Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over Again


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Qiu Yanzhi was a jaded university student who came across a popular virtual reality dating simulator. One capture target in particular, He Zhou, caught his eye immediately.

But why was this guy such an as*hole for no reason?? Game devs, WTF were you thinking???

But for some reason Qiu Yanzhi stuck around. He found that He Zhou wasn’t so bad after all. Qiu Yanzhi had fun in game, basking in the warmth and affection missing from his real life.

That was, until he couldn’t log out anymore.

Trapped inside the game, Qiu Yanzhi saw only one way out: seducing the capture target to complete the main storyline.

And if that meant he had to pretend, to lie, to scheme and deceive?

He would do it.

After all…

This was just a game, right?

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96 Reviews sorted by

Peerless43 rated it
March 26, 2023
Status: c97
It was sweet and full of plot twist.

The relationship between the MC and ML is cute and even when drama came it was solved cause they couldn't help but love each other. They misunderstanding will always be cleared at some point and in the end it's a quite healthy relationship.

I enjoyed it the entire time and liked even the extra.
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fancytofu rated it
March 6, 2023
Status: Completed
I was not expecting to love this novel as much as I did. In fact I almost abandoned it around chp 3 or chp 5, but then I read one more chapter and, boy, did the plot pick up and I fell in love.

It starts off like a typical "scum" gong plot and a hilarious MC just playing a game but then the plot layers on itself, bringing in a beautiful web of existential conflict, identity crisis, and legitimately two people falling in love each other while navigating through their... more>> own issues.

What I love is that both MC and ML are so flawed and through vulnerability with each other learn to accept each other and themselves. And the side characters aren't just fodder but true enrichment for the novel's world.

Sure, some plot points are cliche, but the author twists them just right that you're kept at the edge of your seat, anticipating what freshness may come around the corner.


I usually only tolerate yandere gongs but the ML's transformation from uninterested to infatuated to yandere and then to maturity, I LOVED. I even rooted for the yandere because it makes so much sense. At that point in time, MC was his only lifeline in the real world and, as a string of data, his only purpose of continuing to live. Still not a big fan of yandere personalities, but this one, this I liked.


You won't regret reading this novel <<less
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uhimgood rated it
January 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm usually a novel hater but this novel was intense and very good. The villain was freaking scary. You have to wade through the first part, really cliche and makes you hate the main characters, but its FKING WORTH IT. ITS SO FKING WORTH IT. What great suspense and mystery from a novel that is 1. Not at all advertised to be a thriller. And 2. Under 100 chapters.

its a completely different novel than advertised. Head the warnings on the tags. MC is fking scum. Understandably so, but really the... more>> scummiest of em all. I love him btw.


i just think the villain was truly coldblooded, cruel, and completely understandable. I could guess where everything was going when the second plot came out, but the lead up is so worth it.

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December 18, 2022
Status: --
The constant second hand embarrassment makes me cringe and the fact that the MC is so unlucky. The ML literally always catch him talking behind his back. And MC is so s*upid like wth can't u control ur mouth for a second? And fir this entirely reason I'm dropping it without having any regrets. I don't wanna see more of MC'S second hand embarrassment moments
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September 8, 2022
Status: Completed
MC is such tr*sh at the beginning it’s terrific

You really feel a lot of pity for the ML. He’s a very sincere man. A bit of a tsundere.

The side characters and plot line are very fun. It gets very interesting and this VR gone wrong idea is so interesting. I really didn’t know what the ending would be when I got into it, but it’s a very sweet HE. Satisfying
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Yammenes rated it
June 20, 2022
Status: --
ABSOLUTELY UNDERRATED BL NOVEL EVER!!!❤️❤️❤️ dont get disheartened that much that you dont wanting to read this novel after so many lies being spouted by the MC, I guarantee that you will have the best HE after all that clusterf. Habitual liar-but-is-trying-to-find-true-meaning-of-love-MC x stillpursuing-my-MC-with/without-amnesia-and-secretly-spying-for-so-many-years-before-got-sent-to-coma-gong. The villain is such a tragic character, it tugs your heartstrings more than the angst and misunderstanding thats going about with MC & ML TwT
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lufengs rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: Completed

i finished this in one day LOL.

characters 5/5 : I quite liked them all. even when they were shallow or seemed self-centered, I felt like it made them more human. at the end, I found most of them quite cute... occasionally~. the MC really separates himself from the vr game at first (for various reasons), but later it grows on him a lot. he makes more connections to other people including his in-game family and friend.

... more>>

shout out to shen xingwei who got to see the bickering couples in every life time


plot 4/5: the drama I liked. I was looking for a good amount of drama and unexpectedly also found action and mystery sprinkled in towards the end. my only issue is that I felt it got somewhat draggy towards the end but it wasn't until the last like ten chapters (it could be that I was just impatient LMAO).
THERE WERE SO MANY SURPRISES. like u think there'll be a happy ending there and then BOOM. no. u were wrong.


rip to the MC he has so many issues ranging from irl issues to virtual issues... kidnappings, no money, fake boyfriend...


overall a pretty enjoyable read for me! it's definitely funny and has cool plot points, v immersive as someone pointed out! <<less
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ZeyFletcher rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: Completed
This is reaaally good. Even though us readers kinda understand the truth pretty early, it was still not 100% ... more>>

I even doubted it many times cause of all the plot twists, esp when Qin He appeared when Qiu Yanzhi was with He Zhou, I was dumbfounded cause maybe He Zhou really wasn't a real person heheh

I like this way more than I thought I would. It was a fast read like 1.5 day but it was really good. <<less
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Anini rated it
May 26, 2022
Status: Completed
In short, An Underrated Gem! ❤️
As the summary is self explanatory, the novel starts with MC thinking ML is just a NPC in a game, so as a player he performs not_so_little tr*sh moves, which come back to bite him in the ass. So our ML is not really a scum, rather it was MC Himself and Fate altogether bringing upon the tragedy upon MC.

Now the pace of the novel! The plot is intense and invigorating! The plot twists are often so sudden it's a real emotional roller coaster. This book reminds me strongly of Global University Entrance Exam and Mist, but I won't say why cause that would be obvious spoilers for all 3 novels. But the plot is really too good! The level of anxiety I went through while reading it oh God! The plot twists are so unexpected and sudden, , , specially the relation dynamics between MC and ml! The fact that both of them have f*cked up enough times make that panic perfectly justified! To the point that I couldn't even read fluff peacefully!! Like they are having a nice date or a simple comfy morning, , but my mind is completely going brrrr fearing something might go out of track the next moment!! I couldn't stop reading it, even abandoning my exams and everyday life cause it's too addicting, , , but I couldn't even continue reading it cause my heart is beating too fast and my palpation has gone brrrrrr!!! It's that kinda emotional up and down!!

Oh and yes, be Prepared for a hellish level of secondhand embarrassment cause our little MC had a bad habit of lying and being shameless asf comes free with that trait✨ You might wanna beat him up at times, but please wait a bit longer and keep on reading. Sooner you would want to cuddle and hug him, wanting to ease his pains! 🥺
ML seems to be a yandere, but with time his character softens and he really is a sweet gong and there are so many cute and fluffy scenes too! (Just filled with a little anxiety of them f*cking up any moment, but, anyway!) and he also is an aged Vinegar Jar who gets jealous of anyone and everyone! (Emphasises on the point) and the aftermath gets both steamy and cute!

All in all, this really is a good novel! A hidden gem that has so few readers! Please give it a try if you are looking for a good modern day novel! I guarantee on my reader career that It's DEFINITELY WORTH IT! This works definitely deserves waaaaaay more recognition! It gives the feels of unlimited flow, transmigration, VR games all together! So please don't miss out on it ah!
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HoneyMilk180 rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay so after finally complete reading this story here are my opinion on it ? First of all how to change review on novelupdate because I accident press 5 star instead of 3.5. Its not a 5 star worthy at all but it also not bad. You might see many reviewer said that the shou was the scum and yep I agree in the early chapter he truly test your patience but on the later half of the story we learn more about reason for the shou action in first... more>> half

what did you call someone who habitually lie ? Yeah anyway MC are one of that person and he been doing it since he was a child also the I think the system prevent MC from telling the truth in order for MC to escape the game.



i would like it more if they explore MC mental issue and his defense mechanism to keep lying which has been causing him pain and problems since he was a child but somehow that issue is just use as romantic misunderstanding setting for MC and ml.


Overall the story is very cliche. Most of readers would have probably already guessed the villain identity, purpose and even future plots even before the author revealed it to us (especially if you read bunch of similar stories before). Nothing really plot twist about this just your classic stuck in a otome game novel.

Imo the main star in this story for me is his friend

and his future lover.

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Pezwitch rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: c97
I found this book annoying. I figured out the huge plot twist a long time before the ML and MC did and I spent 1/3 of the book screaming inside because the characters were so dense

The MC wasn’t likable, the ML was unlikable. They deserved each other. Second hand embarrassment was overwhelming. The only character (friend who wore skirts) I cared about had an unsatisfactory ending and the retcon the author did in the last chapter didn’t help

The translator did an excellent job, gave an extra star for that

Cannot recommend
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Smtha rated it
March 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Wow, good read! The book has so many twist and turns, mystery, sci-fi, aghast, romance, fluff and comedy. Really a very an engaging read. And all plots and background story written very well, and the endings also gives alot good vibes and written well. There’s alot reviews abt this book so I just skip it and recommend this a must read book if you like this genre. Thank you !
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earlgreyt rated it
March 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Probably the only weakness of this game was the dragged-on ending.

As other readers have mentioned, it's very obvious who the ML really is from the beginning but the author puts a lot of red herrings and tries to lead you astray... which led to a pretty long resolution.

Other than that, the shining spot is the MC and ML's relationship. The fact that the MC is a habitual liar and gets found out constantly by the ML, their fights, hurting each other, the MC's cavalier attitude towards NPCs in the game,... more>> all of it was excellently written and developed.

This relationship and many of the supporting cast felt more real than most of the romantic relationship novels on NU which read more like shoujo wish-fulfillment of 1-D characters.... though there are elements of that in this one too, the romance between the main leads and other supporting cast was done very well.

Overall a really entertainining, comedic and dramatic/angsty read that captured my attention for a long time! <<less
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IndigoEye rated it
March 2, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel was... okay. The plot kept me fairly entertained, the relationship between the MC and ML is a bit of a rollercoaster, it keeps changing every few chapters. The writing is also quite decent, not outstanding, but definitely good.

The biggest problem I had was that it was very obvious where the story was heading, what the 'final reveal' was. Through most of the story, I was certain of the truth behind the ML. Even when the author tried to muddle it, it was still too obvious. And so, especially... more>> throughout the second half of the story, I was just frustratedly waiting for the MC and ML to also realize it. <<less
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Anissia rated it
December 3, 2021
Status: c82.1
I really enjoyed the story, the ride was really enjoyable. It's worth it, I recommend not giving it up halfway through as things may not turn out as they seem to be at first. I got really attached to the main protagonists, they are really realistic, the author put much thought into them. Even though some may dislike the MC at first because of his flaws or character, but things change afterwards and his flaws are what make him even more realistic, I relate to many of his thoughts and... more>> views and especially his flaws. I highly recommend though not giving up in the first chapters or halfway through! The story developps much further and deeper than that. <<less
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Yoya rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I was drawn in by the crack-ish description, I love the direction the author went with because it’s such a unique plot. The ups made me drown in domestic bliss and laugh myself hoarse while the downs tore my heart out, and good god the angst was real. Keep reading: It did start to bother me in the beginning with how much MC lied because COMMUNICATION but that was his whole thing with the ML at the time cuz it was still just a game to him.

god I was screaming my head off when he went back to comfort ML after using the card on him

I didn’t drop this then because slowly the story got intense, there was good character development, and I started rooting for them all the way. I’m glad everyone got closure in the extras, except that one guy, fk that scum. I ain’t spoiling who it is, y’all just gotta find out :)

Big shout out to the translator but I only made it to chapter 31 before I binged the whole thing on mtl. Also I might be biased cuz I just got off the high of finishing 😔
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