God’s Song


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It is said that humans only reveal 5% of their DNA. The person you perceive yourself to be and the person others judge you for is determined by this 5%. No one can know what is in the hidden 95%.

Put simply, it would be as if our parents gave us a total of 100 cards when they gave us life – of which only 5 can be used. They don’t know which cards they’ll be handing down, but that’s not the real issue. The bigger problem is that of the 100 random cards, we can’t even choose which of the 5 we get to use. We have to pick them with our eyes closed.

Now imagine each of these cards represents a different trait – maybe an attractive face, an intelligent mind, a great body, a handicap. A lucky person who might have been fated with a prized card would be able to use it as a weapon to speed through life with considerable ease. And then there are also the ill-fated who end up with a torn or useless card. Maybe all five cards are duds. But that is what we have to use to our advantage or disadvantage until we die.

This is a story about a boy, the “cards” he is dealt, and how he uses them to build a music empire.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Song of God
신의 노래
Related Series
Top Management (5)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Authors/ Artists
  2. Novels that I have read 2
  3. [KR] Showbiz
  4. Showbiz/ Actors/ Idols Novels
  5. Slice of life

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57 Reviews sorted by

rndmsmmrflng rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: Completed
3.5 / 5 🌟

Ugggh I want to explain what I truly feel about the whole thing but I'm not able to because the novel is both unfamiliar and something along refreshing and boring (?). It's not really on the negative point. What I mean with unfamiliar is that the industry in which the MC is rooted on. It talks a lot about classic music, composition, and stuff like that. I don't even have a single idea of it and even with the explanations it's still hard to truly comprehend unless,... more>> I guess, you have basic knowledge about it. Anyway, if you don't think of these details seriously then it's fine. You can just pass it off and think of it as a package that you don't have to analyze each details. Aaaaand, what I mean by 'something along refreshing and boring' is exactly what it is. Because the industry and the genre of the music itself is unfamiliar to me, it was a refreshing read. Even though I've never watched a recital before or a performance of this sort, it's still fun to imagine how it would feel if I were in that situation. I also think the author did at least a nice job describing the nuances and the overall feel of the performances so it wasn't that hard to read and enjoy. It's just that sometimes it gets boring with all the extra information that I don't really have to know?

I also like the character development and the relationships here. And let me just warn you, do not expect too much on the romance. In my opinion, it was passive. It was there as if it's just part of his life. Like the romance element in this story is just something that's passing by. It's not necessarily bad but you might be expecting for a fluff or drama of that.

The ending, hmmm... I guess it was okay. It just gave me that kind of feeling. Although I think the MC's last performance and the effects were absurd. MC also made me feel nervous around the ending part. I thought he's gonna go mad. <<less
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Strahltierplatzen rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This story is a hidden gem. I've searched far and wide for a story that felt right and would drag me in but would also keep me on a lead. Very descriptive but not too much as to bore you. I'm glad to see that there is a story like this out in the world.

Edit: Just finished reading it.... I don't know what to say. It feels surreal now that I completed reading this. I feel so empty now and speechless. That's how great this story is. It's a pity... more>> that I can't listen to the music that MC created throughout the novel and the writing is just top tier. I feel so sad and empty because it's the end. Wow. Let me just rest in a corner for awhile cuz the chapters towards the end was just golden. <<less
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13th Echelon
13th Echelon rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: --
GOD'S SONG, Just finished reading and I wanted more actually but there's nothing we can do if there are time skips.

It's not the most dramatic novel that you will read but, you'll definitely feel the emotions in the story. The character's actions are pretty good, it's not boring and there's always something interesting that they will do. The Setting is pretty great, I can say that the author knows about the music industry history. I wish that the story would have been a little bit slower like a Japanese-style slice... more>> of life but obviously, the author can't write like that. So yeah, I recommend this to people who want to read a modern-day tag it's worth a read. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
September 19, 2017
Status: v5c162
It's a good book... but it kinda gets dull after a while. After reading 5 volumes in a row... I can't bear the monotony anymore... It's probably a lot better if you take breaks or don't binge read. The story's kinda calm and bland.

Basically, expect the MC to an OP God in the world of music. He grows as a character, but he's already godly so it doesn't feel like much.

Heartwarming moments. Deep descriptions. Vague romance. I feel that the MC is unintentionally faceslapping anyone that looks down on him... more>> and his music. <<less
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Davini rated it
October 3, 2016
Status: v5 c189
I first thought that the novel would become boring and repetitive but I was proven wrong.

I just cant stop reading it and you just want to see how the MC is going to shock the music world again next time. The description of the music is sometimes difficult to understand because it uses a lot of specialist words but you get used to it fairly quickly. The novel also has romance but it is rarely comes up. (I'm currently at chapter 189)

[though I'm a bit worried because it is... more>> a Korean novel and the Koreans, in my opinion, just cant stop themselves to make romance end it tragedy, which I absolutely cant stand.]

and sorry for my bad english <<less
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icecream rated it
August 12, 2016
Status: v4c141
This is absolutely amazing. The story is fantastic. Problems that occur feel natural and interesting. The problems make me feel nervous if the MC will overcome them or not, even when the MC is OP as hell. It's really worth the read!
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Callista Soo
Callista Soo rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: v3c4
This novel is... I cant even put words to express how amazing, unique and special novel it is. It is completely unique unto itself. Not like the other entertainment novels where MC is reincarnated but a novel that focuses on the real aspects of life or rather the entertainment industry. It showcases the brutal and cut throat reality of the entertainment industry, that talent isn't everything. Anyways, this novel is definitely a must read or u would be so regretful that ur 'intestines turn green from regret'. It's 5 stars... more>> review for me. ?? <<less
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JayJay rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: v3c4
I started reading this when I had nothing else to read (im all about xianxia and wuxia I guess) expecting some half-assed MC and other characters I wouldn't like at all. I was assured with myself that I would drop it the very moment after I read the prologue, which was very good btw, as soon as I read it I had to press next. And now im at the latest chap groaning that I don't have infinity cafebux lol thanks for the good read. Please keep it up :)... more>>

Really looking fotward to the future of MC <<less
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ebookmaniac rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: v3c4 part1
I pick this novel out of the blue because I'm bored with xianxia novel at the moment. I got myself a treasure. If you like something like piano no mori or nodame cantabile manga or just music in general this is the right novel for you.

It got a good MC, a little bit OP but acceptable. A lot of heartwarming chapter. Its setting is in real world. The only bad thing is you can't grasp the full effect of the music in the story.
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May 7, 2016
Status: --
Still so soon to tell, but this is so refreshing from all the cultivation novels out there. Reality TV music competition. Good slice of life novel that is underrated. I heard it is also ranked quite high the publisher's site. Looking forward for more!
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tyes77 rated it
April 26, 2016
Status: c212
The novel revolves on a music protege who starts off as an orphan. Few chapters in, he roams without home or family before he is picked up by an old man. Seeing his potential, the kid aspires to make something of himself in the current times. The chapter's are mismatched on its length though its something about watching a kids journey on music that makes it so interesting. Its still too early to tell whether it'll peter off but i'll be giving it a 3.5 rounding it up to a... more>> 4/5.

Updated review: Alright the chapters are choppy in reading the novel which is a headache as well as the MC's personality is quite bland as rice with everyone else more personality than him. Too much interlude of "he is going to be great" as well as slow pacing of his sob story. All in all it is 2.5 stars rounding it to 3 stars. <<less
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January 17, 2024
Status: --

I listened to classical music and operas after this. While I wouldn't say I completely understand the charm of classical music but I am starting to see it's charm.

I also listened to beatles and elvis presly after reading this book. I only ever knew their names but not their music as I am gen-z. but after listening to their music I think I somewhat understand why they are considered legends.
Oh and,
One thing I found funny is how the author barley ever mentions Michael Jackson. Except once I think when MJ was mentioned with maddona. And that is not even with relation to music.

All in all I wouldn't say it is a highly simulating book, but that is its charm.

Try it out when you feel the need to read something more calm.

I wouldn't recommend reading it while seeking something exiting/thrilling..... cause that will ruin the experience and you probably will not enjoy it fully

That is all thanks for reading🙂
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Relenapeacecraft rated it
April 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I totally enjoyed reading this novel. I just loved how the author so skillfully wrote a protagonist's that's was genius and so talented but I was still able to enjoy the journey along with him. Even the other characters added to the flavour of this wonderful novel.
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Akshat1704 rated it
January 17, 2023
Status: c282
Amazing novel. An absolute masterpiece just like 'the youngest son of conglomerate'

What I want to ask fellow readers is that where can I find this writer on the internet. Does matter if the site is korean.

If somebody knows the writer's account anywhere (be it blog sites or korean exclusive sites or sites like Patreon) do mention it by further commenting here or messaging me directly on my email (harryhole1920@gmail. Com) as per your convenience.

Thank you in advance.
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December 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Do you have these moments where ur chest feels both empty and full? It is what I'm feeling right now as I finish reading God's Song.

The concept of this whole novel and the delivery of the music of God is so magnificent I completely fell in love.

And I think I might have fallen in love with classical music just a little bit.

No matter the writing or the translation the love the author and Jun have for music is very obvious. I too wish I could have been there to listen... more>> and witness God's Song.

Magnificient! <<less
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OfficePony rated it
November 4, 2022
Status: c95
Extremely short chapters after the introductory arc of the main character.

There, got that out of the way.

The writing style is fantastic, it initially drives everything in a rather clinical way while showing the quirkiness of the MC, much like his early life. Things are set at a steady pace, though something always feels slightly askew with the view we are shown. There is always this feeling like, this isn't the life he should be living, but it's what he has and is making do with it as best as he... more>> can. Then comes the other characters, adding more to his life, building a foundation, spreading his view of the world, and so our world becomes more vast. The writing style starts to change, it's not all this strangeness now, there are elements of personality working its way into the world we are presented with aside from the oddness that is the MC. The MC starts to grow into his britches as he learns more about music and the people around him.

Enough about the writing style, the story itself is fairly good in that Korean Drama kind of way that is slightly addictive. You've got pretty people, petty people, and vicious people mixing into a pot of rage-inducing decision-making. Not the most original story you'll find for Korean Dramas, Music and Pretty people seem to take a high-class pass in Korean TV. Still, it's entertaining.

The overall feel of this series is great so far. <<less
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YeongEunJi rated it
August 14, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a good novel! I really liked it! I love the relationship that the MC have built. There were flaws in this novel but the overall read of it was good. I've enjoyed it. Give it a chance.
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August 9, 2022
Status: --
If I were to find a novel to compare this to, this would really be similar to "God of Cooking" except for the MC's background and not having a system. Of course there are other differences, but that's the vibe I get from this novel and it's because of this that I like the novel.

One thing I do have to complain about are the beginning chapters of this novel, as in before he found his now father figure.

The novel could've easily done without them and simply be written about in future chapters as a flashback of some sort. I was so annoyed that I almost dropped this with how foolish the MC's actions were that led him to living a homeless life. He brought tragedy upon himself by doing what he did. Of course him being abandoned at an orphanage is sad in itself, but his actions and the consequences that came with them after being adopted are entirely his own. It wasn't like his adoptive parents treated him wrong (though it was only for a day), he just foolishly ran out into the rain without a second thought for anything else. Moreover, I find it extremely unlikely that the authorities never found him. It's not like he was trying to evade people, nor would a child be capable of such thoughts, it makes no sense that they couldn't find a clearly lost child. Major plot hole right there.


Anyhow, the novel after that point has been great. Characters are likable and actually contain depth and emotions that managed to move me. Can't say I understand much about music, but it's different from what I'm used to reading so it's really nice. Would easily recommend this. 4/5
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JCloks88 rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I am not good with words, but this is totally unexpected I started reading wuxia, xianxia... now that I tried to read outside of my box, the first I read was lucia, and it was really good, now I started finding gems that I have never thought was good but after reading it, and finish it...i am thinking of wanting more, this feeling after finishing a novel... is what I want to share with you guys, completely satisfied but at the same time trying to fill the void again wanting... more>> more of this kind of story, Thank you for this wonderful work. <<less
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snooppyed rated it
June 12, 2021
Status: Completed

the author really go deep into music research, every performance contains great theory and not boring at all. This novel really makes me excited, it was easy to understand and each chapter is standard, not too short/long.

i can’t help but compare it with Devil Song (it’s really similar, music genre KR novel) DS really into fantasy, I think it’s into ‘God’s Gift’. When the MC performance, it’s likely descripted about the lyrics and the audience reaction’s. The MC is really lucky and his life like... more>> in flower path so it’s a story full of smoothy life and bring relax. But the novel itself not deep as God’s Song in term realistic and music theory.

God Song full contained about music theory and everything becomes reasonable. The MC very realistic and perfectionist. It’s not flower path-like life because MC has many up&down. The audience reaction not exaggerated and this show how hard working is the MC even when he was genius. In fact, isn’t MC lucky, the first and last luck he ever received is his genius. After that it was proved by his effort and talent that he cultivate.

this is real music empire, his music really touch everyone, his money, his music scores, his speech really make whole another world. He use the money to build highway on africa rather than something like food-distribution, or disaster. His ‘garbage’ music scores, he spreads around the world and every people practice his music. Every musician that he makes song for will be on top charts that makes even amateur a star.

this novel is fascinating 😭 <<less
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