Womanizing Mage


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This is the story of Long Yi, who was killed because he took revenge for the girl he loved. Before he dies, a strange lightning carries his soul into a different realm. How will he live, when the first thing he noticed upon arrival is that, the man whose body he possessed is raping the country’s princess?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Merry Master of Another World
Phong Lưu Pháp Sư
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96 Reviews sorted by

February 28, 2024
Status: Completed
I don't know why people are complaining. This novel is good though. Not much complicated staff here, Simple story with a bunch of girls in MC's harem. It's the story we wanted where MC accept all the girl he encounters.

You may say it's a simple story but it's enjoyable.
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
August 3, 2023
Status: Completed
I read this novel to the final chapter because it's the only PDF novel I had at that time. Give it 1 because nothing worth 2 stars.

It's about the transmigrating Super OP MC who can do everything since his 1st day in new life, no matter how bad the situation be.

The beautiful women are just there. Happen here and there to show their perfect face, white & round b**bs, big & pointed butt. Waiting for the MC to penetrate them after somenshort adventure with MC. Finish their role?, sitting... more>> duck in background, waiting for the scene time to be brought into the harem obediently.

Villains are just there. Happen here and there to show their villain-ness. No reason to exist, no reason to be enemy to MC, no reason to live for more than a few chapters too

Reading this novel is not difference from watching movies in p*rnhub. All FLs are not difference from those beauties FL in the video. Each new movie is alike the previous one, in background plot. The only one difference that exist is - you are playing MC with your hand, alternatively.

The last chapter summarizes all above. The Ultimate Boss woke up, fought idiotly with MC, defeated and died. All in one chapter. That's all !

Best for one who love reading & watching p*rn. I don't. So this 1 star. <<less
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May 29, 2023
Status: c500
It’s the kind of story where the MC randomly gets insane power ups and women flock to him because he’s powerful. It gets to the point where you see the cycle- new quest, new girl, mini quests with recycled old girls, finish quest. I gave up reading this story because I just couldn’t remember who is doing what, what actually is goal etc.

When it’s a fluid number of women over 8 that pop back up randomly, it’s hard to follow who does what. Example. The girl mentioned in the summary-... more>> she disappears for like 200 chapters. And that’s the case for a lot of the early girls. Why do the girls matter so much?

Because he’s a god pretty much, so the story is just watch him play with insane cheat codes. That’s fun for a bit, but it gets old.

Why I stopped? At one point he’s like 20-something, and he’s making goo goo eyes at a 14 year old. His wife, an empress, tells him to wait for her sister to turn 15. Remember this is the guy who has like 8+ of the most beautiful and powerful women in his generation, including elves, fox girls, his sister and his cousin, etc. <<less
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cpzombie rated it
March 25, 2023
Status: c98
Don't read the linked TL, it's garbage that censors a ton; even words like "naked" or "lecherous" are replaced with "**". I used novelhi, not great but much better and only a few certain words are censored (and those are probably censored in the raws tbh).

With that out of the way, I still wouldn't recommend reading this at all. A ruthless MC going around picking up women is what I came for, but this novel is just really badly written. MC has some of the strongest plot armor I've seen.... more>> Women see MC for a day or two (or less) and fall completely in love after he harasses them a bit. Then they are forced to leave him for random reasons, sometimes without even having slept with him yet (seriously, it took over 50 chapters).

That's definitely a negative, but the worst is just how dumb everyone is, especially MC. Seriously, the average IQ so far is probably around 75 (which is 5 points above literally ret*rded). As an early example, a super important person in a faction just goes all out flying and uses up all power when just traveling (because who could ever imagine needing to use power when going through a beast-filled forest??).

The MC is even worse. He constantly forgets powers (and then when bad things happen he goes "oops, I forgot I have this power which would've made this trivial!"), walks into traps intentionally and then just lets himself and his women get attacked (often with the result of "oh wow, good thing plot armor was there, otherwise I would've died!"), etc.

Seriously, I didn't come into this expecting much (the name is "Womanizing Mage" ffs), but I at least want an MC with an IQ above room temperature. There's also all those random reasons the women have to leave... why though? It's fine occasionally, but not this often. Just have him buy a mansion and let them stay there or whatever because they're weak, or let them travel with him. Especially the most recent reason:

the woman ran from her church because she was being forced to marry the pope's son. She's being actively pursued, to the point that she only escapes due to the MC blocking magic for her. Eventually see encounters someone from the church who tells her to go back because her master wants to see her, and she just goes? No thoughts about it being a trap. I assume MC will probably come later and save her just in time, but still.

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August 31, 2022
Status: --
It is an okay story to read if you are just looking to pass time.

It was quite interesting at the start good world-building and characters, but it got worse later.

Clearly the author is not that good at writing stories as they explain unnecessary things and forget many important ones, and will just add any random plot armour because it couldn't be explained.

The MC is just a bastard, who was good at first but only things with his di*k. Well it is a s*x novel basically but that is also not... more>> done well, also the official translation has way too many censors even where they are not needed.

I wouldn't recommend it much, you're okay try if you want. <<less
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Ixcez rated it
August 28, 2022
Status: Completed
So the story is okey overall with the usual self-fulfillment story of the MC just growing stronger, slapping everyone in the face while getting away with it and just getting every beautiful woman he comes across. While I read it to it's completion for me what really made me start to dislike the MC was the fact that the story starts with the MC raping the princess. Then after this for some time the princess wants to get her revenge, but nothing really happens.

In the end she only asks him... more>> to apologize for raping her but the MC is unable to do this and starts to lecture the princess on the chinese saying that "there is gold under a man's knees (so why kneel down?) " and that a man will only kneel to his parents or ancestors to show fillial piety or something like that. So it's impossible for him to give an apology. This just made me realize that the MC is quite the self-entitled scumbag, worse yet even though he mostly treats the princess like dirt she for no reason falls for him later on, sure I think he helps her out a few times but it mostly boils down to the whole he took her first time so now he owns her pretty much and therefore she has to become his wether she wants to or not.

So while the title is Womanizing Mage personally I think it should be Scumbag Mage more likely. <<less
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April 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Entertaining but slightly mediocre dumb h**ny harem novel

The love interests are nice but the writing isn't exactly the greatest

The ending was clearly rushed but atleast the story was cleaned up nicely

Would have been nice to explore the reincarnation concept more aswell


since that is never explained even when the main character becomes the most powerful...

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promet rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Compared to other harems, it's okay (first half is fun, the third quarter is so-so, the last quarter is meh). Compared to other Chinese harems, it's good. Objectively speaking (as in, speaking from the point of view of being unaffected by what is actually available to read on the market, and disregarding all enjoyment from reading this novel), it's lower stratum of average if we're talking webnovels, and below average if we're talking proper novels.

Now, there are some fools here in reviews who came to read a novel with the... more>> word "womanizing" in the title and tags such as "harem" and "polygamy", yet they are stil surprised that it's a harem novel. Especially some who graded this 1 or 2 stars are like this... Well, just ignore the clowns.

Next the proper review.

Setting of the story is okay. The magic and other stuff isn't brilliant, and was pretty minimalistic in fact, but it was sufficient for this kind of novel. The premise is fine too, and this may be the most hardcore isekai appearance I've ever seen - the dude transmigrated right into a body that was raping a woman. By the way, the idiot who accused the MC of continuing casually with the r*pe is clearly prejudiced against harems and yet kept reading and interpreting everything with his biased little brain, and missed the fact that the dude MC replaced just took some aphrodisiac, so MC couldn't stop even thought he wanted (it's implied he lost control, and mind that he barely got weak control of the body).

Plot is so-so. The first half of the story is basically MC wandering and collecting women left and right. This part's plot was good. The adventures were fun and the whole thing lived up to the title. The plot got more serious after this, having more to do with politics and intrigues and such. Some may like it, but harem subplot suffered quite a bit because of it, so I have mixed feelings. Later on (especially the last 80-100 chapters) the plot got worse, and the author clearly wanted to finish the book. It was barely passable, and it was a pity that around half of love interests added or more prominent in the 2nd half of the book really lost out on characterization and ship development with MC.

Characters, huh. The MC is good, if you can look over how he's a pe*vert and womanizer (it seems to be the influence of the guy whose place he took over, more or less). He has some depth for a flippant character. Love interests not so much. There's a literal truckload of them (like over 40 I think). Those in the first half of the story got decent introduction and some barely sufficient characterization, but as it always is in Chinese harem stories, their personalities more or less melted together later on. The author focused more on adding new love interests, and seems he was rushing in the last quarter or so of the story, few of them got anything near proper characterization. What I like is that the author barely ever used r*pe and aphrodisiacs to tie the knot between them and the protagonist. I can only remember one case among those 30-40 lol (it was aphrodisiac, and both MC and the girl ingested it, not only one). As for r*pe victim, she rightfully hated MC, and he had to work a lot on her feelings, so at least the author put in a modicum of effort there (I don't like the r*pe victim becomes lover trope, so this was a bit refreshing compared to the usual shameless quick shit). r*pe is sh*t obviously, but since it was kinda both MC and not MC who was the perp (as I wrote at the start of the review), it makes it easier to blame the author than MC.

By the by, there were several decent male characters. Most of them were side characters among side characters, but two of them were in mc's party. One of them didn't shine due to lackluster personality, but the other one had a more fleshed out backstory and personality, so you can at least say that there was one more male character aside from MC in this novel lol.

Character interactions were fun, but only if you read it knowing what to expect from the title and tags. Plenty (this word is an understatement) of sexy times too, which makes it surprising since Chinese censorship should've gone wild on this. The women fell for MC quite quickly (too quickly), but this is a novel about womanizing, so what else to expect. With that said, those interactions became sparser once politics and intrigue became involved, and eventually became mostly bland. Moreover, since the author rushed the ending, there was a number of love interests whose fate (and whether they got together with mc) remains unknown.

Overall, I recommend this novel if you want to kill some time and like harem novels. Don't expect too much, since this is a Chinese webnovel, but it's pretty good for one (because, let me be frank, most CN webnovels suck bit*h ass). I enjoyed the first half, the middle was okay, and the rest I just read for the sake of finishing this book (it's fortunately not too long for a Chinese webnovel at 675 chapters, completely translated). <<less
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AziDahaka rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: c1
Start is kinda meh.. But a few chapters in it starts to get your attention and oh boy that was a good one for me. Good novel just to chill. Surprisingly there is almost no cliché like disputes with rich young masters and etc.

Harem is huge. I mean really huge. 25+ easily.

Ending is kinda fkd up and very rushed but still I loved the journey.

  1. 4.5/5
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Lelouch Kaname
Lelouch Kaname rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: c300
If you are planning to read this novel then it would be best to read this comment of mine...

Although I have read just barely half the novel I can tell you 2-3 things which are detrimental to this novel with the first being that you will get the feeling that he has no sincere feelings for the women he obtained... so the MC is fickle in love to the extreme even though he always denies that... for example the ice-cold gaze he gives to even his intimate wife/future wife when... more>> he thinks she isn't in love with him... and how he just leaves his wife/future wife when she angers him even a little... simply a kid-brained bastardic idiot... and these were simple examples which I remembered.

Second thing being the author just made him simply too overpowered, arrogant, conceited, ret*rded, and never learning from past mistakes... ALWAYS seeks amus**ent regardless of danger or anything else which already made him lose a lot and even though he said it was his mistake literally just after 30 chapters or so repeated same mistake again... and he seems to believe oneself infallible tbh he is always making it seem like all people around him are doing mistakes while he is infallible, with no shortcomings or problems in oneself.

Third thing and one of the most important problems this story contains and being the thing I hate the most...I swear the author simply lowered the IQ of all characters in the novel and left the MC with the IQ of a normal human being... LMFAO just imagine that all humans, elves, and other creatures in the novel got a huge decrease in their IQ all of a sudden for example things that even you, the reader, could think of a general of an army couldn't think of I mean WOW I read a lot of novels but this is the first time I see such s*upid acts and the MC goes everywhere having a smile that says literally "I AM HIGHER THAN YOU IN EVERYTHING" f*ck it bruh it's disgusting...

Through first 100 chapters it's incredible... through chapters from 100-200 it's still pretty good but have disgusting scenes from MC... through 200-300 it's already too much for example he always had a "guilty" conscience towards the r*pe he did at the start of the novel but in chapters 200-300 he simply is unbridled... and savage... going as far as using other woman's body to m*sturbate and groping and teasing other woman's private parts just for self-satisfaction... he is simply too much... just imagine someone being depressed about something for 150+ chapters straight but goes a repeats his same f*cking and disgusting mistakes again after 200 chapters... too arrogant... it's okay to make an MC arrogant but too much is too much it's on the disgusting level dude... it's to the point of him believing that any rules this world has don't work on him I mean WTF is wrong with his pig brain... and in his previous life he was something akin to an assassin or whatever that may be but in his new life he acts like he was a god in his previous life... has common knowledge of being charismatic and a general and doing things even we, the readers, find common but makes it seem like things only gods can do just wtf is going on here... moreover the people specializing in their own branch seem to has an instant decrease in IQ in front of him and they actually f*cking lose to him in what they specialize in while he doesn't know anything more than the basics of this specialty... THIS IS TOO RIDICULOUS...


Now that was all shortcomings and negatives of the novel perhaps everything else is positive I guess... so just read my review and judge whether to read or not yourself... <<less
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HARECH rated it
September 11, 2020
Status: Completed
One of my favourite Echhi novel.

But It's too short. But it's good.

It's worth reading.
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MysticN rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: c675
The story starts so strong with so much potential but it was all put to waste by the fast pacing in the last 150 some chapters. This novel could have easily crossed 1000+ chapters mark but the author decided to rush the story towards the end. As the name of the novel depicts "The Womanizing Mage" so expect lots of women and I mean a lot with so much night action. The main focus is on the main protagonist not so much on the side characters (typical Chinese novel) although... more>> some have decent background story but all is put to waste towards the end part of the novel.

Of you are looking for lot of fan service, women and action without much plot and don't mind the rushed ending then you can give this a try. <<less
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June 8, 2020
Status: Completed
An interesting one tho the ending is somewhat lacking or rushed maybe?. Love it but hate the fact that MC got his harem way to easy.
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Winter2150 rated it
February 4, 2020
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed the first 4-500 chapters or so and I think the plot was interesting enough and introduced a lot of interesting characters and even some little plot twists.

The reason why I gave only 3 stars and even considered giving only 2 is that the end parts of the novel are hugely rushed with lots of plot holes, which was really disappointing and I regret not dropping it before it got so bad.

Besides the plot holes, there was also a lot of story lines that had a big build... more>> up over the whole or part of the novel

like Mu Hanyan and the empire behind her or Ximen Wuhen not actually being blood related to the MC


Finally the ending was just a huge insult

making the sacrifices of Dongfang Kexin, Angela and even the freaking MC pretty much pointless with that s*upid "everyone is alive or reincarnated now happy end bullshit


What also bothered me was that a lot of the interesting female characters got really one dimensional and boring after their character ark was finished, which is a huge problem with harem stories in general, when they introduce so many girls...

I was especially disappointed, when


joined the mindless harem mob and lost all of her interesting personality traits...

I think the biggest mistake for this novel was that there was just way too many harem members, which made it impossible for the story to give them all the time and development they deserved, while also making even the most interesting of them into lovesick fools eventually.

Even when the author was already rushing the story ahead to get to the ending faster he still inserted more harem members.

Tl;dr It was a good read, but the last 100-200 or so chapters are a waste of time and the ending was disappointing. <<less
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AsianInvasion rated it
January 17, 2019
Status: c560
Honestly, what compelled me to read was the transmigration aspect, and it certainly is an interesting story, thought a bit too much woman for me tbh. While a lot of people complain about the style of the MC his personality is a big part of what makes the story go. I admit that I also dislike the womanizing aspect of the MC (I mean really, the girls sometimes clearly dont want to be harassed, but he takes it as a sign to continue and do something more intense. The worse... more>> part is most of them still fall for him afterwards...), but taking out all the scenes he is busy teasing women, the plot is fairly interesting as you uncover what the world around him. Overall, I recommend those that have an interest in Harem, adventure, magic and transmigration to read this. <<less
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Hasenpfote rated it
September 9, 2017
Status: c108
The novel was quite a good and lecherous read. Sometimes it was pretty funny, other times a tiny bit sad but nothing that would make your emotions roll. The worldbuilding is quite nice but its just your standard system that everyone knows about, basic elemental magic, qi, Elves, Beastmen etc. Etc.

You should still give it a read because I dont feel like my time was wasted and I enjoy reading this novel.
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