Saving My Favorite Minor Character


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I made my favorite character the unfortunate extra who must always die in a popular game. As someone who obsessed over saving this extra for longer than anyone else, I found myself transported into the game world.

This means I can now experiment with all the ideas I couldn’t try due to the limitations of the game’s system, right? In that case, I’ll use the most extraordinary plans and every possible variable to ensure my favorite character survives.

Wait a minute.
Why is my favorite character becoming infinitely stronger, breaking the balance of the game?

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Never Die Extra (1)
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4 Reviews sorted by

New vytas0210 rated it
September 13, 2024
Status: c65
Keeping it simple:

Pros: 1) well written behavior between friends and others, 2) main heroine is likable, 3) good supporting characters, 4) minimal use of misunderstandings and miscommunication, 5) MC is strong, not OP, 6) clear primary goal, 7) assassinations aside, it's a cute story.

Cons: 1) assassins get a free ass at academy gates, 2) MC enlarges his harem with little to no effort, 3) Van hides his abilities for "reasons", 4) occasional cringy moments, 5) some of world settings and characters decisions feel illogical ... more>>

MC changing his clothes while Reina is blocking attacks with her life on the line to hide his identity, although his goal is to save her. Like, REALLY!?

, 6) lackluster battle scenes, 7) cliches, lots of them, 8) MC is lacking in personality, like Mario in Mario games, 9) no events between attacks, it's aggressively repeated formula of interactions between characters> assassination attempt> repeat.

Pros kept me reading and hoping for improvement, but it is just not there. <<less
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jmmr rated it
August 8, 2024
Status: --
It's an interesting premise ruined by a s*upid author. The MC comes from a family famous for producing mage lords. He also has an affinity for four elements which is very rare because handling just two elements is already hard (stated by the MC himself). Lastly, he has Dual Casting, another rare and hard-to-acquire skill. Reading all that, you would think the MC would focus on magic, but sadly, just like every short d**k Korean author over-compensating for something, the MC chooses to train in swordsmanship.

What makes this decision dumber... more>> is that the first time the MC looked at his stats he lamented that the original mob character before the possession had spread himself too thin regarding his stats allocations. He recognized his current build was inefficient, but instead of focusing on magic to make up for the initial mistake, he doubled down on the inefficiency.

They say that the characters in a story are only as intelligent as the author, and if it's this early and the author is already this s*upid, then I don't have much hope for the future of this novel.

The icing on the cake is the MC hiding his powers because of "reasons". <<less
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kakoewwwwwwww rated it
July 10, 2024
Status: c17
I'm not the best at writing reviews so I'll keep it short.

This book is quite good, the characters and interactions between them are nice. Althought I doubt the 'comedy' will make anybody laugh, it might make you crack a smile or two.

There's only been a few chapters as of me writing this so things may change in future chapters.
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LongXi rated it
July 15, 2024
Status: c20
Cliche base, but very novel characters, the interactions and combinations of them are so fresh, solitary, cool, and tsundere original protag where the interactions are kept to minimum between him and the MC.

MC is a scoundrel, but hides his true nature, that even when the MC possesses the host even the close people around him doesn't notice, since the original and MC seems to match characters.

His butler though mentioned briefly cares for him, his sister is a brocon but not tsundere and understands her brother's temperament quite well.

The main heroine... more>> has no irritating traits, she honest, not a tsundere, never judged MC, and is a genuine talent and hard worker. Even the what should be "weak but trying to be strong" sub heroine is lovable, she shy, cute, and hides her talent because of a trauma, but she tried to change for the better right away when she got support from friends, and is reliable too. Then the "smart and wealthy" sub heroine has no princess complex and is quite competent at her job and intellect.

All of this is presented in a light and very easy to understand read since the trope is a cliche, but how it's written is surely of high quality. All in all 4.5 stars, the missing.5 is because the story is too straight forward and simple, it's missing some complexity. Still better than 90% of the same trope out there though, so give it a read. <<less
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