The Villain Bought the Female Lead


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I’ve possessed the popular villain in a novel. So, I’m going all out.

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The Villain Purchased the Heroine
악역이 여주인공을 구입했다
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For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used. (1)
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6 Reviews

Jul 30, 2024
Status: c53
This is being reviewed 50 chapters in, where we're still in the introductory phase of the story. To summarize the premise, what we've got is an MC who got transmigrated into one of the villains of a Korean battle academy setting with full knowledge of the outcome of the story, and who must now exploit that knowledge to survive and thrive in this new world.

Yeah, these stories are a dime a dozen. I'll admit to having some bias in favor of these stories because I generally like them, whether the... more>> MC is incarnated as a protagonist, a villain, or an extra. Whether you will enjoy this particular story will mostly boil down to whether you like the MC, since the world building doesn't stand out more than the others and nor do the heroines so far.

So to sum up the MC, he's got the following stand-out traits:

  • He's proactive. He fully makes use of his knowledge of the setting and reacts well to changes that result from him derailing canon. He's got a goal and a plan and is working hard to ensure things turn out well. Compared to all of the other characters that show up in the first 50 chapters, he's fully in control of the narrative, but we'll see if that changes and if he faces threats more on his level later on in the story.
  • He's not a goody two shoes. As can be inferred from the title, he outright buys the heroine of the story from her stepmother to make her his follower. His goals are fully self-serving, and the main reason he might have to avert any disasters that might impact the Academy would simply be for the sake of preserving stability in his life. Paladin MCs can be fun to read if they aren't obnoxious about it, especially when they make trouble for themselves, but selfish MCs like this one are also fun to read.
  • He's not a complete a**hole. Sure, he embraces his reputation as an arrogant noble, his first action at the Academy is to insult the rest of his grade in a speech, and he puts the heroine through tortuously difficult training, but everything is for the sake of his plans and he's not a sadist. Mostly he comes off as a tsundere. The heroine definitely sees him as a tsundere.
So far, this has been an interesting read and shows promise as a story. It's got the typical flaws of your typical transmigration story (MC already has all the foreknowledge so the author can dole out challenging scenarios that the MC can brilliantly resolve because the MC already knows what's going to happen) but it's enjoyable nonetheless. The female leads haven't shown more than one dimension to their characters so far but that's to be expected because they haven't had much screentime so far.

Finally, the translation quality is good. I haven't seen any signs of it being a sloppily edited MTL - no pronoun mistakes, no sentences that should have had an inverted meaning - and I haven't noticed any grammatical or stylistic issues. I think some of GalaxyTL's translations do have those issues, so it's good that this one doesn't so far. <<less
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Jul 10, 2024
Status: c11



Kinda good? But at the same time, a bit comboluted, he is a transmitor inside a transmitor sotry, where he becames the bad guy because he likes being bad, he is a SOB, but a tsundere streak, some of his dark backsotory is hinted at, but nothing really interesting.

Personally, I didnt like it, im not fan of evil MC, even when he is doing "good"
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Oct 07, 2024
Status: c120
Hello, I'm the translator for this work. To be honest, the reason I began translating it was because I fell in love with Vargan's character. Although he cannot be considered a good person, he's extremely realistic and not a hypocrite — as in, he himself admit that he's an a**hole. His choices of words are also interesting and make me feel that I'm facing him as a real person, not a paper character.

The other characters are also slowly developing and at the end of the day, we'll find that each... more>> of them has a reason for their actions. Even the most 2D character, Liam, has now begun to develop slowly.

The world building is like making use of an existing cliché and bit by bit, strays from it. I like the way the author didn't immediately dump every information in one arc but slowly drop them one by one, integrating into the story and by now, we finally have a rough view of how the world is actually like.

Lastly, I would like to emphasize one thing. Vargan has no


harem. There is only one final winner although there will be many girls appear beside Vargan and interested in him.

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Dec 04, 2024
Status: c130
Well, it's definitely not bad. At the beginning I wanted to drop the novel because MC infuriated me with his seemingly edgy behaviour, but either I got accustomed to it or author toned his commitment to excellence and practically non-existent emotions/feelings, that made him look unhuman, down, either way I came to like him.

Setting is kinda your typical transmigration with hero academy, enemies (something between zerg swarm and generic cult with own ranking), and other powerhouses like Divine Beasts. Fore some reason the novel is already a transmigration one with... more>> original MC and a possessor one (he became side character who is OP in his own way).

Our MC, Vargan, works REALLY hard and not in a straightforward way, but in an efficient one to achieve his desirable ending which is hinted by author but reader doesn't know what it represents exactly.

There quite a lot of characters in the novel and they are prescribed just as much as necessary. Two heroines are likeable, Alicia, title heroine, has a saint-like personality but a down-to-earth one (MC severely reshaped her), when she saw that all Vargan's doings ends only in a good way she became truly devoted to him. Erica, Vargan's fiancee, is a some kind of tsundere with an actually weak self. Her relationships with MC are complicated and it's like the third part of drama in the novel.

Novel is well-written which is alone a good trait and what I like about it very much is a nice mix of genre. Psychology (MC is very manipulative, but there are a lot of sharp characters here), comedy, action (and a good one), drama, actual shounen moments, romance, a bit of mystery (MC knows future events and setting but author doesn't rush with explaining details, like, reader doesn't know at the beginning why Erica's feelings about Vargan are very complicated, why MC has such thoughts about some event etc). There was even an action detective arc with heavy drama (I cried). <<less
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Sep 22, 2024
Status: c109
Great series. Almost skipped because the few first introductory chapters but after entering the academy, it is great.

MC is very meticulous with his planning and actively twisting the main story plot to gain advantages instead trying to preserve it for predictability. He also never take the original plots at face value and always try to dig deeper for untold events behind the scene, which greatly deviate the plot.

Even better, his planning doesn't always work perfectly. In the most recent battle, the opponent force totally outwitted him and took the battle... more>> spoils he was aiming for for themselves.

On the romance side, there are currently 2 heroined. Erika, his fiancee, and Alicia, the female lead he bought. MC isn't really into romance right now though, he refused Alicia to her face. The only ones he has shown open affection for so far are his pets.

The only concern I have is the power balance. The demon side seems too strong compared to the church and the academy. But there hasn't been insight into the power of individual nations and noble houses so maybe that's where the balance lie.

All in all, a great read, looking forward to the rest. <<less
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Sep 12, 2024
Status: c59
The 3.8 rating is not deserved as this is a well done attempt at a villain novel. The main character was introduced as a flat emotionless robot who only wanted results, but as the story progressed we learnt more about him, his certain beliefs, his flaws, and the fact that he does hold irrational thoughts occasionally (which makes him adorable when he gets so flustered ;)).

So, Leftail's review is fundamentally misguided because this is not an evil main character. He may be a brusque a**hole, but he is not... more>> evil. He has things he cares about, and he holds an imperative arrogance that is somehow deserved. He looks after his people, even if it was not apparent, because the story takes its time to flesh him out.

I have yet to find any childish storylines, flat character development, or boring dialogue. Every character feels more human than a lot of novels rated higher. It doesn't hold your hand in explaining everything, either. I like that I don't have a clear understanding of the world, because everything revealed was made to fit seamlessly in the story without the long paragraphs of exposition. It greatly stifles any boredom I'd otherwise have hearing the 50th explanation on some demonic threat on a theocratic world.

Anyway, if you like villain protagonists you'll probably like this guy and this novel. <<less
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