Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi


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I, Mukouda Tsuyoshi, was caught up in a summoning circle into a different world where sword and magical skills are the norm.

However, when the summoners cast ‘Status Appraisal’ on us, the three other people who were summoned with me had [Heroes from Another World] in the occupation box, whereas I was the [Random Guy Caught Up in the Summoning Spell].

As for our ‘Skill Set’, the three Heroes had outrageous sounding skills rolling after their names like [Holy Sword Technique], [Holy Spear Technique] and [Sacred Magic].

In fact, I too have a skill you know? My one skill is called… [Net Super]…

Because it’s clearly not a combat skill, I am automatically treated like garbage.

Furthermore, the King of the country who had summoned us looked really shady.

As a veteran lightnovel reader, I can read the atmosphere well enough to come to the conclusion that ‘This is a bad world to be summoned into’.

Thus, it is decided. No matter what, I must get out of this castle as soon as possible and escape from this rotten country!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill (LN)
Food Travel in the Other World with Ridiculous Ability
Gourmet Adventure of Legendary Tamer
Tondemo Skill ga Hontouni Tondemonai Iryoku wo Hakkishita Ken Nitsuite
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Fantasy, no romance (yet) novels
  3. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  4. Cottagecore
  5. Foodies

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/14/18 Albedo404 c51
01/14/18 Albedo404 c50
01/13/18 Albedo404 c49
01/13/18 Albedo404 c48
01/11/18 Albedo404 c47
01/09/18 Albedo404 c46
01/03/18 Albedo404 c45
01/03/18 Albedo404 c44
01/02/18 Albedo404 c43
10/07/17 Paichun Translations c42
10/06/17 Paichun Translations c41
10/05/17 Paichun Translations idle talk 3
10/02/17 Paichun Translations c40
08/16/17 Paichun Translations c39
08/16/17 Paichun Translations c38
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95 Reviews sorted by

kamikazedrew rated it
March 25, 2022
Status: c81
This one star is solely for the translator and the fact that they cut out parts of the story and change other parts of it due to laziness. They take out full paragraphs and sentences to "get rid of unnesary dialogue and repetiveness" and then combine the scraps to form the chapter.
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sgrey rated it
July 22, 2018
Status: c613
I've read over 600 chapters at this point and rewriting my review to be a bit more detailed.

I really wanted to like this novel, I did. But from reading it for so long, I found out that the author deliberately writes it to be boring. First of all, this is not adventure or action or even a slice of life, it's a cooking novel. Not the good kind, but the bad kind (more on it below). All characters in this novel are one dimensional, and I really mean that... more>> every character is like that. No one is changing and no one is growing, and in fact, as novel goes on, the characters become worse.

The worst of all is the MC, who isn't even a real MC. He is completely brainless and has intelligence of about 3 year old. He is also very cowardly and he never does anything. The only thing he does is cook. Most chapters basically go like this:
familiars: I am hugry
mc: and then I cooked
familiars: ooooooohhh! more!
mc:... ok..

That's basically it. MC has no general intelligence and the author constantly plays "no common sense" trope, but not because MC is from a different world or doesn't know stuff, he just generally lacks any kind of awareness and common sense of any normal person. Mind you this guy is an adult who was in the workforce for many years, yet he doesn't understand the concept of value. He also has no goals and only wants to do nothing all day. He is being pushed around by pretty much anyone, including his familiars. Essentially he is the servant and main characters here are the familiars because they are the ones who push the novel forward, not the MC. Every time someone berates MC for anything, all he does is taking the attitude: "yes, you are correct, I am s*upid and it's all my fault". Even if he is in the right. He never ever speaks out for himself. Even his familiars just take him places by force against his will and he never even voices a complaint.

The cowardice of MC is even bigger problem. He is constantly being protected by powerful barriesrs that his familiars cast on him, yet he is always afraid. He even complaints of getting PTSD from sitting inside an impregnable barrier and watching monsters fight at a distance. He never takes initiative and just keeps screaming all the time how everyting around him is dangerous and scary and dangerous. Even though his familiars are the most dangerous and apperantly the most powerful monsters in that world, other than actual gods, probably.

Now, the familiars. You would think they would be interesting, but no. They are even less than one dimentional and behave like bipolar pshycopaths. All they do is "I want to hunt, I want to hunt". So they just want to kill something all day every day. And eat. I amctually surprised that there are any animals/monsters left in that world the way this novel portrays them. Over time their vocabulary basically have 2 phrases: "I want to hunt" and "I am hungry". Most of the time they don't even talk properly and speak with one word sentences.

Essentially, this novel is a cycle of about 5-10 chapters where the familiars forcefully take MC somewhere because they want to mass-mu*der stuff, then they get hungry and make MC cook for them, then they go to some town to sell materials, the guild is getting all impressed while the familiars keep saying "hunt hunt hunt!!!!", and then they go hunt again. There are some stuff inbetween sometimes, but it doesn't make any difference. And the offering chapters are the worst. Any kind of humor you get gets old real fast because none of it is smart or original and basically the same shallow joke gets repeated 600 times.

Now, not everything is terrible, this novel does have it's moments occasionally. But I have a strong urge to punch the MC for s*upidy more often than this novel makes me laugh or makes me entertained. There is basically no overarching plot, or any plot for that patter. It's just an empty novel based on some silly gag comedy tropes that got old fast. <<less
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art3micia rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: v11
There are a lot of good things about this story. Its laid back, has interesting story and its an ok read to pass the time. But even though I cant say I dont enjoy it, there a couple of points which since I read until volume 11 are obvious now.

1. For some reason even though there is magic, there are a lot of things missing that of course the MC readily provides. Even though he has strength with his familiars we are in volume 11 and he still doesn't... more>> see it.

2. Its annoying how homophobic the author is, or think his audience is. There are a lot of instances the protagonist is saying this and that to show that other characters are just too close or look at him a certain way. Of course, it could be way worse than it is. (I don't want this to turn to BL FYI)

3. Polygamy- but only for the men. Its been made obvious again and again that polygamy is ok in this world and really I wouldn't have a problem if it mentioned a relationship with a woman as the main focus and her harem, but its always about a man and his wives. We get it author you want to have a harem...

4. No love for the MC. Again, if the author wanted not to make the romance a subplot it would have been fine, but he keeps saying his MC wants to have a woman. So lets see. We have an MC, that cooks, has money, is renowned for his adventures, and is kind, but for some reason, there is no female (not only a human woman, but any other race too) that finds the MC attractive. Which is really s*upid. According to the author elves love food, so if there was someone who makes awesome food, wouldn't then be normal for a female elf to fall in love with him ? Nope... He has money, is kind, and can produce otherworld goodies, wouldn't there be someone that could fall in love for his kindness, and of his other qualities? Nope... Lastly, he may not look strong, but has the ability to command familiars that are strong. No warrior woman is attracted to that side of him as they see only him as weak. We only have a child saying she maybe wants to marry him and is then labeled as a golddigger, so only golddiggers would be interested in him I guess. Sigh

I hope there is in the future someone who appreciates the MC and we also see a change in the writing regarding these points, but I won't hold my breath. <<less
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Cuchillo rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: c253
One of my favourite novels, the synopsis is completely unrelated to the story that's for sure. It's actually about a guy who basically has access to Amazon in a fantasy world, and he uses it to cook amazing food for his overpowered familiars. His personality is that of an average person from the modern age as he is scared of fighting and mostly just leaves it to his familiars.
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snapeyaoilover rated it
February 8, 2021
Status: c200
If you love cooking novels, you'll love this one. Tho I still have some complaints.
The first 10 chapters are great, but then it grew kind of Meh after chapter 10, but then got better when Albedo404 started translating. I'm glad kitchennovel took over and started updating regularly.
The first 10 chapters have been re-translated by them too. I hope they'll retranslate the rest as well as I really enjoy this nobiri kind of novels. Which is hard to do when the grammar is icky.

So yes, recommended, but hoping for something better in the future.
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Novirp13 rated it
July 28, 2018
Status: --
I seriously love this novel. Sure, nothing bombastic happen yet and the MC always try to hide rather than fight everything that on his way but it shows that he is really just a NORMAL GUY

The writing is standard and nothing to be note of. It's super simple but u gotta start somewhere. I remember how simple my writing was when I start creating fanfiction before. And besides, after reading all of the chapters, you can see the improvement of how they write. Sure, it's not much but just wait.... more>> I'm sure they will improve again and again. I always love seeing someone improvement in writing, it's so satisfying

Can't wait to see the new chap to be translated XD

Edit: If you can't stomach the slow pace, you should go read the manga instead. They pad it out well, so the events won't feel too repetitive :D <<less
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March 4, 2022
Status: --
This is a story about a very normal, ordinary japanese man feeding this three overpowered monster companions and some gods with above average homecooking and otherworld products. Honestly, if you just want a slice of life story with some situational comedy, it's very comfy (especially the manga). He doesn't really have any grand ambitions or goals in mind. He more or less just goes with the flow and does things others suggest would be a good idea, which, honestly, is fine. I don't need every series to be about some... more>> grand ambition to take over the country or do great good. Sometimes just going on an adventure with your dog, babie slime, and smol dragon is fine. <<less
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Zzonkedd rated it
October 26, 2020
Status: --
It's quite a good slice of life novel, it doesn't have that 'OP' MC that usually keeps me away from reading these Isekai's, the only thing it could be better at is the humor I guess :)
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HentMas rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: c175
I don't find this funny... I really don't like this story.

I really don't understand the humor of this author... the notion that an MC needs to be such a cuckold has always rubbed me the wrong way, there is "good person" and then there is "push over s*upid" guess where does the MC falls into?... his "haha funny" bits are repetitive, over and over and over it's the same s*upid little joke...

You're supposed to create an MC that is somewhat relatable, but no one in their right mind would act... more>> the way this MC acts... I don't like to rate works based on feelings that's why the stars I put don't reflect my review, because I know it would be unfair, this is of the few reviews I'll talk about my taste, not only technique from the author...

The author is competent enough, his work haves a very good pacing and world building for a novel of this kind, it's not so much an exposition dump, the world is vast but elusive and blurry because of this, which is fine we can get there later, that's a big part of the charm.

The actions scenes are great!, incredible even, you can clearly see what is happening and the fluidity I can only hope to find on translated works doesn't falter at all.

The dialog and interactions between the characters is very well done, the development of the story haves set up and pay off, although a bit short sighted, it still works (not everyone can write an epic with set up from several chapters behind)

The problem I have with all this, is that it's wasted on a very very very dumb "haha I'm a weak coward" joke... which is the only joke you'll find here, no other jokes are made... self depreciation for me, isn't funny... it's a set up for things to come, 175 chapters and it's still the same joke... character growth? can you eat it?

I don't really mind works without character growth... but I can't for the life of me, enjoy a person like this.

And it's even worse when you know it's a blatant lie from chapter one.

EDIT: I've being reading the Manga, and it's much MUCH better over there... just wanted to leave this note because I was caught up with most of what I wanted to catch up and didn't have anything to read and saw my review and noticed that someone else said that the manga is much better.

He doesn't come off as a whimpy whinny guy, and the character interactions are more fleshed out and there is MORE than one punch line whereas here it seems that the sole focus of the story is "I'm a coward" over there it shows more things much better. <<less
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LTigh rated it
November 8, 2019
Status: c473
Enjoyable read, but it does take a while for things to pick up.

Very slow-paced, but things start to pick up once our MC and his companions leave the starter-city (well, the starter city after they bug out of the original starter city in the suspect nation that summoned him) and head on over to the first Labyrinth city.

As far as the folks crying about the MC's relative weakness and timidness, it's part of the premise of the story-- he's just a civvie who got caught up in a generic isekai... more>> story who isn't the supposed hero/protagonist, but recognizes enough stuff going sideways to want to not get caught up in things. I'm pretty sure most of the spergs complaining that he isn't pulling some sort of wish fulfillment fantasy would do just as well if they were to get uprooted from their daily routine and thrown into the middle of a middle ages warzone with poor public order.

Anyhoo, yes, it's slow-paced, it's slice-of-life, and it's food p*rn, but eventually the action starts picking up and the MC finds himself growing in spite of himself, especially after


Creation God Demiurgos takes a liking to him, getting the various gods and goddesses off his back (punishing them for their overbearing behavior by confiscating their "tributes" and "grounding" them for a month from contacting the MC).

He even gives the MC his (small) blessing, giving him "limited immortality" and gently nudging the MC towards more fortunate circumstances like acquiring major amounts of lost treasure, hidden dungeon bonus drops, and new, even MORE powerful companions than Fel like Ancient Dragon Gonji.

It's a much more healthy relationship than that of the other gods, almost like a mentorship, and the MC starts to SLLLOWWWLLLYYYY grow a spine to stand up to the Goddesses and his contracted beasts and his various elf stalkers and hostile countries that try to strong arm him, like the corrupt religious state that created a fictional human supremacist religion.

But for the most part, Demiurgos encourages the MC to find his own way in the world, despite giving him "hints, " saying "it's up to you to decide what you want to do with the hints I'm giving you."

Unfortunately, it takes quite a while to get to this point, so you're going to be subjected to more than 400 chapters of the MC getting pushed around and "going with the flow" and generally acting like a non-confrontational Japanese civilian caught up in circumstances beyond his control.

So yeah, it's a slow-life, timid MC getting pushed around until he starts pushing back sort of story, if you've got any sort of edgelord tendencies or just sperg out because reasons, skip this one. <<less
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Wishyouweregay rated it
September 6, 2019
Status: c20
I was pretty excited about this series after reading the synopsis, but as people have already stated, it promises a story better than the one presented.

It's very slow paced. I honestly don't have any problems with slow paced stories, but this one is so slow that gets boring. It doesn't help that there are chapters only focused on food. The story simply doesn't progress. You could skip entire chapters and still it wouldn't affect your understanding of the novel three chapters later. Also, there's no world building. If the author... more>> hadn't said that the MC went to another country, you'd think the MC was still in the same place the novel started. There is barely nothing that distinguishes one place from another besides their names.

Feru was the reason I started reading this. I like pets. I don't really like Feru. He reminds me of a spoiled child and the MC is the parent who obeys to every wish of his child.

It isn't the greeeeatest novel of all times, but it isn't truly bad. If you have the patience, go for it! <<less
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22_nguyen rated it
October 21, 2018
Status: c90
Personally, I enjoyed reading this novel. Despite being set in a fantasy-like world it's surprisingly realistic and clearly displays the hardships one might face IF actually, somehow, appeared in a different world. Even though I read fantasy novels, I prefer simplicity and "Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi" is definitely one of my favourite novels because of that.
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chamchaworld rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: c89
If you're looking for some serious story with awesome world building, I suggest you to turn back. This is not a serious novel. This is a light reading, full of cooking, cute slime, and gluttonous Fenrir. So yeah, just read this for fun and I think you will not (badly) dissappointed.

Edit: I am at chapter 303 now and need 5 years to start to read this again. After so much happened in my life, this story is 5 stars for me now because reading Mukouda's adventure with his familiars... more>> just so calming, so much that I didn't even care about the other heroes. Still didn't forgive them for laughing at Mukouda tho. <<less
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Puddle rated it
May 10, 2018
Status: c59
A fun enough light story with a little humor on the side. If you want a deep or intricate world building this isn`t what you want. But if you want something to relax and read I think you'll like it.
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crystal magic
crystal magic rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: c81
Normally I’m more of a romance story kind of girl but this is supper funny and a nice light read. Don’t read this and want a life changing story, but it’s really fun to have someone summoned and do their own thing and not have any interest in world domination and fighting. Instead food and a easy life is all that is really wanted.
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Suzuranao rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: c99
Very mild, very repetitive, not a lot of conflict kinda novel. Any conflict really, pretty much a slice of life and cooking every day so far.

Which I like and don't mind but if youre looking for a novel where the protag is suddenly a business tycoon, or gets powered up and defeats everything with his newfound strength then this definitely isn't for you.

In fact MC is rather a big coward, you know like a normal person. Even when he's behind protection spells he still gets spooked when a big monster... more>> comes to him because why wouldn't you?? The barriers are transparent and its easy to forget about them.

Anyways don't expect a super manly powerful protag, Sui is adorably bloodthirsty, Feru is hungry and Mukoda just likes to cook in peace, thats it that's basically your whole dynamic. <<less
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BukuBuku rated it
May 10, 2023
Status: c488
I like this manga generally and after reading for so long I can say that most people who complain about this manga really don’t get how slice of life works. This isn’t an action packed story driven by any overarching plot or purpose, it’s a story about a dude who is cowardly and doesn’t have an otaku mindset at all being dragged into another world and having to survive and play chef to overpowered creatures with nothing better to do. It’s basically supposed to be a food and product display... more>> in the form of a novel and hey some Japanese companies liked the idea so much that they sponsored this into being an anime that’s basically an obvious product placement but who cares the food looks amazing and the characters are genuinely funny and interesting.

My only complaint about the novel itself is that the author doesn’t really put in any character growth whatsoever and it’s just the same character never really changing facing different but similar situations. But his interactions with other characters and the world around him is what is the most entertaining thing about the story and why I like it.

A little warning though, the current translator/editor is kind of self-centered and is always criticizing the author when they aren’t properly translating the novel. Gumihou does good work and their edited version is good to read, they do correctly interpret and edit the story in most cases to convey the authors words if they were an English speaker but the biggest problems are that they cut out too much content deeming it redundant and thus severely cutting the actual length of the chapter, no to mention they try to hide this putting spaces between every sentence, and that they are arbitrarily cutting out important details of the story to fit their view of how they think the story should go. SPOILER: To emphasize this, in chapters 487 and 488, the author writes that the group want the entire giant crab to eat and they convince the MC to take the whole thing with them and not sell any of it to the guild thus creates the problem of how to cook the whole giant thing which leads to the MC remembering a technique they did earlier in the story which they then use to cook the crab. GUMIHOU rewrites this to where the MC Sells parts of the crab and only takes the legs and then suddenly they are using the technique without any context of where it came from or why they are using it over normal methods. Also GUMIHOU posted an unedited version and their edited version to try and show how much better their interpretation is but what’s scummy about this is that they intentionally show us what is basically a machine translation that’s not properly translated and they think that justifys them changing the entire sequence of the MC’s thought process and interaction. Yes GUMIHOU in those same chapters add in some nice details and flair, but they intentionally changed the story and content of the chapter instead of doing a proper translation. This also begs the question on what else they’ve technically cut out that would help make sense of some chapters if we had the proper context.


Mukoda the Protagonist is blessed with two cheat abilities; an infinite item box which can carry anything and preserve anything that goes into it and the ability to convert this worlds currency via his shopping interface and buy goods from Japan, including name brand items. This catches the eye of divine beasts and gods who highly covet his items cause they’re world does not have such luxuries.

Mukoda is basically a Level 1 person most of the time, despite him leveling up slightly, being dragged around by someone several hundreds levels higher than him into dangerous and calamitous situations that even scare the people native to the new world. So of course no matter what protections he has on him, doesn’t mean he gets desensitized to the danger and scariness of the situation.

This juxtaposition of a cowardly person who’s biggest skill is cooking with high quality ingredients with these battle junkie familiars creates some very interesting scenarios, along with the hilarity that the gods also bring into the equation, makes the story all the more fun to read. <<less
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Reed87 rated it
August 5, 2022
Status: --
This is a case where the manga adaptation elevates the narrative into something great. Much of the writing and dialogue are a bit bare bones, and in a slice of life genre, describing scenes well is key to really capture the reader in what would be a mundane setting such as making a meal. The descriptions in the novel are often flat, it reads more like a screenplay rather than a fleshed out story, it is in the manga where the quality of the illustrations and characterization really make this... more>> story shine. <<less
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nimeaano rated it
October 17, 2021
Status: c39
Story mostly relaxed with MC and his familiar travel around town and cook and eat. MC has unique skill to access e-commerce in his previous world so practically he can buy anything as long as he have money.

MC is not OP, but familiar is super OP. He is a coward and I can imagine if this adapted into anime the dialogue will mostly have Kyaaa...!!! Huaaaaa...!!! Save me...!!! (tremble with fear) Despite no real danger approaching.
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PrettyCommonUsername rated it
June 18, 2021
Status: v8
After 8 volumes of the LN, I (unlike the main character) decided to respect myself and stop accepting tr*sh in my life.

Jokes aside I'd give the LN a 2.5 at best. It was ok the first couple of volumes but it gets so repetitive. I wouldn't mind if the characters were better but they're all just so similar. The gods, the people, the monster companions. They're all just leeching on the MC and the MC just enables it. By the 8th volume I was begging beyond hope that the fenrir... more>> would learn to be more considerate,

he doesn't


It's a shame all that potential just gets left there to grow stale. It's all just so lazy. And on that note the author leaves just lists of irrelevant monster materials in. I have to wonder if the author was just so pressed for originality that instead of character development they just decided fluff the word count a bit.

TLDR: Skip the series. Read 2 volumes at most then move on to the next book <<less
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