Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel


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He died on the wedding of the girl he had a crush on, after a long and successful career. After convincing Yama to send him back to the world, he decides to fix the areas in which his life went wrong. Realizing the lack of love and romance in his past life, he sets out to conquer the hearts of various women.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Record of Rebirth and Chasing Beauties
So Pure, So Flirtatious: The Prequel
The Richest Man in the City
Related Series
High Comprehension Low Strength (Shared Universe)
So Pure, So Flirtatious (Sequel)
My Wife is a Beautiful CEO (12)
The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus (4)
Awakening (4)
I’m in Hollywood (3)
My Beautiful Teacher (3)
Omni Genius (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels i Have Read
  2. My Main Novels
  3. CN Harem
  4. Things I've Read pt 2
  5. Male Protagonist

Latest Release

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108 Reviews sorted by

deathmine31 rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: Completed
New chick, new conflict. Repeat until end. I wasn't paying much attention to the genres, so I do recommend taking a glace at them. If you like what you see, check out the novel. Total of 17 women in the harem if that's your cup of tea. Pretty lackluster novel altogether.
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Krazyguy75 rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: v2c95
I rarely post a review this early into something I plan to keep reading, but one I thing I think needed stating:

If you have read Very Pure and Ambiguous (the not prequel), you'll realize that this one is pretty much strictly inferior. The pacing is pretty much like a speedrun of the original, and the characters are shallow, the MC's superpower is pretty ludicrous (he apparently can remember how to program literally anything from scratch in a couple of hours; IRL programming would take months if not years to do... more>> alone, even if you knew the end product by heart), and the gimmick is the same cliche (returned to the past with future knowledge). EDIT: It's almost becoming a joke; he's a martial arts champion, skier, rock climber, ace student, and genius programmer. What didn't he do in his past life?

I recommend reading that first, and then reading this with the knowledge that it will likely never be quite as good.

EDIT2: And now it's getting amusing. Here's a list of his waifus by the end: A superstar, a teacher, a middle school crush, a girl who accepts the harem, a shy girl, a techie girl, a girl who ran away from her influential family, a girl stuck in a coma, etc. And no. I'm not reading the wrong one. The author wrote the same setup twice.

EDIT3: Ok it's starting to get s*upid. The author has clearly given up caring and is just writing for fun. It's gotten pretty crazy; he's not even trying to come up with excuses, throwing out random superpowers, magic, aliens, sci-fi tech, amnesiac arcs, and he doesn't even try to excuse or fill in plot holes and in fact actively acknowledges them. It's... almost respectable how little he cares; he seems to just write whatever he thinks of, and consequences be damned.

It's clearly no where near as good as SPSF, cause it lost all grounding in reality a while back, and with it the stakes and the plot. It's amusing still, but if it weren't 100% completed I'd have dropped it as soon as I got to the end of the translation. <<less
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September 4, 2019
Status: v4c135
It's not a terrible novel. After a while every villain does the same thing and the results more or less always the same. I think the thing that's most irritating though is the author is a Chinese supremacist. Out of nowhere he'll start talking down on another country (ESPECIALLY Japan) boasting about nothing and it kills whatever tone the actual situation warrants. Other than that it's an average novel. At some times though I think the harem kinda grew too fast and after a while you don't see much character... more>> from someone after they were "conquered". <<less
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WiLeY BiGhEaD rated it
August 5, 2019
Status: v9
MC is the smartest and s*upidest person in the novel. When the author can’t move the plot without having people make irrational decisions that do not fit the pre-established model you get a mess that is just upsetting to read. I do like the underlying premise of this novel, but the delivery of it is so inconsistent.

The best way to describe this novel comparing it to the Disney live remakes. If it’s your preference then some parts you will enjoy, but it will make you ask “why” when it does... more>> things like not giving the animals facial expressions in the new lion king. I can handle one or two of these stains to enjoy the rest but it eventually feels like the best bank robber in the world is walking around covered in ink from dye packs from head to toe while saying “this is fine” because there isn’t any other way to make drama. <<less
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Molenir rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: c282
I think I'll just copy what another reviewer had to say about this novel.

VPnA is about a 30+yr old chuunibyo virg*n (wizard) who is reborn to act out his chuuni tendencies to unsuspecting 15-16yr old girls...... and gets away with it whilst looking cool. -Scrypt3d

I really think that sums up everything thats wrong with this novel without actually getting into the precise details. If that it what you are looking for then look no further. If it isn't, then just about anything is... more>> better. <<less
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Bloodletter rated it
November 25, 2018
Status: v2c30
At first it looked like a decent novel to me but later on it started showing its true colors.

Some of most irritating part of the novel...

1. After reading this novel I started to feel that china would be one of the most shitty places to live in. Man seriously, there is shitty young masters that pop out of nowhere in every town and they r*pe and kill right and left but the police is like " We cant arrest him he is son of blah blah.....". Then what is the... more>> point of thier existence just to lick MC ass after he solves everything I guess. The whole plot is based on these brainless young masters and thier confrentation with the MC and every time the MC acts like a ret*rd in these cases.

For eg.


The gf of the MC gets knocked of by a foreigner young master's car all he does is like break his one leg and thats it coz his is someone who is contrubuting to the country or some bullshit. Now plzz consider that girl is the one in the summary and MC is the chairman of a multinational company and he is also the boss of an top underground gang spawn across ASIA. But he is still like I will deal with them after they leave china.


2. As I mentioned he is the owner of one of the top multinational companies and the boss of the underground but still he dresses like a commoner and rejects luxury. His reason is that he is tired of upper class life in his prev life. Sounds cool right........ Thats grt n all but due to his idiocy the people he mostly deals in most of the novel is those dickless young masters, delinquents and thieves. He doesnt even inform his parents and the reason is mindblowing " if I tell them the truth they WONT be able to handle it they will die Right?.... Right??.... So let me live as a commoner and get bullied by everyone.

If its like this then why the f*ck is making money?? To donate it to his country probably.....

My hands r tire after writing this much and let tell u u that it still has more idiocies and dumbness in it. So when u r reading it plzz keep ur brains at the doors and dont try to bring logic into it or u will regret it. If u hv too much free time read it and u will understand what I am saying. <<less
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rakuha rated it
November 4, 2018
Status: v2c163
First its a harem novel if you dont like MC with many beauty in his side dont read this.

Its about man who get reincarnated and get everything's he want, its like playing life simulator on very easy mode and you have a cheat to use.

But who cares! I just like how the MC chasing beauty one by one, even if the story is so freaking random.

Dont take the novel too seriously, just enjoy it.
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AlienZombieNecro rated it
September 26, 2018
Status: c138
Novel was good until he gets a "second wife" and it keeps going downhill from there. Probably woulda given a 1 star if I kept reading.

If this MC didnt think with his d*ck and more with his brain like at the beginning, this novel would be a lot more enjoyable, but suddenly after being reborn, he forgets that he had absolutely no relationships for 30 years because he only loved the fMC. He would say how everything's easy to him who's 30 years old+, but the moment he interacts with a girl, he loses all his brain cells and revert back to a child thinking.

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LastGodOfWar rated it
August 28, 2018
Status: v4c45
Really love this novel just started reading it a couple of month ago and am almost caught up with the translations.

First what I love about the novel:

... more>>

While this is definitely a harem novel but it goes about it in a fairly realistic way. How you might ask? Well the MC loves this girl and she is the main reason he reincarnated and the main reason he died in the first place. So when he meets her when he reincarnates he of course wants to make her love him like he loved her all those years. And because she also secretly loved him too he succeeds easily in capturing her heart. However because she loves him so much and wants him to be happy no matter what she allows him to bring in other women as long as she is the first and most senior wife. This gives it a good flavor like he is not betraying his love and give very good comedy when hes chasing girls but get his first wife that he loves mad at him.

Then their is his knowledge and powers (that he gets after having s*x for the first time). The way he uses his past knowledge is really cool. Add on super powers and it becomes bad ass.


Now things I do not like about it:


First and for most one thing stuck out big time during about I think chapter 150. Its when he gets a car. Now he is discussing about getting a car and mentions that before he reincarnated he use to race cars so HE KNOWS HOW TO DRIVE. So whats the first thing he does when he gets in his car and pulls out of the drive way? HE GETS IN AN ACCIDENT. So I say okay just one could have been the other dickheads fault but no in the course of one month he get into THREE accidents. Are you f*cking kidding me.

Next the other big annoying thing is the villains are really s*upid not that I care I don't even need villains in a novel but I hate repetition unless you can make it interesting. This is how it goes.

A guy wants to get with one of the harem members. NO you don't. And they get into a fight oh and he gets beat. But OH NO he has a strong family background. BOOM they get beat too. Don't worry girl ill keep you safe. OH no another arrogant guy wants you POW hes down. (Girl swoons) THE END. Like that repeated over and over all that's different is that the peoples background get bigger and bigger.

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omgitsaray rated it
August 14, 2018
Status: v4c45
This novel is somewhat entertaining with a new premise that the MC became brothers with Yama (the King of hell) thus gaining some abilities. But unfortunately, the translation by re:library is pretty bad and lots of words are left in chinese pinyin. The new translator is much better so bear with it at the beginning.

The novel focuses on the MC becoming rich and his time spent around adding girls to his harem. There's no cultivation apart from a bit in the beginning and fights are just side stories. If you... more>> enjoy a guy adding women to his group like cabbage, to the point that readers start forgetting who is who, then read this. If not, you're not going to like it. <<less
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EagleRiders rated it
December 17, 2017
Status: c149

The story is good as u follow the main protag around while he plagerizes the crap out with his future knowledge that in itself is fairly interesting to read at least the story between him and his forst like 3 wives are fairly flushed out as he adds more to his harem thou the girls all including the one from the discription lose the spot light as he meet new girls bangs em feels responsible and his first wife goes ohh ok new sister thats bout it it also has another negative and that is over patriotism or racism how ever u feel about it maybe duo to censors or to avoid the ccp's ire

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August 7, 2017
Status: v2c163
A very great novel to read. Like any Chinese novel that I have read, the main character is smart. When I first started reading this novel, I was hooked and still is because of the bizarre scenarios. This novel is a great read but it is on a condition that you are not too in to it because you will find it really s*upid and dumb once you think about the situations in the story but other than that, the story is interesting.
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July 28, 2017
Status: v2c163
This novel is interesting, though it doesn't go beyond that.

The author seems like he some cases of amnesia.

The MC meets yama and becomes his sworn brother and tells yama that he will give him a call now and then, guess what, he doesn't. Some of the girls the MC is trying to pickup are forgotten for more than 200 chapters and so on.

It just seems like the author writes whatever comes to mind.

But, it's still a good novel.

What makes it 3 stars instead of 4 or 4.5? The quality of the the translation. Sometimes you will wonder if you're reading MTL. It's just that shit. The other thing that "kills" it is that it been updated in a while.
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the-bookworm rated it
March 18, 2024
Status: v3
This is most likely written by a teenager as a teenager fantasy. The MC is supposed to be a mid-30s man when he died, a CEO of a local Microsoft subsidiary, yet behaves like a s*upid teenager. It's obvious MC (and author) has little life and romantic experience, or much anything else. A mature adult man would not behave the way MC behaved.

It's very racist and nationalistic. It's also misogynistic and treat women as prizes that MC picks up wherever he goes because he's the MC. MC is also an... more>> as*hole as he r*ped several women, then use excuses such as he's drunk or that he want to teach the woman a lesson and it's ok because she's Japanese, etc. What a hypocrite criminal. MC is just as bad as the people he looks down on.

The translation is atrocious. Terrible grammar, typos and using words in the wrong context. There is just so much wrong with the translation, but it's not worth my time to go into it. Meh! <<less
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Tras rated it
October 17, 2022
Status: Completed
Crazily racist and sexist. Completely wild Chinese supremacy-p*rn that can only be read if you trick yourself into believing it's a fantasy world where all the most insane of caricatures of races and countries are portrayed as real and don't really take offense. The story was somewhat interesting at first and even rather nice at times but it got repetitive quickly, especially with the women who are like Pokemon, Gotta catch 'em all. There's so many of them even the author forgets them at times. The fact that he was... more>> reincarnated was almost ignored most of the novel after he made his company etc. Most of the main characters problems come from "eh, I'm too lazy to do this insanely important thing right now so I'll just go f*ck one of my wives" after which the important thing turns out to be important and someone gets kidnapped or him just ignoring that dangerous villains escape because "eh, can't be bothered". As if written by a 10-year old at times.

It's hard to decide if it deserves 1 or 2 stars. I'm usually not the kind of person who's offended by anything and I was really enjoying parts of this, but it really was... quite a lot too much sh*t to ignore. The author has just insane beliefs, such as: Women get magically attracted to whoever f*cks them first, even if it's hardcore r*pe with parts of emotional and physical torture involved. It's a miracle if you find any Japanese woman above the age of 13 who's a virg*n. Western women are all open to getting f*cked by literally anyone even when in relationships.

It isn't a bad thing to r*pe and torture a young girl because she was a bit rude while she was kidnapped (or rather because she's Japanese) and she should be happy she can be kept as a literal sex-s*ave (MC's own words).

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Renxens rated it
May 27, 2022
Status: v4c235.
I used to read this when I was still in high school and appreciated that the MC was given a second chance to pursuit the love of his life, but it wasn't fully translated yet at the time. Now, revisit and read all of them for a sentimental reason or whatever.

I would very much given a 5 stars if the author didn't destroyed it halfway through. Still enjoyable if it wasn't for those few problems.

As I stated above, we all regrets thing in our life that we wish we could... more>> have done better, so given a chance to experience the rebirth is what we hoping for and the book offered that. Overall, it was great read, and the characters are well developed until when there are too many female characters that many of their personality became alike and bland.

At the beginning, the MC was smart and highly intelligent, but the author can't keep up with the way the MC was portrayed. Moreover, the author made the MC became very racist, supremist, sexist, especially toward Japanese. I do understand where that coming from, toward the Japanese, but that was two generation ago, and not their predecessors. In another word, the MC was very narrowminded when it came to Japanese. Also, the author treated others who are not Chinese intellectually incompetent.

Well, if you are ignored all that, the book's enjoyable. Especially the translator side notes. Even the translator had enough of the author sometime, but very admirable (to the translator) that the book was finish translated. <<less
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Mefis rated it
February 11, 2022
Status: c250
I do not know where and how, but I found this novel in my smartphone. At the time, I was in the village, where the connection is bad, and accidentally saw this novel, read it. But it turned out that only the first chapter was downloaded to the phone, that is - the prologue. I liked the prologue and decided to read the full version, when I go back home.

Time passes, I suddenly remembered and free time began to read this novel. I think you can imagine my level of... more>> disappointment!

This book is just disgusting, both in terms of plot and logic. The characters aren't even flat, they just serve as background, they are nothing! The whole world revolves around the main character, even his own girlfriend is willing to help him find other girls for him to create a harem.

And it's a shame that in the beginning chapters, the story seems good. But suddenly, it sinks to the level of logic of the book, and then disappears altogether. To be honest, this is even worse than novels with a ret*rded system, a system that is designed to mock the mc's.

By the way, I'm surprised by the 5 star review reviews and I'm genuinely perplexed, you and I read the same novella, or I have a buggy site and opened a completely different novel?

I highly do not recommend reading this novel. <<less
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Yjchong rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: c1
Uninteresting protag. His only traits is that hes pe*verted. All the girls fall in love with him for no real good reason. Also random aliens.

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Yhuandi rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: v2c120
I cant believe I manage to survive for half of total chapter reading this ret*rded novel. Subjectively I give 3/5 only because this novel had thing I want to read in a novel, this was my biased rating. Without any biased view toward this novel I would happily press 1 star or even lower.

I cant say this a review, you can say this just my ranting. Alright I will start.

This novel start very promising, about someone sent to the past to avoid any regret he will feel in future. I... more>> though there will be lot of struggle to gain love he failed to achieve his previous life but it only took him 40 or so chapters, there is reason for that and that is acceptable but problem was the harem. I cant believe he loved someone for half of his life then after he got her he can easily fell for other girls and those girls easily fell for him too.

Forgetting harem part which really irritating later on (caused by either harem or mc), now about novel logic. Microsoft CEO at age of 31? Hah bullshit, he had ret*rded logic which put me on boiling point lot of time. He cant explain about him being owner of biggest corporation in world to his parent? Alright he clearly said that he will explain that gradually to his parent BUT HE DIDNT, there is 3 YEARS time skip but MC brain must be filled with banging his girls those time, not once he explain a thing or two to his parent.

He have photographic memory? This the biggest bullsh*t in this novel. Smartest student? What a joke, he choose to lay low because he didnt want any trouble but he not even realize trouble always come to him because he laying low, I cant believe this was the so called Microsoft CEO, smartest student in university or something like that.

There are lot of disappointing thing in this novel, but I wont go further into this. This shall be added another time if I could continue reading this without dropping it. <<less
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Sololvl0 rated it
February 28, 2021
Status: c180
The story.. there's none (logic)

The girls.. there's none (personality)

The translation.. there's none (it's literally soo bad)

The r-18 scenes... there's none (he just skips sh*t like rope)

Why am I reading it? Because I have nothing better to do.

Honestly reading translations made me lose the little interest I had in the story.
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