The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy


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[The Demon King is Dead] is a story in which the Demon King was immediately killed off in the Prologue.

And I became the ‘Demon Prince’ of said novel.

…Help me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon King of the Royal Class
The Devil Comes To The Academy
마왕은 학원에 간다
Related Series
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (11)
The Novel’s Extra (6)
Love Letter From The Future (4)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (4)
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (4)
Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Academy Novel
  2. Novels I have Read
  3. thesauce
  4. grateful's list of novels I'm grateful for
  5. Nice story

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184 Reviews sorted by

TheHalocrusher rated it
September 16, 2021
Status: c58
So far this is my favorite novel of the year, I'm having a lot of fun reading it. I hope the level of quality its had so far keeps up, this is definitely a reccomend from me.
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Griller rated it
April 24, 2023
Status: --
Pros :

  1. This one is a well written novel, plotwise is kind of basic, but the delivery is spot on. Good tragedy story.
  2. The relationship is also nicely done, at least by my standard.
  3. The characters are well fleshed out.
  4. People that loves soap opera would like this, I guess. Because I feel like it is structured like one.
  5. MC's growth felt well earned, and it gave you a good feel of somebody else's strength.
  6. The most satisfying religious authority bullsh*t moment

    Best girl (Olivia) used every possible religious bullsh*t in the book to make sure MC is out of the slammer at any cost. Like, she was abused by those religious order, but the moment she learned that the MC is on a MASSIVE trouble, she donned that Ultra Righteous (unreasonable) religious spokesman persona, ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL on the religious order, storming the most fortified place in the empire with a legion of holy knight, and out bullshitting bertus, all in order to save MC's ass. Its but a single moment but calling it a damn fresh breath of air after all of Ellen's shit-show would be an understatement.

  7. Some nice character development

    Except Ellen.

Cons :

  1. It start really slow, even I only got hooked after basically reading till 90+ chapter.
  2. The second half of the story ruined one of the best part of the story, the monologue. I get that they are having a bad time, but the author kept repeating what is essentially the same information over and over again, which is just annoying.

    Example, Ellen's internal self blame. So she thinks that ; she exposed MC, ruined the sh*t he is working for, make everyone hate him, make him miserable, she shouldn't have been so impatient, she should clean up the mess she started, she doesn't deserve to be happy, etc. I understood this part and also felt kind of sorry for her at first, considering that she is mentally ret*rded (seriously, girl needs psychiatrist instead of an academy). But guess what, the next time she have an appearance, she have the same monologue and does the same action, and then happens again in her next appearance, then the next, and the one after MC's enjoyable training arc in her parent's home, after she got possessed. It goes on and on and on. At some point I started to just binge past her screen time because I expect the same sh*t again, as if I am reading a 3k chapter+ wuxia. Bertus and Charlotte also suffer the same fate as this, but its not as obnoxious. Its a shame because Ellen would have not been as hated if her monologue is a little more interesting and less repetitive, maybe even removing some of her POV to make people a little more intrigued by what she is thinking.

  3. The overuse of sacrifice and guilt loop.

    MC loves heroine n, sacrifices his interest, n likes MC and tries to sacrifice herself, MC feels guilty because what happened to n, then sacrifice his disguise/stealth to save n. All this loop was what made the 2nd part such a disaster for MC, and they still does that till the end.

  4. It feels like soap opera, because the MC does his thing reactively to something bad happening, always caught with his pants down, despite knowing the event and setting of the novel, and then blames his sh*t writing for not knowing why something happens. There is only one exception to that, and that is when he made a research club to make thing that he knew could be made by specific person. I guess its more like his knowledge on his own novel is almost worthless because he made little to none world building before he got reincarnated. Its not necessarily bad in this kind of story, I guess.
  5. Ellen

    Yeah, she stops having any character development after 2nd part of the story started. She become an obstacle, a liability, a weakness, an enemy, all the annoying stuff, not because of a character development but because she kept repeating the same sh*t that she had done and regret doing on a more light hearted arc. Getting drunk in self-blame and depression is not character development, because she has always been like that even before 2nd part of the story. A damn damsel in distress even when equipped with an aegis equivalent as defense, Crucible sword as a weapon, and ultra instinct as her skill set. Does becoming a pet-cat-girlfriend (the MC would argue otherwise, but that is what she essentially became) for the MC at the end a character development? It is such a waste of potential, she could have been so much more.

  6. Not the kind of story that I would re-read later on.
I might have exaggerated a quite a few thing, tho. Since I'm still quite pissed by the ending. It would have been a 4/5 if the 2nd part is just half as annoying.

And a 6/5 if the Author figured out what to do with Ellen instead of the sad sack of wet potato that she is in the 2nd part, she was even the best girl before that whole shit-show.


Try it out.
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TwoVillages rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: --
I really liked this novel. The world and its power system were really interesting and so much fun to read about. Almost every character was likable in their own way. I also thought the romance was done for a harem novel. It wasn't perfect as it had its own share of typical isekai tropes and stereotypical developments, but I thought it was still extremely enjoyable nome the less.

Unfortunately, after reading ahead the author completely ruins several of the characters later in the story. I won't say who or how, but... more>> the decisions the author makes in regards to these characters not only makes no sense, its a complete reach in terms of the kind of character they had been portrayed as up to that point. The decisions directly contradict some of the things these characters have said and stand for making it seem like its coming out of no where. There is nothing the author can do to redeem these characters either due to the extremely dire consequences that result from this decision. Negative consequences that not only affect the main characters but the entire world as a whole. The only situation I can see where I am able to get past this is if I have greatly, greatly misunderstood the sequence of events due to the language difference or something. If that is the case ill try to remember to delete this later on. If everything is how I understand it to be then story is completely ruined imo. It's not about characters being imperfect or making mistakes. In a character that's not only expected but encouraged. It's the sheer magnitude and contradictory nature that makes these characters unredeemable to me. It's a real shame. <<less
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GrayMao rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: c118
I've been reading the MTL so my review is already past what's posted/translated. Rn, I'm around 500+ chapters. I'd recommend you still read the translated version because MTL have incomplete info, also it will kill your brain cells because of gender swapping and incorrect translated words. Plus the translator of this novel really did a good job translating. 👏 So first of all, let's talk about MC. He is like your slice of life MC tho I won't say the same thing with the plot of the story. You might find him s*upid, not cunning for a supposed to be author, weak and maybe for others, boring. Well, that's all true but at the same time, this makes the character more interesting. As the story progress, the character develops.

Also, I like how the other characters are portrayed as well.

The supposed to be member of his harem will really play a big part on future chapters. There will be an arc you will just f*cking hate Ellen, pity Charlotte, be surprised with what Harriet can do and just simp for Olivia for not giving a shit. Ah, there is also Liana.


Now, for the plot

I dare break your belief - this is not your typical school life novel. You are wrong if you think this is light hearted. It's a darn tragedy - welp, we don't know the ending yet but man, this cause me depressed. Srsly. I just did not see that coming so when that Gate whom MC mentioned in the beginning opened, death rips characters one after the another

You might say there are like information dumps, sentences that can be shortened and yada-yada, but I do think that the pacing is just right. The world building is good, the story itself is worthy and fun to read.

So that will be my review for this novel. Have a fun time reading. Let's all shared laughter, tears and curses. Ciao!
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ansonwhale rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: c45
This novel is a bit of a mess, but it's a well written mess from what I could tell from the first 45 chapters.

Theres some conflict in how to author tells the story, for example: the MC is supposed to be a 30 year old author but acts like kid going through puberty, the mc's powers are explained but never actually used, and how one of the main premise of these types of novels (The fact that the MC, being an author should know alot about the world of his... more>> own story), only amounts to him knowing a few characters with surface level knowledge.

Asides from that, what this novel does well is setup a good base for a weak to strong protagonist. Even if he isn't such a bright character currently, you can somewhat sympathise with him and his outbursts or insecurities.

Ill wait till I can read more, but I do have some high hopes for the rest of the chapters. <<less
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GeassAye rated it
May 17, 2023
Status: c689
This Novel had a great start. It was fun, entertaining, and put a smile on my face with some moments, but when the plot actually started moving towards the end, I felt it was rushed and not that satisfactory. You never knew who was the "real" antagonist as there are too many moving parts. We can have 3-4 villains at the same time and we won't know who the Big bad is.

Everytime the MC gets a power boost, he is immediately humbled by others.

Like most Korean novels, the ending felt... more>> anticlimactic <<less
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luthercarl rated it
April 14, 2023
Status: c445
Its a fun enough story until around chapter 400, where literally everyone takes ret*rd pills and any intelligent thought is thrown out the window, characters personalities are incinerated, and basically all joy is taken out of the story.
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Mr. White Tower
Mr. White Tower rated it
September 20, 2022
Status: c1
20 Sep 2022
Finished at 07:35 and accompanied by the song 'NORN' by 'Rigel Theatre'

Trust me before you finish this novel, it would be better if you shut up your rotten mouth and read until the end

"The Demon Prince goes to Academy" by Geul Jengi S is a true masterpiece. This novel is an absolute gem that shouldn't be missed by any reader, especially those who are fans of isekai. The author has crafted a captivating story with intense conflicts and memorable characters, bringing to life a typical isekai story. The writing is brilliant, seamlessly weaving together plot, characterization, and even plot holes to create a truly magical story. Despite being simple, the characters are truly memorable and the plot is truly breathtaking. Don't miss out on this exceptional novel, read it until the end and join the fanbase.
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farara rated it
April 3, 2023
Status: Completed
The story at first is likeable where MC (demon king go to school) and so on. Actually I like how MC is a bully. Not a bully I guess but a bad boy. First arc 1-400 where all things happen have its flow and it really nice to see it. I can say it's a good plot and I give 9/10 for the first arc

The second arc for me is really shit. Well not that sh*t cuz I'm still able to finish it. I dont know how to describe it... more>> but the flow seems worst. The plot full of plot hole, how the world is vast and had been said about thousand kilometers but author narrow it to a scale only 10km. Some things are really unnecessary and to many people despairing and disconsolate. Author always talk about sins this sins that and how they force FL to become woebegone. Really bad in structuring. Second arc gone worst and all I can give 6/10. If its not for the likeable ending (not that good and not bad either) I would give 4/10 for the second arc. But overall I can say its a fun ride (if you dont care really much about the ML and FL).

Okay okay sorry it's not fun tho but just read. And yess likeable ending (for me) but some might see this a very good ending. Only the ending is well written to be honest. The rest in the second arc are so messy. <<less
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RealEason rated it
February 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Before I start this review, I want to say that I spent 3 days copy-pasting raws into a Korean translating website to read this. So shut your mouth if you want to call it tr*sh and hate on it when you only read like 50 chapters.

Okay, here it goes...

1. Plot - Solid 9/10

Okay, good start we have here. Controversial, yes. But at the time this was written, the overwhelming cliché were systems, and the time where Novel's Extra took off, so I can see why the reviews of those who... more>> read the beginning were so shit. If you ignore the beginning of the novel, (in which the system is basically made redundant and the story would be more enjoyable to read later on if you just forget/dont know that a system even exists), the plot is 10/10.

2. World-Building - 8/10

immersive world-building from the author, the world gets built pretty early on as the author was still putting immature ideas into the story, but it gets another layer of detail after some arcs where the novel picks up the pacing.

3. Characters - 15/10

NOW THIS. this is the juicy meat of the story. Every character is "alive" where there is an actual sense of soul in them and they are not just power-ups/cannon-fodder/support character with the sole purpose of drowning in awe of the overpoweredness of the MC, and unable to cope with the sheer awesomeness of him! Jokes aside, every girl can be best girl, even Ellen, but I don't why people hate her so much tbh. Olivia is still best girl tho. The romance is basically the meat of the story... and it doesn't suck like the absolute dogsh*t romance in TNE. Every member of the harem is likeable, and they don't have the annoying traits of the usual harem, where the all fight over the MC. Each character is given their time with MC, and they are all well-developed.

4. Power-Scaling 10/10

Simple power scale. Normal People -> Magic-Strengthing Capability (Basically stronger attacks) -> Swordmaster/Grand Wizard. No ridicious "I can f*cking blow this entire continent off the map if I breathe lol" bs, most powerful person in the story can only probably cut a real-life whale in half with one strike.

5. MC - 8/10

This should've been #1, but there was so much things to talk about I forgot about him. Likeable MC, the embodiment of "f*ck around and find out". Starts off as the weakest person in the academy, he was basically a normal person with no superpowers. High score for likeability and personality. the scores that got deducted because he gains his powers through the system, which was basically a way to move the plot forward. I don't like the fact the system exists, It would have been a masterpiece that I would rate 10/10. There was several times where he gained his powers through hard work... but haters only tell you what the negatives are, so I am forced to deduct marks here.

Overall - 4/5

With some points deducted, the fact that it didn't get a 5/5 by me is because of the fact that the damn tragedy gave so much feels that I couldn't sleep. Not even kidding, I couldn't stop reading the novel while doing other things because I was so hooked. Highly recommended for people to read. You might want to just ignore the system's existence entirely, because it just makes the plot much more enjoyable to read. Translation is only up until chapter 200-ish, rest is MTL. You can read it off the epub by the spoilers section of this novel... which is not recommended, or download the. txt file by someone else in the spoilers section and manually put it into papago. <<less
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April 17, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly the start and the story is fluff and comedic with dark tones. Later on however would change that and things will escalate so to those with weak heart and can't stand drama too much please prepare yourselves


after finishing the entire novel. Some characters are ironically feels like a reference to dark souls. Overall such a good ending and I am very much satisfied

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Oblos rated it
April 11, 2023
Status: c170
See, I was caught up in the hype when this series first started getting translated and passed around. "Read it, " a friend said, "it's pretty good and has yandere bait." Normally, that is all it takes to get me caught up in a few days. And when I first started Demon Prince, all seemed well.

The plot set itself up well, (OBVIOUS RED FLAG) with good setups for plot development, character growth, and mystery (OBVIOUS RED FLAG). The cast was unique, if not by design, by (OBVIOUS RED FLAG)... more>> execution. But, (OBVIOUS RED FLAG) I started to notice something wrong, a bit too (OBVIOUS RED FLAG) out of line for me to ignore.

To explain:

If the large in caps statements last paragraph pissed you off, just know that is how the story is written. "Oh boy, I can do X, Y, and Z, but I hope A won't happen. Boy, I sure hope A doesn't come back to bite me later" is a sample few sentences that occurs waaaaaaaaaay too much. You don't have to wonder if A will happen in the future because the author has made extra sure you are aware, to the point where I was less concerned with the general plot and more of when A occurs. here is the catch, though...


So I read ahead/learned more:

It seems like there is an uncontested line between the best girl/girls who understand him and the ones he is probably going to get together with regardless cause the author said so despite him being their mortal enemy and who they want to kill, etc etc. as "A", or his obvious demon reveal, is going to warp the entirety of the mostly shallow character interactions the author has attempted to setup so far. And this happens around halfway into the series, which tells me the author is really trying to abuse the marketing over the first chunk. This is not in a good way of what you see is what you get, but a forced edge being driven into a story that hasn't earned it, cause, as one could imagine, the scene is so telegraphed from a mile away that it isn't really a reveal when it does happen.


And I have not even gotten started on all of the minor details of what else is being pushed by the author, such as:


s*upid broken plot armor as a power for MC (i wish, I wish, with all my heart, to add to my stats, and give a head start)

bipolar character decisions (ex. only 1 human has a reason to even like him beyond a certain point (Olivia, for pretty obvious reasons))

macguffin artifact allowing the first half to take place, let alone the gaping pile of asspulls

sheer failures at at attempt to make it anything other than a "black vs white" morality system

factional power scaling from completely useless to 1984 levels

the openly corrupt church allowed to waltz over whomever with enough bravado that charlemagne would be jealous

paper thin perspective on the morality of conflict



I think that, had these ideas been more fleshed out and not just paper thin by around 25% of the way in, the series would be better. Demon prince really feels more like it asks too many questions with too little answers. I would prefer a KN that asks few questions and botherrs to show me the answers. <<less
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DragonKingBob rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: c163
This story takes all of the good parts of an isekai while getting rid of the parts that usually bother me. The power balance and strength of characters is all believable and fun to watch develop.

Every character in the series is super interesting (yes, the main character is not some brick with no personality), and they have interesting and complicated relationships that develop over time. Everyone seems to go through believable character development as well.

It’s not a perfect story of course, and I’m sure you can find a bunch of... more>> problems if you look for them. However, I have absolutely fallen in love with the story so far (ch. 163), and I would recommend it to everyone. <<less
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rleon rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: c503
It is pure bliss 5/5 when Reinhard is in the academy. After that, it goes downhill not worth to read. So read as titles suggest The Demon Prince goes to the Academy.
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LehmD rated it
January 12, 2024
Status: Completed
To summarize the novel in one word: frustrating

After a rough start the first 200 or so chapters were amazing. Liked the worldbuilding, the characters and the story. Unfortunately at a certain point the only thing keeping the story going is the Drama caused by ever Single character lying to or hiding things from every single other character even after having already hurt them numerous times by doing so. Now some of these actions might even make sense but a lot of them are completly s*upid. Causing me to skip 10-20... more>> chapters at a time just to find our dear characters coming up with another lie in the first Paragraph.

"I cant tell her the Truth as I have Lied once before."???

"We cant be together because no one can know about us " while having shapeshifting magic that can disguise people and teleportation magic to meet up in Secret....

The list goes on and on.

As if that wasnt frustrating enough immediately after our MC feels terrible for destroying someones life We see him Joke around and have a good time with someone else apparently completely forgetting about everything he just did.

Not to mention the romance with the Main Heroine

never gets properly resolved.


Also the setting is an author getting send into the world of his novel after his death to atone for his sins. But this is never Adressed again. It is clearly stated that the world is fake yet our Main character treats everyone as Real people as soon as he enters it. The MC completly ignores the Fact that he will probably get judged for his life in this fake World and never even thinks about the consequences awaiting him after the "simulation" is over. On top of that the novel ends before MC finishes his trial in the world of his novel.

Sorry for my rant I just had to get this of my chest. I guess its definitely worth a read if you dont get easily frustrated by the characters behavior. <<less
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bungaunga rated it
August 2, 2023
Status: Completed
For something that started out so strong, it was honestly sad to see it fall so hard.

Even if we ignore the fact that the author wrote uncharacteristic actions from certain key characters just to move the plot forward. We can't ignore how the tone and charm of the novel took a complete nose-dive by the second half.

If you were drawn in by the charming character interactions from the first half like I was, you will be greatly disappointed by how those almost completely disappear in the second half. The main... more>> characters and their interactions/development was honestly nice to read. Sad to see the author forget what made this story great in the first place. Instead, opting for K-drama levels of rushed conflict and writing simply to push the plot forward.

First half 5/5

Second half 3/5 if I'm being generous due to my nostalgia for the first half. <<less
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Astaroth rated it
May 27, 2023
Status: c505
Dropped at 504 chapters.

First 300 chapters or so are solid, nothing new but a fairly original enough mix of existing tropes, but then the author decided to give the finger to the readers.

It's kind of funny actually, maybe it's even intentional, because in the novel the MC is supposedly transmigrated into his own novel as a punishment for making 'good' novels but then abruptly changing the genre and/or messing up the plot in the middle.

This behavior caused readers to leave hate comments and the MC (before transmigration) died from high... more>> blood pressure from reading so many comments.

And wouldn't you know it, the novel has some mostly chill interesting slice of life school setting, but then the author decided to flip the table.

Somehow I still read on hoping the novel would recover, and it looked like it would, until the author did it again.

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ahkfeen rated it
May 9, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't know what to think about this novel, in particular. Most people say that the plot goes haywire at around chapter 300-400, and I see why. I do feel like this is the path that the story had to take, however. The only issue I personally have is how the story deceives readers with a comedy, but transitions away from this drastically, far into the story.

Knowing the author's other works, it seems to be a common trait to make the story the way it became.

I still like the story... more>> in the end, even though it gets borderline confusing to read with the perspectives that seemingly change at the drop of a hat.

I still think it's a great fantasy, but don't get yourself deceived if you think it'll remain a lighthearted story until the end. <<less
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Kirbyzcheese rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: Completed
So this story does what the author said he'll do.

Create comfy and funny SoL in the beginning of the first half, before he gives up and f*cking tr*shes everything in the second half with the gate crap.

The first half is great and light-hearted in lots of ways with undercurrents of darker and more serious plotlines, but those are resolved for catharsis with some awesome moments. The heroines have fun interactions and their backgrounds in circumstances interact in ways that create fun drama.

But though it all there are always a few plotlines that you are unsure and excited for how they will resolve itself. The greatest being the reveal that he's the Demon King


Initally the drama was kinda good, but it was so s*upid in retrospect. I could see why the girls acted that way, but it happened too fast and too quick with not enough payoff. If Reinhart really wanted to, he could've stopped it all. If that person didn't suddenly act so out of character, it wouldn't happen. The author got too caught up in making everything have a reason and backstory for happening, but the greatest f*cking advantage of the world being technically fiction is that anything can happen.



Holy shit, the novel takes a cliff dive off the second half of the novel.

Do you want to read about a plotline where you get to read a third-rate world-building isekai novel while you desperately wait for any kind of fun character interaction? (Holy shit, they did Charlotte dirty, I actually liked her and they set her up to be important, but never did crap with her)

Do you want to read a 100 chapter mu*der-mystery from the POV of Vincent (WHO WAS WRITTEN TO MATTER BUT REALLY DOESN'T) where the author told you 3/4ths who killed who and why from the start?

Do you want that last 1/4th of that mystery to be a complete dues ex machina where there's no satisfying conclusion nor consequence nor character importance!? All it did was warp existing characters to act different for 50 chapters, AND THEN THEY DIE.

Do you want to read about a super contrived curse that is eventually going to have some very bad consequences and only activates after someone spends a full f*cking 200 chapters coping?!

My recommendation: After you read the scene where that certain black order guy we were introduced to dies, skip straight to the last couple of chapters. Fill in whatever happens between those two points with full headcanon because it will be more fun and interesting than what happens in the actual story. But you probably won't heed these words, so my second best recommendation is to skip every dreary part you find and skim for the funny parts.

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tweprebet rated it
July 27, 2022
Status: c261
Edit2: The new translation group is uh... rough. It isn't your grandfather's MTL, but it's not even among the better not-so-secret MTL (maybe with some light editing) you'll find around these parts. Maybe whatever system has gotten popular hasn't been tuned as well for Korean.

Either way, there's some real headscratchers strewn pretty liberally throughout the chapters.

As it stands, I wouldn't recommend picking this up now, especially as you'd also have to go to the trouble of finding the older chapters first.

... more>> ---

I'll probably write a review of the story later, but for now just be warned that around chapter 100 Reaper Scans starts putting annoying, flow-breaking "join our discord!" sort of crap into the middle of the story itself. Be prepared to deal with that if you decide to start reading.

Edit: The real review

I honestly can't tell if the author is intentionally parodying bad web novel writers, or if he knows his bad habits and is just leaning in to them with the barest excuse, or if this whole novel is a big pile of irony as a bad web novel writer unknowingly exposes his worst habits with a MC who is a shitty author.

If it's intentional, it's kind of brilliant in an entirely pointless way. The died-from-mean-comments author MC's perspective is so often just an endless stream of consciousness in which he painstakingly and oh-so-f*cking-repetitively justifies every last thought in every way possible. If you've read some web novels from (often new) writers who end up caring more about their comment sections than their chapters, you'll recognize it. It's exactly the sort of thing you'd expect this MC to have done in the past. So, it's kinda brilliant, but... also very much not.

When you introduce something like that, it has to have a purpose. There needs to be a payoff for suffering through the intentionally shitty bits. And here, there is none. There's just big sections of incessantly repetitive stream of consciousness justification of the MC's thoughts. It doesn't do anything in the story itself, it doesn't help you understand the MC's character, it doesn't ever change in a way that might be some weird form of character development. It's not even a bad setup for some weird meta jokes. The MC makes fun of himself for his own past writing, but there's not even a hint of 4th wall breaking to make fun of the poor writing of his thoughts. I'm glad there are no such jokes, but at least if the author was trying I could kinda understand *why* the thoughts are written the way they are.

So... yeah. If it is intentional, why is he doing it? I can't figure it out. I doubt he's copying bad writing just for the sake of copying bad writing. So, is it not intentional? But it really is restricted to sections where the MC is just doing a lot of thinking. He's not off over-justifying every little thing in the entire novel. That seems way too limited to be unintentional.

So, I don't know. But you will hit sections that just make you want to break your face on the nearest brick wall. It'll just be like half of a good-sized chapter where the same few basic facts are repeated over, and over, and over, to spell out in excruciating detail exactly how every single goddamn thought is fully justified.

When the author isn't off maybe purposefully infuriating you, it's actually pretty good. At least if you can stop trying to figure out why the author is doing this insanity. <<less
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