Renegade Immortal


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Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although he and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great. One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal, but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal!

Associated Names
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Hain Ölümsüz
Tiên Nghịch
Xian Ni
الخالد المتمرد
Related Series
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A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (10)
A Will Eternal (9)
Pursuit of the Truth (7)
Demon’s Diary (5)
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  2. My Journey into Webnovels: Discovering Wuxia
  3. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  4. My Favorite novels Until Now
  5. Cultivation Novel Goodies

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174 Reviews sorted by

darkwarson rated it
February 1, 2019
Status: c1409
this novel will take you to wang lins cultivation journey, about how he he cultivated his strength all the way to the peak.

not like any other novels there that full of plot armors. This novel tells you how you fight someone without bending your knees to anyone. Hiw to face your current delima or problems never be afraid even though its dis advantigious to you.

well if you want a novel with a scheming MC and not a hypocrite one then this is 4 u I reccomend this
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thousandautumnleaves rated it
September 3, 2018
Status: c586
"Renegade Immortal" is the first cultivation novel I actually decided on finishing (after dropping a few others like Battle Through The Heavens, Tales of Demons and Gods) and here´s why.

The MC, Wang Lin: he is not handsome - nor particularly talented at first. Instead he´s smart, hard-working and lucky. While his over-board luck makes me sigh it hasn´t been a reason to drop the novel yet. He starts off as a scrupulous, somewhat timid yet determined, smart kid and later on after a few traumatic experiences and realizations ("this is... more>> the cultivation world? Good! Good!") in the world of cultivation (plus the influence from his somewhat-teacher Situ Nan) he becomes cunning, ruthless, cold-hearted and opportunistic while still keeping a sliver of humanity (sadness, loneliness, love for parents and lost love) in his heart. MC also can be said to have the nature of a killer, while he does not kill indiscriminately he is easily provoked to do so especially in self-defense or for prevention of having to defend himself later. He also will scheme an attack if he wants something badly enough and the opponent is around his power level.

This leads me to the next point actually... in the world of RI this attitude is pretty normal!

Cultivation world... PK world? It´s literally a tough world. In RI I found the way immortals and cultivation were implemented the most interesting/natural compared to what I´ve read so far. Why? Imagine a world filled with millions of people that will live for centuries and centuries, won´t the planets explode eventually from overpopulation? Right, they provide the solution themselves by sanctioning the killing of each other for often superfluous reasons. The cultivators' motto is „might is right" and a saintly or s*upid person will never succeed. If you are a gamer imagine a PvP world.

Furthermore, OP & BAMF* in 15 years? Won´t happen. Training takes hundreds of years and the average cultivator will need thousands of years to become OP. Even then there´s always someone stronger in the world, somewhere. This also includes the MC (even though his luck is so good that it hardly matters haha).

Harem: After reading 60% of the story I can safely claim that there is none (yet?). Women try to flirt with the MC sometimes but he isn´t interested at all and they either die or disappear from the plot eventually. He has one long-lasting love interest and had one accidental „one-night-stand", that´s where it ends.

Philosophy: some arcs (especially the soul formation one) get a bit philosophical about stuff like life and death which is neat.

Consistency: the author must be taking lots of notes while writing because he never forgets stuff the MC promised someone around 300 chapters ago or names that haven´t been mentioned for 400 chapters. This is not a given even in professionally published books, so a big thumb up haha

What I disliked:

some boring chapters/arcs.

MC is mostly alone/solo or gets quickly backstabbed. That is a bit sad and boring to read about after a while but on the other hand it underlines his path in life, most immortals are lonely creatures.

MC is so smart and lucky that many other characters look too s*upid to live (which is usually quickly remedied) in comparison. There are still side characters I adore though (for example the messenger with the „forget" dao and some others).

MC always gets some chance to heal up bad injuries during a fight while his opponents rarely find a chance at all.

MC's moral compass is very questionable but understandable given the people he meets during his long journey.

The world is a tad monotonous, no variety in cultures or the like even across planetes. Oh well.

lots of word repetitions, the author especially seems to adore „spit" and „cold snort".

So in total I give this novel a 3.8 rating.

* for those not into MMOs or fanfiction: OP= over powered, BAMF=well... lots of cuss words haha pretty much means that this character kicks ass, hard. <<less
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Plaguedevil rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: c962
Arguably one of the best light novels I read, you just have to power through the first 100 chapters where it feels that the story kinda slow but afterwards it is just mad epicness.

If you have read ISSTH and enjoyed it then you will most definitely love RI and the fights where I'm at now is considered by a number of readers to be better than the final war of ISSTH and I can vouch for it.
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TurdFerguson777 rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: --
Okay, actually I was somewhat enjoying reading the first hundred chapters or so, but there many aspects of the story that just annoy, it may get better but I don't really feel it, also reading some of the reviews makes me feel like I should just start AWE instead of reading this.

But a few things that were bad (so as to warrant a two star review - actually can't change the stars or would've been 3) :

  • First of all, why did he become a cultivator? Because of his parents, he was just a normal kid but he suddenly got the opportunity to be a cultivator, okay, a bit strange how he tries so hard to be a cultivator to the point of almost dying even though he only knew about them a few days before, but uhh okay... HOWEVER, after he leaves the sect and becomes stronger, he just ignores his parents after visiting them for a few days? He says he loves his family but he barely sees them, he doesn't help them, even before they were killed, they would've have died in a few more years anyway (they're mortal).
  • Fine if it was just that he completely forgot the reason he wanted to become a cultivator (basically for his parents) it's okay... but no after he leaves to go to a city, he ends up meet a demonic cultivator randomly, who he kills, and because of this he gets chased by another guy who he just kills, which eventually leads to the destruction of his family (by evil grandpa).... WHAT?!!!
  • Why not just do a revenge plot at the very beginning of the novel, instead this convoluted shit... became a cultivator for his parents, but then ignores them when he has freedom, then author decideds wait they need to die because he has no goals, so random meeting with demonic cultivator eventually leads to the destruction of his family.
  • Others negatives in line with convolution... the power system? what? needelessly confusing.
  • There are other plot points like this... ultimately can be boiled down to just being cliches (MC walks out of cave, suddenly gets f*cked over in some way)
  • Also MC fluctuates between manipulative and wise to complete ret*rd...
  • Also because he cultivates in a time dilation, he's mentally very old, but then why does he do s*upid shit? or is not cautiousness.
  • Another thing I find annoying is this f*cking bead, meant to be a secret deux ex machina, but it keeps coming out, letting every one see it, I feel like half the characters have seen this f*cking bead... moreover, the bead doesn't really grow stronger (i guess thats fine) but he doesn't even utilize this sh*t properly.
  • Overall many smaller things, all join together to ruin a somewhat intersting novel
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NumeFain124 rated it
December 10, 2021
Status: c2088
"As for love interests...... none.... nada..... ZERO........... do not get me wrong, girls like the MC, but he is blind, not dense, but blinded by hatred.

THe new arc starting at 252 may improve upon the story, but I am not getting my hopes up for this one." - Maleandar

Man, it really hurts to see reviews like this from a guy who doesn't even recognize gold when he sees it. You are just at the 10% of the story, but actually you have the audacity to give 1 star to this... more>> masterpiece. Let me tell you what you missed. In the exactly next arc "starting at ch 252" is where he meets Li Muwan, the woman who will change completely his entire life and will make him the man he is at the final of the novel. Yes, this story is not about romance, BUT WHY SHOULD IT HAVE IT? If you want romance go and read something else. And at the same time it has romance, (but a very different style of it) because of his love to keep her alive even when the heavens want her dead and his stubbornness to become stronger and find a way to solve it, even if it took him 2000 years.

This story embodies realism and profoundness, a life full of hardships, friendship, bonds, love for his parents, mortal arcs, not giving up, extraordinary writing comprehending daos, philosophy of life and laws like karma, reincarnation, truth and false. Renegade Immortal is actually what made me start loving reading, and it remains still my favorite even after all the books and lightnovels I have read, and I'm sure I will forever remember Wang Lin and his life story.

He will appear in some chapters in A World Worth Protecting -another work of Er Gen- where we find out surprisingly that he is at the 10th step in cultivation (at the end of Renegade Immortal he is at 4th step), and 11th at the final (it clearly means he is still progressing in the Universe, because cultivation maybe is endless- that's another philosophy) and we know that his and Li Muwan's daughter is the FMC. (Again reference to that guy who gave 1 star for no romance)

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TheN1ghtMare rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: undefined
Most of the negative reviews are biased. Many people say what an uninteresting cliche it is, but in fact they do not pay attention to the year of release of this work, and I remind you that this is 2009, the time in which most of the cliches were born. But that's not the point, all these cliches are so well worked out in this story that even being dissatisfied with them is s*upid. I am constantly confronted with how many people accuse the main character of being an arrogant... more>> bastard and a hypocrite, but you don't understand how deeply Wang Lin is prescribed, he is a real person, he also has flaws, like a real person.

Wang Lin adapted to the surrounding conditions, it is impossible to survive in such a world without cunning and cruelty, and the fact that other characters are almost the same is all thanks to the world itself. Even in our world, the same thing is happening, and those who disagree with this statement are children who have never left the threshold of their home.

Many also complain about Wang Lin's "immortality", that the world revolves around him, but do you understand how s*upid that sounds? Compared to other works, the world in which Wang Lin lives is alive, events in it occur even without the influence of Wang Lin himself. Wang Lin was also constantly in life and death situations.

Looking through the profiles of many reviewers, I noticed that they like outright harem garbage, where the world is completely dead and everything revolves around the main character, and how can such garbage be compared with one of the masterpieces in the genre of cultivation?

Also, many compare this work with Reverend Gu, where the differences are so significant that you even begin to doubt the sanity of some people, because the main characters are two completely different people.

Looking at many reviewers, it seems that they have not read this work at all. They even bothered to compare completely different situations, namely Meng Hao and Wang Lin, while Hao knew that his beloved WOULD DEFINITELY be reborn, Lin did not know it at all, only after the "Ancient God" appeared who wanted to take her soul, he found out about it. It was also said that her soul would be COMPLETELY cleansed, there would be absolutely no connection left, she would be impossible to find, and if she could be found, it would be a completely different person. <<less
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Daoist Ghoul
Daoist Ghoul rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: Completed
This is probably one of the best Xianxia novel I have ever read and my personal favorite among them (and I've read a sizable amount of them). For me personally, one of the reason this novel stands out among its peers is due to the sense of realism and how human the world and its characters feel. More specifically, how the cultivation world is shown and how the main character is portrayed.

The World:

One of the fundamental concepts that underpin this type of stories is that the world is a cruel,... more>> dog-eat-dog every-man-for-himself might-makes-right git-gud free-for-all battle-royale deathmatch, which makes sense given the usual concept of cultivation. Typically in these stories, however, the world that is actually shown to us is all rainbows and butterflies, where the line between good and evil is clearly defined (i.e. the main character is always in the right and those aren't with him are against him), and where nothing of real consequence happens whenever anything happens ever (other than to give artificial power ups to the main character/villains). In the world of Renegade Immortal, however, the author isn't afraid to show that this type of world is actually dark, cruel and brutal; where the line of morality is blurred and where one misstep or wrong move by anyone ('good' or 'evil') can cost you so much more than you bargained for. This thus provides the setting with so much more depth since it creates a lot of room to explore deeper philosophical questions and to provide the real character growth in addition to portray a much more interesting world whether it be the world building or allies/villains to the main character.

The Main Character (Wang Lin) :

The linchpin to the entire story, Wang Lin is one of the biggest reason why I find this story works so damn well. To start off, he's the son of a regular mortal family with mediocre talent with above average intellect... that's it. He's not the son of some crazy ultra omega powerful all mighty being nor does he have some absurd unrealistic latent talent for cultivation... just a regular person with no experience with cultivation/cultivators. Thus, when he finally does embark on the cultivation path as a kid, he naturally is excited and enthusiastic to start. As he travels on that path, however, he soon realizes that (as mentioned before) this world isn't all rainbows and butterflies as he once thought. Unlike many other stories, the author isn't afraid to throw tragedies at the main character, where (as said before) his actions have real consequences and unintended effects for both him and the people he cares about. And also unlike many other stories, Wang Lin is put in many difficult situation where it is incredibly difficult to make the 'right' decision and when he does make an 'evil' decision, he doesn't try to justify it like other hypocritical main characters. Thus as he claws his way through this cruel world and furthers his cultivation, you can tangibly feel his personality change and his character grow as he tries to adapt to new circumstances time and time again. One of my favorite parts in the entire novel, which is coincidentally what cemented this novel as my favorite novel, is when Wang Lin asked his old friend after a long period of time what the point of cultivating is since only tragedies have happened to him since he started and he laments what his life could have have been if he didn't embark on the cultivation path. This scene, to me, demonstrated the most realistic and best character growth I've ever seen in any cultivation novel I've read.

Brief Aside (The Story) :

The story starts off fairly slow paced and hits a trough around the 200-300 chapter mark but picks up very quickly after around chapter 400. Overall, however, this novel is paced very well with the author balancing adventuring (faster arcs) with arcs that are more about contemplation, philosophy/enlightenment, and more about understanding oneself (slower arcs). In fact, the mortal arcs in this story are without a doubt the best I've seen in any cultivation novel as they are not only entertaining but also slotted very well between big arcs such that the reader can take a break from the constant action in the story and usually highlight a philosophical dilemma or a certain enlightenment. All in all, story itself flows and connects very naturally and more or less progresses in a logical fashion that makes it easy to follow and understand (with certain exceptions, one such exception being the ending). The romance in this novel is kinda meh, but it does serve to develop the main character more so I don't have many complaints on that.

Final thoughts:

Of course there are a number of other reason why this novel is good, but the realistic world and the relatable main character is what sticks out to me the most. If you're still on the fence whether you should read this or not, I would definitely recommend you read it as it's one of the best novels among the multitude of novels out there (you'll thank me later). <<less
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Valixiant rated it
September 23, 2021
Status: c187
I think I have finally realized why I don't like a majority of the thousand chapter light novels on here. None of them have any form of direction.

One of the few long novels I liked was Warlock of the Magus World. The MC's goal was to become immortal, and reach the pinnacle. Clearly stated, and everything he does is trying to get to that goal. However in this novel, the main character wants to become a cultivator. Alright cool, first part of the novel is great, with many factors stopping... more>> him becoming a cultivator, he has to try hard. However, after this whole situation comes to pass, he doesn't really have a goal.


His entire family died for "character development" (I say that lightly because nothing really changes), so he doesn't have anything to protect. He decides he wants revenge, okay cool. However, the story gets lost in a rabbit hole of people far more powerful than him and him barely surviving. Despite the author saying his enemies could kill him with a flick of their finger, they never do. Thus onto my main point, the main character never really does anything himself to get to his goal. Everything he needs comes to him.


Also, the main reason I dropped this novel is for no reason, they renamed half the things like spiritual energy and cultivation levels with no warning, so for a good twenty chapters I was pretty confused. <<less
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NothingIsEternal rated it
May 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Renegade Immortal, is probably one of the Chinese cultivation novels with a rather ruthless protagonist and famous worldwide.

The beginning is very interesting even if quite stereotypical, the protagonist has miserable habitudes compared to his peers who are ''geniuses'', we see him suffering and going through a lot of hardships before even entering the ruthless world of culture.

What differs from other culture books is that the protagonist becomes mature and sees through the plots and all the hardships that he has endure, as the death of his parents and his love... more>> makes him cold and ruthless.

The world building may seem small, but in fact it is endless, the story is amazing and the twists and turns
throughout the story make Renegade Immortal distinct and delectable.

The biggest drawback is the romance that I find quite unnecessary, I understand that the author needs a goal to let the protagonist become stronger but in a world of power the goal is not necessarily love, longevity can be one of the main goals after all it doesn't matter how strong a cultivator is what really differentiates him from a mortal is his long life, and if even a such powerful being has the same end as a mortal what is the purpose of cultivation. <<less
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Master10K rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
"If they don't mess with me, I won't mess with them. If they do mess with me, I'll kill them!"

- Simple words for a Simple Cultivator.

The opening of Renegade Immortal really ruffled my feathers. Experiencing worthless adults heap on huge expectations on a kid, only for it to inevitably fall apart. The story doesn't waste time in having the ruthless Cultivation world corrupt the simple filial village boy Wang Lin, as things went from 0 - 100 real quick. With it only taking its time on people's reactions to some... more>> new heaven defying thing the MC did. Like during the repetitive "one hit KO" fights in the early chapters, or the more extravagant & insidious fights later on.

But beyond the extravagant fights & moments of Dao comprehension, this story really lacked in engaging character interactions. Where it doesn't have to force in a romance subplot and can instead just have fun & witty dialogue. Alas, this is a ruthless cultivation world that will not allow it. <<less
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White Dragon
White Dragon rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: Completed
As a grandmaster reader, who has read more novels then I can remember for over two decades, I can vouch this novel deserves 5 stars.

After reading this, I have way too many thoughts I can't put in words. It's amazing enough to make me forget to eat for 25 hours. (I eat something like every 3-4 hours :p)

If this novel had more parts, I would definitely read it. I don't like making comparisons but I am gonna put this novel on top of my all-time favourite list. Even with... more>> all its flaws, the good points overshadow it.

The biggest reason to state it as my all-time favourite novel is er gen's unique way of writing. (I only dislike that one repetitive line from all his 4 novels I have read.)

The plot is cliche, romance terrible, story imperfect but the way er gen wrote it made up for all it's imperfections and flaws.

On a personal note, the timing of the introduction of *madman* in the story was epic for me. It was around that point of the story, I felt like maybe I should just drop it. However, then those mutterings took all the frustrations the novel brought with it away. Just the right shade of comedy this novel needed.

The weirdest moment in the story for me was when Mu bingmei's soul's true identity was revealed.

I laugh everytime I think about it and all the seriousness of wang lin's story goes away. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
January 19, 2020
Status: --
The novel is already illogical from the very start, It doesn't have feelings in it. The protagonist isn't s*upid but he's definitely not smart!

The characters here is just unbearable. I hate the characters that is s*upid 'on purpose' for the sake of plot and for the sake of the MC.
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December 20, 2019
Status: c2060
There are many words you can use to describe this novel, for me the easiest to use to get the point across is "beautiful", if you're able to read the entire thing, you will see for yourself. This novel will live up to its reputation and then some. Slow parts? Yes, but make it through the slow arcs and you will find a diamond hidden in the rough.

The struggles and trials of Wang Lin will make you shed a tear at times and feel actual emotion for this poor lonely... more>> man on his thousands of years of journeying. When your heart is gripped and you just can't put it down, you'll see just how absorbed this novel will make you. Don't be fooled by the beginning, it will pick up and you will love it. Just give it a shot and find out. 9.5/10 <<less
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Rainess09 rated it
November 16, 2019
Status: c1987
I really really like this novel. It’s what got me to chinese novels. This opened doors to me on how wonderful and profound their language is; how imaginative they are about imagery; how distinctive each emotions could be interpreted. It’s a wonderful adventure, even with lack of romance. What a rollercoaster it is to journey with the MC. Keep up the good work to the author and translator. It’s a great gift to us foreigners to be able to read it in english. Thank you!
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Girish3107 rated it
March 18, 2019
Status: c1517
This is a very slow burn novel than ISSTH as it picks badassery way deep into the novel but its way brilliantly written character than Meng Hao any day and has depth to each character introduced and world building is a whole other scale altogether and its still expanding.
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Varno rated it
September 10, 2018
Status: --
Poorly written and not successfully fleshed out.

I don't get the hype for this, it is boring. He does nothing exciting, it is slow, and really depressing to read. Originally, I read the mahwa, some years ago. The art played a part in drawing me in, without it, this story is boring.

He flies around, in places that aren't properly described, killing people we have no emotional bearings to, and insofar; that's it.

This may change in coming chapters, but I've had enough.

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MaceTheDon rated it
August 23, 2018
Status: c1010
MC is forever the type of guy to have cold eyes, a gloomy expression & nothing able to affect his mind cos of his sheer will power... A really grating type of MC, solely focusing on Cultivation & having no fun whatsoever outside of that = boring af MC.

On the romance side of things which are usually good for adding a light hearted sort of tone to the story, this is pretty much non-existent here with MC ... more>>

only giving 2 sh*ts about his bird when she's literally on her death bed, talk about frustrating to say the least.

Poor characterisation as well (at least none that stand out for me anyway).

The only good points is the Action/Face smacking & even then that gets tiresome after a while.

*Now I wish I rated it 2 stars, but can't seem to change it... <<less
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spalk rated it
August 4, 2018
Status: --
ISSTH and AWE are two of my favourite novels but this is really bad.I pushed myself to read till 160. There is no mystery, no suspence, no interesting techniques. The MC is really boring. He used to be a good guy who wanted to cultivate to please his parents but after their death he becomes a ruthless killer.I don't have a problem with him killing but it is just that. He has no personality and no special traits. All the story is the same. He meets useless people who want... more>> to kill him, he kills them and then other people come for revenge.

In ISSTH the MC likes to earn money and cheat people which makes him interesting. He also has a goal, he wants to be strong to find out about his parents.

In AWE the MC is presented as pure but he ruins everything around him in a very funny way which makes him very likeable. He also has a goal, to be immortal.

In this the MC doesnt have a trait. He just kills people. He doesnt practice techniques he just cultivates. He isnt even clever. He doesnt have an extra skill like for example potions. He doesnt have friends or romantic interests. He doesnt even speak much.

I can't understand why people rate this so high. The only way that I pushed myself ro read till 160 is because this is Er Gen's work but really it was a waste of time. <<less
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oli0202 rated it
May 28, 2018
Status: c206
This story was fairly interesting for some time but MC is just too unlikable for me. He is pretty likeable at the start and then becomes worse and worse. Zero friends or love interests or any sort of friendly face really. World seems interesting but characters are extremely bland and 2 dimensional. Anyone who thinks humans would become like this is insane in the head

His mother and father are both strong points of motivation for him and yet his mother doesn't have a name and is introduced as mom of... more>> MC

I really want to like this novel but there isn't much to like <<less
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VvvV1225 rated it
May 14, 2018
Status: c650
One of best character growth I have seen in a novel, the transition from a naive/foolish young boy into an adult man is well done.

... more>>

The MC transition from a naive boy into a mass mu*derer sociopath.


The world building, story development and plot transition are nearly perfect.

The only downside are:


The world is just too dark for me, and MC is just a psychopath. (ATG's MC can be considered a saint compared to Wang Lin)



I haven't finished the novel, but the romance is......... might as well consider the novel doesn't contain romance

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