Green Skin


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A man betrayed by a comrade dies a wretched death as a third rate swordsman. His existence, his life, his emotions are all a nuisance in the eyes of society. But wait… What’s this green skin? Reincarnated as a goblin? Wait, I went back in time as well?

Associated Names
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그린 스킨
Related Series
Regressor Instruction Manual (Shared Universe)
Re:Monster (4)
Goblin Kingdom (3)
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? (3)
Possessing Nothing (2)
The World After the Fall (1)
Lv1 Skeleton (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. OP MC's
  2. Favorite
  3. KR Novels I'll Read When They Finish (and some CN)...
  4. Shounen power only
  5. pls remeber ''

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09/02/22 Asian Hobbyist c214
09/02/22 Asian Hobbyist c213
05/25/22 Asian Hobbyist c212
05/21/22 Asian Hobbyist c211
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04/01/22 Asian Hobbyist c209
03/09/22 Asian Hobbyist c208
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57 Reviews sorted by

ClearMadness rated it
April 25, 2020
Status: c70
Not a Real Story.

At no point in reading this did I think this fiction was taking place in a real place with real people. It was all obviously the forced writing of an author who was directing every single plot point to fit his planned narrative. Nothing makes sense when placed in a larger context and nothing is organic. The Greenskins exist only so the protagonist can lead them. Their backstory and history make no sense. Meanwhile, the humans exist only to be cliche villains he can feel... more>> good about killing. Even worse, the system itself is so random and shallow its obviously just an excuse for the author to intervene directly in his story to do whatever he wants and make his protagonist ridiculously awesome. <<less
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pedrinho03 rated it
March 18, 2018
Status: c102
Great story so far. The MC isn't op, and probably won't be for a few hundred chapters, but he does indeed gets stronger over time at a good pace (mainly by training, and sometimes by killing stronger foes).

  • The story is basically about a really weak guy that goes back in time, but this time as a Goblin.
  • Mechanics: the story is full of evolutionary paths, both to humans (they hardly achieve it) and what is called "green skin" (goblins, trolls, orcs, demons, etc.). The interesting part is that it is similar to a game, as one can get some kind of "innate" skill (innate as it can't be changed, but only upgraded), that must be activated through specific acts (and as there is no guide to show how to activate them, some people might die without even have known their innate skills), and there are special ocasions where one can get a "mission" that usually gives hefty rewards under completion (but these are really hard to get, even for the MC).
  • The plot is actually good, with a rich backstory and world info. Not getting too deep into it so it don't spoil your fun haha.
  • Characters do really feel alive.
Result: if you like some games mechanics, with evolutionary paths in a story, this story will probably be worth your while.
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Zendrey rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: c10
I would say that this story has potential. Currently, as of what is released, the story is still in the "turtorial".

The story starts out with our MC dying and having a feel of regret. Here our MC suddenly got taken back in time, turned into a goblin. As a goblin he starts to gather fellow goblins (ALL HAIL OUR DESPICABLE LEADER) in his quest for survial. The game elements in this story is not like others where one get to see things like HP, MP, ATK, AGI and so on.... more>> Instead it works with a "feeling" of earning experience which you can evovle with. <<less
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cloudstrife8 rated it
August 4, 2023
Status: c258
Real Rating 3.5/5.

Put it at 5 since there are too many 1 and 2 star reviews labeling it as a knockoff of RE:Monster/Goblin Kingdom/Devils Evolution Catalog. TBF it shares similar early tendencies so if you liked those you'll like this, but branches off into it's own as time goes on.

As of Ch 243: The only real problem is that the translation quality has dropped dramatically as of late, barely above MTL. I don't remember it being bad initially when the translation group swapped, but in the last 30 or so... more>> (losing track tbh) it's becoming unreadable.

Edit: As of Ch 258 (and about 9/10 chapters ago) the quality is back to what it used to be, good. Though the He/She mixup is still consistent, leading to minor confusion upon meeting new characters or remembering old chars that got screentime after a long absence. <<less
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Winterfallll rated it
March 4, 2022
Status: c71
i thought this is similar to re monster so I decided to read it. It started okay but mc's reason for revenge is too shallow. MC is getting defeated by everyone arc villain. MC frickin lived for 10 years while trying to survive but he cant even win against 1 month rookies. When he reincarnated and evolved more than rookies. I thought it was 1 time thing but same has happened more than 2 times. Also im okay with him being monster but according to the story every monster is... more>> saints and every human except mc's wifes are despicable villains. <<less
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sam0 rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: --
I feel Green Skin is a rather inferior copy of Re:Monster.

After an initial interesting premise, world and character building is mostly forgotten, and it quickly devolves into a bland generic fantasy story, with repetitive fetch/collect quests.

The MC lacks depth and his motivations in the world are muddled at best, with one of his main motivations being completely side-lined by a cliched misunderstanding trope of his own making, which takes 100 chapters to resolve.

I don't know if this changes later in the story, but so far I can't see any hints... more>> of the Adult and Ecchi genres. S*xual situations are not depicted (graphically or otherwise) and are just briefly mentioned or hinted at, passing in 1 or 2 sentences. Whilst there is violence, I don't recall it being particularly vivid or graphic, and was PG-13 at best. Again, this may change later in the story, I don't know. <<less
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mukkaar rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c23
I have big issues with how MC is progressing, I'm at chapter 23.

Novel is decent, if we exclude a tiny fact that MC has returned from future, now after including that part story just becomes pretty ridiculous. I stress decent, even without this major flaw it's average or below, but would be readable.

It feel like his past knowledge and experience honestly amounted to very little. I mean during tutorial he only got 10 000 points, which is only twice or less he got first time. Seeing as he HP increase... more>> skill cost 5000 and he had that. It just didn't feel like MC actually benefited in real way knowing what's going on.

Really... 10 years of fighting his life on the line and this is all it amounted to. His decision to go for warrior was very strange in first episode considering what we knew about him, but decision to stick with regular warrior/fighter makes even less sense further we progress. Least he could do is to go for commander route to take advantage of his higher intelligence since he insisted on warrior route. In first place commander evolution seemed to be almost comparable in fighting strength, with added bonus of being leader class. Overall every evolutions he has taken has been centered around something he is not good at :D

I mean just from what we know, Goff is either comparable to MC in fighting strength or better at this point, and MC was defeated by North queen girl. That's pretty damn pathetic. If I had 10 years of experience at something and someone did it better after couple months, I would be seriously rethinking what I have done all my life. Overall MC has chosen the most generic route with something he is bad at, while also not capitalizing his single advantage, aka. intelligence (Though based on what I have read he's barely above goblin level). I mean beginning of the story is basically full of internal monologue of MC stating fact he's not good at being warrior. Sigh...

I would like to continue but I just can't get over something like this. I'm not giving it one star because I only read 23 chapters, but beginning already made so little sense that it ruined the story. So two stars it is.

PS. After writing this review, I read couple other and it seems like story/MC stays about the same so now I'm really glad I quit. So one star. <<less
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NOVEllUPdATEss rated it
May 15, 2020
Status: c130
Just imagine re:monster, but the tribal lifestyle goes on... at least up to chapter 130. I, who personally disliked the plot progression in re:monster, even think this is outright better than that piece of industrially produced JP novel crap. If you also liked the first ark of re:monster, and want to try a possibly superior form of that novel, you should definitely try this out.

edit: this story gets repetitive and dull by chapter 140. I'm someone who thought the same about re:monster (as soon as the MC got OP),... more>> so if you're here for the re:monster-like traits, then don't listen what I'm saying. However, this novel (as well as re:monster) isn't for me, so im dropping it at chapter 130. <<less
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KingLycan rated it
February 1, 2018
Status: c74
3 stars rating from me. It's not particularly interesting or with any new concept.

MC dies and is reborn as a GOBLIN in the same time as he was called to this world. 10 years of knowledge he starts on his journey. This story have neither interesting points not any disappointing points, except few new concept it's all like the other.

If you're searching for a OP MC, Adventures Novel, Smart MC, then it's not you're cup of tea.

But if you're searching for a smooth and natural growth of a character who... more>> is not super smart nor is a idiot, who is born from human and want to live back in human city again. MC kills human but wont eat them, He wants to grow stronger and have a Anti-Hero personality. If you like this kind of story then you should try this. <<less
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Soma Drake
Soma Drake
January 18, 2018
Status: c68
Okay I'm pretty shocked at some of the reviews here. Especially, the ones that say it's like Re:Monster. The only similarities I've seen with re:monster is the reincarnation as a goblin and gaming leveling system. That's pretty much it.

Here in this story you have a MC who dies of injuries inflicted on him by other characters he is rightfully angry at them and also rightfully angry at the sword saint who didn't fulfill her promise to him that led to the death of him and the woman he loved. Some... more>> say his anger is unjustified in their reviews but he put all his hope for his life and the life the woman he loved in that promise which she ended up going back on.

Anyway, the story reboots the MC as a goblin. He levels up by killing people easily not caring he was once human and killing other humans is 'bad.' The first about 40 ch are tutorial ch that the MC uses to get stronger for revenge of course. He levels and gains Side Characters SCs. Some of them are likeable others are not.

In the story we learn about the different cultures of the monster classes so far only those monsters that began as green skins (goblins) are shown. The author is embarking on world building which is of course done slowly if it's to be done well. The MC as a character has flaws in his writing.

But he has okay characterization. He's definitely not perfect but with how messed up the entire world he was dropped in I wouldn't expect anything else with how horrible it seems to be there.


We don't see too many antagonists at this point only 2. The snow queen of the north is by far my favorite. And the other is pretty much a high ranking pimp that is responsible for the crappy life the MCs love had from Chapter one. Which MC defeats because somehow his love came back too and baited them to fight one another. Of course she doesn't know he came back too and is a green skin.


The story is good as it can be with the unanswered questions (plotholes) but this is the only Chapter 68 out of 651 hopefully some of these will slowly be answered as the story progresses. It's a good story to read in downtime and can be complicated at points. MC could use some better writing SCs need better characterization.

Since, this is the beginning I'm giving a 4/5 in hopes it gets better I'll drop it down to 3 depending on how the next 20 chapters are. <<less
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thenewattacker rated it
March 15, 2022
Status: c128
The plot is flavorful, but the world-building and characterization is bare-bones. It's like the author had an idea of what story to write, but he failed to execute it with entertaining Prose.

The humans are the most generic 'bad people' ever that I can't take them seriously, and the side-characters are merely acceptable. The Author uses the System to fake world-building, but you can only fake it so much for a long-running series.

In conclusion, I'd rather read the truncated Spark-notes version of this series than reading the actual version of the... more>> series. I'd have undergone the grand journey envisioned by the author, and also save myself so much time since the actual storytelling was very lacking.

P.S. The first tutorial arc was pretty fun though. Still, what's the point of emphasizing "being a goblin" when our MC stops being a Goblin half way into the Tutorial? <<less
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The Best
The Best rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: c189
The story has it's ups and downs. the story starts by filling you in on the world order, the brittle boned babies built to be sh*t on with either strong starts or weak starts and those born to be strong. Those that do not continue to grow stronger will be sh*t on regardless if you're built weak or not.

Some background info.

The story begins and immediately the MC is introduced as a brittle bone baby built to be sh*t on who has barely made an iota of progress the years that passed since he was summoned and introduces one of the strong, a person he admires and one who had continued to improve, both him and his lover get sh*t on for the final time as the strong person lets them die zero f's given then he reincarnates and now knowing the importance of strength prioritizes become stronger from the start.

In the begining his goal is revenge on those who once sh*t on him and the person who person who refused to help and while its still a major goal his focus shifts on towards developing his clan of little green stains. Along the way the MC will sh*t and be sh*t on by people both stronger and weaker than him.

It's a sh*t or be sh*t on world and the crap is being flung both ways, the only ones who care if you get sh*t on or not are those waiting in line or at least thats how it is for humans... My boy is reincarnated as a little green stain and the world is looking a lot less sh*tty...


My verdict.

7 turds outta 10, the story's no golden poo or the elusive platinum but it has a nice silver luster for sure.

Pick it up if you like sufficiently clever but not omnipotent Mc's who don't win all the time but watch out for a lot of second chances, there be times you'll be upset when he fails and celebrate when he succeeds but its all fun in the end, the MC neither always loses or always wins instead it's a nice balance and each failure continues to remind him of his life as a brittle boned baby and pushes him forward. If I had one big gripe about this series it's the female characters, but everyone's already talked about them enough yeah?
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Kenkyo rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: c48
Loosely based on the author's other work, namely Regressor Instruction Manual as the setting of the world and some characters are the same. The similarities end there though as the characters and protagonists on this "spinoff" are just dumb, plain dumb. MC Boasts that they only fight when victory is assured but this bum always loses when fighting one on one, kinda s*upid don't you think? There is also the fact that MC's Love interest from his previous life is such a douche. She literally lures him into a fight... more>> with a human guild instead of just asking for help and even more infuriating is that she steals the kill from MC's Clan and leaves without saying anything. I am forced to read this since I really like the author's other work but in all honesty. I would NOT recommend it unless you like to see a dude getting cucked 99% of the time.

TLDR: Unless you like Regressor Instruction Manual, this sh*t SUCKS. <<less
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ZachB rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c103
I thought at first 50 chapters that its gonna be like re:monster. An OP MC without substance, Especially when he meet his love interest and I was willing to drop this but I gave it a second chance and now im hooked. MC is strong but not OP. This one contains plot not just go there kill everything then so on and cycle continues. This one contains typical Korean MCs but delivered better.
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Queen of Sheba
Queen of Sheba rated it
March 12, 2018
Status: c101
At first I doubted. After five chapters, I rejoiced.

This is the story that all other monster reincarnations try to be, but are afraid to be. Clouded with hesitation, such stories become mundane expressions of gratuitous self-righteousness, not this novel, certainly not this novel.

In this novel, humanity fades as the monster within devours. It's a beautiful sight. The entire world is built rather simplistically, yet, it's still rather entrancing. For one, the mechanics of the world (laws of governance) are based around 'will', which is an amazing concept that allows... more>> for great exploration. And that's what the author did. Secondly, the harem isn't forced at all, it isn't Just another idiot collecting tropes. There's emotions, there's sentiments, and then there's desires. To end it all, what makes this story even better is the humour, and intimacy. It all feels so real, so lively, so full of life.

Definitely would recommend. This is the story of how Monster Reincarnation is supposed to be. Very dark, very beautiful. <<less
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yaboker rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: --
Its not perfect but overall its a fun and interesting read. The plot of the story is good and interesting since there are only few monster MC, this novel gives the readers the perspective of a monster against humans this time around rather than the usual humans against monsters.
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Oblos rated it
June 27, 2023
Status: c160
Honesty, the content isn't too bad if you are expecting the author to have a plot that lasts longer than 100-300 chapters (in this case 700, or around 900~1400 NU links with how current translator labels them).

The issue I have becomes with a few things already pointed out.

-The constant repeats. This series feels like PTO meets Re:Monster with a dash of revenge isekai, which isn't bad on paper, but it feels like it pulls similar ideas from those series with none of the build up or inspiration. Ex. Bultar being... more>> something MC resonates with across species and culture vs for blood dagger being a word count increaser

-Hinging on game system. It does not bother me when a game system is auxillary, but author so far can't decide if its just a KN staple asspull tool or a foundational part of the world.

-the "why" of the story. I don't mind if the author is in for the long haul, with ideas being foreshadowed and brought up, but the first 25 vs first 50 vs first part (around 130~) chapters all have different ideas an goals. Is he getting revenge? "Getting stronger"? Something else? I have nothing to go off of besides shitty dialogue, and that seems to be the author's plan as well. A straightforward moron of an MC is fine, but when the author is as well, I get disappointed.

Though I will say, goblins are actually related to fairies if your understanding of mythological creatures isn't just LOTR and/or a DnD book.

Overall, I could not recommend this series in good faith. Is it awful? Not really. Is it amazing? Not really. Its just ok, and I think that is fine, so long as you acknowledge that going in. <<less
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November 20, 2022
Status: c218
It's good. What people forget when taking revenge is the seasoning, if you abandon everything to achieve it its bitter and usually quite nasty, if you fulfill your duties and don't abandon anything of value its of the sweetest or most savory and flavorful meal ever consumed.
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God_of_laziness rated it
December 24, 2021
Status: c50
Very bad, on many fronts. Even if you just read one ch, you tell it's bad novel from there. Biggest problem here probably the tr*sh MC like who in there right mind would go out hunting when you just got an bag of gold infront of many, at least deposit it somewhere even just buy something it like anything other f*cking taking that money with for the hunt, even morden times people don't large amounts of with them because of risk of robbery but this ret*rd want to do in... more>> an supernatural world which is pretty much lawless. At this point this was still salvageable as people can still learn and improve them but no this turned some dog sh*t revenge story on the sword Saint and humanity why you ask because she didn't help him at the critical moment which no surprise as do you expect an person to help just because you meet her once. Same with his so called 'friends' as they were not even close begin with so it was no brainer that chose money over you. <<less
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deathcoy rated it
September 2, 2020
Status: --
Its a mix of Re:Monster and Goblin Kingdom with RPG elements. So far its pretty average and 100 over chapters in, am still not impressed.

Plot is the generic stuff, human regressed into a goblin and evolve to higher class monster. Takes revenge on other humans who look down on him and also incorporate those he trust into his clan. Expand tribe, form alliance with other tribes, going from nomad to kingdom of monsters etc. You get the point. If you're looking for a solid kingdom building & empire management or... more>> intriguing & engaging plot, this is NOT it. Basically the narrative and writing is pretty much simple and straightforward. Both good and bad in a way.

Battles are not dragged out shounen emo scream fest stuff which I really appreciate but again not impressive either. Also don't expect a strategy & tactics focused kinda novel.

Characters are cookie cutter stuff you find in almost every isekai or fantasy novel. However they got reasonable screentime, character development and interactions however I still feel the character writing is just average though this is more of a compliment as most other novels are horrendous at it.

The protagonist reminds me more of Re:Monster. He is not unlikeable but he is kinda bland and lacks depth to his personality and character.

Harem is there like for those who are into that, in similar fashion and form as Re:Monster.

In all honesty this isn't a great novel. Like a lot of novels of this genre, they fail to escape the the cliche troupes and unable to shine. I'd rate it as average at best and something you can read if you're bored with a lot of time to spare. <<less
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