Reborn into A Slash Game


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Suo Fei, a veteran NEET has spent three days and three nights strategizing his way through the highly explicit H danmei game masterpiece “Yalance”. Furthermore, he was able to capture all nine little shous from the nine great races. However, as the final, 10P feast was approaching, he unexpectedly transmigrated. He transmigrated into the real country of Yalance…

Suo Fei: Hey, hey, hey, can you delete these files and let me restart? What the hell did Laozi transmigrate into!

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103 Reviews sorted by

dee_ism rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: --
Such a good adventure, adventurous, and engaging story. I like the main character.

I love the fantasy element so much, even though the ending do seems rushed. And the romance also fit in very well and natural.
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Yumeru rated it
October 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Our lil MC still thinking himself as a gong for so long on the storyxD anyways there are many diff races in this novel more in adenturing. There's more to ML past identity and our couple much awaited hot scene was near the end of the story.

Just pushed myself to finish this and leave a review. ML is caring and MC is good at adjusting to a new environment. Hmm kinda touched on how they love each other, ML know himself he has the tendency to just lock away MC... more>> for himself but he still controls it haha cute ML <<less
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amruta rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: Completed
Wrong order delivered. But it was delicious......

Good story. I was expecting something light with loads of smut. This story is so much more.

The plot is decent. The translation is great. However, there are a lot of loose ends and unexplained things.

Overall, worth a read.
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mariaflora1208 rated it
September 12, 2020
Status: Completed
I initially thought that this is harem because of the premise, and also, it's Long Qi ╮ (╯_╰) ╭ but I'm glad I'm wrong lol.

The story is good, but I really wish it was longer. There are plot holes, yes, but considering that this is Long Qi's first story (someone mentioned in the reviews), this is already really good! It's a light read with a little angst. But overall fluffy. But really, I really wish there's more chapters (・ั﹏・ั)
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The1Rin rated it
September 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Interesting story, it's around 80 chapters and there's a lot going on in the world from unique places and species the characters interact with every single type but usually for sort moments and don't go to every species land so the novel isn't dragged on as everyone has a clear goal for what they want. MC has a clear objective that he wants to achieve and we just follow him and ML while the villain does their own thing until they interact by accident, later villain want MC but that's... more>> cuz he has stuff and power that they want so other than that their lives are pretty peaceful. The end was a little unsatisfying as a few people mentioned tho there are plot-holes that should have been addressed especially some characters outcome at least as a final goodbye cuz MC and ML moved somewhere with some friends and we only heard about a villains death. It's interesting and sometimes funny when MC talks about the world from knowing it in the game but he isn't clear about everything especially cuz it's not the same so it keeps being intriguing as you wonder why this and that isn't the same or happened and is gonna happen next.

The romance is sweet as they act intimate and MC knowing ML personality always tries to accommodate it like saying he won't leave/die when ML is worried even before they are dating,

In case anyone was wondering like I did Gong means top and Shou means bottom, MC kept saying he's a gong but in the end begged for it like a shou~


There were a few villains as most of them joined as a group but most important ones are Linde (Demon Lord) and Grantlyn (MC bodies father that betrayed the elves). They want to collect every artefact and place given/made by the gods and destroy them as revenge for taking their powers away (Elves life/power shorter. Beast dumber. Demons less powerful. Celestial cant reproduce. Humans lost faith) so they wanna ruin the world before it ruins them and go back to where they came from, but there are a few races that aren't affected by the planet.

what the villains didn't know tho was that the world and dragons were the ones who gave them that power but their ancestors abused it by killing everything not human as they saw it as inferior so they were cursed by a dragon after his family was killed, the dragon died and reincarnated as the demon ML who doesn't have his memories back but is kinda evil from betrayals when growing up. I'm a sucker for a good face slap so I was honestly upset when the character Grantlyn disappeared and was not heard from again as I wanted more interactions between him and MC.

MC's body was also in love with M (Can't remember name) who was a cheater, when MC rejected coming back to elf land with him he seemed really upset and yandere like as he said something like "you will be mine" so I thought he would come back and try to kidnap MC while saying he loves MC but nothing like that happened so I honestly didn't see the point in even adding that last line as it built expectations for him being a mini villain but never expanded on and small things like that which made you think it's gonna come back but never did. Like one of the shous being killed and turned into a puppet by the villains but never showing up and the troll in love with that shou was pissed at MC and ML for his death but only showing up once to get in their way and then never heard of again (maybe he's alive probably not).

Also, just a mention but MC never found out why he entered the world or what happened to his original body or the original bodies owner. I thought maybe someone brought him in but everyone new always shows more interest in ML than MC.

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ike_00000 rated it
May 27, 2020
Status: Completed
Mm very cute so far!! Rated 5stars because I felt overall rating was a lil on the lower end. Finally, BL version of transmigrated into a harem game!! With a fantasy twist, and I'm loving the fantasy.

Kinda reminds me of reader&protag must be in true love, but tbh I didn't like that story at all (don't kill me). I'm liking the pacing, plot, and characters of this story quite a lot.

Excited to see where it goes.

Edit: Honestly I liked the premise but sometimes I felt kinda boring? Idk maybe that's... more>> just me... it's not bad to the end though, but be warned it's almost like a "to be continued" type of ending. Personally, I liked the ending though. Also there's only a couple smutty scenes, not sure it deserves to be labelled smut. Still an alright story though, the mystery part wasn't bad. <<less
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May 15, 2024
Status: Completed

This has to be one of my favorite story yet. There js a level of depth that is both simple and yet so elegant in how it's written. The romance and story are so well balanced out that I'm seriously disappointed that it ended.

First of all, the summary is very deceiving. It makes you think that it's a harem story but the MC and ML are very much loyal to one another. The gradual romantic progression makes sense. Their love is very sweet but the author wastes very... more>> little time in getting them together once the plot is out of the way.

There is smut. But again, the summary and the way the story starts out deceives the reader thinking there's going to be frequent smut but there's refreshingly little of it. The smut is a tool the author uses to push the MC and ML's feelings for each other.

Next, the plot is very exciting! The drama and plot twists run deep but the author only highlights on what the reader needs to know in order to tie up any really big plot holes. The rest is up to reader imagination which I think is very well executed. No need to waste time on unnecessary filler and moves the story along smoothly without breaking pacing.

I really loved MC's character and his development. He is the definition of 'idk what's going on but imma stick to my gut and what I know and move on from there' type of guy. Although he is hesitant to make big decisions, he knows he needs to make decisions and can't waste time. MC knows how to cast his pride aside for what's important and I really like that. It's logical and in character the way he goes about it.

What really disappoints me is the ending. It's a happy ending! But it's an ending. I really wished that there was an extra that sets a few years later to show the results of what everyone's hard work. The ending is meant to be left to the reader's imagination but I feel so unfulfilled but that's how I know this is the conclusion this story is meant to have.

Please read this story. <<less
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ran_rann rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: Completed
I put off reading this novel for a long time because of the summary and the premise but I was pleasantly surprised when I finally gave it a shot.

Unlike what the summary makes it seem, this is NOT a harem story and yes despite MC transmigrating into a "smut game" the game world itself is a very interesting western fantasy game that isn't solely focused on the smut.

If the author didn't rush the ending it would've been one of my favorite novels but I did read the reviews before starting... more>> so I braced myself and didn't set huge expectations for the resolution at the end so if you ignore that, it's a really nice story, worth reading despite how it ended.


STILL what was that ending omg ????? I knew it'd be rushed because chapter 75 and we still didn't have any answers and I knew it was impossible for this to be a satisfying ending because there was literally no time to do anything. But I didn't expect the author wouldn't even explain how tf the last fight (WHICH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FIGHT WE'VE BEEN BUILDING UP TO???????) ended???? and all the mystery about who Samael was that was literally added at the end without really that much foreshadowing in the beginning, was resolved by having fei "see the memories"?? that was such a cheap and quick way to show the reader what happened, I could feel the author wanted this story to end and rushed everything...I wish it was more elaborate in some parts. So many things were also set up but never had a pay off, soooo many things had no answers by the end, I feel like with that set up and world we could've easily had 100 more chapters.

Even their relationship didn't end on a satisfying note with them ignoring what sofey did? just like that? yeah they had s*x and that was nice but they didn't really talk about it?

SIGH anyway


I want to give the author props for writing a very good transmigrator, Suo Fei was likable from the first chapter, the way he reacted to the new world and instantly treated people like PEOPLE was so nice to read. I love his relationship with ML and how it took a while to develop naturally. Although at times the way MC thinks and acts is like many fujos think gay men act.


Him talking about being the ultimate gong and what not all because he thinks being a bottom would hurt and being a gong is the best option is just???? So does he think bottoming hurts for everyone and he's just okay with sleeping with someone knowing they'd be in pain? I know the narrative kind of treats him as dumb for thinking like that but it was always in a joking manner (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥) ੭ु


This was my first time reading western fantasy in a danmei and I really loved the world the author built, I wish it was explored more and the novel as a whole was longer but even with the flaws, I still really enjoyed reading it! <<less
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nobleflowrrleaves13 rated it
February 27, 2022
Status: Completed
How do I even start? Well first, the relationship between SF (Sou Fei) and Samuel is so cute. But my favorite part of this novel was the plot, not even gonna lie, sometimes I wanted to skip the smut just to get to the story. But the smut was great too. I was a bit confused at first, but the author drops plenty of hints along the way allowing you to keep up with the story. There's a lot of scum, but safe to say, this is a HE so... more>> SF doesn't get hurt, unlike the original host, Sofey Evans. And I saw someone say SF relies on Samael a lot, it's not really prominent though!! I swear, he's pretty strong willed, and after being taught a few lessons, doesn't fall for schemes, the most he relied on Samael was at the beginning, he knows his weaknesses and tries to get stronger, really frustrated at his lack of ability. But, he has a golden finger!!In the spoiler im going to say the ability he had, and when it saved Samael.

Okey Dokey! So, SF had a healing ability! Healing ability was very rare, and im pretty sure there was only one high priest able to heal?Healing potions were really ineffective too, and SF's abilities allowed wounds to heal really fast. Although it took his energy, and it also took more energy and more time with particularly grave ones. But, he saved Samael multiple times with this ability, and guess how he had to heal wounds? With a kiss! Interc**rse allowed Samael to gain his wings that he had ripped off, which is pretty cool, if I say so myself. Not only that!! Not only that!! But SF was a professional skinner! He was so cool *sigh* SF was also quite agile with his elf race.. But he's not even- Shut up! They have to read to find out how cool and charming they both are, and to see their bad and good qualities!

So, to be fair, Samael relied on SF a lot too! And it's not like SF didn't try, he just wasn't really able to be very strong. The promise they made to each other was also too great and romantic lol <<less
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Ylir rated it
February 13, 2022
Status: Completed
This is one of my favorite BL stories, in fact it is one of my all time favorites.

The interaction between the protagonist and love interest is adorable.

... more>>

And the unbreakable trust they have in each other towards the end is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.


This has an excellent plot with a few twist here and there. The story mainly focuses and the plot and the development of the Protagonist and ML feelings for one another.

So this has lots of action and adventure. But never fear for those who like a different kind of action ;) , there are 2 or 3 smut scenes in this (it's close to the end though so you have to wait for it!!!) but they are clearly indicated and can easily be avoided if you are too innocent for such things :D <<less
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LadyRoshi rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: Completed
I don't cares what others say about this novel, it was amazing! This made me feel a bit sad and there was funny parts that made me chuckle/laugh. I'm happy I decided to read this book! Recommended novel ✔️ (This book was just enjoyable and I don't really care about the plot holes ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭)
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k24_isavid rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: Completed
A must-read!!! As stated by every review here, the main couple is simply the best. The MC is something special really, his internal monologues makes me laugh out loud.
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yukicchi rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Healthy relationship [check]

Strong Plot [Check]

No r*pe [Check]

Everything's healthy in here, love the MC and ML's characters. There are smut scenes too hehe this was a pretty good read with a lesser chapters so it was easy to finish reading it.
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Ryuuu rated it
June 28, 2021
Status: Completed
the story is so good to the point where it could still go on after chapter 80. Having said that, there were some plot points revealed near the end that were very interesting and left me feeling blue balled because the world building was so good, it could have been expanded and explored for more in-depth character exploration.

the smut is good, the plot didn't bore me out (believe me a lot of isekai novels have bored me out, even the famous MDZS bored me at some point in the middle),... more>> the characters were interesting (like, seriously, some characters deserve their own side chapters, that's how interesting they were for me), the romance wasn't rushed and it actually felt believable.

Having said that, I wish this novel had 30-50 more chapters because there were so many things that deserved to be explored and explained. But I still thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll probably try reading the author's other novels because of how good this one is. <<less
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Raizel_Pendragon rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: Completed
This story follows a 27 year old sociophobic NEET (slash) game addict and self proclaimed top who got thrown into the game he had been playing obsessively as a hidden *ultimate* bottom.


1.) Though it sounded like the typical "MC with the omniscience-goldfinger overthrowing heavens" plot I was surprised (and delighted) to see that:-

... more>> A) the foreknowledge didn't make him completely omnipotent. &

B) this prescience actually got him into trouble and made him realise the world and people are multifaceted and not the 2D characters he 'slashed' through in the game.

2.) MC's growth from a sociophobic weakling with weak physique and magic to one of the strongest in his race. He actually trains to improve himself and not be completely dependent on the ML (except rarely in the beginning). The MC actually stands on his own two feet and make decisions for himself and I was really happy to see that.

3.) ML, even with all the past betrayals he's faced never went into the assh*le tr*sh mode or blackened yandere mode. Let's just say he knows what's more important to him (his partner's happiness) and reigned in most of his dark impulses quietly.

4.) The chemistry between the two main characters is good. The communication tho lacking (especially in the beginning) and both suffering emotional/facial paralysis (MC cause of his sociophobia and ML cause of his past trauma), their trust and care for eachother is well established and expressed.

5.) The fact that during the bed scenes (of main couple) the MC takes initiative while the ML is attentive makes it seem much more sensual and heartwarming to me.

6.) The story is gripping, especially towards the end where things really go full throttle and keeps you either on the edge of your seat with anticipation or curled up in bed crying.


1) ML suffers from the time-honoured gong character setting of Mysterious/Cold/OP. Not much of his POV could be seen except from few snippets here and there. As a deuteragonist he's somehow lacking in character development.

2) There's the problem of side characters who had reasonably good screentime in first half and adequate reasons for reappearing suddenly fading out of importance or existence

like that troll king, Manzy and Aryan for example. Both TrollKing and Manzy have unresolved "Love (r) " issues with the main characters but they never reappear and resolve it once and for all.. Aryan was turned into a puppet. Did the MC even find him once he took over Sal's memories and powers?


3) the ending was really rushed. It felt like the series was meant to be longer but the author had to cut it by a third for some reason... So tho it is engaging there invariably are some loose ends.

For example- What is MC's elven body's real origins? How did he get the OP healing power? Who were his real parents?? what happened to the dwarves, sylphs, goblins and the rest after the 'end'? And where did MC's tr*sh dad disappear to? Can MC's mom reincarnate like the ML did? And what was the danger they originally met that brought the foreign species to Yalance? Is it resolved? Are there bigger threats out there? Who made that dimensional tear and the ?teleport ball? Would there be more incoming 'species' in future?

So many unanswered questions...

• Not a con as such but- I know the story takes place in Western settings, but the the names of some high profile characters made me cringe. like- English name for MC is Sofey (sofa??), The elven Prince is Manzy (why does it rhyme with pansy?? Is it cause he's a shou in the original game settings?), A God called Cindy.😂😭

I rate it 3.5/5. And recommend this if you enjoy fantasy BL novels. It is a fun, light read with enough sugar and *spice* that'll really keep you engaged if you don't think too deeply on it. <<less
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cas_ciel21 rated it
May 15, 2021
Status: Completed
MC is an otaku virg*n who has never interacted with anyone else cause of "phobia" and betrayals but seems to understand hidden social cues so... its kinda contradicting itself? He goes into the game he played, with a substantial idea of the plot but the plot goes far from what you might expect, its interesting but after I completed it... lacks pay off.

Smut was interesting. ... more>>

1st smut is horrifyingly specific and why??? Is it part of the novel??? 2nd and 3rd smut Im not mad about it, kinda juicy and surprisingly sensual


The summary is no help at all, so go blind into this and dont expect to interact with many significant side characters... cause the author keeps building them up but at the end... they're just... non existent.

Almost had a 4 rating but a lot was never mentioned again, plotholes and rushed ending. <<less
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April 8, 2021
Status: --
Currently on c29 but the MC was so dumb I'm crying rn. It's like he doesn't have common sense. I- the only reason I continued reading this despite its hurting my brain is because the good reviews here. Istg if the MC doesn't change I might lose my patience here. The MC keep falling into traps and its like he doesn't think at all. But at the same time he always overthink stuff that he looks dumber. At times he's too kind that I just lose hope in him. Will... more>> comeback after the MC has some character development. <<less
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Sonialu rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a fun and adventurous novel where you have a MC whose all bark but no bite. The ML is also pretty decent of an character. Regarding the plot line, it's fairly interesting but to sum it up overall - quite confusing and without a solid direction. The ending was also quite rushed which was a pity. There was only about 3-4 smut scenes throughout the novel, but what I found most incredulous was the fact that the first scene did not even involve the main couple haha 😆

All... more>> in all, this novel is a very good light hearted read that definitely should not be taken too seriously otherwise you might flip out of annoyance and irritation 😉 Fairly interesting and lots of action, enjoy~ =>o^ <<less
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qpzmal rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: Completed
Sooo cute. I was expecting a steamy harem type of novel, but it was actually a really cute and heartwarming read. The translation was pretty good, the characters are adorable, there are some very obvious plot holes, and it's so short, I wish there was more. Other than that, it's a really good novel.
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ErzaTitania1 rated it
December 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Still so many questions after reading this novel, but at the same time, I liked it so much, The beginning was a bit slow, but as it progressed, it got really good.

My major problem, though, is with the ending description of the relationship between the protagonists.

The MC pretty much made the ML mu*der him and then in the extra, the MC was saying how the ML was still angry so the MC was always being submissive in bed. I feel like the author should have had them solve that before ending the novel.


Other than that, I really liked it. I'm just curious about what happened to the original Sofey's father and what exactly Sofey Evans was since there wasn't much of an explanation on it. I also kind of hoped for the MC to have a chat with that scum elf prince and kick his ass.
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