Breaking Through the Clouds


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Foreboding clouds raced across the skies above the city.

Three years ago, as a consequence of Commander-in-Chief Jiang Ting’s error in judgement during an anti-drug operation in Gongzhou, a chain of explosions occurred at the scene and caused the Narcotics Division to suffer heavy casualties. Now three years later, Jiang Ting, whose flesh and bones should’ve faded from existence after dying at the line of duty, actually miraculously woke up from a vegetative state.

His heroic soul could not rest – he must return to the mortal world from the depths of hell and exert all that he has in order to bring the bloody and inconceivable truth to light.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Break in the Clouds
Break The Clouds
Phá Vân
Po Yun
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53 Reviews sorted by

wkhekwjewkej rated it
March 5, 2024
Status: Completed
a book executed so perfectly, it will leave your toes bloody. (yes)

Po yun is possibly one of the best thriller-crime-action novels I’ve read, it’s absolutely captivating in every way possible. A hair-gripping plot with a bit too many secrets to uncover, if the end wasn’t satisfying enough- at least your hair would be tangled by then.



  • Our MC is an actual treasure, literally the best boy. If you’ve read Erha you’d know where these two MCs fall into. He’s actually really mysterious for most of the book and his actions seem questionable a LOT of times, but in the end he’s badass and you’ll only love him till the end.
  • ML is actually a bit out of favoritism for a lot (the straight-man syndrome) but he’s so funny and it’s obvious shang jie is doing it for the laughs, so laugh it off! He’s your rich police man (and he will not hide it)
  • Side characters will have to include Yan mama and papa because I want them in my life.
  • the antagonist, oh dear... he is so so


    just saying!

  • So. Well. Written. Mysteries are so hard to write because you got to sprinkle the perfect amount of hints, keep the story fresh while also baiting readers to read more. This book does all that flawlessly.
  • The story is actually really interesting and is pretty realistic too.

  • The romance didn’t take up much of the book but the undercurrents are there. Lord you can feel the tension and the absolute amount of pain, this isn’t just ‘love’ but trust, understanding, position, and the future.
  • Both characters actions can be understood but this isn’t some angsty dogblood romance but a genuinely heart wrenching love story so get your tissues ready.

I actually find every aspect of this above expectation so I can’t really pinpoint anything that would put readers off except for Yan xie’s male chauvinism lol.

Overall rating: 5/5. Personal rating: 5/5
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Iza_3 rated it
September 10, 2023
Status: --
Yes. Read it. Go read it

Whether it's plot, romance or characters, they're all well written.

Jiang Ting... oh boy. He is a VERY mysterious character. You'll never find out the whole truth about him until the last book! How the hell did the author pull that off? Idk... He also cared so much for Yan Xie!

Yan Xie. His 'straight disease' was annoying at times and as other reviews had said, he made some... not-so-nice comments about women and also keeps saying that Jiang Ting is the wife... Still... with his character,... more>> I'm not sure how much of it is just some dumb stuff he says without thinking and what he actually said with seriousness. Bcs at the beginning, he was actually intimidated by Yang Mei. And also, in my opinion, he treats Jiang Ting well. Also, keep in mind that most of his straight disease stuff comes from his parents and how he was thought by them. Bcs they also call Jiang Ting daughter-in-law... so yeah, if you want to blame someone, you can blame them. But I like the fact that they didn't even care if Jiang Ting was a man. They just wanted Yan Xie married lol. In my opinion he is a good person, that even after his best friend betrayed him, he still couldn't hate him fully. Which brings me to Qin Chuan... his best friend... their friendship is tragic man... but I love them both. As friends and individual characters. Qin Chuan is very intelligent. A very interesting character.

I would also like to add for fav characters: Chu Ci (let my boy be happy), Han Xiaomei (the biggest Yan Xie x Jiang Ting shipper! Also, Yan Xie, give the girl a break), Ma Xiang and Yang Mei (her and Yan Xie are the definition of Frenemies! They bicker but they help each other when needed)

Now, the romance. Both Jiang Ting and Yan Xie risked their lives for the other multiple times. I could feel how much they loved each other. But... I could also feel that they didn't trust each other fully until the end bcs of Jiang Ting being too secretive... I don't blame him for that tho.

Plot. It was interesting! The main antagonist, The King of Spades, is so annoying! And I love it! Bcs I hate it when I love the villain when I'm supposed to hate him you know? So yeah, he is hating material. He is interesting... more or less anyway... He's an awful awful man

Conclusion? Read it. It's a good one! <<less
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Olivia D
Olivia D rated it
September 6, 2023
Status: Completed
I enjoyed the story a lot. The crime case, mystery, suspense and the flow of the plot. In the beginning, there was only subtle romance but it growing as the chapter goes on.

I love Jiang Ting the most, as someone with quite sad backstory and he finally able to overcome his fear. He used to be captain and his knowledge and experience helped them a lot. For Yan Xie, for most people, he seems manipulative and forceful but I loved how he take care of Jiang Ting and stick with... more>> him.


I'm so happy this got good ending & they even got married. ❤️


I recommended this to those who likes crime and mystery story. Its worth it. <<less
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Eulear rated it
August 29, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a solid police mystery novel with interesting twists and turns that make you keep reading. I love the MC and the villains in the novel since they are interesting characters with different motivations. The relationship between MC and ML felt uncomfortable to read at times since the author likes to impose a hetero dynamic between the ML and MC, often feminizing MC and describing the ML as some omegaverse alpha wolf with male hormones that make the other male characters betas. The MC is often called daughter-in-law and wife... more>> and the ML often compares him to a girl. The ML is lowkey misogynistic, often making jokes degrading women and treating MC like a housewife. The story is mostly told from ML's perspective and most of the time he is h**ny for the MC or making some unhinged rant about MC's beauty. I honestly wanted to read from the MC's perspective more since he was an interesting character with a complicated past. I kept going because I wanted to know the truth about MC, but ML was testing my will to continue.


The ML also says he is the top and is the husband of the relationship so he needs to take care of his "wife". The ML also forces kisses MC many times like pining to a wall and won't no for an answer. I guess it's supposed to be depicted as "hot", but nonconsent is never hot. The first s*x scene occurs in chapter 89 and it is dub-con since the MC never explicitly agreed to do it, but ML was a h**ny simp and wanted to do it asap. ML often treats the MC as the bride calls the MC a police flower and thinks the MC is like a girl because he likes sweets. Come on man, liking sweet doesn't mean you're a girl. The amount of times MC is described in a feminine and weak way, made me want to drop the novel since MC is a capable policeman, not some delicate flower. The ML is also described as some top alpha male with male hormones wanting to dominate his mate. It's already disproven there is no alpha, beta, omega in wolfpacks. It felt like I was reading omegaverse at some points of the story. The first 3/4 novel was ML being a h**ny teenager for MC while proclaiming he is a straight alpha male chasing his weak feminine wife.

The novel redeems itself when MC was forced to work with the Spade King and Qin Chuan, making the story engaging since they are complicated villains. It switched to MC's perspective and it was a blast to read about MC's capable nature to be cold-hearted and stand his ground. Reading how he straight-up kills people while playing mind games with the villain was a blast to read compared to reading what ML's brain was cooking up. I kept reading for the MC since I enjoyed his character. MC is a capable guy and trying to make him feminine or weak to force the hetero relationship of there need to a female or male in the relationship, invalidates MC as a person. Human relationships are complicated and don't fit in those molds. It felt like the author was justifying the relationship because MC was like a female so he is fated to be with the epitome of masculinity ML.

The female characters were overshadowed by most of the male characters and often described with stereotypes like females are weak and cry. It felt uncomfortable to read ML's unhinged rants about his views of females while trying to project the MC with feminine traits. Other than the problematic characterizations, the mysteries in the novel were solid. I'm getting flashbacks of the Seizing Dreams's couple dynamic. At least Jing Ting is a capable MC who doesn't need to rely on the ML to get things done.


If you want to read some solid mysteries, then it's a solid novel. The ML is the type of person you don't want to deal with in real life. If you skim through the problematic parts of the relationship dynamic, uncovering the mysteries will be the payoff. <<less
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Burning_Rose rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I dislike reading suspense and criminal activity genre novels. But this novel made my views change a bit.

This is a novel has main focus on plot with other things. It's simultaneously intriguing and engaging. Doesn't give readers time to move their eyes away for a second.

The plot is well thought and excellantly written.

... more>>

The plot begins from the very beginning.


Though I would say that the author focused on the plot a little too much. Limiting the romantic development of the characters.

While the characters won't leave you feeling unsatisfied. This story may have an MC but the story shows mainly from ML's POV.

It's the kind of novel which is like a fine buidling blocks or a well thought out puzzle. You have to fo through each and every incident to understand the whole book. The pacing between the timeline's good. Readers are able to undertand the timeline.

This story needs patience of the read.


Cuz in this story villain dominates throughout.


Minor characters with incident help in nicely building the blocks of the builing leading to absolute climax. <<less
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LitTLeBeLLE rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: c42
The novel is wonderful, fun, and unexpected. The sequence of events is connected and gives detailed information about the events in addition to the unexpected comedy... I could not wait until the download of the next chapter. so I went to read it from the Chinese web.
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Gigi_94 rated it
January 23, 2020
Status: c20
Translator has done an amazing job, love this story. Not much of romance so far, but you won't regret it for choosing to reading this novel. The way this story develop is so cool that you will keep wanting more and more.
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timefigment rated it
December 18, 2023
Status: --
Story is great, but the romance just ruined it for me to the point I just dropped the novel. Other reviews has said it for me, but basically Yan Xie is just not good as a lover. He has this toxic masculinity that he projects towards Jiang Ting.

He thinks and said things such as: "a man's business isn't in the kitchen" and "Jiang Ting's is such a picky eater and his taste is delicate" and the likes.

If you don't mind such things, this story is definitely great in its mystery... more>> and actions. Yan Xie as an officer is also amazing and his character when he's not thinking with "male alpha" mentality is fun to read. However, I noticed it too much from the very start and it has left a bad taste on me. I can't imagine what it would be like once their relationship progressed even more. <<less
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jololv rated it
August 27, 2023
Status: Completed
It was an interesting story and quite a page turner until the first NFSW chapter (89).


First of all, it was forced. Second, MC's personality changed for the worst (he became meak and silly).


Also, this type of ML is sooo not my cup of tea. He was immature and low-key manipulative.
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Rukz123 rated it
June 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Undoubtedly one of the best and definitely in top 10 novels I've evere read so far. There are so many things to say that I dont know where to start and Im not inclined to write a more than 2 pages review in NU. 😂😂

1. All the cases are top noch and man the suspense was magical. You can cut the tension with a knife and intensity in the scenes of clamax was woooww...

2. The romance was heaven ❤️❤️. Yan Xie's love is loud as waves in the sea and... more>> jiang ting's love is so silent as deep bottom of the see. Not that it means one's love is inferior but they are complementing and completing each other.

3. The plot twists.... No words because I dont want to ruin the surprise for you guys.

Just Read IT.

Great Author your work was magical. I cried, I laughed, I was blown with twists after twists, I was slapped in the face 😂😂😂😂... and I loved it. I loved the way you show me happiness and loved the way you squeezed my heart that it was unbearably painful. Thank you..❤️❤️❤️❤️ <<less
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HiddenHermit rated it
May 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Good, complex novel with a steady feel of anticipation and apprehension. The romance is there but it isn't overwhelming. The novel's focus is mostly on crime solving.

MC, Jiang Ting, is a cold blooded genius. ML, Yan Xie, is a smart, honorable, and tough criminal investigator. ML provides most of the novel's levity with his "straight male cancer", with a thick layer of young maiden's heart, nature.

The story has a happy ending.

... more>>

MC wanted to investigate and find the mole from years ago. However, his body is weak after his coma so he has to wait for it to recover. Due to a crime, he meets ML and gets involved in solving cases with ML.

The cases are somewhat connected to MC's failed operation. Throughout more questions are slowly answered.




- MC did not kill "Rivet" the undercover cop.

- MC and the drug lord King of Spades, Wen Shao, were friends when they were kids. They were kidnapped and MC had saved WS life.




- MC was adopted by the King's dad, Ace of Clubs, Wu Tun.

- MC was the Queen of Hearts. WT had MC become a police officer to support his drug trade. However, from the beginning MC actually wanted to take down WT and WS.

- Rivet was actually the mole. Rivet was played by two people, one of them was WS. The operation was doomed to fail from the start since WS knew that MC had gone to the other side.

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earlgreyt rated it
May 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I very much enjoyed this novel. It's a very classic style - detective-crime solving case after case with an overarching plotline that connects the crimes and cases together.

I also love that the ML (Jiang Ting) has a very hidden backstory. The perspective or narrative is 3rd-person-limited, so much of the tension is carried by the mystery of the main character's past. Even once you think you know what that past may be, other things come up with more unexpected twists and turns.

The author did a good job foreshadowing many of... more>> the events in the story and linking them all together into a complex web. Some of the reveals were a bit predictable, but some also turned out to be red herrings for the truth.

I would say the one star off is for two things:


at a certain part in the plot, the ML is revealed as a villain. However, the author writes the MC being heartbroken over it. IMO, it's more psychologically reasonable if the MC had just struggled in denial a little bit more instead of instantly throwing himself into despair. There was just one moment in his mental struggle that I thought was a bit overdone. The rest of the events were well-balanced. A very small nitpick.


The other is the translation. Because this got picked up by different translators, the novel lost some of its charm in the writing. Most of the chapters were done by 98Novels, which is primarily MTL and only roughly edited in the beginning. Later the editing got better, but much of the original writing's charm was diminished. I am waiting for inkstainedcharm, which is an excellent translator, to finish it! <<less
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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
May 20, 2023
Status: --
One of the best story among criminal investigation novels! I really enjoyed this book from start to finish. The character design was something I really loved.

Our main characters are very well written and I loved the character of Vice captain Yan so much. He has that hilarious side as well as dead serious and stubborn side to him. Overall he is my favorite. As for our captain Jiang, he is a sweet and lovable character (Don't ask me about the sweet part but I really find him so cute and... more>> sweet!). A well matched couple that is blessed by heaven! As for other side characters they have their own unique characteristics which I really loved. Specially the criminal investigation team and the leaders. The villain characters were also well written by the auther.

The story was pure gold. The twists and turns caught me off guard. The storyline was addictive and nicely written.

Many thanks to the auther for this amazing story. And I am really grateful for the translator who brought this novel to us!

Highly recommend! <<less
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dee_ism rated it
May 15, 2023
Status: c43-46
A great mystery crime solving novel! It keeps you on edge and engrossed in the whole ride. If you a fan of crime novel, then it's a must read!! And while it's heavy, the comedy aspect keeps you entertained.

The main attraction is the MC, Jiang Ting. He is a very suspicious character from start to end. Very intriguing, you root for him, but also wary of him. His mystery is like an onion that get peeled layer by layer.

Special appreciation towards the woman in this story: the amazing almighty Madam... more>> Zeng Cuicui, the self-made rich lady Yang Mei, tough cookie intern Han Xiaomei, and the steady Chief Yu. I love you girls! <<less
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ErraticbutAvidreader rated it
March 5, 2024
Status: Completed

Not sure if this is a spoiler but Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey is constantly playing subconsciously in the background in the early arcs. As someone who is obsessed with this song, I was super excited about how this would be interwoven into the plot. I liked the song but got obsessed after I watched The Great Gatsby so I was personally looking forward to how this song would come into play as the plot progresses, especially since the song lyrics was heavily scattered throughout the earlier arcs.... more>> But I was really disappointed when my expectations weren’t met. It seems the author just liked the song and wanted to put it in like a bg music? I suppose some words that the main antagonist said in the last arc could refer to the song but compared to how rampant the song lyrics was written in, during the earlier arcs, I was honestly expecting the song to be be more significant in the story. I kinda felt like the author forgot about it as the mystery got thicker. Anyway, this is just my personal opinion as someone who loves the song and was excited for the author to do something more but was left disappointed. If anyone thinks I missed anything, some hints, some implied meaning or some finer nuances that I missed regarding this point in the novel then I hope I can find your comment in the reviews or discussion forum. (I was today years old when I realised you can’t reply to reviews here.)

End of Spoiler

Plotwise, it was fun and gripping enough. The cases were beautifully linked together and the mystery keeps you excited and wondering about the reality behind the happenings and Jiang Ting’s personality. The gong might be a tad annoying trying to constantly keep the heteronormative agenda and certain comments about women. But I guess it’s also funny cause he’s kinda like a “ hysterical woman” at times. <<less
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Jamieee rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5⭐️

Premise: Three years after the Captain of Crime Investigation Team, Jiang Ting, died in a failed operation against a large syndicate, Yan Xie, Vice Captain of the Crime Investigation Team, sees a man who seems oddly familiar. Caught in a web of lies and betrayal, Yan Xie forges ahead, seeking the truth of what happened three years ago.

Review: As an action, mystery, and crime-investigation novel, “Breaking Through the Clouds” is a clear 5/5. It had me at the edge of my seat itching to get to the revelations. It... more>> really did a good job of hooking the reader with scattered clues and hints all the while never really being clear on the circumstances of three years ago.

You can’t rest easy with what they’re revealing either, those clues could be outright lies or carefully manipulated truth.

That said, I would have docked it a star since the romance wasn’t well-developed. The initial romantic buildup was lacking in substance, it just wasn’t convincing enough. I do think the MC and ML could fit together, that wasn’t the problem, it was the execution of it that failed to deliver.

In the end, the reason why I only had 0.5 stars removed was because the romance did one aspect well.

Since they were on uncertain grounds with the MC being a police officer and the ML basically being a fugitive whose motives are unknown and has an undeniable connection with a large figure in the underworld, the MC and ML, though confirming that they had an attraction and affection for one another, were at a stalemate where they could trust the other with their lives but couldn’t trust that the other is not hiding something that would be detrimental to their respective plans.

I really liked that part and it was well-executed, so while the initial foundation for the relationship was lacking, that part of the romance had me interested. <<less
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Jinnmi rated it
October 17, 2023
Status: c148
I came here after Swallowing the Sea. I have to say, I feel like this a little more lighthearted and I had a really great time reading. The cases are well done and I got to learn more about the characters I’ve already known from Swallowing the Sea.

... more>>


“The flames in the distance were still on, and Qin Chuan’s face, which didn’t look like that of a living person because of excessive blood loss, was flushed red, and his eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, they stared at each other, and across the thorn bushes and rocks, both of their eyes reflected the youthful figure of each other.”

This part got me bawling my eyes out. I kept wondering why the review in Swallowing the Sea kept saying QC is their fav character and now I understand it. I feel like he’s one of the best morally grey characters out there. This paragraph shows just how much he misses his comrades and was willing to die to save them - even if know one knows or care about him in the end. I can feel the reluctance that he feels. He didn’t want to part with Yan Xie, the person who still call him brother even after he poisoned YX with his own hand. I wish things turned out a little bit differently for him. I wish he also find someone/something he loves. Someone give him a hug please.

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Okay, first of all, this did give me Mo Du/Silent Reading vibes at first. But then, I gradually realized that this one is very heavy in action. This is pretty much the definition of thriller.

The plot was just absolutely delicious. It's the sort of plot that's similar to an onion, where you have to peel layer by layer before the secrets get revealed. There's plenty of chemical terms, too, if you're someone who enjoys that, but they weren't very complicated even if you dont.

I actually initially rated this 4 stars... more>> at first because their relationship dynamics sort of made me feel uncomfortable. Before the main characters even got together, there was already a tension in the air. MC truly had too many secrets and I kind of felt sorry for ML because of that, hence why I felt uncomfortable. But then, as I read on and looked back at what I remembered about the previous chapters, I realized that I misunderstood MC and ML a lot.

In the end, it does not change the fact that despite everything that was going on, they were two people who truly loved and wanted to protect one another. They were each other's strength, but they just expressed their love in drastically different ways.

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LH_12 rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: Completed
fascinating novel with a good mystery. It is long but fast-paced. I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed every moment spent reading it.
The novel contains different cases, which the author connected with each other and to the whole plot very skillfully.

I would say that the story itself is sad; there are heartbreaking moments; there are also good plot twists and mysteries; the investigation process is fascinating; and the crimes are interesting. Sometimes, especially in the last chapters, situations get really tense and nerve-wracking; in some cases, it is really hard to guess what is happening, and the truth is concealed, which keeps readers in tension and suspense. But at the same time, there are many funny situations too. Some parts of this novel made me laugh really hard. The novel is well balanced and enjoyable to read.

Characters are well-written, they are interesting, and their interactions are fascinating. I especially liked MC and ML. I adore couples who trust and love each other unconditionally. MC is strong, clever, and calm. He is independent and never panics, even in the worst situations. I loved that because he trusted ML, he began to show him his vulnerable side. ML is savage, aggressive, and often acts like a peacock, but at the same time, he is determined, smart, and brave. It was funny how indulgent and helpless MC became towards ML. In all fairness, I think ML is gentle only towards MC. So both of them have double standards.

The novel contains many small details, which make the story more heartfelt. Interactions between characters, brotherhood, and cameradice make the whole story warm despite hideous crimes.

The style of storytelling is good too; the author sometimes deliberately conceals the truth from the readers and leaves us hanging, which arouses interest. There might be some small mistakes, but in general, this work is wonderful. This is one of those kinds of stories that makes you miss the characters. Please read it; you will definitely enjoy it, especially if you like this genre.
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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
May 25, 2023
Status: Completed
This almost gave me anxiety with the amount of mystery, heartache, and foreshadowing it had!! It is an excellent novel that just made me read it all in one sitting. (Yes, all my other work was successfully postponed.🙃)

Speaking of the main characters, those two are just so impeccable. I mean not their personalities, their personalities certainly had their own shortcomings, beauty, and things that made you just love them to death. What I mean is the way their characters have been formed.

Captain Yan's boisterous behavior to Captain Jiang's quiet... more>> intensity it was awesome and so much more!!!

The villains were very impactful. I kinda liked them too. Their character was despicable, and so deadly. Yet they were portrayed so, that I was not annoyed at them. Instead, I only had anticipation, looking forward to their endings.


The only character who made me waver in between a cloud of understanding, pity, and infuriation is that bastard Qin Chuan. This dude was not totally villainous or totally with justice, maybe that's why, I'm not quite sure, he made me wanna curse every time he appears. It is a love-hate relationship I do not want!!! Seriously! He could have at least been a little dumber, so that my hate scale could have been weightier, but obviously not! Freaking infuriating. (Yes, I did rant about a fictional side character, Sorry about that😭)


Very, very much worth a read or a re-read! <<less
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