God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
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ljin75651 rated it
June 15, 2017
Status: c549
I know that other people have probably given similar rants, but I just felt so frustrated with reading this novel that I really wanted to vent some of my feelings and give a warning to other readers.

I have to say that in the beginning, I did enjoy reading it, although there was a really fast pace with the MC gaining skills extremely quickly. Of course, most novels have a similar trend, so I was OK with this. But the fact that this novel had a good start for about 100... more>> chapters had me ripping my hair out at any point afterwards. Probably because I had some expectations, the disappointment was so much worse. But if you think it isn't too bad from around 100 chapters onward, then you can probably keep reading until around chapter 300. My recommendation: once you read to the point of

Yue Zhong and Chen Yao being transported suddenly to Vietnam by a Snake (Lvl 75 Nether Beast)

stop right away!

First, I want to address the fact that most of the novel feels like a copy-paste. The MC is suddenly transported, in a frankly unrealistic way, from the area he has just finished conquering to another area which he then goes on to conquer. This has so far happened 3 times, and he is always instantly faced with a large faction suppressing hundreds of thousands of people who are starving and treated like s*aves by the authority. So far, he has not once come upon a community in which a leader won't instantly try to back stab, assassinate, or r*pe the women of the MC's party. So of course, the MC single-handedly takes over the smaller communities in the EXACT SAME METHOD before going against the large factions. I am pretty sure that every 5 chapters, he goes through the same repeated scenario.


He kills all the soldiers along the way to the authority figure, most likely an Evolver or Enhanced. They happen to have multiple strong guards, also Evolver or Enhanced. The authority is sure of their victory and laughs at the MC before being surprised and horrified when the MC easily kills all the guards. The MC then quickly kills the authority, shocking his his own followers with his brutality, thus making them unwilling to betray the MC. Then he sends his followers through the town shouting that those who surrender will be spared.


Another scenario that has happened multiple times,


is when the MC has killed most of the enemy, only leaving a few alive. He threatens them to reveal everything they know. Of course, the first person he threatens doesn't give up any information, and he kills them instantly. Then the person that does finally answer him is forced to cut off the head of his own comrade to show his loyalty. And of course, this means that they are suddenly fully loyal to the MC....


I can kind of get behind this plot armor, except the fact that I have read these same scenarios SO MANY TIMES. And basically in the same wording as well. If this only happened three or four times, I probably wouldn't have noticed, but it's such a consistent part of this story, that it's impossible not to notice.

Then on to another point a lot of other people have mentioned: the harem. Sure, I understand that some people will always have a dislike or bias towards harems, and I am somewhat similar. I can endure the existence of a harem as long as it doesn't have a huge impact on other character development. What infuriated me was that the women he added to his harem did nothing except being "beautiful women" or "cute lolis" and somehow gained more trust and advantages from the MC than his own best friends, close male followers, and the commanders of his troops who are constantly in battle. Literally, his so-called best friend Chi Yang that was important for maybe the first 30 chapters or so was forgotten. The MC even stated clearly in the beginning that he would choose his best friend over any of the women, but not at c549, Chi Yang had only been mentioned for maybe 2 chapters past those beginning chapters. And it is only to show that he is still loyal to the MC. To this best friend of his, there is no mention of making him stronger by giving him any of the newer equipment the MC accumulates, while he gives out his precious material to women almost randomly.


Ex: the loli Mu Xiangling actually tried to steal from the MC. He ended up following her to her home to find her sick mother. The precious serum that could allow someone to become an Evolver ended up being given to the sick mother. This is literally the most s*upid thing that I could imagine someone doing. It was stated clearly that the mother might end up dying, so not only would the serum be wasted, but the only thing he would get is the little loli. He already has so many maids, with most of the women he meets ending under his wing by asking to become his maid and saying that they can clean, etc. Basically, this was just a way to add two more people into the MC's harem and plot armor will of course have the mother be a genius, with a strong Evolver ability.


And then when the women prove themselves to be strong enough, the MC gives them a full set of equipment that makes them extremely strong. WHY?!!! I just don't understand. If he happens to have so much strong equipment just laying around in his storage ring, why not use it to strengthen his current followers. They could put it to better use with their higher levels, and are more deserving than random women who have only been part of the novel for 10 chapters or so. Literally, the harem progression is BS.

And then in terms of the racist antagonists, we so far have extremist Vietnamese, European Aryans, and Japanese. And of course, the MC will then have to be cruel and merciless when "taking care" of these racist enemies because only force will make them stop. In some way, I can understand this being used as a plot device, but there's only so many similar comments I can take of "yellow monkeys". And I'm just imagining the author's idea of a zombie apocalypse with only racists and bigots managing to survive while all the relatively decent people become ens*aved and suppressed.

My conclusion is that if I want to make it further than c549, I'm going to have to take a break from reading this for a while. I can probably only finish reading this if I only read a few chapters at a time. Of course, this is only my opinion, and there are some things to be enjoyed from the novel if you can ignore what you dislike. But I would personally not recommend reading this novel if some of the points mentioned above are really things you dislike. <<less
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May 13, 2017
Status: v4c544
This story is absolutely amazing! And I will admit the author of this story in almost every chapter or during every fight always has a certain line following "With his strength that's 10X a normal humans" it gets a bit repetitive but that's nothing to stop you from reading this.

As a easy going warning. (IF) You are one the people that believe yourself to be some god of justice this story will corrupt your poor poor poor innocent soul. Lots of racism, s*x, deaths, and all that "Bad side of... more>> human nature when the world is taken over by the apocalypse " Again this story is not for you if your some religious person with religious beliefs and believes himself to be some god of his pathetic religious beliefs. Yaddi Yaddi Yada all to say if you don't like how bad human nature is depicted in this story when having good nature in the apocalypse world means an early death. Dont bother reading and getting your pants up your ass so far you'll be coughing sh*t in the comments. <<less
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MelancholyMoon rated it
February 15, 2017
Status: --
This story had so much potential and was one the early and first apocalyptic litrpg but the author and his main protagonist is a racist, mysogynistic, pe*ophilic, and ultra chinese nationalist type. With every situation after the first 100 chapters becoming repetitive. For those saying a world gone to hell would be like this, sure there would be elements, but you can clearly read behind the authors own words is a severe xenophobia and mysoginy for foreigners and women.
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ce05 rated it
August 14, 2016
Status: c255
The story would be great. The world is quite an acurate portrait of what would happen if we really had something close to an apocalypse. And for once we do not have a goodie two shoe MC, but actually a character with a real dark side as well. For example out MC is pretty xenophobic (and no not racist, I can not rememebr any racism; 'only' xenophobia, mostly towards japanese people; the people that know about the history of those two countries should also understand why that is; finally some... more>> real cultural background in a story)

sadly the translators (multiple) butcher the story left and right with their 'localisation', it angered me so much that I dropped the story, so yeah if you like the premis and dont mind 'censorship for your own good' then give it a shot; otherwise stay away. <<less
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di22y77 rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c322
Great action and Zombies. What more can you ask for? Also, there's gore and adult situations. Good enough for me.
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Tsunami rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c311
Everything is good. We have gaming system, zombie, gurls and bloody fighting. However you will say, "Didn't this pattern already happen a few time?". T.T There is a pattern. However writer is not loosing us. I was at another start of loop but writer made it very intresting so that I countinued. Normaly I would give 5 but because of loop I'm giving 4 :D
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CaptainToast rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c321
I liked this novel in the beginning, and it is rather enjoyable to read at times, but it's getting way to repetitive and ret*rded. There story only really has two types of arcs. The first is where he builds up a group to follow him and that's kinda cool. Then the second type of arc comes. This is where he is suddenly kidnapped/forced away/ teleported away from his base and has to go on his own for a bit, only to eventually repeat the process all over again

It's just ridiculous.... more>> I wouldn't recommend reading past chapter 200, because after that, the story just repeats itself and the quality drops tk a ridiculously low level.

Honestly, just don't read this novel. It'll only infuriate you about how a good idea with a good start was absolutely ruined because the author Ian a lazy insane f*ck. As in he desperately needs medication for whatever his issue is. <<less
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daitensai rated it
June 3, 2016
Status: Completed
Like the most liked review says: this novel has a lot of racism and r*pe!!! Most of which really doesn't add any value to the novel AT ALL!!

Honestly, I wish the author had removed most of it... but it seems the author is himself a radical nationalist *shrug

That aside, for novels with game mechanics + an apocalyptic ending, this novel's storyline is SURPRISINGLY one of the best. If you have a strong simply skip the racism + r*pe + pe*ophilia parts, then you might enjoy the novel


I gave it a 5-star rating to slightly improve it's overall rating. Its rating would have been much higher if not for the sh*t I mentioned earlier
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Wind Jackal
Wind Jackal rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c310
God and Devil World is an interesting read.

There's cannibalism, corrupt authority figures, and racism. It can be quite dark with r*pes, forced prostitution, and s*x s*aves. Some people are saying that the way the women are treated and the racism are to be expected in a apocalyptic world, but the sheer scale of it is annoying.

There's been 300+ chapters yet there's basically only been ONE independent woman (in charge of a female triad) who has remained fairly independent, she's the only one who apparently hasn't fallen for the MC... more>> either. His 'harem' is full of girls he's only had s*x with once or twice and whom he's left behind as he goes off. They sort of just disappear into the background after a bit. Also, in the 300+ chapters, there's yet to be a SINGLE 'good foreigner', who isn't arrogant, corrupt, causing trouble, or buying people as prostit**es with a ramen package. I get it, some foreigners would do that... but every single foreigner? I believe there's been like 30? The author barely goes into them, except to get them out of the way within a few chapters.

Not to mention, there's been plenty of plot holes. Survival Coins aren't consistently mentioned in drops, the Beginner Town isn't mentioned anymore (where he could get the rest of his class skills for Survival Coins, you'd think he'd find that important, or get his soldiers/friends their own classes), somehow there are non-mutated animals despite animals everywhere else mutated / non-mutated animals can be infected yet MC never encountered one before a zombie siege happened.

However, the concept and idea of the story is quite interesting. It's zombie apocalypse + game elements, with the people/zombies/animals all leveling and getting stronger. It's fairly realistic in how people would act and succumb to their dark side (it's just the sheer scale that annoys me, not every village should have people prostituting themselves for a bun). If you don't think too much as you read this, you can really get s**ked in. The MC's decisions are all pretty reasonable and clever, but he's not 'plot armored brained' where he expects everything and makes plans for them and everything happens to fall his way. Things go wrong and he'll scrambles to fix it.

People say the story repeats and in a way it does. He fights zombies/beasts, kill bad men/conquer places, meets new people and girls/they follow and fall for him. There's only so much he can do in a apocalyptic world. Most zombie movies go like this too, in different orders of course. <<less
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Esperreal rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c310
I love this story for the reason people hate it. This story doesn't hold back there is sexism, racism, and other horrible things in this story, but that's what makes it realistic. This shows how at least how I think people would act in an Apocalypse like this.

Though the characters are somewhat shallow and the story tends to be repetitive. I like it since it can keep you interested if you are able to not care about the horrible stuff that is said and done in the story since its... more>> a story.

Over all give this a 4 star since its has some flaws. Also, as a side note if you get to serious about things like racism and stuff from a story don't read this its not for you <<less
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carapeto rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c308
It's not the best written novel but It has a quite interesting dystopia plotline! Why is that? I'd say the 4 tags that describe it best are: "real word MMORPG", "Zombie Apocalipse", "kingdom building" and "Harem". It takes the MMO elements into the the "real world china" while fighting zombies and monsters. Leveling up, gathering followers, gathering resources and building an army to win. While I'm not sure where this is going and how it will end, it has been quite a fun ride.

Yes, the language and scenes on the... more>> novel are quite mature and some times too graphic. A few references to r*pe, pe*ophilia, cannibalism, racism, mu*der, starvation, sexism, etc... Nothing you wouldn't expect on a mature novel focused on a bloody, zombie filled post-apocalyptic era. It does not focus too much on those themes... they the backgroup of a dystopia, and are described as part of human nature, when society colapses and humans revert to the lowest self. If you can't handle the mature parts maybe the novel is not for you! For those you can stomach it, give it a try! <<less
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
I quite enjoyed this novel (except for some certain parts). The story is quite interesting as it contains RPG elements and zombies. In a world where zombies have almost literally taken over control, some humans fight against them for their own survival. With zombies becoming more powerful day by day, the MC and his team go through a lot of bloodbath and change their lives from ordinary people to warlords.

The MC is not so likable cause he is a rapist and a racist and he keeps on blabbering about how... more>> his countrymen are so great and others are devils, scum, etc. If these two elements are removed I think it would be a perfect novel to me. I enjoyed the fights and also the increase in strength of the MC. So far I have read until chapter 309 and it still has me waiting for each chapter. I also thank the translators for doing a great job of translating this novel :) <<less
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crazysnail rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c309

Well... start was nice, smart MC, girls, zombies, action and etc, just like everyday apocalyptic stuff... and then, blurp!!!?

sex, s*x, s*x, I f**k your sister, mother, aunt, daughter and there is no end... new circle, and again, and again just another enemy, a lot of women with s*ave impress, racism etc.. will see, but I doubt it will change to anything better...

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Kilons rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c229
I have enjoyed this novel especially at the start but as it got along while I still love of I feel as though the MC is too overpowered and he used politics inn I the city too much.
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Aquila rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c309
Only four stars because there are some issues with this novel. Yes there is racism, r*pe, and a bunch of other negative things. But we were warned about that in the beginning and honestly doesn't detract from the story much. The major negative is that the story is a bit formulaic, repetitive. Main character levels up, boosts army whatever, finds new stronger enemies, beats them. Add in taking over new cities and there's your story. However, this story has a lot of potential and I am really hoping that it... more>> lives up to it. We have intelligent zombies, the enemies may soon be more than mindless waves. There is the entire god and devil system that we are just learning about, the money, the 'in game's cities. I wonder when the main character will run across those again. Plus endgame maybe fighting against the 'god' who did this to them in the first place. Four stars because despite its current issues there is serious potential for a 5 star novel.

Btw, the translator team including the editors do an amazing job, and deserve props for that. <<less
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Icecream4u rated it
May 31, 2016
Status: c309
This book so far focuses on apocalyptic themes such as tragedy and the evil (rapey) side of humanity.

  • Super plot armor
  • Alot of racism, sexism, and r*pe-ism
  • The protagonist completely decimates the sexists, racists, and rapists within the story despite being all three himself. (The book should be really be named "r*pe and Race Wars World")
  • Why read then? Well there are great battle depictions, guns, abilities, guns, angry people resorting to violence, and guns
  • This book is for those into game elements and rise to power (and shameless fan-service *cough)
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Greimour rated it
May 30, 2016
Status: c303
This story is a fun read and has no problem with exposing the darker side of 'man'. Even the MC is no hero and he doesn't try to be. He takes the advantages he has and accepts the rewards that come his way. He isn't overly concerned with the morality from before the world went through its changes and doesn't mind creating his own kind of world order. His ruthlessness is without evil malice though, so he is really a character someone can get behind.

If the story has any flaws,... more>> it is that his abilities are a bit overpowered, women fall for him too easily and there are too many repeated story lines. Still, it is easy to follow and only rarely makes me roll my eyes at what is happening.

Definitely recommend it. <<less
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archigoel rated it
December 28, 2015
Status: --
Books start was simply great. I read further into the story (using systranslate). Author quickly changes gears from Post Apocalatic/Fantasy elements which made the story great.

MC quickly powers up and goes on a very nauseating EGO Trip.

In once scene, new army recruits break & run away while facing a monster. Afterwards, MC has them shot in COLD BLOOD. Just 3-5 months ago he was a normal person, now he becomes ruthless as an old general.

That such tripe is liked by readers is frankly amazing.
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1MPR0V3 rated it
December 4, 2015
Status: --
Starts off very well and in fact the RPG aspect of it stays pretty good throughout. But... I'm on chapter 87 and it's taken ridiculously long to get through the last 10-20 chapters mostly due to morals. You would think in a world were strength isn't determined by gender but by what level you have acquired, women would therefore have a greater chance for equality... not so here. Women very quickly become cattle, useful for *** and labor but not much else. The MC rapidly turns into a **** on... more>> many issues not just this and it seems to be headed towards a power trip trope.

Sadly what was a very promising story has deteriorated into a cringe worthy unrealistic harem/power trip deranged schoolboy fantasy. Not my cup of tea. <<less
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ErikHarrison rated it
December 11, 2023
Status: c50
I wouldn't say it's awful... most of the novel is rather boring. Way too many characters are introduced and the power system is poorly established and bland.

Also for whatever reason nearly every guy who isn't the MC is a massive rapist. The author seems to use the constant threat of s*xual violence as a positive for the MC, since he isn't interested in s*x and would rather be a lone wolf.
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