Heavenly Jewel Change


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Every human has their Personal Jewel of power, when awakened it can either be an Elemental Jewel or Physical Jewel. They circle the right and left wrists like bracelets of power.

Heavenly Jewels are like the twins born, meaning when both Elemental and Physical Jewels are Awakened for the same person, the pair is known as Heavenly Jewels.

Those who have the Physical Jewels are known as Physical Jewel Masters, those with Elemental Jewels are Elemental Jewel Masters, and those who train with Heavenly Jewels are naturally called Heavenly Jewel Masters.

Heavenly Jewel Masters have a highest level of 12 pairs of jewels, as such their training progress is known as Heavenly Jewels 12 Changes.

Our MC here is an archer who has such a pair of Heavenly Jewels.

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Thiên Châu Biến
Tian Zhu Bian
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161 Reviews sorted by

Maleandar rated it
May 13, 2016
Status: --

Based on some reviews I almost skipped this. Let me clarify a few negative points


To the r*pe: Bing’er the female lead, aware that he was awakening his jewel, let her guard down and knew it was possible that in some cases the person who awakens needs a sacrifice to bring their jewel out. She let her guard down and rushed into his tent during his awakening. He was already out of his mind, controlled by the black gem. He grabbed her and her mind too went blank. They were surrounded by a cocoon and both went at it, mutual s*x. However when it was over and she became aware of what happened she broke down, as she did not want it to happen but it did. The MC too, became aware of it after and swore to make it up to her no matter how and has devoted himself to win her over. The love story is awesome. Watch as they progress step by step. Very well done.

Is the MC a pe*vert. YES!!! But in a good way. Kinda like Saito from Familiar of Zero. He does not sleep around. His harem is growing unbeknownst to him. He is not shy to express his feelings or lust. Bu does not go all the way with them for he does not want to betray Bing’er. He is more afraid of losing her than death itself. Hell even his teachers father offered her as a concubine to him to join his sect and he refused!

The joke are good, the fights decent and the story flows smoothly. Do not let the negative reviews stop you from reading this.... it is GOOOOOOOOD!!! Action romance fantasy comedy..... what more do you want? 5/5
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ejemss rated it
August 20, 2016
Status: --
Not hating the novel but the author just keep explaining things that happened in the past chapters. For example the MC went to the skill storing pavilion to store a spatial attributed skill, in the next chapter while cultivating, the author would most likely talk about how he went to the pavilion to store that skill because he needs to make his power stronger blah blah blah. Like what? Of course he went there to make himself stronger, if not then what's the point? Not to mention raping someone gives... more>> birth to love? That's really what others called "f*cked up". I feel like the readers are treated like dumb people by the author. The further explanation isn't necessary. He went to a pavilion to store skills, common sense that he want to store more skills and improve his battle capability right? One of the worst TJSS novels IMO. TJSS just wanted to make the chapter longer using those fillers. No need to flame, this is a biased review I agree. <<less
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Mekronid rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: c197
Heavenly Jewel Change is a fun novel. But I want to start by addressing a point of contention in these reviews; there are some ethically confusing parts. Other people have complained that these constitute r*pe, but I personally believe if both parties are consenting, then it's not r*pe.

... more>>

The first time with Bing'er was the most questionable. She decided it was not r*pe, because neither of them were given a choice in the matter, and she was the one who put herself in a questionable situation. He did not seek her out and in fact tried to separate himself from her and everyone else.

The protagonist's teacher, on the other hand, is a total a**hole for setting up the protagonist with a woman, initially against her will. The teacher truly had no good reason to do that. However, she loved the protagonist before she was taken, and was excited when she found out the teacher brought her to the protagonist. She wanted to have s*x with him several times prior but he refused. She was HAPPY to finally get the chance to bang him. The protagonist halfheartedly considered whether she had in fact r*ped him... But in the end decided the two of them got off on the wrong foot. So because of this I see the teacher as being a douche.

If you consider either of those "rape" then this story is not for you because these questionable situations happen several more times. Fair warning.


Anyway, the protagonist is brash and rude but heartrendingly caring any time his female compatriots are harmed. He doesn't go all "rage-mode" like some protagonists, but rather actually pays attention to what the woman needs. If the woman needs to beat him to a pulp, then he lets them beat him to a pulp. After that he goes off to reclaim his woman's dignity by roflstomping whoever hurt her.

And roflstomp he does. I think protagonists of these stories are typically overpowered, but Heavenly Jewel Change does manage to keep things refreshing and unique. With the exception of his first Jewel, his ridiculous powers are not bestowed by the heavens or given by some godly tool. Nearly everything he does is his own accomplishment, and the powers he's given are almost always excruciatingly difficult to unlock and use.

Most importantly for this kind of novel, the overarching storyline imposes some ridiculous challenges. Challenges that don't even seem possible to solve when first presented. That keeps things in perspective when you try to understand the actions he takes. He's not doing things because "haha I'm the OP protagonist" or because "that guy didn't give me face, " everything he does has a serious motive whether it's his family, friends, or country.

Again unlike many other novels, the "level jumping" is sometimes far beyond what our protagonist can actually handle. Other characters sometimes play a pivotal role in these moments, but even then it never feels like a deus ex machina. The protagonist himself has solved some of these "impossible" situations on his own, with bravery and trickery in equal parts.

Finally, the writing is clear and concise and the world itself is very well designed. I'm not sure what people are saying about "useless information" because I've read other stories with lots of pointless exposition. This isn't one of them. Heavenly Jewel Change provides just the information you need and then a little detail to get your imagination going. It doesn't deviate from this formula, either, and that consistency helps the story as a whole. All in all, it's well worth the read. <<less
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Silvaine rated it
July 25, 2019
Status: c308
I've finished this book and both love it and hate it.

I'll start by addressing the people who downgrade it due to the harem. Shut up. It's tagged as a harem, if you don't like that you have no right to ding the novel for it.

For those considering it, at least read past chapter 35. Up until then it's horrible.

So why 2 stars? The author creates some of the best harem members ever. The first one, Bing'er isn't just a harem member, she's a partner. She is the grinding stone that... more>> creates who the MC turns out to be. She's a sidekick, a true partner in the book.

Sadly this author is utterly inept at adding harem members. When a new member is introduced, the previous one gets abandoned. The worst part is that they mostly complement each other and would have made a great team. It is very very rare where 2 members of the harem are together in this book.

Sadly this ruins the book. It's a good story that loses too much because of the characters who get left behind. In the end the author uses a couple paragraphs to end a lengthy story which deserved more and emasculated the MC.

It would be wonderful to see this concept and characters rewritten by someone who could really write. It would make it a 5 star book. <<less
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metazoxan rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: Completed
First here is the Spoiler free review:

Like many other Chinese novels HJC suffers from having a good start and build up but falling short at the end. This is true for just about every aspect of the series although some parts suffer less than others. A lot of stuff is left up in the air with the ending and it has a horribly rushed feeling. That being said it doesn't make me regret reading it as the story as a whole was good and the ending at least gave a... more>> decent bit of closure.

The MC is another one of those clever types who gets through most of the series by playing head games with people to make things go his way. Unlike in some other series this lasts a lot longer as the series actually has a MUCH lower power scale than most other Chinese novels. See normally cultivators would reach a point where they could basically destroy continents. But in this series even those that basically reach god level seem to be only capable of wiping out armies and taking a while to do so at that and we're talking legendary status at this point. As for those who are just barely considered experts? They can't even kill an army on their own without help because they'll run out of energy before they can finish.

This makes HJC a bit unique as the MC isn't constantly reaching new realms of power that make the previous one look like nothing. Also it's much more reasonable when the MC crushes people above his power level as the gap is a lot shorter and isn't like an ant literally killing an elephant because he's just so damn amazing. Also the MC uses legit tactics for a good portion of the series.

However like many others it does suffer the same fate of dropping side plots, forgetting abilities the MC has because it's too busy hyping up newer ones, and even forgetting people exist because they lost relevance and the author forgot to even establish what ever happened to them (more on this in the spoiler section).

Another good point in the series is it really does try to develop a wider range of developed characters and, due to the fact power scales aren't as high in this series, the MC has to rely on them in a fight for much longer without them being reduced to mob sweepers. In fact even in the final arc the MC isn't fighting alone. Sadly, again, the series does suffer later on. Many characters somehow start off more developed only to get dumbed down as the series progresses. This mostly occurs as the MC wins them over and more and more of their dialogue starts being about how amazing the MC is with the only signs they even have their original personalities being in the way they praise the MC.

Now for the spoiler section. Which will be a bit more negative since some of the series biggest problems require being specific.

battles/ action scenes


Like mentioned before the MC is clever and while the series does show this it doesn't make him a god. For example the MC is NOT a military general and even almost gets everyone killed because he fails to see through the enemies scheme. This isn't a forced crisis either. It feels earned which makes the desperate fight than follows all the more exciting as you wait to see how the MC survives and how much he might lose in the battle. Again one of the strong points in the series is the MC does rely on other people even up to the final battle.

In the final fight while the MC is in center stage the weaker people around him aren't so much weaker that he could ignore them. In fact many are only a step below him meaning he needs the help of various allies to win the fight.

One major issue through is the use of tournaments. The author REALLY falls in love with tournament style combat part way through the series and overall there are 4 or 5 of them. Although at least 2 end part way without finishing that is still a lot of tournaments.




Unlike some series where the author just tells you the MC is smart this one actually feels clever. This trait doesn't weaken either although it does get a bit forced on occasions where the MC REALLY shouldn't have gotten away with something but the author just tell us to believe that the MC's trick was clever enough to work.

But then there is the harem.. oh boy where do I start. Okay first of all every single member of the harem has a fully fleshed out character. They have a personality, backstory, and developed fighting ability that sticks out and is unique. The problem is, like mentioned earlier, these personalities start to take a back seat as soon as they join the harem. The worst one is the first member Binger. At the start she's like a no nonsense military general and even when the author forces the MC into a relationship with her by beserk power induced r*pe. She still holds onto her dignity to a degree and is like an older sister and mentor to the MC early on... until the MC becomes stronger than her and she's reduced to his quiet and meek wife who is never given a proper battle scene after the first tournament the MC participates in. Which is a shame because the author spent so much time showing off her strong points even after the MC started to surpass her. Things she could do that he couldn't.

The rest of the harem follow similar issues although since they were introduced later their decay happens later as well. In fact two harem members, the black dragon girl and xue er, still have enough power to have an impact in the final fight besides just killing faceless mooks in the background.


The forgotten


The first forgotten element is the MC's archery skills. At the start the MC's only real weapon is a bow and he does a lot of awesome stuff with it and I mean really awesome stuff. He even gets a super bow that makes arrows explode on impact. Sadly this weapon as well as his archery skills are never mentioned again after about 3/4 through the series. On the one hand it's impressive just how long the author managed to keep the archery relevant. But on the other hand the fact it's a part of the series for so long makes it's absence during the last portion of the story all the more noticeable especially during the final battle. the MC is even losing in terms of brute power and you'd think his archery that he always used to get an edge against stronger opponents before he was OP would come back... nope he just gets even more OP to win.

Another forgotten element are these two bears. See early on the MC got two bear cubs that he tamed and used as part of his reserved fighting force. But at one point he lends them to binger and we never see them mentioned again. In fact given how Binger left for closed cultivation for a good 4th of the series I'm pretty sure the author flat out forgot those bears existed by the time Binger came back.

Then there is the princess who the MC was engaged to. While it's fine she didn't join the harem she just kind of drops off the face of the earth at some point and is never mentioned again even though she ended up in a relationship with a close friend of the MC.

Lastly there are a lot of minor elements that are just forgotten. Like the prince of the empire that the MC saved from poison. It's mentioned later that his country got destroyed but did he die or not? Normally you'd expect him to show up before the MC and ask for his help for vengance but nope. He's just never mentioned again even through he swore to repay the MC.

Then there is the "demon girl" who had a grudge against the MC for irritatingly hypocrytical reasons. After the MC beats her for the third time she just walks off and is never mentioned again even though she's the princess of the kingdom that serves as the main enemy in the final arc. In fact nothing about what happens to this or the allies of this enemy kingdom is mentioned in the epilogue. Did they have to make payments for losing? Were they destroyed? it's like after the MC kills the final bad guy we're just supossed to say "He won" and not care about how basically the entire balance of power on the continent is getting rewritten. Does the MC's small kingdom absorb their land or does it stay small?

But by far.... the WORST damn thing the author forgets is the MC's "sister" see early on there was a girl introduced as a potential harem candidate. She clearly liked the MC and a flashback even shows her father and the MC's father talking about possible marriage. Anyway like Binger she ends up a general but unlike her sticks with it and is stationed at the border when the MC leaves to go on training and stuff... well remember that whole "getting conqured" thing? Well after that we don't hear much about her until she shows up later as a resistance leader but then after a bit of that we never see her again. This is somehow who is like family to the MC and she's not at all present even in the epilogue. In fact her apperance as the resistance leader is so minor I forgot about it while writing this review at first and was going to say she was never mentioned after the conquest of the MC's home until I remembered it.


There is however one major issue I found with the series as a whole that I feel needs special emphasis.

Everyone besides the MC is a selfish prick and I mean EVERYONE. I mean good lord it's like everyone in this series is a power crazed maniac plotting world domination! While every chinese novel has it's sects and power struggles and such it normall also has it's higher powers who are more or less settled with what they have with any power struggles being from the ambitious villains or just shows of power amoung the elite.

But this series makes it a point to show that all anyone cares about is conquest, power, and greed. Every country is basically desperate to do whatever they can to conquer more territory even when they don't seem to really need it. For example the MC's home country is being attacked by this one other empire that's being supported by an empire at war with an empire that's at war with their ally but doesn't spend resources attacking them directly. Well that all changes when they decide, screw it, and almost immediately conquered the MC's country while their ally immediately betrays them and even banishes and tries to assassinate the MC all because he did really well in the tournament and their afraid he'll threaten their authority.

Later on in the series the MC marries the daughter of a powerful sect. Now you'd think they'd do what they could to help the MC with getting his homeland back right? Nah lets just do some minimal aid and leave the MC to train his own army while we mistrust his ever action because we're worried about him being a threat in the future. Near the end of the series the father even says that if he could go back he'd kill the MC without hesitation or force him to join them purely because the MC is now so powerful he can't touch him. This is the rather of three of the MC's wives (He marries triplets) and he says this purely because the MC isn't a power he controls.

This is how power hungry people are in this series. Everyone seems to act like if it's not under their control then it must be dominated or destroyed. Normally chinese series don't take it quite so far and higher powers are willing to accept the existence of powers besides their own as long as they have enough reason to believe said power means them no harm. But in this one the MC is bending over backwards to show himself as an ally who just want to live in peace and everyone still treats him like a threat as if it's a fact just because he has the power to potentially be a threat if he wanted to be. There are a couple exceptions to this but the overall series still has a very power hungry feel to it.


Again overall I don't regret reading this series and definitely enjoyed it. But objectively speaking it falls flat in a lot of ways near the end. <<less
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obsoletefactor rated it
November 21, 2017
Status: v22c185.1
So i've been reading this novel for a long time now. And honestly all the 5 star ratings are unrealistic or just plain wrong (imo).

TL:DR - typical poorly written chinese xianxia, that makes the same mistakes as 98% of them do: information dumping/regurgitating, s*upid and unnecessary plot armour because of lack of writing skills, badly written fight scenes with no unexpected twists, hyping characters powerlevels on the fly, just to force story progression and justify bad writing. The only good about the story is the teachers, and the very little proper comedy and the cultivating system is a little different than others.

I would strongly recommend to those of you who've gotten sick of the same poorly written chinese novels (like I have) to check some of the stories on royalroadL instead. Some of the novels there, are at the same level as a professionally written book or best seller you would buy for money.

... more>> the good: I like the world building, the cultivation system and the mc's teacher (s) are pretty cool, and a very small part of the comedy is decent.

the bad: brace yourselves there's a lot of bad so hold on tight.

The MC is a boring character, nothing new or original about him, and he get's everything handed to him by poorly written plot armour, and unrealistic character interactions/reactions. The harem tag feels like the authors own wish forfillment, and is incredibly unrealistic and not even well thought out (harem can be good if done well, this is not done well). The story would've been atleast 3 times better without it.

The author can literally spend more than half a chapter repeating and regurgitating information you've read atleast 60 times earlier in the story and it's like he feels the need to explain every single little detail he can think of in every damn chapter, almost as if i/you/we the readers are completely brain dead to logical thinking, or like we have a non-existant short term memory.

When there's supposed to be an EPIC hard to win battle, he feels the need to spend 40% of the chapter pushing the 'scenes' hype lvl upwards, just to make it even remotely interesting. And the rest is wasted on plot armour, unrealistic developments, and badly written character reactions. And also information dumping.

the latest 2-3 chapters are perfect examples of this. He's wasted atleast 3 (very short) chapters hyping a female 'love' candidate's power levels so absurdly high, that i've literally skipped 70% of the lasr 2-3 chapters. and the fight is still not over yet, or even close. All of it right after the MC has gotten a huge power boost, and defeated atleast 2 people who should by the author's own machinations, be much much stronger than the love interest.

To those of you who have read the latest 2-3 chapters, try to filter all the bs hype and unnessary filling, and see how few "...." there actually are, that has anything to do with the actual fight scene/action. I think maybe 5% of the writing is about: the how and the what, is happening in the fight. The rest is useless information, and powerlevel hyping just for the sake of progressing the story.

If you'd like an example of well written combat/fighting scenes, I would recommend reading some of the sci-fi story called Paladin or The Gam3 on royalroadL, eventhough it's a different story theme and set in a sci-fi universe. The actual fight scenes are intense, exciting, non-predictable and gives you a REAL picture of what is happening in the fight.

The only reason i've followed HJC for so long, is because of lack of proper wuxia/xian xia stories, because of the same s*upid mistakes 98% of them make: Information dumping/regurgitating, unnecessary plot armours because of poor writing skills, boring 1-2 dimensional characters and poorly written pacing. <<less
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Soren59 rated it
February 1, 2017
Status: c133.1
Love it! It has a unique take on cultivation, and the MC isn't the typical idiotic prideful MC who challenges 1000 people he knows he can't fight because they mocked him or slaughters a million people (99.9% of which probably didn't do anything to him) because they insulted his girlfriend.

This MC is shameless, and he won't risk his life for pride. He will use tricks and won't hesitate to fight two against one against his enemies if he knows he can't win. Although he doesn't deliberately try to pick up... more>> girls, he has a "zero immunity" to good looking girls and he doesn't do much to conceal his lechery. As far as the typical "heavenly fortune" of xianxia MCs goes, about 95% of his seems to be used on inadvertently getting into questionable situations with girls.

Yes, there is a r*pe scene pretty early on where the MC doesn't have control of his body.


The MC, Zhou Weiqing, is crippled from birth in terms of cultivation, and finally decides to use a cultivation technique which he found by chance, but was previously too afraid to use because it can kill the person using it. That, in combination with a mysterious orb he swallowed in chapter 1, causes him to go through a demonic transformation of sorts which requires a "sacrifice", or he will die (the MC himself doesn't know about the sacrifice requirement at this point). Shangguan Bing'er, a Heavenly Jewel Master who happens to be nearby and senses him going through a breakthrough to become a Heavenly Jewel Master, and goes to his tent, only to unwittingly become the "sacrifice" for Weiqing's demonic transformation. So yes, he r*pes her while he's semi-conscious and doesn't have any control over his own body.


If you can't stomach r*pe in a fictional novel then this isn't for you.

As far as combat goes, this is one of my favourite aspects of the novel. It's not boring one-dimensional

"I'm level 12 while you're level 11.5 and my ability is a higher rank so you have no chance" kind of fights, and it's also not the type where they keep clashing attacks together until 3 chapters later they decide to use their "hidden trump cards" and the side with the best hidden trump card wins.

No, the combat is a lot more intricate in this novel. Archery, melee, offensive spells, defensive spells, control-type spells and mobility-type spells, they are all used tactically in order to gain advantage, not just whoever has the strongest ability wins. That's also on top of the fact that there are many different elemental types of spells, and physical fighters specialise in different areas (e.g. Speed/agility, strength/offense, toughness/defense, flexibility/coordination). It makes for the best combat system I've seen in any xianxia novel. Not that I've read them all, but still.

Of course, there are still some overpowered abilities which can disregard enemy tactics, but for the most part the combat is very satisfying.

Overall 5/5, highly recommended as long as you can deal with the r*pe part. <<less
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RarestProGamer rated it
November 23, 2016
Status: v15c119
Before I started reading this. I didn’t check tags, slowly realizing that it was a harem story. However, the way it’s done is amazingly believable, natural even. As much as I like ATG, the whole women thing there is very (VERY) forced, with no explanation for his understanding of people and with extremely impossible ways of meeting / winning over women, but that is definitely not the case here and I must remind you that Harem is actually not this novel's author's forte and yet he did a marvelous job... more>> in creating an absolute fantastic story. Although, we do have your typical Wuxia story, but this one does something which stands out from the rest of the novels which is focusing on the relationships and characters that doesn't fade into the background.

-I feel like the way Zhou Weiqing develops relationships actually seems feasible, especially in how not every cute girl he sees ends up as his and he is actually dedicated to the people he does love which is something quite rare in novels like this with similar genres. I would say that read this novel and decide on your own, and specially be patient with it as it takes some time to slowly grow on ya and it just keeps on getting and better unlike most of the novels where we have arrogant MC with blood thirsty nature who goes on killing spree if anyone dares to offend him and capturing harem members like they are some soulless prized possession only to satisfy MC's Libido, but not this novel. We have three phases of MC from what I can get for the first hundred chapters we have your pe*vert, shameless, cunning, hilarious and cheerful MC then due to the fate not being kind to our hero, he becomes mature, sensible with high IQ and EQ guy. We surely gonna have a third phase too as his adulthood, but that is way later into the story. Anyway, don't let bad reviews get in your way give this novel a shot.

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Dark_Messiah rated it
September 9, 2017
Status: v20c164
This one is a hard one to judge. At first I was like cool the story is quite well written, this isn't so bad. But then:

... more>>

r*pe happened and then she fell in love with him but whatever it was well integrated into the storyso I got over it. But then her father abducts her nd keeps her away from the MC, still ok, then he figures out that the small tiger that was with him for over 3 years is also a love interest and they get together too, wait what? Still, they were together for 3 years so I guess it's fine? Then she gets chased by her father's men again keeping her apart from the MC... WTF seriously WTF! Now we are at the third love interest and the author isnt even trying anymore, they were together for like a month and the girl fell in love.... WTF author! I know that romance is necessary for these novels, but this is clearly going overboard, why did she fall in love with him for no reason, at least the other ones were with him for years or were saved by him before they did so which is still tolerable but this third sister has no reason to do so, none whatsoever, she even tries to sacrifice her own life for him u wot m8.


Anyways, the story I like, although it is full of repeated information, it is still tolerable compared to some other novels. What annoys me most in the story is the way the author handles romance and female behaviour. <<less
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[email protected] rated it
October 11, 2018
Status: Completed
I read the whole series in probably a weeks time. Liked the way story started however towards the end author could not know how to end it I suppose. Every romance arc starts with hero falling for the female and is like he has unlimited love. Even when he is with his best love he ends up with a new girl.

There is a sacrifice required and he always ends with a female next to him. The power ups require that MC is always next to a girl because a sacrifice... more>> is required. And the sacrifice is just making love!!!! Talk of being weird.

The climax is especially cringe worthy. Most of the episodes are rinse repeat of the same things going over. Time reversal is supposed to drain all of his energy irrespective of the power whenever used but after a point of time, it does not drain all his energy. Why do this weird useless power ups and plot-no-jutsus? <<less
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odernatter rated it
May 6, 2018
Status: c417
Great settting and world bulding but terrible main character. He constantly offends everybody and additionaly mol*st women without thinking of consequences, yet somehow author claims that he is cautious and has extremely high IQ and EQ. Incostitency of his character made me really angry. I wouldn't mind some kind of evil, lustful villain who doesn't care about women and so on. But metanarration put him on the postion of good guy, author even use righteous to describe him sevral times. It's f*ckin ridicoulus. People like that, who claim to be... more>> good and care for women but cheat on those whom they supposedly care and mol*st innocent girls aren't villains, they are pieces of sh*t. The worst thing about this book are the parts where author have audacity to shill main character pe*verted (12 y/o level perversion) and obnoxious or plainy s*upid actions as rational and planned. Without plot armor thick as Mt. Tai, he would be dead hundreds of times and its quite literal statment. Weak people who offend all powerhouses in the world don't deserve long lifespan. After 400 hundred chapters is fair to compare it to hipothetical situation where Slovakia dare to offend and con Russia, USA, China, Japan and UK. And sleep with their daughers. But for some reason everyone loves Slovakia, because Slovakia is a genius with high IQ and EQ. Ridicoulous. <<less
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EricBannen rated it
March 10, 2018
Status: v24c232 part1
This is a proper Wuxia cultivation story that is not CLICHE DANTIAN ENERGY growth related story... This story has an entirely new concept of cultivation and growth system which is marvellous just like the description provided in the name...?

There are a lot of girls... But each of them has unique characters and are not flat... The story has a lot of elements of country growth just like most Chinese novels... But this does not hinder the enjoyment of reading it...

I loved the plot progression so far.... The MC is not... more>> a ruthless bastard... His only flaw is that he is pe*verted but even this can be counted as his luck...??

I give this story a 4.4/5 because some elements are repetitive....? <<less
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August 24, 2017
Status: --
Honestly, I was expecting that the novel would be a great read when I started (MC's snotnosed fiance almost killing him and the black pearl that saved him) but then it doesn't.


  1. The writing itself is not bad nor good but what infuriates me while reading is the amount of useless information in every chapter.
  2. The MC is young (13 years old) and I get it that he is a horndog at this age but goddamn damn does the author want to remind you of that every other sentence whether its him checking out battalion commander or describing the body of her. It gets old and f*cking annoying as you read the chapters.
  3. The Cultivation system. Its breathe of fresh air to the usual pill/meditate/power up hunting we get in every novel but what comes from that is it requires a couple of chapters to acclimate to it. Why can't just have an easily explainable cultivation like in ISSTH?
  4. Whats with Chinese Novels and how every authors writes love story the same? MC basically annoys/do or say pervy stuff to a girl/woman until somehow "he gets engraved in her heart" bullshit. Also r*pe? Its fine as f*ck as long as you marry her.
TL;DR its a worthwhile read if you have nothing other to read.
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GenericName rated it
March 3, 2017
Status: v17c139 part2
Interesting new take on the whole cultivation part, nice fantasy story. Feels well thought out, writing is not boring and at least at the moment there is no repetitiveness.

Some typical elements of "cultivation" novels are in here, like the power levels of the cultivation, although here it is not inner energy etc. But heavenly energy which condenses inform of jewels on the "cultivators" or here jewel masters. Those are able to store skills and special equipment. But no profound realm, foundation, nascent soul etc.
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heishiken rated it
March 3, 2016
Status: --
Probably Number 2 on my all time Favourite XIanxia Novels, as the Plot never dissapoints and keept you interested the whole time. MC is quiete funny and all the interactions are just perfect.

MC may seem like an ass in the early Chapters, but keep at it it gets a whole lot better in the Later ones.
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Aruzu rated it
January 18, 2016
Status: --
I absolutely love it.

The MC is great.... he's funny, kind hearted, intelligent but cunning...
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Artrain rated it
March 21, 2021
Status: Completed
It starts awfully, the becomes somewhat decent, and ends awfully again.

Lets start with the beginning. Someone please tell me why authors try so hard to create characters that are unbearable to read? I can't seem to get my head around it. If you want to annoy your readers so badly then why bother writing? My only guess can be that the author actually thought he was giving his character a 'bad boy' charm and adding some comedy when he did this. Sadly thats way off the mark. He's just plain... more>> overdone the disgusting personality of the MC. Every sentence that comes out of the MC's mouth makes you want to close the book. Thankfully this lasts until 15-20% mark of the book, after which the author tones down the disgusting attitude.

If this author has any saving grace, then its the fact that the general dialogue and character interactions are done well. So despite having an annoying MC in the beginning, the fact that the writing & story is okay will probably keep you reading. Also the unique cultivation system is somewhat interesting.

Another positive is that the harem is actually decent. Its not like one character is forgotten when next is added, and so on and so on. His love interests maintain a decent relevance until the end.

But thats all good there is. After a while you start to realize that although the character dialogue is well done, the characters themselves are mostly flat. They can be described by one or two personality traits each. One is gentle and compassionate, one is arrogant, one is mischievous and lively, one has a cold personality, one is steady and stable, etc. etc. Only their basic personalities are laid out. Their feelings, their desires, their views are in no way elaborated unless it involves the MC. In short, every single character in this book only exists to give some value to the MC, thats it. We're supposed to believe that the MC, just by existing, solves all their needs, ambitions and goals in life.

Next, this book also suffers from the common problem that all these amateur wuxia novels suffer from and that is inconsistent progression. On one hand pages and pages of text are wasted on repetitive descriptions of simple things that don't need more than a few sentences to explain at best, and on other hand entire multiple full stages of cultivation which should take years to happen are suddenly reduced to instant power dumping by the author when main character's strength is lagging behind. It reeks of lack of planning of any sort.

Add to the fact that in this book, let alone MC fighting people one full stage above him, he literally fights people twice as many stages or gems as him. If you want to do that, then why write a cultivation novel in the first place? Just write a normal fantasy novel where the blacksmith's son slays the dragon and wins princesses, why don't you? Making a system yourself, and throwing crap at it yourself makes no sense whatsoever. Get rid of this obsession of making your MC oh-so-amazing-the-whole-world-must-jizz-at-his-name. Not to mention the constant f*cking nattering by the author of how great his MC is. I've notices this issue a lot with this Chinese Wuxia authors. How insecure can you be ffs?

Now if nonsensical MC that doesn't follow the rules of his own system is not enough, the author also makes it so that everything that the MC needs is suddenly given to him for free. At most he might show his awesomeness to help someone and bam, that person will then continue to provide all money and materials that the MC needs. But never any actual help mind you. Everyone realizes that the MC is never before seen talent, but they're content to dumping tons of money and equipment to him, and will never send anyone to help or protect him. Afterall, if they did that, then what will the poor assassins who the villains send do? No that can't be! After all, assassins have family to feed too! They should be able to easily target MC when he's most vulnerable! Moreover even the MC's own master realizes this, and leaves the MC at a critical juncture because 'he's not the type to stay in one place for long'.

Moving on to the martial arts itself. This is the one martial arts book where I literally skipped most of the fights in the book. Why? They're so f*cking long winded! Every action is explained for two pages. Why do people like action scenes? Because they're intense, fast paced and exciting! If you put in couple of pages of filler explanations after every move the MC makes, who the f*ck is going to read that? Its also hilariously clear that the MC has no actual clue about either martial arts, or different weapons and their effectiveness, or military strategies and deployments. Yet unfortunately all these things play a major role in this book, and we're left exasperated. From the way the author writes, it feels like all he has is second hand MMORPG knowledge. Terms like 'AOE' and 'control skills' are used lavishly. In fact, the author entirely makes his MC as a control character. 90% of his skills in the beginning are control skills. And he uses them all. At the same time. Without pairing it with actual damage. *facepalm to death*

Imagine you have an 'absolute' control skill (meaning it'll work on anyone no matter what cultivation), and you use it to lock a person down... and then even while that skill is active you keep dumping 2-3 more control skills on him???!!!???!!!




Do some f*cking damage you b***s**t MC written by a you clueless author! Martial arts is not a MMO game! But of course everybody else is always amazed when MC dumps all his amazing skills on the enemy despite not making a scratch on him. Usually MC proceeds to defeat the enemy after all the control skills have run out hehe. So smart hehe.

The final thing that puts a 1star rating nail in this book's coffin for me is how seriously dumb or forgetful the author is. There are so many things that he mucks up. He forgets his own rules and systems that he mentioned at one point and tells us something completely different at other point. He also seems to have no grip of time passage in the story, or anything to do with numbers even. How many years have passed, how much money something should require, how many people of such-and-such cultivation there exist in different sects, he has absolutely no handle on it. Even something as simple as hair colour of characters suddenly changes from blue to black to green.

The entire system in this book as well as the information that is given is changeable depending on what plot the author wants to cook at any moment. As he gives ridiculous power hax to the main character, he also starts doing the same to the villains as he realizes that otherwise the villains will lag behind. Basically there comes a point where everyone's cultivation is boosted rapidly by the author as he tries to compensate, but of course the only one who's most awesome is the MC. Its all laughably s*upid.

Even the story itself is a jumbled chaotic mess, especially from 60% onwards. The author writes many chapters for a certain arc, and then randomly that arc is diverted into another completely different arc without proper resolution. And then that one also goes off on a tangent to somewhere else.

In conclusion, decent writing ability, but zero planning, coupled with not really smart author shoots this book down. And talking about conclusion, I can't understand how author's can't do proper epilogues after such a long story. Honestly. You write so many pages of b***s**t and you cannot spare few chapters at the end to give an overall conclusion to everything that happened after main boss is defeated? How are all the known characters, how are the different empires affected, nothing? Its all this MC love that these authors have. Other than him, nothing is worth writing for them. We only get a few paragraphs of final after-story where we learn all MC's wives are pregnant or have had babies (and even then we don't get to know who specifically). <<less
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Nolkeg rated it
June 25, 2018
Status: --
Warning!!!! Spoiler Ahead!!!

This book contain r*pe scene at the very first few chapters. MC not only acted like it's not his false, he's also running away and being elate for the r*pe result which got him to awake his power. He even think of taking joy in the r*pe. He is a scum of humanity, a h**ny shrewd boy who think with his dick. The girl who got r*ped will also turn to be one of his harem. I can also see the foreshadowing of objectification of women in the future as well. If author can turn r*pe victim to lover, who knows what more bullsh*t he can pull to create this f*cked up harem

Don't read this EVER. It will downgrade your humanity. If you want to get off, watch p*rn. If you want to read harem xianxia, there's so many better harems than the r*pe-victim-turn-to-lover shit.

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baelar rated it
October 28, 2017
Status: c173
I kind of lost sleep over this novel, I just had to keep reading to know how the story would progress.... for that reason easy 5/5. I even followed the story via google translate to get somewhat of an ending.

There are a few situations that dont really make sense that the author introduces for the sake of plot conflict, but looking past those situations the story flows nicely.

I have read other novels where there's romance but this was the first story where I cared about the girls, yea there... more>> are r*pe elements in this story but looking past those situations I really enjoyed the little romance interactions (No weeb)... too bad its a harem story and the girls had to be rotated.

I will reread someday when it gets fully translated. <<less
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Bookworm rated it
May 23, 2016
Status: v9c76
I love how the MC is such a scoundrel and shameless schemer. Loves how he is so overwhelmingly lovey dovey with Binger and so cunning in getting things to be the way he wants it. Full of hilarious adventures, and romance.
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