Path to Heaven


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Wei Suo, a low level cultivator from the Spirit Peak City was scammed in a transaction. He ended up purchasing a damaged low level magical treasure. However, this worthless damaged magical treasure had an artifact spirit that already lived for several tens of thousands of years… On top of that, compared to several tens of thousands of years ago, many of the rare and sparse things were abundant now.

The first thing Wei Suo discovered was that the materials used to make a Fire Talisman that was worth half a Low Quality Spiritual Stone were extremely abundant now.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Road To Heaven (Manhua)
Thông Thiên Chi Lộ
Related Series
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Beastly Fēi that Go Against the Heaven: Coerced by the Huáng Shū (1)
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01/30/17 Translation Nations c103
01/16/17 Translation Nations c102
01/15/17 Translation Nations c101
01/15/17 Translation Nations c100
01/09/17 Translation Nations c99
12/25/16 Translation Nations c98
12/24/16 Translation Nations c97
12/24/16 Translation Nations c96
12/24/16 Translation Nations c95
12/24/16 Translation Nations c94
12/24/16 Translation Nations c93
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12/20/16 Translation Nations c90
12/20/16 Translation Nations c89
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79 Reviews sorted by

April 25, 2022
Status: c70
This is one of the most refreshing CN I've read so far after RMJI. There's a scaredy cat MC who is also a pe*vert and is poor and calculative, and had to use his wits to get by. Starting off as a rogue cultivator, he doesn't join a sect (at least not yet) and there is no Clan background and politics. The fact that the MC also gives off Stephen Chow vibes is also a plus.
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Ayrton rated it
February 9, 2022
Status: completo
This novel had a good closing and did not leave plot gaps, (read the author's note), the trip of the MC and his women was good in some parts, I must confess that I got bored but it passed me by, it is not the best novel but is acceptable 3.8/5.0 😘😘😘
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Saepul rated it
October 21, 2021
Status: c104
Not gonna lie, I was hooked when I read MC pissing on the mysterious jar artifact. That was a good laugh.

So far (ch 104) the MC still acts like a crooked guy, staying the same since chapter 1. He isn't tyrannical & knows his shortcomings. Even when he killed 6 much stronger cultivators, he still act with caution. Like, hey, he killed 6 guys by using sneak attacks & deceptions. Doesn't mean he could kill the 7th guy with ease. This isn't Against The Gods (ATG). LOL

Other than that, the... more>> cultivation part feels too rushed, but hey I'm here for the action & comedy anyway. It doesn't really bother me. <<less
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Thalligo rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: c219
The novel is nice to read and interesting. Only thing is the luck of the hero being too strong, though it is the case in most novels !

I would rate the novel at something like 3.5 or maybe 4, but the real downside is the quality of the translation which becomes bad and really inconsistent since this has been translated by different groups that did not keep continuity of most names (cultivation levels, clans, cities, pills, techniques,...). That's why I rate it at 1 and will stop reading it.
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Mekronid rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: c192
It's really only a "humor" story at the beginning, later it becomes more of what I call an "incremental power-up" storyline. He has his companions, he has his level-cheat item/spirit, and he has an uncanny intuition. Check, check, and check. The world remains well fleshed-out and the discoveries the protagonist makes are both well portioned and believable. Hopefully we get back some of the character that made him so fun to read (minus, you know, the bald-faced perversion in chapter 62), because right now he's going the typical "stoic harem... more>> immortal" route and it's just not all that interesting. I mean, even the world and supporting cast could be a lot more interesting.


They literally have a giant dome protecting the cities from monster attacks, and this combined with the protagonist's uncanny intuition pretty much erases all suspense. It was flat out stated by another character that they "felt no risk because [protagonist] will make us win." Only when he fights with other cultivators do things get interesting, but even then, those fights have seemed less and less exciting each time, with him hiding from the opponent and simply assassinating everyone. I'm not saying he should face them head on but the opponents should have SOME sort of defense against assassins, right? Well, they don't. And because of this, none of the hotshots know who they need to kill for revenge. It's smart on the protagonist's side, but honestly, it's not good for a story, because only one thing can ever happen: the enemy dies, confused about who killed them. Also, apparently nobody uses guild talismans to protect their items, which seemingly everyone did just a few chapters earlier.


As you may notice, I haven't described any of the supporting characters, because while they DO have their own personalities, they don't add much to the story. They just act like cogs in a machine for the main character or, once in a while, they'll go start a quest the protagonist needs to solve. They don't seem to have their own lives aside from the times they're absent from the group, which makes them seem fairly one-dimensional. The enemies feel more fleshed out than the supporting cast, which says something, though I'm not sure what.

Anyway, it's by no means a bad story, and if you don't mind reading a typical "power-up" novel, then this is probably a decent choice. Just don't get too excited about the unique beginning because it simply doesn't last. <<less
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August 17, 2016
Status: c78
Very amusing story, I feel like I am reading a story about the beginnings of a poor mountain bandit with his schemes, the MC has a really rugged and bratty personality but with the setting of the story a lot of it makes sense and the growth of his character has so far been gradual but definitely is happening thank goodness.

Overall I give this a 4.5 in the rating comparing it to the other novels I find this one rather fun to read, the first 20 chapters is dreadfully slow... more>> but I'm glad I got through the early chapters because this is actually a damn fun read <<less
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Hunterxwx rated it
August 9, 2016
Status: c77
The MC is quite likeable. He's the type that uses his wits rather than some abnormally powerful skills or hidden cultivation to win battles. Would have given a better rating, but I feel the translations has quite a bit of flaws, poor grammar and weird wordings here and there. Also, I feel some of the translated skill names and level ranking could be much better. Overall, the story so far is pretty good and is worth reading when you are waiting the next wuxiaworld fix.
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August 8, 2016
Status: c77
Love this novel and the MC is a frugal individual with a kind heart and doesn't let greed get the best of him though his inner self wants it all. Love the character development and his focus on friendship. The translation of this novel has been stellar and I can't wait to read more.
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August 8, 2016
Status: c76
Highly recommend this book to anyone. The main character is enjoyable to read about and you can tell it has mass potential to really go into all sorts of routes. I am looking forward to see where the author takes it.
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August 4, 2016
Status: c73
Wasn't sure about this one at first but its been ridiculously entertaining so far. The MC was admittedly a touch off-putting but the character development has left me mainly wanting to watch him grow. Excited to see where this goes and the humor has proven to be welcome, though initially mainly shocking. (Perky butted beauty, peeing on a spirit's head, cussing like an Asian fantasy pirate...) I would say give it a try.
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August 4, 2016
Status: c73
Always nice to see an MC who is willing to get dirty to get things done. Funny entertaining and great.
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August 1, 2016
Status: c71
Not particularly innovative but so far very entertaining to read, espcially the MC's shameless and vulgar actions are quite comical. It's a bit too early to judge story, world-building and character developement but so far it looks very promising.
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July 30, 2016
Status: c70
Some pretentious individuals on here! Yes, the MC is poor and does some s*upid things, but that's the point. I'm just reading the translated story, so I don't know what is to come. The story is getting better. I am guessing we are seeing the author's attempt to build some depth around the MC's roots in the story. I wait to see how it progresses.
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Origamian rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c69
This is my first review. It's to thank the translator for his work. I give this a three but it has the potential of at least 4. Writing review this early is disadvantage for the novel. Very little development so far. It's pretty much an introduction. It's readable but not at the top of my list. The world is distinct and novel. I like the retro/reversal of "technology" premise. It's kind of like an archeology world where everyone is looking for lost artifacts and technology. It's an analogy, the world... more>> is based on magic. The MC is currently a little annoying, being an immature brat, but I don't mind it too much as some others are. I think it's in character for a young boy/man with no family who's on his own who suddenly receive a game changing item. He's le*d and vulgar but is very loyal. I like the fights sequences the most being very interesting how he overcame obstacles of villians and monsters at a higher level. I look forward to further developments. <<less
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kirindas rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c69
The novel is fine. He has the greediness of Zuo Mo from WoC with a more pe*verted aspect at times (ogling beautiful women). There are the typical tropes in the story too. He starts out weak and extremely poor, conning people. Finds a rare artifact with an old grandpa spirit that acts as his mentor. The MC is an incredibly hard worker though, to earn money. XD

I say give it a shot. It's a good read.
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July 29, 2016
Status: c69
I'm enjoying this novel. The MC isn't super gifted and starts out dirt poor, but he shows some remarkable cleverness. He does a lot of s*upid and face-palm-inspiring things, but he also appears to care more about what's real than what things appear to be. At this point in the story, he also appears to be somewhat gifted. Yes, he has somewhat of a cheat-helper, but honestly, the story wouldn't be very interesting if he didn't have that very slight edge.
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July 28, 2016
Status: ch69
The MC has an out of the box thinking style and uses this to his advantage while fighting people who are stronger than him. Personality wise he is a huge pe*vert that swears like a frenchmen but the one thing he loves more than anything is money. Just think of weed from LMS and you would know how much he loves money.

All in all its funny to watch how he screws over his enemies with his actions and I personally love his conversations with his old ghost man cheat lol
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Mod rated it
July 27, 2016
Status: c68
Cool story about a young cultivator who wants to be rich while also becoming strong and finding where his parents disappeared to. Minimal plot armor and nice premise.
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died long ago
died long ago rated it
July 18, 2016
Status: c68
I love it, not complicated, funny, re-sample real life, which teenager does not look like the MC only few, may be he is a bit so immoral but that is due to him being an orphan, its most loved novel for me right now and I wish for more, thanks.
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