Magi Craft Meister


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There is only one Magi Craft Meister in the world. After the death of the last Meister over one thousand years ago, Jin Nidou was transported to another world in order to succeed her will.

After obtaining the knowledge of the Magi Craft Meister, Jin attempts to use a warp gate but it malfunctions, transporting him to an unknown place. Along with that, an automata he recently restored also uses the warp gate in order to search for her “father”. Thus, the crafting journey of the new Magi Craft Meister begins!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Magicraft Meister
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. JP Isekai without Harem (Shounen/Seinen)
  3. books i read
  4. Japanese novels about the story of parents and the...
  5. OP Protagonist

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/28/22 Asian Hobbyist c595
11/23/22 Asian Hobbyist c594
11/13/22 Asian Hobbyist c593
11/02/22 Asian Hobbyist c592
11/01/22 Asian Hobbyist c591
10/26/22 Asian Hobbyist c590
10/24/22 Asian Hobbyist c589
10/17/22 Asian Hobbyist c588
10/12/22 Asian Hobbyist c587
10/09/22 Asian Hobbyist c586
10/07/22 Asian Hobbyist c585
10/05/22 Asian Hobbyist c584
10/03/22 Asian Hobbyist c583
09/23/22 Asian Hobbyist c582
09/21/22 Asian Hobbyist c581
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52 Reviews sorted by

stifi222 rated it
June 3, 2017
Status: v5c6
Edit: After v5c15 a new translator took over with good quality translations. But I am not shure if he is going to retranslate the chapters between or not. But if not those chapters might hinder some people from continuing to read thsi novel.

The novel started pretty good and was quite enjoyable. Thats why I would give it a 4/5 till volume5 chapter 7. The plot was already explained by those comments before mine, thats why I am not going to write that again and want to focus on the quality... more>> of the novel in the later chapters.

From start to v5c7 the translation has a good quality and is easy to read. But after this chapter the it's like the translator used google translation and just copied the result without editting. The chapters are just gibberish and not readable.

Would have hoped that the translator edits them after some time but after 5 months I think this is not going to happen.

Thats why after v5c7 I would give this novel 2/5 or even 1/5 because it is not readable. <<less
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February 3, 2024
Status: c650
The translation group Asian Hobbyist is now using MTL, and most likely Google, chapter 20-01 confirmed it, the "Master Mylord", that is cause by the author stacking Katakana on top of Kanji, you'll see it in the raw as the Katakana being tiny characters above the Kanji, and machine translators read the Kanji first, and then the Katakana, resulting in two similar but unique words together, and even just basic proofreading would have caught that, so they are getting lazy as well.
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October 5, 2021
Status: v5c6
this novel get a big zero - one star

1]PLOT STORY the story start epic but them end a failure because boring plot story that you will hate yourself because it waste of time.

... more>>

this has over 1000 chapter so stop reading now


2]the hero is dumb a s*ave that those not created his own nation or rule the world that is run by cavemans the hero give thme technology that they can use against him

OK you have technology and you do not created your own nation CMON IF I WAS THE HERO OF THIS NOVEL I created a golem nation a machine nation so -powerfull that will be fear by all. This is why his teacher fail.. Beign nice and naive


THE hero is a dumb ass this novel is 1000 chapters later the technology he teach them , , this cmon to bbite the hero later in the b.. They attack his island, , dumb hero


over all this novel is a waste of time.. So I quit reading it <<less
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juzo13666 rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c418
Don’t go into this expecting anything special or particularly exciting.
It may pretty bland, and generic as a creation type OP MC isekai, but it has some likable characters and the world building is better than plenty of others like it.

If you start this expecting more simple slice of life of MC and his friends you’ll probably like it.

I’ve kept up on this story for a few years now so I’d say it’s enjoyable enough as long as you don’t expect an action packed story with loads of drama.
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chayken rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: --
I don't understand the sense that there are so many magic crafter, nobody's able to make the most basic necessities / products.

The protagonist is a person who refuses to kill even though the villains made so much heinous crimes.

There was even a part where a girl was almost r*ped but stopped due to a certain noble, well he was punished by punching (eyes roll), then nothing happened afterwards. Maybe the MC didn't know what happened to the girl since it was not explained, but the girl just simply... more>> let it not bother her, maybe she even liked being r*ped or something.

The side characters are plain s*upid, easily forgettable.

As far as I have read there are no protagonist who are smart, all are doing something so s*upid so that the MC would not be defeated.

I almost forgot the MC made a water pump and a merchant from a city said "there's no magic like this". As I have said before there are so many magic crafter that does not know how to make the basics.

I won't show how far I have read since, I don't want people judging me on why I'm still reading this when I don't even like it.

I read this novel since I like the concept but I really hate how it was delivered. There's no sense of justice here just plain s*upidity.

I was suppose to put 1 in the ratings but I made it 2 for the authors half arsed thought.

I hate this novel since it is like reality where a person commits a serious crime and the punishment is merely imprisonment or like nobody cares.

In my opinion, Novels shouldn't be like reality where people are bound by conscience. Novels are made so as to bring people away from reality, the reason why movies are popular, since it only happens in movies.

This novel should have been great if the main character is a little bit ruthless and decisive, Like li qui's or something.

dropped. No need to wait. <<less
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korneliswicaksono rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c295
Unique and fun to read at first, but the quality of the story decreased overtime. 5/10

The main character is a summoned person that beside owning the knowledge of a modern-Japan high school graduate he also worked as a metal-factory worker. At the new world he get additional OP knowledge about magic.

HOWEVER, even after travelling to a lot of places for a year, he's so s*upid to not learnt anything about that world common sense.
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February 22, 2018
Status: v10c22
This novel is very entertaining, but it is not for people who only like fights where the MCs are so strong that no matter what happens you always know that you will win xDDD I prefer stories of everyday lives where each character has his story.

For those who say that nothing happens, look at the img xDD taken from my book collection

https://ibb. Co/jqrvTH

Excuse me I see that they do not have the images from volume 5 or 6, if you like I can pass them I have almost until volume... more>> 13 since the 14 leaves its sale just in these days

P.S. I do not know much English but I do Japanese and I use this page to practice some of the language. <<less
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justice41 rated it
June 11, 2017
Status: v6c4
3/5. Average

Story-wise it is a good and refreshing one but the main problem of this type of novel is to the MC. If you read further and further, you'll only get annoyed and annoyed more on how the MC acts. He's like a walking genie that doesn't even mind his surroundings and can't read the air, how he just whimsically spreads new technology without minding the repercussions and effects it would make. It would had been better if the MC is like Shiba Tatsuya from Mahouka or Makoto from Tsuki... more>> ga.

It is good to do charity work but sometimes, in an isekai that like this doesn't go well so easily. People like those are the type to be easily manipulated like our MC here. It's very cringy but at least there is her automata to save the day. <<less
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ScotlandForsythe rated it
November 25, 2016
Status: v3c14
Okay. So maybe the MC's Personality irritates me at times, but this story is entertaining. I like the fact he has a profession that he does and that this drives the story.

I don't know if the MC has an ambition, but he at least doesn't go around ignoring people do I'm good.

Check it out. This is very slice of life, but it's a fun read. And the problems he runs into make sense.?
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Ssjn4vega rated it
July 19, 2016
Status: v3c19
Great novel, a perfect combo of slice of life and adventure.
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Melakias rated it
October 22, 2015
Status: --
Poor but Hardworking character dies in the middle of his work but's saved by the golem of the only, now deceased, Magi Craft Meister, who gifts him a new body and all her knowledge, making him the new Magi Craft Meister. First thing he does with his new powers is rebuild the golem girl, who starts to call him father, but because of an accident the MC's sent into a far away village, there he starts to introduce modern inventions and the story moves on.

Pretty Slice-of-life, MC's no real objective... more>> besides travelling around, story's slightly repetitive, meet women in problems, help them, get in conflict with a noble, expose amazing power and move on. Still is amazingly written and always enjoyable to see what happens next. <<less
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slimeholder rated it
April 23, 2019
Status: --
Very interesting novel. I can't say it is amazing, but it is worth reading. What I really liked about it is that it kept expanding upon the world, characters etc., so it never made me bored.

The MC is an as*xual (not really, but his interest in the opposite gender is around zero) engineer. This is literally the best description I could come up with. He has a very plain personality, but we do see a bit of growth over time. He is good towards his friends, but even against enemies... more>> he does not kill or anything, so in the end, he is kinda forgiving towards everyone I guess (in his own way). He is also totally OP (he becomes OP anyway), so there aren't ever any real stakes.

The world is interesting, but as many novels do, this novel also lacks a ton in terms of descriptiveness, and thus, ends up lacking atmosphere.

The side characters are ok, but they don't have a lot of personality. I mean, they do, but at the same time if you were to ask me what makes them - "them", I would not be able to answer right away.

The magic in the world tends towards developing magical devices. In the 9 volumes, I've read there is like 99.9% magical devices and 0.1% actual magic used. Also, the novel is descriptive with how stuff works, so that a plus.

The plot is ok. As I said, there are no real stakes to speak of, but generally, it is decent.

So, as you can probably tell, I gave this novel 4 stars while I am not very enthusiastic in the review. This is because overall I feel like I enjoyed my time with it. It would probably be more appropriate to rate it out of 10. Thus I give this one a solid 7/10. <<less
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Otiina rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: v10c2
Started on a strong note. The MC was a little boring but it had the potential to grow into something interesting given how open the world is. It goes downhill after vol 4 or 5. Here is why:

  1. The MC has so much power he refuses to kill his opponents no matter how heinous their crimes are.
  2. Boring female characters. No depth, no personality.
  3. Father/Oniisama - arrgh!
  4. Lame antagonist -- the antagonists are so far ahead compared to the nearby kingdoms, so advanced, spread out, organized embedded and have bases all over the region but they take their sweet time sending squads when they should be crushing everyone else. Convenient for the MC but so boring. They have the Gendo Ikari/SEELE feel down.
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Resutatto rated it
September 10, 2018
Status: v10
I actually got bored reading this because of its 'slice-of-life' feel but got hooked when I noticed that there is a story at work, albeit the typical one. Welp. Its a mediocre story if you ask me honestly but I have a positive opinion about it.

Anyway, its the kind of story that you'll forget some time after u read it.
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KogaKing rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: v3c1
It's so-so. The web novel is inconsistent. Chapter have significant time skips, follow ups to certain cliff hangers are left hanging. What bugged me was in volume 1 chapter 5 to chapter 6. The merchants were shown how to make a pump from the MC, Jin. But chapter 5 ends with a cliff hanger by one of the merchants saying "there is no magic like this?!" Chapter 6 time skips and has the merchants immediately leaving town. What the hell? No explanation on how they learned to make pumps?

This is... more>> why I have issues with web novel translations that got actual publications. It's just reading one huge draft. The published light novel has probably fixed a majority of the problems with the web novel, such as the MC is uninteresting, and story is all over the place with little continuity.

It's a decent read but I've read web novel versions of published light novels that were better thought out. There needs to be more light novel translations rather than web novel translations. <<less
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Teleclast rated it
January 5, 2018
Status: c283
"Handle it as it comes" MCs as opposed to ambitious ones especially when given so much power can be a bit annoying, the story and different automatas can be interesting at times, but his lack of ambition makes the "Wow MC just thought of that and now it's useful!" bad habit that a lot of authors have even more glaringly obvious and annoying.
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Sherrynity rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: v5c14
It started great, interesting, and quite enjoyable. Past tense, because now it seems so.... how should I put it? I'm someone who love to read DesuMachi and Isekai Smartphone, but I can't even motivate myself to continue reading this one.

Basically it's about a guy who's travelling around the world, (re) inventing many innovations (lol), and.... that's all.

If you love wasting your time reading something as bland as a cooked rice with no dish nor spice, then this one might suits your palate.
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Nvelist rated it
November 17, 2017
Status: v9c50
Protagonist with marvelous supercomputer like brain that can make new stuff, imitate from his world or build sci-fi tech. Another world creative journey unlike any other that not too much violence but slow steady slice of life.

It can be sometimes boring to other chapters in a comfortable scene. Not much action but adversaries of innovation and 'Eureka' moments. Sophisticated technology he had created that vastly gap the world's current tech.

... more>>

Saddened part is that the redhead girl supposedly heroine was snatched away by some lucky noble. What the protagonist do? Accept it even though the girl clearly loved him but he only see her as friend. Which made then the girl accepted to of his feelings. That noble was not ugly both from the inside and outside but good and kind that taken the redhead and her siblings in his care which then made him fall in love to her.

(Irritating as it can be. The main character doesn't do well when it comes to personal affection. This has already happened in his life on the modern world).


Be surely to recommend reading this. <<less
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Mabbo rated it
July 17, 2017
Status: v5c11
Well, you see, what I'm interested in this series is how our MC Jin is making his crafts. It's rare to see series that goes full detail about materials and craftings. If we to compare it with Arifureta, Hajime (Arifureta's MC) created a plane only by adding a material named [Gravity Ore] and make it float, while Jin properly made the engine and many other details.

The bad part tho; Stagnant Storyline, Undeveloped Character (except Reiko, which gradually becoming yandere), Infinite Amount of Material in his Lab, and most irritating of... more>> all; unreadable translation. <<less
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hellogarry rated it
July 11, 2017
Status: v6c31
There is a lot of low rating reviews, so here I am trying to motivate some readers.

The premises is pretty enjoyable if you're into slice-of-life. Sadly if you're looking for a harem like series then I don't think this is for you. I'd be honest there isn't much romance but at some point there will be. I've asked people for spoilers and there is a reason why he is not interested on the opposite s*x and it will be fix at some point.

What's really enjoyable here is watching him create... more>> things, meeting new people, and doing crazy stuff. There is also a lot of character and they don't feel flat at all. Not everyone likes him like those usual s*upid novels where everything is way too easy for the MC.

The only problems is there is not much POV chapters. <<less
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