Possessing Nothing


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C-class mercenary. Started as a No Class, possessing nothing.

13 years of survival in the depths of the ditches.

Somehow, I’ve managed to return to the very beginning of my struggle, but…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Going Back to the Past without Anything on Hand
Returning With Absolutely Nothing(manhwa)
Worthless Regression
쥐뿔도 없는 회귀
Related Series
The Second Coming of Gluttony (9)
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M E M O R I Z E (4)
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  2. everything ive read (part 1)
  3. koren
  4. enjoyed my time
  5. KR Novels Recommended by a Picky Reader

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102 Reviews sorted by

Chilly rated it
October 15, 2017
Status: c47
I've read dozens and dozens of light novels that have a wide variety of genres (fantasy worlds, rebirth plots, martial arts, adventure, romance, horror, mystery, etc.).

This is one of the only light novels that I've read that gives me that intense feeling of inspiration or excitement when I'm reading it. Its the same feeling as when you're reading a really well polished manga or watching some of the few extremely well done anime. The beginning chapters are good although a bit slow, although the parts I really enjoy come later... more>> in the story, and it is INCREDIBLE. I don't want to take away from the story you're about to read, so please READ THIS LIGHT NOVEL if its the last one you read, it is in my top 3 light novels read to date.

Possessing Nothing should have many more readers and better reviews, its a shame that many people review it after the first few chapters complaining that the main character isn't an op bad ass within the first 5 minutes of reading the story -.- (not saying that he becomes op or even a badass, read to see for yourself).

If I haven't said it enough read this freaking LN, you won't regret it and you'll probably be waiting on the edge of your seat for that next chapter. <<less
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July 8, 2021
Status: c299
Alright, I just want to warn you folks that I have never done a proper review on anything. However, I will try my best to write one without spoiling the story.

Let me introduce the story first. This is a typical reincarnation (not isekai) story of a MC that was talentless or useless. However the execution of the story and world-building compensates for it.

The world-building is amazing, it incorporates the Murim/Cultivation world with the regular high fantasy elements. The species are all the same, with elves, dwarves, humans, demons, and undead.... more>> But now martial arts and magic are both used instead of just a singular fantasy element; mana/ki. There are even gods and devils, martial arts sects and magic towers. I don't know what I'm else I'm supposed to say.

As for the plot, I never really paid attention to it but I guess it's generic? It's a reincarnation story of a talentless person, and he now seeks to improve his life by increasing his strength and power. Again though, the execution is more than just generic. There's the generic plot but there's also a mystery element and a whole lot of foreshadowing. As the story goes further on, whole new characters and even concepts are introduced. This is obvious but as I can not go into details, so far in the story I know that he is a "variable" of fate.

Character development plays a major part in the story. I would like to address the complaint of how the main character keeps on mentioning his lack of talent. Unfortunately, during the early stages of the story, you will constantly hear about how "talentless" he is. I don't get the reason why people dislike it though. Even though he does get reincarnated with the memories of the life he led previously, he also keeps his personality. He doesn't get a cheat skill nor a system, he simply retains the information and skills he already had before he got reincarnated. If you had an inferiority complex or any bad habit or addiction that stuck with you through life, you will understand how hard it is to get rid of it. However, I'm digressing. How he develops into a person with an inferiority complex into a person who is now slightly confident is phenomenal. He had to go through many adversities, one of them being a literal trial which broke his mind several times. However, he never gave up. He gains more tenacity, self-esteem, skills both physical and mental, and the whole complaining stuff decreases as the story moves on.

The action... I genuinely have no clue what to say. I'm not a reader who ever gets excited for action scenes simply because I like it more in a visual format. However, I can tell you that the action is great but I don't know how to put it into words. I don't know how to put it into words, not because it's that good but simply because I don't know how to put it into words.

Lastly, the romance aspect of Possessing Nothing. If you're looking for a story that has good romance, this not it. There is barely any romance in the story. The story is more about his epic journey through adversities to become more powerful. With obviously more details and elements that come with it.

As for plot holes, narrative and a whole lot jargon, I can't tell you anything about it. I don't have any knowledge on those as I am just a casual reader.

Overall, while I may not have given a satisfactory review, what I can tell is that the story is fantastic. However, that is ultimately up for you to decide, not me. I hope you will enjoy the webnovel as much as I did! <<less
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N0_REASON rated it
March 23, 2021
Status: c302
Three things I like about the novel:

  1. Most important was the Romance. I think it was done really well. The love interest is a strong character with a personality, not a generic tag-along.
  2. Continuity makes sense. The MC does something that changes something and has an actual effect on the world. No "cheesing" his past memories.
  3. Realistic growth. There were no sudden power-ups. He definitely earns all of his strength even with his inferiority complex. I read the SCOG after this and thought this novels growth was done better.
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Overclock rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: c250
Great start, okay middle, and looking like a tr*sh ending.

The MC was a genuine weak to strong protagonist, but the author ruined him. How. Not by cliche special OP treasures like in other stories. No what the author did was drown him in multiple training arcs.

The first. His first friend, teacher, and love interest. She taught him the basics, fixed a cultivation technique of his, and gave him a very powerful spear technique she redesigned to match his low talent specs. For a guy with nothing this was acceptable. He... more>> spends like a year in the beginning town training with her at the start and the rest self training. He could be considered a B or A rank adventure at this point. Impressive, but from a world point of view still very weak.

Next came the mountain training where you take crippling penalties and train to get a XP boost of sorts. MC in his despair to catch up to his teacher takes upon himself a bunch of penalties and stays three years. He leaves at what amounts to a S rank adventure.

He gets a cheat along the way, but it doesn't really ruin his development as it was not exploit as much as others normally would have.

His next training is borderline a mistake in my opinion. It has purpose, but we just came from the mountain training not long after. Also it ends his journey and possible chance to learn magic from very interesting red head mage woman. He fights a genius of Shaolin. For 4 years. It's all he did and honestly he got the main points of the training in like the first year or so. He was even told he was becoming aimless.

Stuff happens that makes him despair again and now comes the next training and what ruined his character. Personality and his power level. The MC gets put in a magic equivalent of the Dragon Ball Z time training space, but for the mind. For over 2000 years. Yes for that long. He comes out a broken OP character. So much so he couldn't even carry over all his newfound power, only coming out around the same level as the Shaolin genius. His actual level is far beyond even his teacher and goal. And worse part yet is that while he is playing catch up and fights people he keeps complaining that he should be more than this and that. It's the worst.

I'm leaving it as 4 due to my high initial thoughts if the novel. <<less
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Yolo Swag
Yolo Swag rated it
June 27, 2018
Status: c70
The premise of a weak MC starts interesting, for a change, but degrades fast:

  • the MC is less humble, more crying that he has not enough cheats
  • MC states that his inferiority complex is his... best quality?
other faults are more spoilerish.

back and forth, powerful women line in to shower the MC with gifts.

The fight against the lich destroy any sense of power scale, and introduces mighty evil loli...

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imsodone rated it
October 4, 2017
Status: c47
The thing that makes me love this story more is how the MC mopes and whines that he's not a genius. And HE'S NOT, he's very hardworking though. The start may turn you off since most novel in NU are self fulfillment OP novels but this not it. This is story about a man who struggled for 13 years, dies and travels back to the time when he first arrived in the world of Eria?. It will show you geniuses (Pegasus Waifu!) and will shove to your face that the... more>> MC is no way like them but he will triumph over them through sheer hard work and a little help. You will watch him develop himself gradually to the point of torture. And you will relate to him because, in a way, he's like us. A no class nobody that wants to stand out and be OP but we can't because we have no talent or mediocre at best. Don't worry tho, he'll evolve. Just read it. <<less
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Yemallis rated it
September 16, 2017
Status: c46
Traveling back in time has come to be my favorite novel settings because it provides so many essential things for a good story such as a sense of danger on the horizon, a goal, and a unique strength for the MC. Novels that have this setting I have read would be Tales of Demons and Gods, Rebirth of the Thief, Reincarnator, Master Hunter K, I am the Monarch, The Human Emperor, Emperor of Solo Play, Reign of the Hunters, Thousand Face Demon Concubine, Dungeon Hunter, Green Skin, Tsuyokute New Saga,... more>> Murabito desu ga Nani ka?, Nidome no Yuusha, Hiraheishi wa Kako o Yumemiru, Still Wait For Me, Transcending the Nine Heavens, and Zhanxian.

And among all of those stories, this is the one that has stood out and I am writing a review for.

The MC does not have a goal, he didn't die in any special way, and the few special pieces of information he remembers are just enough to take him from tr*sh to still tr*sh. Yet Possessing Nothing still manages to be an amazing novel in terms of characters, setting, plot, and my anticipation of upcoming chapters. Very much looking forward to reading this novel in the future. <<less
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Rasselon rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c259
So, basically, this is a story about "A guy" who gets systematically brainwashed by literally everyone around him into becoming Chinese sword fantasy (whatever xiewuahuarheea it is actually called) bog standard "I will pursue the peak of martial arts" main character. Look, I am not a fan of cultivation, but I kept reading because at first there was enough fun and interesting elements - cool monsters like liches, vampire lords and yokai, traditional fantasy magic, all that stuff. And also the premise that there are people from countless comepletely different... more>> worlds s**ked in here... Now forget all that. 90% of this world is just traditional chinese fantasy sects like wudang, shaolin, plum blossom mountain, all the others and their power struggle between orthodox/unorthodox factions. There are supposedly normal fantasy factions here, like Magic Towers, cool monster unions, but they are so far from being the focus that you can say that they are not the part of the setting at all. Cook it up with some martial arts philosophy bullsh*t and you can just say that this is wuxia-xiaxia or whatever.

Most importantly - MC is fighting someone much stronger than him. Always. No other way. So it goes like this:
MC fights someone much stronger than him >>> MC whines like crazy about being weak and NOT HARDWORKING ENOUGH >>> MC tells himself that he is NOT HARDWORKING ENOUGH (I said it twice because author repeats it like a hundred times in a row) >>> MC trains like a complete madman and becomes incomparably stronger >>> MC fights someone much stronger than him??? >>> MC whines like crazy about being weak and NOT HARDWORKING ENOUGH >>> MC IS NOT HARDWORKING ENOUGH, REMEMBER? HE JUST DOESN'T WORK HARD ENOUGH >>> Repeat infinitely.

Look, you can only do it so much times before it gets stale, alright? It was already giving off rotten smell after the second time, reading it further just felt like torture. Speaking of which.

Relationships between key characters. You can only drag them in the same state for so long, but here, even with some progress actually made, it just rewinds back SOMEHOW? and keeps dragging.

Oh, and I almost forgot (because author sure did), the regression part is so insignificant here that it literally amounts to one fetchquest that leads nowhere. If it wasn't here, nothing would've changed, just a few sentences of additional explanation here and there by the side characters could've compensated for all the meager amount of knowledge MC had from the first round. It's not something to be upset about for me, but I must warn you - regression is basically a clickbait here, nothing more. It has "some role" in mc's cheat power but it is so vague and wasn't explained at all, that it could be literally anything else.

Anyway. You should probably try it yourself, I am still willing to recommend it. Despite all these failures, author does some truly great things with the side characters, villains, and the remaining 10% of the setting which isn't Chinese.

After somewhere around chapter ~200 it took me great effort to just continue and by c259 I just couldn't bring myself to. It felt empty, story was going nowhere, and even some great bits were lost in the whole pile of nothing.

Again, there are some really amazing parts here, and I feel enthusiastic about trying other novels by this author, but this one is just subpar. <<less
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Forgetful123 rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: c258
tldr; Possessing nothing isn't particularly worthwhile to read after the sort of interesting beginning. Only if there's nothing else to read, then I would recommend reading it.

The world MC is in has Wuxia and Fantasy elements. Wuxia, which is a chinese sub-genre, where humans learn to cultivate Qi to perform powerful martial arts. Fantasy, which has the western magics, dragons, elves, dwarves, etc. With these two elements, there's a political thing going on where both Wuxia and Fantasy factions compete for power with each other and in themselves.

There is quite... more>> a lot of things happening, but it's just really dry as the conspiracies are usually just washed away with pure power. No matter how much planning or numbers are poured into a battle, a single individual's power just overwhelms them. And in the case of similar power levels, they just take a wait-and-see action most of the time.

As a consequence of individuals holding so much power, we get many chapters of X characters doing what they will and just ends up as nothing as said individuals overturn everything. It feels like a waste of time reading something that's just... nothing.

MC is someone who has no talent in magic or martial arts and even his intelligence is sort of middling, but he has tremendous luck and favor from powerful figures. It doesn't matter that he has no talent because there are other ways to gain power. Not enough talent? Why, he just need to train for 2000 years in his mind! His body is not good to follow up with his 2000 years trained mind? Why, he just needs to take in all the random legendary loots like demon heart dragon heart something something pills!

He also suffers from such inferiority because of his talentless aspect that it's buried in his f*cking bones... Each time some sh*t happens that he couldn't resolve and gets bailed up by whatever plot armor, there's a few lines of gosh-I'm-so-weaksauce. GAH. Irritating. Can you imagine reading that cr*p even when he's at transcendent rank (like 99.99% better than the entire population or something) ? His personality gets even worse as the story progresses, urgh. Since the more powerful he becomes from picking up +99 things like skills, blessings, etc, he starts to lose his humanity, like not blinking when committing mass mu*der.

So humanity loss (even less relatable to the audience) + inferiority complex = even more boring MC.

The characters in the world isn't interesting. The MC isn't interesting. The fights are kinda meh most of the time because only the power levels are so incredibly lopsided. The political thing is whatever. But it isn't written terribly, and the logic is at least consistent, so it's ehh. 3/5. I'm kinda surprised it managed to get adapted to a manhwa. <<less
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Teleclast rated it
January 5, 2018
Status: c47
Very interesting and fun story, sadly the release rate is slow but I won't take points away from that.

His inferiority complex in the start is great because it shows his growth as a character and that when you've 'been there' it can impact you later, in good or bad ways.
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CloudSkyke rated it
November 17, 2017
Status: c47
Usually, in most novels you would see sudden changes to a character when the author decides that is is time for growth or you would find something akin to a time skip, in which the character undergoes changes which are never really explained. What I really liked about this novel is that even though time progresses really fast it always slows down to explain to you the emotions that the main character is feeling, what his thoughts are and how he comes to the conclusion that he does.

If you are... more>> looking for a novel that doesn't shy away from explaining the deeper emotions of the characters I would really recommend this novel. <<less
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kaluk1321 rated it
September 10, 2017
Status: c39
Great find amidst so many novels that repeat the same formula of an overpowered MC. Good read for a change of flavour, I would rate this novel 4 because of the poor translation but in the end the novel itself is good so I kept the 5, but bear in mind that the translation is pretty bad and it takes ages to update.
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porkbuns rated it
September 1, 2017
Status: c40
If you're a masochist and love reading about a talentless MC, whom suffering physically and psychologically in order to get over his sense of inferiority and achieve his dream, then this is the novel for you.

Introducing our lovely MC, whom was randomly summoned to a foreign world (apparently it's pretty normal for people from other worlds to get randomly summoned every now and then to this world) one day. Upon being summoned, he realised that he started out with no talent, no skills, no class, no items/equipment, and abysmal... more>> strength. He goes on to live a miserable 13 years in this world and ends up dying a s*upid death inside of a dungeon one day; however, he was able to resurrect and be sent back 13 years due to a stone he found inside of that same dungeon.

Having now been sent back to the beginning, our MC embarks on a journey of self discovery in an attempt to get over his sense of inferiority and lack of talent, compared to the multitude of geniuses, pricks, and genius whom are pricks, that our MC is seemingly always surround by, for some reason. <<less
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Zindrul rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: c223
Japanese MC even though he's korean? Plot is great but the process is getting boring because the only thing that pushes you to read is finding the plot of the novel. I was thinking of dropping it but held on because of the meeting between the MC and female lead but noooooo author decided to make them go away again just like the novel's extra and the novel's extra in my opinion is crap. And that's why in this novel there's no spice. Well I've decided to stop reading it... more>> not dropped it so I'll edit this again if I have the chance <<less
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mechafanboy rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: c34
This... is surprisingly well written. It actually sorta does what it says on the cover. The only thing that his past life gave him was an absurdly strong inferiority complex and memories of certain events that could be taken advantage of.

It's a pretty unique setting in a sea of reincarnation stories where their past life ends up being a roadmap that's honestly too strong in every case and creates imbalances in the world building attempted by the author.

Where it kinda goes wrong is that even in just the first 30... more>> chapters, there's a gigantic heaven and earth level difference between his prior experience and his current one such that even if people wanted to call him possessing nothing, they wouldn't be able to with the opportunites he's already taken advantage of hence the title then loses most/all of it's meaning.

Upside, the writing doesn't suffer just because he becomes stronger (although it IS aggravating reading about his mindset after a while. Literally mentally tiring hearing all the negativity), as his past experiences shape his outlook on life and since his prior life was terrible, naturally his temperament follows suit, the novel feels more like it's trying to piece together an extremely broken human being or several considering some of the side characters.... back into being an actual human again. It's a very novel approach.

Translation and editing was really well done in the beginning but in the latest chapters, there seems to be a pretty noticeable drop in quality from the editor. Not enough that I would change my rating but enough that it's noticeable.

All in all, I went in expecting nothing and came out feeling like I got quite the reward in a new novel that's actually quite unique. 4/5. There's a lot of elements that still need to be fleshed out before I would consider giving it 5, but 4 as an above average score? More than happy to do so. <<less
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Lesmor rated it
October 8, 2022
Status: c202
The beginning is great. Lots of interesting things are happening, a weak MC struggles to improve and early on we have quite a realistic take on his personality. There is also a Manhwa out there, as of now till approximately ch80 of the lightnovel, that is very enjoyable.

Lateron there are a few inconsistencies and downsides:

    • People from all over the world get reincarnated to Eria. Why tf are 95% chinese and korean names, and the martial arts are only shaolin and some wuxiaxuxaxo stuff? Like srsly, atleast give some explanations.
    • Describing someone as "black" and in the next sentence using the n-word for that person (in a derogatory, "joking" way) absolutely crosses the line. Also one part is somewhat homophobic, however thats more subtle and thus might be just my perception (suggesting through jokes between MC and some dude that being gay is something bad/not normal).
    • Two things about MCs personality are annoying: (1) his inferiority complex when he is one of the strongest on earth. (2) his cruelty, which the author justifies and which led me to stop at Ch 203 (mass mu*der of some rather kind/neutral people who did nothing wrong). Like come on, the character can be cruel or inhuman, but as an author at least dont try to justify his actions towards the reader like "its reasonable to mu*der and torture 15 neutral people just because they shot an arrow TO THE GROUND infront of MCs feet to deter him in order to protect THEIR f*cking territory".

      I mean the mass mu*dering of elves at ch 199-202 when MC invades their territory to kill some dude.

    • Fights are stale. At some point you loose nothing by just skipping through two chapters of fighting and just see the expected result of the MC winning.
    • There's quite some Shounen characteristic in fights as of the MC being weaker and about to loose and then suddenly - surprise! - Some kind of unprecedented force like demon heart, super armor, enlightenment or just MC giving "everything" saves the MC and leads to his victory.
    • It gets boring that enemies think MC is so weak and after being defeated they realize that MC is so super amazing (happens most of the time) and that their life actually had no meaning (happened three times).
Strong parts

    • The translation is good.
    • Writing style isnt too bad.
    • The beginning is quite addicting.

      Moszlt of the downsides I mentioned started to accumulate after the 10 year deadline to meet his demon girl

    • You might enjoy the training episodes (e. G. The trials). You can watch the MC getting stronger and the way it happens is pretty creative and just satisfying.
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Leinyl rated it
June 9, 2021
Status: c74
At first, it seems to be an interesting premise and actually was quite good. The MC returned to the past to get stronger as a no-class and starts getting his personality fixed by the people around him. It has good side characters and the MC seems to be having some character development but once you have read long enough you start to realize it gets way too repetitive

... more>>

The cycle basically goes like this, MC tries to get strong>has a relatively easy fight>gets taught by someone>MC feels a good about getting stronger for a while>His teacher leaves>MC faces someone way stronger than him>Falls back to inferiority>Then back to start. At the time of I stopped he got introduced to another martial arts expert and I am already expecting him to teach the MC... Again.


I can't really call it development when MC goes back to that inferior mindset just so he could have another motivation to surpass his pass life again.


In addition, the author makes the MC reveal way too much to a lot of people despite it being so early in the novel. At some points it is fine but when the number of people who knows about important information about the MC increases, it gets too unbelievable how no one had taken advantage of those information. Also just because a vague reason was given as to why MC is getting a lot of help from a lot of capable people, doesn't make it alright.

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iriomote rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: c83
The story itself wasn't too bad, but then I reached the chapters translated by Centinni (presumably anyway, I had to read the chapters themselves elsewhere because Centinni's site is gone). They're... bad. Very bad.

The groups handling the translation prior to that did a good job, but chapters 80 through 191 (those handled by Centinni) read like a poor machine translation, at least they did up until the point I dropped the series.

I could have tolerated the bad translation work for a bit, but putting up with 111 chapters of it... more>> is just asking for too much. They were almost completely illegible in terms of grammar, and on top of that lacked any sort of consistency with names, terminology, etc. from the earlier chapters.

Unless someone goes to the effort of retranslating all those mishandled chapters, don't waste your time on this one. <<less
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zeroknight rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: --
I gave up. No wonder so many translation groups drop this. They must have not been able to handle his constant nagging.

The beginning chapter is unbareable. Besides his constant reminder of how pitiful he is, theres nothing really interesting. The latter chapters might be better and improve (100+) but do you expect me to read 50 more chapter of this MC constantly saying how talentless he is, How he is No class and doesnt have a skill.

I cant endure that MC's inferiority complex andsevere lack of self esteem. The Author... more>> might also have that inferiority complex in real life. Probably in severe state already <<less
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Fan2zz rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c71
The best weak to strong protagonist in a novel I've ever read. The mysteries surrounding his restart, the characters in the novel, and the look at the mind set of the struggles of someone without talent with goals far beyond himself are all compelling. He does have good fortune with opportunities to grow stronger and gain favors from people like in other novels, but unlike those novels he doesn't suddenly become a godly genius out of no where despite claiming to have no talent, and the novel goes a long... more>> way to show us his struggles in detail.


So as I kept reading I began to like it less and less. For one the hard working aspect of the novel doesn't exist after he trains with the time god. Before that it was getting bad. So MC after leaving the mountain that gave him a lot goes to be an adventure. He's S rank and maybe close to as rank. MC gets his ass kick later by a sss tier black mage, and he gets a black heart that's OK. It's okay. Now what happens next isn't. He ignored an offer to try his hand in magic, a study he has never attempted and could be talented in. MC then trains at a temple for 4 years. This is like 6 months after training on the mountain for 3 years. After all of that he is only firmly ss rank probably. Later comes a event that leads him to the time god. Time god let's him mentally train hyperbolic time chamber like, but without any of his minor to small cheats he has. MC trains for 2000 years, taking 1000 to become sss rank, and another 1000 to go beyond to the next level (A guy without talent did that). So after time god MC goes around the place with the super experience cheat. It's annoying as he'll as he keeps referring back to it saying I haven't reached my real power yet, like he was a OP talent who regressed to the past. And what follows are a strong of plot armor opportunities and avoiding death.

Lastly, there isn't much competition agter the MC leaves time god. There's an antagonist group who have 8 or so fighters stronger than the MC only 3 to 4 after he reaches his 2000 years potential. And outside them in the world maybe 5 or so others who can kill him.

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