Master Hunter K


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“With your own strength, prove the worth of your species.”

Without warning, every man, woman, and child was teleported off to fight an endless series of battles. Failure to clear every objective means that humanity shall be purged, or so the Operator claims.

But if that is true, why was K sent back in time?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The King of the Battlefield (15)
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Arena (12)
The Second Coming of Gluttony (9)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. my reads
  2. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  3. Hunter stuff
  4. Recommendation I
  5. banger novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/20/19 OppaTranslations c186 & epilogue
05/19/19 OppaTranslations c185
05/19/19 OppaTranslations c184
05/19/19 OppaTranslations c183
05/19/19 OppaTranslations c182
12/31/18 OppaTranslations c181
05/04/18 OppaTranslations c180
04/23/18 OppaTranslations c179
04/06/18 OppaTranslations c178
03/19/18 OppaTranslations c177
03/04/18 OppaTranslations c176
02/21/18 OppaTranslations c175
02/13/18 OppaTranslations c174
02/01/18 OppaTranslations c173
01/28/18 OppaTranslations c172
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106 Reviews sorted by

Soma Drake
Soma Drake rated it
January 18, 2018
Status: c171
Master Hunter K is a story about how the last survivor in the last raid is sent back in time as a 'reward' for being the last human being alive. I quote reward because it isn't really. Once again Sungjin must go through harsh trials to try to save humanity. He has his past memories which are a boon to him but isn't really enough. He has to become stronger than he already was.

I have seen reviews that remark negatively remarking on his status points and how even with them... more>> his op stats he still has trouble with the bosses and raids. Now the author does a good job explaining why he still has a difficult time.


It's because as strong as he is he is usually fighting these guys alone. Especially in the beginning. That means he not only has to deal with the raid boss mobs alone as well as the boss themselves. Beings that are several times stronger than hunters as they were in the previous raids. So strong that you at least in the previous Chapter/ Raid need to get a total of 80-90% completion rate to beat and have good stats. Sungjin hoards points in the beginning but is aware he can't win alone in the end. It's why he warns teammates to kill as many mobs as they can so they can also have high rewards.


As such Sungjin isn't perfect he's flawed like most people and does things he regrets. Hes not a well rounded character but he certainly isnt a flat one.


He does little to assist other hunters in the beginning as well. Doesnt take leadership because he is focused in getting sttonger. He lets others lead so he cam sit back and watch them and garner if theyll be useful towards the end. He does this hoping to choose the perfect teammates he wants to outlast with him to beat the final raid together. And if the team has someone he wants he usually stays longer with the hint. Because here you don't choose your team members you are queuing with randoms where you hope to meet the good team members you had before.


In short. The story has a good progression. As the story progresses the author is hinting at reasons why the original raid wasn't completed and why these guys are here to begin with. He also somewhat realistically allocates stats since MC his hoarding most points. At times the story may feel dreary but the leveling, battle scenes, story as a whole is good. Each boss whether hidden or main are all pretty unique especially the further you go down.


The dragons especially that the MC can barely hurt/scratch or has to timetravel to beat.

The side characters that are important have their moments later on and you learn that unlike the MC who has no one they at least have someone they're fighting for. The girls are each powerful without the MC. The guys are each powerful without the MC. They don't all worship him but are willing to seek assistance from him. They acknowledge that he's strong and with him they can win.

However with only a few chapters left I worry how this will all come to head and may have to change my ranking. <<less
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Jarel22 rated it
October 26, 2017
Status: c154
Humanity is transported to a game world to prove the worth of our species. Its a 5 group player kind of game and each group has to fight an enemy for each level. As they advance they are able to gain stats (atk. Speed. Mana. Etc) and "credits" to buy new equipament. Those are distrubuted to the players acording to their participation on completing the level. Each level picks 5 players randomically from the payer pool to make a group. As levels get more and more difficult players are beeing... more>> eliminated and the pool to pick from gets smaller.

Our MC has already played the game to a very high level and lost. As he was the last human to die he is given a second chance and goes back in time. Now he has all this knowledge of the game and that makes him OP. Some people dislike this story because we never get an explanation about what is happening, we "find out" the mechanics of the game as the story progresses. I love that. It kind of looks repetitive in the begining, but as the story progresses MC starts to take small steps outside the matrix and the story just looks more and more promissing. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
August 22, 2017
Status: completed
fast-paced fairly strait forward story. there's not much angst, though there is some complexity later on, and the MC actually seems to care about the scooby gang he put together. I care about these side characters enough to hope they make it to the last raid, which is more than I can say for the side characters in many other LN I've read. I like that the two females become strong pretty quickly (even before the CO title) and don't always need him to rescue them. I also like what... more>> happened with Edward. this is an entertaining read. it's not a deep piece of literature and doesn't bother trying to be anything more than it is, which is refreshing in its own way. lost a star because of the ending.

not the worst ending I've ever read because at least they keep their memories but I doubt I will ever enjoy the return to ordinary life/I just want to be normal type ending. they work so hard and go through so much trauma, endless killing and constant stress only to end up exactly in the place they started, without their powers or anything to show for all that work and sacrafice, and they're so happy with it. I don't get it...

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lamb rated it
May 29, 2017
Status: c119
If you look at the list of recommendations, then don't. Those books are a stain on this one. Some on that list are quite good, but none of those come close to making you feel like that you are in a gladitorial tournament with the continuation of your species on the line. The only thing on that list I could recommend would be Seoul Station Necromancer, but for completely different reasons.
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NoobyWonders rated it
December 31, 2023
Status: --
I would not recommend this story.

I do really appreciate a story ending at a reasonable chapter count, but honestly there's not much going on. The ending is just horrible. Completely skipping the climax as if the story had been axed? The early part of the story got old real fast and the whole story is just him plowing through nameless nobodies until the ending where the author really dropped the ball. I would definetely remove the romance tag too

IF you want to read 180 chapters of him doing dungeon floors,... more>> with very little involvement of side characters. Then you may enjoy this. If you are here to see the epic plot of why K was sent back in time, then you will be dissapointed <<less
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Choon rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: c50
The one thing this novel does right is the Mc's mentality. At the start, the MC almost chooses to just die despite being given a second chance because he wasn't sure if he wanted another try at life. He does carry this attitude throughout the story, as he is tired of everything; he doesn't hesitate to kill off people and does everything in his power to somehow make it right this time.

Where the novel suffers is the power creep. MC is parallel universes ahead of everyone else in terms of... more>> both skills and stats. He even says himself that even with the stats he has now, he can clear the next few raids (that's the setup of the story) WITH EASE. If getting stronger or having entertaining fights isn't the focus of the story, because the MC is overpowered, the focus would naturally shift to the characters. Sadly, due to the setting of the story, side characters probably won't appear again until near the end, and even new characters that pop up aren't well-fleshed out enough. MC also isn't that interesting, as you know that he just wants to get stronger and save the world.

Although towards where I stopped there was some setup that was going to probably take the story out of it's repetitive structure, I wasn't invested enough to keep reading. Boring characters coupled with INSANE power creep is what drove me to finally drop the novel after 50 chapters. I'm giving it a 3 stars because of the first few arcs.


MC was about to buy an item that lets him interfere with other raids, essentially playing God and choosing the final people who he would team up with. Even with that setup I still wasn't interested enough to stick around to see what happens.

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Hazel00 rated it
July 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Im satisfied, it's very nice novel, there's not a lot of twist since you too can guess how the story will be. It's very obvious but still enjoyable. A good ride and it's a worth read.

For real, if the author streched out and add more chapter for the world building and explain this and that, add things here and there. It will be very very awesome.
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samwalski rated it
June 19, 2021
Status: epilogue
I want to say it was perfect but it was lacking a few things. Id say the biggest is the hugely rushed ending even with the re-write. There was 186 chapters just to ... more>>

Skip over literally 6 raids and even skip the last raid. There was no action or suspense at all. It was just an opening to the MC and group fighting 2 of the old bosses and then the operator saying how humanity has "Survived gods wrath for another 10000 years". Then theres just a bunch of open-ended plot points that were never touched on but were heavily put out there.

Basically.. The author seemingly just got bored around 176 and just didnt bother writing everything. He just skipped it all to get to a ending that wasnt even that great.. It was a great leadup.. And a huge letdown <<less
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lukeos rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c186
It's not good but it's not bad. It's like reincarnator and King of the battlefield but it lacks the charisma that those two stories have. The main character is kind of bland, he doesn't really have a personality unlike in Reincarnator and KotB, in those stories there brutal characters who will do anything as long as it leads to the winning of humanity. But in this story he just kind of moves for the purpose of the story. There was also something bigger being built up that was clearly shut... more>> short. The side characters aren't bad, thankfully its not a harem with horrible male side characters like a certain authors novels, I feel this was a story that was being held up by it's world building but it got cut short so it kind of loses it's appeal. <<less
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lozlo rated it
October 17, 2020
Status: c186
I really liked this story. As the description says, it's your basic "going back in time to redo things" story. Except, humanity has been trapped in a death game, and as the last survivor Kei is sent back to the beginning to start over with his memories intact. As such, he becomes OP compared to everyone else almost instantly. From then on, it's basically just a story of him conquering raids and meeting groups of people. Some of which are capable and trustworthy, some of which need killing, and many... more>> of which aren't bad but also aren't capable enough to help him make it to the very end. And, that's basically the crux of it all. Even though he's OP, he can't win on his own, though it might not seem that way for most of the story. Overall, I felt like it was a very well-rounded story. Nothing overly great, but nothing horribly annoying either. For most of the stories on this site, that's a great start. I also liked the ending because it wasn't harem and it gave a fair amount of closure. <<less
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zetsuen_dark rated it
May 14, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the better novels when it comes to the reincarnated-to-the-past-cliche trope of KR novels. Not really much to say, this novel uses common tropes to the best that it can. No romance is a plus and I'm actually glad that there's no monkey wrench romance thrown into this novel. Stop paying attention to the criticisms about the novel and read it so you can decide for yourself.
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09eragera09 rated it
May 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Very nice novel. Im glad the author rewrote the ending, it felt rushed but was a good ending. A lot of novels make you feel cucked or blueballed at the end. This one felt nice. I liked it. Please give it a try.
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Zhang_Rhapsody rated it
May 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Great novel.

Plot is interesting, characters are interesting and the ending was bang on. When a story has all of these at once, it deserves praise as there are a million and one stories on here that are absolute garbage.

It's only 186 chapters, read it, you won't regret it.

Also some of the earlier reviews could be marked worse as it originally had an extremely rushed ending whereas it has been redone and the ending is still slightly rushed but it works with the story being the length it is.
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April 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Edit I change my mind, I give this a strong 2.5 to a weak 3

I enjoyed it, but the ending felt pretty rushed. Also, the ending wasn't anything exciting. It's kind of funny though, I had been wondering the whole time why he was so familiar with the sword, even before he was reborn.

... more>>

Turns out he actually had some formal training in kendo, but that's only briefly mentioned in chapter 144, I think


This strongly reminded me of Second Life Ranker, though their motives and starting points are very different, they have similar personalities and OPness that was built up from previous knowledge. However, I still prefer Second Life Ranker to this. There was just something about this novel that I wasn't really satisfied with. I suppose it's because it became repetitive after awhile, the same things kept happening and it got monotonous, which might be why the last battle was only briefly written about. He became so OP that battles weren't really battles. However, it was nice to see that there were opponents that were still stronger than him. I just wish he had found out what/who that Merchant was... <<less
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riandanis rated it
March 11, 2020
Status: c186
One of the novel that could keep me hooked, considering I'm quite picky so it's quite worth to read.

Early stages of the story makes it seems like MC's stats is very OP, but considering it's a setting where 7 billion hunter participating, later in the mid stages you'll realize that it's not that OP. Also side characters may seem insignificant at first, but better in the mid stages.

Overall good reads.
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NOVEllUPdATEss rated it
February 15, 2020
Status: c186 & epilogue
From the first few chapters, you'd think this is just your run-of-the-mill novel with reincarnations, game elements, stages, etc. However, as the story progresses and the background story is revealed, it is nothing but ordinary. I would definitely give this a recommendation only if you have the resolve to go through at least 90% of the novel.

overall rating: 4.5/5
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Nolkeg rated it
February 10, 2020
Status: c56
Extremely boring.

The novel is about clearing raid to save humanity. MC who is reincarnated to this new life was extremely OP.
The story progress in linear manner (up to the current chapter I read). It was boring. Almost everything is wrong with this novel.
-The fight scene was badly written with no regard to the amount of mental gymnastic reader have to do to picture the whole fight scene. They did not even make sense sometime. It is not decriptive, and that was an irredeemable flaw. There's no tension and flow to it. It's like you read a rough draft of fight scene instead.
-The power system was a fukery mess, especially magic. Apparently, the amount of effort a person have to spend to use magic is s*upidly low. You just got to have a magic skill book, shouted memorized and with sufficient mana, shouted the chant line to activate it. RIDICULOUSLY BORING. Could it be anymore simple? Not to mention the scaling of stats and buff which was also not making sense AT ALL.
Look, these two point are an important core of power creep fantasy novel. By looking at the tag and synopsis, I did not expect much. But the novel fall at two things that are really matter.
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January 12, 2020
Status: epilogue
The ending is surprisingly satisfying. The story itself is also good, tension and friendship and doing the best one can. The MC is way OP but this doesn't detract from the story.

I am happy to have had the experience of reading this translation of this author's novel. It leaves me feeling good inside, happy to be human.
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q00u rated it
November 15, 2019
Status: c186
A good, if standard, do-over story. There were a lot of threads that didn't go anywhere, and the ending is (of course) rushed. But it _does_ end, and it doesn't ruin MC's life for some reason (frustrating Korean novel trend).
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Dhairya8200 rated it
July 21, 2019
Status: Completed
Superb novel. Author has put his best in writing it. I will suggest it if you want to read post apo. With op MC and quiet touching story... it's good among game elements and second chance type novels too. You will enjoy it.
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