Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi


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I, Mukouda Tsuyoshi, was caught up in a summoning circle into a different world where sword and magical skills are the norm.

However, when the summoners cast ‘Status Appraisal’ on us, the three other people who were summoned with me had [Heroes from Another World] in the occupation box, whereas I was the [Random Guy Caught Up in the Summoning Spell].

As for our ‘Skill Set’, the three Heroes had outrageous sounding skills rolling after their names like [Holy Sword Technique], [Holy Spear Technique] and [Sacred Magic].

In fact, I too have a skill you know? My one skill is called… [Net Super]…

Because it’s clearly not a combat skill, I am automatically treated like garbage.

Furthermore, the King of the country who had summoned us looked really shady.

As a veteran lightnovel reader, I can read the atmosphere well enough to come to the conclusion that ‘This is a bad world to be summoned into’.

Thus, it is decided. No matter what, I must get out of this castle as soon as possible and escape from this rotten country!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill (LN)
Food Travel in the Other World with Ridiculous Ability
Gourmet Adventure of Legendary Tamer
Tondemo Skill ga Hontouni Tondemonai Iryoku wo Hakkishita Ken Nitsuite
Related Series
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Legend (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Fantasy, no romance (yet) novels
  3. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  4. Cottagecore
  5. Foodies

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/14/18 Albedo404 c52
01/14/18 Albedo404 c51
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01/11/18 Albedo404 c47
01/09/18 Albedo404 c46
01/03/18 Albedo404 c45
01/03/18 Albedo404 c44
01/02/18 Albedo404 c43
10/07/17 Paichun Translations c42
10/06/17 Paichun Translations c41
10/05/17 Paichun Translations idle talk 3
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95 Reviews sorted by

riotguards rated it
September 25, 2016
Status: c17
I'll be honest, the synopsis spins a greater story than what is actually presented, within 17 short chapters I have learned more about boar meat than actual world building.

The "outrageous skill which has incredible powers" so far has only show itself to be able to purchase regular stuff like water and spices, not that it matters, the MC hardly uses it aside from buying a few things and even then there's barely any interesting element at play when the MC uses it.

The world itself is rather lacking, there's magic, skills,... more>> weapon mastery, etc but nobody actually uses it (except MC but sparingly) and interactions with the world are kept to a bare minimal except when it comes to trivial matters, the world is just as one dimensional as the characters.

Aside from the horrendous use of grammar the worst offender is the amount of pointless dribble that is inserted into the chapter as if the author was a novice taxidermist who pushed far too much stuffing to distract you on the horrible quality of work.

After a certain characters comes into the story its quickly hijacked by food segments in each chapter, the segments are usual half a chapter long (give or take) the quality however is S**t, here's a segment of the "fine" segment.


"... But there is no rice

Rice would make it better

I... forgot completely

This, would be the best with rice"


In conclusion this isn't a novel so much as a half baked writing assessment, there was definitely potential in the concept but whether it was laziness or lack of skill this is definitely something that is not worth your time. <<less
72 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Fluffums rated it
January 30, 2018
Status: c62
Laid-back slice-of-life story about the travels of a Fenrir and his personal chef.

Seriously, though, the protagonist is a normal person in every way - the only talent he seems to have is above average but not professional cooking ability. His personality, strength, intelligence, and common sense are actually normal. And people react well to his cooking mainly because he uses great ingredients.

... more>>

Even the food from the "real world" that he brings over is mostly good because it gives stat boosts to people eating it. It gives the kind of rush people describe when they dope up on stimulants, so of course adventurers and battle maniacs like Fel would like it.


And while the protagonist doesn't have the motivation to carry an action/adventure storyline, he at least reacts like the adult he is and thinks things through. He also shows interest in the world around him, so he doesn't need other people to force him to act. I really get the "innocent bystander" feeling from this guy more than any other "accidental" summonings of people who just so happened to have really eccentric personalities and adapt extremely well to the new world. Yeah, this protagonist can't carry the novel by himself. But he doesn't have to - he'll gain fun and quirky pets and acquaintances.

And the characters become more interesting and likeable as the story goes on. The setting gets more interesting the more you learn, too, and there are action scenes here and there, but the heart of the story is still basically watching a dog owner spend time with his (very) large, (way too) energetic dog. As a slice of life, 5/5 would mofu mofu the Fenrir again recommend. <<less
65 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
GodTurtleOm rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: c376
Mukouda works as chef, baggage carrier, and human liaison to his 3 overpowered monster companions. Occasionally he talks with gods, and sends them sweets, food, and alcohol on a weekly basis, and they give him stuff like Blessings for him and companions, or a Skill, or a useful tool. He's also been amassing more money than he knows what to do with, or what even the author knows what do with. Side characters are amusing enough, but it's mostly just slice-of-life, and no major plot developments.

General spoilers:

... more>>

Besides Fer and Sui, they're later joined by a mini-dragon (Dora-chan) that just as much a battle maniac as Fer and as much a food lover as the rest of them. Mukouda gets minor Blessings from the Fire and Earth goddesses, Sui gets a normal Blessing from the Water Goddess and the Blacksmith God. Fer and Dora get Blessings from the War God. Wind and Water Goddesses like snacks, Earth Goddess like beauty products, and Fire, War, Blacksmith Gods get varied types of alcohol. Also, the male gods granted him an Absolute Defense and Double Experience skill, because he can expand the shopping choices of Net Supermarket skill as he levels up, and if he died they'd miss out on the goodies he could give them. Despite that, MC is relatively weak in magic and combat terms, but with how absurdly powerful his familiars are it doesn't really matter. The male gods also put together a Divine artifact that allows them to stamp weapons (or themselves) in order to fight undead so they'd have an easier time in one dungeon.

At one point the Creator God finds out how much all the other gods have been bothering Mukouda with requests for otherworld stuff, and makes them go a month without otherworld food, drinks, and beauty products. After Mukouda thanks him with some sake, the Creator God gives him a (small) Blessing which affects his lifespan, so he'll probably live another 1000 years or so. Now he's sending offerings to 4 goddess and 3 gods, but it's more on his terms.

MC has a side-business with otherworld beauty products, which is fairly lucrative but hardly necessary, since the monster materials from the random things they hunt in the wild and in dungeons are both plentiful, rare enough, and high quality that Adventurer Guilds are limited financially in how much they can actually buy from him. Still, now he has a mansion with a couple families to work there and on his side business and guards to protect his estate.

If you're curious about the 3 teenagers he got summoned with, they realized they were in a honey trap, but one had already had a s*avery bracelet placed on her. Fortunately, that hand got cut off and they all escaped together to another country, and the three got married, and one of the gods was nice enough to subtly guide them to a dungeon chest with a weak elixir to regrow her arm, along with some money. I can imagine the MC sending them a care package later, but he's not especially concerned about their goings-on.

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Ispheria rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: v6
There are only 4 conversations in this series. They are as follows:

Cooking Conversation:

What should I cook?
Oh, I know!
Insert long explanation about how to cook the random thing he decided to cook
Insert segment where everyone says it's good or delicious (no other words are used to describe the food)
If there's other people around offer food to them too. They'll hesitate at first but eventually accept. They can't stop eating (because it's so good and delicious) and feel bad when they find out how expensive the ingredients were.
Insert comment about how it goes good with beer.
Monster companions ask for more! (Seriously, this happens literally every meal. Yes, it is annoying)
They eat some more.


Conversations with the Gods and Goddesses:

Gods comment about how the MC is late.
MC apologizes and asks them what they want.
Gods tell him what they want.
MC makes some remark about the Gods are pretty disappointing and gives them what they want.


Conversations about getting money from selling monster carcasses:

Excuse me, can you butcher these?
OMG! You killed this super legendary amazing rare monster!!!
Well it was just my completely overpowered monsters doing all the work...
That means you're amazing MC!!! Did you get your power fantasy yet?
I'd like to sell everything except the meat.
Insert long list of monster parts, what they're used for (not that it matters) and how many hundreds of gold they'll pay for it.
Wow, I'm getting that much? How am I going to keep track of how many thousands of gold I've gotten so far and never use?
You're so amazing MC!


Conversations that lead the MC taking quests:

Hey, can you kill these super legendary amazing rare monsters?
I don't want to.
(Tamed Monsters) Too bad! We want to! Plus it'll help you practice your magic
Ok, fine. How far away is it?
X Days away.
We'll be back by the end of the day then.
Insert pointless scene where they go and easily kill the monsters.
GOTO Conversations about getting money from selling monster carcasses


Now read those conversations over and over again and you've essentially read all 6 books. There are occasional POV chapters, but they're incredibly short, mostly pointless, and boring.

The only thing that even slightly resembles an interesting plot is the Hero's POV chapters. But it takes 4 volumes for that to even resemble a generic, predictable plot. And they can be summed up in 1 sentence each.

Heroes go power leveling with some knights.
Knights slip a s*avery bracelet on one of the heroes.
The other 2 heroes decide to run away when they find out.
Luckily they get their chance when a monster attacks and cuts off the 3rd hero's arm (thus removing the bracelet) and they run away.
They learn that you don't have to chant to use magic.


The main characters are barely characters as well. The MC is just nice guy who does nice things because he's nice.
His 1st monster is an ancient legendary Fenfir who likes good food. The closest thing he has to a personality is that he thinks you should give your offering to the gods on time.
The 2nd monster is a slime because of how popular slime is in Dragon Quest. His only personality trait is that he's a baby and talks like a kid. The author tells you he's cute repeatedly... but doesn't actually show the slime being cute.
The 3rd monster is a tiny dragon. It literally has no personality. It shows up for food, kills some monsters, and asks for more food.

The worldbuilding is a complete mess as well, but I doubt you'll notice with all the conversations blending into one another. I actually repeatedly thought to myself, "Wait, didn't I already read this part?" but it turns out I didn't. Every chapter is just the same 4 conversations over and over so it's easy to get lost.

Basically this novel has nothing going for it. It's not actively bad, but I wish it was. At least in that case I could be entertained by how bad it is. I don't recommend it to anyone.

Edit: I forget to mention that I find it strange that there aren't more conversations. The MC constantly talks with gods and and monster that lived for thousands of years. You'd think they'd have something to say about the world and it's history while they're wandering the world, but nope. All they care about the food and offerings.

Also, the MC joins the merchant guild pretty early on but doesn't do any merchant stuff until like vol.4. Considering the name of the book, how much the MC loves to talk about how to cook something, and how often the MC talks about how he could set up a food stand, you'd think that's what he'd do.

but instead he wholesales cosmetics to a random store. Like, wtf? That plot point doesn't even go anywhere. It's just something he does 1 time and never comes up again.


I can't believe I forgot to mention this as well but the title of the book is a lie. Not once does the MC use a campfire to cook. He starts off with proper, modern cooking equipment.
43 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 8, 2016
Status: --
I have read until latest chapter. 'Gourmet Adventure of Legendary Tamer ' is correct tittle for this novel. With more than 30% chapter is about cooking magical beast meat. If you like gourmet MC look like you will like this novel
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Tykos rated it
February 17, 2018
Status: c47
This is the single most frustrating novel I have ever read. Main character is a pu*sy and I mean a huge one. I dont care if the MC is cowardly, I can understand it, you are thrown into a new world and you are afraid of fighting. But this is too much, MC is partnered with the strongest beast in the world, can power level all he wants because Fenrir can make a barrier that protects him from everything, aside from the Ancient Dragon, and he is still scared shittless... more>> when he is forced to fight, even when he is not attacked, he is scared! I can understand once or twice, but as the novel progresses he becomes more of a coward. There is no using wits to succeed, he can basically sell things from his unique skill and things Fenrir catches so there is nothing in that department either. This is just a novel about a gutless chicken who cooks for monsters and waits for them to do everything for him. If Fenrir wasnt here, MC would have died, because he would be too scared to walk on the streets. It was just a giant cringefest all around, the only upside is that the monsters are awesome, if something changes Ill pick it up again, but till then, I dont wanna see this novel again. <<less
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Felix3D rated it
May 22, 2016
Status: c9
It is... pretty rough. The language is stilted, which while a function of the translation, is also largely because of the original work. (BTW, the yAmi translation is superior) The phrasing and flow are terrible - it starts and stops, leaps and lurches. This was written in almost a "stream of consciousness" style, (like Kuma Kuma Bear) but I can only describe this as akin to "mental Diarrhea". To compare this to Wordmaster is frankly an insult to Wordmaster, as this is a Mary Sue (Brainy, sees-the-truth-of-the-world, and utterly... more>> Hax Powered) in every sense with no inkling of struggle or development. Furthermore, it's clear that the setting and the characters are only there as window dressing - they serve as scenery for the MC to shine against. There is no sense of agency, no sense of individuality when it comes to characters.

If you want cooking magical animals, look for something else. It really isn't that kind of work IMHO. It's much like how in Shield Hero there was a merchant era that quickly was developed out of, this feels like a transition stage.

Basically if you like the "Modern Conveniences stomp over generic fantasy world" and "Protagonist can do no wrong" genres, and either have enough brain damage, or more likely the "Bad (fan) fic induced Brain Damage Resistance" trait leveled up to 4/10, you should be fine.

I'll wait until the arcs fully form before putting a true rating down, but for now, it's a provisional 2/5. <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
MoJo rated it
February 6, 2017
Status: c1
It's a very common plot that could qualify as a sub-genre. The whole other world hero summons mix-up/innocent bystander plot, also that the nobles are really selfish tyrants is very "in" these days with all the angst ridden emo gritty re-boat nonsense. Seems to me some readers aren't satisfied unless the author doesn't fan service you like an adolescent constantly wanking off or your protag is a blood soaked revenge driven mu*derer. So this is refreshingly different in that way. No pe*vert fan service, no bloody emo killer, no massive... more>> dramas, no forced romantic cliche s*ave girl/bimbo. It's a slice of life, a man and his canine going on an adventure with him cooking lots of meals along the way. The protag is a sensible guy who actively avoids unnecessary trouble. Someone you could relate to as a real life reaction to a crazy situation. All in all, if you like slice of life genre or even cooking stories it's worth a read. <<less
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Chajo11 rated it
May 27, 2018
Status: c173
I dont know why other people doesn't like this.. I love this tho, I was looking for a light novel the same as like this, just a laid back novel with leveling up system (I seem cant find any tho). I just love everything. I dont mind about if he doesn't know about the prices, but it's hard to explain, I love how he has a contracted beast, sui is so cute, fell/fer (I forgot) he looks so fluffy too and also Dorachan (a pixie dragon) is cute as... more>> well. I just love how he doesn't have any problem or worries lol. If anyone knows any ln like this please let me know.. Thanks! <<less
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MaxMax rated it
May 24, 2017
Status: c6
A business oriented skill is given to a thickheaded MC without any business sense, innovation, or knowledge of abusing/playing economical policies.. Literally the worst skill for someone as dense as the MC to use.

With the power to generate food, goods, clothing, and weapons out of nothing using a magic skill that runs off of money, The MC wants to leave a country that will be plagued by war, starvation, and lack of goods...

Come on! This guy is seriously a businessman??? that's like sending a Christmas card in August...

The MC and... more>> his way of doing things is generally disappointing.. <<less
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vampirenelf rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c42
A really worthy novel to read.

The MC is not OP and he has help from an OP character which is not human which makes it interesting and funny.

I like how the author cares for cooking details. I was drooling reading the cooking part ?

There is also a manga version of this, definitely check it out ? I got hooked with this novel because of the manga, but the novel is also pretty well translated ?
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
expensivepeanuts rated it
February 27, 2019
Status: c439
It's a laid back and wholesome story, but it's nice to read if that's what you're looking for. No tension and no dramatic risks or dangers. No cringe-y harems or forced romance. It's about this average Japanese salaryman who accidentally gets caught up in a hero summoning, so compared to the 3 summoned heroes, he is VERY weak because unlike the 3 heroes, he has no combat blessing. On the other hand, he receives a special skill called Net-Super, which allows him to procure items commonly available in modern Japan.

If... more>> you're looking for an adrenaline pumping story filled with action and combat, then this story is NOT going to be for you. The MC is a really, painfully average uncle, he doesn't magically become competent or brave just because he got thrown into a different world. In fact, he's quite cowardly. Considering the fact that he is suddenly surrounded by dangerous monsters and people, you can't really blame him and this is one of the reasons why I adore this novel, because characters suddenly changing mental gears with a snap of a finger gives me a whiplash. He (reluctantly) recruits powerful monsters to protect him instead.

An adorable baby slime, a powerful tsundere Fenrir and a very rare mini dragon. He also gains the back-up of several gods and goddesses too and many more. So even if he isn't OP by himself, he's OP in a way that powerful individuals are protective of him.


While cooking and feeding his familiars is the main feature of this story, he gets to do more things later on though those parts are not translated yet.

It will be boring for a lot of people but it's a nice filler story to read in-between more action and drama-centred novels. <<less
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daosnack rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: c361
Honestly, I am surprised by the negative reviews left on this LN. I could write out a little essay explicitly stating why but I'll keep it short. NOTE that the synopsis is basically what happens in the first chapter but not really the story as a whole. I would check out the Manga if I were you - if that doesn't get you wanting to read the LN, you should probably pass.


  • Fun story
  • Fun characters (mostly MC and his tames)
  • Food stories make you want what he's eating
  • Best TL (grammatically correct, fast updates, reasonable TL edits, and if you read on Gumi's - KitchenNovel website, he/she pulls tons of pictures and context for the actual food/ drinks described.)
I've seen some reviews I disagree with. Sometimes descriptions go on a... more>> little long - even for food, but I think that's what makes my mouth water for the foods he cooks.

Also, I want to point out the people who actually don't like the translations. WTF???? Kamikazedrew said that the translator is lazy because they cut out parts of the chapter. Completely wrong. If you read any of Gumi's translations on KitchenNovel, you'll know that he/she probably puts in more work translating than 99% of other translators. Gumi will make multiple footnotes and references for each edit. Gumi will often give an example of what the author sometimes writes verbatim which is just to reach the word quota that they have to achieve. They are often like: "He said I love food. The food was delicious and the MC loved the food." So he cuts that or whatever. If you read Gumi's translations, you'll know they flow perfectly fine and trim the excess of the narration and other information. Gumi is always in the footnotes giving both likable and fact-checking comments which is great. Maybe you don't like Gumi's personality but as free readers, to say that Gumi is lazy - that is disrespectful and borderline slanderous. <<less
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yorisoullast rated it
February 28, 2018
Status: c73
Good start but turn bad for each chapter. world building is slow, character building? MEEHH... always follow same pattern, fighting monster - MC to scare to fight (ends up cowering) - Fer end up the fight on one hit - cooking happily ever after.

The good chapter is only when MC dismantling the bounty and shock people, it's pretty funny but that's all. Then again he was to scared to show Chimaera and Orthros, what's the point? they dead already (-_-)

And the most silly thing is the MC is too... more>> afraid to gave his fenrir otherworld food just because it can gave a tremendous boost stat!!! I can understand if he don't want to because it can make fight to easy to win. BUT NO!!! he just scared and that's it.

The MAIN problem on this novel is the MAIN character. Want to learn magic but afraid to used it on fight, ended up looking for new recipe than improve battle skill, and HE SCARED ALMOST FOR ANYTHING!!! <<less
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Ambyrravyn rated it
March 5, 2020
Status: c55
Please read the genre and the tags. This story is a slice of life, so while it may have action and adventure it's not going to be a lot. Look at other slice-of-life stories and they'll be the same way. Saying that there's no boring romance, or drama. I really enjoy reading the story. And if you want the type of story that has great characters and a story that's actually a real story not just drama, drama, drama. Then this story is for you.
I love, LOVE!! This story soooo much. I have bought all available books on Kindle and only read it here cause it gets released faster.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
DarkberserkerAA rated it
October 8, 2018
Status: --
Its a typical japanese tr*sh novel. Good premise, low quality MC, nothing makes sense (cause its from japan, they are weird). The driving force of the story is the low quality MC so don't expect a logical and interesting story.

MC - Low quality, beta japanese coward type. I don't know why they add virg*n in his age but I think the author is mocking the isekai genre or its just a badly executed joke. Don't expect for the MC to have a character development cause he won't. He is just... more>> a spineless maggot even if he has learned how to attack and he is being protected by absolute strength he is still a spineless maggot. He is really easy to coerce and got tricked, he submits to other peoples demands without question. Really pathetic MC if I have to say so myself, he is worst than kirito, trust me.

Supporting characters - The two familiars have good character development but the MC is dragging this story to ruin. The two famialiars are more eager to fight to protect themselves from the enemies and develop into a more stronger specie especially the slime which started as a single digit stats and eventually surpass the spineless MC stats.

Villains - The villains there are made to be s*upid so the MC can live leisurely.

Conlusion - I hate dumb things but I can tolerate it. But I won't tolerate the MC being dumb forever or through the end of the story, he really doesn't give any character progression even at the 100th chapter. For your own sanity sake, don't read this depressingly no progress of a novel that doesn't make any sense. <<less
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ATorturedReader rated it
May 27, 2018
Status: c82
So bad, from ch. 60 you can pretty much read the title and guess everything that will happen... no, just read my spoiler box and spare your time.


1- Psyche Transference - author puts a frustrated adult into the fantasy setting by chance because this new Japanese generation loves to be mediocre.
2 - He gives the hard work to 3 disposable characters and start his slice of life chronicle.
3 - To emphasize the "mediocre" aspect, author shows MC's prowess through
the occasional meeting of the first party, "it's good to depend on others" is the message.
4 - The pet pops out of no where to become the alpha, now it's clear our MC have homo desires.
5 - After some chapters the plot seems to gain some significance so Author immediately solves the problem by making MC run away, "it's wise to be a coward" is the message.
6 - It's adoption time! The author needed to choose one insignificant monster but his desire to adopt a cute child that resembles both him and all the mental images of the "ideal partner" shortens his options to one and only viable, amorphous, yet predictable monster species.
7 - Disposable characters come to give more plot armor against no threat.
8 - MC is recognized for being able to depend on others and "being wise". Just like all the mediocre people over the world.
9 - MC converts the end boss into his buddy and solves whatever remained from the plot.

10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
grkmori rated it
January 2, 2019
Status: c270
Dont get it wrong! This is an Adventure and Cooking story. 1/3 of the story will be MC preparing meals and he and his companions eating it.

Well, it is a very light story, no big troubles and nothing really challenging happens to MC, it is about his daily life (and cooking, of course). S-ranked monster? Bahamut? Dragons? In 1 paragraph they will be dead. If you are expecting powerfull new skills, legendary fights, a lot of action, or something of this sort... well you got the wrong novel. This is... more>> a story of a describing the daily life of the MC and his monster companions, dont expect much more from it... They are simply too overpowerd to occur anything that could cause trouble, even the King sends a message to all nobles and Adventure Guilds to leave them alone and dont disturb them...

"So, is it a bad story?" No, it fells a nice story. The story progression and the characters interactions are enough to make the story a good light reading. "So why not a 5 star?" Because 1/3 of the story is describing the MC cooking and eating the meals with his companions... and after 250 chapters, I think there were at least 70 full chapters of meals between the MC and companions, and another 15 of the Gods offerings... It gets a bit repetitive reading the same reactions/interactions, the same adjectives for the meals... Oh well, if you like cooking maybe you will give more stars...

Btw, this is not a novel that gives full recipes, so dont expect to learn to be a cooker reading this.

Update: Around chapter 230 the story gets really boring: he is on a dungeon but each floor of the dungeon takes 2-3 chapters to complete... that is just too much... there is no story progression at all, no meaningful events happens on 30 chapters... For a Isekai to describe daily life is ok, but you dont have to describe every single thing on MC life. So the chapters are full of uninteresting events... I am dropping this novel. <<less
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Aks300 rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: c34
this is, at its core, a cooking novel. with some generic, bland isekai story sprinkled on top. if you like cooking novels, go right in. if you dont... well... the answer should be obvious. but just like riotguards said before, quote: " the synopsis spins a greater story than what is actually presented, within 17 short chapters I have learned more about boar meat than actual world building" and I wholeheartedly agree with it.
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
frostcrystal rated it
February 14, 2020
Status: --
Like a number of other Japanese isekais out there, this one does much better in the manga adaptation than in novel form. I dropped the novel pretty early on, but the manga had me absolutely in stitches and does a much better job playing off the comedy of just how politely Japanese the MC is (can hardly say boo to a goose) compared with the rough and tough general attitude of the world he's in. In the novel he just comes across as weak and doormat-like.
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