Semantic Error


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Computer science major Chu Sangwoo is the epitome of an inflexible and strict rule-abiding person. While working on a liberal arts group project with freeloaders who don’t put in any effort, Sangwoo reasonably decides to remove their names from the final presentation.

But he didn’t imagine how involved he would become with the person whose study-abroad plans were messed up because of that project. The involved person: the campus star who everyone knows, Department of Design’s Jang Jaeyoung. He has everything from skills, looks, family background and good relationships except for 1 big problem: Chu Sangwoo.

What happens when an engineer and an artist whose personalities are like oil and water have to work together? Jang Jaeyoung is like a semantic error in the perfect world of Chu Sangwoo. Will Sangwoo be able to debug this?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lỗi Logic
Семантическая ошибка
시맨틱 에러
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  2. Bl drama adapt
  3. novels to read
  4. [BL] Thrilling Enemies to Lovers Novels
  5. (BL) Korean modern novels

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01/24/24 Sleepy Translations c17 part2
01/17/24 Sleepy Translations c17 part1
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18 Reviews

Dec 27, 2020
Status: Completed

This is my Holy grail. My absolute all time favourite and the one book that gave me tears out of happiness.


... more>> MTL-ed the whole thing staying up all night and binged it to a point that my eyes physically hurt from insomnia and NO REGRETS.


Dare I tell, despite the horrible translation (MTL one) I enjoyed to an extent where it turned to a drug and it's safe to say I'd return to this beautiful story time and again in the future despite savouring every word. This story is not what it seems despite the comedic undertone at the opening as the angst galore, anxiety, raw and real feels are the last things you expect from. This is more than a romcom and if anybody's second guessing their choice of reading this let me tell you: YOU'RE MISSING OUT. BIG TIME. (Ps:- Read the Manhwa as Jaeyung is a total daddy there and Sangwoo is bae) ALSO THE DRAMA, PEOPLE. IT'S THE ERA OF SEMANTIC ERROR. PLEASE WATCH THE EPIC DRAMA OF THIS GORGEOUS TALE.

  1. *drum roll* End of commentry. (Seriously go read it).
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Apr 04, 2021
Status: Completed
The effort I put in finding the raws. I read it till the proposal and I love it. The MC and ML fit each other. Got no complains about this. I can see the MC trying to figure out his feelings and for someone who is emotionless like him, I can see him trying to improve himself. The ML is possessive and kinda childish at times but I can accept that.

... more>>

they become f*ck buddies at first cause the MC thinks its just s*xual attraction but the ML already fall in love w the MC during the early chapters. Edited: I read this quite a long time ago, so I don't really remember the details but I do remember that the MC will later on go to a club since he can't understand his feelings and he met a guy there. All I can remember is that the ML will get jealous and they fight a bit but I do feel satisfication seeing the MC do that. Anyway, if you read till end, I think you will like both of them. They do have character development. Just remember that ML really likes the MC but his actions is mehh. A bit weird.


FYI, I mtl the Spanish translation, I think u guys can search the novel spoilers and there are links provided for the Spanish translation. Just use Google translate afterwards. It's already completed if I'm not mistaken.

Edited: I just find out the Spanish translation has been removed and the blog no longer exist. My condolences. <<less
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Aug 21, 2021
Status: --
I've been seeing this a lot and I've always glance past it, now I decided to read it because of good reviews.. but ah, I guess that's why I'm always ignoring it. Probably just me but it's a bit boring... Chapters are too long, there's a lot of unnecessary details. The author seems trying hard to make the characters more 'messed up' than they are. The ML is freaking UNBELIEVABLY UNREASONABLE. I don't know about you, but if you like being annoyingly harassed under the guise that they're attracted to you, congrats! This is for you :) Anyway, I also don't understand why a character has to do something extreme aka 's*xual assault' or something 'overboard' before you dislike a character? Everyone's bottom line is different, y'know :)

Would... more>> like to give this a chance again when there's a lot of translated chapters out... I hope there'll be a lot of character development by that time. <<less
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Nov 13, 2021
Status: --
Literally one of my favs rn!! I don't get people who are hating on Sangwoo??? Mans funny as hell without even trying. Their dynamic is so good <3333
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 04, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is really good. Even with MC's quirky character, the romance is believable. It's enemies to lovers so ML and MC do start off on the wrong foot. Those reading this complaining about the ML obviously haven't read far enough into the novel. The ML does some pretty annoying things to MC at first but his character will be redeemed. I really don't understand people who leave negative reviews of a novel without reading enough of it first to make a fair judgment.
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Mar 21, 2021
Status: v3c1
I first discovered this series through its manhwa and I liked it so much I had to go hunting for the novel. This novel is right up there on top of my favorite BL novels list. Sangwoo (MC) and Jaeyoung (ML) are both so wonderfully written that it makes their story all the more compelling for the reader. I feel like the author really took their time to develop the characters because the things that Sangwoo and Jaeyoung do make sense, given what we know about them.

... more>>

For instance, Sangwoo becoming 'friends with benefits' with Jaeyoung. Considering Sangwoo's personality, him becoming fwbs with anyone seemed unfathomable but the author handled this aspect of the story so deftly that, for me as a reader, this seemed like the natural progression of their relationship.

Also, Sangwoo's attraction and growing feelings for Jaeyoung are portrayed so well considering the fact that Sangwoo has a very pragmatic approach to relationships, i.e. a means to promote the species through procreation.


Often, stories get frustrating when characters start acting contrary to their initial characterization that their actions and motivations stop making sense, especially for Sangwoo who has a rather complicated personality, but this, thankfully, is not the case in this novel (so far, I'm only about to finish volume 2).

There were some moments that I found slightly infuriating in the beginning...


Like Jaeyoung bullying Sangwoo by disrupting his carefully established routine that it affected his daily life


But these were soon resolved so I still rate this novel highly. <<less
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Nov 04, 2021
Status: c10 part10
Omg I love this so much!!! Manhwa and anime are all good but the novel hits different!! I love the MC he's perfection literally everything I wanna see on a botm and ML is kinda hrash at first but he's really great once the story progress.. I searched for raws everywhere but couldn't find anything anywhere.. I'm so so desperate I wouldn't mind mtl-ing the best whole thing.. Please anyone where can I find the raws😭😭
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Jul 11, 2021
Status: c6 part8
I'm dying, just dying watching new updates post on here so I can accumulate enough chapters to eventually binge read... then wait again. I LOVE this novel so far and the wait is pain. haha Thank you Sleepy Translations for allowing us to enjoy this story!! Some people are annoyed with Jaeyoung and I am here just loving him and his obnoxious behavior (I mean it isn't like he didnt have a valid reason for being annoyed). Different strokes for different folks. Such is art. Love it.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Simply the best BL novel I've ever read. I would reread Semantic Error for many times and I won't ever get bored of it. It's just that amazing.
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May 04, 2022
Status: prologue
The storyline was so exciting, that I bought the Korean Raw version, painstakingly google translated each page to read it. Although it wasn't as smooth as the actually translation and it was hard to understand at times, I was able to finally finish the novel. DESPERATE TIMES!!! A must read if you like rollercoaster filled with love!
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Mar 31, 2022
Status: c83
First time I discovered the series is from the drama (they look very cute together in the drama), then I started catching up with the manhwa (and sadly as of end of March it went on hiatus)

Luckily I know some Korean so I paid coin and read the rest from there.. And I really can relate with the previous comment.

"MTL-ed the whole thing staying up all night and binged it to a point that my eyes physically hurt from insomnia and NO REGRETS."

Now I have dark eyes for staying... more>> up all night for almost a week (and counting) and cannot sleep for more than 5 hours/day (because the series keep bugging me) - now the series is a semantic error to my life lol

Will be waiting for English translation too and the Manhwa adaptation ~~~

Novel review

  • Very realistic BL relationship (MC is confused at first)
  • Very good character development, how MC discovering his feeling and how he learned about love (at first he was referred as "robot cleaner")
  • ML is... I like him.. At first he kind of giving super bad boy + aggressive vibe, but towards MC he is very patient, very gentle and he does pay attention well to the MC.
  • Both of them have very good chemistry + they are just very s*upid together (there are many jokes that only Korean speaker understand - I hope it doesn't get lost in translation in English)
  • Good supporting character
  • Right amount of angst (I like angst before happy ending)
  • Etc etc etc anyway just wait for the manhwa / novel it's very good



I don't really watch drama, but only 2 minutes of ads of the series made me fell in love at once.

I got to know about this drama from a 1 min ads in the bar - "You are really fkin handsome part". Super super super cute asjahdahasa

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Apr 08, 2021
Status: c5 part4
I already read the manhwa.. And this is totally my cup of tea. Both of them are idiots but they are the best type of idiots 😂 Greatly recommendated for those want to read modern BL campus life and tough-like MC
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Aug 03, 2022
Status: c14
I am absolutely in love with this story and the characters. It blows me away that I can still get butterflies ever single time I read it. I can't wait for more English translation. I am dying for it.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 09, 2022
Status: Completed
9/10 A very interesting read with memorable characters and interactions. What I loved about this novel the most is how... *different* both of the ML were. At first you would think that you have your typical cold vs. eccentric pairing and yet the more you read the more you realise how deep the currents go. Both of them are very flawed and so different from each other, which inevitably leads to a lot of conflicts of both interest and world view as a whole. And yet, it still works out.... more>> Somehow. Though let's be real here for a second, if JJY wasn't so blindly infatuated with CSW, this story would end real fast.

The relationship itself is very rocky at the start and has a bit of an unhealthy undertone to it at times, but the characters do try to work through these issues, albeit not very smoothly, which is why I still really liked the story. Maybe my opinion stems from relating to CSW brutaly logical mind which often clashes with human emotions. But I wouldn't be surprised if not everyone shares my opinion on this one. <<less
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Jun 12, 2022
Status: c14.03
(I think what I've read of the translation should be equivalent to v3c2)

I wasn't going to write a review, but I cannot get this series out of my head because it's just so goddamn cute! Sangwoo and Jaeyoung are both really slow builds, and I love that you get chapters entirely from both perspectives. This does mean that portions of the story are told twice, but the second go through is much faster and focus' just on the important decisions from that perspective. It also feels important to... more>> do so as you get to watch them grow simultaneously. Since both Sangwoo and Jaeyoung come to understand their feelings at different times and at different intensities, the plot builds on this tension of them growing in and then out of sync with one another as opposed to the typical melodrama you might find elsewhere.

Specific points:

  • Sangwoo isn't some clutz that is constantly tripping over his own two feet so that the 'big strong one' has to come in and grab him so he doesn't fall. It's just a cliché I'm tired of... and without it, each moment of physical interaction between the two mains feels special/earned.
  • The writing style (even in the translation) changes between perspectives, and you can really get a feel for the characters personality just in the little quirks in their language usage. Even scene breaks are given in code for Sangwoo (comp sci major) but are Mac keyboard commands for Jaeyoung (design major).
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May 14, 2022
Status: --
I have read the manga first. But there are only two seasons. When I learn there is a novel I came to read it. But it’s not completely translated yet. Guess I have to wait for the season 3 of manga. It was such a nice read. Got hooked from the first chapter. I think the storyline is very good.I have watched the anime too. It gave me butterflies. But it's too short and I am not satisfied. They only show some snippets of the story. But even then it... more>> was so good.I can't wait to read further. <<less
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Len Ka
Len Ka
Jun 07, 2024
Status: --
An exceptionally well written story, and a funny one. Both characters not one-demonsional, both likeable. However, the translation into English seems to be dropped - the last update was in Febraury 2024, so I could not finish reading it.
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May 11, 2024
Status: Completed
As much as I was enjoying this story, it didn’t need to be nearly as long as it was. At some point it started to feel just a bit too repetitive and like it was dragging. Multiple times I found myself leaving the book and doing other things because I was losing interest.

But, overall I did still like a lot of aspects about the story and the characters.
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