Stone Age Husband Raising Journal


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What should you do when the person you like is no longer loyal? Find another one!

This time, in order to avoid trouble, Xiong Ye chose the weakest man in the tribe as his new companion.

In any case, he can afford him!

With his strength, he’ll definitely be able to let his own man eat meat every day instead of grass.

* *

Zhou Ji, the ‘weakest man’ who had just transmigrated over from the apocalypse and likes to indulge in eating ‘grass’: “…”

He’s not the same person anymore! He is clearly capable of killing the entire tribe by himself!

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Related Series
A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy (7)
Banished to Another World (5)
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe (4)
Back to the Age of Dinosaurs (3)
In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure (3)
Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My fav
  2. Fantastic
  4. My favourite danmeis of all time!!!
  5. Transmigration/Reincarnation

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/23/19 XIIN c51
09/22/19 XIIN c50
09/21/19 XIIN c49
09/20/19 XIIN c48
09/19/19 XIIN c47
09/18/19 XIIN c46
09/17/19 XIIN c45
09/16/19 XIIN c44
09/15/19 XIIN c43
09/14/19 XIIN c42
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164 Reviews sorted by

isabel10 rated it
June 21, 2020
Status: Completed
I really loved the story, the relationship between the mc´s developed slowly and the few of the main character towards the beastman is rather nice. He often calls the simpleminded people adorable or cute. And while reading I´ve often been craving the mentioned food, but the food cooking in the story wasn´t overwhelming.

Well, I can only recommend you to read and judge for your selves.

And to those who have already read: Do you also want a cute palm sized hairy elephant?!
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izayaYY rated it
June 4, 2020
Status: --
A delicious, comedic and adventurous ride into a fantasy land of dinosaurs, hunter-gatherers, beastmen, taoist cultivation and yummy food.

The majority of the book is mostly about how the MC, a human who transmigrated into this world, brings development and cultural refinement to a primitive tribe, without actually doing anything except cooking, sleeping, and lounging about... lol. MC's shameless laziness is one of my favourite thing in the book, that and also his food obsession. There are lengthy descriptions of food preps and cooking, so I guess it might bore some... more>> readers who are non-foodies.

I also loved how the villain keeps making mistakes upon mistakes, simply due to his greedy, superficial and supercilious nature. Athough he is the primary antagonist, he is more a pitiful creature than most lol. <<less
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sight_unseen rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is a very fun take on a second-chance rebirth where neither of the main characters were reborn, but instead the villain is, and his bad decisions allow the main couple to get together and prove to be his downfall. The villain's memories allow us to know how Zhou Ji is improving the lives of the people around him in a concrete way. However, he is most prominent at the beginning and end, and otherwise the main focus is on the main couple slowly growing closer and civilization-building.

The Romance:... more>>

I would say that Zhou Ji is the main character while Xiong Ye is the love interest, but both of them get POV and emphasis. From the beginning they're friendly towards each other, and once they start living together they are increasingly sincere. Xiong Ye is a gifted but generally ordinary bear shifter, and he loves Zhou Ji for being thoughtful rather than being incredibly OP, which is not revealed until near the end of the novel. He was in a relationship with the lion shifter, but he got over it quickly and hearing of the original future makes you happy he found another man who will be monogamous with him, care for him faithfully, and make him just as strong as he is. Zhou Ji transmigrated from a modern zombie apocalypse, and he has the cheat skill of being able to grow plants, but he hides it for a while. He's never been in love before, but Xiong Ye steals his heart and it's incredibly cute. He does things like spread chinese writing, pottery, and agriculture, but it's pretty understated, especially since pottery and agriculture can already be found on the more civilized continent across the sea, and he just tells the village "Hey, you can make pottery from firing clay. Keep trying it." as opposed to knowing how personally.


The villain:

Shi Li is the one who remembers the original future. In it, he's the same person he is today: a lazy, selfish, ambitious, and greedy human being. He remembers how to cultivate and some future events, so he assumes that with that he will be able to quickly rise to the top, but he has no gratitude towards the tribe who took him in or anyone he doesn't care about, and he holds grudges insanely quickly. I like that it's not that Shi Li was previously a lot different, or that it's hard to believe that Xiong Ye would have liked him, since a lot of the traits become more prominent when he's high ranked and powerful, rather than when he has to struggle along with everyone else. He plans to simply become so powerful that Xiong Ye will have no choice but to stay his lover while he has s*x with other men and women, and Xiong Ye refusing him entirely when he randomly cancels his mating ceremony makes him pissed.


Side Characters:

I like them! Some are more prominent than others, but they are all very earnest and watching them is heartwarming. They flesh out the ranks of the world more. I liked the priests, the women in the tribe and how while some of them were interested in dating the main characters, they were people with perfectly sensible minds and hearts. We also meet other characters who are powerful Beast Warriors and higher, but there's not so many that the ranks of power feel broken.


The Extras:

There's a parallel world extra, where Zhou Ji has a dream of SAHRJ when the characters are middle-aged, and develops an interest in Xiong Ye as a result instead of being a loner. It's really interesting to see how even if Shi Li hadn't managed to mess up his relationship with Xiong Ye so early, they still would have a bad relationship and it still would be possible for ZJ/XY to happen.

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Chocotania rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: Completed
I have seen negative comments on this story and how some people called it "bland" or "boring". However, this is certainly not the case. The story is not long but the characters certainly draw attention as both the main characters are very strong. The starting of book starts from the main character and villain's point of view which doesn't happen a lot of book. The book has both the main character and main lead's point of view which makes it interesting. The story is fluffy romance and focuses on the... more>> main character's relationship.

The book is very lovable. There is isn't a lot of intense adventure scenes like from Banished to Another World, mainly because the story focuses on the romance, while Banished to Another World mainly focus in adventure and action.

I do recommend this book a lot if you want to read a fluffy, heart warming, romantic story. <<less
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lazykitty_99 rated it
May 3, 2020
Status: --
Whenever I read title of novel I couldn't muster up myself to read this.

Finally read this novel and found it to be so good.

It's fluff with lots of food. Whenever I read this novel, I always feel hungry.

... more>> Relationship between MC and ML is good.

Some have said how ML is lazy and just order everyone but if seen from other prespective it's already good. ML (ZJ) is someone with PTSD, with his strength it's good enough he isn't killing people rather have always done his own work himself. His lazy behavior is kind of stress reliever for him. He did helped other people of tribe with all his knowledge and if he did himself then he would be stopping their brain development as they would just imitate what ML is doing.

He is far better than rebirthed Shi Li guy who despite belonging to the tribe disdains them and rather saving them from catastrophe, is waiting for it to happen so he could have happiness in other pain.

MC (XY) isn't weak one rather a strong, cute and innocent bear. In main story he chased ML first and ML took care of him by cooking for MC and making him stronger. Their relationship is mutual one.

I loved extras where ML is the one doing all chasing, leaving his lazy personality.. <<less
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The1Rin rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: Completed
One of my favourites. Lovely story, interesting reading about their lives as they improve slowly and how the main couple falls for each other. Compared to beginning some characters really grow and the extras are my favourite as it focuses mostly on their improved lives and the main couple.

The story gets repetitive as it repeats some characters backstories multiple times in detail, and sometimes it gives background information when all I want is to know what happens next. Also repetitive as it talks about peoples reaction to new things and... more>> their day-to-day lives which is fun to read at a few times becomes boring eventually. But the story always keeps me entertained as I finished reading everything within a few days.


BTW. Hate the priests, very annoying and get in the way of the main couple. Sometimes they're okay for story development but wish there was less of them especially since the temple was shown in a negative light most of the novel as they exile people for having bones that heal wrong and when they are not sure of something they think it's the devil.

There was also a cool plot twist that ZJ is the beast god (not really, the priest just think so cuz he's super strong and can grow plants magically) but the twist was cool as most people didn't see it coming, I guessed it might be the case but even then I was second-guessing myself.

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TheLovelyRose rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: Completed
I’m not sure why people are saying this story is bland or boring. Matter of fact, it’s quite the opposite. It takes a while for the plot to really kick in but when it does, it’s pretty good. The main character, Xiong Ye, is a easy going character. What you see is what you get. No hidden agendas, hard working, cute and very loyal. The main lead, Zhou Ji, is kinda the opposite of Xiong Ye. He just wants to eat, drink, not work and live in peace.

The story isn’t... more>> fast paced and sometimes moves slowly along. There were parts that served no purpose to me and probably should have been cut out. That’s why I gave it 4 stars. But overall it was a pleasant read. I liked it. <<less
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aovel rated it
February 27, 2020
Status: c161
This was a fun read! I've read a lot of transmigration stories and this one was very fresh to me. I can't believe I almost skipped it just because of the time period where the main character transmigrated to! The characters are s*upidly sweet and hilarious to a point that you cannot help but like them. The 'sea god' and his adopted grandson are my favorite characters. They did not have a lot screen time but they funny as h* when they do appear, Reading this was a very unique... more>> experience.",) <<less
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Applejambubble rated it
February 21, 2020
Status: Completed
In fact while everyone is talking about the characters and plot and base building of this novel what I really appreciate is the realistic setting.

The ML acknowledges that he has mental problems and knows not to go seeking thrill and adventure. He doesn't use his powers to help the tribe directly but rather let's them ponder on their own while giving hints. He knows he's not gonna live forever to take care of the tribe. In fact he starts out pretty horrible at cooking. The MC has a very good... more>> character too. He's pure and giving but not dense and knows to not let others take too much advantage of his kindness but yet in the prehistoric setting he appears particularly kind and generous. He is very straight forward and open minded and doesn't force others to take blame for something he has part in, like he doesn't hate his ex for taking advantage of him because he was the one who let himself be taken advantage of. Even the side characters all have reasons for being how they are. The world building is also only accelerated only at the start and over the years it settles down and there isn't any major technological progress. Overall its a satisfying and light read. <<less
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Wenhui rated it
February 9, 2020
Status: Completed
A BL I actually liked. Didn’t place too much emphasis on the fact that this was a same s*x couple, which made it feel more smooth flowing. I also liked that the author drops hints about plot points instead of outright telling. In fact, I could guess with decent accuracy what they were trying to imply even though they didn’t tell me outright. And it wasn’t done in a way that makes it seem predictable; instead, I felt rewarded when my guess was later revealed to be true. For example:

... more>>

-Guessing that the ML’s ex reincarnated

-Guessing that the MC had transmigrated (admittedly it wasn’t much of a mystery given the synopsis)

-Guessing about what happened in the ML’s ex’s previous life from little hints dropped throughout the entire book that were later confirmed near the end and in the extra chapters


However, it does contain some plot holes/contradictions. For example, it was stated early on in the book that beastmen cannot speak in their animal form, and for the most part the book stay true to this rule but for one instance,

when the leads were out walking together and the MC was on the ML’s back, and the ML spoke one sentence while in beast form (I know, I’m nitpicking).

And honestly, the author could’ve done with stating earlier that Beast Kings were capable of speech in their beast form (though I kinda gathered that would be the case given all the xianxia novels I’ve read). I believe I have made a mental note of more examples, but unfortunately forgot them (that’s how good this book is).

Overall enjoyed this book, would re-read at some point, which is a first for BL novels. <<less
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pocketbear rated it
January 21, 2020
Status: c161 part1
A good fluffy story that has a fun and riveting plot! Nothing too dramatic and heart pounding but not dull and slow paced. Well written, and for the last 40 chapters of the story (not including side stories in this count) I was laughing so much my fiance was mocking me. A really fun and different plot that only ever made me feel pleased and happy and vindicated.
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Kisaki_Tsubasa rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: Completed
This story is really cute. I loved the MC and ML. Although at first it feels like Xiong Ye is the MC and Zhou Ji the ML, half way through the story is told more from Zhou Ji's perspective than Xiong Ye's.

The story isn't super deep nor complex, but it's really cute and really enjoyable overall. If you're expecting an amazing story with an incredible plot, this is not it. This does have its adventures and its tense moments but nothing too exciting. I still loved to death anyway though,... more>> because it's really cute and it's pretty satisfying to read.

If you like cute couples and fluffy stories without too many complications, this is it, but if you want complex stories and plot, this might not be your cup of tea. <<less
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mazeoflife28 rated it
November 15, 2019
Status: c96
This is my 2nd time reading a novel focused on tribal/beastkin. And I have to say I quite like it. I started 2 days ago and binge read until current chapter. It's a nice, light read. I like emotional rollercoaster novels but sometimes I also want something that makes me feel relaxed and happy while reading it.

The world building and the improving the lifestyle of the main characters and the tribe was also interesting to observe as it continued to develop. The side characters are easy to distinguish and are... more>> memorable also.

So far, the romance does not dominate the story as it's more focused on the tribe. There are some cute moments though. And while they do help each other out... with their hands. cough... nothing too explicit or beyond that as of ch95.


I don't really feel anything for the antagonist besides disdain. As someone who was reborn and knows all the events that come to pass, he didn't lift a finger to try to prevent it or share his knowledge to benefit the tribe.

In fact, he's always looking down on everyone and took XY for granted.

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Chisaki rated it
October 20, 2019
Status: Completed
This is one of my favorite reads so far! It's filled to the brim with fluff and the MC and ML's relationship development is neither too fast nor too slow. There's action now and then, but the plot is mostly light and focuses on MC and ML's daily life. Highly recommended ^^
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ylial rated it
August 3, 2019
Status: Completed
Simple but cute story and a little heart warming. Not as intricate as banished to another world but is good enough for me to complete the story. Also, it never fails to make me laugh XD

No H scenes, and focused more on the story.
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April 24, 2024
Status: c28
I've been reluctant to read this, like this title has been on my radar for over four years. And I've finally succumbed and mulled past the first few chapters - past the point of ML's perspective on this world and breaking it off with his ex-partner. And I appreciate that the author went out of their way to establish the world before focusing on the MC.

I tried reading this series multiple times from the first chapter, and I've been deterred because the author jumpstarts us readers by throwing around... more>> dinosaur names. I'd like to make my apologizes in advance~ I've read another series that made me reluctant and critical in starting up any tribal society title. I worry that the MC will have a damsel/victim mentality, pushing for a 'modern innovation' agenda, exotism, sexism/classism, and that a clan building title will fall flat because the any agency (decision making) is a privilege only for the main characters...

So far it's promising: there are no gender roles, the MC is (initially) worried about throwing off the 'balance, ' MC is withdrawn and complacent, the exotism is not stereotypes and is introduced as personal preference (/common practice because of practical reasons), MC organically interacts with the supporting characters, and I don't know if the author means to but there is a point early in the story where a theory is insufficient in reality in contrast to a place-based solution. And to whomever is reading this, I have my icks. But this title is surprisingly healing. <<less
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starcake rated it
January 17, 2024
Status: Completed
2.5 stars: A straightforward okay read with an indifferent/cold/lazy unlikeable protagonist gong and energetic manly himbo shou. Nothing ever really goes wrong for the MC and he faces very few challenges, all of which he easily overcomes because he's so OP and has plant powers that can do everything from ripen a field of potatoes instantly to eavesdrop on people hundreds of meters away (how is this a plant power?) to grow moving vines to strike flint together to start a fire. There are a lot of food descriptions and... more>> the MC is basically the god of cooking because he transmigrated from the modern-day zombie apocalypse into a primitive world where the height of cuisine is to stick meat into a fire.

The primitive setting is a beastmen one where all humans can transform into an alternate mammal shape, though a twist is that the world has no other mammals than humans and their beast forms, only fish, birds, and dinosaurs, lots and lots of dinosaurs. The author states that the setting is not historical, as if a world with beastmen in it could be historical lol.

The MC Zhou Ji is kind of unlikeable (seems to be a trend with this author, based on The Only Favourite Ugly Husband though at least ZJ here isn't a sociopathic colonialist a**hole) because he's selfish, lazy, indifferent, and really overpowered but disinclined to help people or literally do any work because life was so hard in the zombie apocalypse and now that he transmigrated he just wants to be lazy. The only times he helps people are when it aligns with his own self-interests, either because it'll make his life easier by helping the clan out for once or help out his mate, Xiong Ye, whom he fell in love with because it was convenient to do so and made his life easier. He has zero altruism and his kindness extends to "if there's no real effort involved on my part and it'll make my life easier, I guess I'll save your life". He also looks down on pretty much everyone as primitive and ignorant, while the text and the rest of the clan regard him as superior because of his mysterious advanced knowledge and good looks (seriously, everyone praises him for being so good looking and later attributing his super powers to "the Beast God must have blessed him with such powers and knowledge because he's so good-looking!").

The ML Xiong Ye is the golden retriever eager simple cute strong type, and he becomes devoted to ZJ very quickly because ZJ is good-looking (have I mentioned he's good-looking?) and can cook amazingly delicious never-before-seen dishes like fried eggs and hot pot and knows what chili peppers are. He really is a simple, straightforward, loyal guy who cares about others and not just the MC. It's too bad he ended up with ZJ for a partner, even if ZJ does actually treat him pretty well. I guess I just wish he could've found a partner who was less of an indifferent **** to other people and wasn't above taking constant advantage of him.

XY used to be engaged to Shi Li, who in another twist on the genre, is also a transmigrator/reincarnator, in that he's been reborn into his younger body after living a ripe long life and dying of old age. He's always been a selfish flighty **** though and later in his life resented that he became mates with XY when they were young and was never able to be free of him (divorce is unknown and mates are permanent in their society) —not that XY was ever anything but devoted to him and treated him well and saved his life over and over and taught him how to cultivate and become a beast king and etc. Etc., but SL wasn't satisfied because he wanted the freedom to sleep around and was always secretly resentful their whole lives that XY was more powerful and respected and better-liked than him.

Shi Li is kind of a non-entity though who exists solely to be faceslapped over and over again. Which, considering his personality and how he acts when reborn, he deserves.

If it's not obvious already, none of these characters have any kind of depth or complexity. They are all very one-dimensional, as are the miscellaneous side characters, not very many of whom have a real impact on the story or the CP. However, the story is still readable and straightforward, without any real plot twists, conflict that isn't immediately resolved by the MC being OP, and no angst or melodrama. There are the occasional funny bits and a lot of food descriptions. This is by no means a binge-read or super amazing story, but it's okay to pass the time while you're looking for a better read. It was non-annoying and inoffensive enough for me to mark this 2.5 star as a 3 star rather than a 2 star, at any rate. <<less
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RoyAnfi rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: Completed
I like this. The OP MC but not annoying and ML is very adorable. Although to be honest I feel better without the extra parts of pararel worlds. Overall I enjoyed it.

Thank you to the translator who did a good job.
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Life is not hao de
Life is not hao de rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: --
Maaaan I've re-read this for two times already, I'm planning to read it again as you can see, but daaaang some comments are misleading, good thing I've read the novel before checking the review here in NU.

Anyways if you're the type of person who enjoy wife of legendary master or any of mxtx's novels I guess you don't mind the slow burn and detail oriented novels, people call it bland when it kinda gets informative or about day to day life, if you're a sucker for that this novel is... more>> for you.


I don't usually comment on any novels here in NU but this one got me typing my own opinion lol <<less
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December 21, 2023
Status: Completed
This story is so cute, and uses a lot of my favorite tropes from transmigration novels, as well as some new tricks I would love to read more of. There's even a sort of Road To El Dorado b-plot involving pretending to be a deity. It's great.
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