The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy


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[The Demon King is Dead] is a story in which the Demon King was immediately killed off in the Prologue.

And I became the ‘Demon Prince’ of said novel.

…Help me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon King of the Royal Class
The Devil Comes To The Academy
마왕은 학원에 간다
Related Series
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (11)
The Novel’s Extra (6)
Love Letter From The Future (4)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (4)
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (4)
Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Academy Novel
  2. Novels I have Read
  3. thesauce
  4. grateful's list of novels I'm grateful for
  5. Nice story

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184 Reviews sorted by

January 22, 2024
Status: c700
If I were to describe this novel in a word, it would be "tiring".

Quite frankly, I don't think I've seen a Korean MC who just can't seem to stop lying. Even worse, you want to lie, it's fine, just own up to it, but what's up with the nonstop melodrama and angst?

The MC is, to put it simply, a normal guy like us. He's not one of those genius Korean MCs that can plan hundreds of steps ahead. Nothing wrong with that. Not being an omnipotent genius is fine, why... more>> are you so goddamn impulsive as well?

Almost every single thing he does is borne entirely out of sheer impulse and emotions. And then once things spiral out of control, he freezes, angsts around, and then promptly runs to nearest bigwig to hide behind them. Short of the few occasions where he actually needs to fight something to get a new upgrade, the above paragraph can easily summarize every single thing he does until chapter 600 or so. Every single time. There is absolutely nothing he does that is not s*upid, emotional or brain dead, and every single time will end up with him running to hide behind someone else's skirts in one way or another because he failed to think about the consequences of what he did. Then there's the lies and melodrama misunderstandings. Absolutely non-stop, to the point where you have to wonder if he has a complex of some kind or if he just plain ret*rded.

Got an assassin after him? Keeps quiet about it, driving everyone else to worry about him and take their own action. Resulting in an absolute cluster f*ck where everyone is doing their own shit, and at the end, when they all bump into each other at the end, they get angry with each other because, "I don't want to put you in danger!" and then arguing and angsting at each other.

but hey, all of them were apparently okay doing solo su*cide missions up to that point.

Wtf??? The entire arc could have been resolved 5 chapters earlier if someone just said one s*upid sentence rather than being a self sacrificing drama queen or king and then get angry at everyone else for doing the same thing they were. Don't even get me started on how all his lies comes back to bite him in the bu*t once everyone finds out he's the demon price, and voila. More angst. Boatloads of angst. And melodrama. And not a single drop of goddamned foresight or critical thinking to be seen.

If he had just stopped to think or stopped going brain dead every time a problem cropped up, this novel would've ended in half the chapters needed. <<less
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September 11, 2023
Status: c703
Honestly I heard about this in the comments section of another book. I came in unprepared for what a wild journey this has been so far.

An author gets reincarnated as a character from his novel as a punishment for his "inconsistency" or something like that, so he finds out he's now ... more>>

the son of the demon king, a prince to a deposed nation and he's terrified.


Still I love how the story unfolded honestly and a lot of themes were explored in this story, the inglorious nature of war, the pain that is bred from mutual distrust.

It was perfect for me 5/5 <<less
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RiazMahamud rated it
September 9, 2023
Status: Completed

This novel was surprisingly a very good one. The plot was totally different then day to day harem novel. This story has everything to enjoy it. Comedy, Action, Romance, Drama, Plot Twist all of them was perfect balance. I quite enjoyed this ONE.

Highly Recommend all to give it a try, you will enjoy it. It will worth your time.
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August 30, 2023
Status: c703
The author got lost in the sauce halfway through and salvaged it decently in the end, but inevitably lots of stuff slipped through the fingers even with 20-odd chapters of epilogue. It was a good read, kept me clicking for the next chapter. The biggest flaw ultimately is the mood of the story stayed monotonously depressing for the last 300 chapters—even though it was a striking mood-shift in the beginning, eventually you just get sick of it. He just laid the sob-spread on thick and it was just too much.... more>> People get bored of the same thing, there's no variety on this toast anymore! We need some jam and sprinkles too!

To sum it up, I would recommend this novel. It has its flaws and plenty of loose ends but still presented a gripping story and left me satisfied. <<less
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August 28, 2023
Status: c65
This one's pretty boring. If you want an OP character, then this one's not for you. It has really slow development and the MC is always getting beaten up and undestamated even though he wins most of the times.
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BROaced rated it
August 23, 2023
Status: Completed
The beginning hooked me in, middle was also really good but the ending was a let down. Sometimes pacing was all over the place and a bunch of repetition to fill up word count
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Leo28993066 rated it
August 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly, I enjoyed this novel much, much, much, more than I have expected. After catching up in the Manwha, I ended up binge reading the novel from ch 75- 703. Very rarely do I get hook from a Manwha and go the extra mile to read the novel but this just hit the spot for me. For reference I have red probably 1000+ Manwha/Manga/Manhua over the past year however only 5 of them do I search for the novel. Maybe it's also because I don't read much novels so I... more>> can't find as many flaws as veteran novel readers but for me currently it's my favorite novel by far. <<less
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Itsblueviper rated it
July 27, 2023
Status: c438
(Will write complete review after finishing the novel, still in brief:-)


Pros so far (c438) :-

Awesome starting arc.

Great world building.

Side characters have their own individualities.

Pretty good fantasy power structure.

As the title suggests, majority is about MC's school-life, it is fun.

Humor is pretty good, sometimes even hysterical.

Cons so far (c438) :-

As one of the early reviewers mentioned that MC clearly suffers from guild tripping, sometimes it becomes to much and I just skip paragraphs by paragraphs.

From c430 or so (the lich tomb battle onwards), this novel goes to absolute sh!t, unlike the dog sh!t that you would clean because it is your pet's, no, it goes to the most horrendous sh!t. What I am referring to is that - it is quite clear that the author has a fetish about masochism, making MC the one of the biggest masochist. I meant that the novel transforms into a bait story, where MC will suffer from all sorts of indignation & will not utter a proper sentence to explain or just totally lose the mental capacity to put forward any logical sentence. For those who feel lost, I am pointing to the interrogation by Charlotte of MC. Not a single word, why? It's s*upid & exhausting that almost all good novels just lose their way halfway through the story, just like The Novel's Extra went to sh!t around c190.

I am still reading it, but sparingly now, unlike the previous binge I was on all my spare time. So, it will take some time & maybe effort to continue this. I am still on Vol 9, and there are 13 volumes, so who knows when I'd finish it.

Just a last note, recommending reading this, at least till c430 or c435. Also, author is a masochist & not in a good way.

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harizsama rated it
July 20, 2023
Status: c500
This' might be 2nd best Korean WN i've ever read, and yes you didnt read that wrong as I truly rated this 3/5.

Bcz the author cant keep his d**k out of this damm masterpiece so mf inserted himself into the story.

The first 400 chapters are great. The perfect amount of romance, comedy, school life perfectly intertwining to create an enjoyable creation.

... more>> But my god... Its so painfull to read the rest.

Why, why do you even need to insert your a** into this... Look, the smart princess and greatest magician ever who created groundbreaking spell/magic became blockheads.

I know, I know. Love is blind and make you s*upid. But come on, author. That's completely unnecessary and leave bad taste in mouth.

Theres looooot of way to create the final arc as great story and make MC as misunderstood demon prince who actually trying his best to save everyone, thus justify MC's quality, but no. The author goes in, make the MC really the bad guy who annihilate half the world population, make the 99.9% humanity hate him, and yet the MC spare him.

Then the author will 'create' more dilematic problem for MC and the casts, offer dilematic choices, laugh, maybe also beating his m**t off as well, then MC heroically solves the problem, yet he still spared by the MC again.

So yeah, that the gist of the second half story.

I'd say im completly understand if theres someone who'd sent the author some 'love letter'. <<less
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July 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Great first half, bad second half. It's a very forceful development during second half, many character development went awry. It's like author just want to force the situation just for sake of plot and drama. It's very inconsistence with some of heroine character as of that chapter.

The rest of the second half is just regret tag reverberating from the main heroines. The same regret quotes being repeated every other chapters to the point that you want to slap those characters. That's how bad the second half is. It might be... more>> fine to dwell on the subject a few time, but having it repeated, then multiplied per each characters, are just too disgusting for readers who didn't expect to find it in this genre in the first place.

Overall, if you don't mind the guilt trip shenanigan, then perhaps this is enjoyable novel with good heroines. However, that second half really destroy the novel, not because of the incident but because it feels like the author want to blast all his negativity on the reader in form of plots. <<less
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Vandrick rated it
July 10, 2023
Status: c703
The first 400-500 chapters are amazing. After around 550 there is some real contrived nonsense thrown in for no reason that continues for essentially the rest of the novel that invalidates almost all of the previous build-up.

I don't think I've ever been more dissatisfied than getting to the last ~100-150 chapters and ending of this webnovel. Almost physical pain with how a certain main character is just repeatedly dunked on for no reason and it never really gets resolved in a fulfilling way.
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oakeegle rated it
June 22, 2023
Status: c703
As others have said, the first 300 chapters are very good. Standard slice-of-life academy stuff, with interesting relationships, powers, and premise.

Unfortunately, the quality of the story is sacrificed for cheap and contrived drama/tragedy. It's basically the embodiment of the trope where characters refuse to communicate and act in ways that lead to misunderstandings/drama. Characters also begin to act very weirdly, elements drop out of the story (i.e., the system), the combat which was never at the centre gets worse, and plot points appear out of thin air to perpetuate the... more>> drama (which never felt justified).

If I could summarise this story, I would say that the author builds a strong foundation only to hold it ransom to keep the reader invested. <<less
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DawnFall rated it
June 17, 2023
Status: c100
Ive really tried to get into this several times but I just cant. This clearly is not well written. Its inconsistent, its cringe, its illogical and I dont like it. I dont know what everyone reviewing this with 4 stars or higher is thinking when they say this has a good start. The MC often does illogical actions, that somehow end working out, because of reasons. The MC is the author and creator of this world but he still needs a completely redundant cheat to tell him what to do.
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Yes Leah Yo
Yes Leah Yo rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: --
It's another knock off from similar plot school live drama like "Novel Extra" but exactly worst in them of MC development after every arc.

It's not interesting to see the power scaling and battle that is totally no difference with a predictable battle in every arc between the protagonist and a questionable antagonist character.

MC'S the typical harem protagonist but can't seem to find any other progress in anything and often confused in every important moment so that plot armor always come over to save the day.

... more>>

Overall it's a story of a struggle young demon lord? trying to live as a normal magic school working hard good boy with no proposed and dream that believe the plot armor will always with him until he f*ck up sooner or later...

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zaneith rated it
June 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Overall great read. I get why there are negative reviews for the latter parts of the novel. The story literally changes genre after around Ch 400 which can be jarring to most readers. Fortunately, I'm part of the ones who enjoyed both parts.

I personally rate the story 4.5, the only reason it's not 5 is because the author really didn't give us enough time to enjoy the ending. Only around 20 chapters of epilogue, for what, 250 chapters of suffering? Come on, if you make the characters suffer for so... more>> many chapters, at least give them time to enjoy their reward. I want to see

how Ellen integrated back to society, Reinhardt's shenanigans in Razeria, how each heroine seduced Reinhardt into making children, why Charlotte is the only love interest who doesn't have a child, heck I want to see Olivia's struggles in trying to raise her child.

There's so much missed potential since we already know that the author is good with writing slice of life. Why not give at least 50 chapters for the epilogue???

For those struggling to finish the novel because of too much suffering,

there's a happy (?) harem ending including Ellen

so there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel. <<less
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karlongkar rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: Completed
half of the early is school life romcom which I think its the best part. Like 400 first chapters. By the BEST, I mean really the best not "one of" the best.

Sadly however later part is too dragged on the guilt trip and a lot doesn't make sense. Not in a way of "why" but "how" which the latter is worse. I can say it went to tr*sh level of novel. I even believe different author took over the novel.

character development is 5/5

as you keep reading, it feels like you're... more>> growing with them.

i have to give this 4/5 because after the academy arc, it went downhill by a lot. But it could've been worse. So its a good read still. <<less
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davianstukov rated it
May 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Haaa, the ending and its epilogue is so disappointing. Ever since the start of the apocalypse arc, the quality of the story has been a constant downhill. After reaching the conclusion, a lot of things were unsolved and plenty of details are left out that by the end I only felt emptiness instead of joy after finishing the story. A 4/5 during the academy days, a 3/5 after that.

... more>>

Till the end, him being the author of the world bears no significance to the story and the origin of the system is still left unsolved. Where did the system came from? Who gave him the power and sent him there? Was there even an overarching purpose for him being sent there other than to fix his s*upid mistakes as an author? There are so many questions that should’ve been answered in the end that were just glossed over for some reason.

The epilogue also feels so lacking. There weren’t even any mentions on the status of the other empresses and if their friends in the royal class are still living well and whether they too have made their own family. Interactions between Reinhardt’s kids and the Royal class’ kids would’ve been nice to read but I guess we’ll skip that too. What about the promise Reinhardt made with Ellen’s mom? He completed it so why was there no reaction added from the mother in the end?


Plenty more of questions left unanswered and details that are left unsaid that it feels like the ending and epilogue was made with barely any effort and thought at all. Everything about the story really went downhill the more it reached the conclusion. I wish it was better, but alas, all we got in the end is a mediocre story and a story’s conclusion that barely concludes its story.

In the end, Reinhardt is just the reflection of the author of this story. Both making s*upid mistakes in their quest to create a story even though they were doing great at the beginning. <<less
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Yalex rated it
May 14, 2023
Status: c621
Absolutely one of my favourites. One of the few harems that are actually well done. The plot, growth, characters, etc are fantastic. If there is one thing that lacks is backbone for the MC, he is sometimes a pushover which can be really frustrating. But if you can look over this I really recommend it. :)
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MyRAMEN rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: c277
Although I love the story, the reason I put 4 stars instead of 5 is that at times there is a lot of filler, however, more importantly there are many plotholes in Reinhardt's use of the system. Instead of using it more frequently where it would've helped tremendously, it is used as a plot armor source of protection, where it is only used to force along the plot or to protect him/his interests last second. Then he proceeds to never use these features again. Additionally, the reader never knows what... more>> the "disasters" are till much later, like the author could not decide what it would be yet. And the revision price is never shown despite being told multiple times he needs to save enough points to revise this or find the source to stop the disaster. The later parts of the novel also start going along a stalemate harem route where romantic feelings is repeatedly hinted and never pushed. It is extremely annoying to read due to the countless foreshadowing and events shown, only for nothing to happen again for many chapters... <<less
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hokaibgu rated it
February 9, 2023
Status: Completed
First 400 chapter : 8-8.5/10
The rest of the chapter : 6.5/10
Ending : actually quite good for some of the characters, but as usual, there are loose end here and there and some characters does not have proper conclusion. 6/10

Overall about 7/10, I would rate this higher if not for


Ellen and Charlotte ruined the latter half of the series

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