Shen Yin Wang Zuo


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While the demons were rising, mankind was about to become extinct. Six temples rose and protected the last territory of mankind.

A young boy joins the temple as a knight to save his mother. During his journey full of miracles and tricks in the world where temples and demons are antagonistic to each other, will he be able to ascend to the strongest knight and inherit the sealed divine throne?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sealed Divine Throne
Throne of Seal
Thần Ấn Vương Tọa
Related Series
Skyfire Avenue (Shared Universe)
Mad God (Shared Universe)
Child of Light (Shared Universe)
Douluo Dalu (Shared Universe)
Unrivaled Tang Sect (Shared Universe)
Magic Chef of Ice and Fire (Shared Universe)
Heavenly Jewel Change (Shared Universe)
Jiu Shen (Shared Universe)
The Kind Death God (Shared Universe)
The Legend of the Dragon King (Shared Universe)
Zither Emperor (Shared Universe)
The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods (Shared Universe)
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Divine Realm (Shared Universe)
Only I Shall Be Immortal (Shared Universe)
Space Speed Xing Hen (Shared Universe)
Ultimate Fighting (Shared Universe)
Douluo Dalu (5)
Coiling Dragon (5)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (2)
Stellar Transformation (2)
The Great Ruler (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. CN novels
  2. novels that i have read
  3. Donghua Adaptations
  4. mix genre of mc
  5. this list will outlive me

Latest Release

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59 Reviews sorted by

rdawv rated it
January 23, 2016
Status: --
Decent setting and characters, though the MC seems one-dimensional with the author constantly emphasizing his good looks and devotion to a single love interest. The setting seems to be a Chinese interpretation of a Western fantasy with knights and magic. The MC himself reads out somewhat like a World of Warcraft Paladin who can freely use a tanking and dps spec as he wish.
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Gorgeously Large Panda
Gorgeously Large Panda rated it
May 29, 2019
Status: --
Every few chapters I get reminded of how the MC is so beautiful that he has to be a girl. How is that a compliment I don't even know. Is the MC supposed to be the author? I had to drop this novel because of how narcissistic the author is. It's sickening.

The power system is super confusing and numbers are made up just to confuse you further (though this may be a translation problem).

The writing feels like it comes from a kid. So many cringe worthy moments.

The most annoying thing... more>> is the fact that the MC is so OP (and we all know that) but the author makes it sound like he's the underdog all the time. Literally no suspense whatsoever because the MC's power is off the chart, and he has unlimited lifesaving skills that make no sense on top of performance enhancing drugs which should be illegal to be honest.

The combat is a mess. There's a million skills that nobody care about or remember and the author keeps throwing these out like they're amazing or something. The author also keeps saying that xyz skill is from a certain step, but for some reason the MC and other kids can also use skills that belong to higher steps than theirs. The romance. Oh god. It's cringe worthy. It's not believable at all. The author is so bad at it, I don't know why he tried so hard to make it happen. Two kiddies saying cheesy things to each other is NOT a good thing in a cultivation novels. "If I win will you let me hug you?" No, that's not cute. That's disgusting. They're 13-14 years old. Why make romance such a big part this early? They should only be saying "I like you" at most at this age. And remember the MC is supposed to be a pure hearted child.

Please author, stop adding romance to your novels. It's so bad. It's a readable novel but the disgusting romance completely takes me out of it. <<less
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Wenzda rated it
June 25, 2017
Status: Completed
This is my favorite Chinese web novel.

One of the best things about it is that Sealed Divine Throne does not go on needlessly like so many others. I can't remember how many Chinese web novels I lost interest in after 10 volumes but they keep going on and on for another 25 or 30 volumes.

Another important thing is the group dynamic each person has their strengths and personality. Unlike most novels where the main character is so over powered he/she leaves friends behind like floating clouds, new friends and foes... more>> are then written up halfheartedly leaving much to be desired. <<less
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KimiKazoo rated it
May 24, 2016
Status: Finished

Though MC isn't as fun as other MCs from other novels, it is refreshing to see a an "ideal soldier" MC once in a while. Everything he does is for the good, it is the complete opposite of MCs who fall to the demon path.

Characters are developed very nicely, author is really good in this department. All of them have their own stories and all of them get their boos at the end. Marriages and couples everywhere.

The main problem with the story is that some plots could have been better, but they are readable. The best thing of the story is at the end, oh ho ho my tears ran dry.
Try it, its good. I actually had it in me to finish it in Chinese. That should give you a hint.
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Allex2001 rated it
February 9, 2022
Status: --
same as with all his novels, good early part, bad late part, especially ending, reminds me of DD2, MC appearing after years, stopping a war, defeating strongest enemy, done, all in just a few chap.. Is exactly the same rushed ending that makes no sense, besides the hypocrisy and all that's involved within the novel.. And the fact that Elux was made evil even tho based upon early chap was not portrayed as such, the novel altering only to fit the MC, always disliked this about his novels, the MCs... more>> are always those perfect characters, not because they are perfect but because the worlds alters around them to make them perfect.. It had potential but chose the hypocrite goody goody two shoes route, and the entire plot revolves around the demons vs humans, everything just felt really rushed, like ok you dislike necromancy and all but all his views are based upon what he heard but not the entire thing which doesn't really make him smart but ofc author altered the story and made Elux actually evil, but what is worse is that he calls him human sinner and all of that but they still used his tower to get stronger and escaped within the tower many times, got saved by it many times and still act like that, fking ungrateful hypocrites. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
April 8, 2018
Status: c300
this was a solid four for me until

... more>>

the female MC suffers from amnesia, one of the most over used cliche tropes; right up there with forced separation for ret*rded reasons. I actually lost all interest and stopped reading after that happened, I was so annoyed. This author really over uses the 'inflict the FL with amnesia' plot device in his stories (this is the third or fourth story of his I've read with the same plot device)


i understand from the other comments that it goes downhill after that but to be honest I've never been able to talk myself into going back and reading more so I don't know for sure. <<less
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ThatKnight64 rated it
April 2, 2018
Status: c613
This is one of my favorite TJSS Novels and even among Chinese novels as a whole I feel it stands out. It has it's flaws which I'll list in detail below but it also has it's great points. This novel for me is simple and clean, without so much of the corruption, two-faced darkness that exists within CN in general. It honestly felt like a breath of fresh air when reading it. Are you tired of Arrogant Young Master's who are so dumb that you wonder how they've made it... more>> to puberty without being assassinated? Are you tired of the constant squabbling and underhandedness that seems to be inherent in Chinese Novels in general? Then this might be the next novel for you. :P

So first I'd like to address some things I've heard from other people and read from other reviewers... Please note that there are some minor spoilers below!

I've seen alot of complaints because the MC is killing demons because his dad told them they are bad or the MC is too "good" but in alot of ways, I feel that has more to do with several factors that are not adequately considered. One he is 9 years old at the beginning where I feel like most of these reviewers probably dropped the novel. To me that's a pretty naive/innocent age and for most of his formative years he's been pretty much brainwashed by the Alliance propaganda. Two as we get further into the story we realize that there is pretty good cause for the human vs demon war that is the center stage for this novel, the demons are invaders and quite frankly the far superior force throughout most of the story so far. The humans are basically livestock, raised by the demons... And finally, the MC's "Goodness" is sort of an inherent quality based on a special trait of the MC that we learn about further in the story. It's a pretty blatant cop-out by TJSS for his standard "Upright and Clean as Jade" MCs but it works.

Further more... "Generic Good" MCs in CN novels is pretty much oxymoronic at this point since 99% of CN MCs are pretty much all Self Centered guys who are perfectly happy killing, robbing, stealing and generally doing things that would make them villans if they weren't... you know the MCs? So, I mean in general "generic good" doesn't really exist in CN novels and being a Good CN MC is pretty unique in and of itself.

The MC is pretty passive in his younger years, I'll admit but he's also ridiculously young as far as MCs go... I feel like alot of people expect a fully grown adult, even though he's from 9-14 for like the first hundred or so chapters... As the story progresses he becomes more proactive and strikes out on his own with his squad. I feel that he is good... but his goodness is both from his Scion of Light physique and his naiveness. And later on it's a distinct choice he makes to not become cynical and jaded.

Good Points -

1.) Like most TJSS novels, SYWZ is heavily built around "Team Style" combat. Meaning that the MC is not doing a one man show for a couple thousand chapters and his friends/side characters grow at a comparable rate... so that we don't constantly have new characters introduced who will inevitably be forgotten within an arc or two.

2.) This novel has a sense is also filled with the sense of "death" that is often lacking from TJSS Novels. As the MCs usually have endless tournaments, individual battles, assassination attempts, etc... before ever seeing a real battlefield. Here the battle field shows up pretty quickly and quite often.

3.) The novel has good pacing. We don't ever get bogged down in endless training arcs or dozens of chapters of gaining insight on a single move.

4.) No Arrogant Young Masters - I think I can safely say there are many out there who are tired of dealing with these idiot young cultivators who think they are the center of the universe, who get offended without cause and who's first response is I must kill anyone who looks at the woman I like; is slightly more talented than me; looks better than me; etc, etc etc... You know the idiots who will inevitably be killed for their loot, and then their fathers, cousins, mothers, uncles will come out and also get killed for their loot until their entire family is basically driven to extinction.

5.) This novel is pretty simplistic and fresh. Without the "game of thrones" type settings where everyone is scheming and underhanded... here we have a rather unified humanity as a whole who are all striving for survival.

6.) As a TJSS Novel it has a decent cultivation/combat system that feels heavily based around the Western RPG classes Paladins, Warriors, Mages, Priests and Summoners. It isn't his best magic system but it's definitely fun and interesting.

Bad Points -

1.) TJSS has a comfort zone from which he rarely departs wherein you have Tournaments where the MC shows up Underage and shocks everyone by winning anyway, or that every auction the MC steps into inevitably has a unique item, that is highly beneficial for the MC or the MCs Pets, Friends, Etc... You have Tsundere female side characters who will eventually stop playing hard to get and admit that the guy they've been mocking, ridiculing and belittling for something like 500 chapters is really the one they love. And their romance is usually just there to contrast with the MCs smooth flowing romance that rarely has any problems, arguments or disagreements.

2.) This is more for main characters in general... but there is always a sense of "impatience" in the really talented MCs that just never goes away... which inevitably puts them at a super disadvantage whereas if they had just waited a year or so before charging head long into the fight they would have it far easier... MCs tend to make life more difficult for themselves simply because they are MCs and this MC is no different.

3.) The MC is also rather Naive and unwilling to see flaws/faults in those around him. It's not that he's completely oblivious to them... he simply chooses to ignore them. The biggest example is his mount which has uber foreshadowing going on with it that the MC just completely refuses to acknowledge... I've always been of the "Trust but verify" philosophy whereas the MC trusts blindly.

4.) Some parts of the combat system are really poorly explained... like the MC has a taunt ability that could easily be improved or designed in a better way but isnt... It's a pretty generic "taunt" ability that while it works in video games where the enemies are programs... it doesn't really hold water when the enemies are living, thinking creatures.

All in all it's a good novel and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for something simple and clean. <<less
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LeeEzekiel rated it
November 28, 2017
Status: c566
Probably the worst TJSS novel I've read, but still better than others in the genre. Read if you have a messiah complex that needs to be stroked.

Pros: Pretty good world building, an interesting cast, and steady progression without dragging on arcs.


... more>> 1. Battles that are way too MMORPG like. By the 400+ chapter mark I had to skim most of the fights because of how utterly boring they were. Think of the gratuitous skill spamming in Heavenly Jewel Change... then multiply that by seven.

2. The most irritating personality out of all TJSS' main characters. Basically an intolerant knight templar, with all the good and bad that comes with that type.

3. Extremely black and white morality, worse than a shounen manga. The only conflict is how powerful their enemies are. <<less
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xxBlackRabbitxx rated it
November 11, 2017
Status: --
This novel promotes the good side, the righteous, the holy blah blah blah blah. As I was reading this I always question this novel if ever they consider the other side, you know, the so called evil, the demons. Whenever I read this I always see that they are defending themselves from the demons where they don't ever see that the side of demons that the reason they trying to go to the humans is because of the situation of their lands where there's no food, everything is sparse and... more>> a lot of demons are just getting by, by limiting their numbers etc. While the so called good side is enjoying an abundant lifestyle just because they follow a different god. It is more of a different culture where they see things differently. I think the war is more because of the leaders at the current timeline and not what really started the war so I think the war is really useless to continue.

my bad I'm just ranting because of the novels so called justice and its actually a good novel, plot and the novel's writing style is good but I guess I just don't like how it was delivered. Its neither the best but not also the worst. Its a good read. <<less
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Arbiten rated it
August 28, 2017
Status: c306
I absolutely love this novel. The fight scenes are well written, the romance is great and the character back stories are interesting. The author also carefully writes each chapter so that nothing is missed.

There's nothing more satisfying than seeing someone in the comments say "The author has clearly forgotten about....." or "Why didn't....." and then the next chapter completely explains why.

Someone on here had a review stating that the MC had no personality, but I disagree. His psyche is influenced by his internal spiritual energy which was mentioned multiple times.... more>> Essentially creating a gap in his personality.


Since he possesses the physique of the scion of light, he is naturally kind natured and unselfish. So he does things that may seem strange, or does not benefit himself. For instance, when he gave up the light element spiritual stove because he felt it might benefit the entire alliance more than just his squad.

This "gap" I mention is the fact that he can't be mean or think badly of others. This is why some people think he has no personality, when in fact he just has a gap in his own


It's difficult for me to give an impartial view. However, I think some of the reviews on here are a bit extreme. 1 star just for 1 character you didn't like? That's not fair to the author.

In short:

  • Well written
  • Fight scenes are incredible
  • Romance is great and starts fairly early on
  • Female characters actually have personalities and are strong. Instead of being "accessories" for the MC.
  • No harem
  • Light-hearted (There are some dark scenes, but overall it's light hearted. No r*pe, NTR etc..)
I 100% suggest you give it a try! <<less
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umair rated it
March 19, 2017
Status: c320
The plot of this novel is not much different from others in essence. Reaching the Apex is the central idea but with a permanent enemy race, demons, added in the mix. Thus the overall plot remains very focused and engaging.

He has a more jack of all trades and master of none kind of temperament which nicely supplements his leader role. Though he may come as a bit nauseating because of his near perfect hero of justice personality but its a welcome break from the usual arrogant types.

BUT he is only a hero of justice when it comes to humans, towards demons, he is all kinds of despicable. So the personality is not very concrete and rather all over the place...

Characters are super awesome, their interactions are the best part of the story.

There is a healthy dose of it every once in a while, the innocent teen love that is which is portrayed in an extremely cute way. The MC has only one girl, who is extremely OP so it doesn't seem there would be a harem in the future.

As long as someone is speaking, the writing remains very engaging and immersive. The author has a very bad habit of over explaining stuff. Especially the fights are very detailed and can span many pages with each strike sometimes detailed in paragraphs! So about 25% of the content can be skipped with no loss in enjoyment or immersion.

Being a very experienced novel reader, this novel has stricken me as a very fresh take on the usual tropes with great plot and characters. The MC not being arrogant is another thing which makes this novel more believable. The non-existent arrogant enemies popping here and there and crowds of bystanders shouting about MC's s*upidity and wanting death etc is also a very welcome thing.

The bloatware gets reduced quite a bit later but fight sequences become unbelievable. The main pair becomes unfairly over powered with no justifying techniques. The author starts to say it like "because of his all the other strengths", thus making him defeat characters over twice as more powerful. Even though they have the same abilities or even better.

I would have liked that they lose battles against enemies twice as stronger at least so as to maintain the sanctity of the cultivation ladder.
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math2008 rated it
May 28, 2022
Status: c736
That must be my first review on this site, I generally don't write any but I wanted to do it for this one. I rated this novel as a 3, but not because it was very average or boring. With stories that long, if I a story isn't enjoyable I just stop reading it. Yet I finished reading this one, although it took a few tries. The main reason is that I have very mixed feeling about this story. I really like some points and I hate others.

If I had... more>> to explain without spoilers, I would say that I like the world building itself. The story is mainly the war behind 2 species Humans and Demons that has been going on for thousands of years. The idea of having different vocations as well as different elements is also good. The cultivation system is simple but it's not a problem in itself.

No, I have 2 problems. The first and the main one is the main character. Basically the author tried to write the MC as a perfect character, but failed miserably. And when I say perfect, I mean exactly that. The appearance, the talent obviously but the character as well and that's where the main problem comes in. Because when the story keeps emphasizing how perfect the character is, the times where he is clearly not stand out all the more. I had to struggle several times to keep reading when the narration, as well as all the character around the MC praised him right before he did the most s*upid thing possible. Trying to write a perfect character is difficult in itself, but reminding the reader every 5 lines is the worst mistake you could make.

The second one, and I don't want to spoil anything so I won't go into details is that the author put very not subtle hints in the story quite early on, which means you can basically guess part of the end quite early on.

Actually never mind, let me spoil a bit, because two things really angered me:


The first one is when Haochen decides to attack the capital and gets killed. Holy f*ck, how f*cking s*upid do you have to be to jump into the most obvious trap when the enemy has a f*cking prophet working under him. Especially after the mage temple head specifically told you to endure, that the main problem with humans was that they always risked their lifes before they became strong. And then the perfect main character jumps right in the enemy headquarters and dies, holy f*ck.

The second one is the Haochen's father Lingyu. One of the first important character you meet in the story, with a really great potential. And then he disappears with Haochen's mom for 600 chapters (out of 700) and you don't see him until the very end. Which is when you learn that one of the biggest mistery for the whole story is actually the s*upidest misunderstanding of all time. The idea of the MC itself having the blood of the Demon emperor is interesting, although the author decided to very heavily hint it early on. But the way the author decided to do it was a complete massacre, completely butchering one of his best character disappearing for 600 chapters before being an absolute fool in the last 20. Especially when Haochen havign the light element should have cleared the misunderstanding immediatly. What a waste of potential


Something I also ahve to mention which triggered me to no end, but is ultimately a detail one of the way the author used to describe something: "The thing seemed incredibly [insert adjective], but was actually [opposite adjective]". I'm ok with it being used once or twice but why so often.

To conclude, I have a love/hate relationship with this story. Would I recommend reading it ? I don't know. If you don't know what to read maybe, but you can probably find better.

Also, let me correct the review below.


No, the general did not try to kill him at all. Give him a lesson to get closer to his daugter yes, but never kill him. And the MC being the perfect character he is obviously decided to follow the general to his death when the danger actually came, which is the part that triggered me. Also, the MC defended the general because he is his girlfriend's father, his father's friend and also to preserver the realtionship between the 2 temples. So no, it's not as simple as the review makes it to be.

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TTeera rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: c185
The author sucks at creating a believable scenario and it has enraged me into giving book a 1 star and made me drop it immediately. The incident that illustrated this is below and in my opinion was absurd.


The MC, a person with the greatest talent seen in thousands of years, was born. He goes and have a relationship with a girl. He then becomes a soldier on the battlefield. His girlfriend's father happens to be the general and doesn't like the MC being together with his daughter. So the general decides to send him to a dangerous battlefield where if he doesn't deem the MC "fit" he'll let him die. The general goes with him to evaluate his strength. Keep in mind that the MC at this point isn't very strong and the general is bottom tier among powerhouses but still a powerhouse (so he's quite strong).

Unfortunately, they encounter foes that are both stronger than them and both almost ended up dying, but a miracle (which was related to the MC) saved both of them. The top powerhouses (far stronger than the general) started investigating about why on earth the MC with his incredible talent destined to become a future pillar of humanity, was sent to a battlefield where great unknown enemies were lurking (the general was aware but disregarded this fact b/c the chances of encountering these great foes weren't high but still possible).

These powerhouses eventually find out the general sent the MC for a selfish reason to test the MC. When the MC wakes up, he started defending the general. During the time the general and MC spent on the battlefield, the MC and the general develop a mutual respect for one another.

This incident made me drop the book. The general just tried to kill the MC, and the MC knows it, but MC still defends the general saying that it wasn't his fault. He literally just tried to kill the MC and it is s*upid the MC is going so far to defend him. Keep in mind that MC's girlfriend never had any meaningful interactions with her parents and she outright states that she hates her parents and doesn't even consider them her parents. MC has no reason to defend the general. It is fine that they develop mutual respect, but to go to such lengths to defend a person who just tried to kill you blows my mind. If not for the plot armor, they'll both be dead because some guy decided to kill a random person just because he doesn't like his daughter's boyfriend even though the father NEVER MET the boyfriend before.

So in summary, this doesn't make any logical sense and it especially doesn't appeal to me. You don't just go forgive a guy who just tried to get you killed just because you are his daughter's boyfriend. And you especially don't start standing up for him.

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LordDeshy rated it
October 1, 2021
Status: c185
(sigh) I'm really sad this book turned out to be such a disappointment, cause I really had high expectations since it's one of the very few popular non-harem novels. My first let down was the hypocrisy from cai'er's (FL) parents, they were so cruel to her all in the name of saving humanity, how can you put the burden of an entire race on a 3 year old girl! I wonder if they'll blink an eye if there temple alliance requested the death of their daughter in order to... more>> win the war, honestly I think they'll agree albeit sluggishly.

Secondly I don't understand why the MC was so dumb (even more than those MC's that have the "naive protagonist" tags) the fact that he couldn't even connect the dot between his great grandfather inlaw and father inlaw even after knowing their surname was "sheng" well maybe he's too dense to think but how can you forget the face of the girl you rescued in less than 4 years especially one that left you with such a deep impression! Then about Hao Yue (MC's mount) how could he be so clueless even when numerous people and an entire world says it was the reincarnation of an evil being; I mean it okay if you want to stick out for your mount because of your relationship but you can't ignore the warnings of so many people either!

Thirdly and the most provoking of all is that the MC is too kind to an unrealistic level! Almost robotic or hypnotic. Most times he knows people have bad intentions but he still acts all saintly towards them, like what?! On a positive note the characters building is awesome, almost all the characters had their stories developing their elemen ts. <<less
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Sipouwa rated it
May 19, 2020
Status: c871
Edit: my wish came through and translation was picked up. Final rating 4/5 since the story answered the questions I had

has it's merits and I definitely wish for someone to pick up translating for the last +100 chapters. The power progression of MC is pretty well made and even though he does get his important exceptional chances it's not on the level "oh, a rock fell from the sky. This just happens to be the cultivation recourse I need" that seems to be the case in so so many chinese... more>> novels. The side characters also get decent development and are actually important all the way. Plot has been progressing in a logical way and while it's not a masterpiece I don't think there has been too many plot holes. Depending of the ending (if I ever get to read it) this still has a solid chance of rising from 3/5 to 4/5. It just has been building up for the final act for a while now in the translations and I'm starting to get bored of it. Hence 3/5 <<less
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Lenva rated it
November 26, 2017
Status: c564
If you like a shonen-jump style story with an OP MC, then this is your thing! One of the best kind with a pure hearted, kind, loyal, hard-working protagonist, or simply said : all the good traits in a human being. And don't forget his band of friends which also shared his lucky streak protected by the plot armor.

The story plot is very simple, it's about a journey of a young boy on his way to be mankind's hope to battle the demons with the premise of "from zero... more>> to hero"-type. During his journey he will meet good teacher, companions, teammates, and of course his love interest. He charmed several girls but stay loyal only to one girl.

No complicated scheming, back-stabbing, or politics. This is really straight-line kind of novel.

If you despise those kind of things I mentioned above, please refrain from reading, it will disgust you immediately. <<less
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June 22, 2017
Status: c484
This is a story of!

  • a knight who cannot decide between defense and offense
  • a yandere assassin
  • a summoner who's summoning is literally roulette
  • a priest who cannot heal
  • a Mage who can't attack
  • a warrior who's main weapon is an over sized shield
The main character is born into a world of strife and danger, the majority leader f the lands have long since been captured by the demons. Only the temple alliance stands between them, the humans, and the demon onslaught. The demons aren't mindless however, many are just as clever as humans if not... more>> more so. Cultivation is difficult for humans, it requires a lot to of effort, talent, and opportunities. Demons on the other hand are born with power and only must mature to enhance their prowess.

The cultivation is fairly simple, Steps 1-9 and each step has ranks in between. You end up with what seems to be 99 or so "levels" of cultivation. Although being on the same step puts people roughly even as their is no inheritance difference other than reserves of power. Overcoming between steps is difficult without superior equipment or tactics.



The story follows Long Haochen the proclaimed Scoin of Light, a person with immense natural talent and a character of purity. He stumbles into a world of fighting and bloodshed and works diligently for his father's acceptance. Growing up his father trains him very hard, brutally even. Long Haochen progresses and soon enough to begins his journey on his own. By the age of 14 he enters a completion to be placed in a demon hunt squad, a honor and privilege ment for the best of the generation. Progressing through he qualifies and meets the love of his life, of which comes from similar circumstances. His squad of misfits, enters the true world of combat against demon kind. Learning the secrets of the world, the source of the demons and humanities dark past. Also training to be the strongest, to protect those of his family, squad and all of f humanity.

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Shebby rated it
January 2, 2017
Status: c314
This is a brilliant story, with a unique plot. Humans are fighting for survival due to demon invaders. The demons out number them by at least 1 to 3; this not including the 72 demon gods (OP) and their emperor (Super OP). The story focuses on how the MC grows from when he was little to become one of the supporting pillars of humanity, along with his teammates. The humor is marvelous; romance is heartwarming and beautiful; Comedy is definitely one of the things to look forward. The journey to... more>> become strong and protect what is precious is always engaging, when you know what your doing that is. (He does) The story is similar to Doulou Dalu in It's own way, but very attracting. Since the plot is unique, It is better than Doulou Dalu to some extent in my opinion <<less
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rapture_edge rated it
October 17, 2016
Status: c417
A feel-good story about a righteous MC with a very unrealistic love interest. MC overcomes whatever is thrown at him and continues to grow at an astonishing pace. If you enjoyed Douluo Dalu, then you will enjoy this. I personally enjoy this very monotonous progression of the MC winning again and again. The fight scenes are very detailed unlike the typical "MC smashes opponent, opponent smashes back, both fist collide and MC stays firm while enemy zooms across the horizon spitting out blood." The action and details of the powers,... more>> skills abilities are what draws me interested.

Of course the character development is admittedly poor as what others have said. But IMO, its just an iota of an error against the greater picture of the novel. 5 Stars without a doubt. <<less
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Little Big House
Little Big House rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: c170
I read until chapter 170, but it was a while ago.
(From what I remember)

[While reading this story I was also reading Child of Light, but due to the similarities I was kind of lost after a pause.]

Story revolves around a young boy whose father is one of the top 6 Humans, he trains hard to become powerful and protect his mother. Humans are in war against Demons. Demons are not just beast, they have clans, and everything, just like humans.



MC :

- Has the characteristic to become one of the most powerful humans
- Human side (he's human)
- Described like a girl (very confusing at the start)
- Emotional (if not the story would be 2D)
- Conflicted by the choices he has to make (shows that he is a normal boy just with more potential than others)


If I were to compare, I'd say Tang Jia San Shao is one of those authors who write stories without those endless castration, genocide, sect extermination. But the story goes too deep for me (too much details that may be bypassed).
In my opinion, the story is well developped, it's just the settings that aren't my cup of tea

TL;DR : Good story, no superficial, recommended by me
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