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Chaos had risen, signifying that the next generation of the Demon King was about to be reborn.

In what seemed like another usual attack from demons, Nemo Light was heading towards a shelter when he ran into Oliver Ramon, who was heading back to town to find his father, being chased by a demon. In the process of saving him, he inadvertently formed a contract with it.

As they returned to town, they found it ablaze, and while trying to figure out why, they were wrongly accused of being demon worshippers and were hunted down by the church.

With no options left, they set about becoming mercenaries to survive while slowly discovering that their ordinary lives may not be so ordinary.

Thus began the adventure of a gentle knight and an unwilling mage.

Associated Names
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Related Series
Happy Doomsday (3)
Pink Robed Mage (2)
The Hero and the Demon King are Eternally in True Love (2)
The Icy Hero is Yearning for Love (2)
The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love (2)
Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. danmei ive read part 2
  2. Read next
  3. Read *** or **** Part One
  4. want to read 7
  5. Everything I've read

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38 Reviews sorted by

Urmulus rated it
August 3, 2022
Status: Completed
I really, really enjoyed this novel. The story is complicated and long but well constructed and I didn't find any plot holes. I loved the characters, all of them (including the villains), it's like the author crafted her characters carefully and meticulously. And there are some really badass ladies!

This novel is for everybody who likes fantasy with demons, magic, gods and heroes and villains who are not black and white. And of course it's a really sweet love story (several actually).
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February 7, 2024
Status: Completed
Fantasticly well written novel! Yes, there are a few chapters of angst but the MC/ML both grow stronger from it in very realistic ways. A must read that I will definitely read again!
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purplegiraffe21 rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: c281
I have read this three times. The second it ever gets an English publisher I will buy it. Honestly I might buy a copy anyway, I live in China now so even though my Chinese is abysmal and I can't read those it will be beautiful decoration for my shelf, I love the official art. Cannot reccomend the world-building and characters enough. The cast is well-balanced, the story is well-paced, and as a fantasy fan, not just thirsty fujoshi, I give this a seal of approval.
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BentLily rated it
July 1, 2023
Status: Completed
I can't rank this a perfect 5 due to some issues with the proofreading of this story, but good grief I really, REALLY want to.

In summary: do you want a story that will make you feel genuine hate, joy, disgust, fear, and love for the characters? This is the story for you. While there are errors in translation, overall the author of this book is a rare example of thoughtful storytelling, where even the smallest of details has its day in the sun.
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amikyun rated it
March 4, 2023
Status: Completed
Damn... this author really know how to use stick and carrot so well, first.. if u guys weak hearted like me.. don't miss it guys, they had the abuse but they had many sweet and worth the abuse, I got abuse irl (abuse form my unfinished work) and on this novel.. good really good, and yet I still read it, every part of mystery and little detail is built for the story, at the point I want to bang my head bcs the sadnes.. (and I relize that this... more>> author is same author of happy domsday, I gladly throw myself into the pit, and keep my sanity by author's mini theatre, and thx u very much our translator for your dedication, love ya..), when u think the mystery is a size of a nut and the author take it into size of house make our MC and ML go in complicated relationship into another level... damn.. I like it.. read it guys.. although u weak like me.. u absolutely can enjoy it <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
February 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Love this author's works! I read [Happy Doomsday] first, so that one remains my absolute favorite, but both are exceptional novels.

The western fantasy element and worldbuilding in this story (as well as the other) are super unique and exciting. The author did an incredible job creating something that truly stands out among your usual knights/gods/heroes/dungeon-crawling Western Fantasy genre commonly featured in JP/CN novels.

It's a riff on the "Hero vs. Demon King" trope, but extremely different from the usual with very rich worldbuilding.

... more>> I love the two "ordinary" main characters.

The character development is absolutely stunning, and the rest of the cast are beautifully incorporated and developed as well. There are no black/white characters, everyone has believable motivations, and one can find redemption in many unexpected places.

A definite masterpiece with a great translation as well. <<less
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crzinlv rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: c195
I love this. Although at the beginning I was struggling with the translation a bit, but in later chapters it is truly good.

The plot is consistent. CPs are vibrant. And the world building is awesome.

Good fairytale with knights and demons, princesses and priests. Give it a try, if you like this kind of setting.
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allegna rated it
October 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I absolutely loved this story!

It's been a long time since I read a western fantasy BL, but this one hits all the right spots!

✅️ Wholesome Romance

... more>> ✅️ Good world building

✅️ Great characters

✅️ Riveting conflicts

✅️ Well placed bits of humor

✅️ Walking green flag ML (Best boy Ollie!!)

The protagonists start out weak, and then grow to be insanely strong, but you see how much they've suffered to get where they are currently. No face slapping in this novel, as our protagonists are very polite and grounded! They just want to live a quiet life, but it always seems to slip away due to various circumstances 🥲

I like that story doesn't just revolve around their romance, but their romance play a big part in the story! Their relationship is just SO well written, and it lifts my mood every time. There are a lot of side pairings, but my favorite has got to be


Godwin and Debby!! They even had 3 children 🥲


Overall, I highly recommend this! It is pretty long, but once you reach the second half, everything becomes a blur because everything's happening really fast. <<less
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IrrelevantFluff rated it
May 22, 2023
Status: Completed
This was such an enjoyable read!
With 281 chapters + extras, it's definitely long, but I didn't feel like it got boring or dragged at any point.
The world building is solid, the characters are likeable and real - with all the good and bad that goes with that (even OP characters are still very 'human'), and the plot is well crafted and written, with attention to detail paid in tying up or referencing older plot points as the story progresses.
The building blocks of the story are very typical and reminiscent of classic Western Sword & Sorcery / Heroic fantasy adventure stories with a focus on character growth and a relatively (and realistically) slow development of the romance and subsequent relationship. But it in no way feels derivative, and even when you guess what's coming, it's still fun getting there.
I also really loved how fleshed out and nuanced the side-characters were; I personally enjoy stories that aren't very black and white, and where shades of grey are explored.
To wrap up, I would really recommend this novel. It made me feel all the feels and left me very happy and satisfied at the end.
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ZeyFletcher rated it
May 21, 2023
Status: c177
It’s really good, the action, the mysteries, the romance. But im not a fun of side couple so I just skip the side couple’s parts lol. But I think it’s also a good couple, im just not a fan of multiple couples. The main couples are pretty satisfying on their own 💚

im pausing cause I honestly don’t know where this is going.. Like they are just going with the flow and I don’t know ehat to expect next, so the excitement isnt really there, BUT it’s really good. I just... more>> got a bit tired. I’ll continue this next time <<less
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Nicon rated it
May 16, 2023
Status: c212
I liked it - & - I dropped it.

I love an uplifting dark fantasy, I love the consistent world, believable characters, and focused plot-line. I was hooked at the start, the risk and suspense, the mystery and growth. Then the MC got godly overpowered and the suspense disappeared, no threats or struggles, silly concepts, objective wasn't emotionally intriguing, no hook, it got boring (ch150)...

The plot-line is actually good, the author balances the small moments while moving the big picture forwards. The story is upbeat yet full of sad & scary... more>> moments, it nails this aspect, of a hero in a tough world. The characters were great, kind but complicated people with their own priorities. The writing was fine, but there was a few pages where I got confused about events. <<less
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May 14, 2023
Status: c1
Loved it! Great characters, compelling story, good world building. The novel was fun to read and the translation was very smooth. I definitely recommend!
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February 19, 2023
Status: Completed
I loved this sweet and gentle romance with a positive and hopeful outlook on life and our ability to get along peacefully across great divides.
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TrulyDire rated it
February 5, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm so incredibly grateful to the translator for making it possible for me to read such a fantastic novel.

To think I almost passed it because of the uninteresting synopsis... As others have stated quite well why this novel is so amazing, I don't feel like I need to repeat them. Just read it and see.

Fair warning, if you are not very emotionally mature, closed minded, get offended easily or are unwilling to expant your vocabulary, this book is not for you. It covers many themes and topics that some may... more>> find difficult, such as the true nature of good and evil, the purpose and/or use of organized religion in society and the like. There are no truly good or truly bad characters. Everyone has their motivations and reasons for their behavior, even side characters. One person's believed "right" action often ends up being a serious betrayal/catastrophe to someone else.

Also, the translation is very well done (with the occasional typo but come on lol).

To the reviewer complaining about the disconnect with the western setting and language usage... pfft, I don't understand your problem. Do you not like elegantly described scenes? Or is solid and consistent world-building your issue? Or is it that the language used and themes require a more open and mature audience?

the reviewer who believes the side couple was unnecessary/ruined the pacing/created an unhealthy "forced" nature, I get what you're saying. I'm not a huge fan of that kind of thing. So it was quite off-putting. I could only hope that it's inclusion wasn't gratuitous. Fortunately, an explanation and resolution for this behavior does occur. It's just very late in the book.

That's all. I hope more people can enjoy this novel and the others by this author. I'm off to read Happy Doomsday, translated by the same awesome person! <<less
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periperi rated it
December 20, 2022
Status: Completed
5 stars!

Thankful to the translator for translating this long journey because I don't think my brain cells would have survived reading this in chi.

And what a journey it was. Each arc had its own important characters, and some are even subtly linked to a bigger picture. It's a real adventure rather than just a romance story. Although the romance is also very present and very healthy. The story literally kicks off in chapter 1 with no slow build up and never really stops till the end. I do so have... more>> a soft spot for the fantasy setting.

I love the relationship between the main characters. From acquaintances to something more, their relationship was the most solid thing in this story. But that doesn't brush off the side characters (even the morally grey ones) aside. I loved the main team (and coughcough the side CP).

There were also many other characters that left deep impressions:

Like Aurorae (CRIES). And also Tela (I will never remember how to spell its full name) whom I thought was a great enemy at the beginning.


My favourite arc was

the withering castle arc. I mean. It had the worst separation but somehow looking at how Oliver is pushed to the brink yet never faltering and the super emotional reunion, was very moving. Especially the scene in the furnace.


The ending is also the best:

like hello, it ends with a wedding. And pretty much everyone ends up happy. I loved the subtle development of all the side characters getting their happy end as well. Although at the very end, there's a slight sadness knowing some of them are not immortal.


Overall, one of the best reads of the year. <<less
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December 13, 2022
Status: c23
On Hold: C23

Not sure why but I'm not that interested in what is happening sadly. I think it is a mixture of unfamiliarity with western fantasy and the translation. It is full of that awkward sentences that appear with mtl. The grammar at first glance seems perfectly fine but sometimes, it's like there are a couple of very important words missing from the sentences that would make it have perfect sense. So there is some slight disconnect from certain paragraph to paragraph that I sometimes don't understand what they are... more>> trying to say. There are a lot of reviews praising it though so I’ll probably pick it up to try again later. <<less
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dynamis rated it
May 18, 2024
Status: Completed
What a gem! Seriously had no idea what to expect when I saw "western, fantasy danmei" but wow did this deliver!! Took a moment to ramp up, but it becomes such encompassing world building with details that come back throughout the story. Though I split reading this a few times due to irl stuff, every time I came back, it was no issue for me to remember what had happened where I left off due to how unique the setting and characters were. Speaking of the characters, you can really... more>> tell the author cherishes them. They are so distinctive that I could almost imagine the scenes and their looks (which I have a harder time doing with typical danmei). Love the main cp! We get side cps!! Author writes some super cute notes. There's something really wonderful about the progression of everyone's characters and relationships despite hard truths and angsty moments. Definitely cried during some arcs, but it's still such a hopeful, optimistic read (especially with the extras!!) Truly satisfying how plot points from the beginning resolved in the end. I'll miss them a lot... <<less
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casmonido rated it
January 29, 2024
Status: c19
DNF after 19 chapters because the story feels aimless to me. Currently the plot is "how to avoid being mu*dered by the authorities & find out what your superpowers are". Sure, but not for 200+ chapters. Also I can already see what some "plot twists" are going to be, the world building is... not bad but not very varied (reads like mid-tier 'western fantasy' ANIME) ; also this would be much better as animation cause following the descriptions of actions feels tiring.
The (future) romance doesn't promise to be very interesting.
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