Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~


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『I’m terribly sorry…』

A god was suddenly prostrating in front of Kayano Takumi. He was apparently killed by mistake. Moreover, he can’t be reborn again. However, he is able to live in a different world? Then, let’s do that, please. The god made a mistake again and transferred me into a dangerous forest. Seriously, what’s going on? Besides, there are children here. I can’t leave them here, I will take care of them.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring
Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Kosodate shinagara Boukensha shimasu~
異世界ゆるり紀行 ~子育てしながら冒険者します~
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. Rofan/BG Romance
  3. For the chuunibyou guy inside us all: male centric...
  4. Foodies
  5. Aro/Ace Protag

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/11/17 Novelonomicon c70
07/04/17 Novelonomicon c69
06/27/17 Novelonomicon c68
06/21/17 Novelonomicon c67
06/18/17 Novelonomicon c66
06/10/17 Novelonomicon c65
06/05/17 Novelonomicon c64
05/29/17 Novelonomicon c63
05/20/17 Novelonomicon c62
05/13/17 Novelonomicon idle talk 7
05/06/17 Novelonomicon c61
04/30/17 Novelonomicon c60
04/24/17 Novelonomicon side story 2
04/23/17 Novelonomicon side story 1
04/16/17 Novelonomicon c59
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84 Reviews sorted by

ResidentialPsycho rated it
September 22, 2017
Status: c77
Super-duper fluffy cuteness is the main theme of this series. The MC's interactions with a pair of twins he picks up and raises is really cute. Then, he also gets all of these cute familiars as the story continues. He changes the world with his culinary skills and tends to impress everyone with how OP he is. If you want a light read that makes you smile gently without worrying about any romantic drama, then this is a nice series to kill time.

It is not dramatic. The MC starts off... more>> OP and only becomes more OP as the series goes on, so he doesn't struggle against anything and never gets cornered. He doesn't face any major challenges, and there isn't any suspense in this series.

It would be nice if the MC weren't so OP and wasn't a Gary Stu, but the fluffiness makes up for it. <<less
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October 7, 2022
Status: --
To all those people leaving negative comments!!! Read the TAGS!!! Or at least read the description. Saying the people in the story are lacking brains. I say the people who complain about the characteristics of a story when it has been tagged and described very clearly. Those complainers are the ones lacking brains.

I love this story and have lost count of how many times I've reread it. I LOVE cooking stories and ESPECIALLY when it's about Japanese food!
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Temporary ID
Temporary ID rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: c154
I'm surprised I've read up until 150+ chapters. Every aspect of it is lacking. Whether the adventure part, the fantasy feel, the comedy, the slice of life. They feel too shallow for me. Sure there are dungeons and monsters and bandits, but come on, they don't seem to exist at all. There's this time when an A-Ranked party (with 5 members) can't kill a single A-Ranked monster - they were not alone too, there were a couple of knights with them. Then there's the MC. I have a lot of... more>> things to say about how the character is depicted in a bad way. I mean every time he shocks people with unusual things, like new foods and OP abilities and absurd achievements and good foods, he gets shocked too? He's like, "It's just food right?", "Why are you so shocked? It's just a scale of a water dragon.", "I'm just giving 1st rate monster meat and new food recipes, isn't that just normal?", "Why do you look like you see a ghost when I'm just showing you my class S pets?". Ain't he dumb? 100+ chapters in and he's still like that. Uhmm hello? Where's the growth??

well i've got a lot I want to say but yeah can't waste time talking about tr*sh. <<less
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Anonism rated it
February 5, 2021
Status: c130
I love this story! One thing that drives me nuts about all the negative reviews is that they think that if someone sees something they immediately know everything about it and how to use it. It took a very long time to be able to make different types of food and desserts from when the original ingredients were found. I get it if you don't like the idea of the MC being the reason for advancements in certain ideas, but if it was as easy to come up with new... more>> ideas as some of these reviewers act, we would be living on multiple planets by now. The story is fun and simple. The MC has two little siblings he found in a forest and gets really strong really fast, but he travels around doing fun and interesting things while letting two kids with tragic back stories live a happy, battle filled life. You can like or dislike the story, but don't talk down to people that enjoy it. <<less
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March 17, 2020
Status: c228
Alright, I'm throwing the towel, I give up. Every chapter now is about cooking and I don't give a damn. Nothing ever truly happens, even when they meet new characters, it all ends up following the same pattern of Takumi carelessly doing something out of the norm and people go woooo. The children have not grown up at all, no psychological development, no plot, nothing but "what should I do for lunch today?"

Translator, thanks for your hard work until now, farewell.
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makenai89 rated it
December 1, 2016
Status: c37
It's the leisure story of an OP oniichan with his cute adopted siblings in another world. Full of joyful moments and warm-hearted interactions, but there's not many twists nor hooks in the story, and conflicts are resolved too easily. Characters are rather monotone. A nice choice if you want slice-of-life stories, but really, there's nothing particularly notable so far.
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SakuraiKonami27 rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: c235
I read this for cuteness only and I do not regret it. Cute cute very cute.

I really like the MC too. He is a reliable parental figure and he is REALLY SWEET AND CUTE.

Not Expecting much from the plot tbh. And I'm fine with fluff without plot too.

Of course as long as there's no romance involved with MC.
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Gabi94 rated it
December 7, 2020
Status: c70
In this kind of books I always see reviews criticizing the slow plot, or lack of action. This is a Slice of life... This is supposed to be this way. Its the same as reading a ecchi tag novel and complaining about sexualization. I don't like ecchi, therefore, I don't read it. It's not like, reading romance but being blindsided by abuse being written as romance, a slice of life being written as a slice of life, is just the expected right ? So don't let all this comments keeping... more>> you from reading this. I guess the purpose of this kinda of novel is to give that tranquility feeling with cute doses, I myself find this kind of novel a good palate cleanser between novels. That said, I'm not defending because I adore this novel, but because the points made seemed to be from the wrong expectations of the readers more than the actual quality of the novel;

To be honest, this one isn't my favorite either, but I think that for his genre

it is not that bad. That said, between the confusing reviews, there was some valid points.

Good points :

    • The kids are cute, and the fluff is there
    • The kids are also OP, so we don't have only MC saving the day always.
    • I like the world, not all isekai have different races, like elfs, vampires, etc, and in this one, we don't see the common "evil races" and then, humans are the good ones. So I like it.
    • Occasionally we see multiple points of view, like bonus chapters, and it is cuuute <3
    • So far, they moved a lot, so we don't get stuck in only one place. Which made things more interesting
    • Not Harem comedy taking all the space in the novel, so if you aren't a 16 yo boy, that's probably good for you.
Bad Points :

    • The MC is a little bland like others already pointed, and too nice, like unbelivable nice. He keeps on being used by people and the author tried to pass this as "being nice".
    • I would like to see more events happening. Compared with others of the same genre this one is indeed a little flat. I don't need it to be more than actually is, I like slice a life a lot, but the author took the "everything is resolved imediatally" a little to far, and we don't get to see interesting developments or ideas of the characters. But again, keeping in mind that this is an slice of life, and one with "op characters live his life happilly" kind of mentality, isn't so bad as everyone here keeps saying.
    • Too quick. YES, everyone kept saying was slow, but for me, things passed a little too quick, so much I sometimes wonder if the author would have things to writte about in future chapters.
I gave 3 stars not because it isn't worth reading, but because there are better titles in the same genre to read out there. <<less
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Lucilius rated it
October 27, 2020
Status: c259
Okay, I gave up on this a few years back and decided to reread it again from the very start. Rating still stayed the same. I gave it a 3*. Now this novel at its best is entirely just about the children's adventure, it's meant to be a light read or something to burn time in my opinion.

There's a few critical things as to why I say it's just something to burn time. The plot in itself is just about the MC taking care of the kids. That's the whole... more>> plot. It has the common tropes you'd expect. OP Powers, unbearable luck, typical dense MC (though in the sense of common sense), etc. The story isn't heavy, there isn't any really driving point like character development (from what I can tell at least) nor drama, action scenes (since it's all one hit), plot progression, etc. That can actually drive the story forward. It's really just about adventuring, taking care of the kids, and enjoying the things found in the new world.

Now, of course with that kind of setting it's bound to get repetitive and that's correct on that regard.

The story becomes increasingly repetitive. Especially once you hit the first 100s but even then it was already starting around the 60s of the chapters. It becomes very prominent at 200s, where basically all of the story becomes confusing as the web novel will suddenly have story arcs that were never there but present in the LN, as such it somewhat destroys the flow of the story as characters and mentions of past arcs will start to appear within the WN. So take it with a grain of salt. It's also good to note that everything will go the MC's way or the kid's way. They have OP luck, OP skills. The typical tropes as such it was these elements that made it repetitive as well other than overused scenes of "new food? Please feed me" that was prominent throughout the course of the story.


It's why I mentioned it's a light read or something to burn time with. It's not a bad story, it's just really decent. Don't have to think critically about it. <<less
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clmbheat rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: c243
its not bad, but it's also not very good. The MC is OP in way too many fields, his strength, magic, contract beast, food knowledge, child rearing, and who knows what else is coming since he can basically do anything. At first it was fine and I thought it would have ended by now or we would be close to the end. But nope it feels like this will keep on going and have no end of slice of life chapters where the MC finds just the right thing... more>> to make something basic and everyone will freak out over it. Worst of all is that there is no goal for this story. Its not him making all the delicious food from earth since he just beats around the bush when he finds an ingredient, and needs coaxing from others to have it come to market. Its not finding the kids father since he is mortal and the gods are doing that. Its not teaching the kids everything he knows since the last thing I remember him teaching them was how to count and do basic math. If it gave a goal I could tough it out and wait for chapters, but as is the story is bland and boring. <<less
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February 21, 2020
Status: --
Here's how to describe the novel.





It can't be helped


No no no


It's Tatsumi after all

And I think he's gay. Don't get me wrong. I just think he's like stereotypical Yaoi character for fujoshi pe*verts because ... more>>

He cares for children like an uncle. While being a virg*n teen, he never gets flustered or nervous when near hot women. Always starts acting all flustered, hot and bothered when meeting macho men or getting complements from them.


I was just disappointed when I chose to read this novel, thinking it was a cute story of taking care of children while adventuring. Turns out it was about some irresponsible people who are just too s*upid to have any role in society but still do so. And the only reason they're even alive is due to plot armour.


For one, the so called water god literally abandons his own children into the human world where they're tortured and ens*aved/ probably r*ped while he hangs out in the clouds. And his defense is that he left them to an amnesiac leviathan to babysit.

Every knight or soldier, even their adopted brother, always let's lets them fight in the front line since they're OP. No sense of paternal instinct at all.

Just becauseyour son is Clark Kent doesn't mean you'll let him play in the train tracks.


His mind numbing aura is max level. Any smart OP character becomes an idiot near him, all scheming villains also become idiots.

Like the s*ave trader who was working underground but suddenly declared in public that the children are his goods. The children's IQ is being downgraded as they spend time with him.


Literally everything novel (even slice of life) has a purpose. Either to adventure, live a relaxing life, or take care of children. All those are included in this novel but neither are his goals. He just travels with the wind while being mindless.

I could have forgiven all that if it was just a cute story about taking care of children while traveling around but he doesn't even do that since the children are self sustained and his only purpose is....

There's no teaching them any life lessons, no hardships incurred when taking care of them, they only act like contracted monsters. Basically this novel is like the parents of Saiki (from Saiki Kusuo) and their life, without any bit of comedy. <<less
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wolfeng rated it
January 28, 2019
Status: c114
EDIT: Changed the rating from 3 to 4 stars, reasons at the end.

The story has a lot of potential to be sweet and heartwarming, unfortunately it reads like a diary and that makes it somewhat boring.

There's barely any dialogue so most of the time you are reading something along the line of:
"we did this, moved there, talked to that person and went to sleep"

Everything is just glanced over, there are even dialogues where the author skips straight to the end of it so that the protagonist can explain everything with his own monologue.

And since this a slice of life, there isn't much in terms of a grand story arc to keep you hooked, the story is still ok to pass the time since the chapters are short.

I say, give it a shot and read in small bursts.

PS: I'm changing this to 4 stars, the writing improves a bit throughout the chapters and the author starts taking more time with proper dialogues making it more enjoyable to read.
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saltyseven rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: c145
Despite there are people who leave bad reviews, I think this is a very sweet story.

I just love stories about isekai and kids and this one is so well written albeit a bit slow and might be boring for some people, if you like a light and cute isekai and kids themed story this will be an enjoyable ride for you. For those who complaint for having boring plots and characters, well this story is simply not for you and you're welcome to drop and look for another.

The translator also... more>> did a good job translating this story. <<less
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Grarg rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c42
I honestly don't know why this story has such high ratings. Among isekai, it is very poorly written and the translation isn't that great either.

The MC is accidentally killed by god and dropped into a world with ridiculous specs, which is pretty standard as far as typical isekai stories go. However, plot progression and conflict resolution, which usually is supposed to have a beginning, middle, and end, only have a beginning and an end. There's almost no interesting middle at all.

The kids that he picks up are literally dropped into... more>> his lap. He is teleported to the world and the kids are literally right in front of him. Any other problem he just waves his hand and his OP powers solve them instantly, with barely any thinking or planning. His personality is blandly selfless, which is not that interesting.

As far as the isekai genre goes, this is a very bad example and there are far better novels out there. Would not recommend. <<less
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hose246 rated it
June 5, 2022
Status: c36
This novel can be described as "A generic power fantasy but the MC have two children".

Everything that happened in this novel I have already read in another one, and I'm not about to read it again.

The twins, well, do they have to be twins? The children got the same personality, same power, and the author didn't even bother separate their voice lines. There is literally no reason for two of them to exist at the same time.

Also, the MC can be summarized as this "An overpowered protagonist who's pushed around... more>> by the people around him to do things". Yeah, sounds familiar right? Because you have read the same thing ten thousand fricking times.

Everyone is surprised at the mc's power, and the MC is the smartest because everyone around him is as dumb as a brick.

Also, I don't need an explanation on what white bread and brown bread are, and why the hell did nobody in the world think about putting jams and creams inside a bread until the MC comes? The villains are just plain evil fools who do evil things and expose themselves in the dumbest way possible. It's like the world is operating on zero iq before the MC came.

A slice of life doesn't need to have good world building because its main focus is on it's characters. Yet I cannot feel any interest in any of the characters in this novel.

There is honestly no reason to read this novel unless you ran out of better ones to read. <<less
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Banesephy rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c242
I was trying to rate this at 2 stars. Wtf.

Anyway, here is a summary.




Yeah, so just different variations of that expression.

Seriously, this novel is filled with that line it's freaking annoying. I was reading and reading hoping for something else but in the end, that's all it is. It's frustrating since it started out so well and I like the twins.
I keep reading it even after all that so I guess it's my guilty pleasure? The interaction of the kids with their animal companions is cute too.

Just saying, if you're reading this you better be prepared for the annoying "Sugoi Train" that the author likes to use. If you can get past that, you might find this enjoyable.

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March 24, 2020
Status: v8 illustrations
This is a story about an OP protagonist that gets out done by the kids he's "raising" while going on a heartwarming adventure. It starts off well with fun interactions between different characters, the joy of helping people, and funny moments. Then after a while it fizzles out as with many other lighthearted stories they just start talking about food for an unnecessary amount of time chapter after chapter after chapter. If you do read this story you can stop after the twin's birthday not much of note happens after... more>> that. <<less
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HyuninAfrica rated it
November 13, 2019
Status: --
People are complaining that it's already used materials for storyline and etc.

Yeah I get it, there's huge similarities between this and death march to the parallel world rhapsody and few other light novels.

But hey, that's what we are here to read isn't it? Because we cant get enough of this Isekai slice of life thing.

I thoroughly enjoy this series and cant wait for the next chapters release.
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Mashumello rated it
June 30, 2019
Status: c187
It was a cute story, a pleasant read, a cup of tea when you don't have anythings to read.

Washing your mind with fluffy-kids raising adventure where they are powerful, spread​ing knowledges about good foods casually, and to avoid troubles they're under their good

noble & royalty

friends' protection~ kind of story.

Yeah, you read that right, it was a laid-back story, no real human's dark side to be seen because we got innocent kids to raise bro!
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etergon rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c142
Six volumes of vomit, it's enjoyable until around chapter 100ish at most, MC is easily manipulated into doing what these mentally regressed background/side characters want... When he meets the royalty he completely becomes an obedient child that only knows how to do as others want. I dropped it at that chapter.... Then picked it up after I forgot about how disappointing it is, then quickly dropped it again at 142. Just not worth wasting my time with it anymore. Verbal Vomit, just like this review.
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