Reborn into A Slash Game


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Suo Fei, a veteran NEET has spent three days and three nights strategizing his way through the highly explicit H danmei game masterpiece “Yalance”. Furthermore, he was able to capture all nine little shous from the nine great races. However, as the final, 10P feast was approaching, he unexpectedly transmigrated. He transmigrated into the real country of Yalance…

Suo Fei: Hey, hey, hey, can you delete these files and let me restart? What the hell did Laozi transmigrate into!

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103 Reviews sorted by

veijun rated it
October 14, 2020
Status: Completed
This is one of the stories that are sooo much more and deeper than you can ever imagine by just reading the introduction. Although the CP's love develops smoothly without much misunderstandings and such, but their bound continuously becomes deeper and their trust in each other is just unshakable, it's just so beautiful.

I can't think of even one thing in this novel that I didn't like, no, love. I also don't remember any striking plotholes. It's only that the ending is very rushed, anyway I just wanted to continue reading,... more>> even if it's just about their long and peaceful future. To sum it up, I absolutely love it. <<less
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EternalMoonlight rated it
September 14, 2020
Status: Completed
As a hardcore spicy fan, I was a expecting this to have lots of smexy chapters because of the summary (which is a trap) because there was only two fanservice chapters and a little short too. This is all I'm complaining about. The overall story is realy really great, I'm very satisfied and happy to have read such cute novel.
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September 11, 2020
Status: C5
Just finished this story and I've got to say 😩I wish there was more chapter. 🤗This is a really great story. Had actual plot, action scenes not only smut related and a cute tsundere male lead who didn'tact like a scum snob after getting to know the main character in the first night. Which is a surprise since base on his childhood filled with pain and betrayal he had every excuse to be an ass unlike these other ML I've been stuck reading. I've read. The whole story felt more✊... more>> American than Chinese but then again the world setting was American base. 💓It had an interesting storyline that wasn't too obvious even though the main character knew part of the game plot. I love the fact the plot was not just base on the romance. Seriously, 🥰 I loved that about it. I love how it wasn't WAM BAM 💘 Lust/Love at first sight and boom fall into a relationship. Even though the Main Character and the Main Love interest had sizzling chemistry, they took their time to fall in love which made it feel more genuine than other boy love I've read. Plus there was no forced s*xual scene. 😃Thank the gods for that. The bottom/ receiver/ shou/ use was actually active in the love making which usually makes me appreciate a bl novel more so kudos on that. 👏 Though he was a bit weak magically he still did his best not to be a complete damsel in distress. 😳👌. All in all love the story, love the romance that showed through their affection and reliance of each other before they jumped into bed. And last love the side characters like the cheeky cub, the naive dragon, and the 🔥 pet who forgot he wanted to go home at the end. Love it all. Thank you for the eng translation. 🙇‍♀️👍 Great job. <<less
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May 30, 2020
Status: c43
It's funny and light. Not much angst there. So far up to where I've read, the MC has somewhat grown from useless to mediocre strength. Entirely reliant on ML. ML is extremely OP.

the plot could be better but it's not a bad read. I'd give it a 3.5 in terms of plot dialogue and character fleshing. A lot are still unexplained and there are abundant foreshadowing that may only be explained in the later chaps. The romance between the two are also a slow burn where the MC is in... more>> denial while the ML is irrationally accepting. <<less
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fuhobaobei rated it
October 30, 2023
Status: Completed
The story's a lightweight one, with heavy scenes that will automatically turn comedic, so you can try this for casual reading. And when I say that it mainly revolved the cp, it literally does. The author did not really indulge with the details and there are lots of plotholes, but again, I think it was expected since the author emphasized that she didn't want for the cp to despair that much.

... more>>

Just a bit disappointed with the ending, since I'd really like to know if the ML's family was resurrected or just the latter dragons who died. Also, I'd really like for MC's father to despair with his wife's death but sadly, his desires were crooked. Just don't expect a satisfactory retribution at the end. That's all.

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Ainsleykaii rated it
July 1, 2023
Status: Completed
This is my own opinion regarding the novel. Read away if you want.

First of all, it was introduced with the idea that the MC supposedly travelled in the game he was playing - which was a harem type RPG game. Based on the cue points, I was expecting that the supposed 'harem characters' would appear to be proper backdrop characters for MC and ML.

... more>>

The elven (who turned out to not be a shou anymore) is present. His character setting changed, but he remain relevant on most parts. Moreover, he seemed to be in love with the MC (Sofey).

The other one, forgot the name coz yeah they're mostly irrelevant, who was human, was introduced as a scheming slime that... Died eventually. It was mentioned in between that his body was taken away to be a puppet buuuut the author probably forgot about it because I didn't see it anymore later on in the plot.

The other 'harem members' only appeared later on, and wasn't even properly 'relevant' as they had lesser interactions with the MC and ML. They serve no purpose and looked like mere decorations :). In short, I don't even have the mind to remember their names because they can literally be nameless, title-less, and still exist as a proper cannon fodder than being introduced as a supposed character that: 1. They weren't even able to act for. 2. Not even actually a character that can push the plotline.

The storyline started cascading down the hill when the smut parts were added. Yeah it adds to the fun, nothing more. The drama after those didn't seem so intense as what the author was thinking to impact the reader's viewpoint.

So the plotline was actually:

Dragons, sylphs, and dwarves (?) are the real owner of the lands. The other races travelled and settled down. Other races started coveting the Dragons because of their idea that – Dragons cannot transform into human bodies and therefore considered to be animals and treasures. Thousands of years gone by, the current generation woke up only knowing the violence against them, not their origins.

Mother elven knows this, father elven only thought they're trapped, the remaining Dragon Salvag kept thinking about revenge, and the demons are... s*upid?

The mainline rolled down the hill as the supposed past of the characters were revealed. Then the author decided to just throw the idea that in order for new life to sprout: MC must be stabbed by ML to awaken him (ML) and the accumulated dragon memories.

Then, smut. Then... Tada! Dragon egg! How when there's no female dragon? Nadaaaaaa.

MC is now alive, but clueless about what actually happened in the ultimate battle. ML is happily possessive and bind MC's life with him.

That's it! New era! Yaaaaaay no.

The MC's character wasn't properly closed. He never thought about his grandmother (IRL) in the end? He never also questioned how he travelled to the game?? Never mentioned that his name is Suo Fei not Sofey to ML??? Never bothered about his supposed shous YADA YADA??


At some point, yes I am extremely unsatisfied with the story. I still like it so I read it till the end. Part of the unsatisfactory feeling might be rooted to the fact that I've read better and stronger plotlines compared to this one. I will still add this to my lists. The translation is golden. I really like reading in CG. Lol. <<less
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June 12, 2023
Status: c63
I only have one opinion of this novel: "the author made the MC too useless" it is not worth reading it except to feel anger at how useless he is and the times he is kidnapped or cannot do anything
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February 15, 2023
Status: c81
It was good but... At a moment I fell as if the plot overtook the romance and the great chemistry there was at the start between the characters faded a little...

I don't regret this at all; the romance is still the most present thing but idk, maybe there was just too much combats unrelated to the development of the characters ... more>>

we didn't really see how Suo Fey fell for Samael as a shou or how Samael went to a broken characters filled with hate to a fluffy and omnipotent one...


Still good, I would say 6 or 7 / 10 (personnal review)

PS : sorry for the potential mistakes, I'm french <<less
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Kerry976 rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: --
I have a question 🙋. Why is it tagged as 'dense', 'naive'? From beginning to the end I never felt MC is dense. Rather, I felt he is quite level-headed. He comes to the conclusions on his own. He is straightforward. He is quick witted. He had a beautiful character development. He is selfish, but like a human. He doesn't trust anyone foolishly (well, he did do it once, but it was logical, he was prejudiced because of his knowledge). Is it because he is cheeky and thinks he is... more>> a gong? Or because of his love towards ML. Well, ML had been really good to him from beginning to the end.

Whatever. I liked the story. It has a good plot. The romance is not the main story. I love this kind of story where there would be no misunderstanding in their relationship. I mean, why do the plot need to depend on that? Fighting big bosses together with your lover. Now, that's interesting. <<less
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xiao Yi
xiao Yi rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Haha, one word: funny. And I think what even makes it more funny was the MC. He thinks he is so gong-like when he is actually the game's ultimate shou😅

Yet, it was not a funny novel at all. Its angsty, full of lies and betrayal. Mwahahahaha!

The sm//t was steaming hot though🤗 and the ending was satisfying. Recommended!
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marsGF rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: Completed
Enjoyable and highly recommended!

I love this author and seeing as this is one of their earlier works made me excited about this novel. For an early work, it truly is enjoyable.💕

One thing I love about this novel is the MC's otaku-reaction lmao. There are some instances wherein the MC would be so flabbergasted that he would think in japanese like "It is Daijoubu" and "Maybe it would be daijoubu?"

In contrast to the humorous reactions are the drama and angst. The angst actually wasn't relayed much so while reading, the angst wouldn't bother you. Maybe it was overcasted by the humor and romance. Still, the plot could actually turn too dark and dog-blooded but the author probably wanted to focus on having a happy end so the drama and... more>> angst were stopped before they could abuse the readers.

Unfortunately, the novel was too short and there's actually a lot more potential for the author to exploit. Like, there's a lot of questions that remain unanswered. It's understandable for the novel to end that way, knowing that this is an early novel. On another hand, maybe there would be a 2nd installment to this novel because it's actually open to that idea. It's like how an anime's 1st season ends and the after-credits of that anime says that there'll be a 2nd season. ーthis is what the ending felt like.

Still, the novel is a really good read and I love the concept that the author introduced. A rating of 4.7/5 for this novel is what I'll give. Also, I would really recommend this author because their works are simply gems!! <<less
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May 7, 2022
Status: Completed
I am completely unsatisfied of how it ended...... I feel so empty. Even though the time I spent reading the whole thing is short, I already felt like I lost something important in my life. How can it end like this?!!

As for the book.

Romance: I'm confused about how they even ended up together. All I did was focus on the plot and somehow out of nowhere they suddenly already fell in love with each other.

... more>>

I mean like come on! All they did was stick with each other for 2 years (not really) and did and said some ambiguos remarks and promises then boom! Out of nowhere they started kissing and the MC suddenly thinks of the ML as potential lover!........ It can't be because the ML looks good and also a natural flirt that the MC fell in love more easily right?


Characters: I love, love, love how the characters interact and think in this story especially the MC. I totally relate to his social phobia.

Story: To be honest I'm really not good at describing and expressing things that much and if I would then this review would be much longer than how it is now so all I'm gonna say about the plot is that it's intresting. <<less
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April 18, 2022
Status: Completed
This was such a cute story!!! ML is super doting, ohmygosh, so doting ahhh!

At first, I disliked the MC as he was naive and solely relied on his memories+knowledge from the otome game, and when he encountered something different, he wouldn't know what to do and still naively rely on said memories+knowledge, but then I realized that it was very reasonable to be like that (it was just me reading too many manhwas where the MC relies on their past memories of said novel/game that they transmigrate/reincarnated into, and everything... more>> followed said memories XD). BUT there is character growth in MC, which is super super great!!!!

Plus a western fantasy BL is great - I think this was my first time reading a full BL novel that uses a western fantasy theme, so very refreshing! :) Tho I think the author tried fleshing out a better world-building and the past stories of the main characters, but by the end of the novel, there were still some loose ends and some of the concepts that the author applied to the characters kinda felt forced (like it wasn't explained why this happened, etc. - It just felt like the author found it convenient to apply said concept onto this specific character).

So, if you read this for romance and dog food, then this would definitely fulfill that requirement! But if you read it for a good romance and good worldbuilding, then keep in mind that the western fantasy aspect and fleshed out worldbuilding is a bit lacking but still a bonus to the good romance! :) <<less
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HooliganReader rated it
March 23, 2022
Status: Completed
For some odd reason I found it surprising that it was quite good. The story is about a 27 year old weeb who thinks of himself as a gong because of all the nonsense games he has been playing just to transmigrate into the body of the ultimate shou of the last game he played. ... more>>

He then stumbles upon the ultimate gong (which was his chosen game character he played) and their adventurer begins


Good plot. It was nicely buildup and an interesting world set up, but there were quite a few foreshadowing with the characters that weren't tied up which results in it being a little unsatisfactory, but not the the point where it destroys the plot. It's just that there are quite a few unanswered questions...

Unlike typical transmigration stories where the protagonist knows the storyline and is able to use it as a golden finger, our protagonist realises that the characters in the real Yalance and the ones that he knows of is rather different so there goes part of his golden finger


Great characters. Our gong is one of the sweetest and he cunningly entices our shou without his knowledge. Our shou is so cute. He is a self-dubbed gong only to realise he's a shou when he's pressed under. He started out naive but strong-willed. It was comedic and fun at first but he slowly learns about the 'darkness' of the world. The main protagonist (the shou) is the weak type and he knows it, which is different from the typical OP protagonist (but he does have an OP backing so 🤷🏻‍♀️).

We can read about how the character's mentality changed and how they develop (of sorts). Both the gong and shou have their "heart demons" but overcomes them with each other. Their faith and trust in each other is so ❤️❤️❤️. There are also adorable side characters involved.

Ending was a little abrupt and could have been better but overall it was a pleasant read with a rather fresh perspective. Read this for an interesting plot, world building and (what I feel is) a beautiful romance

though the romance at the end felt like there was some gap/ unresolved hindrance to it though : (

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azusa yuuya
azusa yuuya rated it
February 28, 2022
Status: Completed
I'll give this 3.5 stars

plot: 8/10, smut: 6.5/10, angst: 7/10

ill say this a pretty well-rounded novel as it has all the elements of a good novel: fighting style, plot, backstory, hot characters. The ML & MC has a very wholesome relationship compared to other bl novels in this list so do give it a try (my only bone to pick with it is that the ending was quite anti-climatic?? Like there was nothing much in the last chapter)
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soyueris rated it
February 22, 2022
Status: --
smut is perfect, plot is good... to an extent. I'm just disappointed that there were no other complex side characters (Aryan had potential but it was so easily squandered). It also introduced lots of potential "rivals" but they're too one-dimensional and not even relevant to the MC or the plot. There are plot points that should have been explored deeper in my opinion (like the Dragons' almost extinction... should have been cut up in many arcs... we were robbed of an epic showdown) and conflicts are resolved in a deus... more>> ex machina voice (only the deus ex machina is Samael's overwhelming prowess). this could have been a very engaging adventure-type of danmei, but it fell short on epic fights and rivalry. this is also the first time I've ever read a story where the MC is treated like a side character (literally just hugging the ML's thighs and going along for the ride, his thoughts are mostly about Samael rather than his own survival... and it also doesn't help that he is a Support-type [body is an ultimate panacea] character).

I guess this is all I can expect from ultimate gong x ultimate shou kind of story? it is still a fun read if you're looking for a break between reading long danmeis with heavy plot (like Meatbun or Priest's works) <<less
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denisse rated it
February 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I really liked it!! The MC and ML relationship wasn't that rushed IMO if we compare it with other novels and since there aren't many chapters if was okay ☺️ the ML was so patient and respectful towards the MC, and the MC wasn't like your classic shou, once he realized his feelings for the ML he went all out (?

Although I think the ending was rushed but maybe it is because I wanted to read more about them and their life after

... more>>

the war and the reborn of the dragon race. I also wanted to know what happened to Solfey's father and others :/


The extra wasn't that helpful too but I still felt grateful to the author for not ending the novel right away 👍

For anyone wondering is a HE!! So no worries :D

(English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if some parts didn't make sense) <<less
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Meimei who sells melon seeds
Meimei who sells melon seeds rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: Completed
It’s an excellent novel by Long Qi! It is a masterpiece— I loved it! The characters were well made, the intentions of each characters were captured well, their motivations were reasonable. I love the MC! Although others say he’s a bit dumb... I mean... Have yall seen what the game was about anyways? It’s expected, plus, he developed anyways, he treated it as a VR game at first until after a few realizations, he started to take things seriously.

I also want to point out how hilarious his monologue was TT... more>> it always catches me off guard, he’s very human and relatable. The ML is awesome! What a golden thigh HAHAHA he let’s the MC grow powerful by himself and just helps him at the back, he’s very gentle and respectful towards MC it made my heart soft.

The ending was very unsatisfying though. I also wanted to see more of their love sigh but there’s things that are too good for this world. Plus, Long Qi was pretty much a beginner writer at the time, she has developed a lot, I love her novels so much.

I was highly entertained the whole time! Highly recommend, it’s good but could’ve been better tbh, but I like it disregarding the flaws within. <<less
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December 8, 2021
Status: --
I want more smut and more story development (≧Д≦) The world building and the plot was amazing! I enjoyed reading it so much that I put aside my work。:゚ (;´∩`;) ゚:。
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scrapsd rated it
December 6, 2021
Status: Completed
This... how should I say... after reading the last 5 chapters of this novel, anyone would be speechless... everything happened in the last few chapters and it's a lot to digest. The synopsis doesn't even cover half of what is happening at the start. Quite misleading if I were to say. This was surprisingly good. The mystery build up was great, but somehow the reveal was lackluster... and one would say even overly complicated so much so that it almost doesn't make sense. However, the story is good, it kept... more>> me very interested. So... yeah. 5/5 <<less
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