Vicious Male Counterpart Isn’t Competing Anymore


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Before he died, Yan Hao could never understand why his parents had always favored his younger brother. They spoiled his brother, and wouldn’t pay any attention to himself, no matter what he did.

The more this happened, the more indignant and upset Yan Hao became, so he began to compete with his brother in everything. As long as it was something his brother wanted to do, he would do it too, and outperform him.

He was obviously the one who was more talented, but from beginning to end he was never acknowledged by the people around him. His parents, teachers, and classmates all looked at him with disdain, claiming he was jealous and selfish, and liked to steal from others.

It wasn’t until his death that Yan Hao realized that he had been stealing from the protagonist. He was just a vicious male counterpart in a book to set up the kind hearted protagonist shou. A cannon fodder who existed to let the protagonist gong appear and to slap him in the face, so he could look good in front of the protagonist shou.

After he was reborn, Yan Hao kicked the protagonist away. Who the hell wants to compete with you? If laozi turned around, you wouldn’t be able to catch me even if you cried.

He wouldn’t fight anymore, and he wasn’t jealous. He just wanted to peacefully be himself, and let his light shine on the people who care about him.

Many years later, someone asked Yan Hao, who had become a master mecha engineer, “How did you get into mecha manufacturing?”

“Because I met someone.” Yan Hao.

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71 Reviews sorted by

Sugaminny rated it
December 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I just finished binge-reading this novel. It is quite an enjoyable read, without any big detractions imo. I'm rating it 3, 5 stars (rounding up to 4), because although it's quite good it does include a lot of tropes, so the novel overall is somewhat predictable (that's the part that frustrated me a bit).

Here a list of things I enjoyed in this novel:

    • MC: MC has a really likable character. His character is probably best described as high IQ, low EQ. Because of his neglectful, abusive and manipulative family he developes a really insecure personality. He is practically emotionally stunted. He expects people to treat him badly and doesn't trust people easily, esp. when complimenting him. Although this might sound somewhat tropey (i mean - it is), it is portrayed quite reasonably in this novel. I enjoyed reading about the MC's character growth and his emotional development.
    • rebirth & MC'S OPness: the biggest trope in this list. Although it is very stereotypical it isn't done badly. (it didn't bother me very much while reading)
    • ML: similar to the MC, ML character is also quite likeable. A big plus-point for me was, that the ML isn't the typical "ice-berg/cold" ML type. Since both are university students both MC and ML have or develop a lively personality that suits their age. Also ML has his own livegoals and motivations (spoiler) :

      He wished to be a mecha-fighter, but because of his injured hand he is restricted and will probably never surpass a certain mecha level.

    • romance: is quite slow, but imo pretty realistic. I'm somewhat fed up with the falling at love at first sight trope and I really enjoyed seeing MC and ML growing closer from friends to couples. Their interactions after they got together were also really enjoyable to read. MC and ML's relationship is ofc good and they are really close, but they still have their own lives and passions (/careers) beside their relationship. I think the novel manages a good balance that doesn't focus too much on either career or romance. I loved reading their daily/normal interactions.
And finally some aspects that bothered me while reading:

    • the interstellar/mecha/school and

      war against the zerg

      -plot was pretty typical, not very exciting and predictable. The ending was a proper good ending, although it left me feeling a bit unsatisfied.
    • rebirth & MC's OPness: These aspects go both in the positives as well as the negatives for me. While some of the MC's OPness is explained through the rebirth-plot, as well as MC just simply being a genius, if you've read a similar novel an it bothered you then - I'm not sure I would recommend reading this one.
    • some story-lines or details I felt were left unexplored or unexplained.
        • For example: MC states at the beginning that he never tested his mental power, so while I was waiting for a scene where MC finally gets to test his mental power, that scene never comes and instead his mental power level is later simply casually stated.
        • Another example: The MC asks ML to get him a zerg's claw, he gets it and experiments with it a bit.... but then he puts it away and it is never again relevant. (While I was totally expecting MC to take it out again later and do sth amazing with it, because the author put an emphasis on decribing how sharp it is!). As an author you should not write anything in your story that is not necessary - the claw of the zerg was not necessary at all for the plot.
        • and so on... (these might be small, but they do add up!) The novel felt quite superficial at times.
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Skite rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: c37 part2
This is basically the story of a genius-level autistic savant man.

In his first run through on life, he wanted affection but never seemed able to crack the code on how to get it. People are inscrutable riddles to him. So he copied his younger brother. His golden younger brother is adored and doted upon, with many admirers and friends, the favorite of their parents. Surely copying every single thing his little brother does, but doing it "better", with higher efficiency and greater achievement output, would result in getting friends and... more>> love at last?

But it doesn't work that way with humans.

Instead, everyone thought he was a competitive a**hole, who was always trying to undermine his little brother's work and steal his brother's achievements. His 'robotic' pragmatism and efficiency, and inability to read or understand others, were a terrible fit for the touchy-feely career of medicine, and his highly emotive coworkers saw him as a cold and monstrous alien they didn't want to understand or accept. All while using him for his laboratory skills, and resenting that they needed to.

He died never having his worth acknowledged, viewed as a spiteful villain.

His second go round is a work of self discovery and acceptance.

He decides he's done copying his brother. He will work on his true passions: Mecha robotics and mathematics.

He writes off his parents as people he will never be able to gain love from, freeing himself from the burden of being a s*ave to their expectations.

Making his own way, suited just to himself, he begins to thrive in the ways he always dreamed about during his first try at life. He finds like-minded people who appreciate and admire his skills. He makes friends who like him for him and slowly begins to understand how to be a friend back. He makes achievements without the shadow of his brother marring the face of them. He has so much more energy to devote to things which make him happy, now that he's stopped wasting it on frustrating things and people which make him sad and mad.

It's on the fluffy slice of life side, and his progress is steadily meteoric. He does come across as painfully sweet and naive at times, especially since he has completely different priorities than a neurotypical person when it comes to things like money and success, and can't read the emotional interest of others. He is Mary Stu overpowered in terms of professional and technical skills. He easily blows every work problem out of the water. Even as a student, he is able to achieve in a few days what it takes professional, corporate, research teams years to develop. But this is (somewhat) balanced and tempered by his fumbling blindness of personal relations and emotions, so he is not an annoying god-mode character.

Overall, it is a feel good story as he smoothly climbs his way up the achievement ladder on his own terms.

Read when you want a low conflict and tad cliche story that doesn't demand a whole lot from you, but remains fairly engaging. Ideal for those who like a naive, innocent, cinnamon roll of a love interest being doted upon by a sincere, protective, (non-yandere!) romantic lead, who is proud of and supports their partner's achievements. <<less
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KeraShr rated it
February 23, 2022
Status: Completed
5 stars

It was Awesome! Fantastic! I don't have enough words to describe how much I loved this story!!!

YH (MC) is so cute that you would want to hug him and guard him closely so that no one can harm him. And that is what SH (ML) did!!

When I started to read, I thought my fav character would be YH. To my surprise, after reading the whole novel, I loved SH more than YH.

Of course, YH was very cute, but I felt SH was more awesome!

About MC

... more>>

YH is cute, insecure and is someone with high IQ & low EQ (as righly said by YH's roommate & best friend). But then again, it is understandable as to how he became like this. After his rebirth, YH decided to change. I liked that YH was very astute and firm in his beliefs.

Even though he was called genius in pharma, he didn't leave mech manufacturing because he loved it.

Even though the formulas, data models, etc. Which he created were valuable, when there was a need for that knowledge, he opened live broadcast to teach everyone, because he wanted to protect his loved ones.

Even though he hated his brother and his fiance, he cured his brother's fiance just because SH 's father explained that he was needed in the coming battle.

Lastly Even though, SH, in his last battle, went in a wormhole and was missing for 5 yrs, YH waited for him and started learning about wormholes. His best friend tried to explain that SH may be dead, but YH remained quiet. After a few days, he came up with his own theory on wormholes and how he thinks SH may be still alive. His friend understood that even if everyone thinks SH is dead, YH will not accept it, unless they have SH's dead body or they need to prove YH's theory on wormhole wrong.

YH loves and has always loved people with his whole heart. Be it SH (ML), or his best friend, even his 2 masters (teachers) or his class mates or SH's family.


About ML


SH (ML) turned out to be my fav character. He is young but mature, risk taker but not reckless and smart but a bit dumb (based on his pursuit of YH 🤣). He fell in love with YH at first sight and did everything in his power to pursue him. He became the prime husband material, so to speak.

After YH made mimic mech, people on web started calling SH "Soft Rice Eater". YH was angry but SH was very proud of that nickname. He explained that people were jealous of SH because YH choose him and was so good to him (he build and modified Mech only for SH). Even SH father was jealous, because YH told him that he has already promised to marry SH after he graduates. I hope you understand when I say SH is very smart (to hug YH's thighs 🤣)

But no matter what, YH was the only one in SH heart. He was the last person he called before jumping into the wormhole. He was the only one he thought about while searching for an exit from the wormhole. Inside, SH spend a month but outside, it was already 5 yrs. So SH is loyal and faithful. He told YH to wait for him because he promised to come back and he did.

You know the first thing that he did after he came back 5 yrs later?

He took YH to marriage registrar and married him!! He didn't even report back to neother the army nor his family. No, he just told YH to meet him at the marriage office and got certificate!! 🤣


Read this novel! You will enjoy it! <<less
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AppTesting rated it
May 22, 2023
Status: c174
The setting in the previous life was the obvious 'son of heaven' vs 'villain'. MC was the villain while his younger brother (ogMC) was the son of heaven. In short, ogMC came with a protagonist halo package. OgMC was the standard white lotus. Unfortunately, because ogMC was pure inside out, he took things as it was. For example, MC became the villain, and yet no one bothers to wonder why. Because ogMC studied Pharmaceuticals, MC also decided to pursue it even though he has no capability in coming up with... more>> a formula. All he did was took the existing formula, and make it 10x better. It's like you're reading this book and decided to write a fan-fic. The backlash was, MC did not receive any recognition. Like this book, people focus more on the writer instead of the editor.

After rebirth, MC decided to stay away from ogMC and ogML. Instead of following the previous path, he took on a new one. He decided to pursue Mecha and he got the talent in it. I don't think MC was OP. Because he was a genius in Math, he learned things faster than other people. In the first half of the story, he never came up with new ideas, mostly tweaking existing ideas and making them better with his Math power. Once he gained more knowledge, only then he started coming up with ideas. And please remember he had his previous life knowledge and experience. If you call that OP, then it probably is.

ogMC as the son of heaven started sensing things were different. He had a gut feeling that he was supposed to be this and that and yet, it never happen. And then he was reminded by the people around him that yes, he did come up with awesome formula but, because no one could calculate it, it remained just an awesome formula that could not be implemented. The one who did all the calculations was the MC. So, ogMC started using all kinds of methods to get MC to go back to Pharmaceuticals. You can call it white lotus blackening because ogMC started to turn into a green tea b*tch.

Because the plots focus more on MC, Mecha, and Zerg, the romance was not much. Some readers even questioned MC's high IQ and low EQ and that he never learned from his previous life. MC was not the sort of villain who goes all out blowing people's brains. Because of the setting, even if he breathed, he was already a set-stone villain. I mean, if you were scared of heights in your previous life, should you not be afraid of them anymore once you're reborn? MC believed that people around him hated him. So, he was over-conscious and had low esteem. As the story progresses, with the help of the ML, his friends, and teachers, MC realized that it was not like that at all. Truthfully speaking, everyone he met in his second life was probably NPC in his first life. Because they had no direct interactions with ogMC and ogML, they were not shackled with the son of heaven setting.

In short, I like the plot and how the writer envisions the story. There were flaws here and there and yet, I wanted more. And do take note that I MTL the rest of the chapters. What I did was search for the source and used google translation. <<less
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Mishi98 rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: --
I don't know and don't really care how others interpreted this story but I read it as an autistic kid with neglectful narcissistic parents and a younger brother who was brought up to believe that using his older brothers talents for his own gain is normal, learning that he should cut those people out of his life and find people who appreciate him including his best friend (who for once isn't a one note character) and his future boyfriend. His future boyfriend who is considered disabled in his field of... more>> work is the plot pusher, most of the plot revolves around the ML getting into a situation and the MC running to the rescue, I liked this dynamic in this case because they both gave what the other needed (the MC got the emotional support and someone who needs and affirms him) and the author managed to do that without making the ML less of a capable person. I also liked how the ML's disability was never cured it was just made so that it wasn't an obstacle to the ML's dream anymore. <<less
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Ouryane00 rated it
May 23, 2023
Status: c104.1
I ended up really liking this novel!!

It's true that MC has a golden finger and he's kinda "Mary Sue" but all the goodness he is experiencing? He rightfully deserves it!! After suffering for so much in his previous life (and in the current life), he deserves to be loved, to be treated kindly, to be praised!

Plus, he is talented but he is also very very hardworking so you can't really blame him for all the things he has achieved oki?

This novel is really healing, inspiring even! Give this a chance,... more>> it's really a go novel. Plus, the focus of this novel is MC. Although ML is a good ML, he doesn't overshadow MC at all.

I'm just so glad that MC met ML and He Shao (his bestfriend) these guys treated MC well and they treat him like a treasure ❤️

Random ramblings:

Not really a spoiler —- just some thoughts I have to let out right now abt life —- trigger warning *negativity* —— Awww huhuhuhu what I dislike about this novel is that it's making me feel jealous of MC lol. I wish I also had someone like ML and He Shao who will treat me very genuinely. I wish I was like MC, having dreams that he can word hard in. I wish I was in their world you know... I was also someone like MC, I was very passionate about studying medicine, I was an achiever, I was toping my classes, I had big dreams.

But the only difference between me and MC? I let the negativity around me lead to my downfall. I couldn't take the loneliness, I had a hard time being all alone, I succumbed to the darkness. I lost my passion for medicine. I failed my dreams.

Now, I'm working in a whole different career and although I am doing well here, it sometimes feel incomplete. Every day just feels like an ongoing wheel —- work, sleep, eat, work, eat, sleep —- and I can't help but think that maybe if I was in an instellar world like theirs, maybe life wouldn't be like this. Anyhoooo, it's just my depression kicking in. If you're reading up to this part, woah I didn't expect that you will lol. I hope you're having a nice day and let's just continue living okay?

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Nihu rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: Completed
5stars for me

Story wise 3.5/4 stars

This is only because I have not read that many Interstellar/ zerg realated Stories and apparently this is a pretty predictable story line

    • The mtl was fairly easy to understand
    • The characters are pretty likeable too
    • The MC is a cinnamon roll who should be protected, he can't exactly fight against others verbally but he knows how to hold his ground.
    • As other reviewers have said the romance was nice the MC being the one taking the first step, even though the ML fell first
    • The teacher characters were nice, so were the seniors
    • The random side couple that made the MC realise he liked the ML was a personal favourite

      Basically the MC feels his heart go doki-doki for sec when they are eating out like usual one day, he runs to the bathroom. Then he was going out, a couple came in they were kissing and more this led to MC accepting he really did like the ML. Actually later on one from that side couple, a pharmacist saves the MC, when his mental power was unstable. He also recognises the MC and teases him

      I kinda wished there was a separate story or even side stories for them
Things that kinda made the story feel incomplete to me :

    • One was how the og protagonist where just left at the end

      og ML was at least mentioned during the war arc, og MC our MC's younger brother was not even mentioned after the whole MC getting his S rank mental power.

    • Also how the MC was to his parents, like don't get me wrong what he did was completely acceptable, I just wished he completely cut them off and yk just a bit more dog blood drama.

      When his parents called him after his treatment the MC told them that he would sent them money and they could call him on a certain date every month. Here on after we don't ever see these characters too along with his brother

    • I kinda wished there was a bit more to the end

      After the ML returns they get married that's it, no interactions what so ever after that. I was hoping to see one
      with the ML's mother and MC.

    • The ending did feel kinda rushed, as I said earlier.
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Mizushi-hime rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: c39
*inhale* I got so frustrated by the MC yeah no wonder he ended up as a canon fodder, it's not only because your brother is the protagonist but because your personality makes u suffer loses.

he's so naive, minimal logic n low eq, that's perfect combo for canon fodder, he got reincarnated but that doesn't seems to increase his eq that much, him having low self-esteem is understandable tho, my problem is that he's just so... trusting n naive even after going through his last life

it doesn't seems like he learn... more>> anything from his past life, he used to hv stomach problems but in his new life he doesn't care much about it, not fixing his eating n resting habit by himself to avoid his future problems but just letting the ML do the job

romance development? none so far the ML just fall in love at first sight n then started giving the MC special treatment

gonna read a few more chapters, let's see if I can continue reading n hopefully can change my reviews <<less
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evanesco99211 rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: --
MTLed to the end.

Contrary to the previous review, it's hard to get pissed at MC. With that kind of family, I think most would be like him.

Secondly, age doesn't matter. Nobody is perfect. I like this story because almost every character feels real, especially the MC. He's a genius but embodies the kind of genius we knew aka high IQ, low EQ, and little interest in anything outside their expertise. For example, he's so bad at trying to fight with words, he ends up almost in tears in one of... more>> the fights. So, definitely not a Gary Stu, the sort of genius I personally roll my eyes at for being unrealistically capable in absolutely everything.

All in all, a good read.

One complaint though... Yan Fei is the antagonist but his skill and ability are real. I find it pitiful that the author kind of gangs up the other characters on him to the point whatever he tries to do would look wrong in the eyes of the others. I'm like, I get it, it's kind of a revenge story but now it looks just like nonsensical bullying to completely crush his self-esteem.

For example:


In chapter 139 (raw), Yan Fei was scolded for always trying to do something above his level (level 5 pharmacist). If it's another scene or question, I probably wouldn't think much about it but for this one, he literally has lots of strong and VALID reasons to back him up. Just take this one. He, a level-5 pharmacist, managed to brew a better concoction to help that Sima boy compared to the higher-level experts hired by the Sima family without any scheming to falsify the result! Okay, so the people who berated Yan Fei in this chapter probably don't know this. And I do understand getting tongue-tied in unexpected situations. Still, I totally feel his bad luck in this chapter. But then again Yan Hao was riddled with bad luck during their first life too so I guess it's just fair.

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Inn Auni
Inn Auni rated it
October 18, 2023
Status: Completed

In his previous life, MC was always competing with his younger brother (ogMC). When ogMC studied Pharmacy, MC did the same. Unfortunately, MC had no talent for creating new medicine. What he did was take formulas created by ogMC and use his super-genius Math brain to recalculate them and make them 10x more effective. OgMC was the writer and MC was the editor. Who would even care about an editor? When he died, he found out that he was the villain while ogMC was the son of heaven.

After... more>> rebirth, he made sure to stay away from ogMC and anyone closely related to him, especially ogML. Instead of studying Pharmacy, he chose what he liked best in his previous life, Mecha. With the help of his super-genius Math brain, he managed to excel in Mecha compared to his peers.

MC tried to tone down his talent in Mecha because, in his previous life, he was criticized as a show-off. But, he then realized that people who truly care about you will be happy with your success. It took him a while but, with the help from ML, his friends, and teachers, he slowly strengthened his self-esteem.

ogMC however, detected that something was missing even though he couldn't pinpoint it. He just had the gut feeling that he should accomplish something. He then realized that even though he could come up with lots of new formulas, there was no one from the Math Dept that could help him calculate the accuracy. The one who did all the calculations for him in high school was MC. OgMC resorted to a lot of tricks to get MC back to the Pharmacy Dept. OgMC who was a white lotus in the previous life, blackened to a green tea b'tch in this new life.

The first half focused on MC gaining more knowledge and abilities in inventing Mecha. The second half focused more on the war between humans and Zergs. The writer will introduce something here and there but, never utilize it properly. For example, the pirate's legion was introduced but, during the war, there wasn't a mention of them. Another example was ogMC. He just disappeared from the story after ogML gave a warning not to mess up with MC. Toward the end, a new Marshal was supposed to be elected. The candidates were ML's older brother and ogML. And yet, the story ended without touching the topic any further.

Overall, it was a good read. It wasn't fully translated yet but, I MTL the rest of the chapters using Google translator. And I never found MC as OP. I wonder why other readers kept saying that he was OP. <<less
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AnuBis28 rated it
November 18, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a simple story.. A story about unfair treatment of an unlucky genius, his rebirth and the change of game that comes after that..

MC was hated for no reason in his previous life and died miserably.. Then he read his book of life and came to know the plot.. So, after rebirth he tried to stay away from the original protagonist, i.e. His younger brother instead of trying to get revenge..

An MC with high IQ and almost non existent EQ - interesting nonetheless.. Moreover, once he fell in love, he... more>> didn't waste time being coquettish.. He just confessed and pursued actively.. Ohh, such an MC is totally charming..

He was a mathematical genius who contributed in numerous medicines in his past life, but was unfavoured and unrecognized throughout his whole life.. In this life he was a genius in mecha industry..

And then his OP-ness begins.. He became so more and more strong with each passing chapter.. He could solve any, literally, ANY problem in mecha, that others in the Whole Galaxy couldn't even touch, within a day..

ML isn't typical cold and indifferent like 99.99% MLs.. Thank Goodness.. He is quite a normal student who interacts with others normally.. Anyway, He also became OP slowly after getting his mecha from our MC.. He could defeat veteran mecha warriors easily.. High level zergs, that even experienced warriors could barely kill, were killed by him like ants when he just received his first mimicry mecha..

It's a story about MC's OP-ness.. For the second half of the story, one doesn't even need to read the whole chapter.. Just a first few lines, and the next plot, i.e. MC's miracle can pretty much be guessed.. It just became boring, like many other novels where the protagonists are almighty and others are just backdrops.. <<less
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lostinmyownworld2001 rated it
November 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I generally do not write reviews but after reading this novel I would like to say a few things. Firstly let me warn that my review may contain spoilers so if you do not like to know about some plot lines then you can skip this.

Having said this I would like to clarify that I am someone that loves to know about the plot and readers opinion in advance so I regularly read reviews before reading a novel. About this novel I read some reviews that made me uncomfortable before... more>> reading. But as I read I came to know that I personally resonated a lot with the MC's situation here.

I know some people might think that how come the MC's brother be always wrong and how can the MC judge people on the basis of his past life but I can understand the MC because I have been cornered by people I considered as friends and family and teachers and I've thought my entire life that how come people hate me so much and why can't I make a decent friend?

Growing up I realised that if I kept getting bad for giving good then there is something wrong in the relationship and it is completely okay for me to cut off such things completely. But still we are humans and it is hard to cut off some people completely and that's why indifference and ignorance happens. This is probably not the best way to deal with such situations but it saves ur mental health.

Thus rebirth or not I can feel the MC's frustration and I can't bring myself to say that MC was made too powerful and he bullied his brother back after rebirth-any human would do the same!! The MC's brother and his boyfriend (YF &SMX) I find them to be quite the scum people in contrast to MC - I also wholeheartedly agree that MC was made to be a very pure person - and isn't this what we are here for???

We put our purest self into these characters and experience and imagine them having the perfect life to give us the satisfaction of getting away from our own life and doing something that we can't do in real life!!!

Having ranted off my discomfort I would say that yes there are some plot holes and some neglect on certain aspects - I even feel that the character of ML had a great potential to develop more interestingly but I feel that his character development was rushed. Also I would have loved to have more positive female characters!!!

On the side note I don't know why but I kinda ship Sheng Zhuo and Xia Yi !!!! SZ is a cinnamon roll he deserves something sweet!!!!! <<less
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Wintercreeper rated it
November 16, 2022
Status: --
The description is spot on.

MC is a jealous, envious dirtbag who made his bro's life harder in every way he could, constantly trying to suppress him.
Little bro never took it to heart, he's in fact quite the nice person and still loved his older brother despite his despicable behaviour.

Reborn MC decides to stay away from lil bro and family like they were the ones who wronged him, he's angry that he wasn't the number one in their eyes instead of, I don't know, trying to make up for how much of a d-head he was?
But no, everyone else is the problem, so he distances himself from them and acts like lil bro is some kind of villain.

And that's exactly what the writer did, turn the little brother into the villain so MC's behaviour isn't as disgusting as it seems, he was right all along!

MC is overpowered to the extreme, whatever he touches becomes earth-shattering, ML likes him from the start, for no good reason, while lil bro and friends are vicious bullies (I wonder why they hate MC, hm... such a mystery).

Maybe I'm not young enough to swallow this kind of self-insert fanfiction pretending to be a novel, it's so juvenile and badly crafted that I can't see myself finishing it.
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Psychoutre rated it
July 18, 2022
Status: c14
Lacklustre. The premise of the story reads out like a Harry Potter fanfic trope: 'the wrong-boy-who-lived' but that was what caught my interest in the first place. Reason I dropped is because I'm honestly sick of seeing the same old romantically-naive, gary-stu and apathetic shou (to the point that I nearly forgot that he was supposedly reborn, he acts like an innocent, unknowing child) and a gong that always goes out of their way to spoil and protect them (aka your typical ML).

Not sure if it's just due to mistranslation... more>> but I did not see any 'Viciousness' within MC, despite the title. I was kinda hoping that I get to see a bit of it.

Unfortunately I'm not into the mecha genre unless the plot is dramatic and captivating enough, and/or the MC is quite ambitious and self-confident (which doesn't seem to be the case for this MC).

I really like MC's friend He Shao though, we all need someone like him who can call out signs of emotional abuse and bad behaviour. But all in all, sadly not for me. <<less
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Mehmeh713 rated it
December 6, 2022
Status: Completed
awesome read!! It's about a simple straightforward earnest genius MC that spent his first life competing with his younger brother for the care and affection of his parents/ peers and is then reborn and decides to pursue his own dreams instead, and in doing so, finally comes into his own as a super respected mecha engineer with people who will appreciate and care about him. The ending was quite rushed (NO EXTRAS 😭😭😭) but all in all, it was a great read.

what I like about the novel:

1. MC -> he's... more>> very very likable. MC is a super genius and whether in pharmacy or in mecha engineering, he's extremely talented. At the same time, MC's personality is very simple, earnest and abit awkward but because of this, he was very easy to bully and manipulate. In his first life he faced constant negative reinforcement from basically everyone around him who neglected him, was jealous of him, and dismissed all his achievements and contributions all while making use of him and his work. All this basically wore down on his self esteem and scarred him until he genuinely believed that his own personality was problematic and that he wasn't very capable.


like when HS made a simple joke about MC showing off that friends would make, MC took it seriously and genuinely thought he was showing off to HS, apologized super earnestly and felt really bad. HS had to explain to him that it was a joke, that it was ok and that MC wasn't wrong at all. Poor MC was told multiple times in the past that he was showing off even though he didn't do anything wrong except be much much much more capable than his peers.

In the field of pharmacy, even though MC was able to accomplish a lot, it's more than halfway through the book, when a level 10 pharmacist praises him, that he finally realizes how much he contributed in the past and how valuable his contributions were.


So it was really lovely seeing MC's life get better and better as the novel progressed. He started working in mecha engineering which he genuinely loves and he started to find friends/ peers, teachers and a partner that genuinely cared for him, believed in him and supported his success. One step at a time, MC comes out of his awful past. He gradually understands that whatever happened in the past wasn't because his personality was problematic, that all his contributions made a significant difference, that he has always been super talented in pharmacy and he let go of the parents that abused him emotionally with their gaslighting, neglect and super half hearted affection. He climbs so high that the people who tormented and bullied him couldn't even appear in front of him because of his influence to the Federation.

2. The relationship dynamic between the MC and ML -> they are genuine equals and if anything MC is so capable ML later becomes known as the guy who eats the most 'soft rice' in the Federation which is totally hilarious. They're both super super supportive of each other and they believe in each other 100%. MC and ML are also both very straightforward about their affection for each other.


also even though ML fell for MC first, MC's the one who made the first move and confessed to ML with a gift and it was ADORABLE!!!!

ML and his fam benefit a lot because MC is ML's partner to the point where his parents give up on trying to give MC something of equal value to what MC has given ML because it's not even possible anymore and they tell MC to just take ML away. 🤣


What I disliked:

1. THE ENDING WAS SO RUSHED. I was really bummed out by the ending when I first read it because it was sooooooo short!!!! No extras!! Where's my extras!!! Show me MC and ML's life at the end!! Even just two or three chapters would be enough!!

2. The author didn't show what happened to MC's parents and YF in the end! They kind of just disappeared after a certain part of the book. It's both good and bad I guess. Like they couldn't affect MC at all anymore and MC was over it but man I wish they all suffered for what they put MC through.

anyway it was a fun book and I love the MC, I love ML, I love MC's beloved mecha engineering journey and I love MC's friends and teachers and ML's family. They were all wonderful. <<less
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March 26, 2024
Status: --
I quite liked the story and MC. ML is also quite nice. The reason I only gave it 3 stars is because the ending was very abrupt. Lots of loose ends such as

... more>>

We don't know what retribution yan fei received.

We don't know if MCs parents realised yan feis lies.

We don't know what happened to smx in the end.

I get that this is basically MCs new life and he didn't want to have contact with them. But, since so much emphasis was put on them in the beginning, we as the readers need some resolution. It feels very unfulfilling to end the story like this. The least author could've done is put some extras.

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Izaaa rated it
December 9, 2023
Status: Completed
Wahhhh One of my fav novels currently!! I wish I could go back and read this over again for the first time!!

The ending is so good, but maybe the boss fight is rushed but over all, THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!

i love this novel sm gosh, if there is something you know similar to this, pls recommend it to me!! I need it rn!
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Kbisht rated it
July 14, 2023
Status: --
Currently on 81 chpt

This. Is. Absolutely. What I call perfect

It has perfect amount of everythingggg.. The mc's struggle and how past trauma fixed his personality to be innocent serious cutie. Just perfect amount of face slapping. Ugh that green tea b*tch, only I know how many times I have reminded myself that u can't throw your phone at someone that only exist in your phone. Anyways tr*sh parents just throw them in some bin please.

Omooo the comedy and the fluff I got from this is unmatched please go ahead this... more>> 5 Outta 5 (if not more) novel <<less
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Kassandra rated it
April 27, 2023
Status: Completed
The novel is nice. I'm not really into mechas but the description hooked me.

The characters are well-written, especially the main character and the male lead. I also love their friends, his masters, classmates, etc. For his family, I can only say they deserved it.

... more>>

What they f*cking did to the previous life MC is too much, they literally manipulated and gaslighted him. Just thinking of them makes me sick.


For the romance, I love the dynamic between the two characters. They're really sweet, and I love how their romance developed.

The MC has a low EQ but the author didn't wrote him as childish (which is being commonly used in novels), the naivete is just on the right amount. And the ML, I love that he's not the "oh so perfect and strongest" typa character, I'm full of those type of characters.

Cons for me is that the appearance of zerg seem abrupt and the ending (arc?) feels rushed to me. And some details didn't get a proper ending in the last chapter because it was just cut off like that.

Overall, this is 5/5 for me. <<less
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Fujaiya Sumyoshi
Fujaiya Sumyoshi rated it
February 23, 2023
Status: Completed
This story flows so smoothly, where our reborn MC receives a chance to review his life choices, and choose what he genuinely wants and dreams to become. In the meantime, we also find out, our MC in his previous life was actually the halo of the OG protagonist, his every effort making the protag look more and more outstanding. But not in this life. MC gets a good ML, good teachers and mentors, as well as helpful friends in this lifetime 💕

The last plot with space jump was something I... more>> wanted to see more developed and ventured. However, the plot developed in a way that was more intriguing and engaging.

All in all, it is a good read. <<less
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