Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over Again


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Qiu Yanzhi was a jaded university student who came across a popular virtual reality dating simulator. One capture target in particular, He Zhou, caught his eye immediately.

But why was this guy such an as*hole for no reason?? Game devs, WTF were you thinking???

But for some reason Qiu Yanzhi stuck around. He found that He Zhou wasn’t so bad after all. Qiu Yanzhi had fun in game, basking in the warmth and affection missing from his real life.

That was, until he couldn’t log out anymore.

Trapped inside the game, Qiu Yanzhi saw only one way out: seducing the capture target to complete the main storyline.

And if that meant he had to pretend, to lie, to scheme and deceive?

He would do it.

After all…

This was just a game, right?

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96 Reviews sorted by

kkatherineee rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: Completed
To be honest, I expected to read this novel at my leisure, khem, because in the synopsis it looked like a light reading that would not take a lot of energy, but again I skipped past most of the genres, focusing only on comedy (haha), which in ended up hitting me hard in the face...

The first chapters were really very funny and sometimes s*upid, and I'm starting to get bored that I was thinking of dropping another novel again and moving on to another one but oh mY GOD I STILL THANK MYSELF FOR THAT I DID NOT DO THIS, BECAUSE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED NEXT WAS BEYOND MY EXPECTATIONS.

I give this novel a solid five, because lately it's the only one that made me stare blankly at the wall for half an hour.....
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Devrai rated it
April 7, 2022
Status: c97

First thing, you have to force yourself through the first 10 chapters. There is only one word to describe it: cringe.

Second thing, you have to force yourself through to chapter 20.... the secondhand embarrassment is real.

... more>> Third thing, you already succumbed to this ride. There is no other possibility than taking it to the end.

To be honest, when I started this novel I was like "who the f*ck would rate this f*cking low level dogblood drama so high?!". I already mentally rated it 2 stars and had my rant sketched out. The whole character of MC didn't sit well with me and I couldn't imagine how this would ever progress to a readable story. MC is the real scum, lying left, right and center, being manipulative to the max. I just disliked him. Then he started to deconstruct himself unintentionally and getting caught in his own lies.... like e v e r... and it made me chuckle. At some point my impression started to change and it has a lot to do with ML.

At the start I felt sorry for ML, being forced in this relationship by the game rules, having to endure all this shitty constructed dogblood. Of course ML was enraged whenever MC run his mouth and pit himself. At one point this literally crashed the game and ML became somewhat numb to MC lying. In time the little liar somewhat grew on him and MC became too tired of lying.

The subtle to obvious changes in behavior and character were written really well. They became a full-fledged couple that muddled through hard times and first love obstacles.

Hard Spoiler on one of the obstacles...


ML sucks in bed (first timeer, you know) and MC unintentionally let him know when ranting to a friend. Later he led him know in his face... also complained about it to the game ai....i felt this was hilarious.


One thing that made me love this novel are the crazy 180s this story takes. Used to reading a lot of novels I had these " yeah I totally know where this is going" moments and then the writer just slapped me in my face. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of parts that progress in a "standard" way but the more surprising it is when the writer just didn't do it. The progress of the story is a killing up and down. It made me really anxious but also addicted. It made me laugh and cry (really, keep the tissues close by).

Even the side characters (mostly NPC) were engaging and I crossed my finger for them. Especially MCs "best friend" was again one of those stories where I thought I knew what was coming.... well I did soooooo miss the target.

Part of the story progresses in game and some off game. This made me wonder and struggle where they will end up and how. Sure, there is a red line and you most likely can guess the outcome... but really?

So for all those impatient people, here comes a super hard spoiler in which world they end up and how. But please consider that this spoiler might somewhat impact your reading joy:


Of course ML is the first player that had an accident and will return to his own body... with some detour.

They will end in real life but the game gets "fixed" and both enter occasionally and enjoy friends and family life in there.


For everyone who doesn't want to read the spoiler, it's a happy end and I feel like everyone will be satisfied with it.

Yes, the story has some plot holes and I wished to get an explanation for some but all in all it didn't matter to my enjoyment.

I did highly enjoy this novel and recommend reading it. <<less
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k24_isavid rated it
April 30, 2021
Status: c42
This is so messed up, and to my surprise, I like it. The whole story, I was like:

sigh finally I think its going to be smooth ride now. Then all of a sudden a hard steer left 😫 wuwuwu. The twist and turns got you edging on ur seat!!!!

At first I was "Ayo, wtf" cuz the MC and ml's kinda getting on my nerves. They're not my fave (at first) but I learned to love these little shite. The NPCs grown on me too, especially that dumb best... more>> friend. There are funny parts and wrecking parts. I didn't finish this yet so don't talk about loopholes. The MC and ML are both scum but they get their character development.

Try reading it bestie, u might like it. <<less
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sonalisona rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I highly recommend reading this novel. Don't hesitate reading it just because some bad reviews.

Firstly, MC is not scummy, he's just practical. His actions and the way he thinks is totally logical. Secondly, a game is after all a game, just because it's holographic and close to reality doesn't mean he has to indulge himself into it.

ML is kind, loving and possessive to the core. Though ML suffered and got hurt by the MC multiple times, he never tried to take revenge on MC and always treated him well.

... more>>

ML is so good to MC, he loved MC dearly and treated him sincerely, even when he thought that MC was using him as a substitute.


I loved every bit of reading this novel. It's more than just a good read because it's a masterpiece. The plot is interesting, character setting is good, and every twist will make you invested into the story.

Of all the npcs, I especially loved baby Yu the most, he's so cute and innocent.


I'm happy that baby Yu ended up with Liu Cheng

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celinn rated it
February 5, 2023
Status: Completed
We need to clarify: there is no scum gong in this novel. Gong is a cinnamon roll that has suffered a lot and deserves the world!
shou is also not as hateful as some comments make it out to be. Yes, he lies a lot, but in the circumstances he was in, it was even understandable.
it's an amazing novel that starts as a silly comedy and ends in a surprising way!!
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January 16, 2023
Status: c97
wow. I just finished this over a few days. It's not for the faint of heart. It starts off like a typical fluff BL, but the MC is really scummy. Sometimes I just wanted to yell at the MC.

However, it just changes the genre and becomes a thriller/mystery. One scene the author provides us dog food, the next they cut us with sharp knives. No one's safe.

It's very unique world building and they keep us on the toes.

I say, give it a shot until at least chapter 30. It starts... more>> to shine around there. The beginning is very deceiving. <<less
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KatarinaCitcat rated it
January 1, 2023
Status: Completed
DISCLAIMER regarding all the negative comments: the first 1/3 of the novel is quite cliche and MC is extremely dense. But I think what a lot of people are forgetting is that MC literally thinks that he is playing just a video game. He genuinely believes that everyone (including ML) are NPCs and will say this or that because, why not? Even when he gets stuck, he still thinks it's just a game. Everything s*upid and cliche, especially the convenient car accidents, will later get explained later on (the only... more>> thing I have qualms with is MC's terrible alcohol tolerance).

I especially enjoyed this novel because it answers a question that isekai novels rarely tend to touch on, which is if you could genuinely falling in love with an NPC in a game. The love between MC and ML gets tugged back and forth like a rope due to this question. I felt my heart wrenching for MC as he struggled to decipher his feelings.


"If He Zhou was a real person, Qiu Yanzhi would definitely conclude that he was deeply in love with this man.

But He Zhou was a NPC."


The author also ties up all the unfinished side stories nicely in the extras.

Good novel, and I recommend giving it a shot. <<less
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Klimintina rated it
September 5, 2022
Status: --

So the title is pretty much BS HAHAHA It's basically the MC scumming the ML lmao. There's a lot of plot twists in this novel. I pretty much stayed awake for this to finish reading. It's interesting and I just love that it gives you moral of the story.

Basically if a relationship build without trust and full of lies, the partner will start to feel insecure and full of doubt. That's the ML's feeling like almost all throughout the novel. The MC is a liar bch. Hahaha. Well, he got... more>> reasons for it and it's just sad he was taught to be like that when he was a child. But no matter what, the MC is a genuine good person and the ML realizes that as well.

It's HE. ❤️ Been a long time posting a review in NU. Pretty much recommend this. It's good. <<less
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Lucy666 rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: Completed
What a roller coaster ride of emotions!

Let me tell you, the sheer amount of second hand embarrassment I got from this story is off the charts. I blushed. I blushed out of embarassment; do y'all know how difficult it is to blush for a person like me?! I've selfom blushed in my life. This one made me want to curl up and die due to the embarrassment I felt on the behalf of the MC.

Some people might call MC and ML problematic, some others might call them irritating, like "how... more>> can you not communicate a bit?". I find them human. I see character development. It's been so long since I last read a BL with characters as well fleshed out as this one.

ML and MC make mistakes, big ones at that. They also make everybody frustrated, but in the end, their relationship is a happy, non-toxic one. I can't say they are flawless, but I like my characters with a little flaw.

Ik some readers might've been really angry at MC's actions in the beginning, but they forget it's a game. Besides, MC is broken. It took him so long to understand that he actually loved ML. He kept making excuses, he kept lying, but I think this is part of being human. A person as broken as him is never going to accept or trust anybody unless something drastic happens. I loved the fact that the author made MC and ML talk about what happened to them

When MC asked ML if everything would've been fine if he hadn't lied so much, my answer was the same as the ML. Lying was a defensive mechanism for MC, and a third party will never know what he's experienced or felt inside. If they hadn't suffered so much, they wouldn't have grown and their relationship wouldn't have bloomed into such a healthy and pure happy ending.


The ML comes off as really scummy at first, and I even shed tears for the character MC was supposed to personify. But then I realised that ML suffered just as much due to the game. His actions weren't under his control, but he also had his own consciousness. How does it feel to be a puppet dancing on somebody's whims. He is understandable. The MC and ML really deserve each other. Both are outwardly scummy and inwardly soft and broken.

Needless to say, I loved this story. I absolutely loved this. The twist and turns gave me the same rush of adrenaline as going to an amus**ent park and sitting on scary and dangerous rides. I'm glad I avoided my friends who wanted to take me to the park and read this instead.

The villains.... The MC's half brother was scum through and through. I would love to know more about that side of the fam, especially what his father did after

MC left the house and cut off his relationship with them


The main villain, though, gave me a different feeling altogether. I feel sad for him, but I also think his ending was fitting. He suffered through one of the worst kinds of existential crisis. He, too, was like a puppet with a consciousness. But the author was really ingenious.

They gave us three examples of people who gained consciousness. One became the villain, one fought with everything he had till he regained his identity as a human (since he wasn't a bug or an npc in the first place), and the last one, my favourite, said "what if this world is fake? As long as I'm able to live with my loved one, does it matter if the world I live in is real or fake? Our feelings for each other are real, and that's what matters"


Of course, I might never re read this, but I seldom re read any of the stories I come across, no matter how much I like them. So I can't say anything about re-readablity, but I can say that this is one of those stories you'll want to read at least one for the quality.

It has really good jokes and humor, the characters are well written, there's a proper plot that keeps you at the edge of your seat, there are extras tying loose ends, there's a happy ending, the translations are also top notch, what else could be missing?

All in all, 5/5 stars. Thanks for bringing this story to my life, dear author and translator.

ps, I almost got an existential crisis thinking about what if the world I lived in wasn't real either, but then I realised I don't care enough about life to feel sad or angry if the world I live in is fake. <<less
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devils_dont_fly rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: c83.2
Okay... wow.

When I started reading this, I was so sure that I would drop this after 10 chapters. I just wasn't interested in reading something like this at the time I guess. But I am so so happy I stuck around.

Well, its true that sometimes I felt extremely frustrated, and also disliked the MC. The ML once said "a deceitful liar like you doesn't deserve to be loved" and at that time I fully agreed with the ML. The MC was not keen on Falling in love passionately, but when... more>> he did realise his love... He really did fall hard.

After I got through the 25-35 chapters, I just couldn't put down the book anymore. I was completely mesmerised. The characters were very well written, and I like each and every one of them.

The MC, I liked him alot initially, then I disliked him, and now again I like him so much. He is a well written character. He is smart, calm and rational under pressure. I thought he was one of those 'heartless MCs' (which I absolutely hate) but he is actually not. No matter what he says on the surface, he does have emotions, and he is a very dedicated, loyal lover. Poor MC is just traumatised.

The ML initially is just one of your "cold, aloof president" but wow, the character development is real. I love the way he is portrayed. He is also hurt too many times in the novel (why author why) but his love for the MC is so pure. And thank god, the MC actually reciprocates his love in the manner he deserves.

The side characters are quite interesting to read about. I was so so invested in the MCs best friend, he is an angel. So sweet.

I also feel like the summary is quite lacking. The 'scum gong' is not a 'scum gong' at all, actually

the ML is a capture target in the game the MC is playing. His settings initially made him act very coldly, but he is a sweetheart. He eventually comes out of the game too, but even after coming out the game there is a lot to deal with


This novel sure is a thrill ride. There are plot twists after plot twists, and unpredictable at some points. This novel actually has many plot points I normally would hate to read about (for example, an MC who doesn't want to fall in love and lies constantly and hurts other people's feelings) , but I didn't dislike it. It's well written. It has an exciting premise which is well-executed too.

I couldn't find a lot of negative points, except that it might be very frustrating in the middle, and there is no logic behind what happens in the novel.

I was just very irritated when the MC changes his capture target to some random student after using a reset card. The ML still retained his memories, and thus was confused and hurt when MC pretended to not remember him. I hated to see that.


Just eagerly waiting for the novel to complete. <<less
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May 14, 2021
Status: c31
Alright. I tried reading as far as I can because I was hoping to see the MC have a change in character and treat the ML better but there are a lot of things I don't like here. Before this (the chapter I'm currently at), there is some dubcon. Or honestly, it's already bordering on r*pe because the MC doesn't explicitly consent or express any desire to get f*cked by the ML who has a love-hate feeling for him. I really hate r*pe. Dubcon is strange to me too. Both... more>> are inexcusable to me. I drop novels as soon as they have r*pe, but I tried giving this novel a chance because you can enjoy something while being critical about it anyway. Me reading it doesn't necessarily mean I approve of the r*pe. However, after another evaluation of this work, I regret liking this for even a second, after all. I really can't stomach the r*pe. The novel isn't necessarily bad if you ignore the r*pe (which you shouldn't). In fact, I like the premise of the plot. I was also excited to see the truth of the mysteries be exposed. In the spoiler below, you'll see how I originally felt before I started disliking this novel for the r*pe lol I just wanted to express my thoughts so that other readers who'd want to pick this up would have some more perspective on it yknow?

Too many people are hating on the MC though. Well, I understand because if I played a romance game, I'd still be nice to the characters. However, keep in mind that in the MC's perspective, this is all just a game and worse, it somehow gets all warped. Not to mention, he keeps getting forced by this guy (ML) and has to face him a lot. The world the story is set in is highly advanced and the MC interacts with the game world with his own body as well. I won't elaborate on what happens but I want to say that people should give MC a chance. I won't deny he's a jerk but try to be in his shoes.


There are some things you can easily pick up on if you've had your fair share of novels you've read. I often go for romantic mystery types, and so, it wasn't hard for me to guess that Little tr*sh and ML are one and the same. My other guess which is only my assumption is that ML died in game. He could be the person stuck in the game, which explains how real he is and unaffected by the usual game effects that should've been effective if he were an "NPC." I don't sympathize with how ML forces himself on the MC before but I do feel bad for his situation. He's led around by the game's plot and mechanics. He gets treated horribly and played around with by MC, who also had to lie a lot to him. The day he and MC seemed to get a little closer, MC disappeared right in front of his eyes and he woke up in a version of the world that left him confused and lost. He doesn't know what's going on with MC, but feels something for him and yet, MC (due to the game) can't be nice to him. Then, MC uses a card on him that heavily triggers his trauma and possibly created a new and heavier sense of trauma for him. The game really f*cks up the ML. I hope after all of this, ML gets his act together and doesn't force MC anymore and learns what the hell consent is and understands that MC being passive is not a yes. At the same time, I hope MC can grow a bit of compassion. Aiya, that's an in-game character, but wasn't the original goal to romance him? Be a little nicer. Retaliate only when you need to but don't be such a d*ck in general.

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astroVulpes rated it
September 4, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is such a "Don't let them guess your next move" that there is practically no foreshadowing even for the smallest of details. So much so that I do not know what the characters are actually doing at any point in time. Like they're clipping through the actions and there is no build-up whatsoever because the author doesnt know how to describe action-to-action. And if there is foreshadowing it's almost just outright saying "this is the character we're talking about. The big reveal will come later and you will... more>> definitely not be surprised."

This feels important to say because even though I actually like this novel and some of the characters are pretty interesting, the plot is a bit above average for "character gets stuck in game world, isekai"... the total lack of foreshadowing should be known in advance lest you too wonder over and over if you just read too fast or skipped something. You didn't, I promise, it just wasn't said.

This story reads like being forced to skip through the dialogue in a cutscene only getting the key points when it's impossible to go forward. <<less
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modifi123 rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel has everything - fluff, comedy, angst, action, mystery-solving and even moments of creepiness. It is well-paced and although it is somewhat predictable, it will put you on a rollercoaster of emotions and you won't be able to stop reading until you finish the entire novel.

Although both MC and ML are flawed, I loved them both.

The only thing I didn't like was that the concept of "cheating on someone/being cheated on" was being used for a somewhat comedic purpose? And it made me feel really uncomfortable as it was... more>> being brought up too frequently. <<less
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marsGF rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the best BL novels that I've read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

When the other reviewers said that it's going to be a rollercoaster ride, I never expected it to be that much of a crazy rollercoaster! Also, I think the title has a typo and it's not "scum gong" but rather "scum shou" lmao.

First few chapters doesn't really reflect much of how amazing this novel is but give it a try until atleast Chap. 30 or something so you can find if it's appropriate for you.

I love how the MC and ML... more>> goes through a lot of emotional ups and downs and not just the typical "misunderstandings>> realizations >> dog-food spreading." Their relationship is unique that it flips over at every opportunity.

You can see the "enemies to lovers" tag right? The appropriate tag would have been "enemies to crushes to enemies to lovers to yandere-ish to enemies to i-don't-know-anymore to lovers to what-the-f*ck-is-even-happening to lovers again" yes, it's that complicated but it's a wonderful read especially when you get to see the MC and ML at the height of their emotions.

As you go on, you'll delve into the characters' pasts. You know what's amazing about this novel? Every character's action is logical. No matter if it's the MC, ML, Side Characters, Villain... Everyone has their logical reason on why they are acting that way. I can't hate them despite them being horrible in our moral standards because... Well, you just gotta read the novel to find out.

You have no idea how many times I cried, laughed, threw my phone from secondhand embarrassment, and felt proud. Every character has their own depth and I can't help but love them!

I don't really want the novel to end but all good things must come to. This has been a really great read and I say it deserves its high rating here at NU.

  • Highly Recommended
  • Highly Rated
  • Great Plot
  • Great Characterization
  • Good Flow
  • Great Translation
So give this novel a chance to be read by you. It's really that great. <<less
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June 21, 2022
Status: --
Would pend judgement on when I'm atleast halfway through the story but at chapter 23 holy f*ck the MC is the dumbest person to ever exist. When he clung to his best friend in the hospital thinking he too could retain the reality of the game despite establishing literally in the same chapter that ML (who is pretty touch and go this whole time, and deservedly so) can cause the surrounding to retain their form for short distances in an enclosed area and wide area is an open space I... more>> couldn't believe it.

By your own hypothesis the ML should be in proximity my guy!! The misunderstandings seem so contrived, and MC has to be injured all the time so the ML will show consideration towards him. God this is s*upid.

Edit: I am changed person. This is great. <<less
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June 12, 2022
Status: --
I haven't finished this novel and honestly I don't know if I can. I'm mainly here to rant.

So far, I've only gotten through about 20 chapters and I feel like exploding. To be fair, I normally experience second-hand embarassment quite easily and intensely so this novel probably wasn't for me to begin with.

To truly enjoy this novel, I think that you really have to understand the MC's attitude towards this game from the begining. To him, this was always a game. He never took it seriously. He did s*upid things,... more>> created pits for himself and messed with the characters because this was genuinely a game to him - which I personally think is fairly realistic.

The only issue I have with this novel is probably less to do with the plot but more how it is... portrayed? (Which to be fair is sort of me just nit-picking). The MC's experiences in the game never felt like a game to me. There was never that distinction. It made it hard for me to accept the way the MC treated the people around him and made is so I could never seem to genuinely distinguish between "the real world" and "game world". It can be argued that this was done deliberately. Maybe the author wanted to portray how "real" this game world is. But even so, I can't help but feel as though, at least in points of the novel that focuses on the MC and his thoughts and feelings, the world should have felt more like a game.

To me, the line between game and reality seemed so blurred the MC's attitude hardly even made sense to me anymore. However these are just my views.

Plotwise, I'd like to say that dropping this novel will be a real shame because it is genuinely truly quite interesting. It's definitely a lot more complex than many VR/gaming BL novels I've read so far and many of the characters seem very interesting.

I might try to finsh this novel seeing as how many people seemed to absolutely love it but I'm not sure I'll be able to. <<less
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karwasama rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel was so much fun.

I loved the MC. He was hilarious, shameless, and had absolutely no mercy at all. There was an aspect of realism to him that I absolutely enjoyed - there was no "oh it's ten chapters in and the MC, who is playing a game and very aware that it's a game, suddenly can't distinguish between reality and virtual reality and starts to fall in love with the game characters". I know there are a ton of other reviews that are like "the MC is so... more>> scummy and mean and doesn't deserve the ML" but come on. When you play a dating simulator, do you actually fall in love with the characters, especially if your "target" dislikes you and makes you walk into the ocean, catch a cold, and end up in the hospital? It's a game, it's meant to be played for entertainment, and that's exactly what the MC is doing.

Of course, as the plot develops and the MC does gradually treat the game as reality, this all changes and he starts to be genuinely affectionate with the ML. It's a process that takes time and, again, that makes sense. If you're on the cusp of reading this but are holding back because you don't like scummy MCs, I'd advice you to give it a try with this in mind.

Anyway, moving on, I genuinely enjoyed this novel. Other than being funny, the mystery and intrigue was well done. Some things are pretty obvious, like:


He Zhao being Little tr*sh? Yeah, that was evident from the get go. But how he got into the game, why he lost his memories, and who was manipulating things behind the scenes? I actually was pretty surprised by the reveal - it was someone who I hadn't even thought to take into consideration.


There were parts of it that could be improved - parts of the plot, for example, dragged on and one aspect of the mystery you kind of had to suspend your disbelief - but generally it was good. The romance was exciting with a dash of angst, smut, and humor, the side characters were well developed and loveable, the antagonists are dealt with in a satisfying way.

The only thing I really had beef with was the ending and how abrupt it was.


Like, Jesus, it's literally right after the MC figures out the He Zhou and Little tr*sh are the same person. And I mean, right after. Dear author, could you have not given us at least a chapter where they discuss and have some happy romance time or something? I mean, we have the extras, but it's not the same. Author.... why?!?


Anyway, overall, a pretty great novel with a healthy dose of humor and mystery. I rate it around a 4.0/5.0 or 4.5/5.0. <<less
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jiang ying yue
jiang ying yue rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: Completed
A roller coaster of a ride.

In all honesty, I've completed this novel quite some time ago, but it's still fresh in my mind. I even decided to reread it which is incredibly rare for me to do so.

Don't let the light hearted title fool you. This novel will wreck you in one way or another. You start reading the story and would think it would just be a fluffy, scum gong turns-for-the-better and pampers and spoils his shou, that is absolutely wrong. Okay but in one way kind of true... more>> since the ML dotes on our MC a lot, heck sometimes I feel the MC doesn't deserve him (jk I love them both so much), but this story is way more than that.

The author manages to wrap us around her finger and foolishly make us believe things, then flips it upside down and brings in so many twists and turns you didn't see and break your three views. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, but you get what I mean.

The novel is a bit thriller-esque in my opinion, the mystery was superbly well done, had me at the edge of my seat, anticipating each scene that I digested on every chapter. A very well done BL, one of the best may I say. 100% recommend. <<less
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0angel0 rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: Completed
A different/ fresh transmigration story, with a bit of whodunit.

A shou who appears to be scummy goes into a game to tackle his capture target, a cold CEO. I liked that the shou is calm & realistic, always remembering that it’s not real life & they’re in a game. Though he thinks he’s heartless, obviously from the way he treats his family & friends in the game he actually cares for them. And he slowly starts to change his attitude to love too, because of his ‘capture target’.
The twist comes when suddenly things take a dangerous turn & the mystery continues on in real life.
Maybe I’ve been reading too many Chinese web novels, but I’m really glad that there’s no endless “netizen comments” or bystanders sarcastic mean remarks or endless paragraphs or redundant dialogue.
The plot & pace is good, with a happy ending - that’s all I need for a quick novel!
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Porridge for the soul
Porridge for the soul rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: Completed
This story was amazing.

It is extremely immersive, the drama, the plot, the subtleties of each character...

I really love this story.

There are clich

plot points and some pretty dubious plot holes, but the delivery of the story was so good that it doesn't matter too much.

I'm rating this as a gag novel,

and for a comedy, it really exceeded my expectations. I came in with dirt low expectations and was blown away!

... more>>

Some of my favorite parts are the hilarious misunderstandings!

And of course, the fact that ML can never lock a door. He always says he did, but the door still opens anyway. Haha!

I'm glad that Liu Cheng still has his memory. I really like the last extra chapter. :)

Also, LC's comment on " How do you know if your world is real?" to MC and ML is just plain hitting the fourth wall there!!

Although, I just feel really sorry for Ye Ming Xiu. MC led him on, said that he liked him, but MC & ML constantly show PDA in front of him. Like, immediately after MC "confess" to him, MC went to Ml's house, and had ML's hicky slap him in the face. AFTER he tried desperately to fight ML off because he thought that MC likes him back!!! Ouch.

Also, when ZYX called him and said that MC is missing from the bar, and he came running all panicky etc, ML picked up the phone and said to his face that MC was in bed with him.

Then after MC said that he really did like him (to get out of the game), he saw MC and ML kissing a few days later.

And in the last extra chapter, he lost his brother (The villain), his sister in law, and was robbed of his sunny personality. His final description was just ~" Lived with distant relatives after his parents died and was a bit gloomy",

Whaat. poor dude. He was

just a stepping stone canon fodder and didn't even manage to get his happy ending. He didn't even do anything. All he did was defend liking his crush due to the plot requirements, and he gets his face slapped and heart-broken. >: (

Though here's my plot-hole list:

  1. How the heck did MC see ML in a trailer if the game isn't based on real people? Did I miss something?
  2. Where did the villain go after ML took his body back??? Like WTH? Where did he get the car from? Where did he get his body from? Where did he live?
  3. Since the villain became a "player" wouldn't the system serve him instead ? Like what. How did the bird not notice him? Why didn't he try to "exit" the game / blue portal.
  4. How did MC spend money in the game... if the game is not on the market? Where did the money go? How did they receive the money? Does the finance/ account department just go, Hey, look! Money from a game that wasn't release!" I'm 100% sure, either the transfer did not go through/ 100% entitled for a refund. Like, what do they take auditors for??? MC is entitled to get his cash back.
  5. How did the whole "I'm still in a game" despite being disconnected from the platform work out? What kinda fantasy is this?
  6. I feel like CPS is not a thing where MC is at... poor dude.
  7. Also, how does data manifest in reality? That's kinda creepy. Andddd, honestly, the Villain could technically just get a separate copy of the game, and upload it to the cloud or something and save it in multiple devices. I mean, as long as one copy exists, he'll... be alive?
  8. there's... more, but I'll stop here.
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