where the romance isn't the central part of the story but is also not completely sidelined either. The relationship between the MC and ML develops very naturally, with the motives and reasonings behind their actions clearly reflecting their own personalities and life experiences. However, you can also read this novel purely just for the story and the interesting world it offers.... more>>
CN (4.7)
156 Chapters Every 74 Day(s) 12698 Readers 281 Reviews 07-18-2021
7/10 Quite an original take on the danmei genre thanks to the horror theme of the novel. Personally, the doors were either a hit or miss in terms of scariness, some doors did get me quite anxious, other doors were alright. As far as I've seen, this aspect is very subjective. However, except maybe one or two doors, every one of them offered an interesting scenario which the characters had to live through. As I was binge reading the novel, certain elements did get a tad bit repetitive, but it wasn't a lot, and giving credit were credit is due, all the doors had their own uniqeness to them, whether that  meant an interesting mystery... more>>
CN (4.2)
75 Chapters Every 6.5 Day(s) 5265 Readers 9 Reviews 05-25-2024
7/10 Don't get discouraged by the low rating, since that is mostly for the 1.0 version of this novel. Priest recently updated the entire novel to the 2.0 version where she rewrote a big chunk of the plot, added a lot of new things, fleshed out certain plot holes and overall polished the novel. I only read the 2.0 version, which apparently is the "less romantic" one, but there is still plenty of character interaction, development and tension. However, given the complicated nature of the main relationship, it takes a LONG while before anything tangible really starts going between the two, say, until the 90th chapters. But when it does start, it really gets going.... more>>
CN (4.5)
117 Chapters Every 86.3 Day(s) 11374 Readers 89 Reviews 11-10-2023
5/10 Not a favourite out of the Priest novels. The plot is all over the place at points, certain scenes made my head hurt trying to understand what was even going on. But, the plot is executed well enough to still understand the main points and since it isn't the most important part of this novel, it's not a deal breaker.... more>>
CN (4.6)
67 Chapters Every 70.2 Day(s) 6153 Readers 128 Reviews 07-27-2021
3/10 I feel lukewarm about this. Neither amazing but not extremely bad either. It's kinda cute but not my style. There is some plot, even interesting ideas, but it was executed very flatly. I wish the main couple had a bit more to their relationship than just blind devotion. This is actually the problem I had with everything in this novel: it was good, but it lacked depth to it. Which is quite disappointing to me since I think this could have been an amazing and original novel, if only it was given more time to shine.... more>>
CN (4.6)
1 Chapters Every 1928 Day(s) 7465 Readers 125 Reviews 01-25-2019
0/10 I cannot see where the high rating is coming from. Believe me, I tried. I read this novel in its entirety but was still unable to see it. The plot and story is all over the place, the relationship is weird and borderline creepy and not really in an engaging way either. My mind felt like it just wanted to close this book and never to open it up ever again at some points.... more>>
CN (4.8)
191 Chapters Every 65.9 Day(s) 12471 Readers 244 Reviews 10-21-2021
Notice: Character in a fantasy world gets a novel about said fantasy world. Is a major point in the plot.... more>>
CN (4.4)
115 Chapters Every 12.3 Day(s) 12198 Readers 101 Reviews 02-18-2024
9/10 Another banger from Priest. Faraway Wanderers is a "sequel" to Lord Seventh, although aside from certain reoccuring characters it is fine to read this as a standalone. Out of Priests novels, this is probably the most romance focused one (out of the ones I've read). There is a LOT of intimate tension between the MC and the ML, mostly because both are sly foxes with a bunch of expertise when it comes to the ways of the underworld.... more>>
CN (4.3)
82 Chapters Every 86.7 Day(s) 7563 Readers 99 Reviews 12-09-2020
7/10 Very intriguing read, but with pretty much non-existent romance. Like, it's there, but it's not even secondary plot, more like tertiary. The main focus of this novel is the political intrigue and the character development of the MC where he moves on from the past to create a new future for himself. A very good take on the "past lover" trope, where the MC doesn't just blindly love someone who severely hurt him and abused him in the past for no discernable reason.... more>>
CN (4.7)
97 Chapters Every 102.8 Day(s) 9137 Readers 104 Reviews 01-06-2022
8/10 Bickering enemies-to-lovers main couple. If you are a fan of this trope, you know what you're going into. Both MC and ML feel quite refreshing, their relationship is far from being stale. If I had to describe their relationship, it's basically a contest of who is more thick faced and ready to drag the other's face through the dirt in front of a huge crowd more. But not in an abusive toxic way. Just very schadenfreude. Their antics are pretty hilarious.... more>>
CN (4.3)
110 Chapters Every 73.9 Day(s) 5647 Readers 67 Reviews 06-13-2021
8/10 This admittedly is a guilty pleasure of mine. This book is not amazing, it's not even good by any standards. However, I find it incredibly charming and hilarious in its own way. It's simply a feels-good type of novel. The plot is very basic, there is some drama but it gets resolved quickly. The characters are pretty cliché but they are just... so adorable.... more>>
CN (4.4)
65 Chapters Every 50.1 Day(s) 15954 Readers 388 Reviews 04-27-2023
Notice: Character from the same universe "is transported" back into the past self. Is a major plot point in the book.... more>>
CN (4.6)
0 Chapters Every 1983 Day(s) 12774 Readers 191 Reviews 12-26-2018
5/10 It's alright. If you are in it for the fluff, this is perfect for you. The main couple gets together pretty much immediately. For... more>>
CN (4.6)
72 Chapters Every 65.3 Day(s) 12370 Readers 110 Reviews 06-30-2022
10/10 My favourite danmei. You have plot, action, character development, political schemes, angst for days, good romance, what more could you ask for? Best part: both the MC and the ML are their own individuals, who live their own lives and have their own ambitions, thoughts and goals and their own flaws. But put them together and they compliment each other perfectly.... more>>
CN (4.4)
0 Chapters Every 1922 Day(s) 23876 Readers 462 Reviews 05-01-2017
Notice: Character gets transported from another world. Is a gag that drives the plot forward.... more>>
CN (4.7)
23 Chapters Every 109.1 Day(s) 20795 Readers 479 Reviews 11-29-2020
9/10  I mean do I really need to say anything, honestly. Just read it. It's very good. One point down for the last act being... more>>
CN (4.7)
17 Chapters Every 179.1 Day(s) 25251 Readers 546 Reviews 04-01-2024
Notice: Character from the same universe gets reincarnated later into the timeline after his death.... more>>
CN (4.5)
0 Chapters Every 66.4 Day(s) 7815 Readers 36 Reviews N/A
??/10 TBR.
CN (4.5)
240 Chapters Every 39.2 Day(s) 4068 Readers 41 Reviews 01-06-2023
??/10 TBR.
CN (4.6)
99 Chapters Every 27.3 Day(s) 4456 Readers 13 Reviews 05-13-2024
??/10 TBR.
CN (4.7)
1 Chapters Every 1043 Day(s) 5503 Readers 34 Reviews 07-24-2021
??/10 TBR.
CN (4.6)
90 Chapters Every 96.1 Day(s) 7148 Readers 51 Reviews 09-03-2021
??/10 TBR.
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Comments (2)
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  1. over_dramatic_teenage_girl.ex
    over_dramatic_teenage_girl.ex· May 12, 2022 12:46 AM
    I think we have the exact same taste in novels! I love this list and its ranking girlclear.png
    Reply · 1 Like · ·
    • CriTheMarshall
      CriTheMarshall· Author · May 15, 2022 09:19 AM
      Thank you! Good to know there are like-minded individuals out there clear.png
      Reply · 1 Like · ·