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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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December 16, 2022
Status: c523
This novel is rather well done, has all the things you could like in a vr fantasy novel. But for me, a few things stand out as just flat out cringe or just bad.

  1. The nationalism. I dont mind when an author puts slight amount of nationalism into the novel, but when he personifies it with characters and then treats those characters really good it just screams "korea is the best". For example, a korean character will always be superior to a non korean character in the novel. When being compared relatively. And any non korean good guy will always be on Grids followers.
  2. NPC treatment. As a gamer my whole life, I grew up playing countless games, and im sure Grid also did. I do not understand for the love of God, how someone can treat npc in a video game as if they are normal human beings. I understand the immersion is at literal realism. But when your brain registers someone as an npc, theres no amount of graphics that can change your mind. An npc is literally data controlled by a computer program. Once you become a developer you will understand how cringe it is to treat npc as if they are normal humans. Imagine playing gta and crashing your car on a pedestrian. And then doing cpr to them while shedding tears. You will look literally mad. The data doesnt really exist, so if you treat it good or bad, it doesnt mean your a bad person. If that truly was the case, then no human who has played gta is a good person in Grids eyes. Because those that treat npc like tr*sh, are tr*sh in his view. One word is cringe, but for the sake of plot we get it.
  3. The romance. This is just another level of cringe. If I were to tell you, beyonce was to fall in love with a random dude that has nothing going for him. The chances of that are like finding a needle in a haystack, close to none. But for some reason, a woman on the level of beyonce in this world, immediately falls in love with Grid and bends her back for his attention. Sorry not one but two. And grid being the weirdo can only make relationships with npc because normal humans are too tough for him. Umm im sorry but this dont make sense. Author constantly says how Grid is benefiting irl because of his in game character being overpowered. And he is much smarter too. But why is it that even though he has relationships established with female npc, he cant do it with real life humans? To me this is just paddling fan service at this point.
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potatoPC rated it
November 14, 2022
Status: c80
I hate the MC so much I wish I can knock him out for real. His s*upidity is beyond my comprehension I can't believe that a normal man who have this low of IQ/EQ would survive a year in a game. "I have a power let make a super strong sword wait I need ores to make that too?" like huh?? Right now I'm on chapter 80 and this einstein think a random beggar would make their way to the cave with monsters level 170 just to ask him money
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CryDye rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c1661
First of all, the novel was decent, could have some improvements.

... more>>

Character Development: MC was selfish and mean (as said by many others) in the beginning, but Improved his personality around ~100th chapter.

Kinda felt like the improvement was out of place/forced, like how did a selfish dude just suddenly begin to have the personality of a saint??? Could be improved.

Story Progression: Had some exciting moments of action in the story, such as sword saint vs MC (No, the MC doesn't always win) , and some decent foreshadowing. Plot progression was pretty smooth.

Overall a decent novel, would reccomend. Have patience if you wanna see the qualities of this novel.

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Shaoze rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: --
I'm just gonna leave a review here after reading it 2 years ago lol. (Forgot what chap I'm on)

It's honestly not that bad ngl, its good for killing time and my man grid is not particularly a bad guy and somehow Grid kinda represents a lotta guys. Seeing the 1 star reviews is bruh, I know its not everyone's cup of tea it is generally good not best nor excellent but good, Grid has character development lol, ya'll who're still on 100 below need to chill. My man grid... more>> has been through stuff but that doesn't justify his actions.

I'm being a hypocrite for saying I dropped this bc I was bored, the only thing I didn't like abt it was the ridiculous harem lolollllll. <<less
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nienienie rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: c1020
Not bad, enough for killing time. The only problem I have with this novel is that repetitive. Boring, simply. At first, it was interesting, but then the MC got everything easily. And then his sister also played the game smoothly. The event happened in the same pattern.

I just can't see the end of this novel. I don't think I will read this back even when this novel completed.
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PrettyCommonUsername rated it
February 27, 2022
Status: c180
I really wanted to give this a fair shot and review it at chapter 300 but I can't anymore. The main character is just such an assh*le and the story just keeps rewarding him for it. It's like if someone took a Konosuba character and removed the comedy from it and placed that on a golden pedestal.

The MC is aggressively s*upid. On the scale of s*upid it's Goku> Shounen protag in love> Otome game isekai protag> MC> Catarina Claes. Honestly the mental gymnastics he performs to be incorrect push my... more>> suspension of disbelief to it's limit. Which is a strange thing make the most unbelievable part.

Idiocy aside I have to wonder why the author chose to make him so selfish. There isn't enough comedy for me to justify how unfairly the MC treats people with no consequence. One of the strange things about it is no matter how unfair he is everyone just ends up more attracted to him. And for no justifiable reason.

It just feels like it's pandering to my power fantasy ego in the laziest way possible while at the same time spitting in my face. If that sounds like your kink more power to you but don't expect me to praise it. <<less
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storiesforlife rated it
February 13, 2022
Status: c1
This started as a pretty average novel. MC finds something legendary, is a douche, has badluck but gets in goods situations. But it kept becoming better and better and now whenever there is an update I run to read it. Brilliant work and if you don't find it appealing just keep reading it will become better.
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Soteria27 rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: c1353
If you've read novels like second coming of gluttony, this is similar in the sense that the MC starts out with a tr*shy personality. Greed, having been downtrodden all his life, responds by developing a deep sense of inferiority and his petty actions all stem from there. But his potential for growth as a human and a character, while seemingly barren at the start, is immense and as he grows he attracts all sorts of people and stimulates their growth as well. I really recommend this novel. It may be... more>> tough to read about an MC who isn't a paragon of virtue from the start but I think that's the charm of such novels. It's dirty and it's realistic. The idealism of this particular novel lies in the fact that things tend to go well for MC once he starts to change but this isn't necessarily the case in real life. I think the novel straddles the line between realism and idealism well in this sense and honestly it inspires me to be a better person. Please don't sh*t on this novel if you've only read to chapter 200 or 300 or even 100 because that's less than a sixth of the chapters out and it's really sad for readers who have enjoyed it like me <<less
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Vince0__0 rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: --
I love this so much. I came from the manhwa and just continued to the novel cause I can't wait for the next chapter lol. Just don't pay attention to the biased reviews out there. I must say it's not perfect but it's beautifully well done. The lore of the story is so good and just unexpected. Anything can happen. Theres already a lot of lore and im not even halfway on the novel. And all the characters are special in their own way although they might not be on... more>> screen half the time cause they're grinding and stuff but they will appear on the future chapters. Even the smallest details are included and are used to foreshadow certain events. Although am not a fan of harem, I just love fantasy and stuff and esp quests and adventure. Its a great novel highly recommended. Keep the good work author!!! <<less
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FRASH_18 rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: c700
I recommend reading the manwha and then deciding to read the novel or not. The manwha was really hype for me so I wanted to read the novel, the novel was really good to and I kept going onto chp 700ish when the 3rd olympics tournament starts. MC is op but there are other characters who are op as well, they are variables that the game cannot predict just like the MC. For example one character has the best control skills of the game, compared to MC who gets the... more>> control skills of a above average player and gets carried by his legendary class. MC also has amazing character development. I personally like it cause of the adventure part of the game and MC becoming stronger. MC is also dense af and there is 0 love progression even upto chp 700. I rate a 4 star? <<less
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September 15, 2021
Status: c1529
Overgeared is a great novel that has a rough start. For the first 50-80 chapters the MC is a really big douche, but he slowly grows as a person.

Everything about this novel from the story building to even the items is fleshed out well and makes you feel more connected to the world of Satisfy. The characters also feel very real.
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Yammukbirisi rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: c1480
Don't look what others say this Gets better with time and its pure Gold the ones that say this is bad are the ones that left without waiting for MC to fully grow up this story has a huge plot it explains even small charecters lives and its from their pov sometimes it is funny with a good plot and novel is better than webtoon in my opinion u miss many thing if u read webtoon most importantly designs in webtoon they supposdly look beatiful but look so ugly
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-Shiroyasha- rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: c1479
Let's just get something straight this is not that good but not that bad.

There are times where I enjoy this and there are times where it's really painful to read. The MC grew due to the game in both in game and irl. At the start he certainly was an assh*le but considering his situation at the start (got bullied at school, being called a failure, and being in debt) he was just desperate I guess I mean an assh*le wouldn't have saved khan, and huroi ... more>>

As for the girls how the hell do you fall in love just because the guy treated you normally, saved you from becoming the heir of a conglomerate or witnessed the mc's transition from being a piece of sht to a really good guy both as a player and as a person (I know that it isn't just that I've been following this for 2 years so I forgot the details))

Above is just me annoyed to the bones

The world building is excellent, the character development is decent I guess?, the side characters are really interesting (to the point that they're more interesting than the mc), the MC is entertaining, (we have entertaining to weird misunderstandings that were beneficial to the MC, a LOT of unlucky moments where he cursed at the devs of the game even to the point where he considered using his influence and taking the issue to the court.)

As a side note: this novel is painfully predictable <<less
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SAMESame rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: --
For new and s*upidly teen readers below will love this or some adult that want to see a dumb MC gain too much things that will make them or**sm for how ridiculous the MC was.

All I can say is that almost all new novels are for teens to digest like a parasite 🪱 that brainwashed them to hunt haters.

Oh and full of shithole romantic B.S. Novel are making their way to separate girl's from reality with a perfect man that cannot be exist.

Ahhh good old days where I was enjoying... more>> novel like this fighting like crazy just to save the rating of that novel.

Beware: The more you read, the more you hate what you read like a madman across a street fighting himself to see if there is hope to see the light of some interesting stuff. <<less
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August 2, 2021
Status: c1400
What I like about this is that it is unique to say atleast. The MC is not so cool or that intelligent and shows more of the negative traits (which gets better over a long long long long long long time) thats why im hooked at this novel :)))
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Ginko rated it
June 28, 2021
Status: c419
Couldn't tolerate xenophobia anymore,
as portrayed by this author, all westerners (not in the guild) believe their country is the best in the world, refer to Asians as yellow monkeys, and think of Asians as inferior. Really? This is even worst than Chinese propaganda novels.

The beginning had promise, but you realize there is nothing high stakes when people don't actually die or lose much...

The final nail in the head was when "of the 2 billion users" his level 1 little sister just so happens to also become blessed with a legendary class like him... really?
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May 28, 2021
Status: c342
I wanted to like it since this novel was supposedly good but I cannot with the protagonist. What a scummy guy. I could handle the gary stu plot armour but I just can't with this guy's attitude. This is the worse protagonist I've ever read in all my lif of reading webnovels. Even some side characters are unlovable. I just want to say I hate it so much but if you can tolerate the MC and some mild nationalistic themes then I you can probably enjoy this story more than... more>> I did. <<less
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Lois. rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: c1548
Overgeared is one of those stories that gradually gets better because of the character development because in the start the MCs attitude is actual sh*t but it gets better for the reading grinders. The novel is also known as one of the more popular novels in Korea as well so yes the story gets better, is it worth it? Definitely. Though this might not be your cup of tea it's worth a try if you have nothing else to read. I still keep up to the novel to this day... more>> as well and am enjoying it. <<less
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May 19, 2021
Status: --
I won’t give a rating because this story isn’t for me.

The story is purposefully meant to show the character growth of the MC, but it’s executed poorly. The story is good, but the MC is one of the most non-relatable characters I’ve seen.

Ok, he is a completely s*upid and irritating person, that’s to show growth right? Even the author acknowledges it through the usage of character reactions and environmental changes around him. Then you would expect growth after 200-300 chapters of the author slowly pushing the idea of character development.... more>> It’s written well and makes you feel as if the MC has really grown.

However, once stop for a moment and think about it, the MC is virtually the same s*upidly irritating person as he has been for 200-300 chapters ago. It’s like the author is trying to contradict himself with ‘people don’t change easily’. What? Then what have I been reading for all this time?

Whats even worse is the actions taken by our greedy MC doesn’t make any sense. Some times he is a functional but broken human being with trauma and the feeling of inferiority, then sometimes he becomes a bugged robot that makes illogical choices without empathy.

It would have been great if he was just a greedy bastard without empathy and the author is trying to grow this sort of character, but somehow the choices he makes doesn’t even benefit him much compared to more logical choices he could have made. It’s like the MC has an IQ of 70 and below and the author just stick a bunch of clearly forced plots onto our MC to make up for his lack cluster ability.

Why? Just why? Just have him make greedy choices that make sense! The story would have been far better and the MC could have been much more relatable. The author definitely shows the capabilities of doing it, but his not. Hence, this is not a story for me. I can’t relate to the MC at all, what a miss... <<less
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Jarhead._.Lee rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: c1394


Like Solo Leveling in which MC brutally decimates all that come in his way

... more>> Comedy (?) (It's debatable, but I've chuckled a few times)

Non-love interest interactions


Like Solo Leveling in which MC brutally decimates all that come in his way

MC far above rest of the world. Like... far far.

Nationalistic (KR dislike for several countries)

Love-Interest interactions (JP dense, a harem... despite being married. Concubines? Idk)

Misunderstandings. They're pretty nice early on, but it gets pretty repetitive. In the author's defense it IS 1400+ chapters

Now that I've listed out the pros and cons, I'll begin! So, Overgeared centralizes on two things, comedy, and powerbuilding. The author does a wonderful job in setting up the world of Satisfy, with lore and other systematic little tidbits that always keeps me interested. There's always a higher position/place/person/entity in this game, no matter what. Unfortunately that doesn't really apply to Grid. His powerbuilding generally comes from luck, misunderstandings, but also from skill and the connections he makes with the people he's run into, accidentally, or purposefully. The author does a REALLY good job in portraying Grid's relationship with other people who aren't into him romantically, and I think he did really well with creating Braham and Pagma. Unfortunately, those two are essentially the only two characters who can rival Grid, and one's dead, the other's... doesn't matter. The only people Grid can compare with ATM are NPCs from the game, which really sucks. All in all, I think it's not bad, and it's worth reading until you're bored of it. <<less
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