Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel


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He died on the wedding of the girl he had a crush on, after a long and successful career. After convincing Yama to send him back to the world, he decides to fix the areas in which his life went wrong. Realizing the lack of love and romance in his past life, he sets out to conquer the hearts of various women.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Record of Rebirth and Chasing Beauties
So Pure, So Flirtatious: The Prequel
The Richest Man in the City
Related Series
High Comprehension Low Strength (Shared Universe)
So Pure, So Flirtatious (Sequel)
My Wife is a Beautiful CEO (12)
The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus (4)
Awakening (4)
I’m in Hollywood (3)
My Beautiful Teacher (3)
Omni Genius (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels i Have Read
  2. My Main Novels
  3. CN Harem
  4. Things I've Read pt 2
  5. Male Protagonist

Latest Release

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108 Reviews sorted by

hafararisay rated it
May 11, 2020
Status: Completed
The story is good

Only in the beginning

After that the MC keep become more and more


As a programmer myself, I like MC in the beginning

But then he become stup*d

I don't know what the author thinks

why make MC so stup*d

Keep forgeting his own superpower

Like wtf
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Delirious rated it
September 14, 2019
Status: v4c160
I tried you guys, I did. This... This just becomes absolute garbage later on. I'm someone that does not mind a harem; but when you got like 15+ women willing to drop their panties, get on their knees and serve you like you're their god, at any moment, I draw the line. The worst of it is, the MC, he is NOTHING special. The author is such a self-insert it just kills every bit of motivation I have to read this.

Rampant plagiarism, ridiculous arrogance for no reason, like thinking he... more>> is some awesome person because he STOLE the ideas and effort of other men and women and claimed it as his own. Even for a harem story, 90% of the women in this literally only exist to be a meat toilet for the MC. The woman he loved so much in the past to the point he refused to touch another woman, now just exists to cater to the mc's whims.

The first 100-200 chapters I could stomach and was somewhat enjoyable, but it progressively gets worse and worse and now I just feel contempt for this story. <<less
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muhammodalamin rated it
September 13, 2019
Status: --
Highschool fantasy of some 10-year-old kid. MC is childish even with his experience. MC is not as intelligent as one should be after rebirth. MC hardly cares about body strength. The first Gang fight in the woods was very annoying. He doesn't know the background of people and messes with them. MC is arrogant. MC is not intelligent enough to keep it low while needed. Even after having the memory of past life he doesn't even know the background of his lover. He doesn't notice when people stalk him. He... more>> doesn't know what types of trouble he's going to bring himself into. This is just a fantasy of a 10-year-old kid. Last but not least MC is not unique. There are many people that rebirth through Yama. And even though MC was reborn in a different world. Even though he could try to become stronger he didn't. Just a Low-fantasy novel with the shortsightedness that sees only the earth as its point of view. Truly a frog in a well. One must have the lifespan to enjoy all the woman and wealth. But I can guess the bleak future of Our MC. With just only a bit of training is not gonna help you live longer. <<less
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Sharry rated it
August 27, 2019
Status: Completed
I wanted to give it a 3 star but just could'nt coz it was fun.... It never became a booring novel... This novel is like someone's dream fantasy..... It has an amazing harem, good romance and fine ecchi stuff... MC's first wife is really likable... Novel had a brilliant start with MC @ a alltime low which was heartbreaking..... MC then starts his journey and get girls one after another.. but.. Soon Logic goes total bullshit.... Any person who cant deal with this bullshit-no-logic stuff might just explode... gotta ignore... more>> and prevail for the harem and fun with girls... MC become OP soon and it never changes till the very end... MC and & his interaction with girls is very pleasing.. but story is very repeatitive but never booring... MC is a s*upid ret*rd... his all in-Laws are very hateful and are also ret*rds.... Villains are obviously ret*rds.... get it.... Everbody in this novel acts crazy... sometimes its really irritating.... This is a very casual novel.. only for fun and excitement.. if you keep finding flaws then it will never end..... Since, it left no loose ends so I was very satisfied...I will remember the good moments <<less
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Elementarteilchen rated it
March 3, 2019
Status: c133
One day in the life of the MC (seriously, all this happend on one day) :

    • MC drives his new car to the shopping mall. On the way someone crashed in his car and caused trouble.
    • MC wants to park his car, but someone stole his parking slot and caused him trouble.
    • On the way to the shopping mall, MC receives a phone call. Someone slanders his corporation on the news.
    • As he finally reaches the shopping mall, a shopping owner caused trouble to MC's girlfriends

Besides these kind of forced situations, the novel is pretty decent, if you like harem novels. Don't believe some of the negative reviews here. The harem develops naturally and there isn't some kind of personality change, because of the harem. Everything is explained as you learn more and more about the personalities of MC's girlfriends. There is also good character development. Look forward to it :P
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Osselboon rated it
February 17, 2018
Status: v2c105
If this story stopped in volume 1, I'd have given it 3 stars. The story starts off nice enough, even though I believe telling a woman in your dying breath on her wedding day you have always loved her is horrifying, especially given his reasoning for it.

... more>>

If the story stopped before he started flaunting slash hiding his super powers I'd have given it 4.

The other thing that really doesn't help is the MC basically thinks he is the greatest driver ever to walk the earth but somehow gets into 3 accidents in a dozen chapters of even getting a car! All of them just so he can either show off his connections or his f***ing super power!

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TomaMuli rated it
August 12, 2017
Status: v2c163
Fun read where alot of things dont make sense but what the hell if you are entertained then you are Entertained. I think building a harem is the main point of this story, so more the merrier in my opinion
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JunkieChan rated it
July 29, 2017
Status: --
In the beginning I loved it, it was interesting although not bothered about the Harem even though he got his main and now she's literally there to bang the MC...

... more>>

Later the main gets hit by a car because he couldn't save and it introduces ALIENS WTF, honestly it seems the author had nothing interesting to write so he instead adds aliens because he's banging all these women and he needs more conflict because it's soooo easy for this dude who has reincarnated from the age of 30 and had built this insane company that made him rich, so at first I believed it to be a 3-4 out of 5 but I dropped it seeing aliens.

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devilHistorian rated it
July 23, 2017
Status: v2c106
Well this is my first time giving a review. So don't judge that this review may sound bias.

Overall I enjoyed it. No deep dramas, complicated sh*t just pure self satisfaction. If you want to take a break from novels with very deep plot and unexpected plot twist this is a must. Because even though a problem occurs he completely crushes it with his backing.

He even became the world's richest man and the leader of the most powerful gang in Asia (so far from what a read)


The harem members are okay they're kinds cute. But I find it annoying that

the first chick got amnesia. Well it was still resolved though with flirting to spare.

But I am still disturbed because of how many girls are there in the harem and it even has a modern day tag and it's weird very weird.

The abilities of the MC is kind of vague. But he's kind of op though.

He can teleport!!!!!! But he can't even completely heal his chick when she got hit by a car he was only able to do first aid until the medical team arrives.

But I'm still satisfied with MC's abilities.

Overall I give it a 4.5 definitely a nice read if you look for a touch of SoL.
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LeeEzekiel rated it
July 4, 2017
Status: --
Ah, middle school delusions, how I've missed you so.

Think about all of the horribly basic fantasies you had as a teenager, about being the coolest, richest guy with beauties fighting all over you, owning random thugs with your 1337 skills, etc. This is that in written form.

It's not new for a novel to be pure wish fulfillment, but even with such a premise it's possible to have an amazing story. This novel is very, very, very lazy, like the author just wrote down whatever he mentally wanked off to that... more>> day. Hell, if you're even slightly creative, you may as well just come up with your own power trip fantasy. It'll probably be better done than this.

Also, the farther I get, the more typos and grammatical errors I see. I'm not sure but it feels like the translator's proofreading got a lot sloppier past chapter 20 ish. <<less
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cahmil rated it
March 7, 2017
Status: v2c82
Been reading this to pass boredom. Skimmed through a couple of chapters. Still read some parts that made me want to stop... The harem indeed leaves a lot to be desired. Although I've read the synopsis, for the first few chapters, I was hoping it would go towards a different direction but no, it somewhat stayed true to it. Provided that this is nothing but fiction, harem members are added forcefully, and unrelatable. Also, I feel that things are so random. Alien technology, coming from someone who may believe an... more>> alien conspiracy story, I don't like how it is added on the story. I feel that the author could've polished the existing characters and elements. <<less
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SilverBullet888 rated it
October 13, 2016
Status: c58
It started out great, intriguing and interesting, but as I got further, the narrative got more annoying. Why does the story feel the need to have the main character fall for, and vice versa, every pretty girl? And why is his girlfriend okay with that? I doesn't make any sense character-wise. I would have liked to read in more detail on his business interactions, and the parts where he interacts with girls are not that interesting. His Gf literally falls in love with him right away, which doesn't make any... more>> sense and they give no reasonable explanation for it. Maybe it will get better later, but right now it's not as great as I felt the beginning was.

Edit: Okay, so they revealed why she fell in love with him like that, so maybe it's going up now? <<less
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ZhaWarudo rated it
August 21, 2016
Status: c71
Again the most liked review is misinformative sigh... I agree the story started really good and harem ruined it but it's still worth reading if you don't mind harem so much... MC designed intel cpu and made win98 in one month, yeah.. author clearly wrote after it that it's not possible IRL but this is his fiction so STFU (that's me saying STFU not the author). Now that I smacked DragonSaber's face and he's vommiting blood from anger let's cut to the main chase. To sum it up, this is... more>> romantic (mostly the beginning), erotic, funny, harem unfortunately and kingdom building novel. Supernatural powers have not appeared as of chap 71 but there is talk of it.
Edit: it got to be a nauseating harem with the MC banging every girl he meets, I dropped this quite a while ago, reducing to a true rating now. <<less
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Seraphim rated it
March 4, 2023
Status: v4c235
It is a good time waster or a background sound (using text-to-speech).

The story is intriguing at times but it gets annoying when the harem expands up to SEVENTEEN. The first few girls were fine but the last ones barely had any screentime. There were so many in the harem that the story didn't give as much as it could in developing the main girl. I am a fan of harem stories but this is just too many. Though while I say that, when the list was stated by the end... more>> of the novel, I was able to at least recall the background of each harem member. It is just so sad that there was too many and some didn't get as much time to build up their stories. There are a lot of times I cringed and thinking, "that's it and the girl falls already?"

Another thing that is wasted is how the world should've or would've reacted to his company. No way that the US government and the CCP let one company get that big. Various senate hearings would've attacked their US branch and the CCP would've "requested" them to "donate" their technology. In this case, the Mansion novel did it better.

Last thing, the Aliens feel like a device the author used because he didn't know how to proceed and end with his story.

Overall, it is worth a try I guess. It wouldn't be mind blowing, but if you have time to waste, you might as well try it. Just put it in a text-to-speech software and have it as your background noise if you're doing something else.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the author is kinda... CN supremacist? Various times he commented that Chinese value their purity while Americans and Japanese don't so the MC is surprised that his one American and one Japanese harem member were still virg*ns when he did them. <<less
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hinokio rated it
April 6, 2022
Status: Completed
Very average novel for me while some chapters are realy interesting some aren't while the end is good it wasn't the best but overall reading time was enjoyable so the couples of ret*rded chapters can be neglecte, recommend to read for a fun time and not to takes the novel seriously even the the author mentioned that that this novel is just to be read with a cup of coffee and shut-off your reasoning function and enjoy the harem seeking life with an interesting slice of life novel
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Celes rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is interesting despite having a lame plot and lack of some character development. One of my favorite novel.

-Story is fast pace but its okay if you don't like too much character dialogue. But DO NOT SKIP some lines because it will confuse you. Better to read it SLOWER. Some words will not be repeat so you might confuse what is happening if you didn't read carefully.

-I like the early chapters (Vol 1 and 2)

... more>> -There is some racist remarks but I don't care about it. Its common anyway.

-MC have 17 harem and he married them all. Best girl is Zhao Yanyan (Last chapter will reveal why she didn't get her memories fully). Some of MC's harem lack of screening time but character development is okay, it will be portrait overtime during Vol 3 and Vol 4.

-MC's Business empire is all around the world. Author make it like that but to me still vague, why? If you read carefully there is a timeline like 1996 / 1999 and MC is already the richest man, I don't mind it since this is a harem novel not a business novel. (This timeline is very important because people says the 2 other novels are connected.)

-MC don't use his super abilities/power at some point. On vol 3 and vol 4 he usually use it and have a better understanding. NO CULTIVATION in this novel.

-Not much hidden force or family or something. Very refreshing to read a novel like this. I don't like some hidden force will just pop up nowhere and be a stepping stone lol.

-of course there will be a bad plot in every story.

-MC have superpower but he didn't use it properly and let Zhao Yanyan accident that cause her memory seal. Force plot but I understand, it describe how much MC loves Zhao Yanyan.

-MC keep saying he don't want any regret in his new life and take anything he want yet he didn't look for Ye Xiaoxiao (1 of his harem) using his underworld and money, he just wait on her, lame plot right?.

-MC didn't kill some of his enemy but become friends with them without a proper BENEFIT. Lame plot again.

-Xu Qingwei bad plot. Last chapter will reveal why and yes, you could understand the plot because its 3 people rebirth and only 2 will live on. Its either him or the MC. Force plot but I understand.

-MC's son, Liu Ye is unnecessary. For the sake of comedy, I know.

To summarize

I rate this novel 5/5.

I recommend this novel. If you looking for a harem, OP MC, MC is not a beta (unlike Lin Yi from Beauty and the bodyguard, Don't get me wrong I also like that novel and I also recommend that)

-Other says that this novel Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel, So Pure, So Flirtatious, Beauty and the Bodyguard are connected, But the technology, family/clan, area of control and the timeline doesn't correspond on the other 2 novel but other say the Main characters of these novel are connected. I understand, plot hole still I like to read this 3 novel. In that 2 novel, it was never mention about Liu Lei (or anything related to him, like number 1 richest man or any of his Business empire, harem, they just disappear that is why its plot hole) <<less
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akupyro rated it
November 11, 2021
Status: v4c235
From "Mmmk this will pass", to "cringey cringe cringe". The story starts out with an okay build up, but slowly turning into a "I can do whatever I want" type story. That is were things turn to a dull slide to a waste of words.

It become very clear that this is a Chinese supremacy novel. I don't find fault in it because to each their own, but this sometime boarders on crossing the line. The MC being OP with an ego armor off the charts doesn't help. Just my two... more>> cents.


Also, the author makes MC a very sexist and supremist. I r*pe is your thing, well, MC wont let you down here. I mean, this novel pretty condones it and is some cases make it like it their fault. Really a shitshow at times, and that is saying a lot.

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nevz091 rated it
October 7, 2021
Status: v4c185
This novel is a joke even the author treats it like so. Tr*sh plot, very random and no direction after he got his first wife. Everyone in the harem has the same personality (bland). MC lives his two lives and is still dense as f*ck. Little to no action, story revolves around his women. Repetitive arrogant random young masters and thugs that messes with MC or his wives and he doesn't fight any of them, he makes a phone call then someone will come to teach those randoms a lesson... more>> and eventually apologize (Literally no action, only phone calls).

I was supposed to give this piece of garbage a 1 star but I had a few laughs here and there so I gave it two stars. <<less
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DiabolicGod rated it
June 24, 2021
Status: v4c1
This novel is 99% just the following points:

  • Meeting a new girl (which either is super beautiful from the start or turns out as such later)
  • Solving one of his women's troubles
  • Intellectually piss-poor villains that either think they are gods on earth or just are villains because they tried to pick up one of the MC's chicks (usually with the mindset of money and influence is everything that matters)
  • The MC being: a ret*rd, insulted by afore mentioned villains, awesome faceslapping them or calling his underlings to take care of his enemies
There is a little bit of plot and story, but it would fit in about a chapter per volume and it isn't great.

Treat this as a pick-up harem novel to read when you don't want anything with an intriguing story,... more>> then you will enjoy it. <<less
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promet rated it
February 26, 2021
Status: Completed
A somewhat decent (for a Chinese webnovel) harem. It was funny and satisfied my craving for a harem story. Don't get too discouraged by my 3/5 rating, because it's pretty high for a CN webnovel already, especially a harem...

Warning: slight spoilers (so slight I didn't bother concealing them).

Characters: most girls are 2D only at best, a few of them are 2.5D. This is pretty good for a webnovel already, but still much lacking for a picky reader (such as me). I wouldn't say there's much of a character development, but... more>> what I appreciated was that MC could see several of his negative character traits and acknowledge it.

Harem/romance wasn't bad, though it wasn't great either. Most girls more or less faded away once they were conquered by MC (they are still present, but didn't take part in the action, and were mentioned a few times at best). What is memorable is that the relation between MC and every harem member was brought to some closure, so they weren't forgotten (even though, like I said, they might not appear later).

Supernatural/cultivation element: better than I expected, but nothing special (I expected total shiet lol). The author wrote it as a casual story focused on comedy/harem, so don't expect much here. Still, it fitted the story.

Plot: first of the four volumes was great, I enjoyed it. Then it got worse in the vol 2, and then in vol 3. Vol 4 was mostly boring (there were some fillers, the author was clearly milking the story, but didn't go particularly overboard as the novel has less than 800 chapters; it's okay if you just skim through it), but the author put in some more effort into the ending, which was, well, acceptable I guess. What is nice is that there were some plot twists from time to time, and some things were unexpected, but I think that author could've done a better job with early foreshadowing.

Now, last but not least, there's a damn r*pe tag here. It wasn't bad in general, but one instance was absolutely horrible. Let me explain a bit in a spoiler.


There were three girls MC r*ped.

The first one wasn't technically a r*pe. It was drunk s*x. Basically, MC and a girl got drunk at her parents' house (iirc the parents made MC drunk on purpose), and then they deadass tossed MC and the girl into one bed (MC already had a gf, so I think they wanted to trick MC into thinking he slept with their daughter to make him dump the gf and go out with their daughter). They thought he was too young to actually screw her. Well, he randomly woke up, still drunk, thought it was his gf (he realized sth was off but wasn't sober enough to care to check), and they focked lol.

The second one was a r*pe indeed, but the girl literally asked for it. Basically, MC was drinking away his sorrows at a club where he was a regular, and a girl wanted to see what the criminal underworld looked like, so she pretended to sell her v**ginity at the club (she did all she had to except actually taking the money when they gave it to her later), and they brought her to MC (they offered him an escort, and he decided to try out f*cking one). MC, again dead drunk, thought it was a kind of play when she resisted lol (he only realized much later he r*ped her when he returned to the club and got told she didn't take the money). This doesn't justify him, but what does justify him somewhat in my eyes is that she literally held a knife to his d*ck when he woke up (I'm still not sure if he got drunk and blacked out or she knocked him out, coz why would she hold a knife to his D and wait for him to wake up randomly, it was nonsense; well maybe she wanted to protect herself from actually having s*x, but still) and was going to castrate him after they exchanged a few flirty sentences. Like, who df pretends to be a prostitute and then castrates her customer? So, while MC isn't justified, the hoe was dumb af and asked for it.

The third one was a r*pe without any justification (if it's even a thing) and was ABSOLUTELY f*ckING DISGUSTING, and I skipped most of this scene. Long story short, it was typical nationalistic revenge p*rn: MC was trying to save a Chinese girl in Japan, he rescued a Japanese girl by mistake, and then she acted like a bit*h because she thought he was with the kidnappers, MC was in a bad mood coz he was worried about the other hoe, so he got angry and... r*ped her while threatening her with her family. This was really disgusting, and I look down on the author for writing such garbage scene to pander to his fellow Chinese readers. Like f*ck him, really.

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