Kaleidoscope of Death


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It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it.

Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him.

Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor.

At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates.

He pushed one of the doors

Thus, the story begins.

Ruan Nanzhu said to Lin Qiushi, “When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze back into you.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiushi sank into deep contemplation. He then pulled down the zipper of his trousers and aimed at the abyss…

Ruan Nanzhu: “…Put your pants on properly!”

Super shameless, ill-pampered gong X Shameless, calm shou; a combination of double [or extreme] shamelessness.

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Kính vạn hoa chết chóc/Tử vong kính vạn hoa
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282 Reviews sorted by

CriTheMarshall rated it
July 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Quite an original take on the danmei genre thanks to the horror theme of the novel. Personally, the doors were either a hit or miss in terms of scariness, some doors did get me quite anxious, other doors were alright. As far as I've seen, this aspect is very subjective. However, except maybe one or two doors, every one of them offered an interesting scenario which the characters had to live through. As I was binge reading the novel, certain elements did get a tad bit repetitive, but it wasn't... more>> a lot, and giving credit were credit is due, all the doors had their own uniqeness to them, whether that meant an interesting mystery or a new interaction between the characters.

Speaking of characters, the main couple is a treat. A lot of lovely interactions which only increase in their intensity as the novel goes by. As for the side characters, some are more developed than others but they do add a nice diversity to the novel.

Overall, definitely worth a read. Even if you are not into horror, the novel offers a lot of "breathing" space to not get overwhelmed with the scary parts. Points down for the previously mentioned repetitiveness and a bit of a rushed ending. <<less
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July 16, 2022
Status: Completed
I just finished this last night, and I first wrote a review on my notebook, but its time to write here already!!

The novel literally wrecked me!!!

I think this slight spoiler-y ... more>>

I cried a lot like literally a lot esp since the last arcs like one of the twins death


This is literaly one of my fave horror bl story, the way the door where introduced and how we got to know more rules, and how they all just made sense,

The characters are also all just the most lovable beings, for every chapter I just fall and fall for them more and more esp the MC and ML (special ment the other side characters like 😭😭)

The way the author assembled their character and their whole personalities the way they were built up were just *chefs kiss*

The plot is also just literally heaven breaking

Inside or outside of the doors, its almost like everything had a purpose when u reach the freaking ending!


or just simple little things like when ML is patient when the MC asks question when they go on doors in future doors

Or when MC once sondered when he was inside the door with that guy abt the sculpture door where he wondered if NPCs could be so human like --then bam to the ending where it was revealed that the ML was infact an NPC

Speakinf of the ML I really really especially f*cking love his character they way the MC kept wondering so many times abt how different the ML was in and out of doors and even had countless of conclusions to it only for us to reach the end and only again just realize the ML just love the drama

(I just realized and remembered the word for this- foreshadowing... I love the foreshadowing for this book 😭😭)

The way the ML was also so human just also proved how much dedicated he was in perfecting his art also prolly bcs of his desire to be with the MC

How he created the 12th stage that was just basically the whole plot of the book and us the readers only even knowing all that in the Side stories where we got to know who and what everything was

Speaking of the doors I understand why the 11th door was at it was, those who were chosen for the door was those who were dying and the door was there to be their "rebirth" by reaching the 11th door it meant that they were prolly strong enough to make a decision, , to stay in a world where the 'door' didnt exist meaning they were not 'unlucky' (since lots died by things falling to then and such ill jusy base them as unlucky as death always chase them) and 'unhealthy' it could be like their what if....

They could also bond with those who died in the door and those who basically didnt exist inside the door, just as long as they survive those who were chasing them in the beginning of the door

It was basically their rebirth

The novel left us with many questions abt the door, like what coulve served as the last 2 doors before the ML got out of his 12th


Please read this novel so you cam be left broken as me!! This novel is like a trampoline, it gets me uo and down but I dont want to stop


But really!! I want to thank the novel for creating this wonderful artpiece

And ofcourse the translators!! All 3 who picked up the novel and esp Zen translation for bringing the novel to the very very end!! Thamk you for picking this up and giving me a chance to read this masterpiece!! <<less
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ley.monade rated it
July 13, 2022
Status: Completed
If you have vivid and creative imaginations, you are in for a ride. This is the first time I've gotten a nightmare from reading a novel (it kept me up the whole night. I even took a sleeping pill but it barely helped at all). The descriptions are so detailed that my brain can't help visualizing a lot of the scenes. Very gruesome. The fact that the story behind the doors are inspired from real world stories or legends makes this even more frightening. I knew deaths were simply unavoidable... more>> for some important characters but I still can't help bawling my outs. Love how the MC has low EQ and is very dense. Love how unique every characters personality are. The way they act towards each other can be hilarious. There's a good amount of comedy, so you don't have to e depressed by what they have to go through all the time


I cried with Chen Qianli's death the most, I expected Yixie but they really gave us a massive plot twist so I cried more than I expected. I felt this was also a blessing in disguise for Qianli because he didn't have to deal with the doors anymore but you do feel sad for Yixie.


One more thing I wanted to talk about was the ending! The ending was completely unexpected! Fear not. It's a happy ending! I feel like there was quite a few unanswered question to the plot twist but wow oh wow. I was still amazed.

Big spoiler

I didn't expect Nanzhu to not be human at all! I kept thinking that Qiushi was the one that probably was out of normal or maybe not even human because it kept being hinted throughout the story that he's special and he seemed especially calm like almost on every circumstance until Qianli's death. Was it just a precondition because of what he went through growing up? Maybe. So imagine my surprised when Nanzhu was actually the twelfth door!


Amazing story. Now I just want to read the author's other stories cause this story was just on another level of BL-horror story. <<less
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thebadgirl05 rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: Completed
I absolutely recommend this novel. It's an absolute pity not to read it at all.

God, the twists and turns had me scared, sad, sobbing and in disbelief at times. It was a thrilling ride that I had to honestly read during daytime because I don't want it accompanying me in my dreams. Lol.

Still, it's giving me bittersweet feelings in the end. God, I know it's fiction and all and that I shouldn't be greedy but I just can't help it. Getting attached to characters really rouses empathy which is a... more>> double sided blade. <<less
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Qaspiel rated it
July 4, 2022
Status: extra 10
The beginning is the End.

These are the words that I believe best describe the novel.

ALERTT; Major Spoiler (>.<)

Chapter 1 marks the start of Lin Qiushi's challenge for the Twelfth Door.

The Twelfth Door itself, Ruan Nanzhu, who has wished to be by Lin Qiushi's side since seeing him through the First Door, rewrites Lin Qiushi's and his memories and begins to live inside the door.

Until Lin Qiushi returns to the original world, all of the action takes place inside the Twelfth Door.

All explanations will be found in the extra chapter.


Psst, Read Teagsho's review if you're looking for a detailed explanation.
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LH_12 rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: Completed
At the beginning, I had mixed feelings about this novel. At first, I thought that plot was interesting, but I wouldn't say that I couldn't put it down. Also, despite the genre, it was not scary, but then it became more scary and even more engrossing. I didn't think that I would like this story, but it became my favorite. Every door was special and different.

I loved every character in this story. Not only MC and ML are interesting, but the rest of the characters are too. They have their... more>> own separate stories, which makes the story compelling and captivating. I liked MC's and ML's personalities and how they dealt with challenges and danger. MC is a clever and calm person who adapts very well; ML is smart, cold, and aloof, but at the same time shameless and has a really interesting hobby; their interactions are hilarious and often lighten the mood when the plot becomes too scary or the situation is tensed.

The plot is captivating, with a perfect pace, neither fast nor slow. The novel was sometimes funny, other times really sad and heartbreaking, with a few plot twists, but the ending was most surprising; I didn't expect that at all. Extras were wonderful too. The author is so talented. This work is brilliant.

About romance, it's a slow burn, but there is a lot of flirting and a good amount of dog food at the ending. It's hard to put into words why this novel is so good, but I think people will understand after reading it. <<less
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aitakm1 rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: c89
I really enjoy this story, the horror aspect, the mysteries, I couldn't stop reading for a while. The different doors were so creatively written and it was so fun to explore them through the MC's eyes. It was also incredibly nerve-wracking. I never expected to get scared, but maybe I'm just weak lol

Then, I reached a certain area of the book. To be honest, I had to get a break from this because the section of the story I got to felt really awkward and underwhelming compared to the earlier... more>> chapters.


The section I was referring to was when LQ (MC) went through the first door by himself. I was really excited, as it was something I was waiting for to see what he capable of, but his performance in the door he went into was rather underwhelming, at least compared to how he was in the previous doors. Part of the reason was because there were certain instances in that door where I believe the MC was perfectly capable of finding out the answers on his own, knowing his experience as an architect and after going through the last few doors, but it felt like that intelligence of his was washed out a bit to just to give the other character the opportunity to contribute. For example, when it came to discovering the issue with the structure of the building, I was hoping MC's background as an architect would come into play, but nope, it was the other guy who pointed it out. The other reason was how he obtained a lot of the essential information to solve the mystery. One time was at place he happened to stop by and eat where the locals happened to be talking about it, the other was from a journal that he found in another guy's room. It felt way too fast and I prefer how the other doors went about obtaining information.


Then right after that,


The MC's best friend died, more so, he committed su*cide in attempt to see the doors himself, after being told about it from a person online. It started from his girlfriend, who happened to be another person who went through the doors, had her door stolen (?) and later died. Then started this whole revenge arc where the MC is angry and wanting to find the person responsible. It all felt pretty forced to me, but it could be because they never fully established the best friend's character other than saying how he was his friend and them to hanging out a few times in the story. I think it was during this arc where I stopped.


Most of this story is very good from what I've read, but having these two arcs back to back, I couldn't continue reading so I'm taking a break. I will mention, this could very well be a "me-only" thing as reading through the reviews, I don't see anyone else saying they had an issue with this. Nonetheless, I still recommend people give this a shot. <<less
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Couphie rated it
January 20, 2022
Status: Completed
I really like this novel. I personally think both MC and ML are kinda OP ngl. I like the characterization of RNZ, the contrast of the way he act inside and out of the doors. While LQS devotion towards his master cat is totally relatable, I too will weep in misery if my beloved cat refused to be close to me QAQ

... more>>

The death of one the twins is definitely the one that makes me cried like a baby. CQL is my favorite! That silly boy! And then I cried again when I read about how CYX loved him so much, that Toast is actually from CYX QAQ


At first I don't get what people said about the plot twist until I read the extras. Yeah. That got me dizzy in confusion. I don't know if I like it or not, but I could choose to ignore it and count them as "extras" only (as in, AU type kind of a way) and not part of the main story.

Horror is not the genre that I usually read, at first I'm not sure if I'm going to enjoy it or not. But hey, I read this till the end! Def a good read for me. But I still think that this could be better, thus the 4 stars rating.


I don't read the spoilers so towards the end of the book I thought this would end up with BE lol.

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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: --
This is a great novel!!

Give it a try and you won't regret. The plot was amazing and addicting. (Of course the mind blowing plot twists). In one moment I am scared and sad and the next moment I will laugh my head off😂.

Also this novel depicts many real life incidents as well. The instances where we will be helpless, instances where we have to rely on our loved people and also instances where you just have yourself. Many lessons to our life are lying underneath this story.

This novel has... more>> everything. Humor, horror, romance, sibling love, friendship... literally EVERYTHING.

Thank you dear auther for writting this amazing novel. And dear translators for bringing this book to us in English. Thank you so much! <<less
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dwagonfut rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I come for the romance, so I like this novel, the horror scene is also good, and the plot twist at the end, the how the author didn't forget about the side character and give them at the extra chapters... For me, this novel is really good, yall should read this
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Azul_UwU_ rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I really liked the story. But then came the ending. It wasn't really bad? I guess? It was more like you're anticipating something more; like trying out a new dish, only to become confused and say, "that's it?"

I wanted something more. The last door really felt like it was lacking something. Agh. Sorry. It seems that I'm not able to form structured thoughts today. No conjunctions for me today. Haha. It feels disjointed, doesn't it.

BUT- in conclusion, read it. Read the full story, even the extras.

... more>>

And quite honestly, I did not feel even an ounce of irritation when I read about the male lead's play acting in the extras, like c'mon, we've all already read about his shenanigans inside the preceding doors and this doesn't even start to compare to that.¯_ (ツ) _/¯

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Onyo.onyo rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: Completed
First of all, I have finished reading it last month, but am only writing a review now as I am not in stable condition after reading this. I really love this novel, from the plot to the characters I love them all. Love story is also not sickening. I'm not ready to read it a second time because there are characters that I really love. I wish Cheng Qianli could live in the universe of New Times New Hell novel
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Reyleisha rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: Completed
Rating: 4/5- Okay so in my opinion I do feel this novel is slightly overrated but it’s a nice read, if you overlook the ending and that horrendous extra chapter.

So what I liked about this was the characters and how well written they were, even side characters and also the concept of the doors giving you a chance at rebirth.

What I disliked: what the hell was that extra that ruined this book. Even the 11th door was slightly underwhelming with this build up to what exactly? I never really felt... more>> satisfied when I finished the book.

I must say it’s well written, but it’s not a masterpiece like many people say. And mostly because what’s a really incredible premise has a rather convoluted ending.

Don’t read the extras in my opinion. <<less
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xuevie rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Wowwwwww, that was just so lovely! Love novels that have their ending connect back to the beginning of the story, just like an infinite loop! Okay, as for the review of this novel - first thing is that the survival games are amazing, although some of them are super gorey (dunno if this is a word), well I meant how the author described the monsters, environment, and the concept behind the survival games were very very gorey and scary, like I actually had to go a few days without eating... more>> meat, ah man - so don't read while eating and at 3-5 am in the morning!

The interaction between ML and MC was sweet but comedic - love a dense MC and super flirtatious ML. But when they got together, it was just plain dog food - good stuff even if you're single. You'll also love the other characters, especially the twins. Ah, right, you'll need some tissues tooo.

Some people said that the arc for the last door was badly written, but it actually isn't - although it's not a door to a horror survival game like how the other eleven are, but there's a reason for that; reading that last door was very enjoyable! Do read this - it's super gooooood!!! <<less
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sswan rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a wonderful journey....I was scared.. terified...I also cried at the end... but overall this novel exceded my expectation... although... there are some unanswered questions.... but still fairly satisfied.
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Odd Stars
Odd Stars rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: c72
It's an amazing horror comedy!

The romance is tiny bit disappointing but that's my problem for being a romantic ;)

I still didn't finish it but from what read so far it's pretty good book that you should check out if your into horror but still want to laugh and be entertained

anyway I will give this a 444/10!! &Gt;:D
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Cham rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: Completed

When LQ thought RN died, he became so hot. Choke me, daddy!


Anyway, I love the story. I stayed up late because I was too scared to sleep. But I couldn't stop reading, hahaha.

I love the main couple's story, how they found redemption with each other. They complement each other so well.


the twin's story made me cry and saddened me so much. CY was selfish in his decision, truth. But I think, if CQ knew, he would still follow his brother.



TZ was also sad. Her death was amazing. Life and death on a stage, shining like a bright star.



In some way, the pain is alleviated because, within the door, the dead still live


In the last chapter of the main story, I had to wrap my head around it, hahaha.
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Berlin rated it
September 6, 2021
Status: --
I would give this 6/5 if I could. It's been such a long time since I've read a horror that can actually make me feel scared. Here, each world is unique and revolves around a historical or mythical theme from which the horror narrative is built. Also, the feeling of horror is different. There is the gory body horror of the sister drum and the slow, creeping horror of the haunted painting.

MC and ML are a wonderful pair as well. I absolutely adore that ML is a ... more>>

crossdresser and also exudes top energy lol.

Because they have to survive in each world, the relationship development is literally between life and death. I would seriously buy the book if not for the censorship.

Even without the BL, the horror is topnotch. With it is just adding another delicious cake on top of the already divine cake. This is now one of my favourite novels to read. <<less
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September 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Amazing Novel! Don't know why some people give this novel a few stars. Never mind.... Different People different tastes Right!!!!

Honestly I am going to give 4.5 Stars.


Because the ending was a bit rush. Every arc was amazing writing but the ending are not very good...😥😥
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August 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I freaking accidentally erased all that I have written agadhshsgsjgdk

Anyway, I really don't usually read horror. Not because I am timid but I rarely see any horror novel worth it to read. But this novel is definitely very worth it!

About MC and ML -

... more>>

That first extra is soooooo sweet 😭😭😭❤❤❤ I hate fake memories but this extra... dang. This is just a perfect one. MC lacks nothing but romance, in which he obviously doesn't show interest much. So, ML is perfect for him! Even if those memories is due to the twelfth door, but for MC everything that happened in that illusory world is real! This. Is. Not. Lie! This shows that ML is fated to be with MC!


Actually, at first -


I thought that it would be MC who is the 'abnormal' one because of his behavior. I thought he is related to the door because he seems to be lucky and that his head was once hit, which led me to think MC has an amnesia (which he really has, but for a different reason). He also seems to be caln and easily adapts to any situation... it is actually because he is a veteran door-crosser! He is even the only one to reach that door! But, the tags really misled me more, on ML's side, too. I really thought that there was a dramatic background story about ML's cross-dressing. And it was because I saw a promotional vid for the novel's audio drama before, which I nisled myself more. *sigh the plot twist of the first extra though. Really UNEXPECTED+


Anyway, MC and ML aside, about the twins, I also feel sad but at the same time happy about them.


Yes. The eleventh world is ab illusory world and Qianli... wuwuwuwu he won't be coming back. But for Yixie (I still was dumbfounded for what he did dang), even if it is an illusion of Qianli, I think he still feel very happy for it since he can still 'see' his brother. But I think at night, the souls of the dead ones would regain their memories, so Qianli will also return? But the ghosts, as well as those people Yixie killed before though... I also feel sad thst Yixie chose the illusory world, but as someone said, it is also considered to be happy ending for him since he himself is happy hey.


For the other ones -


I was irked with that Li Dog something... I know that it was one of his methods to investigate but hey, he said he likes Zhu Meng but still moved against Zhu Meng's 'friend' (MC). I see no sincerity from you. If you truly like someone, you wouldn't resort to this method. Instead, you should show to them your efforts. Tsk.


Finally, plot-wise, character-wise, etc. 10/10. Comedy is a beautiful bonus! Even though I like Fantasy Farm and Perfect Destiny (the author's other works) but I have no bias here in this review. So, you should definitely read this novel!

P.S.: the translation is also already completed, so what are you waiting for? 🤣😘 <<less
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