Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore


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She reincarnated, she died when she was twenty, the mu*derer pushed her to the road in the glare of public eye. However, within the people —

Her respectful father said to the mu*derer: Don’t take it to your heart, this is not your fault.

Her kindness-loving mother said to the mu*derer: Don’t worry, I still got you, you’re much better than my real daughter.

Her lovely brother said to the mu*derer: Tsk, this kind of woman should have just die earlier, her existence embarrasses me.

Her beloved man said to the mu*derer: You’re the only one I loved from the start.

The mu*derer was moved to tears, as if she was the only pure white lotus that remains in this world; nobody notices her vicious and scarcely smile.

Hence —

When everything resets, she swears she will take everything back and make her pay twice the price, she desires to become the princess where everyone comforts her for mu*dering a person too. She’ll definitely make that person who stole everything from her to experience the deepest agony in her soul.


Before he was in love with her, he calmly said: “I can sense the smell of crime on her.”

After he was in love with her, his face was cold but his heart was warm: “I can sense the smell that turns me into a crime on her.”

She said: “Can I keep your corpse into my collection when you die?”

He said: “Are you going to r*pe me day and night?”

She said: “I just want to make you into a mummy.”

He said: “I didn’t know you were so hardcore, using this kind of method to make me stay by your side forever.”

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Recommendation Lists
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  3. When the MC is scarier than the ghosts and mu*dere...
  4. Awakening: moving towards being OP
  5. Crazy MC

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49 Reviews sorted by

New Bzaurpa rated it
May 21, 2024
Status: c8
I just read the beginning, so maybe things got better over time, but there was enough of annoying things for me to drop it.

I like villainous female lead more than anything, but this story feels more like creating drama than showing evil protagonist. She doesn't start evil, just changes character because everyone she had ever known betrayed her. Before she was maybe little bit prideful, but wasn't bad person, did everything by the book, even when she was f*cking r*ped, she just wanted to report a lawsuit. So she's not... more>> as evil, as simply someone who experienced something so traumatic that her entire personality broke. It's sad tragedy, not fun story with messed up protagonist who destroys everyone.

Second thing, I hate how they always have to include r*pe in chinese novels. It wouldn't change anything if MC wasn't r*ped, but author add it without any other reason than to create more drama and make her story even more tragic. It's like creating excuses why MC is now cruel.

Third thing, I have no idea what MC tries to accomplish with her revenge. I get her pretending to be a perfect student, I even like it; in real life psychopaths are often good at pretending to be good people. But why her plan is to make people who betrayed her love her, just to betray them then. She has good enough reputation to just secretly kidnap them, torture them for years in her mansion and hide this from public. She could even include some mental tortures and she probably would be able to make them see her as a goddess who decides every aspect of their lifes. But no, no revenge, instead she has normal and loving interactions with them just so we can read in every chapter reminder how she got tricked, r*ped etc. Again, it's not showing her being evil, it's making her main hero in tragedy.

If author would do her revenge instantly, all that tragedy would be left behind and story would focus on how she's smart, manipulative and crazy; how she's merciless to people who wrong her. Without it the focus on story is her past tragic life, not current one with her psycho personality. The reason why people like villainous characters is that they do what they want and don't give a f*ck. Here MC sacrifices big part of her time to make everyone happy so she can betray them later. Just think about it, either she hates every second of it and is in constant psychological pain, ot she went full "Hahaha! He doesn't expect that I treat his wounds/flirt with him/buy him delicious food just so I can later say it was all a lie and reveal I just pretended to care about him. I'm so evil! BuaHaHaHaHa!".

So in summary, it could be good story with evil MC, but author wanted instead to focus on tragedy which won't be resolved for a long time. <<less
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Strangels rated it
July 9, 2019
Status: Completed
This is good. I'm usually pretty picky but this was extremely engaging and fun to read. There is one thing to criticise though is that while the novel calls MC a psychopath, technically she should be a high-functioning sociopath because she developed the traits from trauma (psychopaths are born), however she seems to act more like a psychopath (calculating, charming, no remorse etc)... but oh well.

I love the MC and the certain way she reacts to things and other people. I love the ML (really cute) . I... more>> love how their relationship works and their dialogue. (one of the rare times I actually ship the main couple) But really, of course, the supporting cast of characters are all also a huge part of what makes this novel so interesting. And boy, quite a few seem normal but are actually pretty twisted like our MC but that's exactly why I like this novel. There were particular moments where I would wonder "wth?" because those characters did something really strange and you finally realise that there's more to them than it appears. (and they weren't even one of the psychopaths') Keep in mind that although some may appear as enemies at first, they can eventually become allies or even friends given the chance. This was a message that was really reinforced throughout the entire novel.

There were several really bittersweet scenes or parts that touched on characters' thoughts about MC regarding unrequited love. (the scenes felt like something out of a movie) Out of the few who really like MC, these two characters had hidden their thoughts so deeply that even the smart, perceptive MC didn't notice. However, we as readers know from their actions and reactions towards her and can't help but feel terrible for them. Putting them aside, in his side story we can see a person who has complex feelings about MC which I found quite realistic and inspiring. Moving on from the past and adapting with the new situation, albeit the slight awkwardness, was really relatable to me and it just managed to surpass one other to become my top favourite among the side stories. (this character though is a borderline main supporting character so I feel he won't be mentioned as much as the others)

To sum up, the novel's ending was satisfying with only 227 chapters which is pretty neat. It was wrapped up with a few side stories in which its contents and the way it was written was extremely touching. However, there were a few people that never really appeared in the end and we have no idea what happened to them. Such as the twin brothers ("forbidden" romance didn't proceed, turned from main to minor supporting character so was hoping they would get a side story but nope) and Liu Weiyang (I feel bad for this guy) .

Although she's only a minor supporting character, I wanted to mention Shu Min, this poor girl (her love is the real deal) , best wishes to her. Ivy is hilarious. (I feel like this guy will be the novel's most popular character) Ke Shiqing (uncle) is my favourite character. (he's the usual archetype I like due to our similarities) As for Duan & Bai Mo, I really hope all the best for them cause, sigh. And so many other characters who, to whatever degree, are all charmed by and love the MC just like I do even though they know something is off about her. If I have to compare, the MC from Demon Girl - Tale of a Lax Demon can be said to slightly resemble this novel's MC. Anyway, I hope you guys will be entertained as much as I did if you decide to read this. <<less
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YoriMei rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: c56 part1
Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go apeshit? That's this, the novel. MC's a reborn girl who was crossed by everyone in her life, and so in her second life she grows up to be a psychopath in every sense of the word. She's charming, lovely, intelligent, diligent and a ticking time bomb dying for everyone to cross her, just once, so she can explode. She meticulously maintains her long con and grows up twisted, reeling in everyone with her perfect facade to hid her serial... more>> killer tendencies. It's satisfying to watch her mess up Bai Suqing's schemes.

That said, it does get annoying that everything is a going so smoothly for MC, to the point where she's predicted human reaction and become genius level intellect and master class of high society grace. If she had the potential to become a outstanding, what was she doing before? How could she learn such deep skills the second time around if her first time she just slacked off? It's not like she doesn't face opposition, it's just that she outclasses everyone to the point that tension is low. There's hints of her being a good person deep down but it feels more like the story couldn't make up it's mind on whether to make her a bad person or not. <<less
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whitespade rated it
May 29, 2019
Status: c20

Every other sentence just repeat how beautiful, how pure, how awesome the MC is. Or how beautiful, how ethereal, etc etc etc the brothers or the white lotus I feel like Im going to barf. I could skip so much because theres only one or two sentence that actually further the plot.

Literally disgusting, can't stand repetitive writing like this.
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Midori rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: Completed
hellooo, the self-proclaimed professional mtl-er is here! well, yes, i've conpleted the series---

firstly, like, the dialogue in the summary, from what I could tell, only part of it was seen. which suited me just fine---!

uh, anyway, where was i? oh, right, the story! since I actually completed the story, and after binge-reading and all-nighters too, haha, the story's pretty good indeed! I usually read fluffy stories, but this one had enough of the main couple relationship interactions to keep me interested! I also liked the main couple---

but definitely, the story... more>> is psychological, and she most certainly is not sane. but well, the people she killed all deserve it-- there's also plot and plot twists--but if you ask me to judge, I will just say that as long as the plot doesn't irritate me, i'll keep reading. I did skip parts because I am not a super plot-interested person loool! the side characters are generally pretty well-developed too, in my opinion, not that it matters to me, hm...

one of the side stories was also iffy to me, but that's just because of couple shipping... grr!

well, it was a story that kept me reading until the end, so that is definitely something of note! <<less
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gryffinpuff rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: c21
Not for me!

Starts with the usual slag family who condone an outsider killing their family member (MC), and then MC being reborn. I get that being despised by your loved ones and being killed and then being reborn would skew one's feelings, but it's taken to an extreme.

Just because the MC is reborn, she's suddenly so dazzling that everyone stops to stare at her prettiness and her aura! From a mediocre student, she's now such a genius (international topper) that Yale, Harvard, Princeton Universities want to snatch her! She's now... more>> able to play mind games, and so perfect that no one can see through her schemes etc; a psychopath, being able to plan (and get away with!) mu*ders, making people into dolls... She's so perfect and angelic that she converted her brothers into yandere sis-cons after rebirth!

And ML is so perfect that he needs an introduction on how perfect/dashing hunk he is every time he appears in the story. For no reason, he starts developing crush on the girl he's stalking to catch her in the act. And he's so perfectly cold that even his so-called best friend seems like a lackey, who's afraid to even touch his (ML's) shoulder! <<less
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magstralala rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: c58 part6
I absolutely love this novel. It's over the top, disturbing and ridiculous, but also hilarious and weirdly really deep with real life lessons.

This is the story of a girl that had her brain go haywire after rebirth in a world already full of mentally disturbed people. Her hobby is manipulating people and turning the others into mummies, eventually beheading them just for the giggles. She's incredibly smart, seriously scary and full on psychopath.

But I love her.

Lan Lan is simply so much fun, as is the whole cast of characters. They... more>> all have some loose screws, twisted morals and are all being played by Mu Rulan. They never think or act like a somewhat normal being would and just make us enjoy the story even more.

There are the twins discovering they are in love with their sister.

There is the pathetic white lotus that keeps trying.

There is the materialistic mother that just make us sick.

There is the scorned girlfriend that loses more grey cells every chapter.

There is the ML that is already in MC's clutches unbeknownst to him.

Life in K City sure is eventful. People disappear, people die, everybody seems to end up at the hospital at one point or another and Lan Lan gets scarier by the minute.

But no worries, I also left my morals behind and forgot to be creeped out. This novel makes you root for a serial killer and enjoy in*est, after all.

Lan Lan, fighting! May you continue your terrifying puppet collection and play with your future husband a little more. <<less
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hngyxn rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: c87
I'm not too qualified, but as the new translator I felt like I needed to leave a comment here. (I'm reading as I translate LOL)

Mu Rulan is very enjoyable to translate, Mo Qianren even more. Their words however do include a lot of nuances that I'm trying my best to translate properly.

This story is... not for the faint of heart, as there are many scenes where the imagery is quite vivid, to say the least. The MC's personality is pretty complex, and every chapter is something new; quite rare... more>> to find in a romance novel.

It's also nice how the MC doesn't really rely on the ML, and she's not weak as you'll find out when reading the story. She has everything planned out, and the MC and the ML always leave you wanting to see what tricks they pull next. It's very enthralling, and refreshing to see an MC that isn't naive; rather, she's far from that. It's very refreshing to see her foil everybody's schemes, as she already planned in advance. The foreshadowing is amazing.

It does touch on some darker themes, but that's what makes this novel so good. I'm surprised it has such a low rating for such a well-written novel.

I'd say that you should give this a try if you're not too yucked out by a few descriptions of corpses, as it's worth the read. (Each chapter is... so long.)

Quite a compelling story, and a hidden gem if I say so myself. Not too many stories have a main character as twisted as Mu Rulan, and that's what makes this so good. I find myself starting to root for her as I read along. <<less
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BlackTeaAndMallows rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a GREAT read... BUT it is not for everyone.

One must note that this is DARK and TWISTED. The MC is a psycho, NOT the cute psycho but the legit psycho who can and did kill her enemies. There's a reason for it but still, she killed another and in a gruesome way so if one cannot take it, this story would really shock you. And she's NOT the only. Almost all of the characters cannot be even be considered normal. Yeah, even the ML.

I MTLed the story for... more>> the rest and I say, I would reread this again after it is completely translated. Yes, it's that good. So if you're up to any story, try this. It is greatly recommended. <<less
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Jayen rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: c133
I don't really know how to review and my grammar is not correct so I'm gonna apologize for that.

This is the first novel I read that has a psycho MC and I like it alot.

The MC when she reborn became a psycho because

... more>>

she got kidnap instead of her brothers coz she save them and she wasn't the only one who got kidnap there are many other girls but they suffer worst fate than her. She wants justice for them but since the mastermind is someone influencial the girls didn't get their justice. So that's why she became a good psycho lol



Normal people would fall inlove with her but psychos would want to kill her and make her a masterpiece.


The romance between the MC and ML will be so adorable and cute! The MC will be so so so shameless and always makes the ML blush. It's soooo cute I promiseee.

I stop reading because I'm reading thru Google Translate that makes my head hurts that's why I'm gonna wait for translation. Good luck in translating!! <<less
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Sceer rated it
June 24, 2019
Status: c53
In first chapter she looked so pitiful, then in the next we are thrown into a thriller setting ?? I almost thought I was reading another novel.

I was sad when I finished reading the translated chapters. The author combined the cliche "Stunning beauty and aloof and cold male" with psychopathic tendencies. It is a refreshing read for me.

Also the MC is not the only psycho in the story!
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Hahayaya rated it
March 21, 2021
Status: --
I agree with the reviewer that said that this story comes off as being written by a teenager with no depth. I keep waiting for the story to get better but it comes off as an angsty revenge story written by an angsty goth kid who was bullied in high school. I like twisted, dark stories and I don’t mind if there is a psycho MC. But this story is just dumb. Everyone is brain dead. Nothing about it is clever or stimulating.
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chekanalia rated it
April 17, 2019
Status: c46
This novel has me fascinated!!

Are you tired of Ceo's, presidents, mafia kingpins, movie stars and celebrity ML's and their white lotus MC's or "strong" powerful women (how hard we have to squint to see those traits) ? Then this is the book for you!!!

This book makes me think of a wagyu steak!High class, delicious and good with every bite <3
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Lunica rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: c57 part3
i remember reading this and dropping it because nothing ever happens. It feels like they spend more time describing how awesome characters are and their auras rather than actually moving the plot forward. The MC is supposed to be an evil psycho who turns people into dolls but she literally never does any of that, she just manipulates her mom but everyone fears her for no reason. I'm disappointed. It feels like its written by a teenager.
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piggymush rated it
January 20, 2020
Status: Completed
finally just finish this novel. It's good. The MC is a psychopath. She only kills the bad guy. I love the way she torture and kills them. The flow of the story is good and it has some plot twist that you never expect. I really recommend this novel and don't worry guys. Even though this is some kind of horror or psycho. It's a happy end.
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Ainslee rated it
April 22, 2020
Status: c68 part1
Love this twisted kind of novel.

It's a breath of stormy air amongst the easy to guess plotline novels.

Sometimes it's boring reading the same counterattack plots by the female leads. While this one lead the story by being the most villainous female lead I've ever read so far. And I love her.

Well as far as plotline goes, not in real life. If she's real, I'll run and hide far far away from her ?
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Yukari_me rated it
April 6, 2019
Status: c42
Rating: 4.5/5

Help, I think I'm becoming twsited from reading this

Tbh, I really loved the novel with a fresh and twisted MC. Even though the plot is still just at the beginning, I really enjoyed reading MC's inner dark thoughts about the people she wants to take revenge on. Though I'm fine with the description and I get that the author wants to emphasize the MC's mask, it kind of gets annoying as you read further. Imo, I think that part could be changed to drive the story in a bit... more>> more realistic way with less exaggeration which could add to the mood of the novel. Still, I just love how the MC's more fleshed out while having a realistic mindset with her conflicting thoughts of sticking to the path of a psychopath and being less kind to not get hurt anymore. And how she's kind of or she tries giving the people who hurt her a bit more time/chance until she strikes back in a much more horrifying way. Honestly, the only people who she will hurt are those who didn't get their just desserts when she was alive in the past so I truly enjoy reading it with a smile. <<less
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Blackcat000 rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: c11
Well as I don't normally write reviews but see this with no comments or anything I figured why not??‍♀️

Its pretty well translated from what I've seen so far other than a few mistakes in the names (which got me confused in the first couple chapters but then evens out), meanwhile the characters behavior/personality are pretty interesting so far between the MC and her family/others they some have distinct and others somewhat typical/"what'd you expect" characteristics, which builds a little bit (really small) through the couple of chapters so I'm hoping... more>> there will be good character building but this is only what I've seen the first few chapters so I might be wrong~

But anyway the plot seems interesting as well as a thriller type of vibe with the ML just showing up I think it'll get even more interesting!!!


oh but the main reason it's so entertaining is bc the MC is just simply playing with these characters in the palm of her hand so in a way she is the puppet master with all her dolls (literally and figuratively) so seeing the ML come in when she has basically made a little empire for her self I just can't wait to see what he will do, though I think the summary sort of spoils it?


So I would recommend this if you like little brain teasers trying to figure out how MC will try to get revenge and stay out of jail, oh and if you don't like scary stuff please read the tags before continuing after all the Horror, Psychopath, and Twisted personality tags are in themselves a big warning to those of you who don't like violence in your revenge stories!!!

(I only did four stars cause there is only 11 chapters while writing this so?‍♀️) <<less
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Kajsa rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: c84 part3
This is my first time writing a review, but I just had too! I absolutely love this story. The MC is adorably and horrifically psychopathic, but she has morals and is very kind... she's perfect and I'd happily house a puppet or mummy for her.

This story is not your stereotypical revenge story where the MC get's back at everyone for all the wrong's that they did in their past life. I don't know what qualifies as spoilers, so I'll just say she will definitely get revenge when appropriate.

I love the... more>> ML and their interactions, match made in heaven. Definitely slow to get to the actual romantic interactions, but oh so worth it!

Also, I almost got turned off by the Harem tag, but I haven't really sensed it at all. It's more reverse harem.

I read from beginning till here in less than a day, so I am so thankful to the past translator, but especially thankful to the new one! Thank you so much, and I look forward to more <3 <<less
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YeongEunJi rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: c78 part1
OMG! This is my first time trying out the genre psychology (is that right?) and I really barely touch upon stories that are in this sort of genre but wow! This novel is really good! I'm glad that I've found it and have decided to read it because as what other reviews have posted out, it has just the right amount of psychopathy and 'gore-ness' if you will. It isn't that much dark for me so it didn't scare me much at all and I truly like the pairing of... more>> the ML and FL!! God! I want more of their scenes and I can't wait for their relationship to develop!! Truly they are meant to be!

Highly recommend! <<less
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Yazzyreads rated it
May 17, 2020
Status: c55 part2
This is actually a super fun and enjoyable read. The translation is very smooth and the main characters are great.

It's best to read this as a black comedy along the lines of Heathers, Little Shop of Horrors, Hannibal etc. It's that kind of twisted humor that makes you root for the FL. The melodrama just makes you want to laugh, so I wouldn't take this novel as angst-filled seriousness.

I'm enjoying this so much! It's an over the top revenge fantasy filled with abnormal people and psychopathic psychology.
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