There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem


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Suddenly, the unmarried twenty-year-old Ye Zhizhou had many more relatives, yet it was too late for him to clearly understand the circumstances as he nearly died in a car accident. After that, he somehow managed to survive and was even forcibly bound to a Salvation System.

How is it salvation?

Harems destroy worlds! Preventing a harem will save them!

. . . .

Ok, prevent harems. After seeing the entire system introduction, the corners of Ye Zhizhou’s mouth twitched. In order to return home safely, he decisively began his risky journey, he’d just treat it as if he was playing a large-scale strategy game.

Since then, the people the protagonist would rescue, he rescued first. The businesses the protagonist would make, he made first. The little brother the protagonist would take in, he took in first. The cliff the protagonist would jump off of, he jumped off of first. The gay s*x the protagonist would have, he’d have. . . . Wait wait, can’t do this one, change it, let me change it.

???: No, you can do this one.

Ye Zhizhou (alarmed): Who’s speaking?

???: Your husband.

Ye Zhizhou: . . . .

Associated Names
One entry per line
Luôn Có Vai Chính Vọng Tưởng Mở Rộng Hậu Cung
Related Series
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The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (6)
I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist (6)
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  3. Qt prose parades!
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  5. to read

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119 Reviews sorted by

ChaneShriel rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: c127
The novel is sooo good. I always wait for the updates before. But then, I think the translators changed, I don't really know what happened to them, but they were so good at translating this novel, I loved them.

I hope this gets translated more regularly though, I missed the old times. I've reread this many times already and I don't get tired of it at all. All the arcs are well-written and well translated. It would be very sad not to continue this.
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remyrem rated it
October 3, 2021
Status: c97
Edit: Read from c29 to c97 so I'm updating my comment.

I cannot stress enough that this is the kind of novel that serious people probably won't like, but is great for people who just want a light read.

The "canon plot"s get wilder and wilder as time passes. Just from reading, I can tell the author is having a lot of fun thinking of insane plot twists. Most of them don't really make sense after you really think about it, and some of them make me feel like I've lost years... more>> off my life, but if you turn your brain off they can be fun to read.

Minor spoilers below, I tried to avoid explicit spoilers but I need to spoil a bit for the pros and cons.


Speaking of twists, author seems to really love the "character a is actually different" twist, especially "protag is actually a horrible person". None of the worlds' protags actually act how the plot says they should, and characters also tend to act differently. The MC especially tends to give up acting like the host fairly quickly, and ML tends to influence his current incarnation quite a bit.

One twist that doesn't show up, thankfully, is the "MLs in each world are revealed to be the main ML all along". ML meets MC in the first world, and in all subsequent worlds MC is aware of ML. (ML is also sort of aware of MC, but his understanding somewhat changes in each world, he mostly just seems to know that he has someone he loves from his past life.)

It's a little disappointing- once you know who ML is, you know the only "romance" will be between those two, but because they already love each other their romance is just 100% deredere with some vinegar and possessiveness thrown in for flavoring. Ironically, it makes the story seem more gen than BL (aside from the light smutty scenes).

Plot wise, it's also a lil lackluster. Sure the plot is wild, and you don't always know how MC will get through this time, but you know he definitely will get through it. OP amd system are a lil too OP and takes away all the tension. It's like watching a detective show where it fades to black whenever a clue is found so you have no idea what's going on and are just along for the ride.

And speaking of the BL, another reason I really don't think serious people should read this, aside from the wild and insane twists, is because author seems to be very fond of using common "problematic BL tropes" (and some GL tropes in one world) for fun. I don't mind it, but YMMV.


The translation is actually pretty good and understandable. All in all, I would probably grade this as 5/10 as a serious novel, but 10/10 as just something to read that's gonna take me on a wild ride. <<less
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Idzin rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c15
This is a very interesting read! If you're a fan of FOD, then you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story. Both of the stories might seem similar at first, but you'll notice the differences as you read this along.

Really recommended!!
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Rinth rated it
December 10, 2017
Status: c1
This one is very entertaining with the MC breaking harems. It's well made, translated good, and very addicting. You'll want to binge read.
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noizuit rated it
May 15, 2024
Status: c169
Bear with me because I normally do not write reviews unless I've got a lot of issues or if it's a great novel. If you see my rating, then you should know what is to come.

There are some minor spoilers but general complaints. These are notes I've written during the process of reading this novel.

General Thoughts

This novel suffers from word garble, which basically means the System will explain the entire plot of the story to the MC. There are occasions where the ENTIRE CHAPTER is the plot.... more>> You are literally reading paragraphs upon paragraphs of a universe you just jumped into and you're also trying to figure out all these new names. It’s hard to remember names and what exactly is happening, given the subpar translation work. In fact, you can literally just ignore these paragraphs and you’d still probably understand the same amount if you don’t write down every name and what every canon fodder does.

Villains are one dimensional. You can TELL when someone is meant to be bad because they will have certain words or they will say certain cliché things.

There is no rhyme or reason with MC’s OP skills. He just has unlimited pills, unlimited spacial skills, and openly uses it in worlds in front of characters. The only debuff he gets is that his mirror doesn’t really explain things correctly or the plot is incorrect. You can tell very early on that ML is OP and for whatever reason, they are constantly ONE step ahead of the villain (s).

Ending Spoiler


This novel somehow manages to be 169 chapters long with no extras and still end up with the most abrupt ending. They fight the main villain (Soul Banner) and then go back to MC’s world, where it literally states that they have to deal with the Ren family (MC’s family). And then it just ends on that sentence. There’s no epilogue, no extra, no conclusion.


Translation Complaints: General

The person who translated this page gives me suspicious vibes. There are always chapters where, between paragraphs, you can see the translator’s name and website of which it should be from. It doesn’t match the website we’re reading it from (Hollywood Novels).

There are moments in the text where there are Chinese characters with emojis, which is commonly a way people use to stop bots and people who rip novels. There are moments where it seems the editor just copy/pasted the same text 3 times in a row, which gets translated in three different ways.

The translations do not account for he/she pronouns, name consistencies (sometimes their names change, sometimes it gets directly translated in one paragraph and then it gets the Chinese name in another), and there are certain words which don’t sound like a human translated it.

Translation Complaints: Arc Spoilers


Also, there are SO many arcs with family drama (twins, illegitimate children, identity theft), but there is no clear indication who is who. For example, the arc with Zou Qing claims that the Protagonist is Zou Qing, the character who MC plays is Zou Qing, AND the dad is Zou Qing. I didn’t even know the gender of the Protagonist until I got more context because the genders kept flipping.


There is NO place for people to comment on the translator’s website, but they always ask us to go on their Patreon to donate. I just feel suspicious that they’re stealing translations or doing a subpar MTL and then asking people for money. Maybe they actually translated it -- but the amount of errors, consistency errors, name errors, pronoun errors are TOO suspicious for me to not think it was just literally unedited MTL.


I rate it a 2 star -- 2 stars for the plots in the worlds. Sometimes they're quite fun to read and different from other novels. But the rest of the points are docked from how the ending played out and repetitive elements. I can't even consider how the story is ACTUALLY like because the translation is just so awful. <<less
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spod rated it
September 4, 2022
Status: Completed

Normally I would write an indepth review about the whole novel and all its arcs, but this novel has ALOT of arcs I've already forgotten a few in b/w. So this review may not be 100% accurate.


I found myself more immersed in the plot than I thought I would be. For some arcs even when the ML hadn't appeared for a long time and there was basically no romance, I didn't even care and found the story very interesting. IMO the least interesting arc (for me)... more>> was the last one. I felt like they were just dragging it on.

Main CP-4.8/5

At first this CP seemed to be a cliche dynamic with OP and possessive ML and cute MC. But during the story, whenever the ML got extra possessive or went over the line, the MC always tried to correct him and did not let the ML get away with his bs. Eventually the ML, out of guilt, changed himself a bit and became less possessive.


I personally really liked this MC. I love his personality, his morals, how he clears the missions, how he doesn't let the ML control him etc.


Like I said before, ML was every possessive but toned it down a notch. During one of the arcs the ML got insecure and tried to cut off MC from the rest of the world. I personally felt a bit of sympathy for him. He's a good character and fits the MC well and is willing to travel and wait for hundreds or even thousands of years for MC.

Notable Side Character-5/5

Tongtian (or "system") - I love tongtian so much definitely my favorite side character in this whole novel. Unlike in many other stories where the system is an unhelpful villain, tongtian is adorable and is on the MC's side no matter what and risked it's life multiple times for MC.

Spoiler Section-


The ML's name is Dongfangshu and he's an op immortal being and his origins and etc are explained in the last arc. ML and tongtian come from the same place (world) and tongtian isn't exactly a system, he is an aritfact.


MC's original world and family

in MC's orginal world everyone is classified by mental and physical strength, the MC specialises in mental strength. So in the og world the MC died of a car accident which was actually a mu*der planned by the Ren family. But in the second last arc MC went back to his orginal world and got his memoirs of Dongfangshu and Tongtian wiped and his mental strength increased to Triple s (SSS). MC is a Gene researcher of some sort and almost finished an important project but ended up dying in the car crash before he could finish it. MC's is an illegitimate child of the Ren family. MC's father created this machine which helped the Ren family become Mainstream again. But the Ren family drugged (?) And ruined MC's dad life and eventually killed him. I'm too lazy to type Any more spoilers so just read the novel at this point.


I highly suggest you read this novel.

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PyonYan rated it
November 5, 2020
Status: Completed
Edited, previous review (below) was written when reading the last few arcs. The first half or 2/3 or the novel was amazing. It had a good premise with the given plot data missing information each world and the MC having to figure out what was actually going on. It was interesting. MC was smart and ML was devoted and OP. It was a really satisfying read. However it took a turn when

the ML retained his memories


From then on, MC had wayy too much of a bleeding heart. He also started to no longer have the smarts he showed in the previous worlds. And the author got worst with the whole sudden revealing of facts at the climax when those facts weren't even mentioned before. Such as at the climax MC going "oh I figured out the villain's plans because he did x, y and z" when x, y and z were not mentioned at all earlier in the story. The MC really starting to annoy me and reading the story made me irritated instead enjoying it. And the last arc, oh the last arc. How I hate the last arc and the final reveal about the truth. It even directly contradicts a previous hint that the MC made sure to emphasise as being very important!!

so in one of the later arcs MC got to ask a protag whether they/their souls were tools for the villain to use. The protag said no. And then it turns out that they were! While the protag souls weren't directly created by the villain, most were pieced together (which isn't it creating also?) by the villain and planted and used by the villain in the various worlds. How in the world does this point to the protag souls not being tools used by the villain?????

It wasn't really the Truth itself so much as the execution of it along with the previous given hints, and my issues with the MC himself at that point.

Old review:

I can't help but to have to rant halfway through reading this chapter. I still really like this novel and it's still really interesting to read, but the MC is really frustrating me. It's like he's smart except when the plot needs him to not be. Then he'll miss the most obvious things. It's so frustrating because it's like, is this even the same character?? How could the previously smart and perceptive MC be the same as the current blind af MC omg.

So MC is supposed to be smart. Not OP smart but above average smart. He was able to foil the villains plans in most of the previous worlds, but after about halfway through the novel

after ML is revealed and he has his memories back

MC just starts dismissing important stuff. And okay, in the previous arcs he didn't realise it in time. Fine. But then in the current arc he does. He even deduces the villain's plans and figure out their tricks, but then doesn't place importance on it. When things moved according to the initial assumption, he just thinks that the initial assumption must be true and his deduction isn't. When in his deduction he deduces that things might move according to the original assumption as a red herring anyway. Its like he just forgot all his suspicions the very next chapter!!!!


And he investigates everyone but the one plot character closest to him. Because MC kind of views him as a sort of adoptive son and is soft hearted by his sweet and silly personality. When MC knows how crafty the villain is and how the villain could literally be anyone (except ML) in the world. And MC even knows that the villain is now targeting him specifically!!!!

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Gave it an average rating but if the story continues to improve as it shows promise to do I'll rate it as 4*.

This story has a weak start and it oly really starts becoming interesting after the arcs reach the level of dificult.

Rather than romance and BL, this main genre should actually be mystery since the main attraction of this novel is how MC manages to unravel and discover the plots that are really behind the mary sue halo of the protagonist.

What sets this story apart from other quick transmigration... more>> novels is that the plot summaries given in every world are by an unriliable narrator that hide the protagonissts true scheems.

Otherwise the system is discreetly overpowered, providing seemingly unlimited worlddefying pills to the protagonist. The protagonist is openly overpowered because of his spirit sence due to him coming from futuristic world which is more advanced than most worlds he visits and the ML is just a huge golden thigh in every single world that MC doesn't even need to hug for him to solve the more complicated plot points.

Although all of the antagonists in this story are pretty darn formidable the MC surfs through them without to much effort so there is not much supsence.

Hence this story is recommended for those how want a relaxing but intellectually stimulating read. <<less
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Marshii rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: 105
I read this story before but left off at chapter 20 something because I became busy and eventually I forgot about this novel and lost interest in it. I just recently started to reread it from chapter 1 and I've read all the way to the recent update chapter in just one day. It's similar to the plot of FOD and HDS with world hopping and a smart MC and possessive ML.

... more>>

However, the difference in this novel is that the ML has slight personality changes in each world, with each body he's in making the plot interesting (although of course he stays devoted and loving to the MC). The MC is also tasked with destroying the harem of the og protagonist in each world, with each world getting more difficult and the number of harem members increasing. It's also an HE ending at the end of each world.


This story also isn't only focused on the steamy scenes and intimacy between ML and MC, but the author also focuses a lot on developing plot. All in all, it's a great read. Although it has the familiar elements of world hopping/transmigration, a system administrator, and clever MC and ML, it still is different in a lot of ways to other novels and I definitely recommend it :) <<less
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IndriiNovita rated it
May 1, 2024
Status: c129
The start was good, but as the story goes down I got bored and eventually I read until chapter 129 in one week?

For reference, I can read 129 chapters in one day if the story is interesting!!

I kind of forget the storyline in that one week, skip several part, so..

One and foremost reason is the translations not so good. Some part the characters name got mix, error here & there, repetitive translations a few times


This was not my cup of tea
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Ality rated it
April 28, 2024
Status: c169

... more>>


  • Arc 1. Modern times, MC is adopted into ML's family, fem protagonist of the world lost her memory.
  • Arc 2. Modern times, Entertainment industry (though there aren't any acting scenes, it is entertainment setting just in name). Fem protagonist is reborn.
  • Arc 3. Ancient times, Male protagonist is reborn from modern times.
  • Arc 4. Zombie apocalypse (Chinese, of course, with special abilities).
  • Arc 5. Modern times, Impostor child. I like hidden truth in the matter.
  • Arc 6. Martial cultivation
  • Arc 7. Ancient times + m!preg world (not with MC of course) + impostor child
  • Arc 8. Modern times, taoists and soul traveling
  • Arc 9. VR game + cooking business
  • Arc 10. Future world, mecha, mental power bla-bla + omegaverse
  • Arc 11. Kingdom with male and female role swap (male give birth, matriarchal rule system). MC gets ML's real name
  • Arc 12. MC is a dog + superpowers (not exactly though)
  • Arc 13. Beast world (transformation into beasts)
  • Arc 14. MC's world (futuristic)
  • Arc 15. ML's world (chinese cultivation) the End

I can't say that I like it more than FOD, but this novel has its own appeal. Just some points: MC is very clever, but softhearted, he is not a badass as FOD's MC. ML is typical jealous yandere (love this type).


    1. Plots of the worlds are not so simple as it seems in the beginning, simple harem love story eventually turns out to be entangled drama every time. This plus covers up with lack of story action.
    2. MC is very clever. He is genius, but chances to use his geniusness are little, he mostly use objects provided by the system, or skills achieved in other worlds, where they weren't anything extraordinary.
    3. MC and ML have sweet interactions. Dog food am-nyam-nyam
What I didn't like:

    1. It's too rushed in the beginning. I didn't like how MC and ML started relationship at all! ML few chapters from the beginning just like "you're mine, no objections", it's good that MC already felt like he is in love with him and accepted him after that, but it's too forced. Few first plots in terms of tasks and story solving rushed like this too. It's like author just throws us into the water of his novel, and ONLY AFTER THAT he teaches and shows us how to swim through it.
    2. Translation. Don't read "Phiare", it's just MTL, terrible. "Hollywood smt" is hardly readable too... messed pronouncements, names (sometimes I couldn't even figure out the story at all!) and grammar deviations, different mistakes and typos... Even I, as English is not my mother language, am annoyed at this terribly.

      Aaaand it seems stolen, they didn't even erase all of the traces

      Maybe there's another translation, better one, don't know.
    3. It only seems as difficulty rising, actually MC put almost the same amount of work in each world.
    4. Action scenes are very very little, there's some only in the final arc. When MC is actor he is not acting, when he is from cooking family he almost doesn't cook at all. Sad.
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Destiny Slayer
Destiny Slayer rated it
March 1, 2024
Status: c62
This novel is a bit different from other world hopping novel. The thing that I like from this novel is every story has a twist and MC has a doubt about the main story/plot that the system give in every world. The MC isn't s*upid, he is smart and we can feel that. Other novel that are similar like this novel type, always describe their MC as a smart person but some of their MC didn't even doubt the plot/story given by the sistem for each world.
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di_immortales rated it
November 27, 2023
Status: --
actually, this novel didn't seem too bad. However, there were some things I disliked, which other viewers have pointed out.

1. Translation quality gradually deteriorates. At one point, the plot line briefing was completely unintelligible because the names kept getting confused. The father, brother and protagonist all had the same name... e.g. "Now it's almost certain that Zhou Qing and Zhou Qing's identities were swapped during the smallpox incident with Tao Dong... No wonder in the plot, Tao Dong was so cold-hearted towards her own son. So, if the two of... more>> them exchanged identities when they were children, then the later substitution event was when the fake Zhou Qing knocked out the real Zhou Qing and married her fiancé under Zhou Qing's identity, which originally belonged to Zhou Qing?"

2. Convoluted, overused plot; the 'mistaken identity' trope was used too often. In the first arc it was used, it turned out quite well, but needed some thinking to decipher, especially with the less than perfect translation quality. The author was probably encouraged with the positive reception of this arc, and proceeded to use it again at around chapter seventy. But it went wrong, and it started to feel like the author was trying too hard to incorporate multiple plot twists. As THISBRO said, the author got confused themselves...

3. Bland characters. The male lead is his backer, most of the time. If he's not, he's there to provide the intimate scenes which aren't exactly that interesting.. but it could just be me. His personality is as if he was manufactured for loving the MC, with no real character depth. Also... this one part really turned me off. So

the scenario is this. ML is husband. Technically, ex husband. This man didn't even know he was married. He comes into the scene where MC is getting divorce papers from MIL. Instantly falls in love, just because his soul somehow recognises him. Boring, but whatever. But later, this man actually forces himself on MC. His logic is that he is his husband. Now, one can argue that the MC is willing, but this reads to me uncomfortably like 'date r*pe'. MC repeatedly tells him to stop, but ML doesn't. I'll let you judge with this excerpt.

You were my husband from the start, " Shen Tingwei said as he unbuttoned Ye Zhizhou's inner robe and pressed down on him. He looked deeply into Ye Zhizhou's eyes. "Qingqing, you can only belong to me, and you can only marry me."

Ye Zhizhou's body felt weak, clearly drugged. He grew angrier and snapped, "Are you planning to r*pe me?"

"No, I'll wait until you're willing, " Shen Tingwei replied, still pinning him down. "For now, you can only marry me."

What kind of feudal logic was this, where someone could only marry the person who saw their body? Ye Zhizhou was too exhausted to argue and vented his frustration internally, all the while cursing the system. "Wait until I'm willing? Your body doesn't seem to agree with that!"

ML says he will wait, but he doesn't. He later pounces on him. This situation is uncomfortably played down and treated as minor... but it just doesn't sit right with me. However, it's not very blatant, so go ahead if you're fine with it. The MC doesn't have much reaction to it.

But here, another detail... When the ML is trying to fk MC, he smirks and says 'you have a reaction, so you actually like it.' Now, I don't actual, y know that much about s*x, but from another novel, Turns Out I'm Crazy, being hard or 'arousal' does not equal consent. I searched it up, and it seems I'm right. Anyway, it's just my personal decision to drop this novel.


The plot started being boring and bland towards the end, so I didn't have much interest left anyway. But if you want to read this novel, it's best not to think too hard. Just turn off your brain and enjoy the mildly questionable plots.

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October 17, 2023
Status: Completed
I liked it quite a lot actually.

My only complaints are 2:

ML's jealousy and possessiveness can get really annoying at some point. It's understandable at first but it doesn't get better. To the point even MC gets mad when he becomes extreme and fights with him. But they make up and the story goes on. But ML is still a bit vinegar vat. He doesn't get less jealous and possessive... he only controls himself. While I do like that MC stands his ground I don't really like the super possessive and... more>> jealous trait on MLs.

And the second... the plots really get convoluted in the later arcs. Like... the plot thickened too much.. and it got kinda boring. I skim-read a couple arc tbh. And maybe because of it the ending felt kinda bland...

But it's a good one overall. <<less
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erialolita rated it
November 9, 2022
Status: Completed
The arcs in the first half were pretty entertaining, but when the harem got up to 5+ and the ML remembers his past, the story became tedious to read.

The MC is probably the best part of this book. My absolute favorite part is in the beastman arc when MC stands up for himself to ML in a healthy way. It was the first time I've ever seen a MC like this.

ML I liked to begin with, then started to be iffy about him in the middle, really started to dislike... more>> him towards the end, then he redeems himself in the last arc. His regression and growth in the story was interesting, but still not fond of him.

The system is really the star of the novel. It is cute and not annoying, even if the system can't give the MC all the info. The relationship the system and the MC is cute.

All in all this is a novel to read if you're bored and have nothing else to read. I'm not mad I read it but will probably not read again

I didn't know there was a translation out there (password protected translation) so I MTL'd the whole thing. MTL is passable, but some parts were confusing. <<less
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HealthMe rated it
September 6, 2021
Status: c90
There’s nothing really special about this novel, it’s like any other quick transmigration novel out there. Typical cunning MC and overbearing, possessive ML, along with a drug dealer system. Nice to pass time when you’re bored though. The MC and ML relationship is very cute. The villains aka the world protagonists’ are the simple 2D cannon fodder villains. This novel definitely entertained me for a while, but if you’re looking for an in-depth story, then this isn’t novel for you. But I still suggest you to try it out just... more>> for the sake of it. <<less
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Efu-sama rated it
March 10, 2021
Status: c127
This novel is not bad. Honestly the first half of this novel (considering that I only enjoy reading until around chapter 80-90) is quite interesting.

However, the second half of the story, I started to feel boring.

First, because the ML is just too much, possessive b*tch, and extremely domineering, unreasonable and jealous ML.

... more>> Second, yeah, the MC is quite passive. He's almost like a female, look shy in the outside, resisting the ML's intimate gesture, but in the end still getting f*cked by the ML.... and enjoy it, so?

Since this novel first similar reccomendation is FOD, then I would like to compare it with the FOD's MC too.

    • In term of being smart, well... this MC is more down to earth smart, not a genius bastard smart like FOD's MC. This kind of MC actually is interesting because we can keep up and see the thought process, analyzing and solving the problem together using the means and logic of smart people, not a godly genius person.
    • In term of golden finger, the MC in FOD is relying on his own ability (still a God like ability though). While the MC in this novel is relying on his system, from the various kind of magical pill and something and another. In the end, the MC in this novel is not a genius bastard, but still has a golden finger much more reliable than other Quick Wear MC. So, the MC is not so down to earth I suppose then?
    • In term of acting like a man, this MC here is more like a shy female... kinda passive in his romance with the ML, never even initiating an intimate gesture. When we Comparing it to the MC of FOD who freely and frankly admitted that he desires his ML, then the MC of this novel really fall short and more femininized. That kind of behaviour makes the MC in FOD truly described as male. Even though he is a shou, his desire as male, his frankness in intimate gesture, his desire to possess his lover, they aren't lesser than the ML who is a gong. After all, no matter what kind of man, most of man has the basic nature to possess and being a dependent or being relied to by someone they love, without lowering themselves down to being dominated only by the gong. That kind of character truly portray a male x male relationship.... in my mind.
Lastly, there is an interesting comment from another reviewer here that I absolutely agree with, here:

"I also dislike the fact that the surprise in every arc is exactly the same - the protagonist who seems like a white lotus in the System's summary turns out to be very different in-between the scenes. I wish there were more variety when it comes to the protagonist's true self. Maybe have them be genuinely nice, or maybe they pretend to like the MLs not because they're manipulative but because the MLs tend to be powerful and the protagonist feels they can't say no without ending up in trouble.

It would make things a lot harder for our MC to break up harems if the protagonist didn't have a skeleton in their closet that the MC could reveal to make the protagonist look bad in front of the MLs. How would he have handled things if the protagonist were really that attractive and amazing and not pretending to be so? It's a lot harder to make an ML fall out of love with a person that's honest/good-looking/generous/etc than it is to make them fall out of love with a person that is only pretending to be so.

Or what if the protagonist was just living his life when all of a sudden various powerful figures fell in love with him? He's afraid to say no to any of them because the power difference means they can make things hard for him if he rejects them, and all of them want the protagonist for himself so he's stuck in a tug of war, unable to refuse one for the other without getting in trouble when all he wants to do is escape the situation entirely."

That is the idea of WHAT IF, What would happen if the Protagonist of the world MC going in is a truly kind and nice person, thus the reason why he/she is able to attract many attention of the harem members. It would be perhaps extremely difficult, or perhaps... extremely easy. Because perhaps the MC would need to cooperate with the real protagonist to avoid the disaster then.

Alas, there's no such plot~ <<less
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Tyarena rated it
January 31, 2021
Status: c83
Started off ok but as the other reviewers said, the harem increased and I can't even remember or be bothered with the protagonist's harem members before the arc is completed. And by making the missions harder for the MC, he gets dropped into the middle of the arc where he just had time to read the mission brief before he had to rush out to intervene.

Even so, the ML is always reborn as some powerful person who can protect and help the MC so the story have became really boring... more>> that I even fell asleep. No character development from the MC and the way the ML always forced the MC into being with him is getting bothersome and old, with the MC never taking any initiative towards the ML.

Interesting concept but I feel the author tries too hard in the latter arcs and the plots seems forced and predictable. <<less
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Pavetta rated it
October 11, 2020
Status: c124
The story has a talented translator. I don't have anything bad to say about the quality of the spelling/grammar/etc.

When it comes to the plot itself, I'm thankful that on the table of contents page the translator has separated chapters according to worlds, because without that I would've stopped reading.

Some worlds are just uninteresting or ridiculous so I skipped them.

... more>> I like the fact that the System gives an lacking summary of the world's plot, forcing the MC to work with incomplete information to solve problems.

However, I dislike the cheats the System offers, such as pills to solve every sickness or physical trouble there is. It makes things too easy.

I also dislike the fact that the surprise in every arc is exactly the same - the protagonist who seems like a white lotus in the System's summary turns out to be very different in-between the scenes. I wish there were more variety when it comes to the protagonist's true self. Maybe have them be genuinely nice, or maybe they pretend to like the MLs not because they're manipulative but because the MLs tend to be powerful and the protagonist feels they can't say no without ending up in trouble.

It would make things a lot harder for our MC to break up harems if the protagonist didn't have a skeleton in their closet that the MC could reveal to make the protagonist look bad in front of the MLs. How would he have handled things if the protagonist were really that attractive and amazing and not pretending to be so? It's a lot harder to make an ML fall out of love with a person that's honest/good-looking/generous/etc than it is to make them fall out of love with a person that is only pretending to be so.

Or what if the protagonist was just living his life when all of a sudden various powerful figures fell in love with him? He's afraid to say no to any of them because the power difference means they can make things hard for him if he rejects them, and all of them want the protagonist for himself so he's stuck in a tug of war, unable to refuse one for the other without getting in trouble when all he wants to do is escape the situation entirely.

How would our MC have broken up the harem then?

The point is, while There Will Always be a Protagonist with Delusions of Starting a Harem is a good story, it feels too bloated for such a repetitive formula. If the twist about the protagonist was more different in each arc like the way I proposed just above, it would be better. But since it isn't, arcs start feeling repetitive and predictable, and with the cheats the System offers such as those pills and the scanning abilities, there's no sense that the MC really struggles.

I didn't rate this story lower because it's entertaining and good to kill time, so it's not worth a 1 or 2-star, but it doesn't have a story on the same level as Don't Pick up Boyfriends from the Tr ash Bin, for example.

Maybe there's something amazing that comes after chapter 124--where I'm currently at--which will have me raise my opinion, but if it takes 124 chapters out of a 170-chapter story for a good over-arching plot to emerge, then it's a bit too little too late. We're already more than 70% into the story. <<less
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade
July 19, 2020
Status: c100

This book has several arcs with great plot twists that keep it interesting and hilarious. Even the OP halo of the MC's pill-peddling system can be overlooked to some degree because the system is not some annoyance that has as much dialogue lines as the male lead like in some novels.

The world building, when it is done, is very immersive. It spices up each arc.

That said, there is a lot of wasted potential here, painfully wasted. The characterisation of the male lead and supporting characters is dry, one-dimensional and cliche. In later arcs, the writing was very lazy. The story and actions of the mcwaa sometimes just summarised into a paragraph without going into essential details, a

Nevertheless, the book was still great to read. It had the potential to be like another favourite I this genre (Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil) but the weaker writing in the last arcs really failed it.

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