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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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377 Reviews sorted by

SinsI rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c195
Start was interesting and funny, especially when Grid was punished for his greediness, but after some point in time the whole VR game became so much about him that it destroyed suspension of disbelief - and the story became another boring one about OP protagonist with no real character interaction.
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January 28, 2018
Status: c310
This novel starts off with the MC being a selfish, petty, whiny c*nt but like what rainbowturtle's announcement said the novel gets better as time passes. Everyones is rating this novel low because they probably too much of a lazy c*nt to read the announcement so they can spread more salt. The character development is comparable to Sevens (great novel I recommend) where the MC starts off as a whiny c*nt that nobody likes but matures as time passes. Christ, even I hated the MC for being a useless leech... more>> to his parents. For god's sake stop whining about how op the MC is because as the announcement said he will be overshadowed by other legendary classes eventually. I personally read this novel to watch how the MC develop for the better from lazy, useless, petty, whiny c*nt to a mature, likable adult.

I rate this story a 5 stars for the great characters and development <<less
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archyp rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: --
At the begining I didnt like this novel. Its seemed to much of a bad copy of LMS.
Then I passed the barre of chap55 when he finaly enter a guild; it's when its really start to be refreshing. And then its only be rocking.

Really a good story, and in the end I think of it more stastifasting than an LMS.
Grid evole and take care a his guildmate, recogizigne their value and recompensing for it. (Not like a greedy Weed who think of is friends as mere labor-workers or s*aves)
Love it
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Nolkeg rated it
January 1, 2018
Status: c232
This novel start of very frustrated to read. MC basically is a childish as*hole who blame everything except himself. He got so much potential as the 1st legendary class but wasted it in the most s*upid way. He get triggered every time for just a small things. He is an idiot who make simple task that should finish in 10 chaps drag to 25+ chaps due to his s*upidity and incompetent.

However, as I endure and endure through this hellish idiot, he started to grow! From chapter 100+ onward, He's not... more>> unbearable anymore. He's still s*upid somehow, but as acceptable rate. As the story progress, he continued to develop to be more mature coupled with the development of author, making this novel very likable and addictive.
My suggestion for new reader

if you can't really endure MC at the start of the story (like me), try to skim through it. There are times when I got very frustrated with him and basically skim through chapter like 30 second each LOL

it's worth it as I can see the story continue to improve as it progress. I am honestly looking forward to the future of this story. <<less
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sukets rated it
November 1, 2017
Status: c100
50 chapters in, and thr MC is still shit. This has the SAO curse, good initial plot, terrible characters and development.

It makes me believe that even if the author played mmos, he was a nobody on them, since he thinks that a guild has such low standards for info gathering.

I persevered, and read past the 90 chapters threshold, and indeed, the novel gets a lot better. The writing got a little tidier, and the MC slightly less annoying. But why did we need the godawful 90 chapters?
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Sceer rated it
October 28, 2017
Status: c50
People giving it 2 stars just because the MC has unbearable traits. Although that is very acceptable, you can clearly see that the author DELIBERATELY made him this way. If he wasn't s*upid he ... more>>

wouldn't be stuck in that village doing quests

instead of doing other beneficial quests which would not give him a chance to obtain the Legendary class.

Unlike the other stories where you cringe because the MC is s*upid, Grid's personality has a purpose and directs to an interesting plot.

As an example:


Grid is s*upid enough that even after playing for one year he still didn't know that he can induce the NPCs to give him quests by talking. In Huroi's words, "I try to speak words that will make the NPC give me the quest. Here is a simple example. If I say 'I am quick and diligent when it comes to deliveries in front of a restaurant owner, it is highly likely that the restaurant owner will give me a delivery related quest."

Because of that, Grid asked Huroi how he received a quest thus Huroi shared his quest information.

According to the game developers, Huroi's quest should proceed like this:

1. He fails the quest so he will be imprisoned. 2. He receives another quest which is to wait for the apostle to save him giving him stats, etc. But because he shared his quest information, instead of the NPC Apostle, Grid receives the quest instead and became the Apostle lmao.

So if he isn't s*upid he wouldn't have asked Huroi and he wouldn't be shared of the quest information and ultimately he wouldn't become the Apostle



    • The story is well thought and the MC's s*upidity is used in a right way.
    • The MC is improving as he meets other people
    • MC is not the only one who got OP class
    • Funny

    • MC being excessively s*upid, but it can't be helped since it needs to be believable
    • Like other Korean novels, girls with pretty faces are excessively praised which I find annoying sometimes (and if this obsession with pretty faces is the same as in LMS then we know that this will be shown many times)
    • The MC portrayed as ugly even though the cover says otherwise, makes you think about the author's definition of handsome lol
    • Can't f*cking wait for the translation
Edit: im at ch 50 atm and it is a 3 star for me right now <<less
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October 25, 2017
Status: c34
Initial Rating: 2/5


1) The MC is unbereable. Childish, a cheapskake and idiotic. No redeeming qualities minus the emotional self reflection he had about being nothing but hardworking, but still not gonna save ya.

... more>> He's 26 but acts like a teenager, I'm honestly surprised how much his characters sucks when he's that old and when it seems like he came from a normal middle class family.

He has played the game for over a year, even took a leave from school, but still doesnt know what he's doing.

2) Too many side character POVs/real life scenes when the story has barely started. Do you think I really want to read that stuff when the main plot isnt even that interesting? Especially when the real life scenes just reinforces the MCs bad character.

3) Its tagged as comedy but I barely smile.


1) The translator is reliable. They've other good works such as Legendary Moonlight Sculptor and Praise the Orc, so I'm going to hold on until the promised character development shows up.

2) The updates are fast. Currently 16 chapters/week and more additions when the translator achieves their Patreon goals.

3) OP cheaty classes and skills.

Recommendations: Put it into you waitlist if you enjoy MMO stories with OP cheaty abilities and read it when the story hits 100 chapters. Because 34 chapters in and still nothing interesting. <<less
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Sherrynity rated it
October 21, 2017
Status: c10
I think I kinda understand why people giving it bad ratings; the MC is a scumbag beyond measure.

Here we have a NEET + greedy + ungrateful + arrogant + «insert whatever shits you can think» MC that acts as if he's the most awesome person in the world. But, you know... I kinda able to relate, I guess. I live in SEA and online gaming community here is so toxic I can't even bring myself to give a damn to them. So his attitude is quite normal imo, but for... more>> some people he might be too much of a person.

Until the latest chapter I read, the story only barely grazing its main plot, so I can really give a proper review. For rating sake, I'll just put a 4 stars to counter those 1 stars.

Might edit it later though. <<less
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Bluejay13 rated it
October 16, 2017
Status: c10
Overgeared is so far, pretty good. I can see a lot of potential in a novel like this. So many novels have that one overpowered item that lets them use an overpowered ability, but I don't think that this novel is that. The vibe I have gotten from this is a mix between the ability of Legendary Moonlight Sculptor and the blacksmithing in Everybody Else is a Returnee. I can't go too far in this review as he hasn't as of chapter 10 used the ability yet, but I'm hoping... more>> for a great well rounded novel. I can't give this 5 stars yet until there is a plot or some more worldbuilding, but I reccommend you read the first 10 chapters that are currently available and see if you also like it. <<less
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Hosh rated it
May 9, 2023
Status: c1400
Disclaimer: This is one of the first 3 novels I ever read a few years back so I am absolutely biased

Honestly this novel doesn't deserve a 5-star rating. Probably 4 but this is to counter the reviews from people who don't understand the meaning of gradual character development.

The first few chapters may be painful to read if you hate as*hole protagonists. The MC is neither as smart, funny, or relatable as som other similar MCs like Lee Kiyoung. I wouldn't say he's utterly unlikeable but I have a soft spot... more>> for as*hole MCs so idk. The haters seem to be unable to understand the definition of VRMMORPG novels and that most people would likely do the same in his situation.

Fortunately. He gets noticeably better later on. I'd say he embodies the average person from chapter 100-400 and just becomes definitively a 'good' person after that. I've also seen criticism from people claiming everyone falls head over heels for the MC when at the time they dropped it. Only 2 people have, and of the 2 1 has a very good reason and the other is a literal NPC and was saved by MC multiple times.

The MC is OP AF and sometimes he gets power that he ABSOLUTELY doesn't deserve for doing something trifling but meh, its a MMORPG novel, I won't nitpick

I don't know what the f*ck Korea is doing to their citizens but like most other novels, this has nationalism. Fortunately it's at least covered up with some humor, albeit shittily. Unlike others such as Solo Leveling

In short, ignore the 1-star reviews unless its from 2020 or later

It's by no means 'good' but it serves its purpose well. Which is to keep you entertained while you have nothing else to do and are waiting for new chapters of something actually good, like Shadow s*ave or LoTM Circle of Inevitability to come out. At least it's better than 95% of all those other shitty Chinese VRMMORPG novels like reincarnation of the strongest sword god

Edit: After a reread, I take back everything I said about the nationalism. It's f*cking intolerable, humor or no <<less
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Liya rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: --
It has decent story. For me, the highlight is MC's character development. I don't understand why some describe him as a subhuman. He was tr*sh who got bullied, never been appreciated, ridden with debt, but slowly becomes a better person as his world expanded. I think that's more humane than a psycopath mu*derer MC who is justified revenge because his tragic background.

Sometimes, the VRMMO concept creates hard to believe situations. I prefer straight up fantasy to it's just a game situation. However, the world building and diversity of other characters'... more>> skills are good. It's interesting that every player has their own scenarios.

Two things I don't like about this novel is the writing style and the tournament arcs. First, the writing style. It's veeery repetitive and it gives you countless unnecessary explanations. I'm sick of getting reminded a hundred times that Grid had changed (e.g. Grid in the past, Grid is not what he used to be, if it were the old Grid, and so on) or Yura is a beauty that transcended types or that Toon is an ex-mafia, etc. Second, the tournament arcs. It's not the tournament that I don't like, but the many racist remarks and excessive nationalism which makes this novel hard to read. Even MC is not free from stereotyping other nation:


e.g. Grid didn't like bitterness and only took the syrupy cold medicine for children when he had a cold. For him, coffee was like rotten water. He was disgusted by Americans who could drink it like it was bottled water. That's why he only ordered juice or hot chocolate at a cafe.


3.5/5 <<less
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Getsuga101 rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: c1664
The story is really amazing.

Form the world building to the individual characters and how they are introduced in their own POV's.

Although it's a bit of a struggle at the beginning of the story, well since the MC is introduced as a piece of tr*sh, it gets better from chapter 100 trust me. Overgeared is the prime example of Character Development.

But if it still isn't to your taste. No probs just find something else then.

For me this novel should be 5 stars.
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jiwa07 rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: c1606
At first it was like a tr*sh MC, but it keep getting better with the character development. Author add too much shit, which sometimes I even forgot which one it is, romance is bad, unless you like NPC. The story kinda get boring halfway through, MC just get easy upgrade, and win fights just like that. The way the story now, author is just milking, and squeezing unnecessary part. Like I said the author tell you some story then left out, sometimes after few or dozens chapter author will get... more>> to it back, and worse didnt even mention it anymore.

My advice, it is readable, but too much sh*t and characters along side MC. <<less
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yeah2xuhuh rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: c1550
I wrote this review because I hated people treated this novel because they can't survive the first few chapter due to the MC's horrible character. They did no justice for my man Grid. If you hate character development then don't read it. Read your OP-MC-from-beginning-to-end stories. (Well, Grid's pretty OP from the start. But that's beside the point.)

My advice for those starting, droppers, and complainers is that you read the manhwa first until the latest chapters as of writing this because as most reader say, the first few chapters... more>> are not up to par. Personally, I never read the starting chapters in the LN. I stumbled upon it through reading manhwas. The story got more interesting so I cannot afford to wait for weekly mahwa releases and I started reading the LN continuing from the manhwa.

At first, the story really was as most reader said. Though, I liked how the character was in the beginning. I also liked the comedy and how it was delivered. At least in the manhwa, the drawings, colors, and how they portrayed the characters made it more bearable. For me, it started getting interesting during

the invasion of Bairan, where he started commisions for his teammates.

The story went uphill from there. What I liked the most is the MC character development and how it translated from VR to the real world.

In summary, I've bared the readers' critically acclaimed bad first few chapters by reading the manhwa first.

5/5☆ <<less
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Mr.Jello rated it
January 16, 2022
Status: c170
Some peopple say it gets better after chapter 100, but I don't see it getting better anytime soon. It really feels like those plots of an overly op character that doesn't have a strong goal and just continues to be the best without any real hard work or sacrifice.
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November 3, 2021
Status: c100
This novel is pain to read. Other people say that it's better than LMS. No LMS is way more better than this Novel

And don't you dare to compare Weed with this tr*sh MC.

Weed is champion IRL and in game whilst MC in this story is tr*sh IRL and less tr*sh in game. Although Weed family condition IRL was worse than MC family, yet weed managed to feed his family and become model Citizen. I like weed cunningness than this tr*sh MC.

Weed never run away from challenge. Whilst this MC always... more>> run away but magically always finished his challenge. Damn I really want to punch author in face because creating such tr*sh MC. <<less
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madman118 rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: c1375
The novel starts out average with a kinda as*hole MC who wants money and while it takes time there is legitimate character growth where he learns to become a better person and to take his friend's feelings into account. He doesn't abuse the NPCs simply because they're 'not real' and as of reading, he is still growing as a character learning to overcome past trauma. Unlike other novels of a similar vein, the characters aren't 2d and we see their growth along with his we also see his family fairly... more>> regularly unlike other novels where the MC is trying to earn money for his family but where we rarely if ever see them. <<less
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wideeyedverification rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c602
Grid stops being a doeche bag but I'm on chapter 600 and his intelligence never seems to increase. Either the author is purposely making him dumb for the sake of moving the plot along or it's a shitty attempt to make Grid more relatable to the "average" reader or it could even be the limit of the author's intelligence himself. Things that are so basic and simple in the concept of a game (such as a return scroll) is like a huge achievement for our idiot of an MC to... more>> understand and realize. I honestly read this story for the side characters because the MC is enough to make you want to drop the novel. Oh and he never really changes his shitty personality either, the only change is that people went from hating and bullying him to idolizing over him for nothing. And its almost a rinse-and-repeat of people underestimating grid and him slapping face every arc over and over.... like how many damn times can the author rinse this formula. It doesn't change no matter how many competitions or "achievements" Grid makes. Once again, the plague of all LN's whether Chinese or Korean or whatever race, which is the obsession to remain hidden and unknown for literally no reason other than giving the author a chance to "slap everyone's face" once our dumbass MC exceeds expectations over and over again. Except it literally makes no sense as people go from calling him 'God Grid' in one sentence to overwhelmingly underestimating him in the very next time... just so Grid can look cool or whatever. You don't even get a feeling of satisfaction from the face-slapping, it just makes you want to skip the fillers until the author can finally move the competition or duel or whatever along. I say I read this for the side characters but they're also basically 2-dimensional, solely exists to worship our braindead MC (like literally worship) and they get less and less screentime. For a novel so focused on developing a guild and kingdom/territory, it's basically corny ass solo-leveling all over again as Grid somehow beats every single super boss by himself (bosses that entire guilds and territories can't defeat) and spends most of the plot alone. Characters like his

wife solely exists just for him to save, f*ck, her say "dear husband (that's actually her only line... over and over anytime she gets any screentime, minimal as it is)

, or exists to serve to do his bidding. Grid also becomes super mature and developed overnight... just from changing into a legendary class. Again, pathetic. Overall, an enjoyable read but it has a 3.5/5 rating for a reason and is far from the masterpiece people pretend it is. The plot arcs are basically done by chapter 400-500 in terms of originality. This would at least be much more enjoyable if Grid at least was good with the game aspects seeing as he literally DEVOTED HIS ENTIRE TIME and LIFE into the damn game but no, it's just pain reading him f*ck up things that are literally common sense. It actually hurts and breaks are required from this novel. Also, it follows the typical korean LN formula of a shitty, waste of a human MC whos pathetic and poor in every way and steadily improves until everyone wants to suck his d*ck for no reason. Again, overdone and dry. Maybe it's relatable to readers in korea or something but it hardly resonates with non-koreans. Also, the story is lined with subtle racism, you wouldn't expect it because the game itself and world in the novel seems to show a diversity of ethnicities and a wide cast of characters but a lot of the characters just seem to be caricatures of the race. To be fair, the author also paints koreans as petty and full of spite as well so at least the racism is equal LOL. But to give some examples, chinese players are automatically forced to do things by their gov't, middle eastern people are terrorists, japanese people are otakus, Italian people are in the mob and thus can beat people up easily, you have to dig out your eye to leave the mob (wtf, that's so wrong..I guess the author really is like Grid and couldn't even be intelligent enough to frikken use Google to figure at least kind of get things accurate), etc. It's subtle but it's lined in the plot with heavy traces of Korea #1. Anyways if you like rinse-and-repeat faceslapping and everyone fawning over an "god" like MC with a shitty, petty personality who's insanely ungrateful to the point where it's not even cute (despite the author's clear and hard attempt at making Grid's prettiness and immatureness cute) then this is yet another generic novel to waste some time on. Furthermore, there's inconsistencies all over the place. People can just causally marry an npc and have a kid but it has no impact in real life? Please. People are literally getting married and attached to 2D girls NOW. Grid's passive immortality last for 5 seconds? more like 5 hours with how many skills he can release and the long ass conversations he has while on the passive. This one company also has the information and location of all their players?? What?? That would never happen. It's literally illegal and extremely questionable in terms of ethics. Oh and the developers can choose to view players anytime? Uhhh are they watching Grid have s*x with Irene constantly? and everyone else? These are to just name a few. Now before people get all pissed at my opinion on this mediocrity, I did read past chapter 100. I'm past 600 and Grid seriously hardly changes, he's just as much of a moron as before, except he has new shiny armor to protect his empty and egotistical head. Definitely a novel geared towards pre-teens and reeks of the author's wish fulfillment. Saying the MC improves overtime is overestimating the novel's development dramatically. Grid does improve.. but he just goes from a petty, idiotic piece of sh*t to just a less petty but still idiotic and immature with constant promises that he'll improve. I really think the author has a twisted or dumbass idea of what responsibility or maturity looks like. I gave this a 4/5 but it's really a strong 3 maybeeee 3.5/5 at some moments. Not insufferable to read through, but the MC alone is enough to make you want to punch someone and drop this novel. Then you throw racism, nationalism and just general bullsh*t inconsistencies and it becomes harder and harder to enjoy as you read on despite what the other reviews are saying. Seriously, 600+ chapters in and you're basically reading the same character. <<less
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DaExorcizt rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: c1459
Overgeared is a sort of controversial novel, not because of having inapropriate or tr*shy content like Redo of Healer. It's because the MC starts off as an a**hole, but I personally believe that while he does have some assholish moments, he isn't that much of an as*hole when you consider his circumstances. He's in debt, his family makes fun of him and treats him like tr*sh for having debt (Slight spoiler: Really, Grid's Dad? How about you go look at a mirror, you miser f*ckface?) and he was bullied at... more>> school. He isn't even that much of an a**hole. An as*hole wouldn't save Khan, an as*hole wouldn't have payed for Khan and he certainly wouldn't have gone to save Huroi, even for the quest.

That said, Grid at the first 150 chapters can occasionaly be a dick. But he isn't unfair. In the end, he always repays his debts back, doesn't go back at his word, doesn't msnipulate his friends to break rules so he can blackmail them nor does he pvp and pk for no reason.

Grid does grow, but it's spread out over thousands of chapters. People expecting Grid to go from a dumbass to genius within 200 chapters in a 1400+ chapter novel must have their heads caught in the incubator pod's door at the maternity ward of the hospital they were born in.

What is ***REALLY*** good with Overgeared is that there are times where the MC is in the wrong an aknowledges it. He isn't just a hero of "Justice", who thinks "gods good demons bad". The villains have a reason and a goal to do evil, and not all heroes are exactly good or get a happy ever after.

To summarize why I enjoyed this novel, it's probably because it slowly became what LMS and Ark failed to be. Weed remains a miser as*hole for a VERY, VERY long time, and I am not talking about a couple hundred normal sized chapters like those in Overgeared, but over 20 WHOLE-ASS BOOKS. Ark takes a very long time to stop treating other players he like an a**hole. But above all, while Overgeared was certainly inspired by LMS and Ark, you cannot copy Overgeared. Proof of that is Dungeon Predator, the WORST KR VRMMORPG novel I have ever read. No matter how much he seems to grow, Kang Oh is always an a**hole. Serioisly, go read Dungeon Predator for the first 20 chapters, and then read Overgeared. Then tell me if Grid is actually an a**hole.

As I said this novel is great. I can't, however, give it a 5 star review for a few reasons. First of all, the cliché all Korean novels such as this suffer from, which breaks one of Knox's 10 Rules of Mysteries: the China man. Well, there are also Japanese and many other nationality villains, but most people here are very "patriotic" when it comes to competitive exhibitions. It mostly goes away on later chapters tho, so it's not as bad as in other novels.

Secondly, the insane breach of personal data by the developer team.


Like, they can watch Grid 24/7, and is idirectly implied that they might have watched him have s*x with Irene. Like, wtf. I know they must probably be covered by some clause in their ToS, but this is an insane abuse of power.


For these reasons, and a few smaller personal opinions, currently Overgeared is a solid 4 for me, maybe a 4.2. But not more. If things somehow get even better, then I will return to revise my current review. <<less
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tamix rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c1271
This novel has a good start. The setting, style, characters, and especially MC are unique and interesting. I enjoyed the mix of real life and game world, although the real world side is not used enough in my opinion. I especially like:

... more>>

how there isn't any typical evil or otherworldly plot device connected to the VR game (at least up to where I've read), and how the devs are also characters in the story.


However, the novel simply drags on way too long, and doesn't offer anything new after a while. MC's development into a better person, while nice at first, to me seems to be a contributing factor for how boring the novel gets later on.

Definitely give the novel a shot, but if you start to find it repetitive a few hundred chapters in, I'd say you can cut your losses short. <<less
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