Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life


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Yu Hua loses his job, and the weight of the household falls on the shoulders of his partner, You Zhengping. 

His husband is a temporary employee at the subdistrict office, with a monthly salary of only 2500; this troubles Yu Hua exceedingly.

You Zhengping is secretly engaged in the work of protecting the world from Destroyers, with a rather liberal subsidy. 

You Zhengping spends all day fretting: how can he tell Yu Hua that he has a few million in private savings without giving anything away? 

Right up until the day that You Zhengping receives a notice that a power great enough to destroy the world has appeared in his home. 

Worried that something will happen to Yu Hua, an ordinary person, You Zhengping hurries home with his team. Once through the door, he sees a peaceful home, Yu Hua wearing an apron, a lifted frying pan in his hand, and a fish, golden on both sides and its aroma wafting around, frying in the pan. 

Seeing You Zhengping, Yu Hua puts the frying pan on the switched-off electric stove and wipes his hands on his apron. “I wanted to save on the electricity bill.” 

You Zhengping: …

The entire world’s most awesome Destroyer is his husband. 

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133 Reviews sorted by

cutekittensmeow rated it
July 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I laughed out loud so many times reading this novel. It's incredibly charming. I normally like to read heavier novels with lots of dog blood and lose interest in cute fluffy novels very quickly. This novel is incredibly fluffy but still managed to keep me engaged throughout.

The novel is set in an infinite flow universe without being an infinite flow novel. I try to like infinite flow novels but there's often arcs/settings in them that just aren't good so they're easy to drop. This novel is set in a world... more>> resisting the infinite flow system, so it's all one setting and you only see the other worlds in brief flashbacks. So basically, it has to best of both worlds, you get the neat mechanics of infinite flow without the risk of suddenly getting an arc/setting you don't like.

The MC may be the most charming character I've ever found in danmei. He's incredibly competent and a total badass, but he's also a complete weirdo. Watching him interact with and take advantage of the side characters is always hilarious. His romance with the ML is adorable and very satisfying. His character somehow combines all the most charming aspects of a yandere gong and wifey shou, he's controlling but indulgent and doting at the same time.

Also the MC is the gong. <<less
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J.A.M. rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Interesting novel!

Summary: ... more>>

MC is a destroyer (transmigrator) who wanted to live a peaceful and ordinary life with his husband (ML) but can't because his sealed power is slowly unsealed. Without MC knowing, ML is a protector that protects the world from the destroyer. Same as ML, he didn't know that MC is a destroyer. Since MC is too strong, he also has a powerful enemy who wanted him to die. That enemy sends other destroyers to kill him. In the end, MC and ML discover each other's identities and help to protect the world and live an ordinary life after.



Plot: The plot is like a slice of life but with a twist. They live normally like nothing is going on yet at the same time there is a battle behind the scene. I like the way the story progresses. The pacing of the story is neither fast nor slow. The chapters aren't short or too long for the story. For me, there aren't underdeveloped events that needed to look into. There aren't plot holes that need to be mentioned.

Characters: I like the characters a lot. The character settings aren't unreasonable. Example:

    • MC: MC is too OP because he is a high-level destroyer. It will become unreasonable if he is weak.
    • System: The system wanted to kill MC because he wanted to get back his powers. In this novel, the system is an evil entity that controls the destroyer. It was MC's luck and strength to finally freed himself from the system.

Theme: Since it's an action novel, it gives a feeling of mystery and suspense since both ML and MC live an ordinary life while doing the action.


The novel is unforgettable. It may be because this is the first kind of novel that I read about transmigrator vs. System. <<less
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Meimei who sells melon seeds
Meimei who sells melon seeds rated it
April 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is so damn good, that I’m speechless. Although the downside is that, I had to wait for 60 chapters for everything to go down and be more interesting. Was it worth though? Certainly!! I was tearing up out of happiness, ah I want to hug them both and tell them to have a good life.

The side characters are also very interesting HAHAHA the comedy is at PEAK I’m telling you... I was laughing so hard while reading. Some characters also have odd quirks which makes their personality much... more>> more interesting and memorable like that assassin guy who sleeps under the bed. I adore them all.

The love between the CP was so unconditional, I want what they have. They’ve been married since the start so there’s just dog food everywhere and I’m eating them all. Love, at first sight, maybe bs but I think it works well for this couple... The things they’d do for each other makes my heart warm, it’s not one-sided like other couples, they accept each other no matter what. Makes me so envious wu... I want a married life like this.

Although it was a bit dragged, I have no regrets, they all made me extremely happy, or perhaps beyond that. I was so upset when the novel ended, I WANT MOREEEE MWNKQDNQWJKNF I think the ending was good but I was like ‘’that’s it??’’


I mean... Why are they broke? They’re supposed to be extremely rich due to the circumstances that they did. They literally saved the world hello???


Anyways, you should read it!! <<less
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CallMeJolea rated it
April 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Actually very good. The plot sometine seemed a little silly

(just when explaining the mechanics of the system and limitations of the powers

but most of time was very well writing and even captivating in some ways. There are moments where you will hate the seme but you also can understand him later. The romance is also good, they are devoted and doting 10/10. Also, the translation is amazing!
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fakeluff rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: Completed
Smart and compelling, and manages to avoid mushiness. Ruthless and compassionate, with a fascinatingly well thought out world. Read!
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September 2, 2021
Status: extra 3
As usual, Cyan Wings didn't disappoint. The same author as High Energy QR Code and many other great works. The author have the penchant of writing gong MC that doesn't blatantly show that he is the gong, I think it's great! MC & ML is in their 3rd year blissful marriage when MC power somehow gradually got unsealed, causing him to break many things while desperately try to hide it from his spouse. After a long 15 years of peace, invader from other dimension known as 'Destroyer' invade their world... more>> again. ML as one of the 'Protector' of the world prepared to fight to protect his husband & the world. But... the strongest 'Destroyer' ever existed is his husband?!! <<less
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Mari Gongzhu
Mari Gongzhu rated it
August 16, 2021
Status: extra 3
This novel is extremely good! 5/5 ⭐ It is very funny and the plot is very nice! It made me realize just how dumb I am. I also absolutely love the characters. From MC to ML and also the side characters. I love them all very much. I also love the relationship between our main CP. It is very wholesome ♥️ But the plot is the most astonishing part. It actually is heavy if you would think about it, but the author made it light for the readers. The translation... more>> is also very good! That's all I will say because I want to give this a review without saying any spoilers because that will ruin the fun! But one thing is for sure, this is a novel that won't waste your time. Read it~ <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Wow. The characters had depth, growth, and finally a happy ending. The plot made sense and had little mysteries mixed in. I think what most people would object to in this novel is the MC: he's a little mentally unbalanced. Honestly though, it's sometimes the flaws that make the character.

What I can say about the ending:


That sneaky little shipper called destiny!!!

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SalamiSammich rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: --
Really beautiful! Everything about this is so interesting and sweet. All the interactions between the characters make my heart and soul so warm. Read this novel for a good time and a happy ending.
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Nyaa.23 rated it
June 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Pros :

The premise is interesting. MC have gone to 3000+ world and finally managed to clear the game. MC is powerful and smart. Sometimes op but I am totally fine with that, I mean if author made MC braindead and powerless then I would be mad. ML works as a world protecter and they don't know of eachother identities. Just like mr and mrs smith.

The identity reveal is the most anticipated part, another thing is that this book isn't hard to follow, you don't need much brain juice but there's... more>> sufficient things to keep you entertained.

Cons :

The side characters from the destroyer side just became kinda dumb after joining MC's side. They have went through a lot but they turned mediocre afterwards. I hope there's more story about the system and MC's ori!life. <<less
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periperi rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
4 Stars!

I found this on the ori website and read it in chinese and actually stopped halfway. I think it's because my brain couldn't comprehend the plot in chinese and I felt the misunderstandings/hidden identity aspect didn't go how I envisioned. Took a while, but since it's been fully translated (thank you translator!), decided to give it another shot.

Plot wise, 5 stars. I'll give it 5 stars for the ensemble cast too, especially the other destroyers. It's a well thought out full plot that doesn't get dull for long. The... more>> ensemble cast of destroyers and the few protectors are really well thought out too, with individual personalities and some background. They have character and goals, not just props. And their interactions are just gold. I love that studio. Even ML and his interactions with his buddies are entertaining though very few.

MC is a complex person. But, the book is mostly focused on him and I do enjoy seeing it from his perspective and his interactions with his coughunderlingscough. For all that he went through, glad to see the HEA he finally got at the very end.

Now the elephant in the room. Why it's 4 stars only. Because the romance, I would rate 3 stars. If I read it as a non-romance book, I'll put it higher. Maybe it's because it's an established couple.

Most of the book, they don't even seem to be together? ML off with his protector stuff, MC dealing with the other stuff. There's the dog food sprinkled in but other than the brief story of how they met, I don't really feel the chemistry. It didn't feel like earth shattering romance to me. More lukewarm? The whole revelation felt drawn out too, so again, lukewarm. Their most intimate scenes are put off as "exercising" (for censorship, I know), but the writing itself, I can't find myself believing too hard. I can accept the romance because it's there since the book started but I enjoyed the almost camaraderie in the whole cast more than the actual romance between the leads. May be a personal preference so don't let this deter anyone.


Overall, it was still a highly entertaining book that's unique in it's genre. <<less
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Lovemarsh rated it
March 21, 2021
Status: Completed
A phenomenal story. No short of fights with descriptions that can easily paint the action and event in your mind. The story goes in an easy flow and the humor, foreshadowing and foreshadowing jokes made my cheeks hurt from smiling too much.

This is mainly a fighting and strategizing story with only a sentence such as "they went exercising", and "waist" as description of doing the deed. Though, it is no short in romance. MC and ML are being lovely and cute with each other throughout the whole story. Even a... more>> little while in the "action events". (Personally, I would refere it as more of a shounun ai)

Each "action event" were different from each other, and the describing and theorizing about world rules and abilities were all nicely done. The 122+3 chapters went fast and had no periods where it was boring or tiredsome to read. The ending was not rushed and gave of a satisfied feeling. (Though I wouldn't say no to more chapters or extras)

Overall, I would definetly recommend to read! <<less
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Aisztitania rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: Completed
The only word that I can use to describe this story is 'AWESOME'. This story is comedy, romantic and action. Not really stressful when reading this story and it never stop me from laughing till the last chapter.

The personality of Gong in this story is unique for me. Of course possessive & dominating are normal. But his characters is so funny. I love him! The shou in this story also funny as well and their relationship is sweet. I love how they able to realize their own mistakes/weaknessess and try... more>> to take care of each other.

The most thing that I love in this story is the interaction of Zhen Li studio members. Their live stream candid (without purposely make it funny) always able to make me laughing.

Btw, this story really enjoyable to read. It kind of plot with married couple of hero & demon king. Haha...... it really remind me about the manga. <<less
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Da_An77 rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Aaah, who doesn't love a good action fantasy with adorable (sort of possessive) love story? Mr Melancholy definitely fit into these category. The concept may not be new, but the writer manages to give an interesting premise with wholesome interesting MC and ML. Even the side characters are all interesting which make me wish to see more of them.
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February 10, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the best novel I’ve read so far. The characters are fleshed out. No one is perfect and everyone felt human. The world building is cohesive. I thoroughly enjoyed reading. 5/5 definitely recommend.
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dawna_aiko rated it
February 7, 2021
Status: Completed
This book is amazing. I seriously cannot empathise how good, how awesome, how spectacular this book is. I originally thought that this book would be all fluffy and maybe slice of life considering the summary but BOI I was wrong. To get it away with first:

... more>>

Our MC, Yu Hua is a gong, and our ML, You Zhengping, is the shou. They are seriously f*cking in love with eachother.


But that doesn't stop them. In many stories, love either blinds the couple, leading to angst, drama and serious obsessiveness, or the love is the reason why they succeeded in something, like because of love, they managed to stop the end of world. This story isnt like that. It really teaches you that even though there is love, you still need a brain (lols idk how to put it properly). They still chose the best scenario in the situation, looking at the last arc.

Not only that, the love in this book is just... I don't know how to describe it. It's the purest form of love I have ever seen in my life. The couple (MC X ML) is literally couple goals. The one that everyone wants in a relationship but can't cause it's almost impossible. Both characters have such immense love for eachother that I seriously can't describe it. I can only say that their love is unlimited.

This story teaches you so many things, that I could give a whole list of what I learned, but I won't cause this review is gonna be long. I only mentioned love cause I'm a f*cking lover/sucker for romance. The only thing I'm sad about is the s*x, cause there's barely slash none of it in the book, but I honestly don't care at this point. This book is amazing.

Just read it. Just f*cking read it. I promise you, you won't regret it. <<less
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clxndestinely rated it
January 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I really liked this one~ Let's see why with this:

= Positive,

= Negative.

    • Breaking of gong-husband shou-wife stereotypes...
    • ... but there was a "wife" and gong/shou anyway.
    • Cute relationship dynamics...
    • ... but an extreme power-imbalance and not-so-necessary yandere part. ML derailed into a side-character.
    • Excellent world-building...
    • ... but it got confusing at times.
    • Great plot-building...
    • ... but the drag led to an anticlimatic ending.

      The System and World Law's babbling was kind of annoying, to be honest. I expected more backstory from them, but they were just the mechanical good/bad guys.

    • Entertaining and semi-3D side-characters...
    • ... but they seemed like furniture a lot.
    • I loved the diversity of Destroyers...
    • ... but it got repetitive and felt like catching Pokemon.
    • I loved how they all got second chances...
    • Spoiler

      ... except Director Ha. I didn't expect him to turn back human, but I really wanted a proper redemption arc and was sorely disappointed.

    • I liked how YH's power was new/unique (to me, at least)...
    • Spoiler

      ... but I wanted to delve into the insanity from power a little more.

Overall, it's a really balanced story in terms of pros and cons, but I really enjoyed it due to the fluff and comedy. Quite worthwhile.
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SDig23 rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: extra 3
Fantastic Novel.

After a long time I found a novel like this, I haven't even skipped a single chapter, I wish there was more but it ended on a perfect note, I'm glad I found it after the novel was completely translated, it made me feel all kind of emotions. Just read the novel and u will find out how good this is.

The translation is also good.

... more>> You'll definitely like all the characters 😉, they have their own unique style.

Just read. It's a sweet journey with lots of lugh and a bit of sad pasts. <<less
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Ainslee rated it
December 21, 2020
Status: Completed
The thing is I have an uncontrollable rejection against seme protagonist.

Idk why but when it's seme protagonist novel, I felt that he should be uke rather than seme or sometimes he's so nauseating that I can't help but dislike the protagonist so much cuz he's not taking care of his partner.

I'll give this novel a chance first by reading at least one third of the story line.

... more>>

Additional review:

Finished reading.

Rather than seme protagonist, it more like multiple POV. Cuz both protagonist have almost equal amount of POV and there're also side characters POVs mixed in.

It's a good novel. The plot was nicely done, the story flew in a good pace and most importantly, the reasoning of every scene was spot on.

The icing on the cake for me was when the world law did Dr. Strange's calculation kinda move was extremely cute. In a way it's a good matchmaker

✧ (>o<) ノ✧ <<less
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secondthots rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: Completed
I came for sweet, sweet marriage life... not expecting an actual apocalyptic time-warping battle.

Had to scold myself because WHY did I not read the entire synopsis? I honestly pegged this for a very sweet, dog food-filled story. My brain somehow omitted the part about destroyers & invaders. However, I will not lie- IT IS CUTE. I was craving to read about a married couple & I actually enjoyed the relationship & interaction between the main CP. The whole, "I will fall for you at first sight every time, " has... more>> me swooning. That's honestly the main reason why I forced myself to read all 122 chapters. The plot is interesting enough, but mediocrely executed. I don't hate it, but the plot gaps made it hard for me to enjoy wholeheartedly. Aside from the CP, the side characters aren't that memorable either. They're just built to exist around the CP.

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