Chronicles of Primordial Wars


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Shao Xuan joins a friend in his expedition to a recently discovered archaeological cave. After he picks up an ordinary looking stone he is teleported to a different world and wakes up in the body of a small orphan child. The world he is in now is still in its stone age with primitive tools made of stone and the ways of the people are savage. Savage isn’t the only thing special about the people though, because they have superhuman strength, jump higher than trees and punch stones. In short, they are able to cultivate their bodies. Despite all this, it is a real struggle to survive because of the scarcity of food. Together with Caesar, his pet wolf, he tries to survive in this cruel world.

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Yuánshǐ zhàn jì
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164 Reviews sorted by

Hantosh rated it
December 28, 2016
Status: Completed
MC gets mysteriously transported into the body of a child in a presumably prehistoric time/world. MC adapts to a survivalist caveman life with monsters and some cultivation.

- Unique world building. My favorite aspect of the story, it's like a calming nature documentary in a savage prehistoric land with a dash of magic.
- Characters are amusing (lots of lovable muscle brains). Antagonists have more depth than good or evil. No romance.
- MC's personality changes the further along in the story, more and more resembling his tribe.
- Translation is great.

- There's a little repetition/explaining the obvious in the author's writing style, but it's a minor issue.
- Visual descriptions can be bland/omitted. Eg: I can't picture what the "Black Thorn Wind" creature looks like (is it a crocodile?) because it's never described. It's a minor issue though, especially when compared to many other Chinese WNs.
- Some sidelining of side characters occurs later in the story (poor Caesar).
- The power system is shallow; basically divided into lower/intermediate/higher totem warrior. Some basic cultivation breathing techniques are mentioned and forgotten.

In the middle and later segments of the story, the plot relies too much on the MC's mysterious power to resolve situations via deus ex machina. It's a problem because it's never explained and no-one/nothing else in the world can compare to it.

- The ending.

Story just abruptly ends, there's no resolution to many hanging plot threads (eg: MC's power/reincarnation; where/when the world is; nation building; the antagonist, etc). As if the author lost interest.


Often feels like a slice-of-life story, so not everyone's cup of tea. I love the world building and non-template story; the early arcs where the MC explores nature (before he starts travelling the world) are my favorite chapters. Those bishie caveman MC WN cover images make me lol though.
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Anbu_Hero rated it
December 20, 2016
Status: c107
This is a great read for those who enjoy a good action, time travel, and characters with great potential. Setting involves being in the tribal era.

Update- I was unblacklisted for like 3 weeks now blacklisted again lmao why you do this?
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Zalpha rated it
October 26, 2016
Status: c81
I really, really like this story! It is so good, just the tribal cave dwelling life style is awesome enough for me but then mysticism and mystery really add to the story making me want to find out more about this interesting world and what will be the fate of the MC. I haven't read any thing like this before and love it.
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haanhaan rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: epilogue 2

This one is a good read for a CN novel, not much BS and meta thugs young masters. Sure some things are *maybe* forgotten by author or he just decided that its not necessary in the long run, bu*t this CN novel is only 846 chapters, as you can see its not in 900-1000 ch marks that usually filled with 70% repeated contents w just the mobs getting stronger, the world building also nice for a big world, although the author not using the world's creatures or those king beasts... more>> except for some of those kings showing off their big bodies and powaaa.

Still this CN novel is one of the good ones and not with the bunch of CN novels that only cared about showing off, harem, smuts, s*upid MCs, meta MCs that lack brain, filled with filler and repeated dialogue, having 'heaven, gods, peerless, strongest, divine, king, emperor, godly, genius in yada yada years, rare genius in one in yada yada' (geezuz can you guys friggin not overuse those words), etc.

*sorry for the complaint for other CN novels* <<less
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Haniyeh rated it
October 15, 2021
Status: Completed
I absolutely loved this story!!!

It's been such a long time since the last long novel I have read and this story brought me back to reading them. It took me one month to finish this and I enjoyed it.

MC's character and the story being without any harem or angst was what I wanted. I like reading stories wirh male MCs but harems really aren't my thing. His pets and ... more>>

his marriage (it's not realistic for someone as old and powerful as him to remain single in his era)

were the cherry on top.

I recommend this story to everyone who likes the genre. <<less
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June 25, 2021
Status: c55
this is a review at c55

I really don't care if it's boring to others cause it's still acceptable and entertaining for me... though like the others said, it really is a bit dry with the shortage of girls

but I digress, my main gripe about this novel at this point, the point that really irritates me, is the contrived plot

... more>>

he had just luckily killed a monster that's really difficult to kill but after a few days, he's gonna be dragged away from his group by some monster.. it's the second time that he's in a sh*tty situation and the second time his group thought he was dead

it's really s*upid, might as well drop some meteor on him while he's taking a dump


can already see the contrived plots after this, the type that will throw sh*t after sh*t.... guess it's the author's way to add some sort of suspense in this story... really could've done better tbh, it looks forced and dumb at this point <<less
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Earliane rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: c437
I truly recommend this cn novel to anyone who likes a new face to the reincarnation/isekai genre. This is one of the very few cn novels that I actually do intend to finish and enjoy (as of the current chapter).

This novel's main character, Shao Xuan, is not exactly your typical overpowered MC but he can also frustrate you with his responses to common cannon fodder's emotions (i.e. Extreme envy/jealousy/hate), notwithstanding his coolheaded look at things. In that sense, his personality is a little more altruistic than is humanely possible. But... more>> you'll find this part of him charming most of the time.

Anyways, the only thing capable of irritating me is the shallowness of the cannon fodder (they are so easy to be grouped with emotions --- e.g. "The rest becoming so envious" "their eyes gleaming with greed, their thoughts filled with 'he doesn't deserve such a thing' 'such a waste!'" etc.). That's all.

Do give it a read. It will entertain you. <<less
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Wezurii_Clarke1999 rated it
November 9, 2019
Status: c309
This novel is a hidden gem!!!

This novel gives a unique side where the MC is not overpowered and the events are not forced with little to no plot holes. Read this novel now!

I only hope that they will increase the translation speed :)
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suncust rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: Completed
Overall I really enjoyed this story, I felt that the overall flow was quite well done.

Both the world creation and characters were quite on point mostly.

A few gripes I would have is perhaps some characters might be better fleshed out but I could see that as there were getting to be quite a huge cast towards the end, the author might not be devoting as much time into each character as possible.

One other very minor gripe though is that the ending while did wrap up the vast majority of the... more>> plot points but still did left out a couple which I felt could have been better addressed.. <<less
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scadrez rated it
November 22, 2018
Status: Completed
I highly enjoyed reading Primordial wars. This is also the reason why I was surprised about the abrupt ending. It's like reading something good and you're right in the middle of the climax then suddenly everything ended. I was like WTF? That's it? NADAH?!

Don't get me wrong. This title is an awesome read. That ending though~ it just came out of the blue and caught me unprepared. Personally, I wanted this novel to have at least 1k chapters because there are still things that needs to be addressed. I dunno... more>> why the author ended it that way, but it will probably leave a lot of people hanging.

A very refreshing read that washed away the quagmire from reading all those cultivation novels.

I would had given this a perfect score even a 6/5 if everything was properly laid out before ending the novel. That is my only gripe. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
July 2, 2018
Status: c72
It was nicely written and everything but I dont like the setting that much. There was also 0 romance or any words related to it despite the genre tag. The setting was basically living in the stone age but there are monsters. I dont like tribe/caveman life that much so I dont like the book much however it is nicely written and is a good book, being non-biased its around 5 star or 4 star. **However** it is a very niche genre, meaning most would likely dislike it
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Jass rated it
February 15, 2018
Status: --
Our MC Shao Xuan transmigrates into the stone age where everyone around him is strong as sh*t but also savage as hell. I'm impressed, this novel deviates from the usual tropes of those cultivation novels. MC is technically considered smart, but he isn't the "prodigy with an IQ of over 200" sort of MC, he just thinks more critically than his simple-minded peers, which I feel is rather unique, one of the few protagonists from transmigration/reincarnation novels that manages to pull this off.

The world building is interesting, and although the... more>> start is slow it gets much more interesting when you read on. Also, translator has trouble translating in swears (particularly with "motherf*cking"), so you might have to get used to that. <<less
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Vaeren rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: c200
This is a very nice Novel. The idea is very well thought and executed.

The author has skill to grip you and tour you through his world while remaining true to his rules that he established.

though I must say the no romance thing kinda got me at first since MC really doesnt interact with the opposite gender much at all. Lets you wonder if he ever wants offspring in that primordial world. :)
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paulrip013 rated it
November 9, 2017
Status: c55
I am thoroughly impressed...

Unlike any other novels that had a rebirth as an initial theme, this one emphasized on the outline and content of the story, and not about the MCs messed up past and how he/she would ruin everyone in his/her current life. Its well planned and written. The details would make you submerge and dive unto the illusion of the novel, and make everything seem real.

Its has a historical twist that is fixed on its criteria, unlike the others where its messy and confusing.

So far, Im content. I... more>> just hope the translations are fast so I wont have to spoil myself on machine translations. This is too good to be ruined by annoying grammatical translations.

I may be biased, but for crafting themed novels, this ones a gold.

Double thumbs up for the authors. <<less
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Gin_Hindew rated it
January 29, 2017
Status: c123
A surprising new take on the saturated xianxia

After a transmigration the MC becomes a caveman in a tribe of super powered cavemen and they behave as you would expect for a primitive warrior tribe, a little dumb, quite honorable, superstitious and straightforward, the MC has a little of a cultural shock from time to time because sometimes their traditions look a little silly for him; for example: a very amusing moment when he sees people (and kids) bragging about their oversized animal outfits at a very formal reunion, their fascination... more>> with large preys or their overly worshipment of the ancestors

The MC starts as an orphan and gains friends and an adoptive father and later has the potential to climb the social ladder and become a shaman but even if the shaman has the highest power in the tribe he also dedicates his life for the good of the tribe so our MC has no intention to carry that weight because is just too much for him so he decides to become a warrior for the adventure and survival (which every man should do to to survive anyway)

The slice of life is good, the hunts are interesting and the myths of the tribe have plenty of charm, also the world building is explaining along the changes in the seasons and hunting places instead of info dumps so it feels really natural along the progression of the story

The MC's OPness doesnt come from sheer power or technique but from an increased perception and the ability to use and create tools but he has plenty of potential and as the hunts must be done in teams there is not much space for him to capitalize the glory but he has his moments without hogging too much credit, the story at the moment covers a little over a year of development so the MC is not getting into outstanding situations all the time which keeps him balanced and interesting

I highly recommend this for those who like innovative stories <<less
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Crimefridge rated it
January 26, 2017
Status: c122
The first review that people see on this page is a 2-star, and that's just wrong.

This is borderline slice of life transported/reincarnated action... The main character is a modern Japanese who for some reason ends up becoming an orphan in a primitive tribe after finding some mysterious stone in a cave with tribal drawings.

The thing I like about this main character is... he's basically normal. He doesn't fall in love with his f*cking wolf-dog like those obnoxious MCs from wuxia, there is no harem, and his higher-than-average intelligence from the... more>> pseudo-reincarnation doesn't make him pretentious, though his "fortune" is a bit on the high side (LUK stat maxed out, minus the near-death that comes with it).

Overall, it reads like a journal of a guy just adapting to a caveman-esque lifestyle and how he's rising up the social ladder from the bottom.

It lacks a little on the inter-social conflict that I would expect in this setting, but minus how that portion is downplayed, and how the characters are a bit shallow most of the time, the story is fairly enjoyable.

It's like staring at clouds in the sky. There's not necessarily much deep meaning, but sometimes the imagination can be compelled with a bit of movement.

No, this is not a hard 4-star. It's a rounded-up 4 star, but if I were to be honest, this puts it in the top 5% of novels you'll see on this site. So ignore that first review and dive in, since you're basically not going to find a lot of choicer picks if you voraciously read this genre. <<less
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TheUnbreakablePlotArmor rated it
December 25, 2016
Status: c108
Not very far into the novel so far (800+ chapters complete story) but I can assure you this novel is amazing. Although there is no romance its still very good. Chronicles of the primordial world is about "Shao Xuan", reborn into another world with tribes and beasts, to match the beasts power they rely on the power of the totem providing them with superhuman strength and abilities. Overall the plot is interesting and the MC is learning many things currently.

Don't like stories with just fighting? Well this one is for... more>> you! Shao Xuan is not only a fighter, hes learning how to make traps and becoming a shaman (2nd highest position in the village).

the story also has excellent characters, they arent bland, one sided or anything like that, Shao Xuan slowly builds his relationship with other characters and we slowly learn more about them.

Good world building, actions and fighting scenes. Really like shao xuan hes not wimpy and is pretty merciless but not to the point of a slaughter god.

No romance D: <<less
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DNH2020 rated it
December 20, 2022
Status: Completed
I now understand why this is called 'Chronicles of Primordial Wars', not 'The Legend of Shao Xuan'.

It's not just one lucky guy's journey to greatness, but a full-on anthology documenting the end of one epoch and the beginning of another, from all angles.

It's like "Romance of Three Kingdoms" crossed with "Horizon: Forbidden West", but somehow even nuttier.

... more>> And it's amazing.

I've read novels before that I thought deserved a 5.5 or a 6 if I could give it that.

This deserves 6.5 stars.

It's not some over-the-top Xianxia with sun-eclipsing god powers.

It's an alternative history of sorts, done very well.

I'd call it Wuxia, but that doesn't do it justice.

I wish I could write like this.


Don't expect any romance from our protagonist. He's not asexual, he's just far too busy for that sh'te, like he rarely ever gets a freaking break, my god.

And don't expect the enemies to get any easier either.

Some battles have a win condition that isn't 'defeat the baddie' but 'survive this absolute clusterf'k with your sanity intact'.

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Syntheticspirit rated it
February 16, 2022
Status: c541
First hundred chapters were a bit of a slow start, then it picks up super quickly. No romance is perfect, it's like an adventure novel with likeable side characters, no arrogant young's masters and no face slapping.

I'm really not sure why people are rating it down because of no romance since this clearly isn't that kind of story. For what it's trying to achieve as a story, it gets it down perfectly. Some people are never satisfied.

A highly recommended read. Just remember that the first hundred chapters or so are... more>> slow but it's natural. It's the MC getting used to the world and the power system. <<less
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nuu rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: --
Slow but satisfying novel, with some very limited cultivation but a significant amount of adventures and nation-building. No romance, and quite a bit slice-of-life material.
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