The Daily Life of the Reborn Adopted Son of a Wealthy Family


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When Chen Wengang was nine years old, he was adopted by the Zheng family of Jin City after his father died in the line of duty, leaving him dependent on the hospitality of others.

From being a ward of a wealthy family to wandering without a home, he became acquainted with and fell in love with the eldest son of the Zheng family. However, he also faced betrayal and deceit from his lover, bearing the weight of countless rumors.

Most scions of prestigious families looked down on Chen Wengang. At the darkest moment of his life, Huo Niansheng, a playboy who had once mocked him, appeared before him and raised an eyebrow, “You used to be so aloof; how did you end up in such a sorry state?”

Chen Wengang was leaning against a graffiti-covered wall, a cigarette dangling between his fingers, and a half-grimace scar on his face. Huo Niansheng casually approached and borrowed a light, “If you’re truly homeless, why not come with me?”

Chen Wengang got into Huo Niansheng’s car.

Little did he know, that this decision would shape his entire life.

No one knew why the cunning Huo Niansheng was so persistent with an underground lover who was disfigured. He remained indifferent, not indulging in the extravagance of the nightlife.

Later, Huo Niansheng died in a cruise ship accident. In the farewell letter he left for Chen Wengang at the end of his life, he wrote, “I never knew if you truly loved me, and unfortunately, I may never find out in this lifetime.”

Afterward, Chen Wengang was reborn at the age of twenty.

He had not been disfigured yet, and there were many regrets that he could now rectify. Most importantly, he could give Huo Niansheng a second chance.

My love, as long as you stop and pay attention,

You will always see the depth of my love.

Playboy Gong vs. Gentle and Calm Shou

Reading Tips:

1. Primarily focused on emotions, daily life, 1v1, HE (Happy Ending).

2. The past feelings of Huo Niansheng will be addressed.

Associated Names
One entry per line
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17 Reviews sorted by

New HiddenHermit rated it
June 10, 2024
Status: Completed
Nice novel but the pace of the last 20-30 chapters was like a turtle crawling through honey. I kept thinking something interesting was gonna happen in the next chapter but it didn't.

I like second chance novels and feel that this one fell a lil short. The relationship between MC, Chen Wengang, and his ex felt off. The breakup and the following events concluded too easily.

MC's reunion with ML, Huo Niansheng, was semi-uneventful. Overall, the plot was as expected with MC being able to make up for his past regrets.

... more>>

ML was later able to remember his past life. He and MC communicated their love for the other.

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New amikyun rated it
June 9, 2024
Status: Completed
Damn... it full of melancholy but also happiness, this story is written base of no regret, even the extra... author choose to elaborate their past life and ''if'' bruh... it satisfying, although I will not recommend it for u who had anxiety or over thinking at ur academic (bcs it was I had now) it give u another anxiety bcs how real author expressed mc's emotional and mentally struggle, but u cab't help it... this story was so beautiful.. although it was just ''daily'' how MC meet ML and solved... more>> their regret, it really bonds perfectly... <<less
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Katra1212 rated it
February 16, 2024
Status: Completed
In the heartwarming narrative of Chen Wengang's journey, we are invited into a world where time folds, allowing him to traverse back to moments before life-altering tragedy struck. This compelling tale meticulously explores his poignant reunion with Huo Niansheng, the epitome of his deepest regrets.

Is this opportunity for rebirth a genuine second chance to mend the fabric of his destiny, or merely an ephemeral illusion, a fleeting dream that dissolves into the ether, leaving behind a haunting yearning for what might have been?

    • I never knew if you truly loved me. Unfortunately, in this lifetime, perhaps I'll never get the chance to find out. I've left you enough to live on. Be strong from now on, and live well."
    • Huo Niansheng's Last Letter to Chen Wengang
    • "I hope you know, you will forever be the ultimate dream nestled deep within the recesses of my soul."
    • Chen Wegang's Love Letter to Huo Niansheng


From the outset, we're drawn into the prelude of Chen Wengan's existence prior to his death and subsequent rebirth. This backstory not only crafts a vivid portrayal of the man we journey alongside but also lays bare the soul of someone shaped by a past riddled with compromise, betrayal, and heart-wrenching adversity.


From the modest beginnings as the son of a driver for the prestigious Zheng family to becoming a ward under the family's care following his father's heroic sacrifice. Growing alongside the Zheng's young master, Chen Wengang becomes an extension of his shadow, his life a series of concessions born of indebtedness. His ingrained sense of gratitude, however, morphs into chains of bondage, ensnaring him in a web of tragedy he nobly accepts without resentment. Yet, as fate's cruel machinations unfold, what was intended as a redeemable punishment spirals into an abyss of despair, leaving him broken. In his darkest hour, he encounters Huo Niansheng, who offers sanctuary.


Their intertwined pasts, revealed through evocative flashbacks, weave a tapestry of poignant moments that draw the reader deeper into Wengang's tumultuous former life. Each memory, object, and scene intricately laced with unspoken agony and yearning, paints a vivid picture of a love profound and unspoken.


Two scenes, in particular, remain etched in my memory: a phone number dialled in moments of longing, though its owner has long vanished. The meticulously prepared memorial meal that grows cold, its flavors as hollow as the night wind whispering through long-open windows, echoing the absence of a spirit that will never return.


For Chen Wengang, Huo Niansheng is more than a memory; he is an indelible mark on his soul, a wound that rebirth alone cannot heal. Embarking on this new life, it is fear that grips him first- not joy or anticipation but a visceral fear of losing once more. Their relationship, shrouded in ambiguity, leaves him adrift, yearning for a clarity that eludes him.

Huo Niansheng, as perceived by Wengang in his past life, stands in stark contrast to the man he meets anew. In their past life, it wasn't misunderstanding but circumstance that held their love in stasis. Their story is one of unspoken care and love, a bond so tangled in complexities that even when the chance to vocalize their feelings arises, it's tragically too late.


Their initial life's trajectory was destined for sorrow, with Huo Niansheng's demise becoming a catalyst for Wengang's awakening, to fulfil his last wish: to persevere and live on.

And he did. With Niansheng's legacy, Wengang dedicates his renewed life to philanthropy, aiding those less fortunate, embodying the resilience and compassion that define his character.



Chen Wengang emerges from his trials as a figure of tranquillity and resolve, his past life's hardships tempering any impulsive desires for vengeance. His character, originally precocious, evolves into one of patience and understanding, navigating conflicts with a gentle yet firm hand, showcasing a resilience and depth borne of lifetimes of experiences.


The core of his character lies in his complex relationships, most notably with Huo Niansheng, the Zhengs, his neighbours, his old classmates and to our beloved boi, Halley and the inner conflicts that stem from these connections. His love for Niansheng is a beacon that guides him through his darkest moments, yet it is also a source of profound vulnerability. Wengang's struggle to reconcile his past with his present, and his fear of losing Niansheng again, add layers of emotional depth to his character, making his journey all the more compelling.


Huo Niansheng's initial portrayal as an aristocratic young master, notorious for his romantic escapades splashed across the tabloids, sets the stage for a character that readers might be quick to judge. However, as the narrative progresses, it becomes evident that there is much more to him than meets the eye. Behind the facade of the playboy lies a keen intellect and a contemplative soul, suggesting that his public persona is but a mask to protect the more sensitive aspects of his character.


One of the most compelling aspects of him is his embodiment of contradictions. He navigates the world with a sardonic wit and an air of disdain for those around him, yet in moments of solitude or in the company of Chen Wengang, his gentler, more reflective side comes to the fore. These shifts reveal a man who is acutely aware of the expectations placed upon him by society and his family, yet yearns for a simplicity and authenticity that his public life denies him.


Word Building:

The world within the novel is richly painted, set against a modern backdrop of family drama and corporate intrigue. Side characters are meticulously crafted, each with their own narratives that enrich the main storyline. This novel transcends the typical rebirth narrative to explore themes of love, loss, and redemption with a depth that lingers long after the final page is turned.

While some readers may long for vengeance, the novel instead focuses on healing and the power of enduring love. Chen Wengang's rebirth is not a panacea for his woes but a journey towards understanding, acceptance, and the hope of a new beginning with Huo Niansheng.


The novel's pacing is thoughtfully calibrated, mirroring the protagonists' gradual and careful journey towards rekindling their bond. As the narrative unfolds, the slow build-up of tension and longing culminates in moments of passion that blaze with the intensity of a love that has endured the trials of time.

Furthermore, the inclusion of supporting characters is handled with finesse, enriching the story's tapestry without ever overshadowing the primary relationship at its heart. These characters bring a vibrant array of perspectives and dynamics, enhancing the depth and relatability of the world the protagonists inhabit.

In essence, the novel's pacing is a delicate dance between moments of quiet introspection and explosive emotional revelations. It adeptly balances the slow unraveling of past hurts with the exhilarating rush of rediscovered love, crafting a reading experience that is both satisfying and deeply moving.

My Opinion:

This novel swept me away with its emotional depth and nuanced characterizations. Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng shine as complex, sympathetic leads. Their tangled history and slow rebuild of trust make for an addictive, cathartic read.


Chen Wengang, the MC, is a particular standout - his depression and trauma are depicted with insightful detail. The rebirth was not a cure all for his depression. Watching his descent to memories and fall into trauma gripped my heart throughout the novel.


Unlike typical protagonists who may seek revenge for the wrongs done to them, He chooses a path of understanding and forgiveness. This does not, however, render him weak; rather, it highlights his maturity and the depth of his character. He navigates his second chance with a wisdom born of his past sufferings, making choices that reflect his deep-seated desire for peace and happiness.

On the other hand, Huo Niansheng subverts the typical domineering CEO trope, evolving into an intriguingly imperfect and empathetic lead. His smiles often cloak uncomfortable emotions rather than confidence, his intellect and business acumen balanced by very human limitations. Yet his steadfast support for Wengang recovery and willingness to tear down his own barriers shows profound personal growth through compassion.

I like the complexities of Huo Niansheng. Till the very end he remains an enigma to me. The last two side stories in particular will make you wonder, could he have rebirthed?


My primary critique of the narrative stems from its lack of clarity regarding the protagonists' rebirth. The story leaves readers in the dark about the mechanics and rationale behind such a pivotal plot device. It begs the question: Is this truly an opportunity for a second chance at life, or merely an illusory comfort, a transient dream spawned from deep-seated yearning?

The inclusion of side stories that explore alternate "what if" scenarios only adds layers of complexity. These narratives tantalize with the possibility that the main storyline itself could be another speculative branch in a maze of realities. This ambiguity, whether intentional or not, invites a depth of speculation. Perhaps I'm delving too deeply, seeking answers where the true beauty of the tale lies in its mystery and the emotional journey it provokes. Nonetheless, the absence of an explanation for the rebirth element leaves a longing for a more grounded understanding of their miraculous second chance.


This quote appropriately summrizes their story.


"My life was once far from perfect, " Chen Wengang glanced at Huo Niansheng, a gentle smile curved at the edge of his lips. "I've made many mistakes, and became a total mess - it was painful and unbearable, as if I had lost everything. Worse still, it was right at this moment that I encountered someone with unclear intentions, unsure if it's good or bad."

"But I soon confirmed that he at least didn't mind my imperfections. Speaking of which, he'll be swearing later to love me, comfort me, respect me and protect me - for better or worse, in sickness and health alike. I actually feel it's unnecessary because he's already fulfilled all that. I understand him and he understands me. No need for excessive sweet nothings. Only after living this long did I grasp that past regrets are unimportant, because he's given me abundant love. So much that no matter what happens, there's no reason left to complain."


Main Story: The continuation of their love story post-rebirth.

Side Story 1: Past Life- Huo Niansheng's perspective.

Side Story 2: The intricacies of their past life

Side Story 3: Their lives in the present.

Side Story 4: If having never been apart.

Side Story 5: If growing up together

The side stories are a masterful touch, from Niansheng's poignant regrets to alternate timelines of their love persevering against all odds. This is an epic, resonant second-chance romance for the ages. I was enthralled from start to finish. Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng now hold an eternal place among my favorite literary couples.
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xjgg rated it
January 29, 2024
Status: Completed
🌟3.5 it's a sweet, gentle love story, but the face-slapping was quite unsatisfying. MC was reborn right on the day he was outed. I honestly quite like it.

MC was adopted into Zheng family and was well-fed, well-clothed, and well-educated. He was even allowed to call father Zheng "Yifu". That's why his situation was a bit more complicated; he was treated as well as zheng's biological children on the surface. He even got along really well with his adopted younger sister. Huo niansheng was this sister's maternal cousin.

After rebirth, MC directly broke up with zheng's eldest son, zheng yucheng. In his previous life, he stayed with zyc even though it was a losing battle. Zyc still dated MC but was also afraid to seriously refuse his arranged marriage partner. His arranged marriage partner, he wanxin, was a cruel woman who was an illegitimate child (so she had to get married to zyc since he was her biggest chance to marry well. She blackmailed MC and zyc. Then when MC sacrificed himself to be sent to prison instead of zyc, she paid people to abuse MC in prison. Once MC was released, she paid people to ruin mc's face with acid. MC didn't have money so his injury festered and he could only live in a very shabby place and work as a cashier in a small store. This was when ML met him and took him in.

ML forcefully gave him a place to stay and medical treatments. MC lost his right eye, got very sickly, had depression, severe ptsd, and was suicidal. ML didn't mention anything but he tracked down the inmates who abused MC and most likely killed them (MC only got to know this after ml's death). He also did something to hwx so she became insignificant in their social circle (it was only mentioned in passing). You see why I said quite unsatisfying? Everything was done by ML behind the scene ahhhh. I at least want to know how ML dealt with hwx. Most of mc's sufferings were caused by her.

Mc's love for zyc was used up after he went to prison and zyc only sent money and people to pick him up once he was released from prison. Then it turned into disgust when they accidentally met again. MC never told ML this and never told he loved him either since he felt inferior. After ml's death, MC inherited all of his wealth and became a philanthropist.

After rebirth, he stayed in the zheng family and made his stance clear. He broke up with zyc, did volunteer works whenever he could. He also accidentally met ML who didn't remember his past life. ML started pursuing him but he felt hesitant. He wanted to make up for his mistakes and love ML wholeheartedly, bit he still felt that this rebirth was unreal, the ML who sincerely loved him was still dead in the other timeline, and the ML in this tl knew nothing about this so this making up thing felt a bit misdirected. This is also why ML was hesitant about going into a long-term relationship with MC since he felt that MC was looking at another person through him. But MC slowly learned to let go and properly love the current ml. Then ML finally got the memories of his past life too after a near-death experience. Their reunion felt so sweet and well-earned.

They also got married twice: first getting a certificate in las vegas, then a wedding reception in china a year/a few years later (?). Mc's adoptive father once said that it was okay for two men of their status to fool around but not to take it seriously. Then years later MC informed his adoptive father about his wedding with ML while his son (zyc) had to cancel his engagement and the cooperation broken because MC and ml's lawyer worked hard and succeeded sending hwx to prison (she kept targeting MC and put him in danger even though she knew MC was dating ML and no longer had any relationship with zyc). ML didn't hide his relationship with MC among their circle (he never disclosed mc's identity to the public since MC didn't want to) and always stood up for MC. It was clear he never wronged mc; worlds apart from zyc. What's more entertaining than rubbing it in his adoptive father's face that MC found such a good and devoted lover in ML (a.k.a. A man of their status) while his biological son was just not brave and good enough to live without a secure marriage to help him keep his position?

Be it in the previous tl or in this one the face-slapping left me feeling unsatisfied. It was only mentioned in passing that years after ml's death, zyc divorced his wife and was seen chasing after MC then later was explained that he wanted to get back with MC and promised to treat him well. Hwx in both timeline was dealt with behind the scene. I want more detailllsss. Yea I know this is a love story, but isn't face-slapping cathartic?

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ByleeM rated it
January 12, 2024
Status: c21
It's an ok read. I'm just bored, it feels like the MC has no clear direction so far. He's a reborn tycoon but seems to be content to just linger around in the Zheng family knowing they are at least indirectly responsible for his disfigurement and may likely require him to make the same sacrifice.

I love how he's not obsessed with revenge. I love that how he doesn't jump and down like the clown when the little brother acts like brat but still manage to put him in his place.... more>> What I don't like is that he somehow manages to be confident and mature but still gives of indecisive vibes. <<less
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calledout rated it
February 16, 2024
Status: c54
i know why a lot of reviewers are finding issues with the pacing and lack of drama in the story, but I want to emphasize the title: the daily life of the reborn adopted son of a wealthy family. It's slice of life-paced! I'm buckling myself in for a well-written, sweet, not too dramatic romance about chen wengang getting a second chance at life and romance. Honestly the lack of face-slapping and focus on relationships between characters is really refreshing for me. Excited to read the rest of this story!
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January 28, 2024
Status: Completed
This is a mature story about pain, regrets, and hope that to find what's was lost.

MC was betrayed by the son of his adopted father who he had a relationship with, it was truly a bunch of socialpaths coming together to hurt him for just being jealous. MC is very gentle and kind, he is just so soft he doesn't fight back even whens someone says bad things about him. Later when he fell into the deepest pit, ML pull him out and offer him a new life where he... more>> feel warm, only for it to be broken with ML's calculated death.

MC is reborn this time after sometimes of ML's death he also die because of his hurting body, but ML doesn't have the memory of past life. So it was up to MC to show his peac*ck feathers and to attract ML's attention once again.

ML doesn't have a good family himself. Alot of illegitimate children including himself, father was a scumbag. Alot of inheritance fights, uncles are tr*sh etc. But he found solace in MC and he couldn't help but love him and care about him. Also his not a playboy but a real Romeo who only has one true love.

I get what people say about MC not leaving Zheng family etc, but back then MC was still young and foolish believing in this so called love with Adopted fathers eldest son. The eldest son was also a dreamer, he love MC but has no ability to overcome leaving his family and money. The family actually raise him and didn't do him wrong before he had this kind of relationship with someone's eldest son, heir to the family. It is understandable how they would react. Now reborn he choose a different path and you can see the difference.

MC still manage to revenge even if he's soft, ML dots on him and help clobber those dirty mouth people.

Endless morons always try to slander MC that's the most annoying thing about the novel, it does lack faceslaps.

Also alot of people trying to court MC, like a ton but ML doesn't do anything they just need to make them eat sugar and fluff.

Their relationship is the one I enjoy reading, it feels real and you feel emotionally connected with them. You will laugh and cry sometimes with them.

Chen Wangang x Huo Jiansheng forever <<less
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sagastile rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: c5
Just the start but its very interesting read. The MC has a lot of baggage but at the same time is clear headed and calm in a poised maner till now. Maybe we will see some flare after from him.

And I think the love with the ML will be interesting. Cant wait for more.
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Common_people rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: c141
I love it even its drama. Good story and good plot, even though it's a Rebirth theme, but the novel still has a fresh point. I don't like mellow thingy, but this one.. I love it. You know, MC has a tons of wound in his heart+his family situation make his action somewhat like a dragging and burden to you. But the ml, who looks like unruly men is the one who Patience at him, take a good care little by little. I like how they mesh well each other,... more>> how the author describe their emotional bound, even in their past. Give it a chance. Maybe it's suit for you AS well even though you don't like emotional drama like me. <<less
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Destiny Slayer
Destiny Slayer rated it
December 28, 2023
Status: c89
The story isn't bad but not great either. I feel like the story can be shorter than this but there are some unimportant chapter that the author write to delay the plot/make the story longer but became boring.

... more>>

In zheng family, MC have two sisters and three brothers. One of the sister (the older) is already married. While the younger sister is the only one who close with MC in the zheng family (the ML is also her cousin). One of the brother is one who fell in love with MC and there is another one who became MC friend. But there is one of the brothers (Mu Qing) who hate MC. He tried to copy MC and even slandered MC (+other zheng family members). He also used someone who chased MC. I don't like him. When all the things Mu Qing did was exposed, I feel like the revenge isn't done well like in other novel. Btw, he is adopted to like MC but actually he is related to zheng family.


Anyway, that's my opinion. Have fun reading !! <<less
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Rollandx rated it
June 8, 2024
Status: Completed
Ch. 001-119, 5 stars

Ch. 120-154, 4 stars

As far as I know, the main story ends in chapter 119, because when you get to ch. 120, the story starts telling about their past lives (which I wasn't too interested in anymore, so I skipped to the continuation of the story of their present lives)

The story is quite good, the content of each chapter is long but not boring. This is one of the best 'slice of life' I have ever read. Actually the story is quite cliche but the way... more>> the author presents it is interesting.

ML is not a very OP person, in his family he is not the most powerful. MC is not someone who is famous throughout the country, they live a fairly simple and closed life. I recommend reading it <<less
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CappuccettoRosso rated it
June 5, 2024
Status: c146
I love this freaking story so, so much!

I have been on this website for a while now, and I have read my fair share of stories. I have cried and I have turned away in disgust. I have laughed and cheered my characters on but this is the first time, I've honestly falling in love with one.

If I could keep this translation in a pocket, and carry it in my pocket, then I would but I can't!

The story is slow paced and the emotions are subtle. This is a warning... more>> for all of you who like boom-boom-pow! Action, emotionally speaking. This is not going to be your cup of tea. The MC and ML fall in love in a slow, gradual way that you could miss it, if you're not paying attention to the change.

However, if you're into that thing, then great! Keep reading.

Now to the actual story: MC has a pretty tragic history, having lost his parents and then suffering a horrific attack. He was forced to rebuild himself with the help of the ML, only to lose him in another tragic accident. Then he is reborn.

Ugh, they are so many feelings. At the beginning, its satisfaction because the MC slowly distance himself from his adopted family, who more or less caused part of his tragic past. Well, more like, one person in particular, who was pretty wishy-washy in terms of his feelings for MC. The rest of the family are no different, not really caring what happens to MC. Then the ML comes in and I'm so happy and simping after the two of them. The ML is described as a playboy but I honestly don't see it. From the beginning, ML is focused on the MC. Later, you find out why the ML felt extremely attracted to the ML and it will break your heart.

The love between ML and MC grows slowly and I think the MC was allowing himself to actually fall in love. He's carrying baggage from his past life, which is understandable, but I appreciate the author actually having the character be aware he has baggage and try to do something about it. You don't see that in most stories, so I really love it when it happens.

All of the characters are pretty vivid, in my opinion. They are all unique and have their own motivations and desires. They're not just one dimensional, meant only to move the story along. And they are all likeable, even the bad guys.

The extra chapters are excellent. They are more like alternate stories. What if scenarios set in the same universe.

I would highly recommend. Thank you lovely author and the translator who took the time to translated it for us. Thank you!!!! <<less
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Kei Aria 21
Kei Aria 21 rated it
May 2, 2024
Status: Completed
Good story, pacing and plot.

I recommend this for whose want a decent story.

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Both ML and MC doesn't view themselves a pitiful person but does feel that their life wasn't like others. They live their life properly even though someone else always disturb them. MC ex-boyfriend is coward and week. Raised to be arrogant. The male villain very pathetic always blaming other for his own weakness. Female villain literally a monster in human cloth.


One thing that I dislike about this story is to many IF stories. 1 or 2 is enough. <<less
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Googut rated it
January 3, 2024
Status: c63
It's a good story, a romance where the two boys attract each other and stay together. Although there is romance, the focus is on the background where there are some family power and economic struggles. Maybe I'll go back and read a few more pages, but I don't see myself finishing it partly because of MTL which leaves some sentences confusing making it difficult to understand. Either way, it's not my cup of tea. This story doesn't have many reviews, so I leave a rating a little higher for you... more>> to test, I suggest waiting for the translation which is very well done. <<less
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June 5, 2024
Status: Completed
I loved the premise but I never really felt the chemistry or love between MC and ML. I feel like none of them are very go communicators, especially MC. He leaves a lot of things unsaid and tends to wait for ML to make the first move. This if fine except that MC lived with regrets for years in his first life, so you would think that he would be more proactive and open about his feelings.
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Princesst rated it
June 3, 2024
Status: c1
3/5 the character building is too good. MC gives the vibes of a white moonlight. He is gentle and pure. While ML is the total oppsite a scum gong kind of a person.

But its way too slow paced for my taste.

All the characters are excellent plot is also interesting but being this slow paced I just can't deal with it.
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LisaxLisa rated it
June 3, 2024
Status: Completed
This has to be the sweetest story I've read in a long time!

The nicest part of reading this is that all the characters have depth and aren't just brainless romance addicts that spend their time crying at every injustice.

The main characters are relatable and intelligent, while also focused on their personal growth alongside their relationship. Both main characters achieve their career goals while also growing closer together.

... more>>

Towards the end there are some chapters showing the same thing from the perspective of the other main character and there's some other "what if" chapters as well. So I would consider the story over after the second wedding since anything after that is just extra.

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