Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the T*ash Bin


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Chi Xiaochi: fourth-rate citizen at birth, three-time award-winning film emperor, second-rate temper, first-class looks.

He crawled his way out of hell on hard mode to become a winner at life.

Then, he was smashed into a vegetative state by a chandelier.

061: Hello, here’s a brief rundown on the scum gong reconditioning system. This system measures the regret level of the scum gong. Every time their regret level reaches one hundred points, you will be able to leave the current world. A friendly tip, usually, through dedication and self-sacrifice, our employees slowly foster a sense of dependency in the scum gongs, gradually making it so the scum gongs can’t live without them.

Chi Xiaochi: How many regret points is a complete loss of reputation and standing worth? How about a fall from grace? Or wanting something but never being able to obtain it?

061: ……

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Bùyào zài lèsè tǒng lǐ jiǎn nán péngyǒu
Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trashbin
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193 Reviews sorted by

Efu-sama rated it
October 2, 2019
Status: c53
Actually I dont really have anything much to say anymore. Other reviews already said it clearly as a day! This is truly a f*cking satisfying novel about quick wear or quick transmigration. If I had to say, maybe even better than QWTFOD? Just my own opinion though, cause I really like the MC and the ML here, the MC truly a cheming bit*h LOL (but a cute, smart, and cunning one). He doesnt really has a god-like skill in hacking or has a god-like spiritual or physical body. He's just... more>> too good at acting and too smart. He always has many plans ready to launch with many side plans in case something go astray. Maybe he's in par with Detective Conan? LOL, cause he's somehow already thought waay to far ahead, predicting every move his enemies and other Chara. In short, he's thoroughly prepared.

The other reason I like it more than QWTFOD is because the interaction between the MC and the ML, and how the ML is a prince in shining armor every girl want to have, the sweetest ML i've encountered in novels I guess, , probably, LOL. He's not a yandere or possessive madman like many other ML. But, he's always ready to protect and loving the MC.

Ah, I almost forgot about it. This story is also the first that I found such a clear plot about Lord God or the main brain in transmigration system with his/her dirty bussiness being revealed, the understanding about how what and why hosts and systems exists, and the interaction between systems in the space somewhere.

Highly reccomended for a decent BL/danmei novel or transmigrating novel! <<less
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MissZer0q rated it
August 16, 2019
Status: c100
All I can say is finding this novel has become a blessing and a curse. A blessing because this stuff is just too damn good that I come and check new chapters once every week, it is just very very addicting. A curse because since reading this, other QT novel just comes off as bad, repetitive, what-the-heck-is-this-plot, especially MC and ML's from other stories they just don't give me character that makes me feel with them. Oh well, this story is an absolute gem.
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nekomemeow rated it
July 18, 2019
Status: c23
guyyyysssss GUYSSSSSS I just finished the first arc and I FELL IN LOVE SO HARD WITH THE MC!!!! SO HARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just... the fact that the MC is extremely scheming while being kind is just ugh. so precious to me. the story development was just at the right amount of my emotional threshold bc I can't handle too much angst but a bland plot is a no go either and this story just gives me that sweet sweet spot of plot and AAAHHH JUST!!! I love it!!!!

as usual, the... more>> translator group did an excellent job and looking forward to more chapters!!!! <3 <<less
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Thhyymmee rated it
March 11, 2024
Status: --
I’m so happy with this novel??? Cause like even though I like transmigration and quick transmigration novels a lot, they are usually my ‘head empty no thought’ type of reads. This is because of my preference towards the og goods. Idk why but ever since SVSSS and TCF I’ve started to feel sympathy towards og goods more.... more>>

Like at least in TCF is was fine cause og Cale also consented to the switch

but in SVSSS? Na I will forever favour Shen Jiu more then Shen yuan.

enough about other novels.

this one basically is good for you if you like;

1. Very satisfying face slapping of Scums

2. The OG person also getting their happy ending

3. Smart MC and cute ML

4. Interesting enough plot

But either way I recommend 😊😊😊 <<less
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June 25, 2023
Status: Completed
I came here to write the review this novel deserves, but so many others have done a better job than I could.

The glowing reviews are absolutely correct—this novel is incredible. There are maybe 4-5 truly incredible, standout BL novels I’ve read out of thousands. That’s my personal preference, of course, but I interned at a publishing house under an editor for two years so I can at least objectively say this is GOOD. It may not be your thing, but it’s good. Really, really good.

The romance is GORGEOUS. It is... more>> so nuanced and healthy and touching. As the past is slowly unveiled, it only gets better and better.

It may start slow for an arc or two because their past situation is complicated, but they fall in love before they realize who they both are, so it’s extra sweet.

I especially appreciate how this sort of deconstructs the issues with not just quickwear, but rebirth/revenge stories, transmigration, and even various genres.

plus—a big plus—the arcs are refreshing. A lot of familiar worlds like futuristic omegaverse, apocalypse, and unlimited flow are all approached in ways that are different from what has been done to death. Not huge changes, but tweaked in a way that points out the issues in the genre and makes it feel more logical and realistic?

There was also an X-men/game world/battle royale/hunger games style mashup arc that was fun, and a bit different. There’s even an ice skating arc 😂

I’m sleepy and am rambling, but I really can’t say enough about this novel. The author is brilliant at characterization. Every single side character feels real and unique. The foreshadowing is carefully set up, every little bread crumb having sometimes enormous payoffs. Even the extras... they tie up every single arc by showing the after stories of each couple or host. And the side romances are cute and you root for happy endings for all of the hosts. (And systems...) I was invested.

the 2nd arc is a rough one. It can be skipped if you can’t handle torture/rape/animal abuse descriptions in the host’s original timeline.

ok. Rambling over. Read the other reviews for a better breakdown than my tired gushing. I was just shocked someone said this isn’t a romance.

IT IS A ROMANCE. An exceptional one. Yes, it’s a slow burn. Because it’s realistic and nuanced. There’s no love at first sight, just layer upon layer of history and conspiracy and attraction and emotional confusion and turmoil.

I wouldn’t say most romances on this site are particularly good. They’re satisfying like junk food, and I love them for what they are, but they’re predictable and not very realistic. This story digs so deep into the romance that your heart breaks and twists and beats for this couple. This is not a story for living vicariously through the characters like some Mary Sue romance. This makes your heart bleed for them and cry and just wish they can finally recognize each other, move past their trauma and fears and precarious situation and just be happy. Because they are the kindest, sweetest couple and deserve it more than anyone I’ve ever read about.

ok. The end for real. Read it. And keep reading it. You’ll get it after a few arcs. This one is worth it. <<less
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pointoverture rated it
April 2, 2023
Status: --
I’m just going to be blunt and say that this is a must read. It’s hands down my favorite novel ever, with stunning characters, character development, world building, writing (love the translations), etc. It hits all the spots.

If you want to know why this is so amazing, just read the top liked reviews; they cover all you need to know about why to read this. I also recommend you read the review of shenjiu to counter one other frustrating reviewer who claimed they would “rate it zero stars if they could”. (for genuinely ridiculous reasons).

Next, I’m going to say to ignore the one stars/low star reviews because there is absolutely no conceivable way this is actually a low-star worthy novel. There’s a reason why I and so many... more>> people say that this is the best of the best here on this site. There may be personal preferences and nitpicks people will have with this novel, but rating it with a one star and saying that you’d give it zero stars if you could is just disgusting. You might not like it personally, but rating a novel with (I know there isn’t any unbiased way to say it) competent writing, plot, characters, etc. A one star is just wild. You’re saying writing like this gets just one star???? (Yes, this is just that amazing, though personal preferences may also play a part)

I get that saying something like this is close minded, but I genuinely don’t understand the low ratings. Even if personal preference got in the way, I don't understand rating anything less than a 2/3 star on the basis that the writing and plot was done with true effort and no bad messages/signals were actually sent to the readers (ie. Romanticisation of bad things, etc).

Someone claimed that the MC had “too much emotional baggage.” The MC just has a sad backstory. That’s it. It’s not inconceivably sad in that somehow the entire world is against him and everyone is a villain who is out to get him. It’s a realistic backstory that’s just really emotional. Do they want a backstory where an unrealistic and unrelatable MC has no personal problems and things to work through?

To note, the ML is the system, but in no way does he seem like an AI. The author literally portrays him as human with

his own emotions, thoughts, agency, and feelings, and you have scenes of him literally controlling the system behind a screen (or something like that) while his physical body (human) is in a different place. It’s like the ML was an employee in a company whose job is to control a system behind the screens.

I don’t know how that gives any AI vibes. The ML is human and seems human.

The flashbacks are very well written. They are not at all “not strategically or tastefully placed” (honestly what??) They hold so many emotional scenes and allow you to discover the MC and ML’s experiences and pasts gradually with them as you understand them more and more. They happen slowly, not together at once, so there’s no massive info dump, too.

In short, I can’t recommend this enough. Ignore 1-star reviews and afuruba's review bc they're unreliable. <<less
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Elae rated it
March 16, 2023
Status: c185
I absolutely love this novel !

I'm usually not a fan of QT, but this one is just so well done.

The MC, Chi Xiaochi, is great, he deals with every arc's scummy man with pure wits. The ML is very sweet, very doting, but not absolutely obsessive, which is quite refreshing for a BL ML.

Overall, I definitely recommend it, even if QT is a genre you usually don't love, this one might be for you !
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aitakm1 rated it
January 10, 2023
Status: c1
I've waited years for this to be fully translated but I can't wait anymore and just read what they got and mtl the rest lol

I still appreciate the translators who've been working on this novel for so long, and will let me read most of it in high quality😌
Currently reading now, but so far it's just alright to me. The way the MC was introduced and his reaction towards this crazy scenario he was thrown in seems rather bland to me, especially with the things he had to witness and currently is experiencing. His character somehow feels "off" to me. His actions, though, are far from bland.

Another thing is how and when they revealed who the ML is to the readers, it didn't really have much of impact me. I didn't really care too much tbh.

Anyways, although I'm not as attached to the characters or romance as I normally would, the face slapping in this is really fun and satisfying. Which is why I will probably continue, and hopefully the hidden plot will increase my interest as well.


I find myself feeling that the arcs are too long and end up trying to skim/speed read the chapters. When I feel like we're getting close to the end, I find that there's a many more long chapters left that have, after reading, a conclusion I don't find it too necessary to extend up to that point. And the flashbacks, as I said before, I can't really find myself getting attached to these characters so I didn't like reading them. Im disappointed I didn't like this, especially seeing all the high ratings. I think I'll drop it for now.
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Katielicious rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: c87
This is a really nice read. Main plot points are: lost lovers trying to find their way back to each other, getting revenge against scum partners, a big scheme that forces hosts, systems & contractors to participate in these worlds.

As with all stories that have too many arcs, it gets tiring and frustrating at some point. Some arcs are just better than others. Arc synopsis' with spoilers ahead. Arc 1: MC is a rich artist. He dates a mediocre guy who is closeted & devoted to his family.

The insecure bf isolates MC from his friends and family. Gaslights MC into ruining his career to protect bf's cousin. Doesn't support MC when depressed. Uses mc's family to go abroad with his whole family. Finally plans to dump MC & marry a woman. (

I enjoyed this arc. The revenge was well suited to what the MC originally suffered).

Arc 2: MC is an extremely abusive marriage. (It was a dark arc in which a reader will start having a lot of conspiracy theories. Satisfactory revenge). Arc 3: MC & bf are both skaters. MC is more talented than bf.

Bf has a crush on his bestie yet secretly sleeps with MC. He manipulates MC into ruining his career. Then he denies their relationship.

(A very sweet ending after the revenge).

Arc 4: ABO dystopian world. Bf was extremely abusive and

forcefully turned MC from alpha to omega, just to mark him. MC got gang-r*ped because of bf's carelessness.


At this point I'm tired. I'm satisfied to know that

lost lovers get reunited. Most systems, hosts and contractors get their justice. Evil mastermind gets punished.


Arc 5: horror world. 3 arcs in one. Bf tricked MC into a horror system

to use his supernatural eyes. He stole the eyes then abandoned him

. (Couldn't wait for this one to just be over. Had a sweet ending though)

Arc 6: Sci-fi apocalworld world.

Bf manipulated MC into a relationship. World ended. MC sought revenge on AI. Bf worked with enemies and betrayed him & team. (Don't know whether to classify this as a sweet ending but the bf earns forgiveness at the very end).


Arc 7: Xiaxia with mermen?
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trash_generalist rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: c175
OOf. This is one of those novels I avoided for a long time (mainly because it was unfinished lolol~). After running out of things to read, I decided to give it a shot finally. And well, I have no regrets! The novel seems to be your typical Quick Transmigration on the surface. What with the System, the favorability points, the mission, etc. However, it ends up subverting a lot of the usual tropes! It's kind of hard to explain... but let me try:

The MC of this novel is named Chi... more>> Xiaochi. He's an anchor who died and was given the opportunity to sign a contract with a SYSTEM that would allow him to go back to his old world and grant him one wish after he completes 10 tasks. Such tasks take him to various worlds -- playing as the Shou to the abusive scum Gong so that he can brush up on their regret value. OR, in other words, his mission is to 'reform' the scum Gong by making them regret their scummy ways. Our ML is 061, the SYSTEM that is in charge of the MC. And there's a mysterious past that ties them together. Through the various tasks that the MC and ML undergoes, they slowly find out more and more about said mysterious past. And, in the process, unearth some dark secrets about the MAIN SYSTEM.

If I had to say what I like most about this QT, it has to be the fact that all the different worlds are tied together by the main plot (the one between the MC and ML as well as the external conflict with the Main System). It's easy for me to get bored of other QTs because they have a tendency to be too repetitive. And, without anything tying the different task worlds together, it's almost as if I were reading separate short stories LOLOL. This novel is great because it's a whole. Everything connects together to make a bigger and better story, which I just love~

Definitely recommended for that reason! Of course, I ended up stopping because the TL is still incomplete, but this is a novel that I'm definitely going to come back to. I'll do a full review at that point, but right now, I'm already putting it somewhere between 4.5-5 out of 5 stars~ It's definitely worth at least that much! <<less
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mkj123 rated it
October 7, 2022
Status: c176
This novel played with my emotions a lot. I lost count how many times a cried because of the characters T^T

There are some arcs that left a deep impression to me ... more>>

arc 2 probably the most painful arc to read in this novel. It explored a lot of heavy topics and man... the gong is here is a real psycho.


The relationship between the MC and ML is pure so yet heartbreaking. I was frustrated whenever they're close to revealing each other's identity but then suddenly someone will interrupt😭😭. Their relationship is the very definition of so close yet so far

Lastly, I like how the author explore and explain human emotions. It makes the story more relatable to me. <<less
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Icyfrost6709 rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: c124.1
I LOVE it!!!!💕💕💖💖💖

It's absolutely amazing. The plot is good. The storyline is great. Character development is amazing and the clues leading up to the end, plus each world in itself, with all their mysteries and other Amazing side-characters, are exceptionally portrayed. I am immensely looking forward to the completion of this novel. Trying to avoid mtl-ing for once! 😤

The only issue I have is the MC trying to figure out the Ml. I mean, SO many clues literally hitting you in the face!!!! AND you still can't figure it out?!!!! Where did you're amazing IG gone??!!! Where have your immaculate thinking skills disappeared to???!!! Was it eaten by pigbrain??!!! Like c'mon! Seriously!!😤😤😤😤😤makes me so frustrated. This author is really good at getting people's hopes up then dropping them into the depths of despair. So cruel. So heartless.


But anyways still a good find. Even though I don't like reading incomplete works/ongoing novels, I have no regrets.
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AutumnSugar rated it
January 27, 2022
Status: c187
A wonderful subversion of problematic themes in the BL genre. This novel is genre-defining and I can tell the author truly supports and respects queer relationships. They even make a statement about racism in the Asian community & how it affects other people of color. If you like BL you need to read this novel.
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whitespade rated it
January 26, 2022
Status: Completed
I had read a lot of QT novels that try to make the slags regret, but this is different than others as the revenge do not hurt the MC at all. Some other QT make the slags regret by hurting and killing the MC and make them hurt by hurting oneself, but this one take a different approach - make them regret even ever meeting the MC. Those other QTs are good when you want to cry and this QT novel meanwhile is good when you want to beat up... more>> someone. But as you can see the other QTs the MCs are quite limited in what they can do so they take the self-harm method, but in this QT the system is not a pit but the golden finger that can do anything and everything thus it is smooth sailing. Still, there's a strong emotional line there so read this because it is also heartwrenching. <<less
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This person is dying
This person is dying rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: c150 part3
I'm sad to give this 3 stars too, but overall the pace is bad.

The concept is revolutionary but there are some small inconsistencies at the start which continue to be an itch from then on.

The problem of having a good couple directly unrelated with the mission world is that: you just want the mission worlds to be over quickly if it's not especially good. However good job to the author for scattering romantic progression in the mission worlds.

Some worlds are good and have good... more>> pace though, but there are many times that it became a chore to read. For me, the only saving grace at such time is that the translation is good. That's why I don't want to read them if it's an MTL version. I rather just read spoiler or skimmed until the most important part.

But I'll still nominate the couple of this story as the sweetest pair which persist through tragedy (I'll also nominate the couple from 'Mist' for example). Also perhaps one of the sweetest ML ever.


But in my opinion the ML is too quick to show his hot attraction towards MC (to the readers) while MC wasn't aware of his identity yet. There is an instance where his thoughts feel too r*pey for his character setting (I'm not talking about apocalypse arc btw, it's really hot). But I understand that we're all adult here and it's normal to feel that way towards your love interest. But I think the author shouldn't show it too much to the readers, because they weren't together (again I don't mean apocalypse arc, no regrets here) . Also a strange point: the ML hasn't really recovered his memory at that time but his feeling already developed as if its decade old, just because he 'knew' that he used to love him. But 'knowing' and 'feeling' are two different things. I guess the feeling persist through amnesia, but I thought it's not the concept the author want to take. Well maybe it is.


The romance and tragedy are gold, which are enough to make this novel a 5 star in many readers' heart.

But overall I think this novel only deserve a 4.5 star or a bit lower than that because we still need to take execution for consideration, so I give 3 stars to balance it out.

However scratch rating, this novel is still definetely a must read for danmei lovers. Although it's not perfect, there are a lot of things to take from it. This will change your perspective especially regarding the concept of QT (quick transmigration), how beautiful romance can be, and how sweet an ML can be.

I haven't said anything regarding the MC, but he's perfect! One of the most loveable and must protected existance in the entire danmei novel I've read. <<less
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turnipsprout rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Honestly, I put off reading this for too long, but once I started I couldn't stop.

I really loved the care the MC took for the original owners and ensuring their happiness, and many of the original owners had cute happy pairings of their own which I liked! I enjoyed the world building of each world overall - the scums are all terrible enough to really drive me to reading so that I can see their triumphant downfall. A lot of the hosts I really liked and related to and wish... more>> there was more of their happy endings shown! Some of their original stories were so heartbreaking -

especially the MC's.

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Xiu_er rated it
June 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Well... that was a ride... It felt like it took forever to finish reading this novel when in fact it only took a few days. That might be because the novel is a bit longer than your average BL novel. Or it might be because each arc is very detailed with proper world building that you emerse yourself in each one.

Funny thing is, I barely remember all the arcs because each new arc made me forget the previous one. But then again, it might just be my brain having an... more>> early onset of dementia.

There were a lot of likeable characters who were developed very well with their own distinct personalities. I liked how this novel gave side characters enough screen time while also telling the story of the main cp.

As for the MC... Hm... He is shrewed and knows how to calculate people. He has no problems with making the life of scum living hell and can even kill people without batting an eyelid. But he is not heartless. He knows his limits and has his priorities right with his own set of morals. Xiaochi can be sharp-tongued and he can be childish. There are many facettes about him that make him anything else but a flat character.

Lou Ying, our ML's personality is not as bold as Xiaochi's and his character development is also very subtle. But it is there and I am happy with it. I won't go into detail of how he changes since you would be better off reading the novel yourself, but I can assure you that you will find yourself fond of this character.

All in all, I liked the novel even if it dragged on a bit in my opinion. But then again, time perception is subjective and you might feel otherwise. <<less
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uriels_neverending_love rated it
April 13, 2021
Status: Completed
I don't think any novel I've ever read is going to top this.

First of all, the ship is absolutely AMAZING. It's a slow burn but it's fine because there's so many good fluff moments that AGHHH, especially near the end. The main point of this ship: THE TRUST, the consent, and they're just so funny. Also Chi Xiaochi (the MC), you have to read this for Chi Xiaochi I don't think I've ever loved a fictional character so much before O_O

And don't forget about the plot!! I remember the first... more>> time I saw this page I thought it was kind of boring. But then I read that one review and picked up the first chapter, and as soon as I started reading I couldn't set it down. I could NOT put it down!! The first world is still, to this day, my favorite world, but the other worlds are also top-tier. There are so many different amazing genres in the worlds that got me into reading more than just modern novels. Every world and every plot is so addicting, sometimes I even forgot I was reading the novel for the ship- lol. (Don't get me wrong, the ship content is still there, I was just too focused on the plot)

Back to the topic, the overall theme of this novel is just insanely satisfying. The way Chi Xiaochi handles the revenge is ugh *chefs kiss. The angst, the humor, the fluff, all of that is dealt out so well. It's not only easy to read, but it's also got a ton of plot. I've probably mentioned the plot too much already but: read for the plot.

One of my favorite things about this novel is just how precious all of the (non-scum) characters are. I love all of them, I love all of them I love all of them I love all of them!! And can I just say, massive appreciation for the author who actually put in wlw subplots, they were so refreshing and they were sO CUTE!!!!! It's so rare that you see side ships but the author really said side ship rights!!

I think most importantly is that although the translation wasn't finished, I actually read through the entire 140 remaining chapters in the raws. And that's HUGE coming from me because my head hurts whenever I read Chinese lmao. (Also there's an audiobook that you could look up on Ximalaya if you plan on doing the same because that helped a ton.) (Psst I love the audiobook narrator, she reads the scenes so well and her voice is amazing, ,)

I don't know how to put the rest of my thoughts in words but TLDR, read for:

  • Chi Xiaochi (MC) <3
  • the trust the ship has
  • the side characters <333333 looking at you,

    Yan Lanlan 👀

  • oh yeah did I mention the angst? There's a ton but Chi Xiaochi's very presence balances it out, dw
  • the revenge schemes!!! Chi Xiaochi you go!!!
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Macca rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: v1
I like it, just too much between system ans MC so I can't really enjoy the story. Will read again one day.
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The_armchair_thinker rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: c122
Alright, this might come as my own insight but as well as a response of sorts for the reviews that didn't really conform with my thoughts.

I'll start with the cons: the novel began with a much faster and interesting counterattacks but the fourth and fifth arcs just don't have much of that earlier thrill.

What is unquestionably plenty is fluff! And about how a certain someone disliked the majority of fluff being in the form of reading books and daily life things, it has a unique kind of appeal to it,... more>> seeing as how you don't break from essential survival norms like sleeping or eating just because you're in a different world. And if these come with a therapeutic effect from the gong then why not :))

I'm pretty sure every one has already mentioned it but I want to do so again, this QT novel has depth unlike any other. The depth of psychological structuring of thoughts and emotions and human rationale is absolutely phenomenal!

For instance, in the first arc the collapse of the shou was systematically traced with an emotional overview instead of it being superficially stated as a scum gong who betrayed him! I especially loved how powerful this is in terms of healing the very scars it leaves with the tragedy with gentleness. In the scating arc, the way our MC taught the shou to tie his hair was so heartfelt!

I don't think I've said all that I want to and was carried away but it certainly is one gem of QT. Every world is like a fulfilling novel in its own right. Please do read this, you won't be missing out! <<less
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