Power and Wealth


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An accident let him have a special ability to turn back time up to 1 minute. When he said the wrong things in front of his leader, he was able to return back to 1 minute before to correct what he said. During jade stone gambling and there was no jade inside, he turns back time to pick another stone. When the woman he likes met an accident, he can return back to 1 minute before to save her…… A small fry’s rise through the ranks of the government service starts……

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels i Have Read
  2. top tier
  3. Second Chance and Turn Arounds
  4. [07] Second chances in modern society
  5. Straight Chinese Urban Harem Novels

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28 Reviews sorted by

Afilalios rated it
March 11, 2020
Status: c160
I really tried, but the MC is beyond s*upid, and the plot is beyond repetitive, the thing that I hate is the MC's personality, the opposite of calm and collected. He has a side character personality, when talking to his bosses in government, he's always fidgeting, shaking and stammering, if there is problem at work, he always keeps saying fine well see but he does shit, he panicks a lot and doesn't plan or be proactive against his enemies, solutions come to him in a way that insults our intelligence,... more>> he reacts to his enemies instead of being proactive, which is always a sign of lazy writing

I personally skipped every conflict because how the author makes the character solve it is unfullfilling and always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

This is my opinion, other people may feel differently. <<less
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April 16, 2022
Status: c164
Honestly I started this one because I saw 'Adultery' and 'Affair' tags and wanted to see how it goes... but that's it. I got too attached to the first girl's character and I don't want to see the cheating goes on.

Up until the chapter I read, in my opinion MC's action looks just like some scumbag who ditches his lover just to climb up higher.
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kuramabr rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: c479
Good novel, has some really annoying arcs but most of them are good.
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Xian Piete
Xian Piete rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: c209
The main character is not worth reading about. The side characters aren't fleshed out enough to care about. The villains at first glance seem to be villains until you get through enough chapters to realize that the main character is doing the same things as the villains.

I don't understand why people enjoy reading it, honestly.
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December 22, 2021
Status: c18
Couldn't make it past chapter 18

As I immediately figured out the pattern that leads to him to use his power which by the way is broken in a modern background but he's using it wrong

... more>>

First times I read him use it was just to avoid awkward situations.

Then he cheats in his exam which the author tries to lead us to believe that he studied hard but tell me why he couldn't answer most of the exam question before stealing forgetful villain paper to remember his multiple-choice answers and going back to 1 minute. Then the essay portion was handed to him as the answers were literally told to him a day before.

He later uses it again during an interview after the interviewer asks "what were the people who just walked by wearing" The interviewer for no reason just didn't want MC to pass.
He then uses it again to call his Deputy chief by the right position which is Chief. He used his power just to make a good impression. He wants to make connections and bootlick his way up as he is clearly not qualified.

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Dormideous rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: c328
I like the book, the premise is nice and the power is also novel. The MC is pretty good, upright and honest but with enough flaws to make him imperfectly perfect. So, why is it 3 stars and why have I stopped reading this book? 2 reasons

1) Harem. Okay, I saw the harem tag but I was hoping it would be less pronounced. This book suffers greatly due to the harem tag. The MC is portrayed as an upright individual but the act of going around and seeing multiple women... more>> behind each other’s backs leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. After a while, it gets really difficult to see the MC as a good guy, and that is jarring because the author firmly asserts that the MC is a good guy.

2) Nationalism. You know the trope. Everyone except the <insert nationality of author here> are a bunch of villainous tr*sh that can be easily defeated and will be defeated by the MC who is the paragon of justice in the world. Cringe. <<less
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LastApril rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: c160
I have read 11 reviews before me, some already finished the book and complaining many things about MC bad things. I agree though, I can see this since MC met the 2nd girl, he probably cheat her gf. I saw the harem tag, and I got worried how it'll turned out, based on other reviews he'll cheat instead of solving the biggest problem in harem genre. But I need to say I haven't read the cheating part, I already feel uncomfortable when he said he is still single even though... more>> he already f*ck the 1st girl, rather forcefully in my narrow minded opinion. The romance with 1st girl isn't that great aside desperate h**ny young man want to f*ck hot babe, I don't know if you're okay with something like that but I don't like it personally. You can read other reviews about MC power and plot, yes it's repetitive like other face slapping novel, but I like the 1st girl character and probably drop this after MC bang another girl behind her back. I'll update this later <<less
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May 10, 2022
Status: c235
Its your typical cultivation Xianxia/Xuanhuan but the power realms have been swapped with political powers instead of cultivation realms. Just replace cultivation with political scenes and you will be fine. MC starts off as a hopeless person who ends up with plot Armour powers of turning back time. MC shows how much of a genius he is and nobody actually believes him to be a genius and proceeds to offend him and pays the price. MC levels up extremely fast and nobody even thinks about him having a backer just... more>> because of his background. Just because they cannot identify a backer doesn't mean there is no backer. Even the funny/scary nicknames mean nothing when someone has an idea to offend him and when that fails, only then will they realise what the nicknames mean. Typical Xianxia/Xuanhuan tropes.


Starts off with the sect entrance trials and succeeds to join the sect as an outer sect member. Then MC proceeds to show how much of a genius he is by leveling up (getting promoted) in a few months what other geniuses and Sect Elders do in a few years. And as usual there is the sect elder who becomes his enemy and eventually fails and MC passes the test to enter the Inner Sect. Thus ending the first story arc of the Outer Sect (or should I say State level) and move on to the Inner Sect. Or should I say Federal level because the writing says Public level or Central Government and I'm not really sure about differences between state and Federal government in China. But it sure looks like an upgrade from Outer Sect to Inner Sect

and I wouldn't be surprised if later on MC might become a Inner Core (political member) member soon and then be in line to be the Young Sect Master (Party Secretary or something) and finally the Sect Master (President)

. The first arc takes around 160 chapters and I recommend reading that much just to see if you can take it.


Then there is the money issue. MC has tons of money and I feel that the author fails to explain how the amount of wealth works for a government servant. Monetary bribes are not OK but physical things are OK? How does getting the money to buy things as gifts factor into this? Are they required to report their wealth and any subsequent large amounts of money and how it was made? What are the issues of a newly appointed G man having hundreds of thousands in cash and what about dabbling in the stock market. It was mentioned in the early chapters but then MC made tons of money on it and didn't feel scared to put the money into his own account where things can be traced.

MC owning an Iphone and then driving a Mercedes should be immediate triggers for monetary corruption or at least cause for concern by the Boss. But nothing happens



MC also has a Harem but the twist is MC likes older women and he is always clueless what to do other than being a h**ny lecher and taking advantage of them. As you read on, you get the feeling that MC is an as*hole who abuse his powers against older beautiful women and

especially when he takes advantage of the Yu mother and daughter by acting like a h**ny lecher. He acts all noble one moment and the next minute, all of a sudden he's a lecher and they can do nothing to stop him due to to owing everything to him. You get the feeling that every time a 30+ yo woman is introduced, she will somehow be included into his Harem

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