Vicious Male Counterpart Isn’t Competing Anymore


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Before he died, Yan Hao could never understand why his parents had always favored his younger brother. They spoiled his brother, and wouldn’t pay any attention to himself, no matter what he did.

The more this happened, the more indignant and upset Yan Hao became, so he began to compete with his brother in everything. As long as it was something his brother wanted to do, he would do it too, and outperform him.

He was obviously the one who was more talented, but from beginning to end he was never acknowledged by the people around him. His parents, teachers, and classmates all looked at him with disdain, claiming he was jealous and selfish, and liked to steal from others.

It wasn’t until his death that Yan Hao realized that he had been stealing from the protagonist. He was just a vicious male counterpart in a book to set up the kind hearted protagonist shou. A cannon fodder who existed to let the protagonist gong appear and to slap him in the face, so he could look good in front of the protagonist shou.

After he was reborn, Yan Hao kicked the protagonist away. Who the hell wants to compete with you? If laozi turned around, you wouldn’t be able to catch me even if you cried.

He wouldn’t fight anymore, and he wasn’t jealous. He just wanted to peacefully be himself, and let his light shine on the people who care about him.

Many years later, someone asked Yan Hao, who had become a master mecha engineer, “How did you get into mecha manufacturing?”

“Because I met someone.” Yan Hao.

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71 Reviews sorted by

April 13, 2024
Status: c39
That’s it, I’m dropping this. Although the MC is a little cutie, it has become increasingly frustrating to for me to justify why he is the way he is. I understand that he’s been through a lot, how he’s been isolated because of his excellence and drive to get recognized. He has been ostracized because people think he’s bullying his brother. I get that would of course leave a psychological trauma/shadow on anyone. But still I don’t like this kind of character that despite already have the advantage of hindsight... more>> since he has been reborn, he somehow doesn’t have any sense of self-preservation. The only thing he changed was he doesn’t want anything to do with his family, but aside from that he’s basically a baby who knows nothing about how the world works so he’s vulnerable to almost anything. My mind just doesn’t have the capacity to handle additional stress from a fictional character. Bye 👋 <<less
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March 9, 2024
Status: c120
Hello. I will share my thoughts about what I read. It is my opinion so don't take it to hart too much beacause it is a good novel. Just I am sensitive and when read I can basically feel everything that is described vividly so it greatly affects me.

Sorry. Maybe I am to nice. but. I don't wish to my worst enemy the thing that happened to original MC. I hoped he would fail and just become irrelevant but they... Uugh a little spoiler not too much.

... more>>

they made him a pair with person with some kind of a bipolar disability. And he doesn't even ability to fix it? This is the worst kind of abuse. Abuse from someone he loves. I don't care what he did in his past life. He is terrible and all. For all I care he can die while being tortured. I just don't like seeing people get beaten up by their loved ones. (for me the thing in this book is just se##al abuse at this point) that is worse than death according to my beliefs. And I don't even think something like this happed to MC in his past life? So why?


Jup so for something I started reading thinking it would be heartwarming this is too much. I nearly puked reading the scenes with old MC. Everything else is good. There is no women there tho. There is no girle bestie or any woman that stays in the story for longer than 5 minutes. I know it is bl. But still?

I will not rate it because this is something I would not normally read. And I started reading it thinking it will be a light, happy, heartwarming story. It was not. It only starts like that.

So while I go and look for a light story to read, I wish you luck reading it. Bye! <<less
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paulinhakawaii rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: --
MC and ML isn't extremely OP if you consider that the humans of their universe has really mental powers and they can level up even more. They are both cute and the romance went quite good. I will only take a star because I wish it could've more romantic scenes.
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redwin_av rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: --
This gets 3 stars. The novel had a good premise and the characters had solid backgrounds, and motivations. But at one point, I got really annoyed with how OP the MC is. Don't get me wrong, I love OP characters but this one is just too much for me that it became sooo predictable already. It was nice at first but it was just *introduce problem* >> *MC will produce something to fix it*... it was so automatic and there were basically no hurdles for the MC to fix the... more>> said problem. There are also plot points that are not clicking in my brain.

On the plus size, I did enjoy the ML quite a bit from what I read, the ML made a very compelling character. But the problems with the characterization of the MC just became such an issue for me that I was not willing to read 50+ more chapters of basically the same plot line.

So overall, if you're looking to read about an MC who will really just succeed at everything; there is not a doubt in my mind that he will get everything he want. Then this is the story for you. If you like the premise, I suggest you read it up to a point where you can bare the MC. If you're not any of these, then this novel really isn't for you. <<less
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KairaYK rated it
October 5, 2023
Status: c1 part1
This is a story with a MC that is the definition of naive. They're not joking when they say he has low EQ. I agree with another review that pointed out his past life misery was in big part his own naivety at work. Having low self esteem does not cause that.

For example, giving away something worth billions because he just wants to help and the person who got it is good to him. As long as you're slightly kind to the MC he'll give you his kidney when you... more>> ask.

BUT. If you can get past the first 40 chapters, it gets better. After a while the MC's friends and the ML teach him little by little how to interact with the world without letting people take advantage of him. The journey to pulling up his self esteem is much harder but that makes sense.

At this point it's much more interesting to see where the story is going, especially given the ML's disadvantages. How they slowly overcome their troubles and grow together.

So read this if you're ok with potentially being somewhat frustrated the first few dozens of chapters.

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Drakion rated it
October 3, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a 4.2-4.3 rating. I'm being generous here. This is the authors first novel I believe.

It starts off very good, but at times, it felt quite lackluster. Concepts introduced sometimes get completely thrown away.

The original protags:


So, what happen with Yan Fei? Lol. Like he just completely disappeared. He is a horrible brother, but that's all. He did absolutely nothing except drive the point that the MC doesn't want anything to do with him.
The Original Male Protag, Sima? Well, he is a literally definition of a snake. He is an abuser, look at what he done to Yan Fei. f*cking as*hole needs to be locked up in a mental asylum. Who beats someone up only to say later, "I don't mean it." They are okay characters, but their endings were a mystery to me.


WHAT HAPPENED TO THE KISSING COUPLE IN THE RESTROOM? Honestly they were my favorite. Had more dynamics than the actual main characters of the story, LOL. I can't. They appear only about 10 chapters. But what's worse, they are completely forgotten.

If you don't know, they are the space pirates that join the army. But literally disappeared after they joined. Wtf.


When we get near ch 140-150, you begin to notice the author was rushing to end his/her novel. A lot of things get thrown in, and I'm just reading wondering what the actually f is going on. It's literally chaos. People are dying left and right. And the "final boss"...


seriously? Give it intelligence and make it a second level civilization? Wtf is this bullshit. Why did you have to add it near the last 10 or so chapters? It's so pointless as I believe the author was simply trying to increase the severity of the situation. Instead, to me, it felt like you just wanted to make him look super OP so to allow the ML shown when he defeats him. IDGI. We already know the ML is amazing, but at this point wtf. LOL. What is the United Peace Alliance for second level civilizations thingy? Why is this even mention? Why is the insect king trying to negotiate? How did we go from a ML and MC trying to realize their dream to this utter explosion of randomness in the end? This literally could have ended with ML defeating the insect emperor, and him returning to marry MC. That's it. I would've been satisfied but nope. It literally was kill Insect Emperor and doneso. No extras or anything.


Its a somewhat good novel, but I did not like the randomness near the end. What should have been MC and ML realizing their dreams and establishing their relationship, slowly became a clusterf*k of chaos at the end. Agh, endings are suppose to make you feel giddy and somewhat despondent as you might have finished a good novel. THIS. This made me feel like "huh? Wtf just happened?"
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Saffari rated it
September 24, 2023
Status: Completed
This story had no right being this good! This is, by far, the best written novel I have read among danmei mecha by a mile. It's cozy and sweet while still being action-packed and thrilling. I definitely recommend it!

Main characters changing their fate in the rebirth genre is a dime a dozen, but so rarely is a story able to actually pull you enough to make you feel for the previous fate of the characters.

... more>>

I think what made this so effective in this particular novel is how Yan Hao's achievements in his new life provides such a stark and tragic contrast to his unrealized potential in his previous life, while making it clear that his potential for greatness has always been there. Yan Hao had done so well as a pharmacist in his previous life, unacknowledged and ostracized as he was, and could have done so much more for their world if he continued, and that is just the tragedy of it. Yan Hao isn't doing great in his new life because he is snatching other people's achievements and making it his own, no. He had always done great things, even as a pharmacist, but was unacknowledged and robbed of recognition because no one cared enough to watch out for him or fight for him. As the novel progresses, it becomes very clear that his absence in the pharmaceutical field created missing links that drastically delayed and even all-out hindered the progress that could have been achieved if he was still a pharmacist.

At the same time, you can't help but feel despair for the old timeline which never saw the advancements and developments in mech building that Yan Hao helped to create in the new timeline, and you feel such grief for how the characters that you get to know and love in the new timeline were affected by this absence.


Sheng Heng also makes for a very enjoyable main lead to get to know. Underdog main leads who are not only NOT black-bellied while still being devoted and quite pure are such a rare breed. Watching him grow and develop alongside Yan Hao was one of the greatest strengths of this story. They are both so interesting as characters and compelling in their own right.


Their romantic storyline is certainly fun to read, lmao. These two basically made their love life into military milestones. Reading military officials bite their tongues and become unwilling third-wheels of their hardcore pseudo-PDA is hilarious because they can't even complain, hahaha. Oh, this custom-made mecha that marks the new age of mecha building? It's my boyfriend's proposal gift to me, tee hee 😂😂. Thinking about how the future students of their federation will have to learn about this part of their history is just hilarious.


I love how the plot develops in parallel with Yan Hao's character development. As he steps further and further away from the shadows of his past life, his world gets bigger and the conflicts that used to shackle him become petty and inconsequential in the scheme of the big endless world he has opened up for himself.


I actually prefer how Yan Fei and their parents just gradually fade into obscurity as the story goes on. Not everything needs closure. In a way, their disappearance in the plot is a manifestation of Yan Hao letting the past go and breaking the shackles that used to tie him to them. His world became more than just their unattainable love. Yan Hao would never know if they ever truly regretted their treatment of him. He would never know if they were truly capable of being better for him, of caring for him, or truly loving him. It doesn't matter because they no longer matter to him. They are all in his past.


The writing of the action scenes were fantastic, and it kept me on my toes, rooting for victory every time they had major battles with the zergs. I also appreciate how the politics is portrayed in the military without overdoing it to an absurd degree. Factions still maneuver for power, but unite to work together when necessary.


It was certainly a pleasant surprise when the main antagonist for most of the story gets a redemption plot. Making him have a bottomline that even he wouldn't cross definitely made him more complex and appealing as a character.


I think my only gripe about this novel is how it had no extras. Give me extras. All the extras. You can't just make us love the characters and not feed us, author! That's just cruel! That said, I wouldn't say that the ending is neccessarily rushed because it does still have a satisfying end that made everything worth it in the end.


Only these two would fly into their own romantic world while everyone is scrambling in shock. Who cares reporting to the military after defeating the zerg king? Let's elope! Lmao

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Lopest rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: Completed
When I started reading, there is only 84 translated chapters on NU. So I went ahead and read the MTL version till the end but I will definitely come back to read the translation because the storyline is too good as there are some parts I don’t really under.

Anyhow, I am truly grateful to come across this novel. Can’t help falling in love with both ML and MC. The way they started going out was not abrupt and very smooth. While I was reading, I kept on thinking how do... more>> this Author/s able to create a fantasy story that is very detail which I can even easily imagined?? Not gonna lie though, I do skip some too detailed stuffs 🤌🏼.

Just wish there is more after story or special chapter or something cause the ML and MC are too lovable for me to part ways with 🤧 <<less
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Hematite rated it
October 2, 2022
Status: Completed
The mtl on this one isn't too bad, so I finished reading it that way. I tend to be more of a fantasy reader than mecha, but I really enjoyed this one. MC learning that people could like him and growing into confidence was just very heartwarming. Lots of tropes, but they were well done, and from the perspective of someone who doesn't know a lot about war/mecha plots, the plot felt very sound and the details and science felt reasonable to me.

Otherwise, the romance was sweet, though... more>> not highly focused on, and there was at least some pleasing face-slapping (though I could have used a bit more of that... I like when prior enemies/abusers are forced to realize their mistakes). <<less
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Azurame rated it
August 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Damn this is good! There's bits of angst here and there about the uke's background and so far the couple is very sweet. Super sweet in fact! Seme is so loving and I love how he just accepts the uke as he is. The ending was good just wish there was a bit more spice you know...
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Frk Brise
Frk Brise rated it
May 1, 2022
Status: c178
It was cute. Really liked the couple and I’m honestly a sucker for these kinds of settings. Either futuristic BL or abused MC or OP MC and this one had all three.

Overall it was a bit basic and the ending was kind of abrupt but I enjoyed it enough to MTL so...
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