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The blacksmith Anvil created weapons alone in a ruined world. He came across a community, a hero universe, where there are heroes of every dimension.

All the heroes wanted his weapons, all the monsters hated him, all the world blessed his existence, however nobody prevented his death.

Decades later, a dimensional invasion started on earth. Kang Shin-hyuk, a boy who can’t use mana inherited Anvil’s VIP ID and memories.

Associated Names
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로그인하자마자 VIP
Related Series
Everyone Else is a Returnee (3)
Stop, Friendly Fire! (3)
Quick Transmigration: The Host Is Sweeter Than Sugar (2)
Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society (1)
I Reincarnated For Nothing (1)
The Novel’s Extra (1)
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  3. Academy novels ( male mc )
  4. Action / Transmigration / Regression / Other world...
  5. Fantasy shonen

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63 Reviews sorted by

Geekifychic rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: c180
At the mid point and it has become so repetitive that I’m gonna go ahead and stop this one. It’s not horrible but it keeps cycling through set and resolutions that are way to similar that makes the chapters after 100 feel like a lot of page filler.
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JoyArenas rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: --
It's like a cheap Japanese isekai light novel. OP protagonist, harem, a system like a game. What irks me the most is the harem thing. Do you know how many ln I dropped because of that cliche? You know, like, how girls start to flock around him out of nowhere and they will have feelings for him immediately right after helping them once. They instantly become idiotic and unreasonable b*tches that want to hog his attention all to themselves. They're in a dangerous situation and all they could think of... more>> is who will be the one holding his hand while fighting and idiotic romantic flowery sh*t that doesn't fit the situation.

Then the protagonist is like a goody two shoes Japanese male lead that doesn't know how to say no to the attention who*e girls and doesn't know the difference between being kind and being abused. Despite already having a love interest, he doesn't have the guts to shoo away the other girls and let them have their advances at him. For me that's kinda a thing as*hole would do. Dude, you already have your girl and you would let other women kiss you? Compliment other women that you know has feelings for you and complimenting her can result in a misunderstanding but you still do? What a jerk. All for that damned harem thing.

Some say it's the worse novel the author wrote so I don't want to judge him, since it's the first time I'm reading his work. But if his other novels contain harems and characters like a cheap disgusting Japanese light novel, I don't think I would be his fan. <<less
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Cinque-39 rated it
December 14, 2020
Status: c242
A great and enjoyable read. A few parts are lacking but the enjoyment makes up for it in my opinion. Give it a try!
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ocureader rated it
September 6, 2020
Status: --
If you like Toika novels, there is a really high chance you will also like this. Try reading finished translated Toika novels first, example "I Reincarnated for Nothing", "Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society", "Everyone Else is a Returnee". Novelupdates links for them is probably dead, but it is easy to find through google search.

I don't recommend reading this novel right now, translation speed is slow, 1 chapter a week probably won't finish before 3-4 years. Typically when reading Toika novels, you won't get satisfied reading only 1 chapter. I recommend to... more>> wait until around 100 chapter before starting.

I will give this 4, 5 star right now, but disclaimer I'm a fan of Toika novels. <<less
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KA2094 rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: c22
Honestly don't really like Toy Car that much. Novels are definitely "good" but not amazing. However this and 'Never Die Extra' are 2 I do like. Probably since I like the concept in both as well as the writing. (I really like battle academy and weak but with knowledge novels...)

The protagonist is interesting since he obviously can be op with the ability to learn all martial arts but can't use mana which is fundamental. After getting the power to supplement it :

... more>>

Spirit power (Is this a spoiler?)


He has a greatly sped up growth but so far doesn't seem to be in the realms of unfair.

Not much else to say since the translation has been dead for a month (sadly) during the part of the story that would impact the review the most.



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Fut_re rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: c2 part2
It's an interesting start.

The entire premise is that the boy is a reincarnation of a legendary figure in the hero universe, a blacksmith who had unrivaled skills. However, he only began to regain his memories of his past life through the usage of a catalyst (which will remain unmentioned). The story is his adventure to rediscover who he once was, but the most important part is to find a balance between his old life and his new one.

I do find that there are some cliche stuff though, like a 'cool'... more>> love interest who has a cutesy side shown only to the MC or being bullied for being weak, but other than that the story has a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story develops. <<less
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furyxcrow rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: c1 part5
So after reading the prologue and first chapter, I think this novel is definitely good since there is no more chapters to judge the novel, I cannot say for sure and regarding me giving 5 stars here is definitely for 3 reasons:

... more>>
  1. MC got the inheritance of anvil and since MC was anvil in his past life, he got what he lost and that kinda make sense because he earned all that and those abilities was his own it was not like some beta MC getting the inheritance of some super OP old man which makes less sense.
  2. I like the hero universe system AI
  3. Since there is not many chapters I won't be commenting on side characters but MC character was really cliche but acceptable...

So I am waiting for future updates lets see when we can see more to this... <<less
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LoneNomad rated it
January 5, 2022
Status: Completed
It was a great read, the translation is high quality and the story is wonderful, I don't understand why ya'll complaining about the harem too much when its not that bad to the point it ruins the novel, its a plus for me. Well everyone has their preferences. Overall its a great novel. Would highly recommend!
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ecaayu rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: c74
Decent premise, but the girls ruin everything. Give me more Baik In Ha! Expose him more about the loyal best friend! It's fine that MC is kind true of his feeling but the girls are too demanding. And omg I found Shin eunah so f*cking annoying! Not cute at all? Well, not cute applied to all the girls though. So what if they beautiful? I know the novel isn't perfect in the story itself but like I said the girls make it much worse, somehow remind me jp harem, the... more>> cheap one. <<less
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omarct rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: c150
Im 150 chapters in and so far this is the worst Toika novel I have read. Maybe its because its all so similar but most likely is because of how uninspired and dull everything feels. The translations dont help as I have a hard time figuring out which character is speaking when there are several present, not that it matters much as the dialogue is nonsensical and shallow. The stats and training is where Toika stories shine and here it is the weakest I have seen it. For some reason... more>> the shitty romance has taken the center stage, and it is the Japanese type of romance where every single girl falls for the MC just because he exists, atleast the MC isnt as pathetic as the japanese ones, but he isnt much better. Suffice to say this is an very average novel, it is not bad, but I would much rather read something that makes me want to marathon it. <<less
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ErikHarrison rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Man, I love the opening of this manga. The concept was fresh, MC was cool and supporting cast was interesting.

I wish it wasn't written by Toika... Now don't get me wrong, I love his works (this included) but I felt his usual styling affected developments poorly. He will pull power ups out of nowhere, girls are attracted for the dumbest things and he is way too hot. If you read his novels though, that's standard, and I can look past that too.

Romance... more>>

He should of ended up with Claire, she was interesting, funny and attractive. No reason to make it a harem in the last 20 chapters because "His arms are too wide". That wasn't in character and was just there to check a box (also I would of liked to see the MC meet her parents NGL). Eunah was alright but I still thought this could of worked better as a monogamous story.


This worked really well as a generic superhero plot, I didn't need the need to go with the "Toika special" and have God be the real enemy and killed in the last 40 chapters. It was at it's best running around in a superhero world designing his own gadgets. I didn't see the need to escalate so aggressively to multiverse/gods


Overall a fun novel and worth a read, I felt it suffered from some tendencies of the author but definitely works as a fun story <<less
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Lordtwarog rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c130
Fun Toika novel, you should know if you're gonna like it or not.

I think the dialogue is a bit snappier than most, and has amused me a lot. The MC for the most part is more reserved and reasonable than most MC's but still has time to shine. Unsurprisingly the cast has a lot of different girls that want what he's got. Given the initial premise their thirstiness seems pretty grounded. No one tries to jump him for no reason upon just meeting him.

There was a little rough patch with... more>> translation when changing groups early on, but I think they resolved it and fixed older issues. All the newer stuff has been done well. <<less
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deelnefire rated it
November 15, 2020
Status: c143
This story is fun to read. A weak to strong after found something things kind of story. But I enjoyed it.

I too, enjoyed how he still love one girl even though the other support characters are girls (really, a male character is kinda minor in this story). A bunch of hot girls. Well, a typical harem novel, I think.
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Memory325 rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: c122
Its a fun premise, I enjoyed the whole chat theme where they could talk to others across different planets. Also I have always been a fan of Toika's novels, like Everyone Else is a Returnee. So if you have read his other books give this one a chance its got the crafting mechanics that I always love to see.

  • The MC goes from weak to strong pretty damn quick
  • The Book is very predicable (it isn't hard to guess what is going to happen next)
  • The chatrooms are pretty fun to see/read
  • The Administrator for some reason gives a lot of points for no reason
Overall, its not a book you should read for a super well-fleshed world but its a pretty fun read if you like the modern day fantasy type books like... more>> Solo Leveling. <<less
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Exiel rated it
May 27, 2020
Status: c13
So far, this novel had hit everything I was hoping for similarly to previous toika novels, however I believe somebody had made a mistake in the description as it isnt "decades later", the moment he passed away he was reborn.


The reason I say this is due to the ages that are mentioned in the novel. More specifically Eun-Ah. Though, this does take place when the MC is 17, so at most its nearing two decades. And the invasion on earth had occurred while anvil was still alive anyways.

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LehmD rated it
May 1, 2022
Status: Completed
The novel is maybe a bit above average compared to other novels with Monsters invading earth and a skill System. What really ruined it for me though is the romance:

... more>>

The whole novel MC chases one girl and rejects every other woman because he wants to be with only her. Then in the last few chapters he gets together with all the other women as well. It would have been so much better without that. Or if he at least went harem route from the start


To be honest I'm still not quiet sure I understand all the back story behind the system and MCs previous life it all felt kinda vague to me. On top of that characters keep popping up that MC used to know in his past life and we get flashbacks from time to time but It just doesnt read as well as MC meeting people he didn't use to know.

The skills and stats are fine I guess but were much more interesting in similar novels. The crafting was interesting at first but then MC would just make whatever he wanted because he got too good. <<less
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greypoupon rated it
April 17, 2022
Status: c246
The women in this novel really ruined it for me. The majority of them are one-dimensional, annoying, and disrespecting of personal boundaries. The MC doesn’t help either as he’s a pushover and doesn’t tell them to stop even though he clearly had one he was aiming for. I also realized that the author Toika + harem = really bland story. The majority of these characters have no reason for existing except to grow the harem. So a good portion of the chapters are fillers.

I kept pushing through as I felt... more>> like I should finish it since I got that far but since I couldn’t find the original translations I stopped when the translations got ridiculously bad. <<less
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Colreaper rated it
October 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Idk why there are so many bad reviews there because its a really good read. It might not be for everyone but I personally loved it and would definitely recommend it. Toika-nim always has these strange twists and I always look forward to them. The ending felt rushed, but not to the point that it ruined the novel. All in all, if you like harem, fantasy, game system then definitely give it a read.
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Kaung2240 rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: Completed
The starting plot is interesting and can mesmerize readers into continue reading. The system is seemly fair for overall plot. Some people complain because there is a lot of women trying to flirt with MC every chance they got. But it is not to the point of ruining the plot and this novel got harem tag so of course there will be a lot of women who is interested in MC. I only gave 4 star because the ending seem rush and the plot went sprinting to the end and... more>> there is some unclear point that I don't understand the cause of author or translator. If you are looking for enjoyment, this one is suitable to read. <<less
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LSCP rated it
August 9, 2021
Status: c62
When I began reading I was instantly draw in the story, the way the MC acts, the System Admin the way that is focused on training/killing enemies (getting xp) /crafting then I said: wow!, this feels exactly like the novels from Toika, then I read the author's name. What can I say this Toy Car writes great books one after another.
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