God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
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364 Reviews sorted by

Mr Dee
Mr Dee rated it
August 1, 2018
Status: c500
dropped at 500+

I agree with the previous review, , it have a good maybe great starter. I can deal with the racism and other, but it's over the standard later on. It's like all people still remember the dark history of humanity before apocalypse, and repeat it back because they feel its appropriate. It happened on Vietnam or Philippine I guess, the incident at 19th era that MC read on book about. They surely hold the grudge for 100 years.

the humanity after apocalypse is beautiful, but too beautiful to be... more>> reality. It look like all people brain is rotten except your own country so you have to kill all human.

the story is like 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 an so on, so forth without any result, while the previous problem is not solved either. It's more twisted than plot twist that will make you brain twist too.

*sorry for bad english <<less
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BAAM rated it
January 17, 2018
Status: --
Why did the author do this, the novel is amazing but he intentionally went out of his way to portray non-Chinese folk as brainless folk. There is also the sexism, I mean its normal for Chinese novels to treat women as second grade citizens but this one is trying to show all women just bend over if a man is strong. The fight scenes and level up system would have easily put this in my top 10 list if it didn't try to stack up on these negative elements. Eventually... more>> any sane person would drop this even if they can ignore the dehumanizing of women and foreigners. Also its been a while since I read this but I remember he was having s*x with some little girl who barely went through puberty, the excuse is that she wants it.... <<less
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vantablack rated it
November 10, 2017
Status: c616
Only worth to read 200 chapter or so. The rest is very very repitative. Here I list my pros and cons about this novel.

- great start.
- many elements in the novel creating many plausible outcome of the story.

- wirh MC plot armor he can survive the meteor thay doomed the dinosour umscathed.
- I read some of the story with racism as the tags. But damn this one is bound and leap beyong them.
- repitative.. After 200 chapter it start all over again.

other than that its ok I guess. (Somehow every place got some chinesr people waiting to be rescued)
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summers rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c660
So this is the third time I have tried to pick this up. Still sucks, but not for the reason people post. Yes there is an anti-japanese thing going on, yes lots of women being traded around, and double yes to characters being quickly forgotten.

I knew what I was in for, my problem was that despite the loads of jade-like women in this story other than the first chapters, MC is not getting laid, and the game system can be completely ignored by this point, so can the identical... more>> characters. Also I don't know if its the translation but everyone talks like they are in lip synced black and white kungfu movie; its all "You demon!" "This man so Amazing!" "!!!!"

Also r*pe is only implied, have read no graphic scenes, he just pops into a community he has taken over and finds women that used to served the previous boss he takes the most Oval faced out of all them; rince, repeat.

The translation site its on is good though, infinite scroll so you can read fast, none of this clicking through 3 sites and links to get to a chapter. <<less
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StormHawk rated it
June 3, 2017
Status: --
How do say it. Plot cycle? Everything start out great with potential to be masterpiece. But it's like the author changes to robot that can only write one type of plots. Literally one plot. Something happened to MC, got transported somewhere, find a mother girl and take over the enemy there. On the next one with the same plot but stronger enemy.
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Alphaspear rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: Completed
If you read this pls excuse my bad English writing.

I realy liked this novel from the start. It's true that it has many problems. For example with repeating, too many side characters appearing and 300 chapter's later you have no f***ing idea who this person was again and the ultra nationalism of the author. OK OK even the most s*upid person would get that the author is saying China good - rest of the world bad.

But if you can ignore the whole bullsh*t nationalism and can just laugh it off... more>> when "a new hole appears in xxx's head" (this is one of the trademark lines of the author for a headshot and is repeating... Endlessly), and when you can read through the Vietnam and Japan plot story, then the novel is getting better again. From there on you get the feeling that there should have been 500 or more chapter's planned but for it to fit in the 1200+ completed story it was necessary to pack more and more plot in the chapters because the story really picks up speed and was a good read to the end.

I was so thrilled by it that I finished it with the machine translation and every one knows how bad they are to read but I just had to know how the story goes on. Even if there are many things that aren't up to really outstanding novels I still feel that it was fun to read and hope that I have transmitted that here.

As a note to the author I myself as a German person don't hate China or the Chinese.

Just had to say that as the bad European I am. :-) :-) :-) <<less
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Bubbletehh rated it
April 13, 2017
Status: Completed
Average novel, had a lot of potential but the author is quite bad at coming up with scenarios, controlling his plot and fights and often resorts to a deus ex machina method of solving any issues. Most characters barring the MC are forgettable.


MC - The MC is your typical normal person turned super ruthless xianxia protagonist. His character and past is full of plotholes. Author doesn't give him any real feeling and therefore he feels extremely fake and unlikable. Nevertheless he destroys anything in his way much like MGA for readers who like that.

Other characters - All forgettable, best friend? Fades to the background in the first 50 chapters, lovers? So many that their names can't be remembered, parents? Given a grand total of about 10 pages of screen time before being shoved away. Now this is really funny because the author kept making the MC proclaim how much he loved his parents. So I give relationships in this novel a solid 0/10 there are none. Expect lots of s*x and women but that's it. Nothing deep whatsoever.

Plot - Recylced numerous times, after the first few chapters its a constant recycling of destroy enemy x, take over, fight zombies, destroy enemy x again, rinse and repeat.

Cultivation - Rubbish system where the MC only gains a skill point every 10 levels making him almost always just use low level skills and somehow killing a more powerful enemy. Usually chalked up excuse is modern weapons like that rocket launcher.

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whistle rated it
January 12, 2017
Status: --
Plot loops endlessly, no good villains exist, all the characters are mediocre. Every few chapters there's a new member of the harem but none of them ever do anything interesting. They're all "unparalleled beauties" (read cardboard cutouts).
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Curonian rated it
October 3, 2016
Status: c404
At start I would rate novel 4/5 but as times goes on and repetition kicks in... Had to drop it to 3/5. Never the less novel is decent. I like the post apocalyptic world with game elements, where people are "forced" to improve, as zobers and wildlife are evolving. Story has alot of realistic and dark elements which I enjoy.

Downside for alot of people is that author is racist, sexist and tends to be like... China > rest of world :D

But translators are doing good job and wording thigs with... more>> less harsh words, to express similar meaning. So we do not get annoyed by authors bised opinion. So I do not see this as big downside.

And harem is geting to big for me -_-, but maybe it's just my personal opinion, because I am white caucasian who is fine with no more than 1 partner at time :D And what's up with all those loli's...

Biggest let down for me is authors lack of different methods to introduce new plot. As new arc gets started by same sh*t as in past. Lets hope it changes with time. <<less
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Fluffums rated it
September 8, 2016
Status: c200
So there are a lot of reviews that say "this is racist" and "this is sexist". How do I put this...

They're wrong. It's all about the MC. Men, women, humans, monsters... Every guy other than the male is only good if he is willing to fight for MC. Otherwise he's evil (or just weak and useless). Every woman is only good if she's willing to have s*x with (only) the MC. Otherwise she's a sl*t or evil. Humans and monsters alike, if they're on MC's side, they're good and beautiful... more>> and noble, and if they're on the other side they're evil and ugly and cunning.

As for the author not saying bad things about China specifically, that's obvious: if he did, we wouldn't have had the opportunity to read this, because it would never have been allowed on the Chinese websites. You can see the viewpoint of the Chinese people, government, and military very easily even without that, though. So yeah, it's not racist and sexist. It's just that the characterization for all characters and countries in this setting is so bad that no one has more than one character trait, and it's either enemy (of MC) or s*ave (of MC).

But the characters aren't the only reason the story is bad! The author focuses too much on numbers. Levels, skill levels, stats, troop numbers, harem size. These are pretty much the only thing the author seems to care about. If he restrained himself to the main character and important side characters, it would be within the bounds of reason, but even minor characters often have their levels and stats mentioned. In fact, the main character's stats are constantly being compared to the stats of other characters.

The setting is also extremely "convenient" for an apocalyptic story. Everything the main character needs, he already has. He doesn't need to act skillful in anyway, partly because his opponents generally mess up at critical moments, partly because useful items and allies seem to just fall from the sky. Everything he does seems to go well and turn out useful for him, despite him doing some really dumb things.

... That said, there's a possibility that this is a brilliantly written but subtle parody of all those xuanhuan/xianxia novels with game elements, taken to the logical extreme. That possibility, along with the decent translation, keeps the rating from being a 1/5. <<less
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acoleman2 rated it
August 18, 2016
Status: c368
Dropped the novel. R*pe, racism, xenophobia, harem, statutory r*pe (i.e. S*x with underage girls) make this story morally unconscionable. If that isn't enough for you (for example, if you're like me and just try to skip any scene or chapter involving any of those things), the story turns into MC using military weapons to kill monsters. That directly contradicts earlier logic that people need to use the "system" items for monsters to drop items/to level up. Overall a terrible novel. I'm not sure why novels like this keep getting translated... more>> to be honest, especially when there are many other good novels that have been dropped. <<less
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hakim.rz16 rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: c200
People recommended this novel to me and I tried reading it I really did. But the sexism/bad humanity crap is just killing it. Very little foreshadowing. It's so forced I feel sorry for the characters. The girls are basically whores and so 1D. It started out decent but quickly deteriorated when they came to the villa house. Overall. Would not recommend this novel to anyone. If u want a post-apocalypse novel. Better off reading change:new world on RRL
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kedar080340119014 rated it
June 26, 2016
Status: c583
I will only give good and bad of the LN. GOOD:
1) Fun read to see how MC will level up and what items he gets from killing zombies and mutant beasts.
2) It is fun to see how the MC captures cities one after another and becomes overlord
Overall, it is just a plain and simple fun read.

1) This novel shows how author views women. You get the feel that the author simply sees women as weak, helpless and fickle beings who will do anything for survival. The women in this novels serve only two purpose. Firstly, as s*x s*aves, seriously, all the women are basically s*x s*aves of sadistic and twisted man. Secondly, the women are harem members of MC. MC comes along, shows off his awesome powers and all the women fall over him left and right.
2) I have read ahead till chapter 583 and let me tell you, this discrimination does not just end with women. In the later story, the MC goes vietnam, japan and Indonesia and let me tell you. The vietnamese, japanese and Indonesians are portrayed as cruel, racist, sadistic, womanizing jerks. It almost seems like after apocalypse, only china is the good guy and the rest are just racists or supremacists. The author does it in a very heavy handed manner. I do not like this. But still as I said, I have a love-hate relationship with this LN. For all its major flaws, it still is a fun to read.
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omarct rated it
June 22, 2016
Status: c232
Lots of inconsistencies and mistakes by the author really breaks this for me. MC levels up to lvl37 one chapter then 10 chapters later levels up to lvl35. The skills are not explained very well and the main character's strength feels very inconsistent. Story also gets dull after a while. Long story short the concept is really good but the author is utter garbage, he just writes whatever pops into his mind without even remembering what he has written before. Even still I recommend the novel it is much more... more>> enjoyable read than a lot of other higher on the novel updates rankings. TL;DR: The concept is unique and incredible if you have a good imagination, which makes up for the subpar translations and author. <<less
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behelit rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: c317
Pretty good zombie survival themed story.

1) Repeated ranting from author
2) Hard to keep track of the dozens of characters
3) Plot armor (? When doesn't this exist tho)

The author's view on women is very odd. Almost every woman's v**ginity or lack of comes up, and the MC has s*x with his girls 1-2 times and then they are barely or not even mentioned anymore but become part of his harem, and this is for every girl so far


All in all a great read imo, 4.2 rating
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waynekenpogs rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c310
I started reading this novel when it was still on chapter 71 as its latest. When it was still on another site chinanovel. net at that time.

Truth be told this is my first time doing a review ever since I started reading novels a year ago.

And this would be the first novel. First review and first 5stars that I am willing to give.

Concept is excellent.
Plot is monstrous.
Hype is deathly

I am literally so happy everytime there is a new chapter release.

If there is ever a critique that I have to give
That would probably be...

Its my number 1 apocalypse series to a must read.

I have read the leftover comments of the lovely translator at this latest chapter. And I am more willing to support your plight. ;)

Godbless translators
Godbless editors
Godbless proofreaders

Godbless GADW!

People needs to see the end of this.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
Warning wall of text
Let's start of with the good things. The concept for this novel is amazing before I read this I never thought of a zombie apocalypse with a leveling system, although it's not only zombies. But hey let's be honest it would have gotten a little repetitive if it was only zombies. You also can see how the MC develops, be it his personality or power. He wasn't OP, never was he steadily worked his was up from the bottom.

First I'd like to say THIS IS FICTION (you'll see why I said that if you make it to the end). I am going to start off by mentioning some of the things most people have problems with. The author tries to remind you of the characters stats a little too much. I'd also like to warn people who aren't open to someone being proud of their country and putting it in their work, this isn't for you if you can't look past that. Also lets take it a step back even if he wasn't proud of his country he couldn't even write it because chances are he would get arrested. Secondly (and I don't know if people can respond to posts this is the first time I'm doing this, but if they can I might get some crap for the next parts) this novel shows honestly what I think to be the most accurate portrayal of what would happen in a situation like this. It shows humanity for the pieces of crap most are.I read some of the comments and most either have a problem of the author talking about his country or saying he's sexist. Let's be realistic most women would not be able to either attack or kill in that situation. Reread that last sentence before you bash me I said most. In most parts of the world everything is "civilized" and most don't have to deal with that kind of violence. So if they can't fight other than cook the only thing they can do is give birth to future generations. Also it's not only women, the author writes on multiple occasions of men who don't fight, it's just most of the one's he focuses on are in a position of power so it's not as clear as when he talks about women. Sorry for the rant but all the people who say the author is sexist or racist are the majority of the negative comments I saw and I just had to say something. This is a work of fiction, it's meant to be read and enjoyed, if you take this badly I'd hate to see how you react in real life when you see actual racism and sexism.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
The Brutality and Rawness, as well as the possibility of Magic and MC OPness is what is most interesting in this story. Then you have zombie + ultra mutation apocalypse on top of that awesome mix, which really puts the foot down on 'Epic Story Time'!

The Only down side would be (other than objectifying woman.... raw, cruel, but I guess it's true) :
- At the beginning of the story, the MMO-RPG and Magic feel of the story was more prevalent and has a stronger presence, but as the story progressed it became 'that annoying level up pop that goes on
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Bakdal rated it
May 27, 2016
Status: c301
I like this LN. Only dark point is regarding the far too many comments of the translators and editors within the text (last text you could read: Cowabunga when a Turtle appeared). It really is a pain and I think this is the only translated LN that receive such treatment. I wish those personal jokes could be added in footnotes instead within the text.

Please stop denaturing the original Novel. I do not think that the author would be fond of those added comments.
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Nikail rated it
May 26, 2016
Status: c300
This is a power fantasy, read it while knowing that, the MC is well done, not too overpowered but has good decision making skills, loses his personality to either be a emperor (not a leader, a emperor) or a "paragon" (after what the author thinks is the correct way to act in that situation) after the first ark.

This is m*sturbation, you can enjoy it or be put off by it, everything that happens creates a chance for the MC to power up or demostrate how apt he is compared... more>> to eveyone else in the world.

This is the vision of a "man" from the perspective of a man from a country whith a history of both extreme corruption and female supression, so dont expect a developed female character or good forbid a correct government institution, only the MC can control power and not the other way around, this happens in almost all asian fantasy novels.

The author is a human, what do I mean by it? the MC is always right, has plot armor and is a reflection of the author in a world created by and for the author.

Sarcasm on:
There is the MC and... well some guys or something in the background... I think there was a friend or something but havent heard of him more than 5 times in 300 chapters sooo... oh! there is some females that are only good for breding and as a trading but who cares about them right? they are happy not being eaten by zombies and eternally gratefull to the MC for f*cking them, they would never think about... well anything really, right? <<less
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