I Shall Seal the Heavens


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“What I want, the Heavens shall not lack!”

“What I don’t want, had better not exist under the Heavens!”

This is a story that originates between the Eighth and Ninth Mountains, the world in which the strong prey upon the weak.

“My Name is Meng Hao! The Ninth Generation Demon Sealer, I shall seal the Heavens!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cennetleri Mühürlemeliyim
Demon Sealer
Ngã Dục Phong Thiên
Wo Yu Feng Tian
ผนึกสวรรค์ สยบมาร สะท้านเทพ
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World of Cultivation (48)
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341 Reviews sorted by

Aricatos rated it
March 16, 2016
Status: --
Very interesting, 5/5. Best translator around, great story and descriptions. Great world building too – while MC is (probably) somebody from a backwater country, as the story progresses clan and sect names are name-dropped here and there, and in later chapters you find out how it all ties together.

Slow start, first 100 chapters or so are worldbuilding stuff (MC is also trying to get stronger than the first weakest level) then MC becomes stronger and stronger.

Strongly recommended to read. Funny jokes on later too.
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MrNebulist rated it
February 15, 2016
Status: --
5/5 rating

Simply put, this is the best xianxia.

It is written by the most creative, original & intelligent writer, Er Gen. Seriously, that guy drops a hint at a random chapter that you totally forget about which becomes important in the plot hundreds of chapters. There is so much comedy that you’re going to laugh your bu*t off. Also, sometimes this LN has some deep moments and touching scenes that makes you cry.

ISSTH has some qualities that few novel possess even one of them; first, not a single chapter is... more>> boring because there is something interesting in each chapter. Second, the novel keeps getting better and better as the novel progresses. Third, the novel has scenes that get your heart beating ar 400 bpm.

There is not much repetition. For example, imagine a typical xianxia auction scene where a powerful item or whatever is for sale, you never know what is going to happen because Meng Hao may buy the item normally or steal the item because he is poor. The thing that many dislike is that the novel may not be interesting for the first 100 chaps, but actually those chapters are my favorite; there was so many laughs and much change in the MC’s personality happened at that period of time.

Did I say that this is my favorite xianxia? <<less
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nubdog rated it
February 13, 2016
Status: --
Btw before u presume this review is the ISSTH is the best sh*t ever only bias 1sided nonsense, I will say first that I know certain starting parts of the novel is kinda boring.

This novel has a really good balance to become “reality”

Let me explain, Some Jap novels for example tries to portray good so much that all their characters are so morally “good” that they come off as naive which in other cases can also be called foolish, I know there is a place for naivety such as... more>> for example, in character development at first the character is somewhat naive but later gets wiser along the way, but in most cases the character stays naive till the end of time.

And at the other end of the spectrum there are novels that want to portray that “I can kill the guy when it counts” At the start of the novel you would think “hey this guy is really decisive I like that” but later on as the novel progresses the author just goes berserk and portrays the world as irrationally brutal making it go against some character’s whose personality just would never do such actions and also wasting an opportunity to chose to do something more interesting than killing. Though it is hard to define the line whether it is overdoing it or within limits

An example would be that the main char of this novel meng hao even when he decides to portray himself as being proud he doesn’t do so just for the sake of doing it, he does it so that his possible enemies will see him as stronger than them so they won’t attack him or in a way his business transactions goes better, etc.

This novel as I said portrays “reality” really accurately, almost every action has a meaning other than things like say habits/personality/emotional based actions.

Another part of the novel I like is that the main char meng hao actually learns from mistakes in a way u can feel that he really is progressing mentally with the passing of the story.

As for his interaction with woman/relationships they are really natural as the author isn’t forcing their relationship forward by artificial means which I really admire since some other novels are usually rushing such relationships and after awhile it just gets boring, where in the case of this novel because of the natural progression I feel it has a lot more depth.

Another point of note is the planning... like really wtf ru serious this guy haven’t even had a single freaking minor contradiction anywhere or awkwardness which is really kinda... godlike cos if u really other novels, especially those with many chapters if you check reaaaaaaaaaaaalllllyyy hard you’ll find actually quite a few contradictions. and seriously? Like using stuff from like hundreds of chapters ago which are hints to the current happenings which are completely legit and creating such an awesome superstructure foundation. For example the author will give u a mystery to solve at an earlier stage of the novel and then over time all the parts of the puzzle match like a perfect puzzle ohh maaan that is sweeeeeet.

As for the thing about how others are saying this novel has a slow start its kinda true but tbh its really just the boring part from a section of the start of the novel. Let me make this easy for u guys planning to read this and tell u which parts are “boring” and which parts are the real meat alright? Oh and even though there are boring parts read it properly cos they have some hints here and there that you won’t understand which will come into play in the later chapters. So anyway the boring part is around 57-70++ and from from 90++ onward its awesome.

Well have fun n enjoy the novel, u won’t regret it I promise (I hold no responsibility if u do though) <<less
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xociss rated it
February 9, 2016
Status: --
The Story is good. The character and settings are good. No explicit harem setting. Has typical xianxia elements but also has many elements which are not present in a typical xianxia novel.

Has a different outlook on cultivation and there are many parts of the novel that will blow your mind. Fights in the first hundred to two hundred chapters may seem boring to some people but gets way way better afterwards.

Highly Recommended.
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Ahrt rated it
February 6, 2016
Status: --
It’s a very ambitious novel. One of the good things about it is: its massive world and good world building.

Things don’t just pop up out of nowhere. The fighting scenes are more ‘magic’ than combat. It’s pretty unique but it can get confusing and visualizing the battles is harder for me than other novels. Once you’ve invested in it its hard to stop. It’s a good novel but the start is flawed and its more of an up and down ride. It’s really good sometimes but most of the time... more>> it’s average and even some arcs are boring. The author also likes extending word count messing up some sequences but it’s only in the ‘passive’ scenes.

Definitely check it out. <<less
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carapeto rated it
January 16, 2016
Status: --
Starts really slow... really slow! 1st and 2nd books are just average, but after that its 6 stars! by far the best out there!

It has some of the best Humor, some of the best unexpected situations i've seen on chinese webnovels!

The MC development is top! and all the techniques/sects/world development makes this series quite unique!

As long as you can endure the usual and generic start of the novel, You just can't go wrong with this one!
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ninthlite rated it
December 18, 2015
Status: --
One of those rare novels that get better the more you read instead of worse. I anticipate every chapter because every chapter is better then the previous. Probably the best xianxia translated so far. 5/5
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Killerspintt rated it
December 12, 2015
Status: --
Hmmmmm, it's difficult to rate ISSTH. 40 to 50% of the novel is about philosophy/dao/confucianism.... etc... if you're not into it, then the reading will become sometimes a pain and you will just want to "skip". However, the MC really goes against the earth and heavens in this LN, much more than any other MC is the dozen of other LN I read. This is what makes me keep reading this LN despite finding many many flows : battles are all about items and so in this LN, the MC... more>> will encounter even more "greedy" people than in any other LN (I still remember the greed generated by the "fake spear", it was ridiculous, and almost any artefact possessed by the MC can cause the entire continent to chase him, not even mentionning "divine" things like scriptures or the blood immortal mask).

So most of time the story goes on like this : the MC is hidden with all his OP items, he is found, either he can kill, either he flee. Unfortunately that makes the battles quite average/bad in this LN.

But still, despite many times wanting to "skip" the philosophical parts of the LN, despite the disapointing battles, despite the really not well written romance (at least up to chapter 333), despite.... many other things.....I still keep reading this novel. <<less
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
December 6, 2015
Status: --
To be honest, I was quite close to dropping this novel at one point because the story wasn’t developing fast. I blame this on the many fast paced Xianxia characters I have read about. However after sticking with this for a while, I have been able to see that this is a gem among many. Meng Hao is a one of the few characters that I feel like he is truly still growing. The character development is this novel is quite amazing and the comedy has made me spill my... more>> drink on myself quite a few times. It does sadden me that his love interest is not whom I would wish it to be seeing as she is quite the two dimensional character as of chapter 480. But seeing as this is Er Gen and his mavellous surprises, I look forward to how he handles this.

PS: the translator is quite the amazing guy. Props to you Deathblade

Edit: I also love what Ergen has done with the side characters. They are not completely 2 dimensional and his pets are marvellous. The MC does have plot armor, it's just one might not realize that till you reread and think carefully because of the good writing. <<less
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Beel rated it
November 17, 2015
Status: --
For me ISSTH was a breath of fresh air in the Xianxia genre.

The entire novel follows a different path from every other novel while staying true to its Xianxia roots. Except for the period between his 6-9 Qi condensation level period which was very slow and boring the rest of the novel is a mix of mystery, comedy, clever word play and a brilliant MC in both wits and character.

The brilliant part about this is people in this novel are not crazy mindless idiots who only know how to cry... more>> and kill and behave like actual people showing various kinds of emotions apart from hate.

This is also one of the few novels where the actual power levels were stable and power seems to be balanced across all major areas unlike other novels where the MC seems to jump from small village where experts are like none to big countries where they seem to be like flies.

There is actual difference between various realms of power and one cannot defeat a higher realm in most cases unlike MGA or ATG where these levels seem to mean sh*t most of the time.

So all I can say is ISSTH is a very different experience full of epic rap battles, weird to ridiculous characters and so many thing we have no clue about which keeps the anticipation of the next chapters and MAKES YOU SAY MOREEEEEE. <<less
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oblueknighto rated it
November 15, 2015
Status: --
ISSTH is the most interesting novel I'm reading.
The scholar MC stays a scholar throughout the story and I love how it has great humour unlike a lot of other Wuxia or Xianxia. It kind of reminds me of mainstream Japanese manga as it starts of with a lot of comedy but then quickly moves onto action and adventure as the plot picks up.

Review @ c277
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Jaded rated it
November 10, 2015
Status: c1080
I really enjoyed this novel. Apart from Coiling Dragon and BTTH which were the first novels I read of this genre, ISSTH is the only other series I've read this long. After completing about 800-850 chapters though, I started losing interest in the novel. I began to be able to predict the plot. The story became monotonous and I no longer felt excited seeing a new chapter. But... because I was deeply attached to the novel, I continued reading it until now.

But I can no longer force myself into reading... more>> this story anymore. It has become too predictable. Men Hao's miserliness and bashful cons that I used to enjoy have now become stale and dry. RIP ISSTH. I no longer like you, but I can never forget you. It's like breaking up with your first girlfriend. Painful, difficult, unforgettable... but a relief. <<less
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Greed_XVIII rated it
November 5, 2015
Status: --
There is an amount of time in the novel, mostly during Meng Hao’s cultivation while in the initial Qi Condensation stages, where battles are just really boring d*ck measuring contests to see who has more magical toys to throw at the opponent. This is because Meng Hao only knows 2 spells, and they aren't very effective in Qi Condensation. But outside of those battles, and once he enters Foundation Establishment, the novel’s foundation is firmly established (pun intended). From that point on, ISSTH is one of the best xianxia I’ve... more>> seen, and has one of the most dedicated translators on top of that. This is one I’d recommend to anyone that enjoys reading. <<less
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Ardavix rated it
October 25, 2015
Status: --
Firstly, let me just apologize for saying that this novel was a comedy. Truth be told, initially it was; however, after the Ultimate Vexation Arc/Black Sieve Sect Arc there has been absolutely no comedy... really unfortunate. Instead, it is always serious and always edge-of-your-seat suspense filled. Honestly, I prefer the lighter comedy story to this. Meng Hao gets pretty much no quiet times anymore; he’s always in a life and death situation and it’s kinda getting too high tense to read. Accordingly, I’ve considered taking a break for now and... more>> picking it up in 50 or so chapters. However, unfortunately, I’m not sure that will change anything ~ the tone of the novel probably won’t change anymore because the author seems to hate the MC. Well anyways, having read up to chapter 315 I’m gonna change my rating from 5/5 to 4/5.

In short, it’s turning into a never ending [chasing scene] novel... <<less
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Lachiel rated it
October 23, 2015
Status: --
another Xianxia novel that has sprouted up recently, it's translation speed is almost on par with Coiling Dragon, and has no slow down in pace seen in the future.. We follow a scholar -cough- who becomes a cultivator.. We follow him in his antics and what he does in the world. So far it's been suffering from... developing romance and I forsee that it could take the same path as IET's romance's... and we all know how those go meh..
The story's extremely good, we the plot and setting is well fleshed out and the author seems to have a set path already for our wonderful MC. The problem it also has is that everyone's so bloodthirsty for death but oh well it comes along with these novels..

I highly recommend this to anyone whwo likes Coiling dragon or SkyFire Avenue.. Or.. any other XianXia.
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DarkAsura rated it
October 18, 2015
Status: --
The best xianxia I have read so far Meng Hoa is a rational MC and the author does not make him s*upid or change his personalty to progress the plot unlike other xianxia. Plot progression seem natural.
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justmehere rated it
October 2, 2015
Status: --
What? No reviews yet?

Its your typical Xianxia novels, but instead of some overpowered person reincarnated, time travel or whatever, this is your typical average joe with amazing luck.... (and amazing bad luck too if you consider the hat..... read it and you will understand).

The MC is a good guy overall, and this is not your harem type novel.

But even when the MC is trying to do something right and being honest, people would just refuse to believe him and just step on their own toes, and people would just blame... more>> MC nevertheless...

There are some jokes put in here, not your puns or whatever... but some events that is just ridiculous you're forced to at least giggle (or laugh).

Overall, a lot of strange unusual skills in this book. The plot is rather convoluted, im still not sure what hes going to do or whatever grand scheme everyone has for him, but hes chugging along just fine. There are some interesting jokes put in... not too serious.

In the end I would recommend you to read this novel. Not as a priority, but this is a must read if you like Chinese Xianxia. <<less
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February 7, 2024
Status: Completed
The ending was a bit unsatisfactory but the character's personality is what kept me reading. I really admire his money grubbing shameless personality and how he doesn't change as he gets stronger.

Some plot points were a bit brain-dead or forced but I held on and got this unsatisfactory mumbled end, but I guess it's the best ending we could get with all the excitement inbetween so I'm not too mad about it.
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KrantzArk rated it
March 14, 2023
Status: c1337
Currently, at Mt Seas war, I'd give this 3 stars at its absolute best. It's an o.k novel so far. But that is all. I'd put Renegade immortal, PoT above ISSTH. Meng Hao's character I feel is inconsistent and hypocritical, and he's one of those few MCs that I sometimes wanna see get tr*shed lol. Also, hate the romance parts in this novel, XuQ is so shallow and pretty cringe. Moreover, the way MH climbs power levels is uninteresting compared to Er Gen's previous novels. Like when he fights people... more>> with lower cultivation than him, he kills them with flick of f4rt, but whilst being in Ancient Realm 6-lamps, possessing power of 6 essences sovereign, he fought and held his own against a freakin 8 essences PARAGON lol. Its like in Renegade Immortal terms, an 'empowered' "False Empyrean Exalt" holding off against a Middle tier Grand Empyrean. Total bs even with Meng Haos "plot armor", entire war arc would be over if those 2 paragons (or 3) came at MC together. Author was legit trying his hardest to always let MC win, while trying to make readers think how intelligent his story writing is.

All these so called old monsters at every stage of the novel are at low IQ in the head lol. Wont matter if they are Dao lord or even Daosource or 10th step. MC can risk his entire life force to kill them, and MC in reality wont lose even. 001% of overall life force in the end. XD

Also I refuse to believe none of these old monsters after 100s of thousands of years cant have even 50% of MC's luck, like bruh.. Even exaggerations have to have some limit nah?

Little disappointing <<less
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cpzombie rated it
October 26, 2022
Status: c120
It's not terrible, but I don't really feel like reading more... the MC starts out a totally naive idiot, then grows a bit (still somewhat naive at this point, but better). The main problem is that the world revolves entirely around him to a seriously insane degree. Most protagonists get one or two super lucky encounters at the start and then more spaced out, but this MC can't even go 20 chapters without stumbling upon some amazing treasure or inheritance or something that somehow is perfectly matched for the stage... more>> he's in (even if it makes no sense). That would be bearable if there was something to keep me hooked, but tbh it hasn't done that so I'll probably just drop it here. <<less
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